Traffic Rules Offence Panalty

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  • 8/3/2019 Traffic Rules Offence Panalty




    1.1 Driving without a Valid LicenseRs. 500/- and /orimprisonment ( 3 months)

    3 r/w 181 MVA

    1.2Allowing vehicle to be driven by aperson who does not possess aValid License.

    Rs. 1000/- and/orimprisonment ( 3 months)

    5 r/w 180 MVA

    1.3Not carrying documents asrequired.

    Rs. 100/- 130(3) r/w 177 MVA

    1.4 Driving without Valid Insurance.Rs. 1000/- and/orimprisonment ( 3 months)

    130 r/w 177 MVA

    1.5 Driving without Valid Permit.Rs. 5000/- ( not less than

    Rs. 2000/-)130 r/w 177 MVA

    1.6 Driving without Valid Fitness.Rs. 5000/- ( not less thanRs. 2000/-)

    130 r/w 177 MVA

    1.7 Vehicle without R.C. Rs 2000/- 39 r/w192 MVA



    2.1.1 Driving by Minor . Rs. 500/- 4 r/w 181 MVA

    2.1.2Allowing Unauthorized person todrive .

    Rs. 1000/- 5 r/w 180 MVA

    2.1.3 Driving without Helmet. Rs. 100/- 129 r/w177 MVA

    2.1.4 Seat Belts not fastened. Rs. 100/-138(3) CMVR177 MVA

    2.1.5 Rough/Rash/Negligent Driving . Rs. 1000/- 184 MVA

    2.1.6 Dangerous or hasty Driving.Rs.1000/-and/or imprisonment( 6 months)

    112-183 MVA

    2.1.7 Not Driving in Proper Lane. Court Challan 66 r/w 192 MVA

    2.1.8Driving in the center and not to left

    side.Rs.100/- 2 RRR r/w 177 MVA

    2.1.9 Driving against One Way. Rs.100/- 17 (i) RRR 177 MVA

    2.1.10Reversing without due care andattention.

    Rs. 100/-MMVR 233177 MVA

    2.1.11Taking U turn during outlawedhours.

    Rs.100/-12 RRR177 MVA

    2.1.12 Failing to take precaution whiletaking a Turn.

    Rs.100/- 3 RRR177 MVA

    2.1.13 Failing to decelerate at intersection. Rs.100/-8 RRR177 MVA

    2.1.14Failing to carry on left of trafficisland.

    Rs.100/-2 RRR177 MVA

    2.1.15 Carrying persons on Footboard. Rs.100/- 123-177 MVA

    2.1.16 Carrying persons causing hindrance Rs.100/- 125-177 MVA

  • 8/3/2019 Traffic Rules Offence Panalty


    to the driver.

    2.1.17 Trippling. Rs. 100/- 128/177 MVA

    2.1.18 Driving on Footpath. Rs.100/- RRR 177 MVA

    2.1.19Stopping at pedestrian crossing orcrossing a Stop Line.

    Rs.100/- RRR 177 MVA

    2.2 Road MarkingRelated Offences

    2.2.1 Violation of Yellow Line. Rs. 100/- 119/177 MVA

    2.2.2 Violation of Stop Line. Rs. 100/- 113(1)/177 DMVR

    2.2.3 Violation of Mandatory Signs . Rs. 100/- 119/177 MVA

    2.3 Number PlateRelated Offences

    2.3.1Use of Offensive Number Plate forvehicle used in driving.

    Rs.100/-CMVR 105 (2) (ii)177 MVA

    2.3.2 Displaying 'Applied For'. Rs. 4500/- 39/192 MVA

    2.4 Vehicle LightRelated Offences

    2.4.1Improper use of headlights/tail lightfor vehicle used in driving.

    Rs.100/-CMVR 105 (2) (ii)177 MVA

    2.4.2Using High Beam where notrequired.

    Rs. 100/-112(G) A DMVR177 MVA

    2.5 HornRelated Offences

    2.5.1 Driving without Horn. Rs. 100/- 119(1)/177 CMVR

    2.5.2 Improper horn usage while driving. Rs.100/-CMVR 105 (2) (ii)177 MVA

    2.6 Traffic PoliceRelated Offences

    2.6.1Disobeying Traffic Police Officer inuniform.

    Rs. 100/-119 MVA22(a) RRR177 MVA

    2.6.2 Driving against Police Signal. Rs. 100/- 119 r/w 177 MVA

    2.6.3 Disobeying manual Traffic Signal. Rs. 100/-239 MMVR22(a) RRR177 MVA

    2.7 Traffic SignalRelated Offences

    2.7.1Disobeying Traffic signal / SignBoard.

    Rs. 100/-22(b) RRR239 MMVR177 MVA

    2.7.2 Failing to give Signal. Rs. 100/-121 RRR177 MVA

    2.7.3 Jumping Signal. Rs.100/- 119/177 MVA

    2.8 Speedand OvertakeRelated Offences

    2.8.1 Exceeding the prescribed SpeedLimits. Up to Rs.1000/- 112-183 MVA

    2.8.2 Abetment for Over Speeding . Rs.300/- 112/183(2) MVA

    2.8.3 Overtaking perilously. Rs.100/- 6 (a) RRR r/w 177 MVA

    2.8.4Failing to confer way to sanctionOvertaking.

