Training for Most Capable Workforce

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  • 8/10/2019 Training for Most Capable Workforce


    Advan ces In Management

    ase Study :

    Vol. 3 12) Dec. 2010)

    Training for Most Capable WorkforceIndradevi R

    VIT Business School, VIT University, Vellore 632 014 (T.N.), INDIA. [email protected]

    AbstractTh e function of the HR Department is changing

    with time and with this change, the relationship betweenthe training function and other management activity isalso changing. Training is a learning process thatinvolves the acquisition of knowledge, skills, concepts,rules, attitudes and behaviors of individuals to enhancethe performance of employees. The training anddevelopment activities are now equally important withthat of other HR functions. The days when training wasconsidered to be futile, waste of time, resources and

    money, is gone. Now a days, training is an investmentbecause the departments such as marketing and sales,HR production, finance etc. depend on training for itssurvival. Training actually provides the opportunity toraise the profile development activities in theorganization. TTiis research paper explored employeecapability as a intervening variable between trainingand organizational performance with special referenceto IT Industry. Data were collected using a selfadministered questionnaire. The questionnaire consistsof thirteen items on training and seven items onemployee capability and seven items on organizationalperformance with a Five-Point Scale ranging from

    strongly disagree I) to strongly agree 5). A sample of100 respondents from 2 IT Companies in Chennai,constituted as the sample unit for the study. Convenientsampling technique is adopted to select the sample unitsto collect the data. Scale reliability test was conductedon all the 27 items.

    Keywords: Training, employee capability, organizationalperformance.

    IntroductionTraining is a learning process that involves the

    acquisition of knowledge, skills, concepts, rules, attitudes andbehaviors that enhance the performance of employees.Training helps employees to analyze where they stand atpresent and where they will be after some time. Training notonly develops the skills of employees but also helps inoptimum utilization of human resource that further helps theemployee to achieve the organizational goals as well as theirindividual goals. It also helps in understanding and carryingout organizational policies.

    Bontis and Serenko^ defined that employeecapability reflects an individual's perception of his or her

    own knowledge, skills, experience, network, abilities toachieve results and room for potential growth. It is believedthat highly satisfied employees perceive themselves to bemore competitive than their less satisfied counterparts.

    With the rapid expansion of IT sector and coming upof major players and new technologies, companies mustprovide the necessary tools and other innovations for theiremployees to be productive, efficient and informed. A lot ofresearch has identified a direct link between traininginvestment of the companies and the market capitalization.Training has been identified as a major tool to optimize

    organization and employee capability. It clearly indicates thatthe companies which have successfully implemented trainingprograms, deliver customer goals with effective results.Training results in enhancement of employee capabilitywhich in turn, helps the organization in achieving its businessgoals.

    Review of LiteratureGerhart and Milkovich^ identified a correlation

    between training programmes and financial performance.Bates'* described that training was linked to the longevity ofcompanies. Bartel^ recognized a positive relation between thetraining program given to employees in manufacturing sectorand the growth in productivity. Hu selid' evealed thatinvestments made in Human Resource Development resultedin reduced turnover of employees, higher productivity andincreased performance of the organization. Doucouliagos^found that investment in training was desirable both for thedevelopment of the individual and organization. He addedthat Human capital investment is an activity which improvedthe quality (productivity) of the worker. Training as animportant component of human capital investment increasedthe capability of employees. Barcala, Perez and Gutierrez^stated that training is considered to be the great aspect ofinterest for both the public and the private sector.

    Bird and Beechler' investigated the fit between asubsidiary's business strategy and its HRM strategy andhigher performance. The study used perceptual performancemeasures. In the absence of objective data, self-reportedmeasures are an acceptable substitute and are also reliable.

    Mayo'^ argued that employee capabilities are one ofthe most important measures affecting organizationalperformance. McCowan et al identified that successfulorganizations constantly enhance employee capabilitiesthrough a variety of special program s.


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    dvances In Management Vol. 3 (12) Dec. 2010

    Atidrew M ayo ' examined the contribution of humancapital to current and future value for stakeholders. The keyimplications for such growth are individual capability,individual motivation, leadership, the organizational climateand workgroup effectiveness. Each of these was examined indetail with quantifiable measures. Individual capability orEmployee capability was measured by knowledge/ skill/experience/ network; ability to achieve results, potential forgrowth and their contribution to work. Employee capability isone of the most important m easures affecting organizationa lperformance.

    MacDonald and Colombo'* and DiFrancesco'' arguethe importance of training in Organizations which contributesto the development of Human Capital. Ballot, Fakhfakh andTaymaz' discussed the effects of training on wages andproductivity. The empirical evid ence sugg ested that workersdo tiot get all the benefits of training even though humancapital is completely embodied in them and finns got a

    significant improvement in productivity in return for theirinvestment in training.

    Paul and Anantharaman'^ developed and tested acausal model that related Human Resource Management(HRM) with Organizational performance. The study foundthat each and every HRM practices under the study had anindirect influence on Organizational performance.

    Susan et a l developed a new measurement tool thatassessed the human capital development processes of anorganization, benchmarked the performance against otherorganizations and determined the relationship of each process

    to business results. Human capital development processessuch as learning or career development lead to improvedperformance in human capital capability like em ployeeengagement or workforce performance. Hum an C apitalCapability is defined in terms of leadership, workforceperformance, employee engagement and workforce adaptabi-lity, ability to change, talent management and human capitalefficiency .

    Katou and Budhw ar made a study on the effect ofHuman Resource management policies on organizationalperformance and found that Human Resource managementpractices like training, appraisal, recruitment had a positiveeffect on the performance of the organization.

