Transforming Lives, Connecting Marriages & Families IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR CLIENTS Welcome to LiIe &onnection &oXnseling We asN tKat \oX read tKe Iollowing inIormation and Ering an\ TXestions \oX migKt Kave to oXr attention Fee ± 7Ke Iee Ior a minXte session is We reTXest tKat pa\ment Ior all services Ee made at tKe time oI services are rendered ,t is tKe polic\ oI tKis oIIice to tXrn delinTXent accoXnts over to a collection agenc\ 2nl\ inIormation wKicK is non clinical in natXre will Ee given to tKe collection agenc\ Ior tKis pXrpose 7elepKone &alls ± 2Xr oIIice is open Monda\ tKroXgK Frida\ Irom : am ± : pm $Iter KoXrs \oX ma\ leave a message on oXr voice mail ,I \oXr tKerapist determines tKat it is necessar\ Ior \oX to Ee aEle to contact KimKer, special arrangements will Ee made ,n tKe case oI an emergenc\ or liIe tKreatening event, call and not L&& $ppointments ± WKen \oX maNe an appointment, a speciIic time is reserved Ior \oX ,I \oX sKoXld Kave to Ee late, \oX will Ee seen Ior tKe remaining portion oI \oXr reserved time (ver\ eIIort will Ee made to see \oX on time, Kowever, in some XnXsXal circXmstances \oX ma\ Kave to wait EeIore Eeing seen ,n sXcK cases \oX will Ee seen Ior \oXr IXll visit If you must cancel an appointment, please do so at least 24 hours in advance. If not, you will be charged $150.00 for the full session. InsXranFe ± Services in tKis oIIice ma\ Ee covered E\ medical insXrance plans However, Iew policies cover oI tKe cost ,I \oX reTXest, tKe oIIice staII will assist \oX witK insXrance Iiling, EXt collection of insurance claims is ultimately the insured client’s responsibility, regardless of your in network or out of network benefits <oX will Ee responsiEle Ior wKatever insXrance does not cover according to oXr cKarges Please XnGerstanG that \oX are fXll\ resSonsiEle for the Sa\ment of all fees for serYiFes SroYiGeG reJarGless of the e[tent of an\ insXranFe FoYeraJe \oX ma\ haYe ,I tKe tKerapist is not in networN witK tKe client¶s insXrance compan\, it is not oXr polic\ to accept tKe amoXnt an insXrance compan\ ma\ oIIer as pa\ment, iI tKe amoXnt is less tKan tKe regXlar Iee /CC Zill Ee notifieG of an\ Sersonal aGGress FhanJe or FhanJes in insXranFe FoYeraJe Ps\FholoJiFal 7estinJ $GGitional Fees ± ,n order to Eetter Xnderstand a client¶s proElems and to Iacilitate treatment, ps\cKological tests are IreTXentl\ Xtili]ed ,n sXcK cases tKe pXrpose oI taNing tKe tests will Ee e[plained and tKe resXlts will Ee reviewed witK \oX Fees Ior testing are separate Irom Iees Ior regXlar visits and var\ according to tKe test Xsed (stimates oI tKe cost oI testing will Ee IXrnisKed Xpon reTXest and in advance oI test administration $lso, an\ assessments, report writing, pKone consXltations, and emails will Ee additional Iees and will Ee e[plained E\ \oXr tKerapists iI tKe need arises ConfiGentialit\ ± $ll inIormation tKat \oX reveal to \oXr tKerapist, inclXding test resXlts, notes and records, is conIidential and will not Ee released to an\ oXtside person or agenc\ witKoXt \oXr written aXtKori]ation WKen more tKan one Iamil\ memEer is seen dXring a session, eacK oI tKese legall\ competent individXals mXst sign sXcK aXtKori]ation 7Kere are several limitations to tKis wKicK inclXde: ) iI, in tKe tKerapist¶s opinion, revealing tKe inIormation woXld Ee necessar\ to prevent a person¶s deatK or serioXs inMXr\, ) insXrance compan\ reTXests Ior a diagnosis and general description oI services rendered, and ) otKer circXmstances wKere it is legall\ reTXired, sXcK as tKe pK\sical or se[Xal aEXse oI a minor I have read and understand the above policies and client information. I am responsible for any unpaid balance on my account. &lient SignatXre ______________________________________________________ Date ______________ 3arent*Xardian SignatXre _____________________________________________ Date ______________

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Page 1: Transforming Lives, Connecting Marriages & Familieslifeconnectioncounseling.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/LCC-New... · Transforming Lives, Connecting Marriages & Families ... reire

Transforming Lives, Connecting Marriages & Families IMPORTANT!INFORMATION!FOR!CLIENTS!

Welcome to Li e onnection o nseling We as t at o read t e ollowing in ormation and ring an estions o mig t ave to o r attention Fee e ee or a min te session is We re est t at pa ment or all services e made at t e time o services are rendered t is t e polic o t is o ice to t rn delin ent acco nts over to a collection agenc nl in ormation w ic is non clinical in nat re will e given to t e collection agenc or t is p rpose

elep one al ls r o ice is open Monda t ro g Frida rom : a m : p m ter o rs o ma leave a message on o r voice mail o r t erapist determines t at it is necessar or o to e a le to contact im er, special arrangements will e made n t e case o an emergenc or li e

t reatening event, call and not L ppointments W en o ma e an appointment, a speci ic time is reserved or o o s o ld ave

to e late, o will e seen or t e remaining portion o o r reserved time ver e ort will e made to see o on time, owever, in some n s al circ mstances o ma ave to wait e ore eing seen n s c cases o will e seen or o r ll visit

I f#you#must#cancel#an#appointment,#please#do#so#at# least#24#hours# in#advance.#I f#not,#you#will#be#charged#$150.00#for#the#ful l #session.#

Ins ran e Services in t is o ice ma e covered medical ins rance plans However, ew policies cover o t e cost o re est, t e o ice sta will assist o wit ins rance iling, t collection of insurance claims is ultimately the insured client’s responsibility, regardless of your in network or out of network benefits o will e responsi le or w atever ins rance does not cover according to o r c arges Please n erstan that o are f l l res onsi le for the

a ment of all fees for ser i es ro i e re ar less of the e tent of an ins ran e o era e o ma ha e t e t erapist is not in networ wit t e client s ins rance compan , it is not

o r polic to accept t e amo nt an ins rance compan ma o er as pa ment, i t e amo nt is less t an t e reg lar ee CC il l e notifie of an ersonal a ress han e or han es in ins ran e o era e

Ps holo i al estin i t ional Fees n order to etter nderstand a client s pro lems and to acilitate treatment, ps c ological tests are re entl tili ed n s c cases t e p rpose o ta ing t e tests will e e plained and t e res lts will e reviewed wit o Fees or testing are separate rom ees or reg lar visits and var according to t e test sed stimates o t e cost o testing will e rnis ed pon re est and in advance o test administration lso, an assessments, report writing, p one cons ltations, and emails will e additional ees and will e e plained o r t erapists i t e need arises

Confi ential i t ll in ormation t at o reveal to o r t erapist, incl ding test res lts, notes and records, is con idential and will not e released to an o tside person or agenc wit o t o r written a t ori ation W en more t an one amil mem er is seen d ring a session, eac o t ese legall competent individ als m st sign s c a t ori ation ere are several limitations to t is w ic incl de: ) i , in t e t erapist s opinion, revealing t e in ormation wo ld e necessar to prevent a person s deat or serio s in r , ) ins rance compan re ests or a diagnosis and general description o services rendered, and ) ot er circ mstances w ere it is legall re ired, s c as t e p sical or se al a se o a minor

I have read and understand the above policies and cl ient information. I am responsible for any unpaid balance on my account.

lient Signat re ______________________________________________________ Date ______________ arent ardian Signat re _____________________________________________ Date ______________

Page 2: Transforming Lives, Connecting Marriages & Familieslifeconnectioncounseling.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/LCC-New... · Transforming Lives, Connecting Marriages & Families ... reire

Patient Health Information Consent Form

We want o to now ow o r atient Healt n ormation (PHI) is going to e sed in t is o ice and o r rig ts concerning t ose records e ore we will egin an ealt care operations we m st re ire o to read and sign t is consent orm stating t at o nderstand and agree wit ow o r records will e sed o wo ld li e to ave a more detailed acco nt o o r policies and proced res concerning t e privac o o r atient Healt n ormation we enco rage o to read t e H N t at is availa le to o at t e ront des e ore signing t is consent

e patient nderstands and agrees to allow t is o ice to se t eir atient Healt n ormation (PHI) or t ep rpose o treatment, pa ment, ealt care operations, and coordination o care s an e ample, t e patientagrees to allow t is o ice to s mit re ested H to t e Healt ns rance ompan (or companies)provided to s t e patient or t e p rpose o pa ment e ass red t at t is o ice will limit t e release oall H to t e minim m needed or w at t e ins rance companies re ire or pa ment

e patient as t e rig t to e amine and o tain a cop o is or er own ealt records at an time andre est corrections e patient ma re est to now w at disclos res ave een made and s mit inwriting an rt er restrictions on t e se o t eir H r o ice is o ligated to agree to t ose restrictionsonl to t e e tent t e coincide wit state and ederal law

patient s written consent need onl e o tained one time or all s se ent care given t e patient in t iso ice

e patient ma provide a written re est to revo e consent at an time d ring care is wo ld not e ectt e se o t ose records or t e care given prior to t e written re est to revo e consent t wo ld appl to ancare given a ter t e re est as een presented

r o ice ma contact o periodicall regarding appointments, treatments, prod cts, services, orc arita le wor per ormed o r o ice o ma c oose to opt o t o an mar eting or ndraising comm nications at an time

