Transportation Performance Management Overview Laura Toole 2018 Ohio Planning Conference

Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

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Page 1: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

Transportation Performance Management Overview

Laura Toole2018 Ohio Planning Conference

Page 2: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

• Strategic approach • Uses system information to make decisions

• Achieves national performance goals

What is Transportation Performance Management (TPM)?

Page 3: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

• Improves investment and policy decision‐making 

• Provides efficient investment• Increases accountability and transparency

• Improves communication with traveling public

Why TPM?

Page 4: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

TPM Process

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TPM Definitions

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Agreeing to plan and program projects so that they contribute toward the accomplishment of the State DOT target(s) 

MPO Target Establishment

Committing to a quantifiable target(s) for their metropolitan planning area


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FHWA TPM Measures

Safety– Number of fatalities– Rate of fatalities– Number of serious injuries– Rate of serious injuries– Number of non‐motorized fatalities and 

serious injuries

Page 8: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

FHWA TPM Measures

Pavement– % interstate pavements in 

good condition– % interstate pavements in 

poor condition– % Non‐interstate NHS 

pavements in good condition– % Non‐interstate NHS 

pavements in poor condition

Bridge– % NHS bridge 

deck area in good condition

– % NHS bridge deck area in poor condition

Page 9: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

FHWA TPM Measures

Reliability– % person‐miles 

traveled on interstate that are reliable

– % person‐miles traveled on non‐interstate NHS that are reliable

Freight– Truck travel 

time reliability index on the Interstate

CMAQ– Annual hours of 

PHED – % Non‐SOV 

travel– Total emissions 

reduction for NOx, VOCs, and PM2.5

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• Share data • Draft statewide targets

– Analyze data– Evaluate programmed projects

• Coordinate with MPOs on targets• ODOT Executive Management establish statewide targets

Role of SDOT

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• Engage in performance‐based planning & programming– Include required TPM information in STIP– Prepare System Performance Report for LRTP

– Create biennial performance reports– Consider targets in project selection

Role of SDOT 

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• Coordinate with SDOT on targets• Draft MPO targets

– Analyze data– Evaluate programmed projects

• Present draft targets to Board• MPO Board establish MPO targets

Role of MPO

Page 13: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

• Engage in performance‐based planning & programming– Include required TPM information in TIP– Prepare System Performance Report for MTP

– Create CMAQ Performance Plan– Consider targets in project selection

Role of MPO 

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• Participate in MPO target setting, if on MPO Board

• Consider targets when proposing projects for funding

Role of Local Agencies

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Description of anticipated effect of TIP toward achieving performance targets identified in metropolitan transportation plan, linking investment priorities to those performance targets. 


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• Description of performance measures and targets used in assessing performance of the transportation system

• System performance report that evaluates condition and performance of transportation for performance targets and includes targets and methodology

State & Metropolitan Transportation Plans

Page 17: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

• All CMAQ Measures• Baseline data and narrative for each measure

• Targets • Description of projects identified for funding 

• How projects will contribute towards achieving targets

MPO CMAQ Performance Plan

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• 5/27/2018: Safety in S/TIP and LRTP

• 8/31/2018: SDOT establishes CY19 safety targets

• 10/1/2018: SDOT Baseline Performance Period Report

Key Dates

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• 11/16/2018: MPOs establish PM2/PM3 targets 

• 2/27/2019: MPOs establish CY19 safety targets

• 5/20/2019: PM2/PM3 in S/TIP and LRTP

Key Dates

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Laura [email protected]



Page 21: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

Final Rule Effective Date States Set Targets By

MPOs Set Targets By

LRSTP, MTP,STIP, and TIP Inclusion

Safety Performance Measures (PM1)

April 14, 2016 August 31, 2017 February 27, 2018 Updates or amendments on or after May 27, 2018 

Pavement/Bridge PerformanceMeasures (PM2)

May 20, 2017 May 20, 2018 No later than 180 days after the State(s) set targets 

Updates or amendments on or after May 20, 2019 

Reliability, Freight, and CMAQ Measures (PM3)

