Treating to Product Display Clea1

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  • 8/14/2019 Treating to Product Display Clea1





    In treating the product display, especially the fresh departments must consider the

    surrounding circumstances. Is not only treatment care products, but also includes all

    activities in trade, such as maintenance counters, display equipment, and so on,

    1. Treatment Vegetables

    treatment vegetables are as follows:

    a. Showcase & preparation room was not dirty & smelly bolreh

    b. Trays, knives, telenan, wrapping machinery and other equipment must be clean &

    kept in place.

    c. General cleaning once a week to counter & preparation room,

    d. keep the room cool showcase

    e. Processed products

    f. Noting the destruction of goods & changes shape every day.

    2. Treatment of fruit

    Treatment of fruit is as follows;

    a. Showcase, bins, cool room and preparation room should always be clean and not


    b. All equipment that has been used in clean again and stored in place.

    c. the store must take into account current stock of goods turnover (FIFO), storage

    security, temperature, and include the date of receipt goods in box or box.

    3. Meat Care

    Treatment of meat can be done as follows:

    a. meat is sold should come from animal slaughterhouse licensed in accordance with

    the standard official cutting and halal certification.

    b. Products that are sold must meet health standards, do not invite disease, decay,

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    non-toxic, and not dirty.

    c. beef sold in accordance with the form of meat known map, for example has in,

    Beef shank, and so on

    d. Chicken meat sold in the form of slices or whole.

    e. Sell various types of local and imported meat with variations, for example, meat

    that had been in though and the berries spice, meat that had been in-slice, and so on.

    f. Products accepted from suppliers must meet quality standards of supermarkets.

    4. Treatment dairy

    Treatment diary products can be do as follows:

    a. At the time display or re-filling, carefully check the expiration date.

    b. Consider the feasibility of the product (change color, bloated, stinking, stale, leaky,

    moldy, and mucus)

    c. Each product is the price guide.

    d. for cooked food products must always be on the cover with plastic wrapping.

    e. labeled products indicated Depkesnya permission, such as MD, MI, and SP.

    5. Personal Care Products display in the General

    In the product display to be adjusted between the treatment and storage of

    merchandise, making it easier for employees following things.

    a. To check the situation and the amount of inventory.

    b. The selection and search the required goods.

    c. Pick up supplies.

    d. Addition ordering supplies.

    e. Maintaining good goods.

    Good storage of goods, in addition to convenience goods is also intended to be

    stored in safe, clean and healthy. Storage or display of goods in a shop or supermarket

    can not be done in large quantities, such as storage of merchandise in the inventory or

    warehouses. There are several ways you can do to take care of merchandise, such as

    the following:

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    a. Provide a place that meets the requirements

    b. Provide the appropriate place.

    c. store the goods according to type and golonganya.

    d. Provide adequate lighting.

    e. Set temperature

    f. Placing special officer.

    g. Maintain cleanliness and security of goods stored.

    h. Placing or install equipment for emergencies, such as alarms, protective clothing of

    the dangers, and the like.

    i. Creating a state report card places and goods in the storage period.

    6. Caring for Harmony and Hygiene room

    a. Set the decoration and harmony of the room.

    Decorations that will be installed should be adjusted as:

    1) Size of the room,

    2) wall paint color,

    3) The situation of the room both interior and exterior.

    Decorations should be arranged with the match and the match with the theme that will

    be used according to circumstances, both holidays and other events. The main thing is

    to avoid excessive room settings.

    b. Keeping Room Cleanliness

    Cleanliness of the room to show off and all its contents are worth noting. The

    atmosphere and conditions that appear to affect consumers' willingness to spend. To

    keep it clean room should be clear rules about cleaning the room. Cleaning was done

    at the time of closing stores or supermarkets. The things that must be considered in

    the cleanliness of the room are as follows:

    1) providing a landfill.

    2) Put a poster or a signpost appeal of hygiene.

    3) If there are consumers or customers who do not meet hygiene regulations, then

    give me a reprimand, but in a subtle way.

    4) Assign specific employees in the field of hygiene.

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    7. Counter Care in General

    Counter is a good treatment can be done in the following ways:

    a. Perform regular spraying to avoid the stench, dust and other pollution such as

    insects, rats and cockroaches. in addition, the counter need for adequate ventilation.

    b. Sewers have adequate and easy to clean. water supply must be adequate and meet

    the requirements of piped water, a water heater to clean the closet.

    c. Display space, production space, and storage space are routinely cleaned every day,

    can use detergent.

    d. Trash is

    e. Perform daily cleaner for all equipment dicounter fresh.

    f. Clean showcase, cool stroge, and other tools to decorate counter every week.

