Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan Standard Developed by: Infrastructure and Services Division Status: Final Version: 1.0 Objective Reference: A5568603 Date of issue: 1 st December 2016 Effective date: 1 st December 2016 Review date: 1 st July 2018 Security classification: Open Access

Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan Standard · The Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan Standard defines the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) information and analysis

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Page 1: Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan Standard · The Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan Standard defines the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) information and analysis

Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan Standard

Developed by:

Infrastructure and Services Division

Status: Final

Version: 1.0

Objective Reference: A5568603

Date of issue: 1st December 2016

Effective date: 1st December 2016

Review date: 1st July 2018

Security classification: Open Access

Page 2: Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan Standard · The Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan Standard defines the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) information and analysis


Infrastructure and Services Division


Standard governance

Author: Senior Asset Coordinator, Service Delivery and Performance, Infrastructure and

Services Division

Owner: Principal Manager Infrastructure and Fleet Services, Service Delivery and Performance, Infrastructure and Services Division

Approval: Director Infrastructure Management, Service Delivery and Performance, Infrastructure and Services Division Principal Manager Investment Portfolio, Capital Investments, Finance and Investment


Version Control

Version Status Effective Date Notes

1.0 Final 1st December 2016 First issue

For queries regarding this document, please email Lucio Favotto at [email protected]

Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan

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Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan


Infrastructure and Services Division


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Standard governance ........................................................................................................... 2

Version Control .................................................................................................................... 2

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4

2. Purpose ................................................................................................................... 4

3. Application .............................................................................................................. 5

4. Background ............................................................................................................. 5

5. Reference Documents ............................................................................................ 8

6. Definitions ............................................................................................................... 8

7. TfNSW Common Asset Life Cycle ....................................................................... 10

Asset Management Plan Template

8. Asset Management Plan Requirements .............................................................. 13

8.1. Document Approval ................................................................................... 13

8.2. Executive Summary .................................................................................. 13

8.3. Table of contents ...................................................................................... 14

8.4. Introduction ............................................................................................... 14

8.5. Asset Management Objectives – Operate / Maintain Stage ....................... 15

8.6. Service and Operations Plan ..................................................................... 16

8.7. Asset Portfolio ........................................................................................... 16

8.7.1. Assets in Scope ........................................................................................ 16

8.7.2. Assets out of scope ................................................................................... 16

8.7.3. Summary of Asset Change ....................................................................... 16

8.8. Asset Management Framework................................................................. 17

8.8.1. Organisation Structure and Relationships to Deliver the AMP ................... 17

8.8.2. Framework ................................................................................................ 17

8.9. Asset and Corridor Strategy ...................................................................... 19

8.10. Current Asset Performance and Condition ................................................ 19

8.10.1. Performance History ................................................................................. 19

8.10.2. Current Condition ...................................................................................... 20

8.10.3. The current state of the logistics system supporting the asset ................... 20

8.11. Options/Opportunities ............................................................................... 21

8.11.1. Option 1 .................................................................................................... 21

8.11.2. Option 2 .................................................................................................... 21

8.11.3. Option 3 .................................................................................................... 22

8.11.4. Option 4 .................................................................................................... 22

8.12. Summary of Balancing Cost, Risk, and Performance ................................ 22

8.12.1. Recommendations .................................................................................... 23

8.13. Additional Section(s) ................................................................................. 23

Appendix A – Asset Portfolio Register .................................................................... 23

Appendix B - 10 Year Maintenance Works Plan ..................................................... 24

9. Changes and Variations to Maintenance Programs ........................................... 24

10. Reporting Requirements ...................................................................................... 24

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Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan


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1. Introduction

The Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan Standard defines the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) information and analysis requirements for service provider Asset Management Plans (AMPs). Consistency in AMP requirements allows TfNSW to make prioritised investment decisions across all service providers and modes to ensure the optimal balance of cost, risk, performance and opportunity. This supports the safe, sustainable, and integrated management of transport system assets to deliver service outcomes and realise value from the assets.

TfNSW is committed to effective and efficient management its asset portfolio. The TfNSW asset portfolio is valued at over $119 billion (written down value) and requires continued investment to manage the asset portfolio performance and condition across the asset life cycle.

The TfNSW asset portfolio is managed on behalf of TfNSW by numerous government and non-government service providers, each with varying delivery challenges and risk profiles associated with the management of assets and achieving contracted service outcomes.

The service provider AMP provides an assessment of the long term (10 years) funding requirements (for maintenance and renewal) and the approach to manage asset performance, condition and risk over the asset life cycle to meet the required service outcomes. It demonstrates alignment with TfNSW Asset Management Objectives, and provides assurance to TfNSW that there is an asset management framework established and maintained to ensure network safety and integrity for the assets, customers and staff.

The Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan Standard supersedes IP/1501775 Transport Asset Maintenance Planning Standard. This standard will be subject to periodic review and continuous improvement.

2. Purpose

The primary objectives of this document are to:

Deliver consistency in service provider AMPs across all modes to provide for a coordinated and integrated approach to TfNSW investment decision making with the balance of cost, risk, performance and opportunity.

Define the information and analysis requirements to be fulfilled by service provider AMPs to articulate long term funding requirements and the approach to manage asset performance, and condition to meet the required service outcomes and align with TfNSW Asset Management Objectives

Support proposed maintenance budget proposals across all Transport Service Providers in preparation of the proposed Total Asset Management (TAM) submission

Embody the requirements of the Transport Asset Management Policy and demonstrate alignment and integration with the TfNSW Asset Management Framework

Baseline the Maintenance Work Program (including program production and funding)

Provide opportunities for the service providers to identify risks associated with proposed changes (from service or asset condition)

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TfNSW may have some mode/contract specific requirements which will be determined through negotiation with TfNSW.

3. Application

This document is to be used by all service providers who deliver asset management services through contracts with TfNSW. Specifically, this document defines the requirements for the service providers of TfNSW assets in preparing AMPs. The process for the delivery of the Asset Management Plans (AMP) for each of the service providers is shown in the TfNSW Asset Management Framework Overview. The AMP is developed during the operation and maintenance stage of the asset life cycle.

Service providers are required to submit AMPs to TfNSW in July each year (or other date agreed with TfNSW) via the relevant TfNSW contract managers. The AMPs will be preliminary final documents, and agreed in principle by all of the relevant stakeholders within the service provider organisations.

Section 8 Asset Management Plan Requirements will be used as a template for the service provider AMPs. This section provides the document headings and information and data requirements to be included in AMPs. The document contains both integrated and embedded templates for data requirements which shall be complied with. Editable versions of these templates can be sourced directly via request to the Infrastructure and Services Division of TfNSW. Service providers may engage with TfNSW with regard to their approach to meeting the requirements of this standard. Any queries regarding requirements within the Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan Standard, or requests for editable versions of the templates included in the standard will be directed to Infrastructure and Services Division, TfNSW. Scalability

It is acknowledged that, for each service provider:

there are different contractual requirements for the development of AMPs

there are different scales and complexities of assets being managed

Therefore, there will be a scalable approach to the development of AMPs per service provider. Notwithstanding, each service provider is required to develop an AMP which articulates how the requirements as per this document are met as a minimum.

Some information required in this AMP may be articulated by service providers in other plans and documents – the service provider may make reference to them in the AMP where applicable.

The service provider may include additional contract specific information in their AMP to fulfil any contractual obligations.

4. Background

Figure 1 contextualises the relationship between TfNSW Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP), the Transport AMP and Service Provider AMPs.

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The TfNSW SAMP describes how TfNSW organisational objectives are converted into asset

management objectives, the approach for developing asset management plans and the role

of the asset management system in supporting achievement of the asset management

objectives. As such, the execution of the TfNSW SAMP provides TfNSW with evidence-

based mechanisms to select the investments with the optimal balance between cost,

performance, and risk.

The Transport AMP demonstrates alignment with the SAMP and the objectives it is intended to achieve. It describes the TfNSW plan for achieving the strategic objectives and goals across service providers for the long term sustainable management of assets in delivering transport service outcomes. It is part of the broader AMF process to assure TfNSW that it is managing the asset costs, risks, performance, condition, and delivering the AMF objectives and service outcomes. It also forms the TfNSW submission to NSW Treasury for resource allocation. The Transport AMP key outputs include:

Service and Operations Plan (SOP) - describes current and future target service delivery levels including operational responses to meet desired future service provision for customers

Growth and Improvement Plan (GI) – describes future improvements to the functionality of existing physical assets and the creation of new assets to meet the growing needs of the community

Maintenance strategy/plan - Defines long-term Transport strategic objectives and customer performance standards for asset maintenance. Also details the level of maintenance activities and investment required to deliver services and results to customers for all modes of transport.

Data Tables – data requirements for TAM submissions, defined in Appendix B - 10 Year Maintenance Works Plan

The service provider AMPs are required to articulate the asset management approach based on planning inputs from the Service and Operations Plan and Growth and Improvement Plans. It is the proposal by the service provider that defines the current asset performance and maintenance programs required to achieve asset management objectives and service outcomes. Conversely, the service provider AMPs inform the Transport AMP of any risks and impacts to the delivery of service outcomes as a result of the Service and Operations Plan and Growth and Improvement Plans.

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Figure 1. TfNSW SAMP and AMP Context

The holistic view provided by an asset management approach produces a balanced delivery of visible customer service and invisible organisational outcomes. Figure 2 below provides an example of this holistic approach deployed by TfNSW via the Transport AMP to achieve established customer and organisational objectives.

