PROJECT-1301499482-393.4 Trackable Waste & Pollution Incident Response Management Guideline GAS-1499-GL-EV-011 Kendall Bay Sediment Remediation Project Environmental Services December 2019 Document Approval Rev. Date Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by Remarks 0.2 23/07/19 Ciaran Treanor Nathan Sparke Nathan Sparke Client comments 1.0 01/08/19 Ciaran Treanor Nathan Sparke Jayson Gaul Issued for use 1.1 06/12/19 Allan Garland Ciaran Treanor Jayson Gaul EPA EPL updates Approval position Name Signature Date Project Manager Jayson Gaul 6 December 2019 Document Distribution Controlled Copy No. Name Role Company Original Electronic - BMS Ventia 1 Jayson Gaul Project Manager Ventia 2 Phil Hutson Project Manager Jemena

Trackable Waste and Pollution Incident Response Management

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Page 1: Trackable Waste and Pollution Incident Response Management


Trackable Waste & Pollution Incident Response Management

Guideline GAS-1499-GL-EV-011

Kendall Bay Sediment Remediation Project

Environmental Services

December 2019

Document Approval Rev. Date Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by Remarks

0.2 23/07/19 Ciaran Treanor Nathan Sparke Nathan Sparke Client comments

1.0 01/08/19 Ciaran Treanor Nathan Sparke Jayson Gaul Issued for use

1.1 06/12/19 Allan Garland Ciaran Treanor Jayson Gaul EPA EPL updates

Approval position Name Signature Date

Project Manager Jayson Gaul

6 December 2019

Document Distribution

Controlled Copy No.

Name Role Company

Original Electronic - BMS Ventia

1 Jayson Gaul Project Manager


2 Phil Hutson Project Manager


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1. Introduction

The purpose of this Trackable Waste Transport Pollution Incident Response Management Guideline (US-050055-ENV-GL-011) is to provide information, instruction and management strategies to effectively manage all potential pollution incidents on land or marine environments relating to the Kendall Bay Sediment Remediation Project. The plan provides compliance with Department of Planning & Environment Conditions, outlined in Section 5.4 (Appendix F – DP&E Compliance Elements) of this Guideline, and NSW EPA EPL 21302 requirement R1.1 to prepare a Pollution Incident Response Management Plan.

2. Purpose

Jemena Limited holds an Environment Protection Licence with the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) for Kendall Bay and Staging Site at 140 Tennyson Road, Mortlake, NSW, 2137. As per the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (the POEO Act), the holder of an Environment Protection Licence must prepare, keep, test and implement a pollution incident response management plan (PIRMP) that complies with Part 5.7A of the POEO Act in relation to the activity to which the licence relates. If a pollution incident occurs in the course of an activity so that material harm to the environment (within the meaning of section 147 of the POEO Act) is caused or threatened, the person carrying on the activity must immediately implement this plan in relation to the activity required by Part 5.7A of the POEO Act. A written copy of this plan must be kept at 140 Tennyson Road, Mortlake, or where the activity takes place in the case of mobile plant licences, and be made available on request by an authorised NSW EPA Officer and to any person who is responsible for implementing this plan. Parts of the plan must also be available either on a publicly accessible website, or if there is no such website, by providing a copy of the plan to any person who makes a written request. The sections of the plan that are required to be publicly available are set out in clause 98D of the Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation 2009.

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3. Company Details

Name of Licensee Jemena Limited ABN 95 052 167 405 Postal address (if applicable) Level 14, 99 Walker Street, North Sydney

NSW 2060 Does the company have multiple sites for garaging waste transporter vehicles?

Yes □ No

Primary site address 140 Tennyson Road, Mortlake, NSW, 2137 Environment protection license number (EPL License Application No.)


Company or business contact details

Name: Kendall Bay Sediment Remediation Project 24-hours contact details: 1800 571 972 Website: [email protected]

Website address Jemena.com.au Names, positions and 24-hour contact details of individuals responsible for activating the plan

Name: Brendan McVay Position: Superintendent (Ventia) 24-hour contact details: 0411 040 980

Names, positions and 24-hour contact details of individuals responsible to notify relevant authorities under Section 148 of the POEO Act

Name: Phil Hutson Position: Project Manager (Jemena) 24-hour contact details:(02) 9867 8897

Names, positions and 24-hour contact details of individuals responsible for managing the response to a pollution incident

Name: Brendan McVay Position: Superintendent (Ventia) 24-hour contact details: 0411 040 980

Is this pollution incident response management plan available on the company website?

Yes Available on Jemena website ([email protected]).

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4. Principle Subcontractor Details

Name of subcontractor Ventia Utility Services Pty Limited ABN 69 010 725 247 Postal address (if applicable) Level 4, Tower 1, 495 Victoria Avenue, NSW Does the company have multiple sites for garaging waste transporter vehicles?

