Transcapillary Exchange in Relation to Capillary Circulation EUGENE M. RENKIN From the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706 ABSTRACT Transcapillary exchange of diffusible solutes depends on capillary blood flow, Q; capillary permeability, P; and capillary surface area, S. In a single capillary, the extent of equilibration of a given solute depends on the ratio of Q to the product of P and S. In a microvascular bed consisting of many capillaries, equilibration depends on the fraction of them which are open to blood flow at any time and on the distribution of Q/PS ratios in the open capil- laries. Both these characteristics are subject to control by vascular smooth muscle, particularly by the precapillary sphincters. Vasomotor mechanisms have been shown experimentally to exert a wide range of effective control over blood-tissue transport. In skeletal muscle, effective PS measured with 42K or 8 Rb may be increased 8-fold from maximum nervous vasoconstriction to optimum metabolic vasodilatation. Most probably, these changes are due to differences in func- tional capillary surface area and of blood flow distribution relative to permea- bility and surface area. The extent to which variations in permeability itself can contribute to control of transcapillary exchange is not known. Exchange of materials between blood and tissue in the microvascular net- work depends on the permeability of the exchange vessels to specific sub- stances, on the effective surface area of these vessels at any time (i.e. on the number of open capillaries), and on the quantity of blood which flows through them (1, 2). In the case of the highly diffusible, low molecular weight solutes which comprise most of the substrates and products of tissue metabolism, the influence of blood flow on transport can be very great-even dominant. The fundamental interaction between capillary blood flow and transcapillary diffusion is illustrated by the simple capillary model of Fig. 1. This shows an idealized capillary with permeability P (centimeters per second) to a specific solute and surface area S (square centimeters). Blood enters its arterial end at Q milliliters per second and with concentration or specific activity of the solute, c(A). If the concentration or specific activity out- side the capillary, c(T), is less than c(A), outward diffusion of solute takes place, and concentration or specific activity within the capillary, c(X), falls 96 s The Journal of General Physiology

Transcapillary Exchange in Relation to Capillary Circulation · Transcapillary Exchange in Relation to Capillary Circulation EUGENE M. RENKIN From the Department of Physiology and

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Page 1: Transcapillary Exchange in Relation to Capillary Circulation · Transcapillary Exchange in Relation to Capillary Circulation EUGENE M. RENKIN From the Department of Physiology and

Transcapillary Exchange in Relation to

Capillary Circulation


From the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Duke University, Durham,North Carolina 27706

ABSTRACT Transcapillary exchange of diffusible solutes depends on capillaryblood flow, Q; capillary permeability, P; and capillary surface area, S. In asingle capillary, the extent of equilibration of a given solute depends on theratio of Q to the product of P and S. In a microvascular bed consisting of manycapillaries, equilibration depends on the fraction of them which are open toblood flow at any time and on the distribution of Q/PS ratios in the open capil-laries. Both these characteristics are subject to control by vascular smooth muscle,particularly by the precapillary sphincters. Vasomotor mechanisms have beenshown experimentally to exert a wide range of effective control over blood-tissuetransport. In skeletal muscle, effective PS measured with 42K or 8 Rb may beincreased 8-fold from maximum nervous vasoconstriction to optimum metabolicvasodilatation. Most probably, these changes are due to differences in func-tional capillary surface area and of blood flow distribution relative to permea-bility and surface area. The extent to which variations in permeability itselfcan contribute to control of transcapillary exchange is not known.

Exchange of materials between blood and tissue in the microvascular net-work depends on the permeability of the exchange vessels to specific sub-stances, on the effective surface area of these vessels at any time (i.e. on thenumber of open capillaries), and on the quantity of blood which flows throughthem (1, 2). In the case of the highly diffusible, low molecular weight soluteswhich comprise most of the substrates and products of tissue metabolism, theinfluence of blood flow on transport can be very great-even dominant. Thefundamental interaction between capillary blood flow and transcapillarydiffusion is illustrated by the simple capillary model of Fig. 1.

This shows an idealized capillary with permeability P (centimeters persecond) to a specific solute and surface area S (square centimeters). Bloodenters its arterial end at Q milliliters per second and with concentration orspecific activity of the solute, c(A). If the concentration or specific activity out-side the capillary, c(T), is less than c(A), outward diffusion of solute takesplace, and concentration or specific activity within the capillary, c(X), falls

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The Journal of General Physiology

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EUGENE M. RENKIN Relation to Capillary Circulation

progressively, reaching c(V) at the venous end. The extent to which c(X)falls from A to V depends on c(T), on Q, and on the product PS.

