MADHYA PRADESH Training need assessment for adaptation planning and implementation in EPCO

Training need assessment for adaptation planning …...Validaon Workshop in Bhopal 39 List of Abbreviaons and Acronyms 5.4 Other areas 32 5.4.1 Climate Change in The Indian Context

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Training need assessmentfor adaptation planning and

implementation in



Table of Contents1 Introduc�on 6

2 Approach to the Study 7

3 Capacity Assessment — Baseline Scenario 9

3.1 State Knowledge Management Centre on Climate Change (SKMCCC) 9

3.2 Water Resources Department (WRD) 10

3.3 Urban Development and Housing Department (UDHD) 15

3.4 Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) 17

3.5 Panchayat and Rural Development Department (PRDD) 18

3.6 Department of Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development (DFWAD) 20

4 Capacity Gaps and Requirements 21

4.1 State Knowledge Management Climate Change Centre, EPCO 21

4.2 Water Resources Department 22

4.3 Bureau of Design for Hydroelectric and Irriga�on Projects 23

4.4 State Water Resource Analysis and Research Centre 24

4.5 Urban Development and Housing Department 24

4.6 Public Health Engineering Department 25

4.7 Panchayat and Rural Development Department 26

4.8 Department of Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development 27

4.9 Summary of Capacity Gaps and Requirements 27

5 Suggested Training Modules 29

5.1 Climate Science 29

5.1.1 Climate Modelling Techniques 29

5.1.2 Prepara�on of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 29

5.1.3 Vulnerability Assessment 29

5.2 Climate Change And The Water Sector 30

5.2.1 Water Resources Assessment 30

5.2.2 Impact of Climate Change on Water Sector 30

5.2.3 Water Conserva�on Techniques 31

5.3 Climate Change Mi�ga�on And Adapta�on Measures 31

5.3.1 Integrated Watershed Management Techniques and Technologies 31

5.3.2 Groundwater Management 31

5.3.3 Scien�fic Water Source Recharge Techniques 32

5.3.4 Drought Monitoring 32


List of TablesTable 1. Baseline Scenario — State Knowledge Management Centre on Climate Change 09

Table 2. Baseline Scenario — Water Resources Department 11

Table 3. Baseline Scenario – Urban Development and Housing Department 15

Table 4. Baseline Scenario – Public Health Engineering Department 17

Table 5. Baseline Scenario – Panchayat and Rural Development Department 18

Table 6. Baseline Scenario – Department of Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development 20

Table 7. Capacity Requirements — State Knowledge Management Climate Change Centre 21

Table 8. Capacity Requirements — Water Resources Department 22

Table 9. Capacity Requirements — Urban Development and Housing Department 24

Table 10. Capacity Requirements — Public Health Engineering Department 25

Table 11. Capacity Requirements — Panchayat and Rural Development Department 26

Table 12. Capacity Requirements — Department of Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development 27

Table 13. Implementa�on Arrangement 34

Table 14. List of People Interviewed 37

List of FiguresFigure 1. Schema�c Representa�on of Approach Followed to Assessing Training Needs and Developing Capacity Building Plan 8

Figure 2. Valida�on Workshop in Bhopal 39

List ofAbbrevia�ons andAcronyms

5.4 Other areas 32

5.4.1 Climate Change in The Indian Context 32

5.4.2 Accessing Climate Finance 33

6 Proposed Implementa�on Arrangement 33

6.1 Ins�tu�onal Structures 33

6.2 Implementa�on Plan 34

Annexure 1: List of People Interviewed 37

Annexure 2: Valida�on Workshop 38BODHI Bureau of Design for

Hydroelectric and Irriga�on


CC Climate Change

CGWB Central Ground Water Board

DFWAD Department of Farmer Welfare

and Agriculture Development

DPAP Drought Prone Area Programme

EPCO Environmental Planning and

Coordina�on Organisa�on

ERM Extension, Renova�on and


GHG Greenhouse Gas

GIS Geographic Informa�on Systems

GoMP Government of Madhya Pradesh

GP Gram Panchayat

GW Ground Water

INDC Intended Na�onally Determined


INRM Integrated Natural Resource


IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on

Climate Change

MP Madhya Pradesh

MPCDMA Madhya Pradesh Clean

Development Mechanism


NAPCC Na�onal Ac�on Plan on

Climate Change

NGWMIS Na�onal Groundwater

Management Informa�on


NREGA Na�onal Rural Employment

Guarantee Act

PHED Public Health and Engineering


PIM Par�cipatory Irriga�on


PRDD Panchayat and Rural

Development Department

PRI Panchaya� Raj Ins�tu�ons

RRR Repair, Renova�on and


SAPCC State Ac�on Plan on Climate


SDC Swiss Agency for Development

and Coopera�on

SKMCCC State Knowledge Management

Centre on Climate Change

SWARA State Water Resource Analysis

and Research Centre

SWAT Soil and Water Assessment Tool

ToT Training of the Trainer

UDHD Urban Development and Housing


ULB Urban Local Bodies

UNDP United Na�ons Development


VA Vulnerability Assessment

WALMI Water and Land Management


WRD Water Resources Department

WUA Water User Associa�on



Execu�ve SummaryMadhya Pradesh (MP) is a centrally located land-locked state with undula�ng topography and

diverse physiography. It is considered vulnerable to risks posed by climate change such as

increase in maximum and minimum temperatures, changes in spa�al and temporal distribu�on

of monsoon, increase in frequency and intensity of rains, loss of rainy days, extended summers,

etc. Climate change is not only likely to affect natural resources but also impact human health

and availability of safe habitats in the �mes to come. These climate risks indeed have the

poten�al to hamper the sustainable development of the state. To tackle these changes, the

Madhya Pradesh State Ac�on Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) has been formulated by the state

government, in accordance with the principles and guidelines of the Na�onal Ac�on Plan on

Climate Change (NAPCC).

This report provides an assessment of the technical and func�onal capaci�es of the State

Knowledge Management Centre on Climate Change (SKMCCC) and departments/ins�tu�ons

working in the water sector for planning, implementa�on and monitoring of the SAPCC. The

report is divided into seven major sec�ons viz. introduc�on, approach to the study, baseline

capacity assessment, capacity gaps and requirements, suggested training modules and

implementa�on arrangement.

The first sec�on sets the context by describing the circumstances of the state, climate change-

related vulnerabili�es and objec�ves of the study. The second sec�on explains the approach

adopted for the study, which includes an in-depth review of the SAPCC, interviews with

government stakeholders, data collec�on, analysis and valida�on of results through further


The third sec�on of the report presents the baseline capacity of the SKMCCC and

departments/organisa�ons in the water sector, prepared by carrying out a review of the SAPCC

and conduc�ng desk research and interviews with key government stakeholders. This sec�on

provides an update on the status of ac�vi�es iden�fied under the SAPCC and the training

sessions being conducted and resources allocated for each ac�vity.

Based on the baseline capacity scenario, an assessment of the capacity gaps has been

conducted for the water sector, providing further details for each department/ins�tu�on. The

analysis has been extended to ac�vi�es beyond those iden�fied under the Ac�on Plan, so as to

comprehensively cover the capacity building needs for the departments from the perspec�ve

of climate change.

The remaining sec�ons of the report present a capacity development plan developed on the

basis of the gap analysis. The plan includes a list of suggested training sessions and workshops

for improving the technical knowledge and skills of government personnel along with their

possible contents, dura�on and target audience. The sec�ons also priori�se certain training

sessions over others for the short term, based on their importance and relevance to the state.

The suggested training modules are as follows:

• Climate change in the Indian context

• Climate change impacts on water sector

• Vulnerability assessment

• Climate modelling techniques

• Accessing climate finance

• Water conserva�on techniques

• Integrated watershed management techniques and technologies

• Scien�fic water source recharge techniques

• Water resources assessment

• Groundwater management

• Prepara�on of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory

• Drought monitoring

Annexure 1. lists the stakeholders consulted during the course of the study.

Annexure 2. provides a summary of the discussions held during the workshops conducted

with the relevant departments/ins�tu�ons, to validate the findings and the capacity

development plan prepared under the study.

1. Introduc�onThe Prime Minister's Council for Climate Change developed India's Na�onal Ac�on Plan on

Climate Change (NAPCC), which comprises eight na�onal missions designed to achieve

sustainable development as a co-benefit of addressing climate change. In line with the na�onal

plan, the states also developed their respec�ve state ac�on plans, which have different

strategies and ac�on plans charted out, to be implemented by the state departments and

ins�tu�ons. The state ac�on plans are crucial as most climate resilience and adapta�on

interven�ons are implemented at the state level.

Madhya Pradesh (MP) is considered to be vulnerable to climate change. It is a centrally located

land-locked state with undula�ng topography and diverse physiography. The state is drained by 1rain-fed rivers and receives 1160 mm average rainfall annually , though this varies across the

state. It has rich bio-diversity, vast forest cover and plenty of mineral wealth. Majority of the

popula�on is engaged in primary sectors such as agriculture, hor�culture, fishery and forestry

for livelihoods. Changes in clima�c condi�ons can bring irreversible changes to these systems.

