Tracts e 013 the Big Bang Theory Big Bang or Big Bluff

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  • 8/7/2019 Tracts e 013 the Big Bang Theory Big Bang or Big Bluff


  • 8/7/2019 Tracts e 013 the Big Bang Theory Big Bang or Big Bluff


    3.26 Solar Shrinkage. The origin of Sun-energy appears to be solar shrinkage, and notnuclear fusion. That is exactly the opposite ofthat which Evolutionary Theory teaches. Star-evolution depends on the premise that stars arefuelled by hydrogen-explosions, while they mayactually be fuelled by solar shrinkage instead:The Sun has been contracting about 0.1% per century ...corresponding to a shrinkage rate of about 5 feet per hour.(G.B. Lublihn, 'Physics Today', Vol.32, No.17 1979).

    3.27 Too Few Neutrinos. The Earth is beingbombarded by hopelessly too few sub-atomicneutrinos to support the Big Bang Theory.

    3.28 Motion In Space. Some stars/star-systems/planets rotate and/or orbit in theopposite direction of others. The Big BangTheory cannot explain this phenomenonsatisfactorily. There are also stars moving toorapidly for the Big BangTheory to be true.

    3.29 Comets. The life-cycle of comets is 10 000 years ... if the Solar System were really5 billion years old, why are so many comets stillhanging around in our airspace?

    3.29 Angular Momentum From A LinearExplosion? Some scientists believe that theentire Universe is rotating around a commoncentre by means of rotation/spin (angular)momentum ... and that does not fit the Big BangTheory that relies on linear momentum as aresult of an explosion from a common centre.

    There is no mechanical way in which theintricate, complex orbits and circular motions ofgalaxies, spherical star-clusters, stars, solarsystems, planets and moons could have emergedfrom linear momentum as a result of anexplosion from a common centre. The Big BangTheory is too simplistic to explain the wonder ofCreation! Some perspectives on the REDSHIFT:

    BIG BANG-Red Shift: It is unlikely that thistheory('Expanding Universe Speedshift Theory')could be valid, as it relies on a Universe thatoriginated from linear momentum culminatingfrom an explosion from a common centre ... atheory hopelessly too simplistic to explain theintricate and complex movements and motion of

    heavenly bodies in the Universe. The structureand dynamics of the Universe is too sophisticatedfor the Big Bang Theory to be true. TheExpanding Universe, Big Bang Red Shift('Expanding Universe Speed Redshift') Theory isunlikely because (a) Almost all the galaxies andstars are observed as red shifts, which may ratherbe caused by the Second Order Doppler Red Shift(Light observed at an angle of 90). Some starsand galaxies close to Earth are moving in thedirection ofEarth, but are nevertheless observedas red shifts (instead of blue shifts). (b) If theBig Bang Theory were true, galaxies and starswould have been observed moving away from acommon centre (where the Big Bang started)

    theoretical time to form the heavier elements inexistence today.

    3.17 No Population III-Stars. There are noPopulation III stars (containing only hydrogenand helium) in existence ... a prerequiste for theBig Bang Theory. (Isaac Asimov, 'Asimov's New Guide To Science',pp.35-36 -1984).

    3.18 Order Out Of Chaos? Random explosions(by coincidence) do not give rise to complex,scientifically calibrated orbits for heavenlybodies. How could it have caused the complica-ted movements of galaxies, star-clusters, stars,binary stars, suns, solar systems, planets andmoons?

    3.19 Binary Systems. More than half of theobservable stars in space are contained withinbinary systems where two (or more) stars circleeach other in perfectly calibrated orbits ... howdid it happen?

    3.20 Too Few Supernova Explosions. There aretoo fewsupernova-explosions by stars in space tohave formed the heavier elements in theUniverse. If the Universe were really15 billionyears old, there would have been many moresupernova-explosions in space. Supernovas thatare observed do not shed enough matterto formadditional stars. Supernovas, according toevolutionists the fuel-source for all the elementsin the Universe, do not occur ofter enough andproduce too few heavier elements to explain all

    the heavier elements occurring in the Universe. 3.21 No Star-Explosions? Why have star-explosions suddenly stopped? According toevolutionists it stopped 5 billion years ago ...why? Why do we not observe stars exploding atdistances ofe.g.15 billion lightyears away? If theBig Bang Theorywere true,we would have beenable to still observe many more stars exploding inspace. An exploding starwill anyway never formanother star.

