Traduccion de primavera P6

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  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6



    Oracle Primavera P6 Data Dictionary

    Copyright 1999, 2011, Oracle and/or its afliates !ll rights reservedOracle and "ava are registered trademar#s o$ Oracle and/or its a$$iliates Othernames may %e trademar#s o$ their respective o&ners

    'he Programs (&hich incl)de %oth the so$t&are and doc)mentation* containproprietary in$ormation+ they are provided )nder a license agreement containingrestrictions on )se and disclos)re and are also protected %y copyright, patent, andother intellect)al and ind)strial property la&s everse engineering, disassem%ly, ordecompilation o$ the Programs, e-cept to the e-tent re.)ired to o%taininteropera%ility &ith other independently created so$t&are or as speci$ied %y la&, isprohi%ited

    'he in$ormation contained in this doc)ment is s)% ect to change &itho)t notice $

    yo) $ind any pro%lems in the doc)mentation, please report them to )s in &riting 'his doc)ment is not &arranted to %e error $ree -cept as may %e e-presslypermitted in yo)r license agreement $or these Programs, no part o$ these Programsmay %e reprod)ced or transmitted in any $orm or %y any means, electronic ormechanical, $or any p)rpose

    'he plat$orm speci$ic hard&are and so$t&are re.)irements incl)ded in this doc)ment&ere c)rrent &hen this doc)ment &as p)%lished 3o&ever, %eca)se ne& plat$ormsand operating system so$t&are versions might %e certi$ied a$ter this doc)ment isp)%lished, revie& the certi$ication matri- on the 4y Oracle 5)pport e% site $or themost )p to date list o$ certi$ied hard&are plat$orms and operating system versions

    'he 4y Oracle 5)pport e% site is availa%le at the $ollo&ing 7 8

    ht t p :/ /s up p o r t .o r a cle .c o m / $ the Programs are delivered to the 7nited 5tates :overnment or anyone licensingor )sing the Programs on %ehal$ o$ the 7nited 5tates :overnment, the $ollo&ingnotice is applica%le 7 5 :O; ! ?2 22@ 19, CommercialComp)ter 5o$t&are estricted ights (")ne 19A@* Oracle 75!, nc , ?00 OraclePar#&ay, ed&ood City, C! 9B06?
  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6



    'he Programs are not intended $or )se in any n)clear, aviation, mass transit,medical, or other inherently dangero)s applications t shall %e the licensee sresponsi%ility to ta#e all appropriate $ail sa$e, %ac#)p, red)ndancy and othermeas)res to ens)re the sa$e )se o$ s)ch applications i$ the Programs are )sed $ors)ch p)rposes, and &e disclaim lia%ility $or any damages ca)sed %y s)ch )se o$ the Programs

    'he Programs may provide lin#s to e% sites and access to content, prod)cts,and services $rom third parties Oracle is not responsi%le $or the availa%ility o$, orany content provided on, third party e% sites o) %ear all ris#s associated &iththe )se o$ s)ch content $ yo) choose to p)rchase any prod)cts or services $roma third party, the relationship is directly %et&een yo) and the third party Oracleis not responsi%le $or (a* the .)ality o$ third party prod)cts or services+ or (%*$)l$illing any o$ the terms o$ the agreement &ith the third party, incl)dingdelivery o$ prod)cts or services and &arranty o%ligations related to p)rchasedprod)cts or services Oracle is not responsi%le $or any loss or damage o$ any sortthat yo) may inc)r $rom dealing &ith any third party

    'o vie& the list o$ third party technology disclos)res related to this prod)ct,please see the Commercial Notices and Disclosures doc)ment $or the release

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6



    Copyright ................................................................................................ 2

    Preface ................................................................................................. 23Introduction ......................................................................................... 24Where to Get Documentation .................................................................... 24Where To Get Training ............................................................................ 27Where to Get Support ............................................................................. 27

    Data Dictionary........................................................................................ 29% Allocation ................................................................................... 29

    Acce !e"el................................................................................... 29

    Acce Time ................................................................................... 29Accounting #ariance ......................................................................... 29

    Accounting #ariance $ !a or &nit ........................................................ 29

    Accrual Type .................................................................................. 29

    Acti"e 'ro(ect ............................................................................... )*

    Acti"ity % Complete ......................................................................... )*

    Acti"ity Code.................................................................................. )*

    Acti"ity Count................................................................................. )*

    Acti"ity +ini h................................................................................. )*

    Acti"ity ID ..................................................................................... )*

    Acti"ity ID 're,i- ............................................................................. )

    Acti"ity ID Su,,i- ............................................................................. )

    Acti"ity Start .................................................................................. )

    Acti"ity Statu ................................................................................ )

    Acti"ity Type .................................................................................. )

    Actual /&nit 0 ................................................................................. )2

    Actual Completed Acti"itie ................................................................ )2

    Actual Co t /A ignment 0 .................................................................. )2

    Actual Co t /1'S0 ............................................................................. ))

    Actual Co t /1-pen e 0 ...................................................................... ))

    Actual Co t / e pon e 'lan 0 .............................................................. ))

    Actual Duration /Acti"itie 0 ................................................................ ))

    Actual Duration /A ignment 0 ............................................................. ))

    Actual Duration /1'S0........................................................................ ))

    Actual 1-pen e Co t ......................................................................... ))

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    '3 Data Dictionary

    Actual +ini h .................................................................................. ))

    Actual In$'rogre Acti"itie ............................................................... ))

    Actual !a or Co t ............................................................................ ))

    Actual !a or &nit ........................................................................... )4

    Actual aterial Co t ......................................................................... )4

    Actual 5ame .................................................................................. )4

    Actual 5onla or Co t ........................................................................ )4

    Actual 5onla or &nit ....................................................................... )4

    Actual 5ot Started Acti"itie /Acti"itie 0 ................................................ )4

    Actual 5ot$Started Acti"itie /1'S0 ....................................................... )4

    Actual 6"ertime Co t ........................................................................ )4

    Actual 6"ertime &nit ....................................................................... )4

    Actual egular Co t .......................................................................... )4

    Actual egular &nit ......................................................................... )4

    Actual Start ................................................................................... )4

    Actual Thi 'eriod Co t ..................................................................... )

    Actual Thi 'eriod !a or Co t.............................................................. )

    Actual Thi 'eriod !a or &nit ............................................................. )

    Actual Thi 'eriod aterial Co t .......................................................... )

    Actual Thi 'eriod 5onla or Co t ......................................................... )

    Actual Thi 'eriod 5onla or &nit ........................................................ )

    Actual Thi 'eriod &nit .................................................................... )3

    Actual Total Co t /Acti"itie 0 .............................................................. )3

    Actual Total Co t /1'S0...................................................................... )3

    Actual &nit /Acti"ity 1-pen e0 ............................................................ )3

    Actual &nit /A ignment 0 ................................................................. )3

    Added 8y....................................................................................... )3

    Added Date .................................................................................... )3

    Annual Di count 2ate ........................................................................ )3

    Anticipated +ini h ............................................................................ )7

    Anticipated Start ............................................................................. )7

    Applie To /I ue 0 ........................................................................... )7

    Applie To /W8S0 ............................................................................. )7

    Appro"al Date /Team em er Statu &pdate 0 ......................................... )7

    Appro"ed 8y /Team em er Statu &pdate 0 ........................................... )7

    Appro"er ...................................................................................... )7

    A igned 8y .................................................................................... )7

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    A igned Date ................................................................................. )7

    A igned 'ri"ilege ........................................................................... )7

    A ociated 2e ource ......................................................................... )7

    At Completion Co t .......................................................................... )7

    At Completion Duration ..................................................................... )

    At Completion 1-pen e Co t ............................................................... )

    At Completion !a or Co t .................................................................. )

    At Completion !a or &nit ................................................................. )

    At Completion aterial Co t ............................................................... )

    At Completion 5onla or Co t .............................................................. )

    At Completion 5onla or &nit ............................................................. )