Some of the projected climate risks for MP are increase in maximum and minimum

temperatures, changes in spa�al and temporal distribu�on of monsoon, increase in frequency

and intensity of rains, loss of rainy days, extended summers, etc. Climate change is not only to

affect natural resources but also impact human health and availability of safe habitats in the

�mes to come. These climate risks indeed have the poten�al to hamper the sustainable

development of the state.

The MP State Ac�on Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) has been prepared by the Government of

Madhya Pradesh Climate Change Cell (GoMP CC Cell), now developed as full-fledged State

Knowledge Management Centre on Climate Change (SKMCCC) as part of the Environmental

Planning and Coordina�on Organisa�on (EPCO) func�oning under the Department of Housing

& Environment under the umbrella project 'Strengthening Madhya Pradesh Climate Change

Cell'. Out of a total of 15 sectors laid down under the NAPCC, 13 sectors have been iden�fied as

priority sectors for Madhya Pradesh, which include Agriculture, Hor�culture, Animal

Husbandry, Fisheries, Water, Forest and Biodiversity, Rural Development, Energy, Renewable

Energy, Health, Urban Habitat and Transport, Industries and Environment.

The Swiss Agency for Development and Coopera�on (SDC) and UNDP are collabora�ng to

strengthen capaci�es in the state for effec�ve planning, implementa�on and monitoring of the

SAPCC through interven�ons such as mobilisa�on of appropriate exper�se, capacity building of

resource persons/ins�tu�ons, facilita�on of implementa�on of strategies and knowledge

sharing. Thus, a need was felt to understand the exis�ng ins�tu�onal structures and

frameworks and ar�culate the capacity needs of the State Nodal Ins�tu�ons and Focus Sectoral

Ins�tu�ons in Madhya Pradesh for implemen�ng the SAPCC.

With this objec�ve, a study was commissioned in Madhya Pradesh to assess the technical and

func�onal capaci�es of SKMCCC and departments/ins�tu�ons engaged in the water resources

sector for planning, implementa�on and monitoring of the SAPCC. Based on the findings of the

assessment, a realis�c and �me-bound capacity development plan has been proposed for the


1MP Resource Atlas 2007, MP Council of Science & Technology

2. Approach to The StudyThe objec�ve of the study is to assess the technical and func�onal capaci�es of the State Nodal

Ins�tu�on on climate change and Focus Sectoral Departments in Madhya Pradesh for planning,

implementa�on and monitoring of SAPCC in the state.

The approach taken to conduct the study is detailed below along with a schema�c

representa�on in Figure 1:

• An incep�on mee�ng was conducted with UNDP to outline the approach and

methodology to be adopted for the study

• The SAPCC was studied to iden�fy the ac�vi�es to be implemented for the water sector

• Mapping of relevant departments and ins�tu�ons that coordinate and implement SAPCC

ac�vi�es in the focus sectors was carried out along with the iden�fica�on of relevant

personnel for an interview, to understand the status of ac�vi�es. The list of

departments/ins�tu�ons included:

• State Knowledge Management Centre on Climate Change (SKMCCC)

• Water Resources Department (WRD)

• Bureau of Design for Hydroelectric and Irriga�on Projects (BODHI), WRD

• State Water Resource Analysis and Research Centre (SWARA)

• Urban Development and Housing Department (UDHD)


• Panchayat and Rural Development Department (PRDD)

• Department of Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development (DFWAD)

• The exis�ng mandates of the state nodal ins�tu�ons and focus departments/ins�tu�ons

were documented

• Ques�onnaires were developed for each department/ins�tu�on and relevant personnel

were interviewed to assess the capacity gaps and training needs

• The materials received from the departments and ins�tu�ons, such as manpower

strength, technical qualifica�ons, list of training sessions conducted, etc. were collated

and analysed

• Based on the analysis of the iden�fied capacity gaps, training modules and a capacity

building plan were proposed for the State Knowledge Management Centre on Climate

Change (SKMCCC) and the departments/ins�tu�ons engaged in the water sector

06 07





• Iden�fied ac�vi�es to be

implemented under State

Ac�on Plan on Climate


• Mapped ins�tu�ons across

the state government

in rela�on to iden�fied

vulnerable sectors of

Madhya Pradesh

• Documented mandates of

State nodal ins�tu�on and

focus sectoral


• Iden�fied relevant officials

in these ins�tu�ons for

an interview

• Designed a ques�onnaire

to assess the training



• Validated training gaps with

the State officials

• Suggested appropriate

content for training modules

for various departments

Conductedinterviewswith the

iden�fiedofficials to

understandthe StateCapacity

A schema�c representa�on of the approach taken to conduct the study

is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Schema�c representa�on of the approach taken to assess the training needs anddevelop a capacity building plan

3. Capacity Assessment- Baseline scenario

In 2010, the Government of Madhya Pradesh established an exclusive Climate Change Cell as a

dedicated sec�on within the Environmental Planning & Coordina�on Organisa�on (EPCO) and at

the same �me EPCO itself was no�fied as the State Nodal Agency for Climate Change issues. It was

the Climate Change Cell that developed the Madhya Pradesh State Ac�on Plan on Climate Change

(MP SAPCC), which was approved by the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests in 2012. This

Climate Change Cell was transformed into a full-fledged State Knowledge Management Centre on

Climate Change (SKMCCC) so that the ini�al steps towards integra�ng sca�ered knowledge on

climate change could be made available on one pla�orm. Towards this end, the UNDP in

partnership with the state government is suppor�ng the SKMCCC to effec�vely manage and

disseminate knowledge related to climate change.

The SKMCCC aspires to establish a strong rela�on between climate science, policy planners and

development prac��oners, to support the strategic planning of government agencies as well as

local communi�es, with the aim of strengthening their coping capaci�es to climate risks. SKMCCC 2aims to achieve the following objec�ves:

• Crea�ng a knowledge repository on climate change

• Improving access to and transfer of climate change knowledge

• Fostering a heightened environment of sharing and receiving climate change knowledge

• Managing climate change-related knowledge as an asset

The exis�ng status of ac�vi�es allocated to SKMCCC under SAPCC and the current training modules

and staff alloca�on for those ac�vi�es is provided in the table below.

3.1 State Knowledge Management Centre onClimate Change (SKMCCC)

S. Ac�vi�es Status of ac�vity Current training Current staff allocated No. sessions conducted

1. Comprehensive water data base in public domain and assessment of the impact of climatechange on water resources of the state

Develop, revise and update inventory of wetlands, lakes on GIS pla�orm

a. This ac�vity has not been ini�ated by the department and does not come directly under the mandate of SKMCCC

Training has not been conducted for this ac�vity for the staff

Staff is allocated for this ac�vity, but is not sufficient, with a requirement of at least 5-6 resources. Currently the staff is hired on a contractual basis

Promote scien�fic planning of groundwater development and conserva�on methods

b. The SKMCC does not have direct control over planning of groundwater and its conserva�on methods. However, it spreads awareness of the importance of conserving natural resources

SKMCCC has organised workshops for government departments, communi�es and SKMCCC staff etc.

Staff is allocated for this ac�vity, but is not sufficient


08 09

The Water Resources Department (WRD), formerly known as Irriga�on Department, is one of

the major establishments of the Government of Madhya Pradesh. It protects the right of the

state in sharing the water of inter-state rivers/basins. The department's responsibili�es


• Crea�on and maintenance of irriga�on poten�al in the state by construc�ng water

resource projects

• Looking a�er calamity management in the form of construc�on and maintenance of

flood control works, reservoir opera�on and reconstruc�on of structures damaged by

cyclone, construc�on, maintenance and regula�on of major, medium and minor

irriga�on projects, flood control and drainage works

2. Promote basin level-integrated watershed management

Review of State Water Policy in view of Na�onal Policy and Na�onalWater Mission

a. This ac�vity is at the planning stage

No trainings have been conducted for the staff

Staff is allocated for this ac�vity, but is not sufficient

Developing guidelines for various uses of water, par�cularly in the context of basin-wise situa�ons and ensuring adop�on/applica�on of these guidelines

b. This ac�vity is at the planning stage

No training has been conducted for the staff

Staff is allocated for this ac�vity, but is not sufficient

Assess scope and implica�ons of further inter-basin connec�ons and thus, adopt integrated water resource management and encourage basin development

c. This ac�vity is at planning stage. However, there has been a study conducted on vulnerability assessment