Since c(X) varies from the arterial to the venous end of the capillary, it isnecessary to consider diffusion of solute from a slice of length AX, in whichc(X) may be taken as constant. As an additional simplicity, let us assume thatc(T) is uniform from A to V. This is equivalent to assuming a well-mixedextravascular compartment around a single capillary, which is certainlyunrealistic. However, in a random network of capillaries, differently directedlongitudinal gradients would tend to produce a random pattern of c(T) whichcan be approximated as a uniform field.

According to Fick's law for diffusion through a thin membrane, diffusionloss from segment AX is equal to PS X[c(X) - c( T)]. A statement of materialbalance for AX may be set up as follows:

Inflow = diffusion loss + outflow(1)

Qc(X) = PS AX[c(X) - c(T)] + Qc(X + AX)

AxCA---/~....~ ]' ~ , FIGURE 1. Diagram of a singleaQ [ Ii _ i(xll - e( capillary to show flow-diffusion


^ ~--. c(T - -ciT)

Taking the limit as AX approaches zero, the following differential equationis obtained:

-Qdc(X) = PSdX[c(X) - c(T)] (2)

This is solved for [c(V) - c(T)] by integration over the entire length of thecapillary.

[c( V) - c(T)] = P/ (3[c(A) - c(T)]

The extent to which arterial blood equilibrates across the capillary wall,the "equilibration fraction" E, may be defined as the ratio of [c(A) - c(V)]to [c(A) - c(T)]. From equation 3, this becomes

E c(A) -c ( V)

c(A) - c(T)

I shall refer to this as the flow-equilibration equation.The dependence of equilibration ratio on blood flow, surface area, and

permeability in a single idealized capillary is illustrated in Fig. 2, which showsa graph of E as a function of the ratio Q/PS, according to equation 4.

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When blood flow is very small relative to the product of permeability andsurface area for any solute, equilibration of that solute across the capillarywall is nearly complete in a single passage, and transport of that solute iseffectively limited by blood flow. As blood flow increases relative to PS, theequilibration fraction decreases progressively. Transport becomes less and

FIGURE 2. Theoretical relation ofsolute equilibration to blood flow,permeability, and surface area ina single capillary.

less dependent on flow and more and more on PS. Ultimately, E falls recip-rocally with flow, and transport becomes entirely diffusion-limited. Permea-bilities for different solutes in the same capillary vary over a wide range.Therefore capillary transport may be simultaneously flow-limited for some

substances and diffusion-limited for others.

FIGURE 3. Diagram of a capillary bed with more than one exchange vessel. These areindicated by thick lines, the length of which is proportional to PS. The thin lines repre-sent distribution and collection vessels of negligible PS in relation to Q. Note that ex-change vessel transit time is not proportional to total transit time in this model.

The relation between blood flow and diffusion described by these equationsapplies to a single capillary. The microvascular bed of an organ or tissuecontains many arteriovenous pathways, which may differ with respect topermeability, surface area, and blood flow (3, 4). Not all of these may be

open to blood flow at any time, and thus the vascular smooth muscles whichcontrol the number of open pathways-mainly the precapillary sphincters-can exert effective control over blood-tissue equilibration. Furthermore, thepattern of blood flow distribution among the population of open capillarieshas a large influence on over-all transport. Fig. 3 shows a bed with three

arteriovenous pathways. The thick lines represent exchange vessel, and the

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EUGENE M. RENKIN Relation to Capillary Circulation

thin lines distributing and collecting vessels The length of the thick linesare meant to indicate relative PS products in each path. According to thesimple capillary model, blood-tissue equilibration in the three paths will bethe same only if QJPS is the same in each. In this condition, E for the entirebed will be that predicted by equation 4. If the individual Q/PS ratios differ,over-all E will be less than predicted on the basis of total Q and PS, owing tothe nonlinear shape of the theoretical relation betwen E and Q/PS in each

