Important May Dates 05/04 Mens Club Brat Fry & CWF Bake Sale. 10am-2pm Piggly Wiggly, Howards Grove. 5/19 Church Picnic 5/23 Summer worship times begin. Preschool Graduation ceremony and cake and ice cream reception. 05/30 Ascension Thursday 6:30pm Worship Pastor Bergelins Message Dear Members and Friends of Trinity, We have had a few warm days and it sure felt good. Warmth always feels good. Being warm often makes one feel cozy and comfortable. That is the way the word of God should make every one of us feel. To be sure there is nothing warm and cozy about our sin. It is chilling and cold when we see what sin does to us and to our world. Problems, troubles, sickness, and death itself are all result of sin. We can all talk about the sins of others and how horrible they are, and indeed they may be, but the truth is that none in this world commit greater sins than each of us. We must all stand alongside the Apostle Paul and declare with him that we too are the chief, the worst of sinners. Now don't despair, rather take heart, here is where the warmth comes in. Our Lord loves us sinful people. He loved us so much that He went to the cross and died for us. We are forgiven. Day in and day out the Lord is present with His love and forgiveness. Doesn't that warm you up to know that you are so undeservedly loved? As the hymn writer put it, "Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to the cross I cling." There will be many nice warm days ahead over the next months here in Wisconsin. Don't waste them. And when I say "don't waste them," I mean don't let a single one of them go by without thinking about the warmth of God's love and forgiveness that surrounds you every day no matter what the outside temperature reads. May the Lord Bless and Keep you in His care, Pastor Darrel Bergelin TRIANGLE The monthly Newsletter of Trinity Lutheran Church. Dedicated to the Glory of the Triune God. Sent to inform members and friends about the Mission and ministry of our Lords Church Page 1: Pastors Message Page 2: Vicars Message/ Elders Corner. Page 3: Preschool Page 4: Trinity news Page 5: Lutheran High News Page 6: Christian Womens Fellowship Page 7: Sponsors/flowers/ news Page 8: Birthdays/ Anniversaries Page 9: Schedules Page 10: May Calendar

TRIANGLE Pastor Bergelin s Message Page 6: Christian Women · Graduation ceremony and cake and ice cream reception. 05/30 Ascension reads. Thursday 6:30pm Worship Pastor Bergelin’s

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Important May Dates

05/04 Men’s Club Brat Fry & CWF Bake Sale. 10am-2pm Piggly Wiggly, Howards Grove.

5/19 Church Picnic

5/23 Summer worship times begin. Preschool Graduation ceremony and cake and ice cream reception.

05/30 Ascension Thursday 6:30pm Worship

Pastor Bergelin’s Message Dear Members and Friends of Trinity,

We have had a few warm days and it sure felt good. Warmth always feels good. Being warm often makes one feel cozy and comfortable. That is the way the word of God should make every one of us feel. To be sure there is nothing warm and cozy about our sin. It is chilling and cold when we see what sin does to us and to our world. Problems, troubles, sickness, and death itself are all result of sin. We can all talk about the sins of others and how horrible they are, and indeed they may be, but the truth is that none in this world commit greater sins than each of us. We must all stand alongside the Apostle Paul and declare with him that we too are the chief, the worst of sinners. Now don't despair, rather take heart, here is where the warmth comes in. Our Lord loves us sinful people. He loved us so much that He went to the cross and died for us. We are forgiven. Day in and day out the Lord is present with His love and forgiveness. Doesn't that warm you up to know that you are so undeservedly loved?

As the hymn writer put it, "Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to the cross I cling." There will be many nice warm days ahead over the next months here in Wisconsin. Don't waste them. And when I say "don't waste them," I mean don't let a single one of them go by without thinking about the warmth of God's love and forgiveness that surrounds you every day no matter what the outside temperature reads.

May the Lord Bless and Keep you in His care,

Pastor Darrel Bergelin


The monthly Newsletter of

Trinity Lutheran Church. Dedicated to the Glory of

the Triune God. Sent to inform members and

friends about the Mission and ministry of our

Lord’s Church

Page 1: Pastor’s Message

Page 2: Vicar’s Message/

Elder’s Corner.