No training has been conducted for the staff

Staff is allocated for this ac�vity, but is not sufficient

3. Building ins�tu�onal mechanism for Climate Change Ac�on Plan

Integrate climate change concerns with the departmental ac�vi�es

a. This ac�vity is under implementa�on stage

Workshops have been conducted by SKMCCC for the departments

There is sufficient staff for this ac�vity

Liaise with GoMP SAPCC Monitoring and Evalua�on Agency

b. This ac�vity is a con�nuous process

Workshops have been conducted by SKMCCC for the departments

There is sufficient staff for this ac�vity

Table 1. Baseline Scenario — State Knowledge Management Centre on Climate Change

1. Comprehensive water data base in public domain and assessment of the impact of climate change on water resources of the state

• Collect necessary addi�onal hydro-meteorological, hydrogeological and hydrological data and ensure its availability on public domain

a. WRD has ins�tu�onalised a data centre that keeps a record of the necessary data and maintains it

The department organises internal training sessions to educate the datacentre employees about the data collec�onmethods involved

Regular employees in engineering — 7000Daily wage employees— 12000Other employees— 11000Chief engineers — 8Circle — 43Divisions- 129Sub-divisions — 549

Assess surface water availability and quality by basin, in the present and future climate scenario

b. This ac�vity has been implemented and the assessment of the basins is an ongoing process

The team undergoes required training on quality control and model tes�ng

• Develop Water Resources Informa�on System (except data of sensi�ve and classified nature, all informa�on to be available in public domain), adding climate change scenarios to Water Data Analysis Centre and Hydrology Info Systems

Conduct comprehensive reassessment of the ground water resources up to the block level

c. This ac�vity is carried out every two years, at the block level

The team has water experts and refresher courses on ground water assessment

Develop, revise and update inventory of wetlands, lakes on GIS pla�orm

d. This ac�vity is at the implementa�on stage

The team has undergone external training for this ac�vity

Promote scien�fic planning of groundwater development and conserva�on methods

e. WRD, along with CGWB and SKMCCC, is spreading awareness to conserve water through various modes. A total of 2048 water user associa�ons have been formulated.

The department has undergone training on ground water conserva�on and recharge techniques

S. Ac�vi�es Status of ac�vity Current training Current staff allocated No. sessions conducted

• Urban Development and Housing Department (UDHD)

• Bureau of Design for Hydroelectric and Irriga�on Projects (BODHI), WRD

• State Water Resource Analysis and Research Centre (SWARA)

• Public Health Engineering Department (PHED)

• Panchayat and Rural Development Department (PRDD)

• Department of Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development (DFWAD)

The following table provides the baseline capaci�es of departments/ins�tu�ons in the water

sector, including the exis�ng status of ac�vi�es allocated to them, current training being

provided and staff alloca�on for these ac�vi�es

Some of the other departments/ins�tu�ons working in the water sector in Madhya Pradesh


3.2 Water Resources Department (WRD)

10 11

2. Promote accelerated pace of surface water development in the state

Accelerate command area development, comple�on and renova�on of canal systems, field channels and land levelling covering the en�re state

a. Reservoirs have been constructed over 700 dams

The department has undergone internal training and collaborated with Water and Land Management Ins�tute (WALMI) to conduct addi�onal technical training sessions

There is no staff requirement to conduct this ac�vity

Effec�vely implement of Par�cipatory Irriga�on Management (PIM)Act 2006.

b. Madhya Pradesh ranks first in the use of surface water instead of ground water for irriga�on ac�vi�es.In 2015, 24.8 lakh hectares of land was irrigated

The Water User Associa�ons (WUAs) have been formed to promote community par�cipatory approaches

Perform climate proofing of irriga�on projects in areas sensi�ve to climate change and iden�fy areas for carrying out pilot projects

c. Climate proofing istaken care of duringthe environmental clearance stage

No training is conducted for this ac�vity

S. Ac�vi�es Status of ac�vity Current training Current staff allocated No. sessions conducted

Established groundwater monitoring sta�ons in collabora�on withWorld Bank

The team has undergone internal training forthis ac�vity

There are eight chief engineers deputed for this ac�vity

Expand groundwater monitoring sta�ons


3. Water conserva�on, augmenta�on and preserva�on with special focus on areas with overexploitedcondi�ons of ground water

Establish State Water Authority to monitor regula�on, management and alloca�on of water for different purposes

A separate department under WRD allocates water for various ac�vi�es

The teams get adequate internal as well as external training for this ac�vity, in collabora�on with WALMI (Water and Land Management Ins�tute)


b. Promote tradi�onal system of water conserva�on by implemen�ng programme for repair, renova�on and restora�on of water storing bodies viz. wetlands, lakes, wellsand baolis in areas that are sensi�ve to climate change in a missionmode approach

This is a separate programme under Repair, Renova�on & Restora�on(RRR) and Extension, Renova�onand Modernisa�on (ERM).Under RRR, there are125 projects

No training is conducted for this ac�vity by the department

Perform expedi�ous implementa�on of programme for conserva�on of water by rechargingground water through techniques such as rainwater harves�ng and ar�ficial recharging in areas/situa�ons sensi�ve to CC

c. This ac�vity is under implementa�on. The Na�onal Groundwater Management Informa�on System (NGWMIS) has a component on groundwater management improvement

Training is conducted on rain water harves�ng

S. Ac�vi�es Status of ac�vity Current training Current staff allocated No. sessions conducted

For effec�ve management of water, involve the communi�es through Panchaya� Raj ins�tu�ons in rural areas and WUAs in urban areas

d. A total of 2048 water user associa�ons (WUAs) have been formulated.

The department has undergone internal training for this ac�vity

Pass legisla�on for use of GW and management

e. This ac�vity is carried out by MP division of CGWB on an ongoing basis.

Adequate training sessions on groundwater management have been provided. However, these do not involve the legisla�on aspectof groundwater

Develop a convergence-based viable panchayat/district level model using NREGA funds toward Ground Water (GW) conserva�on, especially in overexploited areas

f. This ac�vity is not carried out by WRD, but by CGWB.

Adequate internal training has been provided for this ac�vity

There is no staff requirement forthis ac�vity

5. Promote basin-level integrated watershed management

Review of State Water Policy in view of the Na�onal Policy and Na�onal Water Mission

a. WRD has submi�ed a dra� of the Na�onal Water Framework bill to the central government

The top management has adequate training to undertake this ac�vity

There is no staff requirement to conduct this ac�vity

b. Develop guidelines for the various uses of water, par�cularly in the context of basin-wise situa�ons and ensure adop�on/applica�on of these guidelines

This ac�vity is under implementa�on

The top management has adequate training to undertake this ac�vity

Assess scope and implica�ons of furtherinter-basin connec�onsand thus, adoptintegrated water resource management and encourage basin development

c. There are separate master plans for Godavari, Narmadaand Chambal

The top management has adequate training to undertake this ac�vity

a. Develop and enforce appropriate pricing policy for water usage in industrial, agricultural and domes�c aspects

The department has a no�fica�on on pricing policy for water and it is thought to being revised

No training is provided to the teams concerned

There is no staff requirement to conduct this ac�vity

b. Adopt be�er design prac�ces, such as closed conduit and cement-lined carrier canals

This ac�vity is under implementa�on. A Pipe Act on pipe canal system is in place in MP

Currently, no technical training has been conducted for this ac�vity

c. This ac�vity has not yet started

Currently no trainings have been conducted

4. Increase water use efficiency in irriga�on, domes�c and industrial purposes

12 13

There is no staff requirement for this ac�vity.

Incen�vising adop�onof water-efficienttechnologies

Enhance ac�vi�es within Integrated Watershed Development and management in climate-sensi�ve areas

d. This ac�vity has not yet been ini�ated

No training for this ac�vity has been conducted �ll date

Give due a�en�on to water-scarce areas and underdeveloped basins to develop management plans for the river basins of MP

e. This ac�vity is under implementa�on, focusing on the Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP) declared by the central government. Out of 313 blocks, 105 blocks are covered under DPAP

Internal training is conducted for river basin development

Research studies on all aspects related to the impact of CC on all water resources using the climate change water resources modelling, including quality aspects of water resources, in collabora�on with research organisa�ons

f. This ac�vity has not yet been ini�ated

No training has been conducted for this ac�vity

S. Ac�vi�es Status of ac�vity Current training Current staff allocated No. sessions conducted

Map areas likely to experience floods, establish hydraulic and hydrological models and develop comprehensive schemes for flood management and reservoir sedimenta�on

g. This ac�vity is under implementa�on. Real �me data systems have been introduced and a few modifica�ons in the data centre are being made

The department conducts internal training on project management and integra�on of RS and GIS into the planning process

Map the deep aquifers and facilitate their natural recharge using remote sensing

h. This ac�vity is under implementa�on with the data centre making use of remote sensing technology. Tapi Mega Recharge Project is being carried out in collabora�on with Maharashtra Government. The central government has ins�tuted the taskforce for this

The department conducts internal training for this ac�vity

Carry out research/pilot projects in water-stressed areas to improve water usage efficiency and maintain its quality for use in agricultural, industrial and domes�c sectors

i. This ac�vity is under implementa�on

The department, in collabora�on with various research organisa�ons, promotes formula�on of research studies

There is no staff requirement to conduct this ac�vity

6. Capacity building

Train professionalsfrom various departments/organisa�ons/PRI/ULBs associated with water resources development and management

a. Capacity building workshops have been conducted for WUAs and engineers.

