Sue L. T. McGregor Transdisciplinarity and Biomimicry 57 Transdisciplinarity and Biomimicry Sue L. T. McGregor, Faculty of Education Mount Saint Vincent University, 166 Bedford Highway, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada, B3M 2J6, Email: www.consultmcgregor.com; [email protected] C apitalizing on the emergent movement towards integrating transdisciplinarity with biomimicry, this paper provides an overview of the biomimicry approach, including discussion of its three basic dimensions: (a) nine principles of life; (b) nature as model, measure and mentor; and, (c) the Design Spiral methodology. If the intent of trans- disciplinarity is to understand the world in all its complexities, and the world includes humans, non- humans and nature, then it makes sense to gain insights from non-humans (other species) and na- ture, the intent of biomimicry. Keywords: transdisciplinarity, biomimicry, design spiral, complexity. 1 Introduction Studying nature to get ideas to solve transdisci- plinary problems has recently received new attention from the field of biomimicry [1]. An intriguing dis- cussion has emerged in the literature during the last five years about transdisciplinarity and biomimicry. Those engaged in this intellectual discourse argue that humanity is encountering powerful new insights from the foundations of transdisciplinarity: quantum physics, chaos theory, complexity theory and living systems/ecosystems theory. They further suggest that those engaged in transdisciplinary work can ben- efit from employing the principles of biomimicry (and vice versa). They maintain that sustainable prod- ucts, processes, services and institutions are needed as catalysts to the transition towards a sustainable human civilization. They believe that solutions to the world’s problems require the transdisciplinary integration of multiple perspectives and knowledge bases, augmented with insights from biomimicry [2, 3, 4, 5]. I find this idea intriguing. If the intent of trans- disciplinarity is to understand the world in all its complexities [6, 7], and the world includes humans, non-humans and nature, then it makes sense to gain insights from non-humans (other species) and na- ture, the intent of biomimicry [8]. Madni [9], when discussing Daimler Chrysler’s transdisciplinary appli- cation of biomimicry principles to design a Concept Car, observed that “humans have much to learn from Mother Nature”[9:7]. Transdisciplinarity arose from the increasing demand for relevance and applicability of academic research and non-academic knowledge to societal challenges [10]. Biomimicry arose from the increasing demand for deeper innovations and in- spirations [8]. It has witnessed explosive growth as a new concept [11]. This paper provides an overview of biomimicry, anticipating insights for future conversa- tions about the synergy between transdisciplinarity as a methodology [12, 13, 14] and biomimicry as an approach to solving problems [8]. Biomimicry claims that the laws of nature can be applied to modeling social systems, that we can adopt natural laws and logics to human needs [15]. Jucevicius [15] observes that analogical thinking (transferring ideas from one context to another) is at the heart of creative solutions to complex human problems. Successful biomimicry thinkers are in- Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science ISSN: 1949-0569 online, c 2013 TheATLAS Vol. 4, pp. 57-65, (December, 2013)

Transdisciplinarity and Biomimicry - Sue McGregor · ve years about transdisciplinarity and biomimicry. Those engaged in this intellectual discourse argue ... Just as nature requires

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Sue L. T. McGregorTransdisciplinarity and Biomimicry 57

Transdisciplinarity and BiomimicrySue L. T. McGregor, Faculty of Education Mount Saint Vincent University, 166 Bedford Highway, Halifax Nova Scotia,Canada, B3M 2J6, Email: www.consultmcgregor.com; [email protected]

Capitalizing on the emergent movement towardsintegrating transdisciplinarity with biomimicry,this paper provides an overview of the

biomimicry approach, including discussion of itsthree basic dimensions: (a) nine principles of life;(b) nature as model, measure and mentor; and, (c)the Design Spiral methodology. If the intent of trans-disciplinarity is to understand the world in all itscomplexities, and the world includes humans, non-humans and nature, then it makes sense to gaininsights from non-humans (other species) and na-ture, the intent of biomimicry.Keywords: transdisciplinarity, biomimicry, designspiral, complexity.

