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Treasurer: Ma. Luisa Jacinto€¦ · 3 3 The official weekly publication of the Rotary Club of Waling-Waling Davao [email protected] VOLUME °28 / ISSUE 26 Page 01 06 February

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    Treasurer: Ma. Luisa Jacinto

    RY 2019 - 2020

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    The official weekly publication of the Rotary Club of Waling-Waling Davao

    [email protected]

    VOLUME °28 / ISSUE 26

    06 February 2020 Page 01

    26th Regular Meeting

    Call to Order Pres Tess Yñiguez

    Turnover of proceedings to Programme Host

    Invocation & National Anthem : A V P

    Introduction of visiting Rotarians & Guests

    Moodbreaker Victorian Group


    Introduction of the Inductee: PP Fe Boiser Charging Induction : Pres Tess Yñiguez Pinning of Rotary Pin

    Short Response: Rtn Queen Amora Classification: Travel & Tours Specialist

    Secretary’s Time PP Baby Vilela

    Presidents Time Pres Tess Yñiguez & Adjournment

    Lord, as a new month starts, send the radiance of your light to shine in our hearts.

    Grant us wisdom in our decisions,

    courage to rise from our mistakes,

    devotion to our duties and responsibilities

    and willingness to share and cooperate for the good of our families, our community and our country


    (contributed by: PP Veg Maguinsay

    RC Waling-Waling Davao

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    Page 1: Programme / Invocation

    Page 2: Table of Contents / Presidential Message

    Page 3 PresScoop: Club President’s Message

    Page 4 Rotary Orientaion @ RMC

    Page 5: Club Express : Secretary’s Page

    Page 6 Rotary Weekly

    Pages 7-8: RCWWD members’ TRF Contributors List (CRS) Monthly Host Group / Rotary Club Meetings Schedule Davao Clubs)

    Page 02 Vol. 28 Issue 26 06 February 2020

    Presidential Message

    February 2020

    Happy 115th birthday, fellow Rotarians and members of the family of Rotary!

    Much has changed in the world since 1905. Then, the global population was roughly 1.7 billion. Today, it is 7.7 billion. There were 5 telephones per 100 people in the

    United States 115 years ago. In 2020, it is estimated that 96 percent of the U.S. population has a cellphone — and both China and India have more than a billion cellphones in use.

    In the 115 years since Rotary was founded, seemingly everything has changed except Rotary values. We began, and remain, committed to fellowship, integrity, diversity, service, and leader-ship. While our Service Above Self motto dates to 1911, the ethos behind those words had already been ingrained by Rotary's founders.

    As the pace of change worldwide continues to accelerate, the need for Rotary service is greater than ever. It's one thing to read about service projects, quite another to see them in action and to see the grateful faces of people who have benefited from them. Rotary projects change lives and connect the world. And over the past year, I have seen some amazing Rotary projects in action.

    Gay and I visited Japan's Fukushima prefecture last year. Few places in the world have had to deal with the kind of devasta-tion that visited Fukushima in March 2011, when a tsunami touched off by an earthquake led to disaster at a nuclear power plant. But the story of Fukushima today is not one of destruction; it is one of hope and renewal. Rotary grants have helped improve access to medical and mental health care for victims of the disas-ter and reduced the isolation of these communities by sharing the experiences of people from other parts of the world who have also recovered from disasters. Our grants have also helped to foster self-motivation and encourage sustainable long-term community recovery across the region.

    In Shanghai, I learned about the Careers in Care program. This helps migrant workers fill the need for skilled professionals in elder care facilities. After taking a course, trainees receive certification to boost their employment prospects, while the care industry benefits from an expanded talent pool. Rotary projects like this are successful because they address a local need, and they have the potential to attract local government funding to sustain their impact.

    And in Guatemala, Gay and I went to Sumpango. Global grants there provide mechanical cows to produce soy milk; an improved water distribution system; water filters; clean compost latrines; family gardens; support for income generation; and training in WASH and literacy programs. The food items sold there not only provide nutrition to women and children, but also create a source of income for local women.

    In every area of focus, and in every part of the world, Rotary projects are improving lives and helping communities adapt in a time of rapid change. As we celebrate another great year for Rotary, let us rededicate ourselves to strengthening the connections that make our service so impactful. We will make lives better as Rotary Connects the World.

    Mark Daniel Maloney

    Rotary International President Rotary Year 2019-20

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    06 February 2020 Vol. 28 Issue 26 Page 03

    TERESITA P. YñIGUEZ Club President

    [email protected]

    The Rotary Club of Waling-Waling Davao visited Rizal Memorial Colleges on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 to share to the students what Rotary is all about and to present an overview on what is Rotaract.

    Thanks to PPs Marivic Jimenez, Baby Vilela, Cheryl Gomez and Youth Service Director Bai Zainal for the interesting talks, inputs and video presentation on the aforementioned topics.

    It is hoped that the students will now have a better understanding about Rotary and a clearer picture of what Rotaract is and the benefits they get to enjoy if they join a Rotaract club.