    Rs.100/-7 RRR177 MVA

    2.8.5 Overtaking from Wrong Side . Rs. 100/- RRR 6/1/177 MVA

    2.9 Other Offences

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  • 8/3/2019 Traffic Rules Offence Panalty


    5.4 Without Side Mirror. Rs.100/- 5, 7/177 MVA

    5.5 Defective tyres. Rs.100/- CMVR 94

    5.6No indication board on left handdrive vehicle.

    Rs.100/- 120, 177 MVA

    5.7Sale of motor vehicle/alterationof motor vehicle in contraventionof Act.

    Rs.300/-52/191 MVA, 32/192.66/192 MV


    5.8Vehicles fitted with darkglasses/sun films.

    Rs.100/-100 CMVR177 MVA

    5.9Driving without proper numberplate/ illuminating rear numberplate.

    Rs.100/-236 MMVR177 MVA

    5.10Failing to display public carrierboard.

    Rs.100/-116 MMVR177 MVA

    5.11Using private vehicle forcommercial purposes.

    Rs. 5000/-( not less than Rs. 2000/-)


    5.12Any sort of misconduct withpassengers, not wearing

    uniform/not displaying badge.

    Rs.100/-MMVR 21(18)

    177 MVA

    5.13 Overloading a goods vehicle.Rs. 2000/-plus Rs. 1000/- for

    every additional ton.

    MMVR 93(u)(i)

    177 MVA

    5.14Carrying goods in a dangerous orhazardous manner.

    Imprisonment and/or fine ofRs. 3000/-

    29 RRR177 MVA

    5.15Infringement of permitconditions.

    Imprisonment and/or fine ofRs. 5000/-( not less than Rs.2000/-)


    5.16 Use of Colored light on Vehicle Rs. 100/- 97(2)/177 DMVR



    6.1 Plying in 'NO ENTRY' Time Upto 2000/- 115/194 MVA

    6. Violation of Time Table Court Challan 11/177, 2/177, 66/192 MVA

    6.2 High and Long / Load in Vehicles Rs. 100/- 29 RRR/177 MVA

    6.3Carrying animals in goodsvehicles in contravention of rules.

    Rs.100/-MMVR 83177 MVA

    6.4Carrying persons dangerously orcarrying persons in goodsvehicles.

    Rs.100/-MMVR 108177 MVA

    6.5 Goods in Passenger Vehicles - -

    6.6 Dangerous projection of goods. Rs.100/-

    229 MMVR

    29 RRR177 MVA

    6.7 Carrying goods unsecured. Rs.100/-MMVR 202177 MVA

    6.Carrying goods more than 11 feethigh.

    Rs.100/-MMVR 93(u) (i)177 MVA

    6.Limit Of weight and limitation onUse.

    Court Challan 113/194(1) MVA

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    6. Driver refuses to weigh vehicle. Court Challan 114/194(2) MVA

    6.9 Load on Tail Board. Rs.100/-MMVR 202177 MVA

    6.10 Misbehavior by Taxi/TSR Driver. Rs. 100/- 11(3)/177 DMVR

    6.11Over Charging by Taxi/TSRDriver.

    Rs. 100/- 11(8)/177 DMVR

    6.12 Charging without Meter. Rs. 100/- 11(8)/177 DMVR

    6.13 Refusal by Taxi/TSR Driver. Rs. 100/- 11(9)/177 DMVR

    6.14 Driver without Uniform. Rs. 100/- 7/177 DMVR

    6.14 Driver without Badge. Rs. 100/- 22(1)/177 DMVR

    6.15 Conductor without Uniform. Rs. 100/- 23(1)/177 DMVR

    6.16 Conductor without Badge. Rs. 100/- 22(1)/177 DMVR

    6.17 Stopping without Bus stop Court Challan 66/192 MVA

    6.18Power to detain Vehicle used incontravention of section 3.4,39 or66(1) MV Act.

    Court Challan 207(1) MVA



    7.1Parking in the direction of flow oftraffic.

    Rs.100/-22(a) RRR177 MVA

    7.2Parking away from footpathtowards road.

    Rs.100/-15(2) RRR177 MVA

    7.3 Parking against flow of traffic. Rs.100/-15(2) RRR177 MVA

    7.4 Parking causing Obstruction. Rs. 100/-15(2) RRR177 MVA

    7.5 Parking on a Taxi Stand. Rs. 100/-15(2) RRR177 MVA

    7.6Parking in not any prescribedmanner.

    Rs. 100/-15(1) RRR177 MVA

    7.7 Parking at any Corner. Rs. 100/-15(i) RRR177 MVA

    7.8Parking within 15 meters oneither side of Bus Stop.

    Rs. 100/-15(2) RRR177 MVA

    7.9 Parking on Bridge. Rs. 100/-15(2) (i) RRR177 MVA

    7.10 Parking at Traffic Island. Rs. 100/-15(i) RRR177 MVA

    7.11 Parking in No Parking Area. Rs. 100/-15(2) RRR177 MVA

    7.12 Parked on Pedestrian Crossing. Rs. 100/-15(2)(iii) RRR

    177 MVA

    7.13 Parking on Footpath. Rs. 100/-15(2)(ii) RRR

    177 MVA

    7.14 Parking in front of a gate. Rs. 100/-15(2)(viii) RRR

    177 MVA

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    7.15 Parking causing obstruction. Rs. 100/-15(1) RRR177 MVA

    RRR: Rules of Road Regulations 1989

    MVA: Motor Vehicles Act 1988MMVR: Maharasthra Motor Vehicles Rules 1989CMVR: Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989

    Besides these provisions, it is mandatory for every driver driving, to carry the following documents whiledriving: