Trade Trash Geopolitics

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  • 8/18/2019 Trade Trash Geopolitics


     APEC 2015 Issue: Trans-Pacific Partnership

    Signed on the 13th of Ju! of this !ear" Proca#ation 10$2 decared 1%th and 1&th of 

    'o(e#)er as specia *non-+or,ing da!s in the 'ationa Capita .egion +here the Asia-

    Pacific Econo#ic Cooperation *APEC Econo#ic /eaders eeting +i )e hed Inreation to this" the Co##ission on igher Education *CE4-'C. issued cass

    suspensions fro# 'o(e#)er 1$-20 in the region due to the APEC e(ent

    The Asia-Pacific Econo#ic Cooperation *APEC is a regiona econo#ic foru#

    esta)ished in 1&%& that ai#s to pro#ote free and open trade and in(est#ent in

    response to the gro+ing interdependence of the Asia-Pacific region It current! has 21

    #e#)er econo#ies" #ost! co#posed of the countries in the Pacific .i#" +hich

    accounts a)out haf of the +ord trade and 5$ of the +ord 64P *tr! putting this at the


    The Phiippines is not ne+ in hosting the APEC Su##it since it pre(ious! hosted thee(ent in 1&&7 The the#e of this !ears APEC e(ent is 89uiding Incusi(e Econo#ies"

    9uiding a 9etter ord;" +hich pushes the pro#otion and ad(ance#ent of incusi(e

    gro+th in the Asia-Pacific .egion that prioritine of +hich is

    the staggering price tag of the !ear-ong e(ent that costs a)out P10 )iion *200 #iion

    doars ?>rdinar! @iipinos +i definite! raise their )ro+s )ecause of this epensi(e

    #eeting of the eaders of #e#)er econo#ies Ahead of the anticipated e(ent" roadcosures and rerouting sche#es +ere i#pe#ented in etro ania #uch to the dis#a!

    of the co##uters and +or,ers +ho too, their anger in socia #edia *BAPECtado and

    BtrAPEC >f course" protests )! different #o(e#ents" a)or unions" indigenous groups"

    and internationa organi