FIGURE 4. Diagram of the isolated, perfused gracilis muscle preparation. m.n. = mixednerve; s.t. = sympathetic trunk (left); SI and S2 = sites of electrical stimulation; l.f.a. =left femoral artery (X indicates a clamp to block flow); A = gracilis artery, branchingfrom the femoral [small branches to other muscles (not shown) are tied]; V = gracilisvein; j.v. = jugular vein; r.f.a. = right femoral artery; Res. = reservoir for blood;PUMP = Sigmamotor peristaltic pump; INJ.(A, B, C) = sites of isotope and drug in-jection; BP = strain gauge manometer to monitor donor dog's blood pressure; PA =perfusion pressure; Q = drop counter for venous outflow; CPM = scintillation counter(with rate meter) for monitoring venous radioactivity. For further detail, see reference5.

capillary (4). On these grounds, variability of the number of capillaries open,and variability of Q/PS among open capillaries, one might expect the extentof blood-tissue equilibration of all substances which are not entirely blood-flow-limited to be very susceptible to vasomotor phenomena. I should liketo describe some experiments which show that this is indeed the case, andwhich delineate the extent to which blood tissue equilibration is controlledby vasomotor mechanisms.

The experiments were done with the collaboration, in various parts of thework, of Dr. Sune Rosell, of the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm; Dr. OlgaHudlickd, of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague; Dr. Robert Sheehan,of Oxford, England; and Dr. David Yudilevich, of the University of Chile,

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Santiago. To them I am indebted for many important contributions, both toexperimental observations and to their theoretical interpretation.

The experimental preparation used is illustrated in Fig. 4. This is a com-posite diagram, showing several experimental possibilities. The vascular bedbelongs to the gracilis muscle of an anesthetized dog. (A few experimentswere also done on dog and cat gastrocnemius muscles.) Its circulation wascompletely isolated, and was perfused with heparinized blood with a constant-flow pump. The blood came either from the animal's opposite femoral arteryor from a stirred reservoir. Perfusion pressure was measured with a straingauge manometer as an indication of vascular resistance. Diffusible materialsto be studied, usually 86Rb or 42K, were added to the blood in the reservoir orinfused at constant rate into the arterial perfusion line upstream of the pump.In either case a uniform, constant arterial concentration was maintained.Tracer concentration in the venous outflow was monitored by a scintillationcounter. None of the venous blood containing radioactive material was re-turned to the animal. At the beginning and end of each experiment, samplesof arterial blood were injected into the venous counter. During the experi-ment, venous radioactivity was recorded continuously. Venous outflow wasmeasured with a drop counter, calibrated by stopwatch and graduate. Stimu-lating electrodes were applied to the lumbar sympathetic chain for producingvasoconstriction, and to the gracilis nerve for producing muscular contrac-tions. The electrical pulses used to stimulate the skeletomotor fibers were tooshort to stimulate the postganglionic vasomotor fibers in the mixed nerve.

The use of 42K and 86Rb as diffusible test substances in these experimentsgreatly simplifies analysis of blood-tissue equilibration. As fast as these sub-stances diffuse out of the capillaries, they enter the skeletal muscle cells andbecome mixed with the large quantity of nonradioactive potassium there. Asa result, tissue levels of 42K and 86Rb remain low. In experiments of shortduration, c(T) could be taken as zero with little error. In experiments lasting1 hr or more, terminal c(T) was estimated from c(V) after the arterial infusionof tracer had ended, and values of c(T) applicable during the experimentwere estimated by linear interpolation (5). Since c(T) was rarely greater than15% of c(A) during tracer infusion, errors introduced by this procedure weresmall. An advantage of the continuous infusion technique is that it permitscontinuous observation of equilibration fraction at constant blood flow duringexperimental manipulation of vasomotor mechanisms.

