Training and Education in Sweden SSM Vattenfall EON SKB KSU CHALMERS KTH UPPSALA Other Universities (Stockholm University, Lund) Master of Nuclear Technology (English) PhD (Nuclear Chem. & Physics) SNEC Centre Master of Nuclear Energy Engineering (English) PhD (Nuclear Physics) BSc. Program (Swedish) PhD (Nuclear Physics) Courses, PhD related to Nuclear field E&T in NPPS

Training and Education in Sweden - Chalmers

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Training and Education in Sweden








UPPSALA Other Universities

(Stockholm University, Lund)

Master of Nuclear Technology (English)

PhD (Nuclear Chem. & Physics)

SNEC Centre

Master of Nuclear Energy Engineering


PhD (Nuclear Physics)

BSc. Program (Swedish)

PhD (Nuclear Physics)

Courses, PhD related to Nuclear field

E&T in


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The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Centre (SNEC), Chalmers

The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Centre (SNEC)

is a centre allowing:

Coordinating and structuring research,

education, and communication about all

aspects of nuclear energy and uses of

radioactive elements in a comprehensive,

responsible, and critical manner, established


Direct contact between researchers, students,

and industry members.

Computational and Experimental Fluid

Mechanics of Nuclear Materials

Deterministic Safety Analyses

Final Repository

Fusion Plasma Physics

Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Modelling

of Nuclear Systems

Non-Destructive Testing

Novel Nuclear Fuel Production

Nuclear Safeguards

Nuclear Techniques

Reactor Physics and Dynamics

Safety Related to Fuel-Coolant Interactions

Separation Transmutation

Severe Nuclear Accidents

Technology Assessment of Expansion of Nnuclear


Prof. Christophe Demazière,

SNEC Director: [email protected]

Prof. Christian Ekberg,

SNEC Scientific Leader: [email protected]

Research topics:

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Cooperation in Education and Training in

Nuclear- and Radiochemistry in Europe

Teodora Retegan

on behal of the CINCH Collaboration

Euratom Programme for Nuclear Research and Training

FP7-Fission-2009; FP7-Fission-2012

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CINCH Collaboration

Jan John1, Václav Čuba1, Mojmír Němec1, Teodora Retegan2,

Christian Ekberg2, Gunnar Skarnemark2, Jukka Lehto3,

Teija Koivula3, Paul J. Scully4, Clemens Walther5,

Jan-Willem Vahlbruch5, Nick Evans6, David Read6,

Eric Ansoborlo7, Bruce Hanson8, Lindis Skipperud9,

Brit Salbu9, Jon Petter Omtvedt10

1 Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic2 Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

3 University of Helsinki, Finland 4 National Nuclear Laboratory Ltd., Warrington, United Kingdom

5 University of Hanover, Germany6 Loughborough University, Great Britain

7 Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, France 8 Leeds University, United Kingdom

9 Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway10 University of Oslo, Norway

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WHAT brought us together?

Of particular concern, to the European Commission,

authorities, industry and professional, university based

scientists are




It is accepted that skills in these areas are of strategic, as

well as immediate, importance for the maintenance of

European nuclear operations and options within the

evolving EU economy.

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WHAT brought us together?

Nuclear chemistry education in Europe is quite diverse:

From full three + two + three years nuclear chemistry bachelor + master +

PhD courses down to teaching the nuclear chemistry at PhD level study,


Full transition to the Bologna system not achieved, yet, everywhere

Education in nuclear chemistry maintains high level in Russia

Expertise in nuclear chemistry is a basic prerequisite for:

Broad ex-Nuclear Power application – radiopharmacy, radiotracer

experiments, radioanalytics, nuclear medicine….

Design, construction and safe operation of the reprocessing facilities

Pre-disposal treatment of (liquid) radioactive waste

Performance assessments of nuclear waste repositories, etc.

Training – continuous professional development at post-gradual level

Current situation even more complex

Vast majority of the training performed by the industries (part of the

personnel and human resources development policies)

Lot to improve in the universities – industries interaction

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IAEA Systematic Approach for Training (SAT)Five-phases:

1. Analysis

2. Design

3. Development

4. Implementation

5. Evaluation



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History: CINCH-I (2010-2013)

CINCH-I: Cooperation in education In Nuclear CHemistry


Coordination of the education in nuclear chemistry, both at Ph.D. and

master levels, within the EU, in collaboration with Russia

Preparation of the grounds for a significant improvement of the university –

industries collaboration in the training programmes.

Three cornerstones:

Coordination of the education

Coordination of the training

E-learning / dissemination.

Funding provided for:

Development and implementation of joint education and training

programmes (including e-learning)

Organisation of training events (three of the developed joint modular


Dissemination of the results (NRC8, final public workshop, etc.).

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WHAT have we achieved?


University curricula evaluation

Identification and evaluation of the training needs

University curricula development

Joint courses and Strategies development

General purpose courses

Chemistry of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle


Dedicated training courses

Hands-on Training in Radiochemistry

E-learning courses.

Electronic tools:

CINCH Wiki - NukWik: Interactive DB of teaching material

CINCH Moodle: An e-learning platform

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Survey of NRC teaching in Europe

Organised by the University of


• 69 universities in 22 countries

• Questionnaire – 70% of the 45

most relevant universities


• Information of the most

important university units were


• NRC education in Russia was

surveyd separately by the

Russian CINCH partners

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Case study - UK

What is UK industry looking for?