For o r sec rit and rig t to privac , all sta as een trained in t e area o patient record privac and aprivac o icial as een designated to en orce t ose proced res in o r o ice We ave ta en all preca tionst at are nown t is o ice to ass re t at o r records are not readil availa le to t ose w o do not needt em

atients ave t e rig t to ile a ormal complaint wit o r privac o icial and t e Secretar o HHSa o t an possi le violations o t ese policies and proced res wit o t retaliation t is o ice

r o ice reserves t e rig t to ma e c anges to t is notice and to ma e t e new notice provisionse ective or all protected ealt in ormation t at it maintains o will e provided wit a new notice at o rne t visit ollowing an c ange

is notice is e ective on t e date stated elow

t e patient re ses to sign t is consent or t e p rpose o treatment, pa ment and ealt careoperations, t e t erapist as t e rig t to re se to give care



Page 3: Transforming Lives, Connecting Marriages & Familieslifeconnectioncounseling.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/LCC-New... · Transforming Lives, Connecting Marriages & Families ... reire



Last Name _________________________ First Name ________________________________ MI________

Address ___________________________________ City, State ___________________ Zip _____________

Date of Birth ____________________ Age ____________ Social Security#__________________________

Employer ___________________________________________ Occupation _________________________

Highest Education Completed ______________ Church Affiliation _________________________________

Phone: Home ____________________Work ___________________ Cell __________________________

Contact me by: Home Number Work Number Cell Number

Email___________________________________________ May we contact you via email: Yes No


Last Name ____________________________ First Name ____________________________ MI ________

Address ___________________________________City, State _______________________Zip __________

Date of Birth _________________ Age ______________ Social Security # __________________________

Employer ___________________________________________ Occupation _________________________

Highest Education Completed _____________ Church Affiliation ________________________________

Phone: Home ____________________ Work _______________________ Cell ____________________

Email:_____________________________ May we contact you via email: Yes No

INSURANCE PROVIDER: In order for us to verify your insurance, we wi l l need a photo copy

of your insurance card and driver ’s l icense . We wi l l not f i le your insurance without them.

Insurance Co.

Name: __________________________________ Policy/Group# _______________________

Owner of Policy: ____________________________________________ ID# ________________________

Address of Insurance Co. ________________________________________Phone # _______________

**Please note that we f i le insurance as a courtesy . You wil l ult imately be responsible for

your account and whatever they do not cover according to our charges**

Page 4: Transforming Lives, Connecting Marriages & Familieslifeconnectioncounseling.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/LCC-New... · Transforming Lives, Connecting Marriages & Families ... reire

____Married, Separated) ____Remarried (How Long :_________)


arital tat s ____ Single, Never Married ____ Single, Widowed ____ Single, Divorced ____ First Marriage (How Long :________) Husband’s:!1st,!2nd,!3rd,!4th!!!!Wife’s:!1st,!2nd,!3rd,!4th!

mer en Conta t erson ot er t an o se old mem erName: Relations ip

ddress:__________________________________ it :_____________ State: ___________ ip: ________

one: Home:________________ Wor : ___________________ ell: _____________________

i t ional Famil em ers (List all c ildren an marriages w et er living at ome or not)

!!!!!! Name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sex!!!!!Age!!!!!!!!! DOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Education!!!!!!!!!!!!!Occupation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Living!@!Home?!

Please list an re ent stressf l e ents or han es hi h ha e o rre in the last ear eaths of frien s or relati es marria es i or es han es in or s hool

resi en e h r h et

e i al Histor

! ! ! ! ! ! ! !List!Any!Recent!Illness,! List!All! !Family!Member! !Tests,!or!Hospitalizations! !!!!!!Medications!Taken! Physician!

W o re erred o ere ______________________________________________

Have o een in co nseling t erap previo sl __________________________

W en ________________ W om _________________ How Long ________________

n w at wa wo ld o li e t e co nselor t erapist to assist o ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do o consider ristian Fait to e an important reso rce __ es __no

Page 5: Transforming Lives, Connecting Marriages & Familieslifeconnectioncounseling.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/LCC-New... · Transforming Lives, Connecting Marriages & Families ... reire

redit ard arantee Form


lients w o are nins red or w ose ins rance does not cover t e cost o mental ealt co nseling, eca se o ig ded cti les or eit er limitations are personall responsi le or pa ment n alance not paid t e end o t e wee will e a tomaticall c arged to o r designated card elow is proced re will ena le o to spread o t o r pa ments i o wis and ma e t em smaller w ile eeping o r acco nt c rrent


r ns rance ssignment rogram is designed to eep o r o t o poc et e pense to a minim m s a co rtes to o , we will ill o r ealt ins rance carrier on o r e al and wait

p to da s or pa ment lease remem er, t at o are responsi le or pa ment n Da , i t e ill as not een paid o r ins rance compan , we will c arge o r designated credit card elow or t e amo nt o t e claim n pa ment made on t ese claims t erea ter will e

immediatel re nded to o

R D RD: M S !!M !!!D S !

RDH LD R S N M _______________________________________________________

LL N DDR SS __________________________________________________________

__________________ S __________________ _______________

M L DDR SS R R S _______________________________________

RDN M R ______________________________________________________________

D ______________________ HR D D N M R: _____________