    Thanks also to Vocational Director Elsie Libron for participating in this activity.

    The club’s 25th Regular Meeting last Thursday, January 30, 2020 was as usual entertaining and enjoyable. We had an impromptu speaker in the person of PP Mae Dolendo, a medical doctor by profession, who without any prior notice, readily acceded to an instantaneous request for her to talk on the dreaded and much talked about Novel Corona Virus or NCOV. Bless you PP Mae for rising to the occasion and sharing with us everything you know about NCOV.

    And then the fun part …. the photo ops .. Many members wonder why there is always a complete silence every time we pose for picture taking. Challenging this notion, we did a complete opposite of what we used to do and this time, by being noisy - talking and laughing out loudly while being photographed. Voilá !! The pictures turned out to be natural, candid and most of all beautiful.

    So expect this to be the trend in the future pictorials of the RCWWD ladies.

    Let us gladly welcome Queen Amora who will be inducted today.

    Praise you PP Fe Boiser for enlisting this lovely lady to be part of the RCWWD family.

    With February being observed as Peace and Conflict Prevention / Resolution Month, let us do our share of promoting peace in our own small way by listening with the intent to understand and by being helpful to others when we can.

    “ Everyone must be committed in the matter of peace, to do everything they can … Peace is the language we must speak “ ( Pope Francis)

    Henceforth, let us propagate peace by sowing kind and gentle words “ as a gentle answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger (Proverbs 15:1)

    Peace be with us all !

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    6 Page 04 Vol. 28 Issue 26 06 February 2020

    28 January 2020 :

    Rotary Orientation @ Rizal Memorial Colleges ….

    to possibly organize a Rotaract Club.

    Thank you OSSA Director Armando Ancla for the time & opportunity given to let us bring Rotary to your school

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    7 06 February 2020 Vol. 28 Issue 26 Page 05

    PP Maribel T. Vilela Club Secretary

    [email protected]

    06 February


    Make up


    13 February


    Make up


    20 February


    Make up


    27 February


    Make up


    Membership Base

    Rule 85

    No. of members for attendance computation





    Happy Birthday

    8 February :

    PETS/SETS @ the Ritz Hotel Bo. Obrero Registration: 1,500;pax

    16-23 February:

    Rotary Week 9activities to be finalized)

    29 February & 01 March:

    8th Interact Bootcamp @ Alta Cebu Village Resort, Mactan Registration: 2,300 for students (incl. kit & dri fit shirt

    5 - 7 March:

    District Convention @ Cebu Grand Convention Center

    Dir Luna Gaviola 05 February

    PP Fe Boiser 15 February

    PP Jannette Valderosa 22 February

    Membership Milestone

    PP Vangi Schwendener February 2002

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    8 Page 06 Vol. 28 Issue 26 06 February 2020

    Rotary and the Gates Foundation extend funding match for polio eradication

    by Rotary International (www.rotary.org)

    Rotary and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced on 22 January that their long-term fundraising partnership, which generates up to $150 million annually for polio eradication, will continue.

    Under the agreement, Rotary is committed to raising $50 million a year over the next three years, and each dollar will be matched with an additional two dollars by the Gates Foundation

    In a video address at the 2020 Rotary International Assembly in San Diego, California, USA, Bill Gates told incoming district governors that the partnership with Rotary needs to continue.

    “The Gates Foundation’s longstanding partnership with Rotary has been vital to fighting polio,” Gates said. “That’s why we’re extending our funding match, so every dollar that Rotary raises is met with two more.”

    He added, “I believe that together, we can make eradication a reality.”

    The funding will support polio eradication efforts such as disease surveillance, technical assistance, and operational support for immunization activities.

    The partnership between Rotary and the Gates Foundation has yielded $2 billion, and Rotarians have given countless volunteer hours to fight polio since Rotary started its PolioPlus program in 1985.

    Be a part of the fight to end polio and have your donation matched 2-to-1 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Visit endpolio.org to learn more and donate.

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    August Membership & Extension Month