Fig. 5 is a photograph of part of an experimental record obtained by thismethod. The top tracing is arterial perfusion pressure; the scale is calibratedin mm Hg. The next tracing is venous radioactivity in thousands of countsper minute. The arterial level is indicated by the arrow at 25. The controlvenous 86Rb level was 15, and thus the equilibration fraction is (25 - 15)- 25, or 0.4. The blood flow record is next. In this experiment, blood flow

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EUGENE M. RENKIN Relation to Capillary Circulation

was held constant at 6 ml/min X 100 g muscle. The bottom line indicatestime in minutes, with a superimposed signal to mark experimental manipula-tions. At the first signal, the sympathetic chain was stimulated with supra-maximal pulses of 10 msec duration at a frequency of 4/sec. At the secondsignal, stimulus frequency was 16/sec. During the first stimulus, arterialperfusion pressure increased, indicating constriction of the resistance vessels.Venous 86Rb also increased, indicating decreased equilibration. The lagbetween resistance and transport change was mainly due to delay in transitto the venous counter. When the stimulus ceased, both resistance and venous86Rb returned to their control levels. The second stimulus produced greatervasoconstriction and reduction in 5sRb equilibration, to one-fourth the con-





TIME 60 SEC 4/=E I 6 I A

FIGURE 5. Photograph of an experimental record obtained on a gracilis muscle perfusedat constant flow. Changes in arterial perfusion pressure (top line) indicate changes inresistance vessels; changes in venous radioactivity (second line) indicate changes inblood-tissue transport. Figure reprinted by permission from Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 1962,54:223.

trol value. The stimulation periods used in these experiments were only 2min long, but in other experiments both vasoconstriction and decreasedequilibration were maintained as long as 10 min (5).

Fig. 6 is a graph of equilibration fraction of S6Rb plotted against blood flowfor two gracilis muscle preparations. The control states are represented bysolid lines. The points at different flow rates were obtained by adjusting theperfusion pump to the desired flow, and calculating E from the steady-statevenous 86Rb level observed. The curves were drawn through these points byeye. At blood flows higher than 8 ml/min X 100 g muscle, their configurationwas closely similar to the theoretical relation for an ideal capillary with a PSproduct Of 5.5 ml/min X 100 g. At lower flows, the experimental E valueslay slightly lower than predicted for this PS.

The relation between E and Q is not fixed for each muscle, but varies withvasomotor activity. In one experiment ( and +), vasoconstriction was

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produced by stimulating the sympathetic chain. This reduced E at any flowto about half its control value. This response was less than the maximum re-duction illustrated in Fig. 5, which was to one-fourth of the control. In theother experiment ( and X), stimulation of the gracilis nerve producedmuscular contraction and metabolic vasodilatation. E at every Q was in-creased. The curve drawn through these points corresponds to a PS of 10 ml/min X 100 g, nearly twice the control PS (5, 6).

The increase in 8 6Rb transport observed under these conditions dependson the vasodilatation, not on the muscular contractions themselves. If vaso-dilatation during the contraction period is prevented by previous infusion ofa vasodilator drug, the increase in equilibration fraction is abolished. Thisis illustrated in Fig. 7, which is a tracing of arterial pressure records (PA)

FiGURE 6. Experimental rela-tion of 86Rb equilibration andblood flow in the isolated,perfused gracilis muscle. Com-pare with Fig. 2.

V a 10 20 30ml/min

Q '00-

and venous 8 6Rb records V(Rb) in two of a series of motor nerve stimulations.Blood flow was constant and the same for both. The tracings are superimposedwith contraction periods between the vertical lines. The solid line is the con-trol record. Contraction was accompanied by a fall in perfusion pressure(vasodilatation) and a fall in venous 86Rb (increased equilibration). Bothreturned to control after stimulation ceased. The dashed line illustrates theresult of repeating the experiment during intra-arterial infusion of papaverine(0.4 mg/min/100 g), which produced maximal vasodilatation. The musclecontracted during the period of stimulation as before, but there was no changein perfusion pressure since the vascular bed was already fully dilated. Norwas there any fall in venous 86Rb. After recovery from the effects of papav-erine, the initial responses to stimulation were restored.

The total range over which effective PS in the capillary bed of mammalianskeletal muscle can be varied is about 8-fold from maximum nervous vaso-constriction to maximum metabolic vasodilatation. The ordinary PS ininnervated or acutely denervated muscles at rest in anesthetized dogs is aboutmidway between these extremes. It seems likely that most, if not all, of thevariation in PS can be accounted for in terms of opening and closing of indi-





I I a

*,x Gracilis 10-Aug.-64o,+ " 9-Jan.-61

%X E' T

% + %"X. Max. MetabolicM'e z"..... 'Vasodi/oaton

Max.+ --.Sympathetic I IVosoconstriction Contro

i l l~~~~~~~~~~~

_^^ ^

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EUGENE M. RENKIN Relation to Capillary Circulation

vidual capillary pathways by relaxation of precapillary sphincters (7, 8). Atrest, half of the capillaries might be open at any one time; in maximum meta-bolic vasodilatation, all of them; and in sympathetic vasoconstriction, as fewas one-eighth. Doubling of capillary counts in contracting gracilis muscleshas been reported (9), but to my knowledge no one has ever counted capil-laries during nervous vasoconstriction.

