Trait and Ethic in Leadership

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  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    My Apple

    4 Volunteers 2 will give the instruction 2 (blindfolded) will find the apples location

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Your first expression?

    Do we think that red lady isimportant?

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    So what types do we need as aleader?

    Watch this!! (video)

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Our government approaches

    1979 Panduan Etika PerkhidmatanCemerlang

    1982 Kempen Bersih Cekap dan Manah 1983 Kempen Kepimpinan melalui


    1985 Dasar Penerapan Nilai-Nilai Islamdalam perkhidmatan Awam 1992 Buku Tonggak Dua Belas

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Perspektif Islam(Pusat Islam Norhisham b Abdullah)

    Cemerlang Berinisiatif Niat Bertanggungjawab pada masyarakat Amanah dalam kerja Komited dengan kerja Akhlak Jujur Bersyukur Pengurusan masa Muhasabah

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership



    Special born withcertain character traits

    Associated with

    proficient leadership Naturally part born

    AS & OR

    Influenced by our personalities and theway we are born

    Can be learn (Mirroring) Will be

    created to be deceitful or good manner


    says INCORRECT

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Five Most Important LeadershipTraits

    Honest Forward-Looking Competent Inspiring Intelligent

    From Kouzes and Posners research into leadership

    (TheLeadership Challenge)

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    TraitsThe Most to Must

    20 Patience19 Continuous Development18 Graft

    17 Fairness / Equity16 Modesty15 Appreciates Quality14 Sense of Humour

    13 Wide Outlook12 Adaptability and Flexibility11- Human understanding

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Cont10 Clarity9 Charisma8 Ability to delegate7 Calmness6 Ability to listen5 Confidence4 Consistency3 Approachability & Friendliness

    2 Passion and Motivation1 - Trustworthiness

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Achievement Motivation Theory(David McClelland: 1940s)

    Attempts to explain and predictbehavior and performance based on

    a persons need for achievement,power and affiliation

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    AMTThe need for Achievement (n Ach)

    Unconscious concern for excellence in accomplishmentsthrough individual efforts

    People with strong n Ach tend to have an internal locus of control, self-confidence, high energy traits

    High n Ach is categorized as the Big Five dimension of conscientiousness

    Tent to solving problem Goal oriented moderate, realistic, attainable goal Seek challenge, excellence and individuality take calculated,

    moderate risk, desire concrete feedback and work hard

    Think about to do better, accomplish something unusual andcareer progression Perform well in nonroutine, challenging and competitive situation

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    AMTThe need for Power (n Pow)

    Control situation Influence or control over others

    Enjoying competition Willing to confront others Authority and status

    To be ambitious successful leadership

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    AMTThe need for Affiliation (n Aff)

    Concern about what others think of them Getting their own way (influencing others)

    Tend to AVOID management because liketo be one of the group rather than itsleader

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    LMP(Leader Motive Profile Theory)

    Attempts to explain and predict leadershipsuccess based on a persons need for achievement, power and affiliation motive

    profile LMP includes a high need for power,

    which is socialized; that is grater than theneed for a affiliation and with a moderateneed for achievement (usually somewherebetween the power and affiliation score

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Activity 2

    Identify each of the five behaviors by its need,write the appropriate letter in the blank beforeeach item. The person may be behaving based

    on a strong need, or the behavior may be theapposite indicating a weak need. Also state howthe behavior meets the need and predict theperformanca

    A achievement B power C - affiliation

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    ___ 1. The person is refusing to be thespokesperson for the group

    ___ 2. The person is going to talk to a fellowemployee with whom she had a disagreementearlier in the day to peacefully resolve the conflict

    ___ 3. The person is working hard to meet adifficult deadline

    ___ 4. An accounting major has volunteered tocalculate the financial analysis for the groupscase and to make the presentation to the class

    ___ 5. The fellow employee in situation 2 hasmade up his mind that he will not be the first oneto make a move to resolve the conflict with theother person; but when other party comes to him,he will be receptive.

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Western ethical Philosophy

    Ethics are virtues such as justice, charity andgenerosity benefit the person and the person'ssociety. (Largely based on Aristotle's ideas.)

    Ethics are central to morality - a human duty -based on rational people's respect for other rational people. (Notably supported by Kant.)

    Ethics are a guiding principle based on conduct

    which produces the greatest happiness or benefit to the greatest number of people.(Referred to as utilitarianism - this might be alsobe considered 'the greater good' concept.)

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Theory X and Theory Y

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Theory X

    Assumes that the average person Dislike work and attempts to avoid it Has no ambition, wants no responsibility, and

    would rather follow than lead Is self-centered and therefore does not care

    about organizational goal

    Resists change Is gullible and not particularly intelligent

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Theory Y

    Makes the following general assumptions Work can be as natural as play and rest People will be self-directed to meet their work

    objectives if they are committed to them People will be committed to their objectives if rewards

    are in place that address higher needs such as self-fulfillment

    Under these conditions, people will seek responsibility Most people can handle responsibility because

    creativity and ingenuity are common in the population

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    The Pygmalion Effect

    This uniquely human phenomenon Persistently held belief in another person such

    that the belief becomes as reality. The person believed in, being believed,

    becomes the person whom they are perceived tobe.