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    A. Display Company Develop Standards Following

    to arrange the display to fit the company stndar then do the following ways:

    1. Planning Pen-display-an

    this can be done by:

    a. Choosing segment, target, and market positioning,

    b. Choosing the type and specifications of goods to be in order,

    c. Arrange things according to company SOP,

    d. Labeling,

    e. Preparing the equipment displays,

    g. Implementing a code of ethics and attention to APLI Law no.8 of 1999 Article 7 of

    the Consumer Protection.

    2. Monitor the results of Pendisplay

    This can be done by way of:

    a. Evaluation of product displays according to plan,

    b. identification of damage or changes in product display,

    c. Overcome Any changes to the product display.

    3. Display keep stay within the Company and the Planning Standards.

    This can be done by way of:

    a. Caring for product display to keep clean and tidy,

    b. Display designing products to remain consistent with the arrangement planning


    c. Develop a display to follow the company standarts

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    b. carefully observe the goods that have been in order,

    c. Check the cleanliness of displays,

    d. Check the product changes,

    e. Check items and documents whether the goods have been paired set.

    3. Responsible

    Services will be responsible for maintaining product display in accordance with the

    level of authority to the company. Among others by:

    a. Accommodate the display input on the treatment of supervisors or colleagues,

    b. Channeled to local authorities if necessary in company,

    c. Rearranged the display back if necessary.

    D. Designing Lay Out Shop

    Good shopping area supermarkets, fashion, and fresh house-hold consists of

    several counters. Each counter is a place to sell certain goods in accordance with the

    specifications of products it sells.

    1. Understanding Lay Out in Stores

    Out lay understanding is mapping the area designed as a place to sell a product to

    help consumers shop and make it easier to search for the goods purchased.

    2. function and purpose of Lay Out

    Lay Out place served as the allocation of shopping and grouping products

    according to the categories. As for the lay Out goal is to help consumers in shopping

    for the desired goods.

    In detail, the lay Out parking besides have the means, ideally, a place of business

    must have also store:

    a. complete security facilities (equipment danger signs and fire extinguishers, etc.)

    b. guard space,

    c. visitors' waiting room,

    d. space for public toilets,

    e. display space,

    f. space to try,

    g. boardroom,

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    h. financial space,

    i. administrative staff room,

    j. goods storage space (warehouse).

    E. Room Settings

    The room settings of traditional shops and modern stores is very different.

    Traditional store settings are not as good as the modern shop. Traditional stores do not

    have special rooms and the grouping of goods. Unlike the department store, where the

    store is well managed, placement and grouping of goods is clear that consumers with

    easy to serve himself.

    Ordering goods store in the area of origin or should not be arbitrary. Purpose is to

    make the situation comfortable room, colorful, eye pleasing, and so on. The store is

    set as beautiful and as neat as possible to use existing facilities optimally.

    F. Display equipment and tools needed fresh departments are as follows:

    1. Equipment and Supplies vegetable display

    a. showcase,

    b. Tray tray,

    c. Knife,

    d. Rope,

    e. Cool room

    2. Equipment and Supplies fruit display

    a. showchase

    b. bins

    c. Cool room

    d. Label

    3. Equipment and supplies meat

    a. Label,

    b. tray,

    c. Ice Serut,

    d. bowl.

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    1) minimize shipping errors or distributing goods from DC to the store

    2) Avoid errors in the distribution of goods

    3) standard price will be sold in stores

    4) Determine the number of items will be distributed

    1. Definition Display

    display is an action show, put, put the product in a place so interesting. Display can

    not be separated from other functions, such as giving ornaments and pictures. Both

    these functions are complementary to one purpose, namely to attract attention.

    Things that need to be done and executed in settlement in supermarkets products

    are as follows:

    a. Product placed in its category

    b. Number of tier product in accordance with the market share

    c. Ordering products horizontally or vertically for each kind of brand

    d. FIFO product rotation (First in First Out), means the supply of goods, products first

    entered, that item was first issued, notice of his expire date.

    2. Understanding Dancing Up

    Set croos merchandising products with existing gondola the hallway between


    3. Understanding Floor display

    Restructuring the floor product, meaning the product display on the floor with

    cardboard or coffin as a product.

    4. Understanding Clip Strip

    Display taped every 3 gondolas. For example, each corridor there is the 12

    gondolas 4 pairs of clip strip.

    Pen display of a good, thorough, and regularly will provide good facilities 5, for

    the consumer and corporate parties, namely:

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    a. easy to understand,

    b. easy to see,

    c. easy to choose,

    d. easily retrieved and put back,

    e. easy trimming.

    In addition to the above matters, the display also has some benefits that will be

    beneficial for the company, namely:

    a. Increasing sales,

    b. Increasing Store image,

    c. Minimize out of stock,

    d. Identify whether or not a product sell.