There are certain vasomotor phenomena, however, to which the simpleexplanation of open and closed capillaries cannot apply. One of these is whatI have called "excessive" metabolic vasodilatation (6). This results when thefrequency of motor nerve stimulation is increased above that required toproduce nearly maximum vasodilatation. Little further vasodilatation can beproduced, but equilibration of 86Rb falls from its maximum elevation. Duringrecovery after contraction, E may rise again to its maximum before returning


it Oa



0 I 2 3 4 5Min

FiGuRE 7. Dependence on vasodilatation of the increase in 86Rb transport during andafter muscular contraction; tracings of experimental records. Only perfusion pressureand venous radioactivity are shown.

to its resting value. Another example is the vasodilatation produced by intra-arterial infusion of vasodilator drugs. With most vasodilators, this is ac-companied by unchanged or even decreased equilibration of 86Rb. The ex-periment with papaverine shown in Fig. 7 is an example of this. The maxi-mum vasodilatation produced by this drug did not lower venous 86Rb. Therewas actually a small rise in its level, which indicates impairment of transport.The same effect is observed during infusion of acetylcholine, ATP, and nitro-glycerine. The only exceptions are the 3-adrenergic vasodilators (isopro-terenol, and epinephrine after a-blockade) (10).

In both these situations, it seems possible that alterations in the distributionof blood flow among the open capillaries of the bed are responsible for thefailure of their total transport capacity to be realized. In drug-induced vaso-dilatation, this may be only an artifact of intra-arterial infusion. Whateverarterioles and precapillary sphincters are reached first by the drug will open,and thus most of the blood carrying the drug will go to them. Why this doesnot also occur in the case of /3-adrenergic vasodilators is not clear. It has been

0C _ , Muscular Contraction*I twitch per sec 8. ml/min 100g


-_ _ Popoverne

A (Rb) = 4ZO

'5 -

I0 3

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suggested that their vasodilating action is not direct, but is due to stimulationof tissue metabolism (11). "Excessive" metabolic vasodilatation may be ofimportant physiological significance. In a population of capillaries, maximumequilibration requires not only that all capillaries be open, but that the ratioQIPS be the same in all. Neglecting differences in capillary diameter andpermeability, it is evident that long capillaries with a high PS product requirea high blood flow, while short capillaries with low PS require low flow.Poiseuille's law works in just the opposite direction: the largest flow would goto the shortest capillaries. To maintain maximum equilibration in a fullyopen bed, some vascular resistance must be provided in the shorter capillarypaths. According to this hypothesis, "excessive" vasodilatation represents






no0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 17

Time, min

FIGURE 8. Multiple-tracer experiments: step-function infusion. The nondiffusible

reference was 5 9Fe-siderophilin; the diffusible tracers were 2Na and 86Rb. Cd/Cr repre-

sents the concentration ratio of diffusible tracer to reference in successive samples of

venous blood. The number preceding the diffusible tracer symbol is the blood flow in

milliliters per minute X 100 g muscle.

removal of this remaining resistance, with consequent elevation of Q relative

to PS in the shortest capillary pathways (3, 4).To study the distribution of Q/PS ratios in a capillary network, equilibra-

tion of a diffusible tracer must be measured in relation to microvasculartransit of blood. For this purpose, my colleagues and I have administeredconstant intra-arterial infusions of a mixture of two or more substances for

periods of only a few minutes' duration. This is an adaptation of the multipleindicator technique of Chinard and his associates (12). One substance was a

nondiffusible reference (T-1824 or 5 9 Fe-siderophilin) to measure the extentof vascular wash-through; the others were diffusible. The ratio of diffusibleto reference tracer concentrations in successively collected samples of venousblood, Cd/Cr, represents the proportion of diffusible solute which did notescape from the capillaries. The equilibration ratio, in the absence of back-diffusion, is thus equal to 1 - (Cd/Cr) (13).