There is no staff requirement to conduct this ac�vity

7. Building ins�tu�onal mechanism for Climate Change Ac�on Plan

Create CC division in the department

a. Designated officers are part of the working group for climate change

There is no staff requirement to conduct this ac�vity

Orienta�on workshops have been conducted; however, no training has been conducted for this ac�vity yet

Integrate CC concerns with the departmental ac�vi�es

b. It is under process

Coordinate with Na�onal Water Missions and programmes

c. This ac�vity is under implementa�on

Liaise with GoMP SAPCC Monitoring and Evalua�on Agency

d. It is the responsibility of SKMCCC to liaise with WRD and other departments

S. Ac�vi�es Status of ac�vity Current training Current staff allocated No. sessions conducted

Table 2. Baseline Scenario —Water Resources Department

Urban Development and Housing Department (UDHD), Government of Madhya Pradesh is

responsible for carrying out the works related to housing construc�on projects, housing

projects for government employees and Na�onal Housing Policy, land management,

development planning and management, development of biological resources, control of

pollu�on, environmental upgrade, capital project and works related to capital area.

The exis�ng status of ac�vi�es allocated to UDHD under SAPCC and the current training

modules and staff alloca�on for those ac�vi�es is provided in the table below.


S. Ac�vi�es Status of ac�vity Current training Current staff allocated No. sessions conducted

Perform expedi�ous implementa�on of programme for conserva�on of water through recharge ofground water including rainwater harves�ng and ar�ficial recharge in areas/situa�ons sensi�ve to CC

This ac�vity is under implementa�on. The Na�onal Groundwater Management Informa�on System (NGWMIS) has a component on groundwater management improvement

Training is conducted on rain water harves�ng

There is no staff requirement for this ac�vity

1. Water conserva�on, augmenta�on and preserva�on with special focus on areas withoverexploited condi�ons of ground water

3.3 Urban Development and HousingDepartment (UDHD)

14 15

This ac�vity has notyet started

Currently no trainings have been conducted

Table 3. Baseline Scenario – Urban Development and Housing Department

S. Ac�vi�es Status of ac�vity Current training Current staff allocated No. sessions conducted

2. Increase water use efficiency in irriga�on, domes�c and industrial purposes

Develop PPP Model for recycling of waste water

a. There are PP projects under implementa�on in water supply across urban areas

There is no staff requirement for this ac�vity

No trainings have been conducted for recycling waste water through PPP model

b. Undertake pilots for developing technical & financial support for common waste water treatment & recycling plants (industrial as well as urban residen�al colonies)

Financial reform ac�vi�es have been undertaken in industrial as well as urban residen�al areas, however no pilots have been undertaken for technical & financial support for common waste water treatment & recycling plants

No trainings have been conducted in this regard

c. Build capacity for improvement of efficiency of urban water supply system

The department currently implements the CM's Urban drinking water scheme

Adequate trainings have been conducted under this scheme

d. Promote wise water prac�ces and harves�ng techniques

The department is promo�ng water harves�ng techniques

No training is provided to the teams concerned

e. Establish mechanism for coordinated use of surface and ground water

The department currently implements the CM's Urban drinking water scheme

Adequate trainings have been conducted under this scheme

f. Develop and enforce appropriate pricing policy for water usage in industrial, agricultural, domes�c aspects

The department has a no�fica�on on pricing policy for water and it is thought to being revised

No training is provided to the teams concerned

g. Adopt be�er design prac�ces like closed conduit, cement lined carrier canals etc.

This ac�vity is under implementa�on. A Pipe Act on pipe canal system is in place in MP

Currently, no technical training has been conducted for this ac�vity

h. Incen�vise adop�onof water efficient technologies.

The Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), Government of Madhya Pradesh is

responsible for carrying out works related to:

• Implement water supply surveys, explora�on and schemes for providing safe and clean

drinking water in rural se�lements

• Conserva�on of Rural Hand pump schemes

• Implement Naljal supply schemes in MP villages

• Implement schemes pertaining to supply pure and safe quality water from alterna�ve

sources in affected areas

• Develop drinking water arrangements in tribal ashram-hostels, anganwadis and rural


• Implement groundwater recharge and enrichment schemes and rainwater harves�ng


The exis�ng status of ac�vi�es allocated to PHED under SAPCC and the current training modules

and staff alloca�on for those ac�vi�es is provided in the table below.

3.4 Public Health Engineering Department (PHED)

1. Water conserva�on, augmenta�on and preserva�on with special focus on areas with overexploited condi�ons of ground water

Promote tradi�onal system of water conserva�on by implementa�on of programme for repair, renova�on and restora�on of water storing bodies viz wetlands, lakes, well and baolis in areas that are sensi�ve to Climate Change in a mission mode approach

a. This is a separate programme under Repair, Renova�on & Restora�on (RRR) and Extension, Renova�on and Modernisa�on (ERM). Under RRR, there are 125 projects

No training is conducted for this ac�vity by the department

There is no staff requirement for this ac�vity

Perform expedi�ous implementa�on of programme for conserva�on of water through recharge ofground water including rainwater harves�ng and ar�ficial recharge in areas / situa�ons sensi�ve to CC

b. This ac�vity is under implementa�on. The Na�onal Groundwater Management Informa�on System (NGWMIS) has a component on groundwater management improvement

Training is conducted on rain water harves�ng

S. Ac�vi�es Status of ac�vity Current training Current staff allocated No. sessions conducted

16 17

2. Increase water use efficiency in irriga�on, domes�c and industrial purposes

Build capacity for improvement ofefficiency of urban watersupply system

a. The ac�vity is under implementa�on in collabora�on with MP Jal Nigam

There is no staff requirement for this ac�vity

No trainings are conducted for this ac�vity

Promote wise water prac�ces and harves�ng techniques

b. This ac�vity is not yet started

No trainings are conducted for this ac�vity

Establish mechanism for coordinated use of surface and ground water

c. The ac�vity is under implementa�on in collabora�on with MP Jal Nigam

No trainings are conducted for this ac�vity

The Panchayat and Rural Development Department (PRDD), Government of Madhya Pradesh

implements a number of central & state schemes to enhance rural employment of individuals

and communi�es; provide direct employment and capacity building for self-employment; and

improve rural infrastructure & hygiene/sanita�on of Below Poverty Line stakeholders

The exis�ng status of ac�vi�es allocated to PRDD under SAPCC and the current training

modules and staff alloca�on for those ac�vi�es is provided in the table below.

2. Water conserva�on, augmenta�on and preserva�on with special focus on areas with overexploited condi�onsof groundwater

Promote tradi�onal system of water conserva�on by implementa�on of programme for repair, renova�on and restora�on of water storing bodies viz wetlands, lakes, well and baolis in areas that are sensi�ve to Climate Change in a mission mode approach

a. This is a separate programme under Repair, Renova�on & Restora�on (RRR) and Extension, Renova�on andModernisa�on (ERM).Under RRR, there are 125 projects

There is no staff requirement for this ac�vity

No training is conducted for this ac�vity by the department

Expedi�ous implementa�on of programme for conserva�on of water through recharge ofground water including rainwater harves�ng and ar�ficial recharge in areas/ situa�ons sensi�ve to CC

b. This ac�vity is under implementa�on. The Na�onal Groundwater Management Informa�on System (NGWMIS) has a component on groundwater management improvement

Training is conducted on rain water harves�ng

For effec�ve management of water involve the communi�es through PRI's in rural areas and WUA's in urban areas

c. A total of 2048 water user associa�ons (WUAs) have been formulated

The department has undergone internal training for this ac�vity

Develop a convergence based viable Panchayat/District level model using NREGA funds towards GW conserva�on especially in overexploited areas

d. This ac�vity is not carried out by WRD, but by CGWB

Adequate internal training has been provided for this ac�vity

Table 4. Baseline Scenario – Public Health Engineering Department

S. Ac�vi�es Status of ac�vity Current training Current staff allocated No. sessions conducted

3.5 Panchayat and Rural DevelopmentDepartment (PRDD)

1. Promote accelerated pace of surface water development in the state

Accelerate Command area development, comple�on and renova�on of canal systems, field channels and land levelling covering the en�re state

a. Reservoirs have been constructed over 700 dams

The department has undergone internal training and collaborated with Water and Land Management Ins�tute (WALMI) to conduct addi�onal technical training sessions

There is no staff requirement for this ac�vity

Effec�ve implementa�on of par�cipatory irriga�on management (PIM) Act 2006.

b. Madhya Pradesh ranks first in the use of surface water instead of ground water for irriga�on ac�vi�es.In 2015, 24.8 lakh hectares of land was irrigated

The Water User Associa�ons (WUAs) have been formed to promote community par�cipatory approaches

S. Ac�vi�es Status of ac�vity Current training Current staff allocated No. sessions conducted

3. Capacity building

a. Capacity building workshops have been conducted for WUAs and engineers

There is no staff requirement forthis ac�vity

The Capacity building workshops included training modules

Training of Professionals from various departments /organiza�ons/PRI/ULBs associated with water resources development and management

Table 5. Baseline Scenario – Panchayat and Rural Development Department

18 19

The Department of Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development (DFWAD), Government of Madhya Pradesh is responsible for carrying out works related to:

• Improve soil fer�lity sustainably through the soil health card scheme

• Provide increased access to irriga�on and enhanced water efficiency through Pradhan Mantri Gram Sinchai Yojana

• Support organic farming through Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana

• Support for crea�on of an efficient agriculture market to boost the incomesof farmers

The exis�ng status of ac�vi�es allocated to DFWAD under SAPCC and the current training modules and staff alloca�on for those ac�vi�es is provided in the table below.