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Figure 2 - TfNSW's holistic approach to asset stewardship

5. Related Documents

ISO 55001 Asset management - Management systems - Requirements

ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems

T MU AM 02002 TI Asset Classification System

T MU AM 02001 ST Asset Information and Register Requirements

T MU AM 04001 PL TfNSW Configuration Management Plan

6. Definitions

Asset condition is an indicator of how well an asset is able to perform its function and can be used to predict how long it will be before the asset needs to be repaired, renewed or replaced.

Asset maintenance includes any activity performed on an existing or new asset with an intention of enabling the asset to perform to the required level of service until the asset is scheduled to be upgraded or disposed of. Asset maintenance, in the context of this document, has two components: 1. Recurrent Maintenance

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a) Routine Maintenance (RM) includes:

zonal/ visual inspection not requiring dismantling, adjustments or servicing to identify areas of concern requiring further investigation or remedial action

repair of failure (functional or conditional) associated with an asset or component

calibrate asset in accordance with the design or manufacturers specifications so as to return the asset to within standard operating tolerance

clean asset to improve presentation or to support operational service requirement

b) Major Preventive Maintenance (MPM) includes:

restore the asset to function (original capacity, not new) by replacing asset components with new or reconditioned components

re-profile (i.e. machine or adjust) the asset in accordance with the design or manufacturers specifications so as to return the asset to within standard operating tolerance

2. Capital Maintenance (MPM Capital) includes:

replacement of an existing asset, that has reached the end of its useful life with a new asset capable of providing the same or agreed alternative level of service as the existing asset

Critical asset an asset for which the financial, business and/or service level consequences of failure are sufficiently severe to justify proactive maintenance, including renewals, routine maintenance and asset inspections. Critical assets have a lower threshold for action than non-critical assets.

Growth and Improvement - Work performed to increase the functional capability and capacity of the transport system to meet the needs of the transport system customers

Maintenance backlog includes steady state replacements that have not been carried out and are deemed necessary to bring the condition of an asset up to a standard i.e. bring the performance of the asset to an acceptable level of risk that will enable the asset to provide the required level of service and therefore enable the achievement of agreed performance targets. The gap between the steady state level and actual asset replacement constitutes what is known as the maintenance backlog.

Steady State - Assets have a life expectancy after which it is no longer economically viable to maintain them. If the assets are replaced just before they reach the end of their economic life, then the total asset condition is said to be in ‘Steady State’. Steady State Maintenance provides the average maintenance funding level required to maintain assets at a level that meets contractual commitments to safety and reliability. It is based on the establishment and implementation of ‘whole of life’ procurement and maintenance strategies. The Steady State level refers to the number of assets need to be replaced each year based on population, age, condition, rate of degradation and economic life.

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7. TfNSW Common Asset Life Cycle

Figure 3: TfNSW Common Asset Life Cycle Model showing O&M Contract Level View

The Transport cluster undertakes activities across all phases of the asset life cycle. Coordination of these life cycle activities across the cluster (asset management) is key to realising value from assets and achieving organisational objectives. TfNSW's common asset life cycle model, represented above in Figure 3, identifies the life cycle stages as Demand/Need, Plan, Acquire, Operate/Maintain and Dispose. Within each stage there is a further level of detail describing life cycle activities. These activities are defined in the TfNSW Asset Management Framework Overview.

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Within the context of the TfNSW Common Asset Life Cycle, service providers undertake activities on TfNSW assets in the Operate / Maintain stage. Inside this stage is a nested Life Cycle (denoted by the O&M Contract Level View in Figure 3 above), meaning that service providers are required to undertake activities across the Plan, Acquire, Operate / Maintain, and Disposal Stages.

TfNSW generates the business outcomes for service providers. The Asset Management Plan will comprise of all asset life cycle activities undertaken by the service providers to deliver the TfNSW service outcomes.

Table 1 below describes O&M Contract level view requirements within the context of the TfNSW Life Cycle Stages

TfNSW Asset Life Cycle Stage

O&M Contract Level View Requirements

Demand/Need Where the service provider has identified requirement for an asset renewal or upgrade the SP will need to liaise with TfNSW to determine the long term asset and service requirements prior to any design commencing. Also, the service provider may be involved in this stage e.g. Rail Infrastructure Manager (RIM) as part of due diligence accountability under Rail Safety National Law.

Plan During the Plan Stage the asset should be designed so that it can perform its required function to meet the demand/need, i.e. satisfy the expected performance standards and provide the required level of service at the optimal whole of life cost for operation and maintenance. Also, the asset should be designed to reach the expected useful life. Furthermore, during the Plan Stage all maintenance requirements relating to the asset, including routine maintenance, renewals and disposal should be considered and included in the whole of life cost and specification.