16.3 Na Gracilis RY-6

,,o r° -_,-- - - -- 16.3 Rb

k ^;_n-a ~/3n r0 3.9 Rb

I I I I I I I I I // I

Io 4 s

l , I .. f.

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EUGENE M. RENKIN Relation to Capillary Circulation

Fig. 8 shows two out of four such step-function runs made at differentblood flow rates in a single gracilis muscle. This was one of a series of experi-ments carried out in my laboratory with the collaboration of Dr. DavidYudilevich (14).1 The lowest and highest flows are represented. Two diffusi-ble tracers were used in each run, 86Rb and 22Na. The ordinates representCd/Cr ratios for each. The abscissa is time in minutes. The run at low flowlasted 17 min; the part between 10 and 16 min has been left out of the figure.

Cd/Cr for 86Rb was lowest in the first venous samples containing tracer androse in subsequent samples. After about 3 min at high flow, and 6-8 min at

FIGURE 9. Lower: relation of initialequilibration, E(0), and "plateau"equilibration, E(p), for Na and Rbto blood flow in the perfused gracilismuscle (compare with Fig. 2). Upper:ratio of equilibration fractions for Nato those simultaneously measured forKb. he horizontal line /L representsthe ratio of the free diffusion coeffi-cients (Na/Rb) = 0.74.

vO 5 10 15 20Blood Flow, ml/min.100g

low flow, it reached a steady level, which is the equivalent of the steady-statevenous level measured by the continuous infusion technique. Both initialand steady level were higher at the increased flow. The Cd/Cr curves for 22Nastarted at values close to those for 86Rb, but rose more rapidly, and did notbecome level. Since distribution of 22Na is largely restricted to the extra-cellular compartment of the muscle, c(T) rises rapidly. The continued riseof the Cd/Cr curve for 22Na is due to diffusion of escaped 22Na back into thecapillaries. Back-diffusion of s6Rb, which is distributed in total tissue K, ismuch less than that of 22Na. Consequently a large part of the rise in Cd/Crwith time or this substance must represent differences in equilibration of suc-cessively washed-through capillary paths. Since E was high in the first paths

1 D. L. Yudilevich, E. M. Renkin, 0. A. Alvarez, and I. Bravo. Manuscript in preparation.



Rb 0,6






E (p).. .. .........j .......

Gracilis RY-6

.- .................. . ....... E (p

I I I Il



105 s

I f%


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to appear, Q/PS must have been low. E fell with time as capillaries of higherQ/PS appeared, and finally a constant E representing average Q/PS for theentire bed was reached. The order of progression of Q/PS was exactly theopposite of what one would expect from the increase of arteriovenous transittime, if P for all channels were the same. It is possible that P is much higherin the rapidly perfused capillaries. However, one must remember that capil-lary transit time is not necessarily proportional to total vascular transit time.

Equilibration ratios calculated for initial, final, and indeed all intermediatepoints on the Cd/Ci curve vary with total blood flow qualitatively, as pre-dicted by the flow-equilibration equation (equation 4). The lower part ofFig. 9 shows a graph of initial [E(O)] and plateau [E(p)] equilibration ratiosfor 22Na and 8Rb as functions of total blood flow. Data from all four runs ofthe experiment are plotted. E(p) for 22Na is not a proper equilibration ratio,since there was no real plateau in the curve because of back-diffusion. E(O)Nis, of course, unaffected by this. Remarkably, of all the curves, E(P)Rb con-forms most closely to the flow-equilibration equation (equation 4) and yieldsa nearly constant PS except at the lowest flow. E(O) for both 22Na and 86Rbfalls less steeply with increasing blood flow than the theoretical relationpredicts. PS values calculated from them using total blood flow rise rapidlywith flow (13). However, the actual blood flow through these capillaries isnot known, and only this flow can properly be used to compute their PS.