1. Water conserva�on, augmenta�on and preserva�on with special focus on areas with overexploited condi�ons of groundwater

For effec�ve management of water involve the communi�es through PRI's in rural areas and WUA's in urban areas

a. A total of 2048 water user associa�ons (WUAs) have been formulated

The department has undergone internal training for this ac�vity

There is no staff requirement for this ac�vity

2. Increase water use efficiency in irriga�on, domes�c and industrial purposes

a. Develop and enforce appropriate pricing policy for water usage in industrial, agricultural, domes�c aspects

The department has a no�fica�on on pricing policy for water and it is thought to being revised

No training is provided to the teams concerned

There is no staff requirement for this ac�vity

b. Adopt be�er design prac�ces like closed conduit, cement lined carrier canals etc.

This ac�vity is under implementa�on. A Pipe Act on pipe canal system is in place in MP

Currently, no technical training has been conducted for this ac�vity

c. Incen�vize adop�on of water efficient technologies.

This ac�vity has not yet started

Currently no trainings have been conducted

4. Capacity Gaps andRequirements

Ac�vi�es Training required Staff requirements

Comprehensive water database in public domain and assessment of the impact of climate change on water resources of the state

Develop, revise and update the inventory of wetlands and lakes on the GIS pla�orm

Training on climate modelling techniques and interpre�ng results from models

A water sector expert is required

Promote scien�fic planning of groundwater development and conserva�on methods

Training on scien�fic techniques and tradi�onal best prac�ces in dealing with climate change.Training on bringing climate change into the mainstream within rou�ne government department ac�vi�es

Promote basin-level integrated watershed management

Develop guidelines for various uses of water, specifically with respect to the condi�ons prevailing in the basins and ensure adop�on/applica�on of these guidelines

Training on climate change vulnerability assessment including implementa�on and interpreta�on of results for sectors

A water sector expert is required

Assess scope and implica�ons of further inter-basin connec�ons and thus, adopt integrated water resource management and encourage basin development

Building ins�tu�onal mechanism for Climate Change Ac�on Plan

Integrate climate change concerns with the departmental ac�vi�es

Awareness training on climate change linked with the opera�onal ac�vi�es of the government departments

A water sector expert is required

Table 6. Baseline Scenario – Department of Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development

Table 7. C apacity Requirements — State Knowledge Management Climate Change Centre

3.6 Department of Farmer Welfare andAgriculture Development (DFWAD)

The resource and training requirements of SKMCC specific to the ac�vi�es allocated to them in

the SAPCC are detailed below.

4.1 State Knowledge Management ClimateChange Centre, EPCO

S. Ac�vi�es Status of ac�vity Current training Current staff allocated No. sessions conducted

20 21

The resource and training requirements of this department specific to the ac�vi�es allocated to them in the SAPCC are detailed below.

Ac�vi�es Training required Staff requirements

Comprehensive water database in public domain and assessment of the impact of climate change on water resources of the state

Collec�on of necessary addi�onal hydro-meteorological, hydrogeological and hydrological data and ensuring its availability on public domain

No external training is required for this ac�vity as this is one of the department's rou�ne ac�vi�es

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Development of Water Resources Informa�on System (except the data of sensi�ve and classified nature, all informa�on to be in public domain), adding climate change scenarios to Water Data Analysis Centre and Hydrology Info Systems

Need for prac�cal climate change training, which will be useful in the field

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Assessment of basin-wise surface water availability and quality in present and future climate scenario

Training on climate change awareness and sensi�sa�onAnnual refresher courses on watershed and wetland management

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Comprehensive reassessment of ground water resources up to the block level

Training of the trainers (ToT) on water conserva�on techniques

Resources are required for this ac�vity, as the ground water department is understaffed

Development, revision and update of inventory of wetlands and lakes on the GIS pla�orm

Training on best prac�ces for new technologies that can be adopted

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the data centres have been recently structured

Promo�ng scien�fic planning of groundwater development and conserva�on methods

ToT on water conserva�on techniques

Resources are required for this ac�vity as the groundwater department is understaffed

Expansion of groundwater monitoring sta�ons No training required Resources are required for this ac�vity as the ground water department is understaffed

Water conserva�on, augmenta�on and preserva�on with special focus on areas with overexploited condi�ons of groundwater

Expedi�ous implementa�on of programme for conserva�on of water by recharging groundwater through methods such as rainwater harves�ng and ar�ficial recharge in areas/situa�ons sensi�ve to CC

Training on advance techniques for water conserva�on

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity, as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Promote basin-level integrated watershed management

Review of State Water Policy in view of Na�onal Policy and Na�onal Water Mission

Need for prac�cal climate change training, which will be useful in the field

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Developing guidelines for the various uses of water, specifically in terms of the condi�ons prevailing in the basins and ensuring their adop�on/applica�on

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Increase ac�vi�es within integrated watershed development and management in climate-sensi�ve areas

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Refresher courses on watershed and wetland management

Giving due a�en�on to water-scarce areas and underdeveloped basins, to develop management plans for the river basins of MP

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Training on understanding the impact of climate change on the department's their opera�ons

Map the deep aquifers and facilitate their natural recharge using remote sensing

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Training on advanced aquifer recharge techniques

Building ins�tu�onal mechanism for Climate Change Ac�on Plan

Create CC division in the department This ac�vity is yet to be implemented. However, there is a need for climate change awareness workshop to be conducted for the en�re department

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity, as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Integrate CC concerns with the departmental ac�vi�es

Training on understanding the impact of climate change on the department's opera�ons

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Table 8. C apacity Requirements — Water Resources Department

Since no ac�vi�es are allocated to Bureau of Design for Hydroelectric and Irriga�on Projects

(BODHI) in the SAPCC, the training and resource requirement needs are general in nature. The

following training requirements have been iden�fied:

• Training/workshops to iden�fy climate-sensi�ve areas in MP

• Training to learn techniques that help convert waste land to agricultural land

• Training for sensi�sa�on of top management and field level staff to climate change

• Training for communi�es, villagers and Gram Panchayats (GP) on climate change

and its impacts

4.3 Bureau of Design for Hydroelectric andIrriga�on Projects

ToT to spread awareness of groundwater management to a larger number of stakeholders

For effec�ve management of water, involving communi�es through Panchaya� Raj ins�tu�ons in rural areas and WUAs in urban areas

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

4.2 Water Resources Department

22 23

1. Water conserva�on, augmenta�on and preserva�on with special focus on areas withoverexploited condi�ons of ground water

Expedi�ous implementa�on of programme for conserva�on of water through recharge of ground water including rainwater harves�ng and ar�ficial recharge in areas / situa�ons sensi�ve to CC

a. Training on advance techniques for water conserva�on

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity, as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

S. Ac�vi�es Training required Staff requirements No.

2. Increase water use efficiency in irriga�on, domes�c and industrial purposes

Develop PPP Model for recycling of waste water

a. Trainings on recycling waste water through PPP model is required

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity, as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Undertake pilots for developing technical & financial support for common waste water treatment & recycling plants (industrial as well as urban residen�al colonies)

b. Training on understanding the impact of climate change on water resources as well as water security is required

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity, as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Build capacity for improvement of efficiency of urban water supply system

c. No training required Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity, as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Promote wise water prac�ces and harves�ng techniques

d. Training on advance techniques for water conserva�on and harves�ng techniques

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity, as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Establish mechanism for coordinated use of surface and ground water

e. No training required Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity, as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Develop and enforce appropriate pricing policy for water usage in industrial, agricultural,domes�c aspects

f. No training required Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity, as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Adopt be�er design prac�ces like closed conduit, cement lined carrier canals etc.

g. Training on understanding the impact of climate change on water resources as well as water security is required

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity, as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Incen�vize adop�on of water efficient technologies.

h. Training on water security Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity, as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Table 9. Capacity Requirements — Urban Development and Housing Department

4.6 Public Health Engineering Department

The training needs iden�fied for the department include:

• Training on understanding the climate change impacts on water quality and health

• Training on water resource conserva�on, groundwater management and drought


The resource and training requirements of this department specific to the ac�vi�es allocated to

them in the SAPCC are detailed below.