    September Basic Education & Literacy Month

    October Economic & Community Development

    November The Rotary Foundation Month

    December Disease Prevention & Treatment

    January Vocational Service Month

    February Peace & Conflict Prevention/


    March Water & Sanitation Month

    April Maternal & Child Care Month

    May Youth Service Month

    June Rotary Fellowships Month

    Monthly Special Observances in Rotary




    Multiple Paul Harris Fellows FRP *

    Lorna Llamas USD 8.056.50 900

    Remie Calaguas USD 7,060.50 1000

    Estela Maribel Vilela USD 6,528.63[ 3000

    Divina Fe Boiser USD 6,425.04 100

    Teresita Yñiguez USD 4,859.54 1500

    Ma. Luisa Jacinto USD 4,162.77 700

    Vangi Schwendener USD 3,660.50

    Leonida Santos USD 3,557.27 400

    Armi Geralyn Espiritu USD 3,460.50 100

    Marivic Jimenez USD 3,435. 100

    Mae Dolendo USD 3,213 500

    Ma. Luisa Aportadera USD 3,105 400

    Ma. Corazon Reyes USD 3,150 200

    Gina Marie Espejo USD 3,055 300

    Luna Gaviola USD 3,555 400

    Elisa Lapiña USD 2,760 1200

    Vegloure Maguinsay USD 2,755 200

    Lisa Ponce Enrile USD 2,365.50 100

    Marilou Baarde USD 2,355 900

    Myriam Tan USD 2,311.44 800

    Belinda Fernandez USD 2,285.50 500

    Corazon Cuison USD 2.280 400

    Jannette Valderosa USD 2,155 400

    Maribel Chua USD 2,060.54 500

    Evelyn Ong USD 2,060..50 100

    Elsa Villagomeza USD 2,055 300

    Paul Harris Fellows

    Letty Tai USD 1,808,58 700

    Teresita Fitzback USD 1,655 400

    Josephine Liamzon USD 1,625

    Cecille Diaz USD 1,484.08 400

    Sylvia Austria USD 1,355 600

    Vanessa Madayag USD 1,285.50 200

    Fely Mahani USD 1,280.04 300

    Cheryl Gomez USD 1,232.04 200

    Elsie Libron USD 1,191.50 100

    Francesca del Castillo USD 1,030 200

    Sustaining Members:

    Emmannoelle Zhang USD 580

    Bai Johanna Zainal USD 260.50

    Marydict T. Rosales USD 155

    Honorary members

    PP Nonoy Aquino Major Donor + 400

    Efren Abratique USD 2600 1200

    Atty Antonio Llamas USD 2000 100

    Dr. Francisco Vilela USD 1000 100

    Mario Luis Jacinto USD 602.27

    Rcwwd Family of Rotary FRP

    Miggy Yap Aquino USD 1200

    Bernadeth Abratique USD 1100 100

    Jorge Calaguas USD 1000

    Bonifacio Fernandez USD 500

    Guilbert Amaguin USD 300

    Raul Yñiguez USD 300

    Evelio Boiser USD 200

    Espiridion Reyes USD 200

    Edgardo Espiritu USD 100

    *FRP - Foundation Recognition Points available for


    Rotary Club of Waling-Waling Davao

    Club No. 28480 / District 3860

    This is to certify that Rtn


    attended the meeting on


    Thursday, 12:30PM at the

    Grand Men Seng Hotel



    06 February 2020 Vol. 28 / Issue 26 Page 07

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    Editor : PP Vangi Schwendener Weekly Column; Pres Tess Yñiguez

    Members are requested to send articles, stories, digital photographs by email no later than 12NN of TUESDAY each week.Articles should cite the source of information (print and electronic), and credit the author. Please observe copyright laws. Digital photographs must include captions and not exceed 300x300 pixels. This newsletter is published weekly by the Rotary Club of Waling-Waling Davao (RCWWD) and may be distributed in its entirety to any and all Rotary Clubs.

    Excerpts should acknowledge the original source.



    Monday 18.30

    RC Central Davao, Grand Men Seng


    Tuesday 12.15

    RC East Davao, The Marco Polo Hotel









    RC Downtown Davao, Grand Men

    Seng Hotel

    RC South Davao, The Marco Polo


    RC Matina Davao, Apo Golf Club

    RC Davao 2000, Roadway Inn

    RC Sta. Ana Davao, Grand Men

    Seng Hotel

    RC Pag-Asa Davao, Lispher Inn

    (every 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the


    RC Calinan JM Bargamento Hitoan

    RC Digos A & B Hotel





    RC Davao, RC Davao Club House

    RC Waling-Waling Davao, Grand

    Men Seng

    RC West Davao The Marco Polo




    RC North Davao, RCND Clubhouse

    Saturday 19.00


    RC Digos South Pearl Convention


    RC Toril Davao, RCTD Club House

    Sunday 12.00 RC Bansalan, Gem’s Place


    Page 08 Vol. 28 Issue 26 06 February 2020

    Monthly Diamond Cut

    MARQUISE (July, October, January, Apri)

    Baby Vilela Elsa Villagomeza

    Maem Zhang Mae Dolendo

    Luna Gaviola *TL Melot Baarde Fe Boiser Myriam Tan

    Joy Batao Lisa Ponce Enrile

    Letty Tai Elisa Lapiña

    Jo Liamzon Corie Cuison

    VICTORIAN (August, Nov. February, May)

    Malou Jacinto Tess Yñiguez

    Sylvia Austria Remie Calaguas

    Veg Maguinsay Vanessa Madayag

    Vangi Schwendener Bai Zainal

    Happy Rosales Che Gomez *TL Maribel Chua Ces Diaz

    Gina Espejo

    RADIANT (Sept. December, March, June)

    Luchie Aportadera Marivic Jimenez *TL Nen Santos Feli Mahani

    Lorna Llamas Teri Fitzback

    Evelyn Ong Jannette Valderosa

    Belinda Fernandez Cesca del Castillo

    Zony Reyes Elsie Libron

    Gigi Espiritu Chona Lamparas

    *TL : Team Leader

    please be guided accordingly

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