1 Introduction

Studying nature to get ideas to solve transdisci-plinary problems has recently received new attentionfrom the field of biomimicry [1]. An intriguing dis-cussion has emerged in the literature during the lastfive years about transdisciplinarity and biomimicry.Those engaged in this intellectual discourse arguethat humanity is encountering powerful new insightsfrom the foundations of transdisciplinarity: quantumphysics, chaos theory, complexity theory and livingsystems/ecosystems theory. They further suggestthat those engaged in transdisciplinary work can ben-efit from employing the principles of biomimicry (andvice versa). They maintain that sustainable prod-ucts, processes, services and institutions are neededas catalysts to the transition towards a sustainable

human civilization. They believe that solutions tothe world’s problems require the transdisciplinaryintegration of multiple perspectives and knowledgebases, augmented with insights from biomimicry [2,3, 4, 5].

I find this idea intriguing. If the intent of trans-disciplinarity is to understand the world in all itscomplexities [6, 7], and the world includes humans,non-humans and nature, then it makes sense to gaininsights from non-humans (other species) and na-ture, the intent of biomimicry [8]. Madni [9], whendiscussing Daimler Chrysler’s transdisciplinary appli-cation of biomimicry principles to design a ConceptCar, observed that “humans have much to learn fromMother Nature”[9:7]. Transdisciplinarity arose fromthe increasing demand for relevance and applicabilityof academic research and non-academic knowledgeto societal challenges [10]. Biomimicry arose fromthe increasing demand for deeper innovations and in-spirations [8]. It has witnessed explosive growth as anew concept [11]. This paper provides an overview ofbiomimicry, anticipating insights for future conversa-tions about the synergy between transdisciplinarityas a methodology [12, 13, 14] and biomimicry as anapproach to solving problems [8].

Biomimicry claims that the laws of nature canbe applied to modeling social systems, that we canadopt natural laws and logics to human needs [15].Jucevicius [15] observes that analogical thinking(transferring ideas from one context to another) isat the heart of creative solutions to complex humanproblems. Successful biomimicry thinkers are in-

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & ScienceISSN: 1949-0569 online, c©2013 TheATLAS

Vol. 4, pp. 57-65, (December, 2013)

Sue L. T. McGregorTransdisciplinarity and Biomimicry 58

Figure 1: Nine Life Principles from Nature.

herently transdisciplinary thinkers [16]. The timeseems ripe for further discussions around the idea ofsolving transdisciplinary problems of the world usinginsights from biomimicry, especially since “[m]anyof the currently envisaged solutions to the globalchallenges facing humanity are in paramount contra-diction to the ‘approach’ of nature” [16: 9].

2 Biomimicry Explained

The term biomimicry is from Greek bios, life andmimesis, imitation. It represents the new focus onmimicking natural processes to find innovative so-lutions to complex problems; instead of focusingon what can be extracted from nature, biomimicspay attention to what they can learn from nature.Those inspired by biomimicry study nature and thenimitate or take inspiration from the designs and pro-cesses inherent in nature to solve human problems.Biomimicry occurs at the juncture where ecologymeets agriculture, medicine, manufacturing mate-rials science, energy, computing and commerce [8].It uses an ecological standard to judge the rightness

of human actions and innovations. The overall ap-proach is grounded in three dimensions, discussedbelow: (a) nine principles of life; (b) nature as model,measure and mentor; and, (c) the Design Spiralmethodology that informs biomimicry-inspired prac-tice [8].

As a caveat, Jane Benyus [8], the founder andgenesis of the idea of biomimicry, has deeply andcritically engaged with each of these nine principlesas a preamble to including them in her biomimicryapproach. There is no question that they really work.Indeed, many others are applying this approach totheir own work. Also, I purposefully chose to cite herbook [8] and the work of the institute she founded,the Biomimicry Institute, as the primary sources forideas about what is biomimicry as a concept andas an approach to design, development, science andresearch.

