Trangie Central School’s 2013 Fete 26th October at Trangie Central School between 10am and 2pm. Stalls include - Cakes, Christmas decorations, butterfly stall, crazy hair, balloons, Tattoos', Face painting, Smash up car, bottle stall plus lots more!! We will also have a Jumping castle, a Cattle team competition & fashion parade. For further information or to book a stall or car boot site contact the School office on 68887578

Trangie Central · Ashley, Aaron Pearce, Darrian Riley, Ebany King and Caitlin O’Brien all the best for their HSC Exams next week and the future. From the principal Smile of the

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Page 1: Trangie Central · Ashley, Aaron Pearce, Darrian Riley, Ebany King and Caitlin O’Brien all the best for their HSC Exams next week and the future. From the principal Smile of the

Trangie Central


2013 Fete

26th October at Trangie Central School between 10am and 2pm.

Stalls include -

Cakes, Christmas decorations, butterfly stall, crazy hair, balloons, Tattoos',

Face painting, Smash up car, bottle stall plus lots more!!

We will also have a Jumping castle, a Cattle team competition & fashion parade.

For further information or to book a stall or car boot site contact the

School office on 68887578

Page 2: Trangie Central · Ashley, Aaron Pearce, Darrian Riley, Ebany King and Caitlin O’Brien all the best for their HSC Exams next week and the future. From the principal Smile of the

Trangie Central School Newsletter

10th October 2013


Derribong Street

Trangie 2823


6888 7578


6888 7602



[email protected]


Website: www.trangie-



Anne Holden

Access Coordinator:

Troy Jones

Head Teachers:

Debbie Waters

Anne Fisher

Assistant Principals:

Penny Dugan

Jacky Murtagh

School Admin


Jaye Milgate

Parents and Citizens



Melinda Gleeson

Vice President:

Kirsty Cook


Sally-Jane St Clair


Amanda Kater

What’s On

P & C Meeting


16th October

3:15 pm

School Library

AECG Meeting

To be Advised

Week 2 14/10 to 16/10 Burrendong Camp for Year 3/4

16/10 to 18/10 Primary State Athletics

18/10 Secondary Cricket

18/10 Coolah Horse Sports

18/10 Movie Night starting at 6:00pm

Year 12 2013

The staff and students of Trangie Central School would like to wish Aaron

Ashley, Aaron Pearce, Darrian Riley, Ebany King and Caitlin O’Brien all

the best for their HSC Exams next week and the future.

Page 3: Trangie Central · Ashley, Aaron Pearce, Darrian Riley, Ebany King and Caitlin O’Brien all the best for their HSC Exams next week and the future. From the principal Smile of the

From the principal

Smile of the Week

Tern 3 - Week 10

Goes to Skye Rush for her

Waterloo moves.

Hi everyone, welcome back to Term 4. Daylight saving

and sunshine are a welcome change to cold weather and

dark evenings!


At TCS we pride ourselves on offering a wide range of

extra-curricular activities with our outstanding

Instrumental Music Program, Steer Leading, Sport, Horse

Sports, Archibull, Band … and the list goes on. We are

also however totally focused on ensuring Quality

Teaching in every classroom and academic excellence is

our core business. We are very excited that this year our

NAPLAN results have demonstrated how great an

improvement we have made for students of all abilities.

We are truly going from strength to strength and it proves

what a talented and dedicated group of teachers, and what

wonderful engaged students we have.


Archibull is really making progress. The team, led by Mr

Troy Jones is doing a fantastic job in transforming our

ghostly cow into a green machine. I cannot wait until the

end product and you can be sure that we will be giving

you all the opportunity to view it when it is completed.


As always, Term 4 is very busy with organising the

curriculum for the next year. Again we have a broad range

of subjects on offer so that students are able to study

subjects that they enjoy and are good at. Year 9 and 10

have 8 elective subjects to choose from with Industrial

Arts, Visual Arts, Food Technology, Music, Agriculture

and Textiles amongst the offerings. Classes are small and

the teaching is expert so students at TCS are doubly


The Western Access Program enables students in the

senior years to access all the skills available across our

group of 17 schools. This delivers a quality senior

education to all students regardless of where they live. If

you are interested in learning more about this fantastic

program you can check out the Western Access Program


Reminder re Hats

The weather is starting to heat up very quickly and now

Term 4 has begun hats will again be compulsory for all

students. We have a ‘No hat, no play’ rule to ensure sun

safety for both primary and secondary students. Uniform

requirements are:

Primary: TCS Bucket hat ($8.00) and

Secondary: TCS Bucket hat ($8.00) OR TCS Cap


Please note that no other hats will be accepted during

school hours or for excursions. All students should have a

school hat with them each day for lessons out of doors and

for recess and lunch breaks.