– Development of modular qualifications and training

standards, backed by industry agreed National

Occupational Standards, directly related to job profiles.

– Creation of a Cogent Nuclear Industry Training Framework

(NITF), providing a database of qualifications and training

relevant to the Nuclear Industry

– Range of Job Contexts: Energy Production Operations,

Decommissioning Operations , Process Operations,

Safety & Security, Engineering Design , Scientific &

Technical Support ..........

– Range of qualification levels within each – vocational up to

bachelor +

Cogent is the UK's industry skills body for chemical, pharmaceutical,

nuclear, petroleum, polymers and life sciences business, with a key

role in meeting the skills needs of emerging technologies.

Training and Education Needs

of End-Users

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WHAT have we achieved?

Towards EuroMaster's Degree in Nuclear and Radiochemistry:

Optimum routes of radiochemical education

Minimum requirements for a "European Master in Nuclear Chemistry"

Strategic studies

Comparison of alternative routes to NRC EuroMaster

Options for a sustainable financing system

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Strategic studies

Identified sources for a sustainable system of financing:

1. “Erasmus for All” - possibility of creation of “knowledge alliances” and “sector skills alliances” attractive and relevant

2. Creation of “chairs” supported by industrial end-users

3. CPD programmes based on modules available in the NRC EuroMaster

4. Enrollment of non-EU students (tuitions fees)

5. Bilateral or national programmes, etc.

NRC EuroMaster

„Quality label“ rather than a specific programme

awarded by ECTN Association or guaranteed by DNRC

could be developed in some partnership (e.g. ENEN)?

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WHAT have we achieved?

Electronic tools

NUCWIK – Nuclear Wiki

Open platform for collaboration and

sharing teaching material in


Based on wiki engine and

everybody is welcome to use it.

Primarily aimed at Nuclear

Chemistry teaching at Universities.

Teachers can share and collaborate

on anything

given calculation exercise

complete courses

including extensive laboratory


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E-learning platform – CINCH Moodle

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WHAT have we achieved?


Chemistry of the

cooling circuits of

nuclear power


E-learning module

Implemented on the

CINCH Moodle e-

learning platform

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WHAT have we achieved?

Radioecology course:

General purpose demonstration course

Two weeks, 5 ECTS Lectures: 31 hours

Laboratory exercises: 25 hours

Programme (examples): Speciation

Size/charge fractionation

Sequential extraction techniques

Tracer techniques

Nuclear forensics

Sources of radionuclides in the environment


Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents

Impacts of ionizing radiation to biota

Terrestrial radioecology

Freshwater radioecology

Radionuclides in the Marine environment

Kd, CR, uptake and depuration kinetics


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WHAT have we achieved?

Chemistry of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle:

General purpose demonstration course

Organised in cooperation with French

industries such as AREVA, EDF etc.

Took place in France

Two weeks, combined

theory (lectures) with

site visits/excursions

CEA Marcoule

ANDRA Disposal Facility (VLLW)

CEA Saclay

ANDRA Underground Laboratory

ENSCP Laboratories

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Front-end and back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle

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Chimie ParisTech – CINCH


Geological repository concept

ANDRA underground reserach laboratory (Bure)

Development of the concept of HL/IL-LL repository

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WHAT have we achieved?

Hands-on training in nuclear


Dedicated training demonstration course

Designed for non-nuclear chemists

Fundamentals of the whole NRC curricula

Two-week combined theory / hands-on


Theoretical part

Fundamentals of nuclear chemistry

Radiation detection and dosimetry,

radiation protection

Separation methods in radiochemistry

Radioanalytical methods

Practical part

2 general exercises on handling open

radioactive sources, contamination, …. 6

complex laboratory exercises using

radiochemical techniques

1 experiment at school nuclear reactor

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CINCH-II: Cooperation in education and training In Nuclear CHemistry

Direct continuation of the CINCH-I project.

CINCH-II project aims at mobilisation of the identified

existing fragmented capabilities to form the critical mass

required to implement the courses and meet the nuclear

chemistry postgraduate education and training needs of

the European Union.

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Pert diagram


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Expected RESULTS

Implementation and further development of modern e-learning tools

developed within CINCH-I

a unique distance learning opportunity to students as well as young

and experienced research workers from the nuclear chemical


The following tools will be developed:

NukWik - an open platform for sharing teaching material

e-leaning course modules on the existing CINCH e-learning platform

problem solving sets for “Computers in Education”

“RoboLab” remote controlled exercises

simulation exercises

Foundations of a permanent NRC E&T Platform - a future sustainable

Euratom Fission Training Scheme (EFTS) in Nuclear Chemistry

platform preserving the courses developed within the training packages

of the recent EURATOM “chemistry” IPs and NOEs (e.g. ACTINET,


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HOW to join and support our efforts?

CINCH Associated Partners:

Eligible institutions:

higher education institutions,

nuclear training establishments or societies,

nuclear research centres,

government institutions,

international organisations,

nuclear companies and

regulatory bodies.

who :

commit themselves to support the aims of CINCH and

have a firmly established tradition in the fields of education,

training and/or research in nuclear- and radiochemistry, and

are based in the European Union or in one of its candidate

member countries.

The Associated Partners have the right to nominate a representative to

the CINCH Advisory Board.

Institutions based outside the European Union may become Associated

Partners without a Voting right at the Advisory Board.

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Thank you for your attention