    Kumpikaite and Ciarniene'^ analyzed the scientificliterature and empirical research covering 18 organizations ofLithuania. The study explored training and development ofemployees helped organizations to meet their competitivechallenges and environmental changes. Traditionally, trainingfocused on improving the performance of employees in theircurrent jobs while development prepared the employees for anew job. There are numerous theoretical and empiricalresearch studies on Training. M ost of the studies concentratedon the need for training, training effectiveness and training

    and organization performance. There is not much researcdone on training and the implication of training on employecapability.

    MethodologyThe study was an explorato ry study which ex plor

    the employee capability as an intervening variable betweetraining and organizational p erformance. Primary data wreference to the agreement level of the employ ees on trainingemployee capability and organizational performance wecollected from the respondents by using a well designequestionnaire with 27 items. A sample of 100 respondentfrom IT Companies in Chennai constituted as the samplinunit for the study. Convenient sampling technique is adopteto collect the data. Survey was condu cted with specireference to Chennai.

    Independent variable Training Practices: Based on anextensive review of the HRM literature, a list of 13 items wascompiled which described the training practice s followed inIT Companies. The Alpha value obtained is.77.

    Intervening variable Employee capability: Employecapability was the intervening variable used in this study andseven items described the employee capability. The Alphvalue obtained is .75.

    Dependent Variable Organizational performance:Organizational performance was the dependent variable usein this study and seven items described the organizationaperformance. The Alpha value obtained is .78. The alphvalue for all the variables is higher than the acceptable lowlimit of .6 according to Nunnally' .

    Analysis and InterpretationData analysis is carried on with the primary dat

    collected from the field study. It was tried to find outassociation between demographic variables like age, gendemarital status and experience of the employees with that oftraining provided to employees and employee capability.

    Demographic Variables and Training:

    HO: There is no significant association between demographvariables and training provided to employees

    HI: There is significant assoc iation betwe en dem ographvariables and training provided to employees

    It is inferred from table 2 that the significance valufor demographic variables on training is

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    dvances In Management

    graphic var iables and increased employee capabi l i ty.

    H I : There is significant association b etween demogra|.variables and increased employee capability.

    It is inferred from table 3 that the significance valuefor demographic variables on employee capability is

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    dvances In Management

    form of employee capabilities which in turn increase theperforinance of the organization. The study had alsoidentified a positive association between demographicvariables of respondents like age, gende r, marital status andexperience and employee capability and training. Thisindicates that all HR Managers of IT Companies shouldconcentrate on the regular training imparted to employees toincrease their efficiency. The HR Managers shouldconcentrate more on planning for the training program,learning by newcomers, senior management involvement,briefing and debriefing on the role of training in order todevelop the capability of employees which leads to theincreased performance of the organization. Study concludesthat employee capability intervenes between training andorganizational performance with a high impact value.

    Tab le 1Cronbach s Alpha Coefficient for Scales

    Vol. 3 (12) Dec. (2010





    TrainingEmployee Capability

    Organizational performance


    0.77 0.75


    Tab le 2ANO VA Demographic Variables and Training


    Marital Status



    F. . .1.821









    Table 3ANOVA - Demographic Variables and

    Employee Capability


    Marital Status


    Age '

    . .- F










    Tab le 4ANOVA - Demographic Variables and

    Organizational performance




    Marital status

    F - ,










    Table 5Model Summary




    .731 (a)

    R Square


    Adjusted RSquare


    Std. Error ofthe Estimate


    a Predictors: Constant), training.

    Table 5.1ANOVA (b)

    . Model




    Su m of Squares






    42 2

    42 3

    .. ^ Mean Square





    .OOO a)

    a Predictors: Constan t), training; b Dependent Variable: employee capability.

    Tab le 5.2

    Coefficients (a)Model

    1 Constant) training

    Unstandardized Coefficients




    Std. Error



    Standardized Coefficients








    a Dependent Variable: employee capability.

    ReferencesI. Ballot G., Fakhfakh F. and Taymaz E., Who Benefits fromTraining and R D, the Firm or the Workers?, British Journal of

    Industrial Relations 44 3), 473-495 (2006)

    2. Bartel A.P., Productivity gains from the implementation ofemployee training programs. Industrial Relations 33 (4), 411 (1994)


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    Advances In Management.,. - r ; a Vo l . 3 12) Dec. 2010)



    a Predictors: (Constant),

    R.675 (a)


    Table 6Model Summary

    R Square

    .456Adjusted R Square

    .455Std Error of the Estimate



    1 Regression



    Table 6.1ANO VA h)

    Sum of Squares






    4 2 2

    4 2 3

    . Mean Square



    F .



    Table 6.2Coefficients a)


    1 (Constant)


    Unstandardized Coefficients



    Std. Error.147


    Standardized Coefficients



    , t : .





    .000a Dependent Variable: organization performance.

    . Model



    .683 a)

    Table 7Model Summary

    R Square


    Adjusted R Square

    .465Std. Error of the Estimate

    .36254a Predictors: (Constant), employee capability.

    Table 7 .1ANO VA h)


    1 Regression



    Sum ofSquares






    42 2


    Mean Square







    a Pred ic to rs : (Cons tan t ) , employee capab i l i ty ; b Dependen t V ar iab le : o rgan iza t ion per fo rmance .

    Table 7 .2Coefficients a)


    1 (Constant)

    employee capability

    Unstandardized Coefficients




    Std. Error

    .179 .







    19. i 83




    a Dependent Variable: organization performance.

    3. Barcala M.F., Perez M.J.S. and Gutierrez J.A.T., Training insmall business retailing: testing human capital theory, Journal ofEuropean Industrial Training 23 (7), 335-352 1999)

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    Traming.608 Employee



    .843 .: Organizationalperformance

    - i i

    Graph 1: Training - Performance framework

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