    At Completion Total Co t ................................................................... )9

    At Completion &nit ......................................................................... )9

    Author .......................................................................................... )9A"aila le Template .......................................................................... )9

    A"aila le To ................................................................................... )9

    8ar Type ....................................................................................... )9

    8a e Calendar................................................................................. 4*

    8a e 1-change 2ate.......................................................................... 4*

    8a eline Data Date ........................................................................... 4

    8ene,it 'lan ................................................................................... 4

    8! Completed Acti"itie .................................................................... 4

    8! Duration .................................................................................... 48! +ini h ....................................................................................... 4

    8! In$'rogre Acti"itie .................................................................... 4

    8! 5ot$Started Acti"itie ................................................................... 4

    8! 'ro(ect Completed Acti"itie .......................................................... 4

    8! 'ro(ect Duration .......................................................................... 4

    8! 'ro(ect 1-pen e Co t .................................................................... 4

    8! 'ro(ect +ini h ............................................................................. 4

    8! 'ro(ect In$'rogre Acti"itie .......................................................... 42

    8! 'ro(ect !a or Co t ....................................................................... 42

    8! 'ro(ect !a or &nit ...................................................................... 42

    8! 'ro(ect aterial Co t .................................................................... 42

    8! 'ro(ect 5onla or Co t ................................................................... 42

    8! 'ro(ect 5onla or &nit .................................................................. 42

    8! 'ro(ect 5ot Started Acti"itie .......................................................... 42


  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    '3 Data Dictionary

    8! 'ro(ect Start .............................................................................. 42

    8! 'ro(ect Total Co t ........................................................................ 42

    8! Start ........................................................................................ 42

    8! Completed Acti"itie ................................................................... 42

    8! Duration .................................................................................. 42

    8! 1-pen e Co t............................................................................. 4)

    8! +ini h ...................................................................................... 4)

    8! In$'rogre Acti"itie ................................................................... 4)

    8! !a or Co t ................................................................................ 4)

    8! !a or &nit ............................................................................... 4)

    8! aterial Co t............................................................................. 4)

    8! 5onla or Co t............................................................................ 4)

    8! 5onla or &nit ........................................................................... 4)

    8! 5ot Started Acti"itie .................................................................. 4)8! Start ....................................................................................... 4)

    8! Total Co t ................................................................................ 4)

    8udget At Completion ....................................................................... 4)

    8udget At Completion $ !a or &nit ...................................................... 4)

    Calendar ....................................................................................... 44

    Category /1-pen e0 .......................................................................... 44

    Category / i : 0 .............................................................................. 44

    Category /W8S0 ............................................................................... 44

    Category or 'roce /Wor:,lo; 0 .......................................................... 44Cau e ........................................................................................... 44

    Change 5um%er............................................................................... 44

    Chec:ed 6ut 8y............................................................................... 44

    Claimed 8y .................................................................................... 44

    Code /2i : 0 ................................................................................... 44

    Code A ignment ............................................................................. 44

    Code De cription ............................................................................. 4

    Code #alue .................................................................................... 4

    Color /Acti"ity Code 0 ....................................................................... 4

    Color /Gantt Chart0 .......................................................................... 4

    Color /2i : 0 ................................................................................... 4

    Completed ..................................................................................... 4

    Con traint Date ............................................................................... 4

    Con traint Type .............................................................................. 4

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6



    Co t % Complete.............................................................................. 4

    Co t % o, 'lanned ............................................................................ 4

    Co t /'o t$re pon e Thre hold 0........................................................... 4

    Co t /'re$re pon e Thre hold 0 ............................................................ 43

    Co t Account .................................................................................. 43

    Co t Account ID .............................................................................. 43

    Co t 'er,ormance Inde-..................................................................... 43

    Co t 'er,ormance Inde- $ !a or &nit .................................................... 43

    Co t #ariance ................................................................................. 43

    Co t #ariance $ !a or &nit ................................................................ 43

    Co t #ariance Inde-.......................................................................... 43

    Co t #ariance Inde- $ !a or &nit ......................................................... 43

    Created 8y /Da h%oard 0.................................................................... 47

    Created 8y /Scenario 0 ...................................................................... 47Currency ....................................................................................... 47

    Currency Sym ol ............................................................................. 47

    Current 8udget ............................................................................... 47

    Current #ariance ............................................................................. 47

    Cur"e ........................................................................................... 47

    Da h oard Title............................................................................... 47

    Data Date ...................................................................................... 47

    Date /8udget !og0 ............................................................................ 47

    Date /Document Detail 0 .................................................................... 47Date /'ort,olio Scenario 5ote 0 ........................................................... 4

    Date / 6I Detail 0 ............................................................................ 4

    Date /Wor:,lo; 0............................................................................. 4

    Date Added .................................................................................... 4

    Date Chec:ed 6ut ............................................................................ 4

    Date Created .................................................................................. 4

    Date Identi,ied ............................................................................... 4

    Date Initiated ................................................................................. 4

    Day !ate ...................................................................................... 4

    Day 'ending .................................................................................. 4

    Decimal Digit ................................................................................. 4

    Decimal Sym%ol............................................................................... 4

    De,ault +ormat ............................................................................... 4

    De,ault Template ............................................................................ 49

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    '3 Data Dictionary

    De,ault Title .................................................................................. 49

    De,ault &nit

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6



    1-po ure Start ................................................................................ 4

    1-ternal 1arly Start .......................................................................... 4

    1-ternal !ate +ini h ......................................................................... 4

    +inancial 'eriod .............................................................................. 4

    +ini h / e pon e 'lan 0 ..................................................................... 4

    +ini h Date /Acti"itie 0 ...................................................................... 4

    +ini h Date /'lanning0 ....................................................................... 4

    +ini h Date /'ro(ect 0 .......................................................................

    +ini h Date /Time heet 'eriod 0...........................................................

    +ini h Date /Wor:,lo; 0.....................................................................

    +loat 'ath .....................................................................................

    +loat 'ath 6rder .............................................................................

    +oreca t at Completion= Co t /1arned #alue 'er,ormance0 ..........................

    +oreca t at Completion= Co t /Schedule 'er,ormance0 ...............................+oreca t at Completion= !a or &nit /1arned #alue 'er,ormance0 .................

    +oreca t at Completion= !a or &nit /Schedule 'er,ormance0 ......................

    +oreca t at Completion= Schedule /1arned #alue 'er,ormance0 ....................

    +oreca t at Completion= Schedule /Schedule 'er,ormance0 ......................... 3

    +oreca t +ini h Date ......................................................................... 3

    +oreca t Start Date .......................................................................... 3

    +ree +loat ..................................................................................... 3

    +und Share .................................................................................... 3

    +unding Source ............................................................................... 3Glo al Security 'ro,ile ...................................................................... 3

    >eld Date /Team em er Statu &pdate 0 .............................................. 3

    ID ................................................................................................ 3

    Identi,ied 8y /I ue 0 ........................................................................ 7

    Identi,ied 8y / i : 0 ......................................................................... 7

    Identi,ied Date ............................................................................... 7

    Impact Thre hold ........................................................................... 7

    Increment...................................................................................... 7

    Independent 1TC !a or &nit .............................................................. 7

    Independent 1TC Total Co t ............................................................... 7

    Initiated Date ................................................................................. 7

    Initiator ........................................................................................ 7

    Integrated 'ro(ect ........................................................................... 7

    Integrated e ource .........................................................................

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    '3 Data Dictionary

    Integrated W8S ...............................................................................

    I' Addre .....................................................................................

    I ue Code .....................................................................................

    I ue Statu Code.............................................................................

    !a or Co t % Complete ......................................................................

    !a or &nit % Complete .....................................................................

    !ag ..............................................................................................

    !a t Acti"e Time .............................................................................