Page 3: Preschool

Page 4: Trinity news

Page 5: Lutheran High News

Page 6: Christian Women’s


Page 7: Sponsors/flowers/


Page 8: Birthdays/


Page 9: Schedules

Page 10: May Calendar

Vicar Rusche’s Message

Friends and Members of Trinity Lutheran Church,

We’ve celebrated Easter already, but so often the celebration of our Savior's resurrection ends on the Monday following. We rejoice in the announcement made to the women there at the empty tomb but it can often feel that by the Tuesday or Wednesday that follows that we are already back to our everyday lives, having forgotten the glorious announcement that we heard on Easter. But we should strive to remember that message not just during the Easter service but throughout our life as Christians. The message that our Redeemer lives didn’t cease to be true after he appeared to His disci-ples. It didn’t cease to be true even after He ascended into heaven. No, the message of Christ living and reigning is still true for all of us here today.

It’s this message of victory that is given to us in the waters of our baptism. It’s the promise made that even all these years after our Lord’s resurrection that He continues to live and reign over all of His creation from His heavenly throne. He lives that death itself has no power over us. He lives to give us all that we need, provide for us and guide us, protect us from all harm and danger. And He lives that we may be sure of the promises that He has made to us. That we can be sure that our sins have been washed away, that we have received the forgiveness of all our sins and that He has gone to prepare a place for us in His Father’s house.

So we gladly celebrate that our redeemer lives. Not just in the days following His resurrection, but every day, knowing what great comfort that sweet sentence gives.

In Christ, Vicar Rusche

Elder’s Corner

How can we bring glory to God? Where can we find this glory of God? Just take a look around and we see God’s glory everywhere. The stars in the sky, the beauty of this earth. Oceans, mountain ranges, sunsets, the change of the seasons. From the smallest microscopic form of life to the vast milky way. All this reveals God’s glory. God’s glory is best shown to us in his son Jesus Christ. Christ the light of the world illuminates God’s nature. Because of Jesus we are no longer in the dark about what God is really like. Jesus came to earth so we could fully understand God’s glory. Because of our sin we all fall short of the glory of God. Christ gave his life on the cross to atone for our sins. By his death and resurrection Christ again shows us the glory of God. So how can we as Christians bring glory to God? We can bring glory to God by worshiping him. We bring Glory to God by loving others. We bring glory to God by becoming Christ like. We give glory to God by serving others. And we bring glory to God by telling others about him. Lord I pray that you would help me to lead the rest of my life to your glory. Amen.

Preschool Fun

MAY SPECIAL OFFERING: Our special offering for May is the Tabitha Fund: The Tabitha Fund is for those in need from our Congregation and Friends of Trinity who are in need outside of our Congregation. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL—June 17-21, 2019. 8:00-11:30am. Register your children now for Vacation Bible School online at https://www.myvbs.org/register/ It’s quick and very simple. If you would prefer to fill out a form manually, there are registration forms on the table in the narthex. Our theme for this year is “Miraculous Mission, Jesus saves the world” The children will sing at the 6:30pm worship service on June 20th. An ice cream social will follow. There will not be a potluck this year. We are asking for donations of cookies or bars for snack time. Join us for crafts, singing, games, and learning how Jesus saved the world.

Confirmation Sunday is Sunday, May 5th at the 10:30am worship service. Congratulations to our 2019 Confirmands. To God be the glory. There will be a picture of our Confirmands in next months newsletter. Zachary Bryan Elias, Jacob Jeffrey Englebert, Josie Angela Larson, Peyton Thomas Luecke, Ellie Marie Schueler.

Traveling Bulletins Dale and Linda Hopf Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Sheboygan

Anne McCraw First United Lutheran Church, Sheboygan

Marianne and Al Opgenorth Grace Lutheran, Menominee Falls

John and Sue Born St. Mark’s Sheboygan

Melissa, Meta and Anna Huberty St. Mark’s Sheboygan

John and Kathy Schmid Village Lutheran Church, Ladue, MO

Abiding Savior Lutheran Church St. Louis, MO St. John’s Lutheran Church Arnold, MO

Jeff and Susie Sixel Hingham

Debbie Henschel Midwest Horse Fair Cowboy Church Service, Madison.

Wendy Forward Midwest Horse Fair Cowboy Church Service, Madison.