2.1 Nine Principles of Life from Nature

Benyus [8] encourages people to engage in behaviorthat is in harmony with earth processes. To thatend, she offers a primer into nature’s secrets. Indeed,

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & ScienceISSN: 1949-0569 online, c©2013 TheATLAS

Vol. 4, pp. 57-65, (December, 2013)

Sue L. T. McGregorTransdisciplinarity and Biomimicry 59

many who have analyzed her work conclude thatthese secrets are hiding in plain sight and have beenso hard for us to see because they are so familiar,so obvious [17, 18]. Benyus holds that nature hasnine basic operating principles that can be used as abeneficial model for human behavior. She [8] furtherposits these laws, strategies and principles have beenfound to be consistent over generations, and overcultures. More importantly, they can be observedby anyone who is interested in perpetuating a highstandard of living in harmony with nature. Theselife principles reflect the inherent characteristics ofecosystems (see Figure 1). In effect, nature:

• rewards cooperation and integration andmakes symbiotic relationships work because na-ture is all about connections between relation-ships. Nature knows that we do not always haveto go it alone. In fact, sometimes we cannotdo it alone. Moreover, nature allows predationand competition to exist through cooperation.Natural ecosystems operate on a symbiotic, com-plex network of mutually beneficial relationships.Working together is rewarding and necessary.

• always fits form to function, efficiently andelegantly - nature builds something that worksbecause it was built within the confines of avail-able resources. Also, the shape that somethingtakes depends upon what it is intended to do.Furthermore, nature’s designs are organic andonly as big as they need to be to fit theirfunction, rather than being linear (squares andblocks) and oversized, with a focus on form.Nature optimizes rather than maximizes. Or-ganisms in nature co-evolve, adapting to thechanges of others (i.e., they fit form to func-tion).

• depends on and develops diversity of pos-sibilities to find the best solution(s) (rather thana one-size-fits-all, homogeneous approach). Na-ture also depends upon randomness, more sothan reason, because randomness creates anoma-lies that open opportunities for diversity. Therandomness of entropy (the breakdown of order)allows for flexibility. A wide variety of plantsand animals creates the bank of diversity. Theentire habitat is used, not just bits and parts ofthe system. Also, a system must be as diverseas its environment in order to remain viable.

Systems respect regional, cultural and materialuniqueness of a place. Systems are flexible, al-lowing for changes in the needs of people andcommunities - allowing for emergent diversity.

• recycles and finds uses for everything. Ev-erything becomes recyclable; everything has ause. Waste should be a good thing because itwill be reused again for another purpose. Naturewants waste; it needs it to sustain itself (wasteequals food or sustenance). Nature does not gen-erate waste, per se; it does not foul its own nestbecause it has to live in it. In closed systems,each co-existing element consumes the waste ofanother as its lifeline! From this perspective,the word waste goes away because waste meansto fail to take advantage of something.

• requires local expertise and resources.Just as nature requires a rich bio-diversity toadapt to change and to grow, local ecosystemsrequire a rich range of interlocking resourcesand the involvement of many local species tocreate a vibrant natural community. Locals arefamiliar with the boundaries within which theyare living and are familiar with other specieswho share this space and who have developedtheir own adaptive expertise. Nature does notneed to import from outside. If it is not there,it cannot be used. Natural ecosystems are tiedto the local land; hence, sustainability requiresreliance on local expertise and indigenous knowl-edge.

• avoids internal excesses and “overbuilding”by curbing excesses from within. Nature hasno ego to drive it. It remains in balance withthe biosphere, that part of the earth and itsatmosphere in which living organisms exist, thatis capable of supporting life.

• taps into the power of limits and managesnot to exceed them. Species flourish withinthe boundaries that surround them. They donot seek elsewhere for resources, and they useexisting materials sparingly. Nature dependsupon its constant internal feedback mechanismsfor information on how to maintain balance.Nature makes the most efficient use of its sur-rounding resources. Nature uses limits as asource of power, a focusing mechanism, always

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & ScienceISSN: 1949-0569 online, c©2013 TheATLAS

Vol. 4, pp. 57-65, (December, 2013)

Sue L. T. McGregorTransdisciplinarity and Biomimicry 60

conscious of maintaining life-friendly tempera-tures, harvesting within the carrying capacityof the boundaries and maintaining an energybalance that does not borrow against the fu-ture. Otherwise, she would perish at her ownhand. Learning to live with finite resources isa source of powerful creativity. Limits createpower. This idea is the opposite of seeing limitsas a dare to overcome the constraints due toscarcity and to continue our expansion. Natureteaches us to flourish within boundaries.

• runs on the natural sunlight and other “nat-ural sources” of energy, such as wind. All energyis sunlight. Nature knows how to gather energyefficiently. Leaves follow the sun and photo-synthesis is 95% efficient (plants use the sunto turn light into sugar, the natural food thatthe plant lives on - and then humans eat theplant). The photosynthetic process also useswater and releases the oxygen that everythingabsolutely must have to stay alive. But, naturedoes this by using contemporary sunlight ratherthan heirlooms of sunlight (fossil fuels).

