TribeMapper Report for Michael Maglio

TribeMapper Report for Michael Maglio - OriginsDNA ... DNA Report 1 Biogeographical Multilateration The geographical distribution of y-DNA data based on multiple distance measurements

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TribeMapper Report for

Michael Maglio

Page 2: TribeMapper Report for Michael Maglio - OriginsDNA ... DNA Report 1 Biogeographical Multilateration The geographical distribution of y-DNA data based on multiple distance measurements




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Biogeographical Multilateration

The geographical

distribution of

y-DNA data

based on

multiple distance


from reference


TribeMapper Report for Michael Maglio Why This Works

There are four phases of our genetic past. The four phases are Origins, Nomadic, Stationary and Historical. Our Origins take us more than 10,000 years back in time to the birthplace of our Y-DNA haplogroups. The Nomadic phase covers the time from roughly 1,500 to 10,000 years ago as our ancestors were constantly on the move. As our ancestors made the transition from rural to city life, 500 to 1,500 years ago, they entered the Stationary phase. The Historical phase represents the period where our family history may have the potential for documentation.

This report will touch upon your Origins and Historical periods, adding to what you may already know. The focus will be on your Nomadic and Stationary phases, illuminating the gap between where you think you come from and your deep ancestral origins.

Take any two people on the planet, compare their DNA and you can calculate, approximately, how far back in time their common ancestor lived – time to most recent common ancestor (TMRCA). Our ancestors were nomadic and traveled about 25 to 30 km per generation or roughly 1 km/year on average. If a common ancestor lived 300 years ago, then that person’s descendants may have migrated 300 km from the geographic origin of that ancestor. This analysis takes advantage of these facts.

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Your Distant Origins

Haplogroup G is defined by SNP (pronounced snip) G-M201 and is a descendant of the supergroup FT. Group FT is defined by SNP M89 and is the ancestor of all haplogroups F through T. As a member of haplogroup G, your origins are approximately from the area in West Asia called the Fertile Crescent, going back about 15,000 to 30,000 years ago. Today, the highest distribution of G is in the Caucasus Mountains, lending its name to the ethnic origins of the group.

During this time, the Earth experienced its Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Ice sheets were at their greatest extent, covering northern Europe and Asia. With much of the world’s water tied up in glaciers, sea and ocean levels were about 75 to 100 meters lower than current levels. The Black, Red and Caspian Seas would have been considerably smaller and the land area larger. This region was a well-traveled nomadic corridor and would have served as a refuge during the last ice age.

Geographic locations and periods are based on multiple research studies. With each new study, more information is learned that could change what we know about haplogroup G.

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Your Ancestor’s Nomadic Phase Your nomadic family probably entered Europe with the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution. About 10,000 years ago, our ancestors started to make the switch from a hunter-gatherer culture to a farming culture. The ability to farm allowed for larger families and the formation of villages. With each new generation, more land was needed. A wave of migrations took place from the Black Sea region, west, across Europe. Along the way, hunter-gatherers were either displaced or integrated into these new societies. This was not a solitary event. Multiple waves flowed across Europe as new technologies from the Copper, Bronze and then Iron ages progressed. There was no single migration path taken across Europe. Your genetic ancestor may have used the Danube River as a nomadic super-highway.

The following map shows your nomadic migration across Europe. It also shows approximate locations for the development of the SNP branches further up your genetic family tree. Their journey across Europe was not smooth or easy. There were multiple events where your tribe went through periods of isolation and then expansion and branching. What isn’t show here are the additional branches (genetic cousins) that are downstream from each SNP. It is also impossible for us to know how many branches existed and are now extinct, while yours survived.

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Your Ancestor’s Stationary Phase

The Danube and Rhine Rivers were major migration routes. Along their banks, villages sprouted up and eventually became cities. These rivers were ideal for travel and trade. Over the millennia, they also served as borders between empires and eventually between nations. Around 1,500 years ago, the rural to urban transition began. Your ancestors may have made the decision to leave their farms and seek work in the larger cities as a tradesman. During this stationary period, we see common ancestors start to cluster together geographically.