Finally ........

My belief is that if a child is not at school then they

cannot learn. I will continue to work with families and

support them in ensuring that all children attend regularly

and so take full advantage of all the opportunities that a

good education offers. It is the best possible gift you can

give your child. We cannot do this unless we work as a


Remember :

Education gives


As always, my door is open. Do not hesitate to come in

and see me if you have a concern. No problem is too hard

to solve if we work together.

All the best

Anne Holden


Quality conversations

Quality learning

Page 4: Trangie Central · Ashley, Aaron Pearce, Darrian Riley, Ebany King and Caitlin O’Brien all the best for their HSC Exams next week and the future. From the principal Smile of the

SECONDARY Term 4 has begun and before you know it, it will be Christmas!! Someone mentioned the other day

that it was only 11 weeks until the festivities begin. We have a busy term planned and of course it

never seems like there are enough hours to complete everything.

Archibull Update

This project is coming along swimmingly. The team has been

extremely busy getting Archi ready for judging. From what we

have seen, it looks amazing and the final product will definitely be

in the running for first prize. The blog has been well received and

you can access this through our website: http://www.trangie-


Mr Jones wanted us to mention his appreciation of all the

donations he has kindly received from the community.


As the warmer weather has hit us quite quickly, we need to remind students

that hats are to be worn during breaks and at sport. The school bucket hat

or cap can be purchased from the school office. We are going to adopt the

‘no hat, no play’ rule, as it is part of the SunSmart Initiative enforced by the

Department of Communities. Students should also be bringing plenty of

fluids to keep themselves well hydrated at all times.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is running once again this term from Tuesday – Friday. It is held in the Food Tech

room from 8.10am and there is usually toast, pancakes or cereal on offer. Research has proven that

students learn better if they have had a decent breakfast in the morning. We have been lucky to

receive generous donations from the community to maintain this worthwhile program.


Rehearsals are every Monday in the school hall from 3pm. The school band is

sounding very professional and it is due to the dedication of all its members. Please

see Miss Dorman if you are interested in joining.


Year 8 will sit the ESSA Test on Monday 14th October 2013 commencing 9:00am. If students have

their own headphones could they please bring them if not the school will supply them.

Year 12

We want to wish our Year 12 students all the best of luck in their HSC exams starting on Monday

14th October.

Have a great weekend

Debbie Waters

Anne Fisher

Head Teachers Secondary

Page 5: Trangie Central · Ashley, Aaron Pearce, Darrian Riley, Ebany King and Caitlin O’Brien all the best for their HSC Exams next week and the future. From the principal Smile of the


Student of the Week

Kai Greenwood

For: Excelling in all areas

Class: 3/4 Diamonds

Favourite Colour: Pink

Favourite Food: Chocolate

Favourite Music: Replay

What I am good at: Sport

My Hero: My Mum

School Calendar

Reminders – Reading – summer is a great

time to enjoy reading with your

child. We are very lucky to

have a well stocked school

library that is available for

borrowing books.

Alternatively, please support

our wonderful town library –

borrow a pile of books and

encourage your child to read,

read, read!

Week 2 14/13 to 16/10

Year 3/4



16/10 to 18/10

State Athletics


Coolah Horse



Movie Night

Week 3 23/10

Year 6 into 7

Transition Day





Day Assembly

Page 6: Trangie Central · Ashley, Aaron Pearce, Darrian Riley, Ebany King and Caitlin O’Brien all the best for their HSC Exams next week and the future. From the principal Smile of the

PRIMARY Assistant Principals’ report The school year is continuing at a rapid pace – proving the old adage

that time flies when you’re having fun. Students have been focused on

learning and teachers try, at all times, to challenge our students and

encourage lots of different thinking strategies. You can support this at

home by asking your child in depth and open ended questions and also

by engaging your child in lengthy conversations about the world

around them. Term 4 In Term 4 all students MUST wear a blue broad brimmed

school hat each day as part of our school’s sun safe policy. Children

who do not wear a hat will have to sit under the shelter at play times.

