Tricks Traps Excel 2007

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  • 8/13/2019 Tricks Traps Excel 2007


    Tricks Traps Excel 2007 Australian Cost Engineers Society presented by Nolan Bear

    Easy tricks & traps on Excel 2007 for Anybody ###################Straw pole; excel capability / 2003? / 2007?

    What 2007 is all about & how it differs to 2003 Icons, excel optionsNeeded in workplaces... Essential to work

    1 Navigation One cell 1

    Multiple cells 1 23 45 6

    Freeze panes view/freeze panesDivided windows Top right & bottom right or view/splitHide Right mouseMultiple windows view/new windowMultiple tabs.. Name rationallyHover for Help... Its useful!

    Trap! especially accounting data downloads with negatives2 Formats Number 12 12.00 2

    demo format painter 12Text 12 twelve Text12twelve 2

    Adding words Total 4 does this add up?Trap!

    Date 12-Jan-00 adding dates:12-Jan-00 1/26/2014 9:54

    1/27/2014 9:54 1

    time 12:00:00 AM adding time:12:00:00 AM 9:54:08 AM

    10:54:08 AM 1/24

    3 Formulas 1 1 1 1 1x 12 2 2 2 2

    help with formulas 13 3 3 3 3sum 6 3 2 1 36

    Trap: and never use numbers in place of a formula! double click to check & adjustTrick: to convert a formula to value copy past values demo circular formulasText concatenation John Smith

    Addition: John Smith

    4 Error tracking & helpTurning off & on (but don't dare!) demo in above!Formulas/AuditingFormulas/Calculation options (of or on but leave it on!) Traps! So why?

    5 Survival Tricks in a businessIn business: there are always changes... be sure you have the latest printout

    collaboration... you are always sharing copies around... file naming with revision dateprinters are shared... be sure you get all your pages... & in order

    Printouts footer file / tab/ page / date / time ALWAYS!Tabs name them!File names For copies add a date

    use 9Aug10 (less confusion with 9/8/10 AUS or 8/9/10 in USA)

    6 E i i f l l l h id & h i l

  • 8/13/2019 Tricks Traps Excel 2007


    Add calculations to the blue shaded squares to arrive at the Direct Cost per paid hour and the Total net super & pay.Calculation of Pay costs to the company and the employee:Paid (package inc. sal sacrifice) 65,000$ pa to work full time except for leave as follows: Personal Taxation 2010/11Super Salary sacrifice 15,000$ Annual leave 4 weeks medicare 1.50% total paid wageSuper guarantee (additional to package) 9% public holidays 2 weeks from: to: rateWorkers comp insurance 1.50% sick leave 2 weeks -$ 6,000$ 0PI insurance 3.00% total leave 8 weeks 6,001$ 37,000$ 15% 4650Payroll tax 5% Work week 38 hours 37,001$ 80,000$ 30% 17550

    80,001$ 180,000$ 37% 54550180,001$ 45%

    Companies cost of labour Employees take home payPaid per year Net pay per year Tax on superannuation contributions 15%Insurance Less Taxation withheldTax Take home pay per year

    Take home pay per weekTotal direct cost per year

    Employees super accumulationHours worked per year Super guaranteeAvailable weeks Salary SacrificeLess paid leave Less super taxnet Net super accumulation paWork hours per year

    Total net super & pay paDirect Cost per paid available hour




    sample 206611947.xls.ms_office 2 of 2 9:54 AM 1/26/2014