Acquire During the Acquire Stage the procurement of the asset should be done in accordance with the design and technical specifications to ensure that the asset performs its required function at the optimum cost of operation and maintenance and reaches the expected useful life. Furthermore, during the Handover Phase all maintenance requirements relating to the asset, including funding and resources, are to be included in the works programs and financial plans.

Operate/Maintain During asset utilisation and improvement the asset should be operated and maintained in accordance with the technical specifications and standards to ensure that the asset performs its required function at the minimum cost of operation and maintenance and reaches the expected useful life. Furthermore, during asset upgrades the asset should be upgraded so that it can perform its new function, i.e. satisfy new performance standards and achieve new service requirements at the minimum cost of operation and maintenance. At the end of the asset utilisation and improvement, the asset is past its useful life and can no longer perform its required function (satisfy the expected performance standards and provide the required level of service at the minimum cost of operation and maintenance) or is no longer required to deliver services.

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TfNSW Asset Life Cycle Stage

O&M Contract Level View Requirements

Dispose During the Dispose Stage the asset should be decommissioned and disposed of. Furthermore, all maintenance requirements relating to the asset, including funding and resources should be excluded from the works programs and financial plans.

Table 1 - O&M Contract level view requirements and TfNSW Life Cycle Stages

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8. Asset Management Plan Requirements

Section 8 and Appendices A and B will be used as the template for the service provider AMPs. This template provides the document headings and minimum information and data requirements to be included in AMPs.

8.1. Document Approval

The service provider shall provide TfNSW with a Document Approval section which includes the sign off by the person(s) with delegated authority to approve the Asset Management Plan document.

Provision of signature(s) on the Document Approval is attestation from the service provider that at the point of time of submission, the service provider has a functional assurance process in place that aligns with the Transport Asset Management Policy and supports the safe, sustainable, and integrated management of transport system assets to deliver service outcomes and realise value from the assets.

8.2. Executive Summary

The service provider will provide TfNSW with an executive summary of AMP analysis, risks, funding requirements, and recommendations.

The executive summary shall include:

An overview of the timeframe for this Asset Management Plan (AMP). This timeframe is

typically a period of 10 years plus the current planning year. The strategies, programs,

and maintenance funding requirements for assets managed by service providers in

support of TfNSW transport service provision will be articulated for this period

throughout the AMP.

A summary of the funding requirements. This is a high level description of the funding

scenarios and the corresponding impact on asset performance, risk and service levels

which is to be further detailed in Section 8.11 Options/Opportunities.

Note: This is only applicable to all non-fixed price contracts – (STA, Sydney Trains, RMS, NSW Trains, Country Rail Contracts, and Customer Services) who are required to provide funding scenarios.

Identification of the key risks (as identified in section 8.12) to the delivery of the AMP in

terms of:

– The status of key risks identified in the previous planning year AMP and

residual risk

– Impacts on the delivery of service outcomes as a result of the ‘Transport

Growth and Improvement (GI)’ Plan and the ‘Service and Operations Plan’


– Changes to services which may have asset performance and maintenance


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– Effects on current asset performance and/or condition

– Backlog levels and associated risk

– Increase in asset base and subsequent maintenance requirements

– Delivery risks

– Costs of works

All risks identified will be prioritised by the service provider. Each risk will include a description of affected Asset Management Objectives (as identified in section 8.5) and service outcomes, and the corresponding risk mitigations. This section is intended to inform TfNSW in its decision making process across the Transport portfolio.

Recommendation as a result of the AMP analysis:

– The service provider will recommend the funding scenario that will deliver the

balance between cost, risk and performance over the timeframe of this AMP

– The proposed funding scenario will deliver the service outcomes articulated in

this AMP

8.3. Table of contents

This section will include the AMP table of contents.

8.4. Introduction

This section includes an introduction to the AMP document context, purpose, and scope. The AMP provides an assessment of the long term (10 years) funding requirements and the approach to manage asset performance/condition risks to meet the required service outcomes.

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8.5. Asset Management Objectives – Operate / Maintain Stage

The Transport Outcomes Framework (TOF) is an overarching framework for TfNSW that articulates the social and economic outcomes that TfNSW is seeking to achieve.

The following table demonstrates alignment between the TOF and TfNSW Asset Management objectives in the Operate/Maintain Stage realising these social and economic outcomes.

Table 2 – Alignment of Transport Outcomes Framework and TfNSW Asset Management Objectives – Operate / Maintain Stage

The service provider will extrapolate into their Business Plan and describe how metrics are translated into business outputs. This will drive consistency, rigour and alignment across all service providers.