    !a t Apply Actual Date ..................................................................... 9

    !a t Date Statu Changed................................................................... 9

    !a t !e"eled................................................................................... 9

    !a t odi,ied 8y .............................................................................. 9

    !a t odi,ied Date ........................................................................... 9

    !a t 'u li hed 6n ............................................................................ 9!a t 2e"ie;er ................................................................................. 9

    !a t 2un........................................................................................ 9

    !a t Scheduled................................................................................ 9

    !ate +ini h ..................................................................................... 9

    !ate Start ...................................................................................... 9

    !ate t 1arly +ini h Date ..................................................................... 9

    !atitude ........................................................................................ 9

    !ocation........................................................................................ 3*

    !ogin 5ame .................................................................................... 3*!ongitude ...................................................................................... 3*

    aterial Co t % Complete................................................................... 3*

    atri- Si?e..................................................................................... 3*

    a- e ource &nit

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6



    5et 're ent #alue ............................................................................ 3

    5e; Data Date ................................................................................ 3

    5onla or Co t % Complete.................................................................. 32

    5onla or &nit % Complete................................................................. 32

    6,,ice 'hone .................................................................................. 32

    6riginal A ignee ............................................................................. 32

    6riginal 8udget ............................................................................... 32

    6ther 'hone ................................................................................... 32

    6ut o, Se@uence Acti"itie ................................................................. 32

    6"erallocated 2e ource ..................................................................... 32

    6"erhead 2eg

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    '3 Data Dictionary

    'lanned !a or Co t /1'S0 ................................................................... 33

    'lanned !a or &nit /Acti"itie 0 ........................................................... 33

    'lanned !a or &nit /1'S0 .................................................................. 33

    'lanned !ag ................................................................................... 33

    'lanned aterial Co t ....................................................................... 33

    'lanned 5on !a or Co t..................................................................... 33

    'lanned 5on !a or &nit .................................................................... 33

    'lanned 5onla or Co t ...................................................................... 33

    'lanned 5onla or &nit ..................................................................... 33

    'lanned 5on$!a or &nit ................................................................... 33

    'lanned Start /Acti"itie 0 ................................................................... 33

    'lanned Start /A ignment 0 ............................................................... 37

    'lanned Start / i : 0 ........................................................................ 37

    'lanned Start Date /1'S0.................................................................... 37'lanned Total Co t ........................................................................... 37

    'lanned &nit /A ignment 0 ............................................................... 37

    'lanned &nit /1-pen e 0 ................................................................... 37

    'lanned &nit

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6



    'ro a ility /'o t$mitigated Thre hold 0 ................................................. 7*

    'ro a ility /'re$re pon e Thre hold 0.................................................... 7*

    'ro a ility Thre hold........................................................................ 7*

    'ro,iciency .................................................................................... 7*

    'ro(ect Acce ................................................................................ 7*

    'ro(ect Code .................................................................................. 7*

    'ro(ect +oreca t Start ....................................................................... 7*

    'ro(ect ID ...................................................................................... 7*

    'ro(ect !e"eling 'riority .................................................................... 7

    'ro(ect 6;ner ................................................................................ 7

    'ro(ect 'lanned Start ....................................................................... 7

    'ro(ect i : 1-po ure ....................................................................... 7

    'ro(ect i : Score ............................................................................ 7

    'ro(ect Score ................................................................................. 7'ro(ect Security 'ro,ile ..................................................................... 7

    'ro(ect Template ID ......................................................................... 7

    'ro(ect We ite &2!......................................................................... 7

    'ropo ed 8udget ............................................................................. 7

    'u lication 'riority .......................................................................... 7

    ange / i : Thre hold 0 ..................................................................... 7

    ate Source ................................................................................... 72

    ea on ......................................................................................... 72

    e,erence 5um%er ........................................................................... 72elation hip Type ............................................................................ 72

    emaining /&nit 0 ............................................................................ 72

    emaining Co t /A ignment 0 ............................................................. 72

    emaining Co t /1-pen e 0 ................................................................. 7)

    emaining Co t / e pon e 'lan 0 ......................................................... 7)

    emaining Duration /Acti"itie 0 ........................................................... 7)

    emaining Duration /A ignment 0 ........................................................ 7)

    emaining Duration /1'S0................................................................... 7)

    emaining 1arly +ini h /Acti"itie 0 ........................................................ 7)

    emaining 1arly +ini h /A ignment 0 .................................................... 7)

    emaining 1arly Start /Acti"itie 0 ......................................................... 74

    emaining 1arly Start /A ignment 0 ..................................................... 74

    emaining 1-pen e Co t /Acti"itie 0...................................................... 74

    emaining 1-pen e Co t /1'S0 ............................................................. 74

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    '3 Data Dictionary

    emaining +loat .............................................................................. 74

    emaining !a or Co t /Acti"itie 0 ......................................................... 74

    emaining !a or Co t /1'S0 ................................................................ 74

    emaining !a or &nit /Acti"itie 0 ........................................................ 74

    emaining !a or &nit /1'S0 ............................................................... 74

    emaining !ag ................................................................................ 7

    emaining !ate +ini h /Acti"itie 0 ........................................................ 7

    emaining !ate +ini h /A ignment 0 ..................................................... 7

    emaining !ate Start /Acti"itie 0.......................................................... 7

    emaining !ate Start /A ignment 0 ...................................................... 7

    emaining aterial Co t /Acti"itie 0...................................................... 7

    emaining aterial Co t /1'S0 ............................................................. 7

    emaining 5onla or Co t /Acti"itie 0..................................................... 7

    emaining 5onla or Co t /1'S0 ............................................................ 73emaining 5onla or &nit /Acti"itie 0.................................................... 73

    emaining 5onla or &nit /1'S0 ........................................................... 73

    emaining Total Co t ........................................................................ 73

    emaining &nit /Acti"itie 0................................................................ 73

    emaining &nit /A ignment 0 ............................................................ 73

    emaining &nit

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6



    2e pon i%le.................................................................................... 7

    e pon i le 2e ource........................................................................ 7

    e ume Date .................................................................................. 7

    eturn on In"e tment ....................................................................... 7

    e"ie; +ini h Date ........................................................................... 7

    e"ie; Statu ................................................................................. 7

    e"ie;ed Date ................................................................................ 7

    e"ie;er /Team em er Statu &pdate 0 ............................................... 7

    e"ie;er /Document 0 ..................................................................... 7

    e"ie;er /Wor:,lo; 0 ...................................................................... 7

    e"i ion Date ................................................................................. 79

    i : Scoring 4atri- ........................................................................... 79

    ole ID ......................................................................................... 79

    ole ID 5ame.................................................................................. 79ole on 'ro(ect ............................................................................... 79

    ole Team .................................................................................... 79

    ole /Acti"itie 0 ............................................................................. 79

    ole / ole Team 0 .......................................................................... 79

    Schedule % Complete /Acti"itie 0 ......................................................... 79

    Schedule % Complete /1'S0................................................................. 79

    Schedule / i : 're$re pon e Thre hold 0 ................................................ 79

    Schedule / i : e pon e 'lan 0............................................................ *

    Schedule ID .................................................................................... *Schedule 'er,ormance Inde- $ !a or &nit .............................................. *

    Schedule 'er,ormance Inde- /1arned #alue0 ........................................... *

    Schedule 'er,ormance Inde- /Inde- 'er,ormance0 .................................... *

    Schedule #ariance ........................................................................... *

    Schedule #ariance $ !a or &nit ........................................................... *

    Schedule #ariance Inde- $ !a or &nit ................................................... *

    Schedule #ariance Inde- /Acti"itie 0 ..................................................... *

    Schedule #ariance Inde- /1'S0.............................................................

    Scheduled +ini h .............................................................................

    Score /'re$re pon e Thre hold 0 ..........................................................

    Score / e ource Search 2e ult 0...........................................................

    Score / e pon e 'lan 0 ......................................................................

    Score /Te-t0 /'o t$mitigated e pon e 'lan 0 ..........................................

    Score /Te-t0 /'re$re pon e Thre hold 0 ..................................................

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    '3 Data Dictionary

    Scoring 4atri-.................................................................................