Nathan, Jennie, Beth, Hannah, Spencer Cassity Emmauel United Methodist Church, Baraboo

Dan Born St. Paul Lutheran Church Sheboygan Falls

Jon and Donna Held St. Paul’s, Sheboygan

Linda Drexler St. Pauls UCC, Sheboygan

Joann Bramstedt St. Pauls UCC, Sheboygan

Lance, Janelle and Annika Liermann Trinity Lutheran Church, Kiel

Dick and Lee Schoessow First English Lutheran, Platteville

Lutheran High School News

LHS May Events Spring Musical Performances

May 4 & 5 @ 7 p.m. May 6 @ 2 p.m.

Honors Night Wednesday, May 9 6:30 p.m. @ LHS

Spring Pops Concert Wednesday, May 16

7 p.m. LHS Gymnasium

Class of 2018 Commencement

Friday, May 18 7 p.m.

LHS Gymnasium

The blessings flowed again this year at our annual dinner auction, held April 13. A special thank you to all who had anything to do with our annual auction. It takes so many people to do everything associated with our event that it’s quite simply staggering to think about. And to my amazement, it seems to occur with very few, if any, glitches considering the amount of hands that are in the ‘kitchen’!

There are some things that you just can’t explain and that others can’t understand until they experience it for themselves. I would put getting married to your spouse, having a child, and celebrating special family events in that unique category. But since coming to Sheboygan Lutheran High, I would add to that list; our Auction. We hear so many compliments from our guests who love this event. I hear from new parents who say, “Wow! This is much bigger than I thought.” We see guests who come every year, long after their children have graduated from our school. The number of alumni who attend and enjoy talking with their classmates and former teachers is certainly increasing, and a pleasure to see!

Our Fund-A-Cause Appeal this year was presented by Rev. Darrel Bergelin from Trinity, Howards Grove, and funded the purchase of new banquet tables and chairs. After decades of renting and borrowing, we plan to purchase new banquet seating for use now, and in the new Fine Arts Center building for special events. Certainly the Lord’s blessings flowed down upon us during that appeal!

Our Emcee Team this year was Jay & Emma Schmideler, who did a fun father-daughter interactive Live Auction performance to top off the evening.

And I love the number of students who volunteer to serve as waitstaff, school ambassadors, auction bid record-ers, room helpers, and kitchen cleaners. I really think they like working it! And a huge thank you to the parents who help out, some on auction night, some on set-up and preview night, and some in the planning stages. They are the people who really understand our school and I hope they understand it would not function nearly as well without their hard work and dedication.

If you had any part of it, I want to give you my sincere thanks! If you enjoyed it, tell others and encourage them to attend next year. It is an event that needs to be experienced to truly understand what the Crusader Community is all about!

In His Service, Paul W. Gnan, Executive Director

1. Read your favorite hymn today. 2. National Day of prayer. Thank God for your blessings. 3. Prayer for Vicar Rusche and his family 4. Pray for children in school. May the Lord watch over them all. 5. Pray for our confirmands as they join our congregation today. 6. Pray for Alvina Federwitz and all missionaries. 7. Thank God for the many members keeping our church in order. 8. Pray Martin Luther's morning prayer. 9. Pray for Pastor and his family. 10. Pray for our Elders and their families. 11. Thank God for all the blessings He has given you. 12. Praise God for all Mothers. Be thankful for Christian Mothers. 13. Pray for Mrs. Heinemann and all preschool children. 14. Thank God for all the volunteers in our church. 15. Pray Martin Luther's evening prayer. 16. Pray for stronger faith.

17. This is the day the Lord had made. Be glad in it. 18. Behold the Lamb of God that took away the sin of the world. 19. Praise the Lord God for Holy Supper this day. 20. Thank God for all the Spring flowers. 21. Use your Portals of Prayer daily. 22. Keep the Men's club and CWF in your prayers. 23. Give thanks for the wonderful sounds of nature. 24. Thank the Lord for your family. Let them know Jesus loves them. 25. Prayer for our home bound members. 26. It is Sunday. Attend church today. 27. On Memorial Day, pray for all who serve our country 28. Pray for our students and teachers of Sheboygan Lutheran High. 29. Say a prayer for your Secret Sister. 30. Read 1 John 3: 11-24 and Psalm 146. 31. Pray for our country and our freedom to worship together.