The list of metrics may include others agreed with TfNSW. Subject to the service provider contract, additional objectives may be included (i.e. contracted asset management goals and objectives, asset performance

indicators and targets, asset activity objectives) and linkage must be shown to TfNSW Asset Management Objectives.

TfNSW Transport Outcomes Framework




Level 1 Outcomes

Level 2 Outcomes

Asset Management Objectives

Operate / Maintain

Asset Management Objectives Definitions



Safe user behaviour

Safe transport infrastructure

Safe transport fleet

Transport security

Safe and Available

Ensure assets meet safety standards to allow minimum designated usage and customer and staff safety requirements

Compliance to TMPs

Audit Programme and Reports – planned vs actual, no. of non-conformances

Frequency of incidents as described by relevant modal regulators


System efficiency

System use

System capacity

Operational Performance

Ensure assets meet designated performance targets and operational requirements to deliver customer outcomes

Delays to service provision attributed to an asset

Incidents attributed to an asset

On Time Running


Maximise service outcomes from the asset base

Asset portfolio managed responsibly

Ensure asset performance, condition and sustainability to deliver reliable services to customers and meet the expected asset life at minimum whole of life cost Asset Sustainability is categorised as the following:

Compliance to TMPs

Defect Management



Access Viable transport options

Equitable access to transport options

A. Access to assets - effective and efficient delivery of asset maintenance at least disruption to customers while assuring sustainable asset condition. This may include the provision of replacement services at partial/full to provide end to end service

Ratio of cost of provision of alternate service vs. cost of maintenance delivered

Value of service disruptions vs cost of maintenance delivered



Value for money


B. Financial Sustainability – ensure asset maintenance and operations activities minimise whole of life costs while balancing the condition and performance of the assets and monitoring and reducing maintenance backlog and impacts to service outcomes.

Financial performance

Sustainability index

Unit rates

Asset information aligned to TfNSW requirements and contribute to service provider decision making framework

Resource capability and competency for maintenance delivery


Sustainable transport delivery

Quality of living

C. Environmental Sustainability – ensure asset maintenance and operations activities minimise environmental impacts

Noise complaints

Waste generation

Environmental regulation breaches

Customer Presentable Ensure assets meet designated customer amenity standards and requirements, including graffiti, litter/cleanliness, aesthetics and heritage

Customer survey targets




d S




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8.6. Service and Operations Plan

Relevant extracts of the TfNSW SOP will be provided to service providers for alignment to

the objectives of their AMP submission. The SOP describes current and future target service

delivery levels for each contract/mode including operational responses to meet desired future

service provision for customers.

Service providers shall provide:

• Summary of the service outcomes within the context of the Service & Ops Plan for

the mode and contract

• Set priority for following years’ performance for the short term (1-2 years), medium (5

years) and long term (10 years)

• Any other assumptions in regards to service and delivery

8.7. Asset Portfolio

This section will include an overview of the asset portfolio that the service provider is managing on behalf of TfNSW. It will provide clarification on the assets being managed over the forward estimate period, and the implications on maintenance and financial requirements and service delivery.

8.7.1. Assets in Scope

The service provider shall provide an overview of the asset portfolio that they are contracted

to operate and/or maintain on behalf of TfNSW. This section summarises the size and

complexity of the service provider asset portfolio. The detailed asset portfolio information is

to be provided in Appendix A – Asset Portfolio Register.

The service provider shall provide a summary of:

• High level asset population numbers by asset class that form part of this AMP

analysis. Refer to the ASA Standard T MU AM 02002 TI Asset Classification System.

Note: This may be shown as an asset architecture

8.7.2. Assets out of scope

The service provider shall describe and quantify the assets that are that are not considered

in this AMP.

8.7.3. Summary of Asset Change

This section shall include a summary of changes in the asset portfolio, maintenance and financial requirements and explanations for such changes.

• The detailed asset change information is to be provided in Appendix A – Asset

Portfolio Register which will include the physical assets that will form part of future

AMPs from the funded projects in the GI Program. The change will need to consider

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the maintenance requirements resulting from GI program and any reductions and

rationalisation of assets.

• any legislative changes, government and contractual commitments

• any change in the proposed asset costs compared to any previous proposal (variance

analysis of costs and asset changes).

• other cost drivers i.e. increased safe working costs, reduced access, operational

costs, environmental constraints, cost of materials, stricter KPIs, etc.

8.8. Asset Management Framework

In this section the service provider will describe their organisation structure and relationships to deliver the AMP, asset management framework, principles and the philosophy for managing transport assets and risks.

8.8.1. Organisation Structure and Relationships to Deliver the AMP

The service provider shall articulate:

• Brief description of the organisation and ownership structure. This may include an

organisation chart depicting all entities and their relationships /ownership (includes

those contracted by service provider) which deliver the AMP.