• uses only the energy and resources thatit needs. Nature draws on the interest ratherthan the entire natural capital at its disposal.It does not draw-down resources, meaning itdoes not deplete resources by consuming themunnecessarily. In order to make optimal andmaximum use of the limited habitat, each or-ganism finds a niche, using only what it needsto survive and evolve.

2.2 Nature as Model, Measure and Mentor

Biomimicry is a new way to view and value nature.Benyus [8] posits that if people want to consciouslyemulate nature’s genius, they need to look at naturedifferently. In biomimicry, people look at natureas model, measure, and mentor. Consulting life’sgenius brings natures wisdom to bear [8] on todayspressing, messy, wicked problems (see Figure 2).

2.2.1 Nature as model

People would draw on nature to model new forms ofbehavior. Nature can provide insights into the questfor new ways to frame day-to-day life. In nature,there is no waste, and there are no borders separat-ing things. There are just nested systems wherein

each part of the system supports the existence of theother parts. Modeling this interconnectedness andinterrelatedness would respect the needs of the otherspecies. As Benyus [8] affirms, humans are one votein a parliament of 30 million other species. Humanbeing’s long standing arrogance (hubris) would nolonger be the model for human behavior. Communi-ties modeled on nature learn how to stay put withoutbankrupting their ecological capital. They learn howto optimize rather than maximize. The latter focuseson increasing measures such as revenue, profits, andmargins while optimizing involves making a systemor design as effective or functional as possible.

2.2.2 Nature as measure

People would turn to nature for guidance for stan-dards to use to judge the “rightness” of their inno-vative behaviors and decisions. Are they life pro-moting? Does the resultant action fit with nature?Will the results or the impact last in a positive way?These questions are judged using an ecological stan-dard, what Benyus [8] refers to as the Nine Laws ofNature, Life’s Principles (discussed earlier). When anatural ecosystem reaches maturity, it is populatedby mature living organisms that act in life affirmingways, grounded in the nine laws of nature. Onemeasure of rightness is ensemble living. In nature,an ensemble is a group of complementary parts thatcontribute to a single effect. Ensemble living meansorganisms (humans and other species) learn to main-tain a dynamic stability, like dancers, continuallyinteracting without harming or compromising eachother (stepping on each other’s toes in the dance).The parts of the ensemble that manifest (raise upfrom the whole) are still enfolded in the whole.

2.2.3 Nature as mentor

People’s relationship with nature would change frommaster to teacher and mentor. This new relation-ship would mean people have to steward nature ifthey want to continue to have something from whichthey can learn, a source of ideas, innovation andinspiration. Nature is a source of knowledge fit forimitation. Mentors are trusted friends, counselorsor teachers, usually a more experienced person. Na-ture has had 4.2 billions of years to evolve and gainexperience of living systems in evolving complex,efficient, resilient and adaptive systems. Humanswould do well to watch and learn rather than exploit

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & ScienceISSN: 1949-0569 online, c©2013 TheATLAS

Vol. 4, pp. 57-65, (December, 2013)

Sue L. T. McGregorTransdisciplinarity and Biomimicry 61

Figure 2: Nature as Model, Measure and Mentor.

and destroy. The answers are there in nature if wetake the time to discover and apply innovations. Na-ture has figured out what works, what is appropriateand what lasts. Nature has a spirit of cooperation,flexibility and diversity that has made her a reliableand long-term survivor. As mentees, humans wouldbe guided by humility (rather than arrogance) asthey begin to learn “from” nature so they can learnto fit in alongside the rest of nature.

2.3 Biomimicry Design Spiral

The Biomimicry Institute [19] (founded by JanineBenyus) created a Design Spiral methodology to helppeople learn and practice biomimicry. It comprisesfive or six iterative phases (see Figure 3, used withpermission) based on the assumption that “aftersolving one challenge, then evaluating how well itmeets life’s principles, another challenge often arises,and the design process begins anew” [19: 1]. Thissection of the paper is shared using second personnarrative,you, because each reader is presumed tobe part of the transdisciplinary narrative.

