TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 1 Presented by Dr. Jevgenijs Oborins SJSC Latvijas Gaisa Satiksme, Riga, Latvia

TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced … 9 - The... · Regulation (EU ) 805/2011) etc. ICAO PANS, Manuals and Circulars (e.g. Doc 9868, Doc 7192, Doc 9683, Doc 9841,

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  • TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced

    regulatory environment

    TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 1

    Presented by Dr. Jevgenijs Oborins SJSC Latvijas Gaisa Satiksme, Riga, Latvia

  • Aspects of harmonisation: • Course name, list of subjects/modules; • Minimal duration of the course/subjects/modules; • List of topics/subtopics with or without levels of acomplishment; • List of performance/training/learning objectives; • Assessment content, procedures, success standards; • Strength of the harmonisation aspects: mandatory, recommended, guidance/orientation only; • Level of training material standardization: standardized core content, standardized set of training documentation, standardized training package; • Requirement for the course approval by the competent authority; • etc.

    Harmonisation aspects in civil aviation training

    In the given context harmonisation means implementation of the common (on regional or even global level) standards based on the best practices of civil aviation personnel training.

    TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 2

  • Insentives to harmonisation

    ICAO SARPs (e.g. Annex 1 ) Industry Standards (e.g. IATA Regulations and Manuals) Regulatory regional and national requirerments (e.g. Comission Regulation (EU ) 805/2011) etc. ICAO PANS, Manuals and Circulars (e.g. Doc 9868, Doc 7192, Doc 9683, Doc 9841, Doc 9941, Circ 323) Regional and national gudance and reference materials (e.g. EUROCONTROL Guidelines for ATCO Development Training OJTI Course Syllabus) etc.

    TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 3

  • Advanced regulatory environment

    In advanced regulatory environment training requirements are mandatory and detailed, e.g: • Course name, list of subjects or modules; • Minimal duration of the course/subjects/modules; • List of topics/subtopics with levels of acomplishment and/or • List of performance/ training /learning objectives; • Assessment content, procedures, success standards; • Competent Authority approval of the Training Organization. • Competent Authority approval of the Course.

    Example of advanced regulatory environment: Member States of European Union (EU)

    TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 4


  • EU air safety regulatory structure

    Basic Regulation (EC) No216/2008

    Flight Standards Regulations

    Airworthiness Regulations

    ATM/ANS Regulations

    Aerodromes Regulations

    Training requirements for

    Aircraft Maintenance


    Training requirements for


    Training requirements for

    Air Traffic Controllers and


    EASA AMC and GM to Airworthiness

    Regulations Detailed training requirements for

    Aircraft Maintenance


    Detailed training requirements for


    Detailed training requirements for

    Air Traffic Controllers and


    EASA AMC and GM to Flight Standards


    EASA AMC and GM to ATM/ANS Regulations

    EASA AMC and GM to Aerodromes


    TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 5

  • Current EU requirements for civil aviation training

    Personnel category Training requirements are stated in:

    Detailed training requirements are

    stated in:

    Aircraft Maintenance Personnel

    (Certifying Staff)

    Comission Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003

    EASA ED Decision No 2003/19/RM

    Pilots Comission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 EASA ED Decision

    No 2011/016/R

    Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel


    Comission Regulation (EU) No 1035/2011

    EUROCONTROL Specification for the ATSEP Common Core

    Content Initial Training

    Air Traffic Controllers Comission Regulation (EU) No 805/2011 EUROCONTROL Specification for the ATCO Common Core

    Content Initial Training

    TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 6

  • Features of the training courses based on EU regulatory requirements

    EU regulatory training requirements support development of the competency-based training characterized by a performance orientation, emphasis on standards of performance and their measurement. Training objectives are based mainly on the job analysis results. List of training objectives is a result of the consensus of a number of Subject Matter Experts (SME) contributing to the development of the training requirements through the Task Force Groups. Procedures of the development of the EU regulatory training requirements are standardised and assure quality. The courses are updated whenever the regulatory requirements are amended or changed. The courses are well-developed to get an approval from the national Competent Authority.

    TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 7

  • Qualities of the lists of training objectives

    Invested manpower

    SME level of expertise

    List of training objectives is developed by an Instructor

    List of training objectives is developed by the Course Developers with support of the SMEs

    List of training objectives is developed by the SMEs of the Task Force Group

    Individual Procedure

    TRAINAIR Plus Procedure

    EASA or EUROCONTROL Procedure

    TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 8

  • Preliminary Study

    Population Analysis

    Job Analysis

    Design of curriculum

    Production and Developmental Testing

    Design of modules

    Validation and Revision








    Stage 1 Analysis Steps 1 to 3

    Stage 2 Design and Production Steps 4 to 6

    Stage 3 Evaluation Step 7

    Training needs

    Draft STP Fe



    Validated Standardized Training Package (STP)

    - steps affected

    Steps of the TRAINAIR Plus course development process affected by the training regulatory requrements

    Regulatory requirements affect process of course development.

    TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 9

  • Applications of the TRAINAIR Plus methodology in the advanced regulatory environment

    TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 10

    Regulatory requirements

    List of training objectives

    Applications of the TRAINAIR Plus methodology

    Full TRAINAIR Plus methodology process including Job Analysis aligned with given training objectives

    TRAINAIR Plus upgrading process based on the given training objectives

    Course improving process incorporating features of STP to produce “STP like” training package

    All applications above assume performing Steps 1 and 3




    Following applications seem to be the most practical in respect of use of the TRAINAIR Plus methodology in the advanced regulatory environment

  • TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 11

    - provides production of the validated TRAINAIR Plus STP; - is performed by a TRAINAIR Plus Full Member; - is the most efficient if the regulatory requirements contain a list of the performance objectives and no course materials produced yet.

    This application:

    Regulatory requirements

    List of training objectives

    Full Job Analysis taking into account the provisional list

    of the tasks

    Provisional list of the tasks

    Prepared by the Course Developers

    Task Lists and Task Description Forms

    Full TRAINAIR Plus methodology process including Job Analysis aligned with the given training objectives

    Example of possible course: Pre-OJT course for Air Traffic Controllers

    Steps 3...7 of the TRAINAIR Plus methodology process

    Step 2

    Reference: Doc 9941 TDG, Chapters 2...8

  • TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 12

    TRAINAIR Plus upgrading process based on the given training objectives

    Regulatory requirements List of training objectives and teaching points

    Full Design of Curriculum taking into

    account required course structure (subjects,

    modules of the course)

    Step 4

    Module Outline Forms

    Steps 5..7 of the TRAINAIR Plus methodology process

    Existing course materials

    This application: - provides production of the validated TRAINAIR Plus STP; - is performed by a TRAINAIR Plus Full Member; - is the most efficient if the regulatory requirements contain a list of the performance (task) objectives including intermediate objectives and teaching points and the training materials are available.

    Example of possible course: Rating Training course for Air Traffic Controllers Reference: Doc 9941 TDG, Chapter 9

  • TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 13

    Course improving process incorporating features of STP to produce “STP like” training package

    Regulatory requirements

    List of subjects/modules, topics/sub-topics, training

    objectives and teaching points

    Full Design of Modules (Step 5) and

    Production part of Step 6

    “STP like” training package including

    training documentation compliant with the

    regulatory requirements This application:

    - provides production of the “STP like” training package ; - is performed by any training institution; - is the especially efficient in production of long (mostly theoretical) courses based on the given list of the topics/sub-topics, or list of training objectives and teaching points. Example of possible course: ATSEP Basic Training Course Reference: Doc 9941 TDG, Chapter 12

  • Resume

    TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 14

    Advanced regulatory environment provides the training requirements detailed to such extent that they can be considered as existing course. Application of the TRAINAIR Plus upgrading process aimed at production of the STPs compliant with regulatory requirements seems very beneficial for the TRAINAIR Plus Full Members. Course improving process incorporating features of STP to produce “STP like” training package is recommended for the training institutions which plan to join the TRAINAIR Plus Programme. This application provides following benefits: - familiarisation of the personnel involved into course development with the TRAINAIR Plus methodology; - practice on some aspects of the methodology for the personnel who have attended TP TDC; - convergence of the local course production process with the TRAINAIR Plus methodology process.

  • Thank you for your attention

    TRAINAIR Plus methodology applications in the advanced regulatory environment 15

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