Climate change and Biodiversity: interfacing mi6ga6on and adapta6on Eike Luedeling Tree Diversity Day 2012 CBD COP11 Hyderabad, India

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Presentation on Tree Diversity Day, 11 October 2012, at the 11th CBD Conference of Parties in Hyderabad, India

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Climate  change  and  Biodiversity:  interfacing  mi6ga6on  and  adapta6on  

Eike  Luedeling    

Tree  Diversity  Day  2012  CBD  COP-­‐11  

Hyderabad,  India  

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Landscapes  are  made  up  of  different  elements  

Forest  Urban  


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Landscapes  are  made  up  of  different  elements  

High  biodiversity  Very  low  


Crop  biodiversity  

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Boundaries  between  landscape  elements  are  oAen  fuzzy  

In  many  landscapes,  dis6nc6ons  are  not  clear-­‐cut  

Biodiversity  is  considerable  in  all  parts  of  the  landscape  

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AdaptaFon  will  be  essenFal…  

Climate  change  affects  all  landscape  elements  

…for  landscapes  

…for  people  

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Microclimate  effects  

Trees  can  contribute  to  climate  change  adapta6on  

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Trees,  forests  and  agroforestry  contribute  to  hydrological  cycling  

Rainbow  Water  

à  Influence  on  regional  rainfall  paLerns    

Rainbow  Water    

Closes  the  hydrological  cycle,  adds  the  concept  of  terrestrial  

evapotranspiraFon  as  ‘recyling’  

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Enhanced  soil  ferFlity  Improved  water  household  

Risk  reducFon  Income  diversificaFon  

Trees  can  contribute  to  climate  change  adapta6on  

Opportunity  for  increased  off-­‐farm  income  

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CollevaQ  et  al.,  2011.  Tree  GeneFcs  &  Genomes  7,  1237-­‐1247  

Climate  change  impacts  on  Caryocar  brasiliense  Present  climate   Habitat  




Projected  2050s  climate  

Many  trees  need  assistance  with  adaptaFon  

Trees  are  vulnerable  to  climate  change  

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In  REDD,  iniFally  sharp  divide  between  forests  and  non-­‐forests  

Difficulty  in  defining  forests  

Interna6onal  climate  change  nego6a6ons  

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Tree  canopy  covering  >75%  of  the  surface  area  

UNEP,  2009.  Vital  forest  graphics.  

Interna6onal  climate  change  nego6a6ons  

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Tree  canopy  covering  >50%  of  the  surface  area  

UNEP,  2009.  Vital  forest  graphics.  

Interna6onal  climate  change  nego6a6ons  

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Tree  canopy  covering  >20%  of  the  surface  area  

UNEP,  2009.  Vital  forest  graphics.  

Interna6onal  climate  change  nego6a6ons  

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UNEP,  2009.  Vital  forest  graphics.  

Tree  canopy  covering  >10%  of  the  surface  area  

Interna6onal  climate  change  nego6a6ons  

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Carbon  can  be  stored  anywhere  in  the  landscape  

Interna6onal  climate  change  nego6a6ons  

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Carbon  can  be  stored  anywhere  in  the  landscape  

Interna6onal  climate  change  nego6a6ons  


Agroforestry  farm  

SomeFmes  non-­‐forests  store  more  carbon  than  forests  

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Leakage:  reduced  emissions  at  one  place  may  be  offset  by  added  emissions  elsewhere  

Gradual  realizaFon  of  the  need  for  a  whole-­‐landscape  approach:  

RED  to  REDD  to  REDD+  to  AFOLU  

Interna6onal  climate  change  nego6a6ons  

REALU?  (Reducing  Emissions  from  All  Land  Uses)  

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Biodiversity  happens  everywhere  in  the  landscape  

Currently,  there  is  a  clear  division  between  landscape  elements  in  CBD  programmes  

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Climate  change  requires  biodiversity  conserva6on  to  take  a  landscape  approach  

Currently  suitable  habitat  for  a  given  


Suitable  habitat  in  2050  

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Climate  change  requires  biodiversity  conserva6on  to  take  a  landscape  approach  

Currently  suitable  habitat  for  a  given  


Suitable  habitat  in  2050  

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Climate  change  requires  biodiversity  conserva6on  to  take  a  landscape  approach  

Diverse  landscapes  including  trees  facilitate  migraFon  and  adaptaFon  

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Co-­‐benefits  for  climate  change  adaptaFon  and  miFgaFon  

Tree  biodiversity  can  be  preserved  outside  forests  

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Biodiversity  is  best  protected  with  a  whole-­‐landscape  approach,  including  trees  outside  forests  

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[email protected]    

Tree  Diversity  Day  2012  CBD  COP-­‐11  

Hyderabad,  India  

Thank  you  for  your  aLen6on!