    Secondary Con traint ........................................................................

    Secondary Con traint Date .................................................................

    Ser"ice .........................................................................................

    Se"erity ........................................................................................

    Shi,t Start >our ............................................................................... 2

    Sho; Acti"itie ............................................................................... 2

    Spending 'lan ................................................................................. 2

    Sta,,ed emaining Co t ..................................................................... 2

    Sta,,ed emaining &nit .................................................................... 2

    Sta,,ed &nit .................................................................................. 2

    Stage ........................................................................................... 2

    Start / e pon e 'lan 0....................................................................... 2

    Start Date /Acti"itie 0 ....................................................................... 2Start Date /+inancial 'eriod 0.............................................................. 2

    Start Date /'lanning0 ........................................................................ 2

    Start Date /'ro(ect 0 ........................................................................ )

    Start Date /Time heet 'eriod 0............................................................ )

    Start Date /Wor:,lo; 0 ...................................................................... )

    Statu ........................................................................................... )

    Statu /Team em er Statu &pdate 0................................................... )

    Statu e"ie;er .............................................................................. )

    Step % Complete ............................................................................. )Step Weight ................................................................................... )

    Step Weight 'ercent ......................................................................... )

    Step ............................................................................................ )

    Step Completed ............................................................................. )

    Step In 'rogre ............................................................................. 4

    Step 5ot Started ............................................................................ 4

    Strategic 'riority ............................................................................. 4

    Su mitted /Import

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6



    Target .......................................................................................... 4

    Template 5ame /Importour ,ield /Time heet Appro"al0.................................................. 7

    Total !in: ..................................................................................... 7

    Total 're ent #alue /Di counted0= 8ene,it 'lan ........................................ 7

    Total 're ent #alue /Di counted0= Spending 'lan ......................................

    Total e@ue ted &nit .......................................................................

    Total Spending 'lan..........................................................................

    Total &nit .....................................................................................

    Type /8a eline Type 0 .......................................................................

    Type /1'S0 .....................................................................................

    Type /'ort,olio #ie; 0 ......................................................................

    Type /'ro(ect i : 0 .........................................................................

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    '3 Data Dictionary

    Type / i : Scorning 4atrice 0 ..............................................................

    &D+ Type /'ro(ect &D+ 0 ................................................................... 9

    &nallocated 8udget /1'S0................................................................... 9

    &nallocated 8udget /W8S0 .................................................................. 9

    &nit A re"iation ............................................................................ 9

    &nit o, ea ure /1-pen e 0................................................................. 9

    &nit o, ea ure / e ource 0 ............................................................... 9

    &nit % Complete /Acti"itie 0 .............................................................. 9

    &nit % Complete /A ignment 0........................................................... 9

    &nit % Complete /1'S0 ..................................................................... 9

    &n ta,,ed emaining Co t .................................................................. 9

    &n ta,,ed emaining &nit ................................................................. 9

    &n ta,,ed &nit ............................................................................... 9*

    & age ........................................................................................... 9*& e Thi 'ro(ect Setting .................................................................. 9*

    & er /Document Detail 0 .................................................................... 9*

    & er /Schedule eport 0 .................................................................... 9*

    & er /Wor:,lo;0 .............................................................................. 9*

    & er Count..................................................................................... 9*

    & er De,ined +ield /Acti"ity +orm0 ........................................................ 9*

    & er De,ined +ield /1nterpri e Data0 ..................................................... 9*

    & er De,ined +ield #alue ................................................................... 9*

    & er De,ined +ield .......................................................................... 9*& er De,ined Title............................................................................ 9*

    & er Inter,ace #ie;.......................................................................... 9*

    & er Inter,ace #ie; +or 5e; & er ....................................................... 9*

    & er 5ame ..................................................................................... 9

    & er Statu .................................................................................... 9

    & er 'rimary 8a eline...................................................................... 9

    #alue /Cu tomi?e Scorecard0 .............................................................. 9

    #alue /1'S0 .................................................................................... 9

    #alue / eport Setting 0 ..................................................................... 9

    #alue /2e ource 0 ............................................................................ 9

    #ariance $ Duration .......................................................................... 9

    #ariance $ 1-pen e Co t .................................................................... 9

    #ariance $ +ini h Date ....................................................................... 92

    #ariance $ !a or Co t ....................................................................... 92

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6



    #ariance $ !a or &nit ....................................................................... 92

    #ariance $ aterial Co t .................................................................... 92

    #ariance $ 5onla or Co t ................................................................... 92

    #ariance $ 5onla or &nit .................................................................. 92

    #ariance $ Start Date ........................................................................ 92

    #ariance $ Total Co t ........................................................................ 92

    #ariance At Completion ..................................................................... 92

    #ariance At Completion $ !a or &nit .................................................... 9)

    #ariance 8! 'ro(ect $ Duration ............................................................ 9)

    #ariance 8! 'ro(ect $ 1-pen e Co t....................................................... 9)

    #ariance 8! 'ro(ect $ +ini h Date ......................................................... 9)

    #ariance 8! 'ro(ect $ !a or Co t.......................................................... 9)

    #ariance 8! 'ro(ect $ !a or &nit ......................................................... 9)

    #ariance 8! 'ro(ect $ aterial Co t ...................................................... 9)#ariance 8! 'ro(ect $ 5onla or Co t...................................................... 9)

    #ariance 8! 'ro(ect $ 5onla or &nit ..................................................... 9)

    #ariance 8! 'ro(ect $ Start Date .......................................................... 94

    #ariance 8! 'ro(ect $ Total Co t .......................................................... 94

    #ariance 8! $ Duration ..................................................................... 94

    #ariance 8! $ 1-pen e Co t ............................................................... 94

    #ariance 8! $ +ini h Date.................................................................. 94

    #ariance 8! $ !a or Co t .................................................................. 94

    #ariance 8! $ !a or &nit ................................................................. 94#ariance 8! $ aterial Co t ............................................................... 94

    #ariance 8! $ 5onla or Co t .............................................................. 94

    #ariance 8! $ 5onla or &nit ............................................................. 9

    #ariance 8! $ Start Date ................................................................... 9

    #ariance 8! $ Total Co t ................................................................... 9

    #endor ......................................................................................... 9

    #er ion ......................................................................................... 9

    W8S ............................................................................................. 9

    W8S Category ................................................................................. 9

    W8S Code ...................................................................................... 9

    W8S ID.......................................................................................... 9

    W8S 'ath ...................................................................................... 9

    We ite oot Directory ..................................................................... 9

    Weight.......................................................................................... 93

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    '3 Data Dictionary

    Weight 'ercent ............................................................................... 93

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6



    'his data dictionary de$ines $ields )sed in P6

    Where to Get Documentation>or the most )p to date versions o$ all man)als and technical doc)mentsrelated to installing, administering, and )sing P6 PP4, go to

    ht t p :/ /d o w n lo a d .o r ac le . com /d ocs /c d /E 25 0 3 0 _ 0 1 /in d e x .h t m

    4ost doc)mentation ass)mes a standard set)p o$ the prod)ct, &ith $)ll accessrights to all $eat)res and $)nctions

    o) can also access the versions o$ the prod)ct man)als and technical doc)mentsthat &ere availa%le at the time o$ the release $rom the P6 PP4 Doc)mentationCenter, located in the EDoc)mentationEDoc)mentationFli%raryEGlang)ageH $older o$the P6PP4 physical media or do&nload

    'he $ollo&ing ta%le descri%es the core doc)ments availa%le $or P6 PP4 and liststhe recommended readers %y role P6 PP4 roles are descri%ed in the

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6



    Title Descriptionand ManualCon$iguration %uide

    P6 EPPM PostInstallation


    con$ig)re the P6 PP4 )sing the P6 PP4nstallation &iIards, and ho& to man)ally

    con$ig)re individ)al components 'he P6 PP4 net&or# administrator/data%aseadministrator and P6 administrator sho)ld readthis g)ide