May 20, 2017 May 20, 2018 No later than 180 days after the State(s) set targets 

Updates or amendments on or after May 20, 2019

TPM Implementation Timeline

Page 22: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

• Number of fatalities• Number of serious injuries• Rate of fatalities• Rate of serious injuries• Number of non‐motorized fatalities and non‐motorized serious injuries

Highway Safety Measures

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• Percentage of Interstate pavements  in Good condition 

• Percentage of Interstate pavements in Poor condition

• Percentage of non‐Interstate NHS pavements in Good condition

• Percentage of non‐Interstate NHS pavements in Poor condition

Pavement Measures

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• Percent of NHS bridges in Good condition

• Percent of NHS bridges in Poor condition

Bridge Measures

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• Percent of person‐miles traveled on the interstate that are reliable 

• Percent of person‐miles traveled on the non‐interstate NHS that are reliable 

Reliability Measures

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• Truck Travel Time Reliability (TTTR) index. 

Freight Movement Measure

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CMAQ Emissions Measure

• Total emissions reductions for NOx, VOCs, and PM2.5

• Applies to:– AMATS              ‐ LCATS                 ‐ NOACA– BHJ ‐MORPC ‐ OKI– ERPC                  ‐MVRPC              ‐ SCATS 

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• Annual hours of peak hour excessive delay (PHED) per capita

• Percent of Non‐Single Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) travel in each urbanized area

CMAQ Traffic Congestion Measures

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Urbanized Area Coordinating SDOTs Coordinating MPOs Performance Period

Cincinnati ODOT, KYTC OKI 1








Youngstown ODOT, PennDOT Eastgate, SVTC, SPC 2

CMAQ Traffic Congestion Measure Applicability

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CMAQ Emissions Measure

• Total emissions reductions for – VOCs  (ozone precursor)– NOx  (ozone and PM2.5 precursor)– PM2.5

Ozone (2008) – maintenancePM2.5 (2006) – maintenance

Page 31: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

CMAQ Emissions Measure

• Total emissions reductions for – NOx  (PM2.5 precursor)– PM2.5

PM2.5 (2006) – maintenance

Page 32: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

CMAQ Emissions Measure

• Total emissions reductions for – VOCs  (ozone precursor)– NOx  (ozone and PM2.5 precursor)– PM2.5

Ozone (2008) – maintenancePM2.5 (2006) – maintenancePM2.5 (2012) – non‐attainment 

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CMAQ Emissions Measure

• Total emissions reductions for – VOCs  (ozone precursor)– NOx  (ozone precursor)

Ozone (2008) – maintenance

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CMAQ Emissions Measure

• Total emissions reductions for – VOCs  (ozone precursor)– NOx  (ozone precursor)

Ozone (2008) – maintenance

Page 35: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

CMAQ Emissions Measure

• Total emissions reductions for – VOCs  (ozone precursor)– NOx  (ozone precursor)

Ozone (2008) – maintenance

Page 36: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

CMAQ Emissions Measure

• Total emissions reductions for – VOCs  (ozone precursor)– NOx  (ozone and PM2.5 precursor)– PM2.5

Ozone (2008) – maintenancePM2.5 (2006) – maintenancePM2.5 (2012) – non‐attainment

Page 37: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

CMAQ Emissions Measure

• Total emissions reductions for – VOCs  (ozone precursor)– NOx  (ozone precursor)

Ozone (2008) – maintenance

Page 38: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

CMAQ Emissions Measure

• Total emissions reductions for – NOx  (PM2.5 precursor)– PM2.5

PM2.5 (2006) – maintenance

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CMAQ Traffic Congestion Measures

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CMAQ Traffic Congestion Measures

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CMAQ Traffic Congestion Measures

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CMAQ Traffic Congestion Measures

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CMAQ Traffic Congestion Measures

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CMAQ Traffic Congestion Measures


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CMAQ Traffic Congestion Measures





Page 46: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

CMAQ Traffic Congestion Measures


Page 47: Transportation Performance Management Overvie · Freight Movement Measure. CMAQ Emissions Measure •Total emissions reductions for NOx, ... Huntington ODOT, WVDOT, KYTC KYOVA, RIC

CMAQ Traffic Congestion Measures