Table 10. Capacity Requirements — Public Health Engineering Department

1. Water conserva�on, augmenta�on and preserva�on with special focus on areas with overexploited condi�ons of ground water

Promote tradi�onal system of water conserva�on by implementa�on of programme for repair, renova�on and restora�on of water storing bodies viz. wetlands, lakes, well and baolis in areas that are sensi�ve to Climate Change in a mission mode approach

a. Training on water resource conserva�on and groundwater management

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

S. Ac�vi�es Training required Staff requirements No.

Expedi�ous implementa�on of programme for conserva�on of water through recharge ofground water including rainwater harves�ng and ar�ficial recharge in areas / situa�ons sensi�veto CC

b. Training on water resource conserva�on and groundwater management

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

2. Increase water use efficiency in irriga�on, domes�c and industrial purposes

Build capacity for improvement of efficiency of urban water supply system

a. Training on groundwater management and drought monitoring

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Promote wise water prac�ces and harves�ng techniques

b. Training on water conserva�on and harves�ng techniques is required

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Establish mechanism for coordinated use of surface and ground water

c. Training on groundwater management and drought monitoring

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

4.5 Urban Development and Housing DepartmentThe resource and training requirements of this department specific to the ac�vi�es allocated to

them in the SAPCC are detailed below.

4.4 State Water Resource Analysis and Research CentreSince no ac�vi�es have been allocated to State Water Resource Analysis and Research Centre

(SWARA) in the SAPCC, the training and resource requirement needs are general in nature.

A training on climate change for field surveyors has been iden�fied.

24 25

1. Promote accelerated pace of surface water development in the state

Accelerate Command area development, comple�on and renova�on of canal systems, field channels and land levelling covering the en�re state

a. Addi�onal technical training sessions in collabora�on with Water and Land Management Ins�tute (WALMI) are required

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

S. Ac�vi�es Training required Staff requirements No.

Effec�ve implementa�on of par�cipatory irriga�on management (PIM) Act 2006

b. The Water User Associa�ons (WUAs) have been formed to promote community par�cipatory approaches

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

2. Water conserva�on, augmenta�on and preserva�on with special focus on areas with overexploitedcondi�ons of ground water

Promote tradi�onal system of water conserva�on by implementa�on of programme for repair, renova�on and restora�on of water storing bodies viz. wetlands, lakes, well and baolis in areas that are sensi�ve to Climate Change in a missionmode approach

a. There is a need to create awareness to promote tradi�onal water conserva�on systems for repair, renova�on and restora�on of water storing bodies viz. wetlands, lakes, well and baoli's in areas that are sensi�ve to Climate Change in a mission mode approach

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

Expedi�ous implementa�on of programme for conserva�on of water through recharge ofground water including rainwater harves�ng and ar�ficial recharge in areas/situa�ons sensi�ve to CC

b. The department has undergone internal training for this ac�vity; however there is a need for trainings on cropping pa�erns and their water requirements

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

For effec�ve management of water involve the communi�es through PRI's in rural areas and WUA's in urban areas

c. The department has undergone internal training for this ac�vity

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

3. Increase water use efficiency in irriga�on, domes�c and industrial purposes

Develop PPP Model for recycling of waste water

a. There is a need for trainings on the PPP model for recycling waste water

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

4. Capacity building

Training of Professionals from various departments /organiza�ons/PRI/ULBs associated with water resources development and management

a. An integrated training/workshop could be conducted with representa�ves from all departments associated with the water resources department of MP

Addi�onal resources are not required for this ac�vity as the exis�ng field staff is sufficient

1. Water conserva�on, augmenta�on and preserva�on with special focus on areas with overexploited condi�ons of groundwater

For effec�ve management of water involve the communi�es through PRI's in rural areas and WUA's in urban areas.

a. Trainings on groundwater recharge techniques with a focus on PRI's in rural areas and WUA's in urban areas

No addi�onal staff is required for this ac�vity

S. Ac�vi�es Training required Staff requirements No.

2. Increase water use efficiency in irriga�on, domes�c and industrial purposes

Adopt be�er design prac�ces like closed conduit, cement lined carrier canals etc.

a. There is a need for trainings on understanding the climate change impacts on water sector vis-à-vis it's agricultural impacts

No addi�onal staff is required for this ac�vity

Incen�vize adop�on of water efficient technologies.

b. Trainings on groundwater recharge techniques and water conserva�on technologies - special focus on drip irriga�on

No addi�onal staff is required for this ac�vity

Table 11. Capacity Requirements — Public Health Engineering Department

Table 12. Capacity Requirements — Department of Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development

The resource and training requirements of this department specific to the ac�vi�es allocated to

them in the SAPCC are detailed below.The resource and training requirements of this department specific to the ac�vi�es allocated to

them in the SAPCC are detailed below.

4.9 Summary of Capacity Gaps and RequirementsThe capacity gaps iden�fied in each sector for planning, implementa�on and monitoring of the

Madhya Pradesh SAPCC have been summarised below.

For SKMCCC, the following gaps were observed:

• The centre lacks an in-depth understanding of climate modelling as well as interpreta�on

of results from such studies. This exper�se is required to understand the impacts of

climate change on various sectors and develop adapta�on strategies.

• Some members of SKMCCC have received training on climate finance; however, these

need to be taken up in more detail with prac�cal exercises.

• The centre has a provision to employ an expert in each of the key sectors related to

climate change, such as urban, water, agriculture and transport. However, currently there

is no resource available in the centre to support the water sector.

• The department also lacks the exper�se for conduc�ng and interpre�ng vulnerability

assessment studies. This exper�se is required to help bring climate change into the

mainstream of development ac�vi�es and development of adapta�on strategies.

4.7 Panchayat and Rural Development Department 4.8 Department of Farmer Welfare andAgriculture Development

26 27

5. Suggested Training ModulesBased on the capacity gaps iden�fied, training modules have been proposed under four

domains as listed here under:

5.1.1 Climate modelling techniques

Ra�onale: SKMCCC requires knowledge of various climate modelling techniques in order to

conduct research studies on aspects related to climate change and their impacts on the State.

Objec�ve: To provide the knowledge and capacity to interpret and use climate model outputs

which will in turn help in further understanding how climate change may impact various sectors

such as agriculture, water, health, etc.

Suggested topics to be covered:

• Basics of Modelling and Projec�ons

• Understanding on limita�ons, uncertain�es, variables and seasonal predic�ons

• Using various representa�ve concentra�on pathways (RCPs)

• Understanding regional and global circula�on models

• Understanding downscaling approaches (dynamic / sta�s�cal)

• Hands-on working with climate models

• Understanding model results and cost of climate change inac�on

5.1.2 Prepara�on of Greenhouse Gas emissions inventory

Ra�onale: The SAPCC has highlighted the need for ini�a�ves/programmes for analysing GHG

emissions. This training module is recommended to help the departments ini�ate the

prepara�on of GHG inventories.

Objec�ve: To develop an understanding of the prepara�on of greenhouse gas (GHG)

inventories and enable the departments to prepare the same for their sector, which can further

be integrated at the state level.

Suggested topics to be covered under this training module are:

• Basic course to iden�fy the guidelines, procedures and general Intergovernmental Panel

on Climate Change (IPCC) inventory guidance

• Best prac�ces of different sectors adop�ng GHG inventorisa�on

• Understanding the various complex models and techniques for emission es�ma�on

• Asser�on on the importance of ins�tu�onal arrangements at district, state and na�onal


• Conduc�ng quality control, quality assurance and archiving procedures

• Developing a hands-on prac�cal inventory for an example sector

5.1 Climate Science

The following gaps have been observed in the water sector:

• Ins�tu�ons working in the water sector are not aware of the impacts of climate change

on the water resources in Madhya Pradesh, due to which they are unable to mainstream

these impacts into their ac�vi�es and strategies

• The Water Resources Department and other associated departments are not aware of

the na�onal and interna�onal climate finance opportuni�es available to them, which

limits the financial avenues available to the departments to implement their ac�vi�es

and strategies extensively across the state

• Stakeholders in the sector are not aware of the vulnerability assessments carried out for

water resources across the region. Further, the exis�ng personnel are not technically and

func�onally equipped to interpret the results of a VA or know how to use them in the

planning of new infrastructure

• The water sector stakeholders could benefit from an in-depth understanding of

integrated watershed management and water source recharge techniques. The state has

diverse terrains with varying water recharge capaci�es for which different techniques are

required to be adopted

• Water User Associa�ons (WUAs) have been formed at the community level; however,

these associa�ons are not being developed in a focused manner, thereby reducing the

effec�veness and efficiency of the ac�vi�es under implementa�on in their region of


• The water sector departments/ins�tu�ons do not have adequate technical exper�se on

best prac�ces for groundwater management, which can improve u�lisa�on of water

resources in the state

The following chapter contains a detailed explana�on of the suggested training modules,

followed by a chapter on implementa�on arrangement sugges�ng the target audience,

dura�on and mode of impar�ng the training.