    Once yo) have installed and con$ig)red yo)r P6PP4 applications, this g)ide &ill tell yo) ho& to getstarted )sing them o) &ill &ant to complete mosto$ the tas#s in this g)ide %e$ore yo) let yo)r )sers&or# &ith these applications 'hese tas#s incl)dein$ormation a%o)t con$ig)ring yo)r )sers andsec)rity settings and privileges, setting yo)r P6!dministrator application and P6 Progress eporter!dministrator settings, and$inaliIing yo)r P6 ntegration !P and P6 PP4 e%5ervices settings

    'he P6 PP4 net&or# administrator/data%aseadministrator and P6 administrator sho)ld readthis g)ide

    #ested Con$igurations 8ists the con$ig)rations that have %een testedand veri$ied to &or# &ith P6 PP4 'he net&or#administrator/data%ase administrator and P6PP4 administrator sho)ld read this doc)ment

    P6 EPPM ser's %uide 'his g)ide e-plains ho& to plan, set )p, and managepro ects in a m)lti)ser environment $ yo) are ne& toP6PP4, start &ith this g)ide to learn ho& to )se theso$t&are eJectively to plan and manage pro ectshen yo) need more detail, re$er to the P6 3elp

    'he program manager, pro ect manager,reso)rce/cost manager, and team leader sho)ldread this g)ide

    P6 Data Dictionar( 'his data dictionary de$ines $ields )sed in P6

    P6 #eam Mem)er

    ser's %uide

    P6 'eam 4em%er e%3elp

    'his g)ide e-plains ho& to stat)s activities )sing P6

    'eam 4em%er applications, &hich are P6 'eam4em%er e%, P6 'eam 4em%er $or iPhone, and mail 5tat)sing 5ervice

    Descri%es ho& to )se P6 'eam 4em%er e% toprovide stat)s on activities 'eam mem%ers sho)ldread this 3elp

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6



  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    '3 Data Dictionary

    Title Description

    P6 'eam 4em%er$or iPhone 3elp

    P6 Pro$essional $or EPPM *elp

    Descri%es ho& to )se the P6 'eam 4em%er $oriPhone app to provide stat)s on activities 'eam

    mem%ers sho)ld read this 3elp-plains ho& to )se P6 Pro$essional $or PP4 to plan,set )p, and manage pro ects in a m)lti)serenvironment $ yo) are ne& to P6 Pro$essional, )sethis 3elp to learn ho& to )se the so$t&are eJectivelyto plan and manage pro ects 'he P6 Pro$essionaladministrator, program manager, pro ect manager,reso)rce/cost manager, and team leader sho)ld readthis 3elp

    P6 *elp Descri%es ho& to create, manage, plan, andsched)le pro ects, gro)p pro ects into port$olios,

    administer all enterprise data, application settings,)ser acco)nts, and sec)rity pro$iles, maintain %oththe organiIational %rea#do&n str)ct)re (OK5* andenterprise pro ect str)ct)re ( P5*, manage reso)rcesand roles, trac# ris#s, iss)es, and note%oo#s, createand re)se templates, eval)ate %)dgets, analyIeper$ormance and O $or pro ect port$olios,participate in &or#$lo&s and doc)ment revie&s,approve timesheets, and generate reports 'heoperations e-ec)tive, P6 PP4 and P6 administrator,program manager, pro ect manager, reso)rce/costmanager, and team leader sho)ld read this 3elp

    P6 Progress+eporter

    &dministrator *elp

    P6 Progress+eporter *elp

    Prima era#imescaled,ogic Diagram *elp

    Descri%es ho& to enter data%ase connectionin$ormation $or the P6 Progress eporter server andmodi$y P6 Progress eporter server and applicationsettings 'he P6 PP4 net&or#administrator/data%ase administrator sho)ld readthis 3elp

    Descri%es ho& to )se P6 Progress eporter to enterand )pdate time spent on assignments 'eammem%ers sho)ld read this 3elp

    Descri%es ho& to create, modi$y, and manage 'imescaled 8ogic Diagrams 'imescaled 8ogicDiagrams condense the pro ect sched)le displayed inthe :antt Chart into a more reada%le, easier to)nderstand $ormat that provides a snapshot o$ theentire pro ect plan and the chains o$ activities thatdrive the pro ect sched)le 'he 'imescaled 8ogicDiagram application can %e )sed only &ith P6Pro$essional


  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6



    Title Description

    P6 EPPM We)-er icesProgrammer s %uide ,and P6 EPPM We)-er ices +e$erenceManual

    P/ to P6 EPPMMigration%uide

    'he P6 EPPM We) -er ices Programmer s %uide ,availa%le as an 3'48 help system, descri%es ho& to

    invo#e, )se, and tro)%leshoot the availa%leservices/operations &ithin s)pported environments 'he P6 EPPM We) -er ices +e$erence Manual , alsoavaila%le as an 3'48 help system, descri%es allservices and operations availa%le in P6 PP4 e%5ervices in a comprehensive manner

    'his g)ide provides %est practices $or migrating yo)rPL data to P6 PP4, and details ho& PL $)nctionalitymaps to P6 PP4 $)nctionality

    Distri uting Information to the Team

    o) can copy the online doc)mentation to a net&or# drive $or access %y pro ectparticipants ach team mem%er can then vie& or print those portions thatspeci$ically relate to his or her role in the organiIation

    'hro)gho)t this doc)mentation, the 5ec)rity :)idance icon helps yo) to.)ic#ly identi$y sec)rity related content to consider d)ring the installation andcon$ig)ration process

    Where To Get Training

    'o access comprehensive training $or all Primavera prod)cts, go to

    htt p://ed ucat com

    Where to Get Support

    $ yo) have a .)estion a%o)t )sing Oracle prod)cts that yo) or yo)r net&or#administrator cannot resolve &ith in$ormation in the doc)mentation or help, clic#ht t p :/ /s up p o r t .o r a cle .c o m / 'his page provides the latest in$ormation oncontacting Oracle :lo%al C)stomer 5)pport, #no&ledge articles, and the s)pportrene&als process

    P6 PP4 integrates &ith diJerent Oracle applications+ &hen yo) create a 5ervice

    e.)est, %e s)re to open the re.)est &ith the proper 5)pport team 'o ens)re yo)reach the proper 5)pport team, enter the correct prod)ct in$ormation &hen yo)create the 5ervice e.)est ach prod)ct has its o&n s)pport line

    7se the Primavera P6 EPPM s)pport line &hen yo) are havinginstallation, con$ig)ration, or connection iss)es related to P6 PP4

    7se one o$ the $ollo&ing s)pport lines &hen yo) are havinginstallation or con$ig)ration iss)es that do not relate to P6 PP4

    Oracle e%8ogic 5erver

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    '3 Data Dictionary

    Oracle 5erver K P)%lisher KP4 7niversal Content 4anagement 4icroso$t 5harePoint Oracle nterprise Content 4anagement Oracle !ccess 4anager Oracle !)to;)e

    !ccess to "racle Support

    Oracle c)stomers have access to electronic s)pport thro)gh 4y Oracle 5)pport>or in$ormation, visit ht t p:/ /w w w .o r ac le . c o m/ u s /s up p o r t /c o n t a c t -0 6 855 5 .h t m l or visitht t p :/ /ww w .o r a cle .c o m/ u s /corpora t e /ac ce ss i ili t !/s up p o r t /in d e x .ht m l i$yo) are hearing impaired

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    Data Dictionary

    Sym ols # $umeric% !llocation

    'he percentage o$ availa%le reso)rce )nits

    !!ccess &e'el

    'he list o$ &ho can access thedoc)ment 'here are three accesslevelsProject $ yo) have access to the pro ect, yo) &ill have access to this doc)mentWorkgroup $ yo) are incl)ded in the &or#gro)p yo) &ill have access

    to this doc)mentPrivate Only the )ser &ho created the doc)ment &ill have access

    Nivel de Acceso

    La lista del nivel de acceso del documento.Hay tres niveles de acceso:Proyecto: Si tienes acceso al proyecto, tendr acceso a este documento.Grupo de trabajo : Si usted est incluido en el grupo de trabajo, tendr acceso a estedocumento.Privado: S lo el usuario !ue cre el documento tendr acceso.

