Treasurer's Report for 1895 Author(s): A. L. Lewis Source: The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 25 (1896), pp. 375-377 Published by: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2842035 . Accessed: 16/06/2014 12:40 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 12:40:54 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

Treasurer's Report for 1895

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Treasurer's Report for 1895Author(s): A. L. LewisSource: The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 25(1896), pp. 375-377Published by: Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and IrelandStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2842035 .

Accessed: 16/06/2014 12:40

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Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserveand extend access to The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.


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Annual General Afeeting. 375


JANUARY 21ST, 1896.

E. W. BrIABROOK, Esq., F.S.A., President, in the Clhair.

The Miniutes of the last Meeting were read and signed.

The CHAIRMAN declared the ballot open, and appointed Colonel C. K. BUSHE and the Hon. JOHN ABERcROMBY Scrutineers.

The Treasurer, Mr. A. L. LEWIS, read the following Report:-


The income of the Institute for the year 1895 froin subscrip- tions, publications, and interest, was ?514 2s. 8d., being ?113 16s. 3d. less tlhan was received from the same sources in 1894. Of this dimiinution nearly ?75 occurs in the subscrip- tions, and ?38 odd in the publications. The decrease in the returni from publications is largely due to the fact that last year's account included several copies of the Index, which caused it to exceed the average amount received; the amiount received in 1895, is in fact in excess of that received in 1893. The decrease in subscriptions is also more apparent than real; we have received only two life compositions in 1895, as against three in 1894, and, whereas in 1894 we received ?16 16s. in advance for 1895, in 1895 we received only ?2 2s. in advance for 1896; a sm-aller sum was received also for subscriptions in arrear, because the arrears had already been pretty thoroughly dealt with. The annual subscriptions for the year 1895 were therefore substantially the same as those for the year 1894.

The expenditure for the year under ordinary heads was ?554 5s. 3d., but, as we have paid for five Journals instead of four during the year, it must, for purposes of comparison, be taken as ?511 15s. 3d., being ?59 5s. 6d. less than in 1894, and ?2 7s. 5d. less than the income for 1895. Of the decrease ?34 occurred in connection with the Journal, ?12 in salaries and commissions, ?6 in stamps and parcels, and ?6 in printing and stationery.

Out of the amount received last year ?20 17s. 4d. have been spent in binding, and ?4 in the purchase of a lantern, which is

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376 Treaj-W'er's Report.

expected soon to pay for itself by saving the amounts formerly paid for hire.

The liabilities at the end of 1895 (other than our moral liability to life members) were:

? s. d. Rent for one quarter .. .. 33 15 0 Journal (one number).. .. .. 53 7 0 "Anthropological Notes and Queries" 27 10 4 Sundries, say .. .. .. .. 15 7 8

Total.. .. .. ?130 0 0

The assets at the samne date were ?600 Metropolitan Board of Works Stock (worth about ?720), cash in hand and at the Bankers ?144 3s. 7d., some unpaid subscriptions, and the library, furniture, and stock of publications.

A. L. LEWIS, Trectsturer.

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RECEIPTS. PAYMENTS. BALANCES, 1st January, 1895: ? s. d. ? s. d. ? s. d. ? s. d.

Cash at Bank .192 10 2 RENT (including coal and gas), for one year to in hand .7 0 Michaelmas, 1895 .............................. 135 0 0

Pett .4 6 10 PRINTING JOURNAL, Nos. 88, 89, 90, 91 and 92, including illustrations and Authors' 197 4 0 copies ................................................ 257 2 2

Less "Notes and Queries" account ......... 25 10 10 SALAIIES ANID COLLECTOR'S COMMISSION 75 9 5 171 13 2 STAMPS AND PARCELS ................................. 29 18 0

SUBSCRIPTIONS: ADVERTISING .................... ............... 1 14 9 For the year 1895 ................................. 350 14 0 HOUSE EXPENSES: Two Life Compositions .42 0 0 Cleaning rooms, &c. ................................. 16 11 3 Arrears. 21 0 0 Attendance and Refreshments at Meetinigs ... 17 10 0 In advance .......................................... 2 2 0 - 34 1 3

415 16 0 PRINTING AND STATIONERY ........................ 16 14 0 SALE OF PUBLICATIONS: BINDING ................................................ 20 17 4

Messrs. Kegan Paul & Co. (July, 1894, to LANTERN BOUGHT .4 0 0 June, 1895) .............................. 71 5 6 ISRNEA SUDI........................... I NCEAND SNDR S.4 5 8

Office Sales .........6 5 ........................... 2 BALANCES, 31st December, 1895: -- 78 0 8 Cash at Bank .................................. 141 tl 11

DIVIDENDS for one year on Metropolitan Board Petty Cash .2 11 8 of Works 3j per cent. Stock (less Income - 144 3 7 Tax) ...................... 20 6 0

SKULLS (sold in 1894) ......... .10 0 0 "ANTHROPOLOGICAL NOTES AND QUERIES":

Balance as per last account .25 10 10 Sales during 1895 ................................. 1 19 6

_ _ _ _ 27 10 ..........4

?723 6 2 ?723 6 2

Examined and found correct,

(Signed) 0OBM. DBALT,ON' } Auditors.

January 14t/h, 1896.

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