The spiral process begins with you identifying aproblem that has to be resolved. Rather than asking“What do I want to design, to come up with?”, youwould ask “What do I want people to do?” andcontinue to ask why you want them to do this (distillthe problem) until you get to the bottom of the

problem. You also have to be concerned with who isinvolved with the problem, who will be involved inthe solution, its consequences, where is the problemand where will the solution be applied.

The second phase involves you translating thequestion so it can be approached from nature’s per-spective, “What would nature do here? What wouldnature not do here?” This reframing of the questionwill yield additional key words and will involve plac-ing the issue in broader contexts and conditions soas to better translate life’s principles into problemsolving parameters. You need to know the climate,social, temporal and other conditions of the prob-lem. The Biomimicry Institute [19] refers to this asbiologizing the question.

Now you are ready to look for champions in nature,to observe what is available to answer or resolve thechallenge you have identified, distilled and translatedinto nature’s terms. In order to answer “What wouldnature do here?” you can consider literal examplesfrom nature or you can use a metaphorical approach.The former entails literally going outside and lookingat nature to find examples of organisms that offerinsights. They are often those aspects of nature thatappear unfazed by their milieu, despite its challenges(e.g., tree, stream, field, an ant’s nest), and are oftenon the extremes of the habitat you are observing.You can also open your discussions to other disci-plines and specialists, turning the problem inside out

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Vol. 4, pp. 57-65, (December, 2013)

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Figure 3: Design Spiral Methodology (used with Permission).

and on its head, the true spirit of transdisciplinarity.Scour the literature and brainstorm solutions.

These third-phase strategies will move you intothe fourth phase, wherein you discover and reportrepeating patterns and processes that nature hasused to achieve success. Chronicle these discover-ies and create a taxonomy of nature’s genius, herlife’s strategies, selecting those most relevant to yourproblem or challenge.

The next step is to develop ideas and solutionsbased on nature’s models and apply these solutionsto your problem; that is, �emulate nature. Yoursolutions will apply the lessons you have learnedfrom nature, your mentor and teacher (see Figure2). You may decide to mimic a form from nature,one of nature’s functions or a natural process (e.g.,an ecosystem). Whatever strategy you settle upon,endeavor to apply the lesson(s) as deeply as possi-ble. Ensuring this depth will likely entail resortingback to the discovery phase so you can find morepatterns and processes that repeat in nature, indicat-ing they have worked in the past to ensure survivaland evolution. You will also want to consider themerit of chimera designs, those created as a result ofpurposively integrating two or more things together


In the final phase, you evaluate how well yourideas and solutions (i.e., what you designed to ad-dress the challenge or problem) reflect the successfulprinciples of nature. Ask yourself, “Does my solu-tion(s) create conditions conducive to life? Are mysolutions flexible, and able to adapt and evolve? Ifnot, how must I change my solution(s) so that I canbest emulate nature - apply life’s principles to solvethe problem?” This approach entailed using life’sprinciples to develop these questions that you cannow use to question your proposed solutions. Asyou pose these questions, the design spiral begins tounfold again and the iterative, inclusive process con-tinues. New questions to explore emerge, and thesequestions tend to refine the concept you initially setout to explore in such a way that life’s principles arerespected and emulated.

3 The Fit Between Biomimicry andTransdisciplinarity

In summary, transdisciplinary problem solving froma biomimicry perspective means recognizing organic

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Vol. 4, pp. 57-65, (December, 2013)

Sue L. T. McGregorTransdisciplinarity and Biomimicry 63

patterns and natural connections, understanding thecauses and effects of competing and interrelated com-ponents, and then making appropriate modifications.People intuitively problem solve with deep respectfor flexibility, adaptability and universality. Theyplan space for growth, restructuring and contraction.From a biomimicry perspective, people inherentlyadapt, deconstruct and recreate as needed, a processthat mirrors the actions of living organisms [20].

The nature of problem solving from a biomimicryperspective reflects the very essence of the transdis-ciplinary methodology used for creating new knowl-edge. First, transdisciplinary knowledge is complexand emergent, meaning the knowledge is continuallychanging as it is created, an idea which parallelswith biomimicry’s assumption that people have toadapt, deconstruct and recreate as needed. Trans-disciplinary knowledge is alive because the problemsbeing addressed are alive, emerging from the lifeworld [12, 13, 14]. In the case of biomimicry, thesolutions emerge from nature (which is alive as well),as discovered and interpreted by humans.