May Prayer Calendar

CWF met on Monday April 8. Deede led an opening devotion entitled My Big Mouth. This months mission grant story about the LCMS Prison and Jail Ministries. Mites were collected. Deede shared a prayer for Alvina Federwitz and MaryAnn shared a letter update which she recently received. The committees reported and up coming events were discussed. These include The LWML convention, Spring Rally, Easter Breakfast, CWF Bake Sale to be held in conjunction with the Men’s Club Brat Fry on May 4,SWD Fall retreat, and the Fall Zone Rally which will be held at our church on Saturday October 19,2019–speaker will likely be from Sharon Richardson facility. Pastor reported that the Spaghetti Supper was very well attended. Connie suggested we look into adver-tising this annual event on the sign at the gas station in Howards and Janice suggested a banner near the

road at church to make more people aware. Kathy F is working on completing bookmarks for the confirmands—member signed cards to accompany the gift. Our group has assembled and delivered a Movies Night basket for the Lutheran High Dinner Auction. Marylou will plant flowers in the carport . We again decided to have a salad supper potluck and eat from a muffin tin for our May meeting which will be on Monday May 13 at 6:30 pm. We shared thanks to our secret sisters and sang hymns of choice by our members with April birthdays and practiced a hymn which we in. Sing on Palm Sunday Deed shared a closing prayer—Sleep Soundly

Christian Women’s Fellowship

May 5 The flowers on the altar are in honor of our 2019

Confirmands. To God be the glory! May 12 The flowers on the altar today are from Gloria Hopf in memory of Donald Hopf. May 19 The altar flowers are from Jerry Brandt given in memory of Eileen Brandt .


The Men’s Club will be holding their annual brat fry on Saturday, May 4th at Piggly Wiggly in Howards Grove from


Christian Women’s Fellowship will be having a bake sale the same day at Piggly Wiggly in Howards Grove from

10am-2pm. Come out and support both Men’s Club and Christian Women’s Fellowship.

Sunday School News

The Sunday school kids will be sing in church at the 10:30am worship service on May 19th.

Church Picnic

Our Trinity Church Picnic will be held Sunday, May 19th following the late worship service.

Peaceful Release

A peaceful release was granted to William and Mary Stegeman on April 16, 2019.

Funeral Home Tour There will be a funeral home tour for the 8th grade students on Wednesday, May 8th at 4:30pm at Zimmer Westview Funeral and Cremation Care Center located at W2132 Garton Rd. All members from our congregation are welcome to attend.

The bulletin for May 12th is sponsored by

Gloria Hopf in memory of Donald Hopf.

The bulletin for May 19th is sponsored by Marlyn

and Arwin Herzog in honor of their 69th

wedding anniversary. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MARLYN AND ARWIN. To God be the glory!

Alice Perronne is sponsoring the MAY NEWSLETTER in celebration of her Mom, Eileen Perronne, for Mother’s Day. Alice is also sponsoring the newsletter for relatives who have days to remember in May. Birthdays Born to Eternal Life Wayne Beuchel, May 4 Sharon Wagner, May 2, 2003 Beverly Beuchel, May 18 Bernice Beuchel, May 17, 2011 Lisa Wagner, May 20 Frederick Perronne, May 16, 2014 Clare Bowerman, May 20 Josh Perronne, May 22 Jean Swanke, May 22 Nancy Beuchel, May 26 Renee Bowerman, May 31

Scrip Cards

If you are going to check out Meijers just purchase a $25.00 card. Don't forget Mothers Day - we have Amazon, Bath and Body, Marcus Theater, and Target, plus many more. Everyone likes gift cards. When you use Kwik Trip Scrip Cards, we get an extra credit quarterly when you use the scrip card in the mini mart.