• the governance arrangements in place, roles and accountabilities for AMP


• internal and external interfaces/relationships which influence AMP development,

delivery and how they are managed

• Description of key accountabilities for the delivery of the AMP including a summary of

the contract administrators, asset owners, asset operators and asset maintainers.

8.8.2. Framework

Over Arching Principles

The service provider shall demonstrate application of a “risk based approach” across all asset management activities to deliver service outcomes at a minimum lifecycle cost by:

– Providing system safety and reliability

– Maintaining asset performance to deliver service outcomes

– Monitoring asset condition so that assets reach design life

– Prioritising a program of works to maintain asset performance, condition,


– Providing support to enable capacity / demand growth.

TfNSW expectations are that asset management frameworks should typically consider, but is not limited to, the following:

Risk Management

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The service provider shall provide description of its:

asset management framework (processes)

asset management systems (e.g. Routine Maintenance (RM), Defect Management,

Risk Management, and asset renewals)

approach for managing new and existing assets i.e. how maintenance plans will be

developed, managed and modified through the term of the contract to assure TfNSW

that the assets will reach their design end of life.

The rationale for the decision making process will be iterated in the description of the framework. The service provider may make reference to any other documents and systems which are used to articulate how Transport assets are managed i.e. the service provider SAMP, Asset Management System, AM Policy, AM Strategy and show alignment to TfNSW Asset Management Framework. However if these documents are not available, then the rationale will be described within this section. Approach to determining current state of assets

This section shall outline the methodology and approach to determining the current state of the assets. Examples may include:

– condition assessment, asset criticality assessments, or multi-criteria analysis

– Steady state and backlog

– Recurrent and Capital Maintenance approach as a result of GI, SOP

Asset Information System This section shall include description of:

the Asset Information Systems which are used by the service provider to manage the

storage and use of data, and interfaces between them

how the asset information system is configured, secured and managed

Asset Information System accessibility arrangements. TfNSW may require access to

some systems for decision making purposes

Refer to the ASA Standard T MU AM 02001 ST Asset Information and Register


Configuration Management The service provider shall include a statement or evidence from the service provider that there is a system in place for the management of configuration change and that the system is being monitored and managed appropriately to ensure that is capable of delivering the outcomes of the assets i.e. maturity of the system, and that it is fulfilling its role.

Defect management

FMECA , RCM, Other

TMP improvements

Obsolescence Management Critical spares

Steady state/backlog

Condition reports

Asset criticality

SME knowledge

Self-assurance audits

Page 19: Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan Standard · The Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan Standard defines the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) information and analysis

Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan


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A configuration change within the context of the TfNSW transport network is any change that results in the addition, removal or change to TfNSW transport assets or its interfaces whether it be as a result of a project or maintenance activity. Refer to T MU AM 04001 PL TfNSW Configuration Management Plan and requirements defined with for the management of configuration changes on the TfNSW transport network. Continuous improvement The service provider is to identify any continuous improvement initiatives proposed for the planning period. The service provider shall provide a baseline audit schedule for the relevant planning year, including internal audits and external audits from:

TfNSW (AEO (Authorised Engineering Organisation) and I&S (Infrastructure and Services) Contract Team)

Regulators (ATSB (Australian Transport Safety Bureau), ONRSR (Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator), EPA (Environment Protection Authority), ISO9001, etc.)

Internal (condition and quality audits)

Audit actions including activities in response to internal and external audits

8.9. Asset and Corridor Strategy

The service provider shall articulate how it has implemented the TfNSW asset strategies in delivering the service outcomes:

Includes any specific asset strategies e.g. future Parramatta Light Rail and future

maintenance activities on the Carlingford Line, implementation of rapid bus transit

The strategy for the ten year program e.g. concrete resleepering strategy, backlog

recovery plan

8.10. Current Asset Performance and Condition

This section shows the evidence in support of the decision making analysis to support the statement required in section 8.12 Summary of Balancing Cost, Risk, and Performance.

8.10.1. Performance History

The service provider shall describe the previous performance history (cumulative position) of

the AMP. All available historical performance information will be provided as part of this

description, including but not limited to:

Benefits/ dis benefits (outcomes)

Physical scope


Asset performance i.e. did the assets perform as expected, and do the trends support

the AMP scope

Steady state/backlog

Outcomes of audits

Condition reports

Page 20: Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan Standard · The Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan Standard defines the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) information and analysis

Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan


8.10.2. Current Condition

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This section shall include a summary of the current condition of the asset as determined using the framework described by the service provider in section 8.8 Asset Management Framework. This summary will typically include, but is not limited to, the following information:

Graph of aging population

Table of remaining life

Outputs of asset criticality assessments, including identification of critical assets and


Defect and failure trends analysis by asset class and type

Asset condition across Transport is broadly defined using the following categories in the table below2. The summary of asset condition shall be aligned to these categories:

Asset Condition Description

NEW Asset is new or close to new with no visible defects or showing minimal signs of wear

GOOD Asset has not reached mid-life; some slightly defective or deteriorated components

ADEQUATE Asset beyond mid-life; increasing number of defective or deteriorated components and increasing maintenance needs

POOR Asset approaching or end of useful service life but still meets to requirements of being safe and available

UNACCEPTABLE In Service Out of Service

The end of Asset Useful Life1

Asset is past its useful life but meets the requirements of the “Safe and Available” Service Outcome 1 Asset Useful Life to be reviewed to

reflect current asset age2

2 If Useful Life increases reassess the

overall asset condition in line with the remaining Useful Life criteria

Unsafe and Unavailable

Asset is past its useful life and does not meet the requirements of the “Safe and Available” Service Outcome Asset is in need of immediate repair or replacement; may have critically damaged components

Table 4 – Asset condition categories

8.10.3. The current state of the logistics system supporting the asset

The current state of the logistics system shall be described in terms of:

The system maturity and commentary on whether it is fulfilling its role

Supporting resource availability and suitability including people, plant and materials

Spares availability, support documentation, training, capabilities

Obsolescence management

Access to assets and trade-offs between cost, risk and performance i.e. a 24-hour

service rail network will have impacts on maintenance access to fleet and


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Transport Service Provider Asset Management Plan


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8.11. Options/Opportunities

The service provider shall articulate the maintenance funding options and associated consequences in accordance with the following:

Provision of 4 maintenance funding scenarios as described in sections 8.11.1 –

8.11.4. This is only applicable to all non-fixed price contracts – (STA, Sydney Trains,

RMS, NSW Trains, Country Rail Contracts, and Customer Services)

Service providers with fixed price contracts are to describe a single funding position;

however they may choose to provide an additional alternate option based on

changing service demands and asset requirements as per the disclosed TfNSW SOP

and GI Program, as a result of discussions with TfNSW e.g. increases and decreases

of assets and corresponding maintenance costs to deliver service outcomes

The AMP is the mechanism for service providers to put forward alternate

positions/opportunities and recommendations for the maintenance plan– not just the

status quo. I.e. if the service provider can find innovation or efficiencies, the AMP is

the mechanism to articulate this.

Asset activity forecast The following shall be described for each funding option provided:

current performance targets e.g. punctuality or reliability targets (MDBF)

outline of the activity forecast over the defined horizon (as defined and agreed with

TfNSW) for the assets in scope. It is intended to identify the impact of increased/

reduced activity on the ability to achieve the asset management objectives

analysis to meet performance indicators and targets and status at the time of

development of AMP

Delivery issues, risks and interdependencies

benefits for each option provided

Projected performance and condition The following shall be described for each funding option provided:

Projected performance and physical condition of assets to deliver the service

outcomes as articulated in the SOP.

Detailed commentary on the analysis undertaken to project performance and

condition, and the implications of this projected performance and condition on

delivering service outcomes

8.11.1. Option 1

Current funding

- Current maintenance funding profile constrained by the current maintenance

capital/recurrent envelopes ensuring delivery of the TfNSW service outcomes

and any Government Commitments and Performance Targets

8.11.2. Option 2

Preferred option

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- Desired funding for existing assets including modernisations to establish improved

sustainable life cycles for all assets and upgrades to designated associated


- Or PLUS 10% for the total of the current maintenance capital/recurrent envelopes

- Constrained by TfNSW service outcomes and performance targets.

8.11.3. Option 3

- 10% less for the total of the current maintenance capital/recurrent envelopes,

unconstrained by TfNSW service outcomes and performance targets.

8.11.4. Option 4

Fully Sustainable

- Fully sustainable funding for existing assets including modernisations to establish

sustainable life cycles for all assets and upgrades to designated associated


- Unconstrained by State Government commitments and performance targets.

8.12. Summary of Balancing Cost, Risk, and Performance

TfNSW requires this section to provide an overview of the balance between cost, risk, and

performance at a program level. It is a summary of all of the analysis undertaken in the

development of the AMP. This section shall include:

Demonstration of alignment between GI, SOP and Maintenance

Demonstration of alignment with asset and corridor strategies

Summary of impacts to resources (including access to assets)

Summary of projected asset performance and condition

Description of top risk, cost, and performance implications and linkage to Asset

Management Objectives.

Description and status of any risk mitigations and residual risk. This may include

proposals for TfNSW involvement/assistance to mitigate risks.

Description of impact of proposed AMP for the current year (planning year) and its

relationship to the service outcomes and TfNSW objectives delivery

Service providers will use their Risk Management processes (articulated in section 8.8 Asset Management Framework) to identify and rank any risks to the achievement of asset management objectives. These risks will be summarised and aligned to the criteria risk ratings table below. This table is subject to further TfNSW review and consultation with service providers to reconcile with the Transport Enterprise Risk Management process.