    Main idea is believing in potential simplycreates potential and may occur all around us Mark Machaalani

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership



    It is a BACKBONE behind planning andthinking Can be influents by behavior Leader not only ask for good behave but they

    is the Role Model Responsible to guide their organization by

    values and principles

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    In other hand, when leadership ethics areapplied, colleagues learn how to act in a waythat promotes the well-being of others

    Instead of working in a state of Fear Anger


    - Emotion of joy- Love

    - Generosity

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership



    Knowing the right and wrong behavior canbe critical in making or breaking organization

    When an organizationlacks of essentialtraits,Will soon crumble

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Ethics in Three Dimension

    First Idea of the autonomous actor Seem simple or straight forward

    Second System Has to do something with the systems Social arrangements Define our range of voices

    Third Assertion Opportunity to improve our situation To do better

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    How do we feel?

    Is it because of great leader guidance?or commercial values?

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Activity 3 For this activity, you will be using the same set of statements

    twice. The first time you answer them, focus on your own behavior and

    the frequency with which you use it for each question. On the line before the question number, place the number 14

    that represents how often you did do the behavior in the past, if you do the behavior now, or if you would do the behavior if youhad the chance.

    These numbers will allow you to determine your level of ethics. You can be honest without fear of having to tell others your score

    in class.

    Sharing ethics scores is not part of the activity Frequently Never

    1 2 3 4

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    The second time you use the same statements,focus on other people in an organization that youwork/worked for.

    Place an O on the line after the number if youobserved someone doing this behavior.

    Also place an R on the line if you reported(whistleblowing) this behavior within theorganization or externally.

    Oobserved Rreported

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    College ____ 1. ___ Cheating on homework


    ____ 2. ___ Cheating on exams. ____ 3. ___ Passing in papers that were

    completed by someone else, as your own


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    ___ 4. ___ Lying to others to get what you want or stay out of trouble.

    ____ 5. ___ Coming to work late, leaving work

    early, taking long breaks/lunches and gettingpaid for it. ____ 6. ___ Socializing, goofing off, or doing

    personal work rather than doing the work that

    should be done and getting paid for it. ____ 7. ___ Calling in sick to get a day off, whennot sick.

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    ____ 8. ___ Using the organizations phone,computer, Internet, copier, mail, car, and so on for personal use.

    ____ 9. ___ Taking home company tools/equipmentwithout permission for personal use and returningit.

    ____ 10. ___ Taking home organizational suppliesor merchandise and keeping it.

    ____ 11. ___ Giving company supplies or merchandise to friends or allowing them to takethem without saying anything.

    ____ 12. ___ Putting in for reimbursement for mealsand travel or other expenses that werent actuallyeaten or taken.

    ____ 13. ___ Taking spouse/friends out to eat or onbusiness trips and charging it to the organizational

    expense account.

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    ____ 14. ___ Accepting gifts from customers/ suppliers inexchange for giving them business.

    ____ 15. ___ Cheating on your taxes. ____ 16. ___ Misleading customer to make a sale, such as

    short delivery dates. ____ 17. ___ Misleading competitors to get information to

    use to compete against them, such as saying/pretending

    to be a customer/supplier. ____ 18. ___ Planting things to look good. ____ 19. ___ Selling more of the product than the customer

    needs, to get the commission.

    ____ 20. ___ Spreading false rumors about coworkers or competitors to make yourself look better for advancement or to make more sales

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    ____ 21. ___ Lying for your boss when asked/toldto do so.

    ____ 22. ___ Deleting information that makes youlook bad or changing information to look better than actual resultsfalse information.

    ____ 23. ___ Being pressured, or pressuring

    others, to sign off on documents with falseinformation. ____ 24. ___ Being pressured, or pressuring

    others, to sign off on documents you havent

    read knowing they may contain information or decisions that might be consideredinappropriate.

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    ____ 25. If you were to give this assessment toa person you work with whom you do not getalong with very well, would s/he agree with your answers? Use a scale of yes 41 no on the linebefore the number 25 and skip O or R.

    Other Unethical Behavior:

    Add other unethical behaviors you observed.Identify if you reported the behavior using R.

    26. _____

    27. _____ 28. _____

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    Scoring: To determine your ethics score, addthe numbers 14. Your total will be between 25and 100.

    Place the number here ____ and on thecontinuum below that represents your score.

    The higher your score the more ethical is your behavior, and vice versa for lower scores.

    2530405060708090100Unethical Ethical

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    Individuals and groups with a multitude of interests, expectations, and demands as towhat business should provide to society

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Origins of the Stakeholder Concept

    What is a stake ?An interest or a share in an undertaking and can

    be categorized as:

    Interest Right Ownership



  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Three Values of the Stakeholder Model

    Descriptive Instrumental


    Key Questions In Stakeholder

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Key Questions In Stakeholder Management

    What economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities does our firm have to its stakeholders?


    Be a good corporatecitizen.

    Ethical ResponsibilitiesEthical ResponsibilitiesBe ethical.

    Legal ResponsibilitiesLegal Responsibilities

    Obey the law.


    Be profitable.

  • 8/14/2019 Trait and Ethic in Leadership


    Stakeholder Power:Four Gates of Engagement

    Awareness Knowledge Admiration Action

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