May 2019 Birthdays

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



Amanda Holler

Sharon Horness

Paul Koehn

Aubrey Luecke


Natalie Jensema

Steve Herzog


Sherry Rammer


Derek Schueler

Kyle Reiss


Jim McCraw

Cody Stange

Connie Mallmann


Holly Arreguin

Sean Daehn


Rita Winter


Kathy Franz

10 11

Travis Grunewald

Darcy Milbrath

Scott Timm


Dianne Marks

Ryan Richter


Chloe Grunewald

14 15

David Haag


Derek Bergelin


Evan Erdman

Bryan Grunewald


Linda Grapentine

Gavin Winter


Mona Jaeger

Kari LaPean


Abigail Brickner


Wayne Schorer


Tina Grunewald


Jordon Gollhardt

Nick Wychesits

Laura Reinemann

24 25


Jim Hansen

Connie Heling


Ashley Holler

Nicole Schobert


Allen Dirks

Grace Hansen

Donna Wolf

Ethan Fenn


Shelli Milbrath

Tom Damrow


Nicole Englebert


Julie Ploeckelman

Jacob Henschel

Renee Bowerman

Hunter Hansmann

May 2, 1987

Glenn and Diana Reyer

May 6, 1972

Leonard and Julie Ploeckelman

May 20, 1950

Arwin and Marlyn Herzog

May 24, 2008

Eric and Allison Kunze

May 27, 1973

Bryan and Phyllis Becker

May 27, 1967

Richard and Sharon Horness

May 28, 1983

Paul and Becky Schlegel


May 5—8:00am

Brody Grunewald

Alyssa Lallensack

May 5 – 10:30am

Hannah Cassity

Mikena Grunewald

May 12 – 8:00am

Ellie Schueler

Daniel Englebert

May 12-10:30am

Gretchen Winter

Aaron Schorer

May 19 – 8:00am

Emily Allen

Trent Grunewald

May 19 -10:30am

Hannah Cassity

Mikena Grunewald

May 23 – 6:30pm

Jameson Schmidt

Nicole Schobert

May 28- 9:30am

Peyton Luecke

May 30 – 6:30pm

Alyssa Lallensack


May 5—8:00am

Phyllis Landry

Scott and Linda Plocar

May 5 – 10:30am

Dick and Lee


Jon and Donna Held

May 12 – 8:00am

Peter and Kathy Franz

Dave and Robie


May 12-10:30am

Nathan and Jennie


Lloyd and Judy Luecke

May 19 – 8:00am

Ken Korb

Richard Boje/Connie


May 19 -10:30am

Tania and Kevin Kolb

Wayne and Kay Schorer

May 23 – 6:30pm

Dale and Diane Neese

Dale and Donna Bitter

May 28- 9:30am


Vince and Kathy Shircel

May 30—6:30pm

Allan and Donna


Rocky Knoll

May 5

Toni Post

May 12

Marvin Barts

May 19

Donna Bitter

May 26

Harvey Grunewald

Channel 990

May 5

John Roediger

May 12

Judy Luecke

May 19

Lucy Roediger

May 26

Char Baumann

Video Operators

May 5

Jim Post

May 12

Joshua Schorer

May 19

Mark Schorer

May 26

Matt Schorer

Altar Guild

April 29-May 12

LaVerne Weber

Marilyn Zimmermann

May 13-26

Judy Luecke

Pat Sixel

May Elders

Early—Dale Hopf

Late—Jon Held

May Ushers

Early—Team 1

Late—Team 4

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 4:30-6pm Confirmation-6th, 7th grade.





Bible Class

3 4 10-2pm Men’s Club Brat Fry and Christian Women’s Fellowship Bake sale. Piggle Wiggly

5 8&10:30am Family Worship with Holy Communion 9:15am Sunday School and Bible Class 10:30am Confirmation

6 8:30am Preschool 10am Bible Class 1-4pm Quilting 6:30pm Choir

7 8:30am Preschool 10:30 & 11am Harvest Home 6pm Sunday School Meeting 6:00pm Hands for Hope 7pm Men’s Club

8 7:30am LHS Bible Study 4:30-6pm Confirmation 6th and 7th grade 4:30pm Zimmer Funeral Home Tour—8th grade and congre-gation

9 8:30am Preschool

10 11

12 8&10:30am Family Worship 9:15am Sunday School and Bible Class

13 Pastors Conference 8:30am Preschool 1-4pm Quilting 7:00pm CWF

14 Pastors Conference

15 Pastors Conference





Bible Class



19 8&10:30am Family Worship with Holy Communion 9:15am Sunday School and Bible Class Church Picnic following worship

20 1-4pm Quilting 6:30pm Choir

21 6:00pm Education Meeting 6:30pm Elder’s Meeting 7:30pm Committee Meeting

22 4:30-6pm Confirmation 6:30pm Bible Class

23 8:30am Preschool 6:30pm Family Worship Preschool Graduation Summer Worship Times Begin.



LHS Graduation




Family Worship


Memorial Day

28 29 30 6:30pm Ascension Thursday Family Worship with Holy Communion


May 2019