28 29

5.1.3 Vulnerability assessment

Ra�onale: The departments/ins�tu�ons in the water sector are required to understand and

plan for vulnerabili�es in the water sector and related infrastructure as a result of climate


Objec�ve: To strengthen the capacity for conduc�ng climate vulnerability assessments for

designing suitable climate adapta�on op�ons for water.

Suggested topics to be covered:

• Basic concept of vulnerability (climate risks, exposure, sensi�vity, adap�ve capacity)

• Different factors affec�ng vulnerability in different sectors and how they can affect the

outcome of VAs

• Methodologies, models and techniques for conduc�ng VAs

• Case studies of vulnerability assessments conducted in other states in India

• Interpreta�on of assessment results and importance of inter-sectoral communica�on

for incorpora�ng VA results in the development of planning and adapta�on strategies

5.2.1 Water resources assessment

Ra�onale: Under the SAPCC, departments/ins�tu�ons in the water sector have to conduct

ac�vi�es such as reassessment of ground water resources up to the block level and develop,

revise and update the inventory of wetlands and lakes on the GIS pla�orm.

Objec�ve: To measure the quan�ty and quality of water in a system, including data collec�on,

data valida�on and water accoun�ng techniques, using both on-ground assessment and

remote sensing.

Suggested topics to be covered under the training module are:

• Understanding of types of water resources data, monitoring, valida�on, archiving and


• Introduc�on to remote sensing data for water resource applica�ons

• Satellite image processing

• Catchment water balance in GIS environment

• Water produc�vity, water valua�on and data management

• Emission reduc�on poten�al from use of energy-efficient infrastructure

5.2.2 Impact of climate change on water sector

Ra�onale: The departments/ins�tu�ons in the water sector have to add climate change

scenarios to Water Data Analysis Centre and Hydrology Info Systems and assess surface water

availability and quality by basin in the present and future climate scenarios.

Objec�ve: To develop an understanding of the impacts of climate change on water sector and

possible adapta�on strategies in this sector.

5.2 Climate Change and The Water Sector

Suggested topics to be covered under the training modules are:

• Understanding the climate change impacts on water resources in MP

• Climate change impacts on water security

• Adapta�on strategies for water resources

• Na�onal Water Mission

• Indian and interna�onal best prac�ces

• Case studies

5.2.3 Water conserva�on techniques

Ra�onale: The departments/ins�tu�ons in the water sector have to manage water effec�vely

involving communi�es through Panchayat Raj Ins�tu�on's in rural areas and WUA's in urban

areas and disseminate knowledge on water conserva�on techniques to larger audiences.

Objec�ve: To develop an in-depth understanding of water management challenges and


Suggested topics to be covered under the training modules:

• Understanding of various water conserva�on techniques

• Understanding the importance of water quality from agriculture and health perspec�ves

• Deriving opportuni�es from water management challenges

• Par�cipatory Irriga�on Management

• Use of sprinkler/drip irriga�on

• Tradi�onal best prac�ces

5.3.1 Integrated watershed management techniques and technologies

Ra�onale: The departments/ins�tu�ons in the water sector have to promote basin level

integrated watershed management and adopt integrated water resources management due to

the stress on water sector as a result of climate change.

Objec�ve: To be�er manage water resources with emphasis on the capacity building,

governance, and sustainable use of scarce water resources.

Suggested topics to be covered under the training module:

• Basic understanding of integrated watershed management techniques and technologies

• Sustainable sourcing and water replenishment

• Predic�ons of water scarcity and preparedness

• Economically viable technologies to minimise water loss

• Use of packages such as Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)

• Safe water reuse for produc�ve agriculture

5.3 Climate Change Mi�ga�on and Adapta�on Measures

30 31

5.3.2 Groundwater management

Ra�onale: The departments/ins�tu�ons in the water sector have to promote scien�fic planning

of groundwater use and understand the various conserva�on methods, to be able to

disseminate the alterna�ves to a larger audience.

Objec�ve: To promote sustainable groundwater resource management and raise awareness of

the importance of groundwater as a resource

Suggested topics to be covered under the training module are:

• Impact of climate change on groundwater resources

• Scien�fic methods of groundwater development

• Groundwater management: legal aspects and engineering principles

• Par�cipatory groundwater management

• Management alterna�ves and techniques

• Understanding of groundwater sustainability plans and processes

5.3.3 Scien�fic water source recharge techniques

Ra�onale: The departments/ins�tu�ons in the water sector have to build internal capacity to

map aquifers, facilitate their natural recharge and implement water conserva�on programmes

due to the stress in the water sector as a result of climate change.

Objec�ve: To develop an in-depth understanding of various source recharging techniques with

respect to the nature of source and its quality

Suggested topics to be covered under the training module are:

• Understanding of various source recharging and es�ma�on methods

• Resource — water quality and effects (health, land, water source, etc.)

• Design, plan and cost es�ma�on of conserva�on and ar�ficial recharge structures

5.3.4 Drought monitoring

Ra�onale: The departments/ins�tu�ons in the water sector have to comprehensively

understand the scope of climate change impacts and incorporate local and regional scale data in

the GIS environment.

Objec�ve: To coordinate efforts in drought monitoring and predic�on using early warning

systems and models.

Suggested topics to be covered under this training module are:

• Understanding the framework for drought monitoring and evalua�on

• Growing popula�on and agricultural stresses on surface and ground water

• Compe��on between urban and agricultural sectors for diminishing water supply

• Monitoring and forecas�ng drought indicators

• Assessing water and drought condi�ons and impacts

• Planning for mi�ga�on and response strategies

5.4.1 Climate change in the Indian context

Ra�onale: The departments/ins�tu�ons in the water sector have to integrate climate change

concerns within their ac�vi�es, build awareness among the department personnel through this

training module.

Objec�ve: To develop a basic understanding of climate change science and its impacts along

with possible mi�ga�on and adapta�on measures in context of the state

Suggested topics to be covered under the training modules are:

• Understanding the basic concepts of climate change science

• Historical changes in our climate since Industrial Revolu�on and projected changes in the


• Basic concept of vulnerability (climate risks, exposure, sensi�vity, adap�ve capacity)

• Mi�ga�on and adapta�on strategies to address climate change

• India's strategies and ac�on plans to address climate change concerns, including:

• Na�onal Ac�on Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)

• Intended Na�onally Determined Contribu�ons (INDC)

• State Ac�on Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC)

5.4.2 Accessing climate finance

Ra�onale: State government departments need to access funds from external sources in order

to implement projects for climate change adapta�on.

Objec�ve: To understand about available climate finance opportuni�es, evalua�on criteria of

various funds and process of preparing funding proposals.

Suggested topics to be covered under the training module:

• Na�onal and interna�onal climate finance opportuni�es

• Understanding the evalua�on criteria of various climate funds

• Prepara�on of innova�ve climate finance proposals

• Exercise on prepara�on of a climate finance proposal

6. Proposed Implementa�onArrangement

The government departments have staff at various levels in the state with varying roles and

responsibili�es. Based on their job roles they have different training needs which have been

outlined in the implementa�on plan in the next sec�on.

The Water Resources Department has an Engineer-in-Chief who is supported by Chief

Engineers (CEs) in the various basins, Superintending Engineers (SEs) in the Circles, Execu�ve

6.1 Ins�tu�onal Structures

32 33

5.4 Other Areas

Engineers (EEs) in the Divisions and Assistant Engineers (AEs) in the Sub-Divisions.

The Urban Development and Housing Department heads the Directorate on Urban

Administra�on as well as Development and Town and Village Investment along with other

ins�tutes. The urban areas are managed by various Municipal Corpora�ons, Municipal

Councils and Nagar Parishads.

The Public Health Engineering Department has an Engineer-in-Chief who is supported by CEs in

the various zones, SEs in the Circles, EEs in the Divisions and AEs in the Sub-Divisions.

The Department of Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development has a Directorate and Joint

Directors in the various Divisions, Deputy Directors and Project Directors in the Districts and

Sub-Divisional Agriculture Officers (AOs) in the Sub-Divisions.

The Panchayat and Rural Development Department has a Directorate and cells for various

programmes being executed by the department. Officers at the district and sub-district level

assist the department in implementa�on of its various schemes.


