Trend #1 market focus on cannabidiol (cbd) - Cannabis Podcast · maximum yield. Will humans still be needed for cannabis industry jobs? Yes. First- and second-generation robots will

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  • Trend #1market focus on cannabidiol (cbd)

    There are over 480 natural chemical compounds known to be in the Cannabis Sativa plant, 66 of which have been classified as “cannabinoids.” While most people are familiar with the subclass of cannabinoids known as THC, there is another Cannabinoid that looks very promising.

    Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabis-derived compound which has medicinal benefits, such as profoundly reducing anxiety, but lacks any psychoactive effects which would make one feel “high.”


    There is a lot more research to be done to fully understand all the compounds in Cannabis, but mounting studies suggest that CBD will have a life-changing impact on patients that suffer from major disorders such as schizophrenia and epilepsy.

    Also, look for CBD-based medications to become popular with those who are nervous before public speaking or air travel. Another benefit of CBD is that, when it is present in high quantities, it enhances THC’s positive psychoactive effects while eliminating many of the negatives.

  • Trend #2Robot Assisted Growing Facilities

    Have you ever seen Amazon.com’s pack-and-pick facilities? If not, CLICK HERE. In short, simple robots, like those at Amazon, will soon be able to check cannabis plants moisture levels and water plants that are thirsty. Afterward, it goes full Star Trek.

    The next generation of robots will be more like plant shepherds. Sensors on the robots will check the plants for signs of stress and disease, monitor the plants for optimal light exposure and even calculate the perfect harvest date for maximum yield. Will humans still be needed for cannabis industry jobs? Yes. First- and second-generation robots will be very helpful and efficient but humans will still be needed to ensure that the robots are operating optimally.



  • Trend #3Marijuana Infused Products (MIPs)

    There is a whole segment of the market that will not smoke marijuana because they don’t want the stigma of being viewed as a “stoner.” However, this same category is already familiar and comfortable with consuming alcohol. As Marijuana Infused Products (MIPs) become popular, this group of consumers will embrace not only THC-infused drinks but candy, pastries and more. MIPs open up a whole spectrum of emerging possibilities. For an idea of what is possible in terms of MIPs, visit http://dixieelixirs.com.


  • Trend #4Canna Medicine: Hybrid Cannabis Medications

    Strains of marijuana with specific cannabinoid profiles (see trend one) will be developed, allowing scientists to treat different medical disorders. Further, specific cannabinoids will merge with other medicines to create hybrid medicines. Imagine the impact to medicine of a traditional cancer drug that is effective, but causes nausea, being combined with an anti-nausea strain of cannabis.


  • Trend #5

    Many cannabis enthusiasts think that the tipping point in public opinion to support cannabis has already arrived. In fact, just the first wave — the bow wave — has arrived. The visionaries and early adopters have moved in and are building the foundation for the second wave. The early adopters are the foothold that will help the second-wave adopters to see the light and enjoy the benefits of cannabis. A recent Gallup Poll shows that an unprecedented plurality of Americans (58%) approve of marijuana legalization, in stark contrast to the 12% of Americans that did in 1969. While the first wave of legalization is a bow wave, the third and final wave is “The Tide”. In “The Tide,” we’ll see formerly staunch opponents —


    Tipping Point in Cannabis Acceptance

    political and religious leaders — coming out with stories of how cannabis helped a friend or family member through a terminal illness. The once-stigmatized plant will explode with possibilities in the marketplace as the tide rolls in and mass acceptance dominates. The industry will make some mistakes in this phase,

  • cannainsider.com

    and a vocal minority will arise to challenge “The Tide,” but the prohibition genie will be long out of the bottle at this point. The tide of acceptance will muffle the vocal minority. Politicians will finally realize that they can create tax revenue on legalization while simultaneously cutting expenses from the prisons and criminal enforcement of the hundreds of thousands of cannabis related arrests each year.

    cont.Trend #5 Tipping Point in Cannabis Acceptance

  • Each week, Matthew Kind, the host of CannaInsider.com, takes you behind the scenes and interviews the leading voices of the rapidly growing cannabis industry. Listen and learn as these visionaries discuss the trends, technologies and regulations that

    are shaping the industry.

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