Hats are available to purchase from the office. Please make sure your

child’s hat is clearly marked with their full name. Thank you families

for your support in this matter.

Some more photos of our recent MADD night celebrations.

Burrendong School Camp for Stage

2 Children

Students will need to be at school at

8:00am. The bus will be departing at

8:30am. Children will need to bring

morning tea, a hat and a drink bottle . We

have asked the children not to over pack

and to please only wear play clothes. This

is an active, adventure - style camp so

clothing needs to be comfortable, protect

the children from the sun and old enough

that stains don’t matter! We are expecting

to have lots of fun.

School Hats

School Hats for Sale at the front office.

$8-00 each.

Page 7: Trangie Central · Ashley, Aaron Pearce, Darrian Riley, Ebany King and Caitlin O’Brien all the best for their HSC Exams next week and the future. From the principal Smile of the

Access News.

Week One - Term Four

General Business.

Welcome back to Term Four!

2013 HSC Students.

Important dates:

Students at home should be preparing and revising for the HSC examinations starting

from Monday the 14th of October until Wednesday the 6th of November. Students are

reminded to visit students online at any time to check their personal information, e.g.

examination timetables, approved examination equipment.


2014 HSC Students

Preliminary students are now commencing the HSC course. They will be receiving an

assessment schedule soon regarding their assessments for the year ahead. This

information will be available on the WAP website.

Feel free to visit the Western Access Program website for more information




Mr. T Jones. Access Coordinator.

Year 11 Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation

SLR is a subject in which students develop their understanding and competence in a range of sports and recreational

pursuits. This year the Year 11 course is delivered by Trish Morgan from Trundle. Students cover the theory content of

this subject in VC’s and during face to face time with co-teachers, they apply the practical skills required for the unit.

Students are currently studying a module titled Individual Games based on golf. They will be marked on skills in

putting, chipping and driving as well as their ability to explain the skills required the types of competition and


Ashleigh Farrar practising her iron shot

Page 8: Trangie Central · Ashley, Aaron Pearce, Darrian Riley, Ebany King and Caitlin O’Brien all the best for their HSC Exams next week and the future. From the principal Smile of the

Community Garden Outdoor Kitchen

Members of our community, as well as staff and students from Trangie Central School enjoyed a

delightful afternoon in our Community Garden on Thursday the 19th of September.

Thanks to Macquarie 2100 and The Cocky’s Wife Catering we were entertained and educated by

experienced chef ‘Angie’ about how easy it is to provide fresh healthy meals. The interactive cooking

demonstration allowed people to participate in the preparation process and taste gourmet food that was

made of fresh produce from the garden and the local area.

The Community Garden is a fantastic local Trangie initiative open for all to experience and be a part


Narromine Junior Cricket

Narromine Junior Cricket will commence this Friday 11/10/13 at 5pm. Milo and Under 10’s at Olsen Oval / McGrath nets and Under 13’s at Dundas. Anyone still wanting to register or want more information please call Greg 0428 896 324.

HALLOWEEN NIGHT Hosted by the Trangie LALC

When: Friday 1st November 2013

Where: Selected Trick or Treat Houses

Starts at 5:00pm with a Sausage Sizzle available at a small


Cost to participate $2-00 per person

Gather at the Trangie Central School Hall to collect your

name badge, street map and goodies

Under 18 disco will follow for those interested

Registrations will close Wednesday 30th October


We are looking for adults to participate by hosting a trick or

treat house

For more information contact Terrie Milgate at the Land

Council office or by phoning 02 6999 7661.

Page 9: Trangie Central · Ashley, Aaron Pearce, Darrian Riley, Ebany King and Caitlin O’Brien all the best for their HSC Exams next week and the future. From the principal Smile of the

School Spec Movie Night

Friday 18th October—6pm $5 entry includes sausage sizzle, pop top

$20 family ticket—4 or more kids Popcorn, lollies and chips available for purchase

Movie: Monsters University (G)

All proceeds go towards sending our dancers to the annual Schools Spectacular in Sydney later

this year.