    !ccess Time 'he date and time yo) last accessed the doc)ment

    Tiempo de acceso

    La "ec#a y #ora !ue #ab$a consultado el documento.

    !ccounting (ariance 'he diJerence %et&een the planned val)e o$ &or# sched)led and the act)al costo$ &or# per$ormed! negative val)e indicates that act)al costs have e-ceeded the sched)led

    costs Calc)lated as Planned Value min)s Actual Cost

    Varian a de contabilidad

    La di"erencia entre el valor planeado del trabajo programado y el costo real del trabajoreali%ado.&n valor negativo indica !ue los costos reales #an superado los costos programados.'alculado como Valor planeado menos !osto real . () * '+

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    !ccounting (ariance ) &a or *nits 'he di$$erence %et&een the planned val)e o$ &or# sched)led and the act)al&or# per$ormed! negative val)e indicates that act)al costs have e-ceeded the sched)ledcosts Calc)lated as Planned Value Labor Units min)s Actual Units

    !ontabilidad de varian a " unidades de mano de obra

    La di"erencia entre el valor planeado del trabajo programado y el trabajo real reali%ado.&n valor negativo indica !ue los costos reales #an superado los costos programados.'alculado como valor planeado unidades laborales menos #nidades reales.

    !ccrual Type 'he accr)al type $or the pro ect e-penseStart o Activit! ndicates the entire e-pense costs are accr)ed at the start

    date o$ the activityEnd o Activit! ndicates entire e-pense costs are accr)ed at the $inish dateo$ the activityUni orm "ver Activit! ndicates the e-pense costs are accr)ed )ni$ormlyover the d)ration o$ the activity

    Tipo de Acumulaci$n

    ipo de acumulaci n de los gastos del proyecto.%nicio de actividad: indica !ue los gastos se acumulan a la "ec#a de inicio de la actividad.&inal de actividad: indica los gastos se acumulan a la "ec#a de "inali%aci n de la actividad.#ni'orme de actividad: -ndica !ue los costos de gastos se promedian uni"ormemente sobre

    la duraci n de la actividad.

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    !cti'ity Count 'he n)m%er o$ activities that are c)rrently in progress

    !cti'ity ,inish 'he $inish date o$ the activity to &hich the assignment %elongs 'his is theplanned $inish i$ the activity has not started, the remaining $inish i$ the activityis in progress, or the act)al $inish i$ the activity has completed

    !cti'ity ID 'he )ni.)e identi$ier o$ the activity

    n order to identi$y and trac# activities, P6 assigns each activity a )ni.)eActivit! '# that is the res)lt o$ oining the Activit! '# Pre i( &ith theActivit! '# Su i( and then adding an 'ncrement val)e>or e-ample, a pre$i- o$ PROJ-A# com%ined &ith a s)$$i- o$ 2500 and anncrement o$

    5 &ill yield the $ollo&ing activity Ds PROJ-A#2500 , PROJ-A#2505 , etc


  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    Data Dictionary

    !cti'ity ID Prefi-

    'he series o$ initial letters, n)meric digits, or special characters yo) &ant P6 to)se to a)to n)m%er all the activities in a given pro ect Ky de$a)lt, this $ield cancontain 1 to

    20 charactersn order to identi$y and trac# activities, P6 assigns each activity a )ni.)eActivit! '# that is the res)lt o$ oining the Activit! '# Pre i( &ith theActivit! '# Su i( and then adding an 'ncrement val)e>or e-ample, a pre$i- o$ PROJ-A# com%ined &ith a s)$$i- o$ 2500 and anncrement o$

    5 &ill yield the $ollo&ing activity Ds PROJ-A#2500 , PROJ-A#2505 , etc

    !cti'ity ID Suffi-

    'he n)meric digits yo) &ant P6 to )se to a)to n)m%er all the activities in agiven pro ect 'he val)e m)st %e a n)m%er %et&een 1 and 999,999

    n order to identi$y and trac# activities, P6 assigns each activity a )ni.)eActivit! '# that is the res)lt o$ oining the Activit! '# Pre i( &ith theActivit! '# Su i( and then adding an 'ncrement val)e>or e-ample, a pre$i- o$ PROJ-A# com%ined &ith a s)$$i- o$ 2500 and anncrement o$

    5 &ill yield the $ollo&ing activity Ds PROJ-A#2500 , PROJ-A#2505 , etc

    !cti'ity Start

    'he start date o$ the activity to &hich the assignment %elongs 'his is theplanned start date i$ the activity has not started, the remaining start date i$ theactivity is in progress, or the act)al start date i$ the activity has started

    !cti'ity Status 'he c)rrent condition o$ the activity;alid val)es are %ot Started , 'n Progress , and Completed

    !cti'ity TypeDetermines ho& d)ration and sched)le dates are calc)lated $or an activity)ask #ependent !ctivities are sched)led )sing the activity s calendar ratherthan the calendars o$ the assigned reso)rces Choose tas# dependent &hen yo)&ant to control the d)ration o$ the activity yo)rsel$ (that is, no reso)rces areassigned*, or &hen one or more reso)rces assigned to the same activity can &or#according to the same calendar >or e-ample, yo) might have an activity to c)reconcrete+ yo) #no& ho& long the tas# ta#es and the addition o$ reso)rces &onMtcomplete the tas# any earlier o) &o)ld designate this activity as tas#dependent

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6



  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    '3 Data Dictionary

    $esource #ependent !ctivities are sched)led )sing the calendars o$ theassigned reso)rces 'his type is )sed &hen several reso)rces are assigned to theactivity, %)t they might &or# separately Choose reso)rce dependent &hen yo)&ant to sched)le each reso)rce according to his/her o&n time sched)le, orreso)rce calendar, not the activity calendar 'he assigned reso)rce availa%ilitydetermines the start and $inish dates o$ the activity 'ypically, yo) )se this type&hen m)ltiple reso)rces assigned to the same activity can &or# independently,or &hen availa%ility can a$$ect the activityMs d)ration >or e-ample, an activitythat re.)ires an nspector might %e delayed i$ that reso)rce is assigned tom)ltiple pro ects or is on vacationLevel o E ort !ctivities have a d)ration that is determined %y its dependentactivities and are typically administration type Choose level o$ eJort to indicatethat the activityMs d)ration depends on its predecessor and/or s)ccessoractivities ! level o$ eJort activity is )s)ally one that is ongoing, s)ch as clerical&or#, change management, or pro ect management tas#s >or e-ample, siteclean)p co)ld %e considered a level o$ eJort activity+ it occ)rs repeatedly and is

    dependent on the completion o$ a phaseStart or *inis+ Milestone 4ilestone activities are Iero d)ration &itho)treso)rces, mar#ing a signi$icant pro ect event Choose start milestone or $inishmilestone to indicate that the activity mar#s the %eginning or end o$ a ma orstage in the pro ect 4ilestones have Iero d)ration ! primary reso)rce or anactivity o&ner, and e-penses can %e assigned to a milestone n an o$$ice %)ildingaddition pro ect, e-amples o$ milestones might incl)de Pro ect De$initionComplete, 5tr)ct)re Complete, or nd Kidding ProcessW,S Summar! !ctivities that are )sed to roll )p date, d)ration, and percentcomplete val)es $or a gro)p o$ activities that share a common K5 code levelChoose K5 5)mmary to indicate that the activity is a s)mmary level K5activity ! K5 5)mmary activity represents a gro)p o$ activities that share a

    common K5 level 'he s)mmary level K5 activity ena%les roll )ps o$ dates $orthe activity gro)p 'he d)ration o$ a K5 5)mmary activity e-tends $rom thestart o$ the earliest activity in a gro)p to the $inish o$ the latest activity K5codes control &hich activities are part o$ a K5 5)mmary activity+ P6incorporates any activities that share a component o$ the K5 5)mmaryactivity s K5 code into the K5 5)mmary activity >or e-ample, all activities&hose K5 codes %egin &ith ! (! 1, ! 1 1, ! 1 2, etc * can %e part o$ one K55)mmary activity &hose K5 code is ! !t a lo&er level, all activities &hose K5codes start &ith ! 1 (! 1 1, ! 1 2, etc * can %e part o$ a K5 5)mmary activity&hose K5 code is ! 1