Risk ratings

Asset Management Outcomes

Safe and Available Operational

Performance Reliable and Sustainable



Closure of rail line

Road access restricted (load or speed) for a prolonged period

Wide spread loss of travel reliability on public transport and roads

Service interruptions on critical

Asset in poor/unacceptable condition

Old and obsolete assets result in major traffic disruption on

Asset is significantly below acceptable customer amenity standards

Widespread unavailability of

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Risk ratings

Asset Management Outcomes

Safe and Available Operational

Performance Reliable and Sustainable


Prolonged unavailability of fleet for timetabled services

Significant decrease in asset, customer, and staff safety

roads or for peak timetable services

Traffic signal systems unavailable on critical roads

critical roads and delays in public transport services

Significant decrease in Financial sustainability, Environmental sustainability and/or access to assets

passenger information systems


Short term delays and interruption to busy routes or timetabled services

Short term unavailability of fleet

Short term interruption to traffic flow conditions

Minor decrease in asset, customer, and staff safety

Minor service interruptions on critical routes or peak timetabled services

Short-term loss of travel reliability

Short term unavailability of traffic facilities or safety advisory systems

Asset in adequate condition

Old and obsolete assets result in short term delays on key roads and public transport services

Minor decrease in Financial sustainability, Environmental sustainability and/or access to assets

Asset is below acceptable amenity performance standards

Isolated unavailability of passenger information systems


Minor delays and interruption to critical roads or timetabled services

Some minor interruption to traffic flow conditions

Low exposure to unavailability of fleet

Low decrease in asset, customer, and staff safety

Minor service interruptions on low trafficked routes or off-peak timetabled services

Isolated short-term loss of travel reliability

Low exposure to unavailability of traffic facilities or safety advisory systems

Asset in good condition

Old and obsolete assets cause minor delays on some roads and public transport services

Low decrease in Financial sustainability, Environmental sustainability and/or access to assets

Assets close to acceptable amenity performance standards

Minor unavailability of passenger information systems.

Table 6 – Risk ratings aligned to Asset Management Objectives

8.12.1. Recommendations

This section will articulate the option recommended (decision) which equals the discussion

on cost, risk, performance and opportunity balancing for the preferred option (Option 2)

against current funding.

8.13. Additional Section(s)

The service provider may include additional section(s) in the AMP at their discretion, to fulfil

any contractual obligations or to further articulate the management of assets.

Appendix A – Asset Portfolio Register

The spreadsheet attached below contains the typical dataset requirements to describe the

service provider asset portfolio, age profile, and condition. TfNSW acknowledges that these

requirements will be different for each mode. This is not an exhaustive list, and is subject to

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further analysis by the service provider and agreement with TfNSW. The service provider will

complete and submit this as an attachment (spreadsheet) with the Asset Management Plan.

Appendix A - Asset Portfolio Register.xlsx

Appendix B - 10 Year Maintenance Works Plan

This appendix will include a prioritised program of existing and planned life cycle management activities including activities such as creating, modifying, replacing, operating, maintaining and disposing of assets consistent with the accepted level of risk.

Baseline plan for the planning year and following 10 years (production and dollars)

o Service providers that are Transport agencies or on non-fixed contracts

(Option 1 Current Funding)

o Service providers with fixed price contracts (Section 8.12 Summary of

Balancing Cost, Risk, and Performance)

The information is to be submitted using the 10 Year Maintenance Works Plan template in

Appendix B attached below.

Appendix B - 10 Year Maintenance Works Plan.xlsx

9. Changes and Variations to Maintenance Programs

Changes to programs that have a material impact on deliverables or approved budget will require submission of an updated Asset Management Plan.

TfNSW is to be advised of changes to budget requirements, including reallocations between recurrent and capital maintenance funding. Finance and Investment will be consulted to obtain appropriate approvals for budget requirements.

10. Reporting Requirements

The service provider reporting requirements are detailed in the TfNSW Asset Management Performance Reporting Standard (to be developed).

The periodic Asset Management performance reports are a “health check” of the current AMP. This will allow TfNSW to monitor the condition and performance of assets to ascertain the delivery of the current Asset Management Plan to deliver the TfNSW service outcomes. The reports will be used as a planning input by service providers for the development of the AMP for the following planning year.

The service providers are required to provide the following reports:

Monthly Report – dashboard report format with some analysis as required

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Quarterly Report– detailed report with trend analysis over the quarter. It will articulate the effectiveness of the current AMP strategies and programs to deliver the service outcomes. The quarterly report will be used as an input to help validate whether the AMP in development for the upcoming planning year is on track