Transport Infrastructure Ireland -Client perspective January 2019 Paolo Carbone - Head of Public Transport Capital Projects

Transport Infrastructure Ireland - Cita · Overall - Challenges of BIM to TII • BIM will necessitate changes in work practices • People Issues: Training, Skills • Technology

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Transport Infrastructure Ireland -Client perspective

January 2019

Paolo Carbone - Head of Public Transport Capital Projects


• TII Background• Mission statement

• Transport Infrastructure Project Delivery

• Our BIM Strategy –

• Our BIM journey – so far… Overview of Major Projects

• Value and Challenges to TII

TII Background :- Mission statement

TII Background :- Transport Infrastructure project delivery

Key drivers

• Project Ireland 2040 Policy

• National Development Plan 2018 -2027

• National Planning Framework

key point 1 We currently use controlled BIM level 1

processes for infrastructure project design through our

drawing control department

key point 2 We use BIM level 2 processes, on 2 key

projects, more will follow as our knowledge of

technology & processes develop

key point 3 We are the Asset owners, The data models

will be utilised for the lifecycle of our Assets

website www.tii.ie

TII Background :- Current Design Processes

BIM Strategy


To become a data centric public client, for the management of world class Transport

Infrastructure project delivery

website www.tii.ie

Key Projects - MetroLink Project background

To deliver a North-South high capacity

spine, from Swords to Sandyford by


• Key Project Deliverables

• 26km in length (11km in tunnel)

• Construction of 15 new stations

• 30 trains per hour per direction

• New Depot Facility

• Park & Ride Facility Project website www.metrolink.ie

MetroLink - Client expectations of BIMRealise the business outcomes BIM Level 2 aims to achieve


• Improvements in cost, value and carbon performance

through the use of open, shareable asset information

• Procure & Implement a Common Data Environment


• Asset Data Dictionary for all assets

• UniClass 2015 – common classification to be used

• Enhanced collaboration resulting in improved project


• Reduced information loss between project phases

Station concepts / options in development

Key Projects - Dunkettle Interchange background• Stage 1: Design, construction planning and target cost


• Stage 2: Construction (Starts Q2- 2019, finish Q2 -2022)

• Project Deliverables

• 10km of new road links, with 42 major structures

• Adjustments to the Jack Lynch Tunnel approach

• 1 new grade separated junction arrangement to the

east of the existing Dunkettle Interchange

• 4 roundabouts; Several culverts; Pedestrian and

cyclist facilities

website www.tii.ie

Dunkettle Interchange- Client expectations of BIM

website www.tii.ie

• Use of Level 2 BIM to enhance efficiency of project


• Expectations on this project

• Improved information flow within the core Project


• Improvements in design and construction efficiency in

a congested and live traffic environment

• Use of 3D data models to assist with decision making

• Readily available project data for use in post

construction asset management

Overall - Challenges of BIM to TII

• BIM will necessitate changes in work practices

• People Issues: Training, Skills

• Technology Issues: including hardware, software, data security

• Procurement: Supply Chain readiness for project delivery

• Process: There are complex information workflows on large

projects. These need careful planning

• Policy: At Government level, guidance across Public sector

organisations is in development through O.G.P. these be

incorporated in our projects

National Digital Roadmap

(Band 5 projects mandate trigger–Q2 2019)

website www.tii.ie

Overall - Value of BIM to TII

• Enables development of more sustainable design, using the

data models for analysis.

• Creates a digital twin of the asset prior to Tender stage

and Construction, It also provides valuable Asset Data and

Project Knowledge

• Helps convey the construction methodology to stakeholders

through the use of data models

• Improves Collaboration and Design co-ordination.

• Data gathered through the project phases is of high value

particularly for handover and Operational phase

TII look forward embracing the technology for delivering

Irish infrastructure projects Faster, Smarter and Better.


Paolo [email protected]

(01) 646 3400

John [email protected]

(01) 646 3411