    !ctual *nits/

    'he e-act n)m%er o$ )nits that have %een e-pended on the selected activity!ctual Completed !cti'ities

    'he n)m%er o$ activities that have an act)al $inish date

    !ctual Cost !ssignments/ 'he act)al non overtime pl)s overtime cost $or the reso)rce assignment onthe activity


  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    Data Dictionary

    Calc)lated as Actual $egular Cost pl)s Actual"vertime Cost

    !ctual Cost 0PS/ 'he act)al total cost inc)rred on the pro ect as o$ the pro ect data dateCalc)lated as Actual Labor Costs pl)s Actual %onlabor Costs pl)s ActualMaterialCosts pl)s Actual E(penseCosts

    !ctual Cost 0-penses/ 'he pro ect e-pense $or theactivityCalc)lated as Actual Units m)ltiplied %yPrice-Unit

    !ctual Cost 1esponse Plans/ 'he act)al cost o$ the response plan or response action itemCalc)lated as the s)m o$ the Actual Cost o$ each response actionitem

    !ctual Duration !cti'ities/ 'he total &or#ing time $rom the activity Actual Start date to the Actual *inis+date $or completed activities, or the total &or#ing time $rom the Actual Startdate to the data date $or in progress activities

    'he act)al &or#ing time is comp)ted )sing the activity scalendar

    !ctual Duration !ssignments/ 'he total &or#ing time $rom the assignment act)al start date to the act)al $inishdate $or completed assignments, or the total &or#ing time $rom the act)al startdate to the data date $or in progress assignments

    !ctual Duration 0PS/ 'he c)rrent total &or#ing time $or the pro ect, template, or P5 >or completeditems, this $ield displays the total &or#ing time $rom the act)al start date to theact)al $inish date >or items that are in progress, this $ield displays the total&or#ing time $rom the act)al start date to the data date

    !ctual 0-pense Cost

    'he act)al cost $or all pro ect e-penses associated &ith the activity, K5,pro ect, orP5

    !ctual ,inish 'he date on &hich the item, s)ch as an activity, assignment, or pro ect, iscomplete

    !ctual In)Progress !cti'ities 'he n)m%er o$ activities that are c)rrently inprogress

    !ctual &a or Cost

  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    'he act)al cost $or all la%or reso)rces assigned to the activity, K5, pro ect, orthe P5 $ no reso)rces are assigned, calc)lated as the Actual Labor Unitsm)ltiplied %y Project#e ault Price divided %y)ime


  • 8/10/2019 Traduccion de primavera P6


    '3 Data Dictionary

    !ctual &a or *nits

    'he n)m%er o$ )nits e-pended $or all la%or reso)rces assigned to the activity,K5, pro ect, or P5

    !ctual aterial Cost 'he act)al )nits $or all material reso)rces assigned to the activity, K5, pro ect,or P5

    !ctual $ame 'he $)ll name o$ the )ser

    !ctual $onla or Cost 'he act)al costs $or all nonla%or reso)rces assigned to the activity, K5, pro ect,orP5>or activities, i$ no reso)rces are assigned, calc)lated as the Activit! Actual%onlaborUnits m)ltiplied %y Project #e ault Price divided %y )ime

    !ctual $onla or *nits 'he n)m%er o$ nonla%or )nits that have %een e-pended on the activity, K5,pro ect, or P5

    !ctual $ot Started !cti'ities !cti'ities/ 'he n)m%er o$ activities that are c)rrently not started

    !ctual $ot)Started !cti'ities 0PS/ 'he n)m%er o$ activities that are c)rrently not started

    !ctual "'ertime Cost 'he act)al overtime cost $or the reso)rce assignment on the activityCalc)lated as Actual "vertime Units m)ltiplied %y Cost per )imem)ltiplied %y"vertime *actor

    !ctual "'ertime *nits 'he act)al overtime )nits &or#ed %y the reso)rce on the activity 'his val)e is calc)lated $rom timesheets &hen pro ect act)als are applied or can%e entered directly %y the pro ect manager

    !ctual 1egular Cost 'he act)al non overtime cost $or the reso)rce assignment on theactivity Calc)lated as Actual $egular Units m)ltiplied %y Cost per)ime

    !ctual 1egular *nits 'he act)al non overtime )nits &or#ed %y the reso)rce on the activity 'his val)e is calc)lated $rom timesheets &hen pro ect act)als are applied or can%e entered directly %y the pro ect manager

    !ctual Start$ &or# has started, the date &or# on the activity, K5, pro ect, or P5 %egan

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    $ reso)rces (la%or, nonla%or, or material* or roles are assigned to theactivity, the act)al start date is the earliest among all the reso)rce or roleassignments>or a K5, pro ect, or P5, the act)al start date is the earliest act)al start dateamong all activities &ithin the K5, pro ect, or P5

    !ctual This Period Cost 'he la%or, nonla%or, and material costs inc)rred d)ring this $inancial period

    $ period per$ormance is stored, the calc)lation is Actual Cost min)s the s)mo$ the stored Actual )+is Period Cost $ields $or all previo)s periods$ the period per$ormance is not stored, Actual )+is Period Cost is the same asActualCost

    !ctual This Period &a or Cost 'he la%or costs inc)rred d)ring this $inancial period

    $ period per$ormance is stored, the calc)lation is Actual Labor Cost min)s thes)m o$ the stored Actual )+is Period Labor Cost $ields $or all previo)s periods$ the period per$ormance is not stored, Actual )+is Period Labor Cost is thesame asActual Labor Cost

    !ctual This Period &a or *nits 'he n)m%er o$ la%or )nits )sed d)ring this $inancial period

    $ period per$ormance is stored, the calc)lation is Actual Labor Units min)s thes)m o$ the stored Actual )+is Period Labor Units $ields $or all previo)speriods

    $ the period per$ormance is not stored, Actual )+is Period Labor Units is thesame asActual Labor Units

    !ctual This Period aterial Cost 'he material costs inc)rred d)ring this $inancial period

    $ period per$ormance is stored, the calc)lation is Actual Material Cost min)sthe s)m o$ the stored Actual )+is Period Material Cost $ields $or all previo)speriods$ the period per$ormance is not stored, Actual )+is Period Material Cost is thesame asActual Material Cost

    !ctual This Period $onla or Cost 'he nonla%or costs inc)rred d)ring this $inancial period

    $ period per$ormance is stored, the calc)lation is Actual %onlabor Cost min)sthe s)m o$ the stored Actual )+is Period %onlabor Cost $ields $or all previo)speriods$ the period per$ormance is not stored, Actual )+is Period %onlabor Cost isthe same as Actual %onlabor Cost

    !ctual This Period $onla or *nits 'he nonla%or )nits )sed d)ring this $inancial period

    $ period per$ormance is stored, the calc)lation is Actual %onlabor Units min)s

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    the s)m o$ the stored Actual )+is Period %onlabor Units $ields $or all previo)speriods


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    '3 Data Dictionary

    $ the period per$ormance is not stored, Actual )+is Period %onlabor Units isthe same as Actual %onlabor Units

    !ctual This Period *nits 'he la%or, nonla%or, and material )nits )sed d)ring this $inancial period

    $ period per$ormance is stored, the calc)lation is Actual Units min)s the s)mo$ the stored Actual )+is Period Units $ields $or all previo)s periods$ the period per$ormance is not stored, Actual )+is Period Units is the same asActualUnits

    !ctual Total Cost !cti'ities/ 'he act)al total cost inc)rred $or the activity as o$ the pro ect data dateCalc)lated as Actual Labor Cost pl)s Actual %onlabor Cost pl)s ActualMaterial Costpl)s Actual E(pense Cost.

