Traders Secrets Notes www.tradersaccounting.com 1. Trading as a business (Business Basics) a. Mark to Market selection b. TradersLog software http://www.traderslog.com c. Business Deductions i. Business Expenses ii. Medical Expenses (Insurance, deductibles, etc.) iii. Trading Expenses d. Trading Plan (Budget) e. Forecast Revenue 100,000.00 $ Cash 10% Profit 10,000.00 $ Monthly 2,307.69 $ W eekly 476.19 $ Daily 2. Wealth Creation a. Investment Planning b. Business Planning 3. Wealth Preservation (Law of Insulation and Isolation) a. Tax Planning b. Wealth Protection Planning i. Lawsuits Negligence ii. Intentional Torts 4. Tax action plan a. Largest expense is taxes 5. Entity Selection/Business Formation a. LLC-Flow Through entity of choice i. Retitle brokerage account with name of LLC ii. Keep a trading journal (log) b. “C” Corporation Managing Cash Flow

Traders Secrets Notes

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Traders Secrets Notes www.tradersaccounting.com1. Trading as a business (Business Basics)a. Mark to Market selectionb. TradersLog software http://www.traderslog.com c. Business Deductionsi. Business Expensesii. Medical Expenses (Insurance, deductibles, etc.)iii. Trading Expensesd. Trading Plan (Budget)e. Forecast Revenue 2. Wealth Creationa. Investment Planningb. Business Planning3. Wealth Preservation (Law of Insulation and Isolation)a. Tax Planningb. Wealth Protection Planningi. Lawsuits Negligenceii. Intentional Torts4. Tax action plana. Largest expense is taxes5. Entity Selection/Business Formationa. LLC-Flow Through entity of choicei. Retitle brokerage account with name of LLC

ii. Keep a trading journal (log)b. C Corporation

Managing Cash Flow