    A. Supermarket Equipment Display items

    1) machine wrapping, is a machine for packing meat, vegetables, and fruit.

    2) Ice Machines Flate, is a machine for making ice cubes small.

    3) meat Machines, is the engine for cut beef with a certain size.

    4) Fish Net, is a tool to catch fish in the aquarium.

    5) Water Pump, is a tool for air bubbles.

    6) Hambalan, which is located in the timber as a base for the display equipment.

    7) End Gondola, gondola is the most tip end, at a certain supermarket gondola end

    can be rented.

    B. Display terms and supermarket goods

    1) Bay, which is arrangement product on the shelf displays one line down.

    2) Tier, which ranks behind the product display, shelf display in a normally consist of

    several tiers.

    3) Face, which is the product display facade should face forward, not terbali, italics

    and so on.

    4) Floor Display, which displays on the floor.

    5) PLU (Price Look Up Unit), It is good identification number that serves to

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    computerized records.

    6) pyramid, which hambalan consisting of two levels for the display floor display.

    7) Encape, besides gondola shelves.

    8) Skyline, the limits of display items from the top gondola these goods should be


    9) One Finger, placement of goods on the lips Shelving gondola.

    10) Clip Strip, is the display of goods from every two gondolas hanging rack.

    C. Way supermarkets Product Setup

    the ways in supermarket products such arrangement is the following:

    1) Goods that will be placed supermarket sequence should consist of several types of

    goods, other between :

    a. goods desperately needed by consumers,

    b. the same goods and efficient usage,

    c. things that are trends,

    d. good quality goods, and

    e. outstanding items.

    2) Brand blocking vertically

    Brand blocking vertically, the placement of similar goods supermarket row vertical

    or up and down and brand goods must also be seen in part face vertically, the vertical

    placement of goods means the placing of goods:

    a. from top to bottom in a systematic,

    b. arranged according to type and classification,

    c. goods arranged by size, from smallest to largest or vice versa,

    d. Fantastic stuff drawn from the young to the color of dark color or vice versa,

    e. prices of goods placed from low prices to high prices or vice versa,

    f. goods made from top to bottom or vice versa by type, category, form, and nature.

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    D. Interpret the attitude of the Visual Planning Product Setup

    in interpreting product structuring vusual planning attitudes needed a good

    accordance with the guidelines of SOP elementary, which is as follows:

    1. Carefully

    Must be careful when interpreting these visual planning. Among them can be done


    a. Specify the goods properly,

    b. standing, sitting, and movement as needed,

    c. speak clearly and loudly,

    d. do like the first time,

    e. push themselves to the eager sentences, and

    f. give attention to the problem of visual interpretation.

    2. Thorough

    Services must be careful in interpreting the visualization product ordering. Among

    them can be done by:

    a. Noting each process undertaken,

    b. carefully observe the goods that have been set, and

    c. check the documents that set of goods, whether paired or not.

    3. Responsible

    services should be responsible in interpreting the visualization product arrangement

    in accordance with the level of authority to the company. Among others by:

    a. accommodate the input of the arrangement of the supervisor or colleagues,

    b. channeled to local authorities company, and

    c. continued re-structuring process correctly.

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    A. Understanding About Goods

    1. Fashion Product Definition

    Fashion product is a product that has specific

    characteristics and represent an appropriate style that

    is the trend in a period of time. Fashion is sign of a

    period of time, often described cultural fashion,

    feelings, thoughts, and lifestyles of people in a certain

    period of time. "Fashionable" has karesteristik as


    a. consumers are willing to spend time, money, and energy

    to get this product.

    b. Is a product that can enhance image traffic retailers

    and consumers.

    c. Product is different from similar products (in terms

    of style) issued by the competitors.

    While that will see an observer fashion fasionable

    products based on the following:

    a. Product oriented society around him.

    b. Products that can give pleasure to him

    c. Products that enable publicly acceptable in

    d. products that enable its use to distinguish yourself

    in environment

    e. Products that allow users gain confidence high.

    f. product that has value and can be setetika make a

    picture like users social status.

    2. Merchandising Payment System

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    Payment system for suplies fashion goods can be done

    in 2 ways:

    a. Goods end

    end goods are goods that are bought with a broken

    system, meaning everything after the goods were purchased

    to be a risk of the buyer, unless the goods are purchased

    did not fit with the specifications or product defects.

    b. Consignment Goods

    Barabg consignment is owned suppliers of goods

    deposited. This item placed on the counter and in the SPG

    ole guard. SPG is responsible for the goods and services

    to consumers.