6.2 Implementa�on PlanThe following implementa�on arrangement can be used for impar�ng the suggested

training modules:

Climate modelling techniques • Basics of Modelling and Projec�ons• Understand limita�ons,

uncertain�es and variables • Using various representa�ve

concentra�on pathways (RCPs)• Understanding regional and global

circula�on models• Understanding downscaling

approaches (dynamic / sta�s�cal)• Hands-on working with climate

models• Understanding model results and

cost of climate change inac�on

1.1. 5 days

1. Climate science Dura�on of Method of training Target audience Term (Long / Short) training

Classroom lectures SKMCCC: All staff Short term

Prepara�on of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions inventory• IPCC inventory guidance guidelines• Na�onal Mission on Energy

Efficiency • Best prac�ces • Understand es�ma�on models and

techniques • Ins�tu�onal arrangement

importance• Quality control, assurance and

archiving • Develop a hands-on inventory

1.2. 5 days Classroom lectures with prac�cal exercise

SKMCCC: All staff Short term

Vulnerability assessment (VA)• Concept of vulnerability • Factors affec�ng vulnerability and

outcome of VAs• VA Methodologies, models and

techniques• Case studies • Interpreta�on of assessment results

1.3. 5 days Classroom lectures with prac�cal case studies

SKMCCC: All staffWRD: SEsUDHD: Zone headsPHED: SEsDFWAD: Division headsPRDD: Programme heads

Short term

Water resource assessment• Water resources data, monitoring,

valida�on, archiving and dissemina�on

• Introduc�on to remote sensing data • Satellite image processing• Catchment water balance in GIS

environment• Water produc�vity and water


2.1. 2 days

2. Climate change and the water sector Dura�on of Method of training Target audience Term (Long / Short) training

Classroom lectures with prac�cal case studies and field visit

WRD: EEsPHED: EEsDFWAD: Sub-Divisional AOsPRDD: Sub-District officers

Short term


Integrated watershed management techniques and technologies• Integrated watershed management

techniques and technologies• Sustainable sourcing and water

replenishment• Predic�ons of water scarcity and

preparedness• Economically viable technologies to

minimize water loss • Safe water reuse for produc�ve


3.1. 2 days

3. Climate change mi�ga�on and Dura�on of Method of training Target audience Term (Long / Short) adapta�on measures training

Classroom lectures with prac�cal case studies and field visit

WRD: SEs, EEsDFWAD: Sub-Divisional AOsPRDD: District and Sub-District officers

Long term

Groundwater management• Impact of climate change on

groundwater resources• Scien�fic methods of groundwater

development• Groundwater management• Par�cipatory groundwater

management• Management alterna�ves and

techniques• Understand groundwater

sustainability plans

3.2. 2 days Classroom lectures with prac�cal case studies and exposure visit

WRD: SEs, EEsPHED: SEs, EEsDFWAD: Sub-Divisional AOsPRDD: District and Sub-District officers

Long term

Water conserva�on techniques• Understand water conserva�on

techniques• Understand water quality • Water management challenge

opportuni�es• Par�cipatory Irriga�on

Management• Use of sprinkler/drip irriga�on• Tradi�onal best prac�ces



Impact of climate change on water sector

• Climate change impacts on water resources

• Adapta�on strategies • Na�onal Water Mission• Indian and interna�onal best

prac�ces• Case studies

1 day Classroom lectures with prac�cal case studies

WRD: SEs, EEsPHED: SEs, EEsDFWAD: Sub-Divisional AOsPRDD: District and Sub-District officers

2 days Classroom lectures with prac�cal case studies and field visit

WRD: EEsPHED: EEsDFWAD: Sub-Divisional AOsPRDD: Sub-District officers

Short term

Short term

3. Climate change mi�ga�on and Dura�on of Method of training Target audience Term (Long / Short) adapta�on measures training

Drought monitoring• Framework for drought monitoring

and evalua�on• Impacts of popula�on and

agricultural stresses • Diminishing water supply conflicts• Monitoring and forecas�ng drought

indicators• Assessing water and drought

condi�ons and impacts• Planning for mi�ga�on and

response strategies

3.4. 2 days Classroom lectures with prac�cal case studies and exposure visit

WRD: SEs, EEsDFWAD: Sub-Divisional AOsPRDD: District and Sub-District officers

Long term

Climate change in the Indian context• Basic concepts of climate change

science• Historical trends and future

projec�ons • Mi�ga�on and adapta�on strategies• India's strategies and ac�on plans

4.1. 1 day

4. Other areas Dura�on of Method of training Target audience Term (Long / Short) training

Classroom lectures with prac�cal case studies

WRD, UDHD, PHED, DFWAD and PRDD: All staff

Short term

Accessing climate finance• Na�onal and interna�onal climate

finance opportuni�es• Climate finance guidelines• Evalua�on criteria of various climate

funds • Prepara�on of proposals• Exercise on the proposal prepara�on

4.2. 3 days Classroom lectures with prac�cal exercise

SKMCCC: All staffWRD: SEsUDHD: Zone headsPHED: SEsDFWAD: Division headsPRDD: Programme heads

Long term

Table 13. Implementa�on Arrangement

Annexure 1 List of People Interviewed

S. No. Name Designa�on Organisa�on

1. Mr. Lokendra Thakkar Coordinator SKMCCC

2. Mr. M.G. Choubey Engineer-in-Chief WRD

3. Mr. Prabhakant Katare Engineer-in-Chief UDHD

4. Mr. C.S. Sankule Chief Engineer PHED

5. Mr. Manoj Acharya Chief Engineer BODHI, WRD

6. Mr. Parminder Singh Director CGWB

7. Mr. B.M. Sahare Addi�onal Director DFWAD

8. Mr. Vivek Dave Joint Commissioner PRDD

9. Mr. R.K. Rajak (on behalf of Mr Vimal Chaurasia) Superintendent Engineer SWARA

10. Mr. Sanjay Kumar Senior Geophysicist WRD

11. Mr. V. Pradeep Superintendent Engineer WRD

12. Mr. Rajesh Kr. Rajat Assistant Geohydrologist WRD

13. Dr. Swa� Jain State Consultant, Hydrologist & GIS Expert PHED

14. Mr. S.K. Chaubey Biologist PHED

15. Mr. Jitesh Singh Junior Research Fellow SKMCCC

16. Mr. Prateek Barapatre Subject Expert, CC-Adapta�on SKMCCC

17. Mr. Ram Ra�an Simaya Subject Expert, Agriculture SKMCCC

18. Mr. Saransh Bajpai Subject Expert, CC-Mi�ga�on SKMCCC

19. Dr. R.P. Singh Senior Consultant (Forestry) SKMCCC

20. Ms. Rashee Abhilashi Project Associate MPCDMA

21. Mr. Ravi Shah Project Associate MPCDMA

Table 14. List of people interviewed

36 37

Scien�fic water source recharge techniques• Source recharging and es�ma�on

methods • Resource - water quality and effects • Design, plan and cost es�ma�on of


2 days Classroom lectures with prac�cal case studies and exposure visit

WRD: SEs, EEsPHED: SEs, EEsDFWAD: Sub-Divisional AOsPRDD: District and Sub-District officers

Long term3.3.

Annexure 2Valida�on Workshop

A workshop was conducted in Bhopal on 28 November 2016 to validate the capacity gap

assessment results, dra� capacity development plan and incorporate par�cipant feedback into

the final plan. The workshop was a�ended by representa�ves from the SKMCCC and water

sector departments/ins�tu�ons.

The KPMG team spoke about the importance of states in contribu�ng to India's mission to

achieve a low carbon pathway. Madhya Pradesh, being one of the landlocked states, is

vulnerable to climate change impacts and hence, there is a need for the Climate Change Centre

to guide and facilitate the development of capaci�es in the government departments to

mi�gate and adapt to climate change. The KPMG team presented the dra� capacity

development plan to the stakeholders, which had been developed using the input and

recommenda�ons from the state departments/organisa�ons.

SKMCCC team suggested that basic concepts such as exposure, sensi�vity and adap�ve

capacity should be covered in the module on climate change in the Indian context. The module

on climate finance also needs to be extended in dura�on and a�ended only by the individuals

who have an understanding of climate change, understand their department's ac�vi�es and

priori�es and are prepared to devote substan�al �me and effort for proposal prepara�on. A

need to understand approaches and methodologies to prepare state-level GHG inventory was

also expressed, given the focus being placed on it by the central government.

In the discussion on water sector, Dr Swa� Jain, PHED, asserted on the need for understanding

the climate change impacts and adapta�on strategies as was suggested under the 'Climate

change impacts on water resources module'. Mr Pradeep and Mr Sanjay Kumar from the Water

Resources Department insisted on the need for the assessment of water reservoirs in the state

department ac�vi�es to enable be�er implementa�on of water recharge ac�vi�es. A need to

cover the legal aspect of groundwater management in the training was also expressed.

The suggested training modules were well perceived by the departments and ins�tu�ons

during the workshop. The valida�on workshop was able to gather valuable input from the

stakeholders and these were incorporated in the final capacity development plan.

Figure 2. Valida�on workshop in Bhopal

38 39