Second, the creation of transdisciplinary knowl-edge entails the Logic of the Included Middle whereinas many perspectives as possible are integrated. Inthe case of biomimicry, there is a special focus oninsights gained from nature. Transdisciplinary prob-lem solving happens in the fertile space betweenthings, in this case between people and nature. Find-ing new knowledge in the fertile middle ground ispossible when everyone’s ideas are heard. Regardingbiomimicry, the agenda is to discover and listen toideas from nature as well, ideas that present as lifeprinciples from which complex human problems canbe posed and solved. The fertile middle ground isripe with possibilities, as is nature. People havepermission to wonder, experience awe [13] and seeknature-inspired, far-reaching solutions to the world’spressing problems.

Third, transdisciplinarity assumes that many lev-els of reality are central to knowledge creation, in-cluding the internal mind of humans (their conscious-ness) and their external world (including nature)(information flows). Just like transdisciplinarity,biomimicry-inspired problem solving, with a deepemphasis on how humans from all walks of life canlearn from nature, focuses on the processes and en-ergy flows inherent in deep, complex interactionsamong people’s internal world and their externalworld, mediated by such factors as culture, art, reli-

gion and spirituality. Transdisciplinarians refer tothe latter as The Hidden Third, the place full of po-tential where people’s experiences, interpretations,descriptions, representations, images, and formulasmeet and new insights, perspectives and indeed, newknowledge, can emerge [12, 13, 14].

The fit between biomimicry and transdisciplinarityis elegant, ripe with hope and potentialities. Withinits iterative solution-creation process, biomimicryaims to produce both new knowledge and technicalartifacts (innovations) [3]. In concert, transdisci-plinarity strives to produce new knowledge that canbe used to create innovative solutions to pressingworld problems, innovations in thinking as well as inactual artifacts to solve the problems [11]. Transdis-ciplinarity aims “to make knowledge products morepertinent to non-academic actors” [21: 170]. Thesynergy between these two approaches is encourag-ing, warranting further reflection and deliberation.Both strive to create new knowledge to inform inno-vative solutions to human problems.

If transdisciplinary solutions to world problemsnecessitate a holistic coupling of the human and thenatural, as well as the inclusion of many voices andperspectives [12, 22], it makes sense that transdisci-plinarity gain inspiration from biomimicry, with itsfocus on nature. Transdisciplinarity based on theprinciples of nature (biomimicry) is promising. Itsupports visionary approaches to solving complexmessy problems that require people to “rethink andreorient human’s relationship with the planetaryenvironment, leading to society being able to worktogether with nature” [23: 484, emphasis added]. So-ciety working with and through nature, in order tosolve wicked problems affecting the human condi-tion, is a provocative concept, invoking synergistic,emergent, integral thinking, the hallmark of transdis-ciplinarity. Readers are encouraged to follow throughwith any thinking inspired by this paper, especiallythoughts about what key research questions can beasked, what problems can be posed, what researchdesigns and methods can be employed, what resultscan be anticipated, even which disciplines and civilsociety members could participate in biomimicry-informed, transdisciplinary work.


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Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & ScienceISSN: 1949-0569 online, c©2013 TheATLAS

Vol. 4, pp. 57-65, (December, 2013)

Sue L. T. McGregorTransdisciplinarity and Biomimicry 65

About the Author

Sue L. T. McGregor PhD (Professor) is a Canadianhome economist (40 years) in the Faculty of Education atMount Saint Vincent University, Canada. She has a keeninterest in transdisciplinarity, integral studies, complexitythinking, moral leadership and transformative practice asthey relate to home economics and consumer studies. Sheis a TheATLAS Fellow (transdisciplinarity leadership), aDocent in Home Economics at the University of Helsinki,the Marjorie M. Brown Distinguished Professor in homeeconomics leadership, and she received the TOPACE In-ternational Award (Berlin) for distinguished consumerscholar and educator in recognition of her work on trans-disciplinarity. She is principal consultant for the McGre-gor Consulting Group Http://www.consultmcgregor.com,[email protected]

Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & ScienceISSN: 1949-0569 online, c©2013 TheATLAS

Vol. 4, pp. 57-65, (December, 2013)