Training Multilevel English Language Centre

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  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    The Multilevel Classroom:

    An Introduction

    English Language CentreTraining Session

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    Aims of this session

    To provide an introduction to the concept of themultilevel classroom

    To identify strategies for working in a multilevel

    classroom To generate innovative ideas and practices for

    teachers to implement in the classroom

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    Introduction Multilevel Classroom: A definition

    learners have different educational backgrounds

    learners display different levels of language acquisitioncapabilities

    teacher identifies there is a range of developmental needs

    the pace of language acquisition or individuals learning style is


    personality differences


    culture/general background

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    Identifying a Multilevel Class

    When planning instruction for a multilevel class, teachers

    must first consider the varied proficiency levels of theirstudents.

    Roberts, M., (2007)

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    Identifying a Multilevel Class


    eeds Analysis

    Formal document (given in L1 or L2) Interview Early classroom observations (activities, discussions)

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    Identifying a Multilevel Class


    In general, many students perform at the same or

    similar level; however, there are always students

    who perform below level and others who

    perform above level.

    Roberts, M. (2007)

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    Below Level

    not keeping up with the task

    often needs extra time to complete


    shows instances of low self-esteem

    when chosen to answer questions

    constantly talks in L1

    shows frustration when tasks are

    being presented

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    At Level

    keeping up with the task

    doesnt need extra time to

    complete activities

    engages in activities and generally

    comes forward to answer questions

    makes attempts to communicate

    with the teacher using the target

    language or recently taught

    lexical/grammar items

    generally progressing as they should

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    Above Level

    shows signs of higher language


    may be able to get it more quickly

    than their peers

    engages in activities and always comes

    forward to answer questions

    becomes easily frustrated when the

    teacher doesnt provide more

    challenging tasks

    is bored or disruptive while waiting for

    other students to catch up

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    How do we meet the needs of amultilevel classroom as teachers?

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    How do we meet the needs of amultilevel classroom as teachers?

    To meet the needs of a wide range of learners, a multilevelclassroom needs:

    an observant teacher

    assessment of prior knowledge

    developmental continua an inclusive learning environment

    student choice

    authentic materials and resources

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    How do we meet the needs of amultilevel classroom as teachers?

    In groups think about ways to create aninclusive learning environment.

    Choose 3 of the most important things youwould consider as creating an inclusive

    learning environment and write them on the


    You have 3 minutes to complete the task, sothink fast!

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    How do we meet the needs of amultilevel classroom as teachers?

    An inclusive learning environment:

    keeping note of the below level/above level learners presenting the lesson to ALL the learners whilst

    grading language to meet the needs of the class re-presenting the lesson to weaker learners during

    activity stages providing extra handouts supplementary to the course

    book grouping students appropriately

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    GroupingLike-ability versus Cross-ability

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre



    pairing or grouping students of the

    same or similar language

    proficiency or ability

    teacher can focus clearly on weaker

    students and provide additional

    challenging tasks for stronger

    students not in her presence

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre



    similar needs of students can be


    the pace of learning can be

    controlled better by the teachers so

    that all individual needs are met

    detrimental effects: can work

    against the ethos of an inclusive

    environment (i.e. the classroom

    community is now sectarian)

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre



    pairing or grouping students of different

    language proficiency or ability

    teacher orchestrates how stronger

    students can help weaker students

    detrimental effects: stronger students

    dont want to be seen as teachers

    weaker students are labelled as lower

    level; teachers must be tactful in


  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    In Practice

    In groups look at the following classroom


    Look at Touchstone 2:Unit 4 Lesson C (listening focus) or

    Unit 4 Lesson D (reading focus).

    Think of how to present the lesson to amultilevel class. What difficulties do you think

    you will face?

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre


    In practice we need to think about theoverall quality of the lesson we provide:

    time restrictions

    curriculum deadlines


    successful task completion

    student feedback/self-evaluation

  • 8/7/2019 Training Multilevel English Language Centre