    3.22 Farthest And Closest Stars? Many of thefarthest stars in the Universe (close to thebeginning of 'Big Bang-Time') are not exploding,yet they contain some of the heavier elements.According to Big Bang Theory the farthest starsought to be the oldest stars, and the closest stars

    the youngest, but research has shown that thereare no significant differences between thefarthests stars and the closest stars.

    3.23 Older And Younger Stars. So-called 'olderstars' do not contain more of the heavierelements than do so-called 'younger stars'.

    3.24 Extra Galactic Gasses. Extra-galacticgasses contain a variety of heavier elements,which is contary to the Big Bang Theory thatgasses in interstellar space contain onlyhydrogen and helium.

    3.25 Stars & Gas. The Universe is filled withlots ofstars and little gas. If theBig Bang Theorywere true, the Universe would have been full ofgas with few stars.

    instead of away from planet Earth. (c) Evidenceexists for 'photons' that sometimes reduce speedor that may be losing momentum, which makesthe options of the Gravity- and Energy-Loss RedShifts feasible. (d) Quasars with a red shift ofbetween 200% and 300%, as well as shiftsbetween 300% and 400%, suggests that the BigBang Theory is highly unlikely, as this wouldmean that some of these quasars are moving atvelocities exceeding (one of them as much as 8times) ...the velocity of light.

    GRAVITY-Red Shift: The Gravity Redshiftrefers to the possible influence that gravity may

    be exercising on lightwaves/lightrays in space.Einstein has proved experimentally that gravitymay influence and bend lightrays in space, whichmay give rise to a redshift. The mass of light atthe surface of the Earth (PS. Light, not Air) is e.g.90 kg. per 2,6 km.(Isaac Asimov, 'Asimov's Book Of Facts', p.330- 1979)and gravity can thus be expected to exert aninfluence on lightrays in the Universe.

    SECOND-ORDER DOPPLER-Redshift: Alight-ray moving at a right angle [90]in relationto an observer will also cause a red shift. Thatcould for instance happen if the entire Universewas slowly rotating around a common centre.Many of the movements of heavenly bodies in theUniverse are observed at a right angle [90] in

    relation to us. ENERGY LOSS (TIRED LIGHT) - Red Shift:Lightrays may sometimes be losing energy(momentum) over the astronomical distances ithas to travel in space. That may explain thereason stars farthest from us are demonstratingthe most dramatic red shifts.4. THE St. PETER-EQUATION.Roger L. St. Peter's complicated mathematicalequation showed that the (theorised) Big Bangcould not have exploded outward into hydrogenand helium. The theoretical explosion (if at allpossible) would have fallen back on itself to

    create a (theoretical) blackhole, not a Universe.

    I doubt if there is any single individual within thescientific community who could cope with the full rangeof (creationist) arguments without the help of an army of

    consultants in special fields.

    (David M. Raup, 'Geology And Creation', Bulletin Of The Field Museum OfNatural History, Vol.54, p.18 March 1983).

    I have little hesitation in saying that a sickly pallnow hangs over the Big Bang Theory.

    (Sir Fred Hoyle,'The Big Bang Theory Under Attack', Science Digest, p.84 -May 1984).

    The'BIG BANG'


    Big BANG Or Big PUFF?

    Why are you laughing? All I said was,'Swirling pools of gas clouds made our

    Solar System and our planet'. And, ifsomehow I could find a way to glue gastogether, it would prove the Big BangTheory correct!


    Sources & Illustration: Vance Ferrell BA, MA,BD: 'Science vs. Evolution', &'The Evolution

    Handbook', Evolution Facts Inc. (2001)

    P.J. Stassen 2007

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