Your ancestors were in the Rhine-Danube region approximately 2,000 years ago. At that time, the Danube was the northern boundary of the Roman Empire and the Rhine was used as a major trade route to and from Britannia. For over 700 years, Germanic tribes waged war with Rome, crossing the Danube and surging further into the Italian peninsula until the Empire fell. On which side of the wars did your ancestors fight? Or, were they caught in the middle? More information is needed to figure out why and when your family crossed the Alps from the Rhine-Danube region into Italy.

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Genealogical Data

Your ancestors crossed the Alps and travelled down the Apennines to settle in the village of Apice, in the Province of Benevento. The majority of your genetic cousins migrated north along the Rhine River and into the British Isles. These are distant cousins, ranging from 1,500 to 2,000 years ago to a common ancestor. Your family’s migration into the Italian peninsula from the Danube-Rhine region could have happened anywhere between 200 and 2,000 years ago. There is no definitive connection between your haplogroup G and known Italian cultures. Over the last 2,000 years, the Benevento region has seen early Italic tribes, Romans, Franks, Lombards, the German Holy Roman Empire and Normans.

You have tested positive for the Y-DNA SNP G-Z726. This SNP represents a single ancestor, the first with this mutation. All of his descendant now carry this change in their DNA. A new selection of Y-DNA tests are now available which will test every SNP on the Y chromosome. It is estimated that new SNPs will be discovered that are unique to each person’s surname.

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Your Y-DNA Tree

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Genetic Cousins*

The following table contains a subset of Y-DNA records used to create this report and represent your closest genetic cousins.

Surname  Ancestral Location  SNP  Ysearch# 

Abrahamsen  Hægebostad, Vest‐Agder, Norway   Z726 KRGAP 

Beyerle  Weil der Stadt, Baden‐Württenberg, Germany   Z726 M8N52 

Gustafsson  Fotskäl, Sweden   Z726 THASP 

Harbowy  Ruszelczyce, Austria   Z726 MX26G 

Merrell  St Ives, Huntingdonshire, England   Z726 59YZ4 

Quinn  Ballymagoland, Borough of Limavady, County Derry, Ireland   Z726 V6UED 

Smithers  Haslemere, England   Z726 7NRGV 

*Hundreds of records were used to develop this report.

Famous Cousins*

Neolithic Farmer (DNA recovered from ancient grave in modern Germany) – G-L30 ~4,100 BCE

Otzi the Iceman – G-L91 ~3,300 BCE

Ralph Farnum (Early New England Immigrant) – G 1603-1642

Louis XVI (King of France) – G 1754-1793 (to be confirmed)

Joseph Stalin (Soviet Leader) – G 1878-1953

*Unfortunately, none of these men are closely related to you. You do share a common ancestor somewhere around 4,000 to 7,000 years ago.

Additional Resources

Family Tree DNA Projects

Haplogroup G-L497 Y-DNA Project

Italy DNA Project

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Facebook Groups

Haplogroup G

Haplogroup G-(L30+) & subgroups

Haplogroup G-L497 (yDNA)


Haplogroup G-M201

Web Sites for DNA Records




Next Steps

This is just a snapshot of your genetic world today. Tomorrow it will change. You can expect that more men will be tested and that more of them will match closer to you. New scientific reports are published every day. We are still looking for proof of how haplogroup G connects to historic cultures.

Consider taking the Big Y test from Family Tree DNA. At this time, it will not help locate any new genetic cousins. It will identify the SNPs that are unique to your Italian family.

Use the listed resources to stay up to date with the latest news and changes. Please feel free to contact me with any updates to your genetic testing.

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The following image represents your ancestral migration from your earliest origins to your most distant known ancestor. A separate high-resolution copy of this image is included with your report.

©Michael R. Maglio

Northborough, MA 01532

[email protected] ~ OriginsDNA.com