    B. Skills in Setup or Display Monitoring Products

    Must possess skills in monitoring the product

    structuring, is as follows:

    1. Exact Product Display evaluate Planning

    Product is evaluate display can be done by re-

    adjusted rate with planning, equipment, tools, places,

    and products in the display the technique in use.

    a. Does labeling was done as a whole with proper labeling

    of goods in the way fashion.

    b. Are opinion of display is in accordance with standard

    operating procedures and techniques based on the color

    display, use, shelves, and the use of glass.

    c. Does visual and media presentation is complete, from

    the show, window, center point, stage displays, vocal

    point, and wall displays.

    d. Does the tool displays have been available as needed.

    e. are already followed the principles of ordering goods.

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    2) Research

    Services must be careful in monitoring the product

    arrangement. Among them can be done by way of:

    a. consider every process carried out,

    b. premises observe things that have been carefully

    arranged, and

    c. check the goods and documents whether the goods have

    been paired set.

    3) Responsible

    Services will be responsible in monitoring the

    product arrangement in accordance with the level of

    authority to the company. Among others by:

    a. accommodate the input of the arrangement of the

    supervisor or colleagues,

    b. channeled to local authorities in the company, and

    c. continued re-structuring process correctly.

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    A. Understanding Product Setup

    Structuring product is also known by the term display.

    Structuring product (display) is a way of ordering

    products, particularly products specified by a particular

    company in order to attract consumers.

    According to William J. Shultz. Display is a way to

    encourage a desire to buy through direct visual appeal.

    Displaying goods in the store and the window has a

    huge impact on sales. One way that could be to sell goods

    is to allow prospective buyers to see, touch, taste, ride,

    and so on.

    A good implementation of the display is one way to

    obtain self-service success in selling the goods. This is

    in view at the supermarket. As for display purposes can be

    classified as follows:

    1. Attention and Interest customer

    Attention and interest Custumer, namely to attract the

    attention of buyers is done by using colors, lights, and so


    2. Desaire and action Custumer

    Custumer desaire and action, namely to create a desire

    to have the goods on the trophy in the store, after going

    into the store, then make a purchase.

    Furthermore, the display is divided into several

    parts, the window displays, interior displays, exterior


    1. Window display

    window display, which displays items, pictures price

    cards, symbols, and so forth at the front of the store,

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    called etalase. Window Display has several objectives,

    namely as follows:

    a. To attract the attention of passing consumers,

    b. Stating that a good quality or low price as a

    characteristic of the store,

    c. Fishing concern special goods sold in shops,

    d. To cause impulse buying,

    e. In order to create the overall attractiveness of the

    store atmosphere.

    2. Interior display

    Interior display, which is displaying the goods,

    pictures, cards, price card, and posters in the store. This

    display can be done among others on the floor, tables, and


    3. Exterior display

    Exterior displays, the arrangement is conducted by

    displaying goods outside the store, for example at the time

    of a sale and the night market. This display has several

    functions, other channel;

    a. Introducing a product quickly and economically,

    b. help producers between goods quickly and economically,

    c. help coordinate the advertising and merchandising,

    d. cause of continuity and theme color scheme of the

    packaging, and

    e. build a good relationship with the community, for

    example on holidays, birthdays, and so forth.

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    B. Understanding market segmentation, targeting.

    1. Market Segmentation

    Market segmentation is the grouping of the market into

    consumer groups are homogeneous, where each group (bagian0

    be selected as the intended market (targeted) for the

    marketing of a product.

    Based on the purchasing patterns of consumers to buy a

    product, the market can be divided or classified as


    a. Consumer Market, which is a group of buyers of goods and

    services for consumption and not for the sale or for

    further processing.

    b. market producers, the market consists of individuals or

    organizations that require goods and services to the

    process or further manufactured and then sold or leased.

    c. Government markets, ie markets where there are

    government agencies, such as ministries, directorates,

    offices, and other agencies.

    The purpose of market segmentation is as follows:

    a. Channeling money and effort to market the most

    profitable potential.

    b. Planning products that can meet market demand.

    c. Set the time the best in promotional efforts.

    d. The seller can set a better product and how to market

    their work.

    e. Choosing the media a better advertisement and find out

    how to allocate properly.

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    2. Target Market

    Marketing management and marketing services is the

    pattern of decisions in a company that determines and

    reveals targets, intentions or goals that result in major

    policy and planning to reach range goals and specify the

    business to be pursued by the company.

    The aim of such marketing strategies to:

    a. Knowing the market needs,

    b. Manufacturers of products on demand,

    c. Efforts to distribute the product to the ultimate

    consumer in order to sell with reasonable prices.

    target market is consumers choosing which groups will

    be served in sales. Compilation target market can be done

    in the following way;

    a. Recognizing and evaluate factors criteria target market

    will be used for the selection process.

    b. Applying these factors to select and determine the

    target market.

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