    !ctual Total Cost 0PS/ 'he act)al total cost inc)rred on the pro ect as o$ the pro ect data dateCalc)lated as Actual Labor Costs pl)s Actual %onlabor Costs pl)s ActualMaterialCosts pl)s Actual E(pense Costs

    !ctual *nits !cti'ity 0-pense/ 'he act)al )nits o$ the e-pense item )sed to complete the activity

    !ctual *nits !ssignments/

    'he s)m o$ the act)al non overtime and the overtime )nits &or#ed %y thereso)rce on the activityCalc)lated as Actual $egular Units pl)s Actual "vertime Units

    !dded y

    'he name o$ the )ser &ho added in$ormation in the system, s)ch as anactivity, reso)rce, ris#, or pro ect

    !dded Date 'he date in$ormation, s)ch as an activity, reso)rce, ris#, or pro ect data, &asadded into the system

    !nnual Discount 1ate

    'he interest rate associated &ith the cost o$ an investment $rom yo)rcommercial %an# or another $)nding so)rce;alid val)es are 0 to 100 'his rate is )sed to calc)late )otal Spending Plan/PresentValue0 and )otal ,ene it Plan /Present Value0>or e-ample, an ann)al gro&th rate o$ an investment s)ch as B @?N can %e )sedas an ann)al disco)nt rate 'his rate is )sed &hen a $)t)re val)e is ass)med andyo) are trying to $ind the re.)ired net present val)e

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    !nticipated ,inish

    'he e-pected $inish date o$ the pro ect, P5 node, or K5 level )sed d)ringthe planning phase 'his date is man)ally entered and is not a$$ected %ysched)ling

    $ there are no children elements, the anticipated $inish is the $inish date listed$or the item in the ta%le

    !nticipated Start

    'he e-pected start date o$ the pro ect, P5 node, or K5 level )sed d)ringthe planning phase 'his date is man)ally entered and is not a$$ected %ysched)ling$ there are no children elements, the anticipated start is the start date listed$or the item in the ta%le

    !pplies To Issues/ 'he activity, K5 element, or pro ect associated &ith the c)rrent iss)e

    !pplies To W S/ 'he K5 to &hich the iss)e applies

    !ppro'al Date Team em er Status *pdates/ 'he date the activity stat)s )pdate &as approved

    !ppro'ed y Team em er Status *pdates/

    'he person &ho approved the activity stat)s )pdate !n approver can %ethe assigned stat)s revie&er, or a )ser &ith !dmin or Pro ect s)per)serprivileges

    !ppro'ers 'he names o$ the &or#$lo& revie&ers &ho have approved the tas#

    !ssigned y 'he )ser &ho assigned the reso)rce to the assignment

    !ssigned Date 'he date the tas# &as assigned to yo), yo)r gro)p, or yo)r role

    !ssigned Pri'ileges 'he privileges assigned to the pro$ile

    !ssociated 1esource 'he !ssociated eso)rce o$ each )ser!ssociated eso)rces can %e )sed to pair )sers &ith timesheets, personalcalendars, and assignments ($or e mail or phone )pdates*

    !t Completion Cost 'he s)m o$ the act)al costs pl)s remaining costs $or the reso)rce assignmenton the activityCalc)lated as Actual Costs pl)s $emaining Costs

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    !t Completion Duration 'he total &or#ing time $rom the activity s c)rrent start date to the c)rrent $inishdate 'he c)rrent start date is the planned start date )ntil the activity is started,and then it is

    the act)al start date 'he c)rrent $inish date is the activity planned $inish date&hilethe activity is not started, the remaining $inish date &hile the activity is inprogress, and the act)al $inish date once the activity is completed 'he total&or#ing time iscalc)lated )sing the activity s calendar

    !t Completion 0-pense Cost 'he s)m o$ the act)al pl)s remaining cost $or all activities or pro ecte-penses associated &ith the cost acco)ntCalc)lated as Actual E(pense Cost pl)s $emaining E(pense Cost

    !t Completion &a or Cost 'he s)m o$ the act)al pl)s remaining costs $or all la%or reso)rces assignedto an activity or the activities in the pro ect$ the activities are not started, this e.)als the planned la%or costs Once theactivities are complete, this e.)als the act)al la%or costsCalc)lated as Actual Labor Cost pl)s $emaining Labor Cost

    !t Completion &a or *nits 'he s)m o$ the act)al pl)s remaining )nits $or all la%or reso)rces assignedto the activity or all activities in the pro ectt is the same as the planned la%or )nits i$ the activities in the pro ect are not

    started, and the act)al la%or )nits once the activities are completedCalc)lated as Actual Labor Units pl)s $emaining Labor Units

    !t Completion aterial Cost

    'he material cost at completion t is the s)m o$ the act)al pl)s remaining costs$or all material reso)rces assigned to the activity or all activities in the pro ectt is the same as the planned material costs i$ the activities are not started,and the act)al material costs once the activities are completedCalc)lated as Actual Material Cost pl)s $emaining Material Cost

    !t Completion $onla or Cost

    'he nonla%or cost at completion t is the s)m o$ the act)al pl)s remaining costs$or all nonla%or reso)rces assigned to the activity or all activities in the pro ectt is the same as the planned nonla%or costs i$ the activities are not started, andthe act)al nonla%or costs once the activities are completedCalc)lated as Actual %onlabor Cost pl)s $emaining %onlabor Cost

    !t Completion $onla or *nits 'he nonla%or )nits at completion t is the s)m o$ the act)al pl)s remaining )nits$or all nonla%or reso)rces assigned to an activity or all activities in the pro ect

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    t is the same as the planned nonla%or )nits i$ the activities are not started,and the act)al nonla%or )nits once the activities are completedCalc)lated as Actual %onlabor Units pl)s $emaining %onlabor Units

    !t Completion Total Cost 'he estimated cost at completion $or the activity or all activities in the pro ectCalc)lated as the Actual )otal Cost pl)s the E)C (estimate to complete*cost 'hemethod $or comp)ting 'C depends on the arned ;al)e techni.)e selected $ortheactivity s K5

    !t Completion *nits

    'he s)m o$ the act)al )nits and remaining )nits $or the reso)rce assignmenton the activityCalc)lated as Actual Units pl)s $emaining Units

    !uthor 'he reso)rce &ho a)thored or created the doc)ment

    !'aila le Template

    'he permitted templates that yo) can )se to apply styles to the ra& data inthe report! report template is a set o$ style r)les applied to a report in order to %est $ormatand present its data o) can design templates )sing K P)%lisher and alsodetermine &hich templates sho)ld %e availa%le $or )sers to apply to their reports

    !'aila le To

    ndicates the )ser access to vario)s vie&s and dash%oards thro)gho)tthe application1lobal !ll )sers can access the vie& or dash%oardUser Only yo), the c)rrent )ser, can access the vie& or dash%oardMultiple Users ! select gro)p or list o$ )sers, incl)ding yo), has access to thevie& or dash%oard

    ar Type 'he types o$ %ars sho&n in the !ctivities, !ssignments, or P5 vie& :antt chartActivities Vie2Current ,ar 5pans the early remaining/act)al start to the earlyremaining/act)al $inish $or each activity, and indicates ho& the sched)le isprogressing according to the original plan*loat ,ar 5ho&s the total amo)nt o$ time that an activity can %e delayed&itho)t delaying completion o$ a pro ect*ree *loat ,ar 5ho&s the amo)nt o$ time that an activity can %e delayed&itho)t ca)sing s)%se.)ent activities to %e delayed

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    Late ,ar 5ho&s the late start to the late $inish o$ an activityPercent Complete ,ar 5ho&s the completion percentage o$ an activityPlan ,ar 5ho&s the $orecasted stat)s o$ planned activities, and is )sed $orsim