Many workers have tried, by comparison of equilibration fractions for twosubstances of different diffusibility, to obtain information about the natureof the common barrier to their diffusion (12, 13, 15, 16). In the upper partof Fig. 9, I have plotted ratios of E(O) and E(p) for 22Na relative to 86Rb. Theratio of the free diffusion coefficients of these two ions is 0.74, indicated bythe dashed horizontal line. I shall make no attempt to interpret the E(p)ratios, except to say they are not less than half the free diffusion ratio. Dis-crimination between 22Na and 86Rb at the muscle cell membrane would yielda much lower ratio. The E(O) ratio is close to 1.0 at low flow and falls towardthe free diffusion ratio of 0.74 at the highest flow studied. If 22Na and 86 Rbpenetrate the capillary wall through pores 80-90 A wide, a restricted diffusionratio closer to 0.65 would be expected. This ratio might have been reachedif the experiment had been extended to flows greater than 20 ml/min X 100 g.Unfortunately, this was not done because it was too far above the normal flowfor resting skeletal muscle. However, the observation that E(O) ratios fordifferent substances are functions of blood flow indicates that such ratioscannot be used as direct measures of relative capillary permeability to differ-ent substances. But why should E(O) ratios vary with total flow, and how canratios greater than the ratio of free diffusion coefficients be accounted for?I cannot answer these questions, but I suspect that the explanation lies inthe functional inhomogeneity of the peripheral capillary network, and that

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the solution is to be found in an experimental approach to transport at themicrocirculatory level.

This investigation was supported by National Science Foundation grant GB-5063X.


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14. YUDILEVICH, D. L., O. A. ALVAREZ, and E. M. RENKIN. 1967. Fractional extraction andcapillary permeability. Federation Proc. 26:496. (Abstr.)

15. ALVAREZ, O., and D. L. YUDILEVICH. 1967. Capillary permeability and tissue exchange ofwater and electrolytes in the stomach. Am. J. Physiol. 213:315.

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Dr. C. Lloyd Claff: In connection with the last paper and the previous papers onmodels, I would like to speak for a moment on the hemodynamics of steady laminalflow vs. pulsatile pressure; and its effect on the peripheral vascular area. It was mygood fortune 15 years ago to know August Krogh and to have had several chatswith him about the capillary bed. As you all know, he won the Nobel Prize for hiswork on capillaries. And shortly thereafter I had the pleasure of seeing a hamstercheek capillary preparation by Dr. Fulton of the Graduate School of Boston Uni-


Page 13: Transcapillary Exchange in Relation to Capillary Circulation · Transcapillary Exchange in Relation to Capillary Circulation EUGENE M. RENKIN From the Department of Physiology and


versity, and then, later, at the Howe Ophthalmological Laboratory, General Hospital,Boston, the retina of the eye.

It was apparent to me at those times that the cells didn't march along through thecapillary in a row as soldiers, but gathered up in bunches and went "plop," followedby clear plasma; and between them were stray cells and clear plasma. At that timeI made up my mind that models should be created with a pulsatile pressure. There-fore, for the last 12 yr I have devoted my attention to membrane oxygenation withpulsatile pressure as part of the system, rather than steady laminar flow.

Now we are getting clinical evidence in open heart operations, which seemed to beperfectly adequate but 30, 60, or 90 days later gave evidence of brain damage, whichpossibly was the result of a constant laminar pressure flow on a system that normallyis a pulsatile system. The steady pressure apparently interferes with the normalcapillary action, and areas of anoxia are created.

This was brought out to me very strikingly 4 yr ago in working with sharks on theIsland of Bimini. We put a 6 ft shark to sleep and had plenty of perfusion. We couldn'tget any venous return. We hauled his tail up so he was vertical, and still no venousreturn, until we found that we had to close the chest cavity, put in a cannula, andapply a pulsatile negative pressure of 1-3 mm Hg; then our venous return came backlike water out of a kitchen faucet. So I just call your attention to the fact that indesigning models it may be well to look at the effect of pulsatile pressure on the periph-eral areas of the capillary bed as well as steady pressure on the capillary bed.

Dr. Renkin: At this late hour I can't discuss the problem of pulsatile flow in capil-laries. However, I would like to make a general plea in defense of those who makesimple models. A model must begin very simply. And if one has difficulty in under-standing the phenomena that can take place even in a simple model of the capillarysystem such as I have used, or as Dr. Wiederhielm has used, it is dangerous to gobeyond this and try scaling the model back to an extremely realistic system. This isnot the way to go at it. The art of model building and model working is to put onlyinto the models those things you can understand and see how far you can go withthem.

When those are reasonably understood, or when their inadequacies are understood,then the next stage of complexity can be attempted. I think it is a mistake to try tostart from a too realistic system in which everything is there.

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