Yes □ No

Primary site address 140 Tennyson Road, Mortlake, NSW, 2137 Company website details ventia.com.au Names, positions and 24-hour contact details of individuals responsible for the plan

Name: Brendan McVay Position: Superintendent 24-hour contact details: 0411 040 980

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5. Response and Recovery

Define the likely pollution incident that will cause material harm to the environment Section 2.1 of Environmental Guidelines: Preparation of Pollution Incident Response Management Plans Clause 49 of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2005

Is a pollution incident likely to be caused by a: Leak Spill Fire Explosion Other (specify)

Notification of relevant authority procedure Section 148 of the POEO Act 1997 Section 3.4.1 of Environmental Guidelines: Preparation of Pollution Incident Response Management Plans Clause 98C(2)(b) of the POEO (General) Regulation, 2009

These NSW State Government agencies need to be contacted during any pollution incident that will cause material harm to the environment:

1. Fire & Rescue NSW – 000 (first notification) 2. Environment Protection Authority – 131 555 3. Health NSW (nearest public health unit) – see

Appendix A for local contact details 4. SafeWork NSW – 131 050 5. Local Authority – see Appendix A for local contact

details Any marine spill is to be immediately reported to:

6. Sydney Vessel Traffic Services (Harbour Master) on VHF Radio Channel 13.

7. Roads and Maritime (Maritime Division) 131 256 [email protected]

8. Australian Maritime Safety Authority 1800 627 484 [email protected]

With the exception of communication with the Harbour Master, all external project communications to relevant project stakeholders is to be completed by Jemena.

Local community notification and communication procedures Section 3.4.2 of Environmental Guidelines: Preparation of Pollution Incident Response Management Plans Clause 98C(2)(c) of the POEO (General) Regulation 2009

In the event of a pollution incident whilst transporting trackable waste, community notification will usually be led by an incident controller from either the NSW Police Force or Fire & Rescue NSW. Consultation between the incident controller and the project community relations manager will dictate what community notification, if any, should be undertaken. The contact details for the project community relations manager are listed below: Project Community Line: 1800 009 414 or 1800 571 972

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Details of the pre-emptive action to be taken to minimise or prevent any risk of harm to human health or the environment arising out of that activity Section 3.4.4 of Environmental Guidelines: Preparation of Pollution Incident Response Management Plans Clause 98C(2)(d) of the POEO (General) Regulation 2009, Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2005 Clause 152 of the Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Regulation 2009

In the event of a pollution incident that will cause material harm to the environment, all personnel will follow the procedures outlined in ERP01 for land-based spills or ERP02 for marine spills. This is included in Appendix D and E of this guideline. All waste materials will be contained with enclosed material bins and hopers for transportation and inspected prior to leaving site. Spills or loss of containment procedure Wastes will be handled strictly in accordance with the Occupational Health & Hygiene Management Plan US-050055-HS-MP-005 and Health and Safety Management Plan US-050055-HS-MP-001 and relevant MSDS. Establish transport, handling, storage and application methods (with the relevant method statement) to prevent wastes, fuel and lubricant spillage. Keep adequate quantities of emergency response materials, such as spill kits, absorbent materials, sand bags, shovel, readily available. A major response to spills and leaks will involve containing the offending material using Silt Curtains, Oil Booms, Sheet Pile Walls, Sediment Control and Spill Kits etc. Ventia Site Superintendent (Brendan McVay) to coordinate spill response. Ventia Project Manager to notify Jemena Project Manager (verbal notification) immediately upon becoming aware of a spill. Jemena Project Manager to notify appropriate authorities immediately.

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6. Staff Training and Testing

The nature and objectives of any staff training program in relation to the plan.

List names of staff who have been trained and the dates training took place: Relevant Transport Personnel and Project Management team

The dates on which the plan has been tested and the name of the person who carried out the test.

Dates: TBC Name: TBC

The manner in which the plan is to be tested and maintained. Clause 98E of the POEO (General) Regulation 2009

Testing will be conducted within one month of commencement of operations and every 12 months thereafter. In the event of an incident, the plan will be reviewed and tested within one month of the date of an incident. Each test will involve a simulated incident, such as a spill or a leak. The test will include steps taken to contain and clean-up and simulation of appropriate notifications. A review of each test will be conducted, and findings will be tool boxed to all personnel involved. A copy of each test is available on request.

How have staff been trained? Section 3.4.4 of Environmental Guidelines: Preparation of Pollution Incident Response Management Plans Clause 98C(2)(e)(f)(g) of the POEO (General) Regulation, 2009

Formal staff training on incident management Kendall Bay site induction, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) and onsite Incident Emergency Response training Who: Relevant Project Engineer or Ciaran Treanor, H&S Advisor Simulated incident exercise Who: Ciaran Treanor, H&S Advisor

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7. Appendicies

Appendix A - Pollution Incident Response Contacts

• Jemena Project Manager (Phil Hutson) – Ph: (02) 9867 8897 • Police, Fire, Rescue & Marine NSW – 000 • Environment Protection Authority – 131 555 • NSW Public Health Unit

o Sydney, Parramatta Office - Ph: 02 9840 5555 o Sydney (Penrith Health Unit) - Ph: 02 4734 2022

• SafeWork NSW – 131 050 • Sydney Vessel Traffic Services (Harbour Master) on VHF Radio Channel 13. • Roads and Maritime (Maritime Division) 131 256 [email protected] • Australian Maritime Safety Authority 1800 627 484 [email protected] • Local Authorities

o City of Canada Bay Council - 02 9911 6555 (Five Dock) o Sydney Ports Corporation – 02 9296 4000 (Sydney Harbour) o Leichardt Municipal Council - 02 9367 9222 (Rozelle, Lilyfield) o Ashfield Council - 02 9716 1800 (Haberfield) o Burwood Council - 02 9911 9911 (Burwood) o Strathfield Municipal Council - 02 9748 9999 (Homebush West, North

Strathfield, Strathfield) o Auburn City Council - 02 9735 1222 (Silverwater, Auburn) o Parramatta City Council - 02 9806 5050 (Rosehill, Harris Park, Merrylands,

Granville) o Holroyd City Council - 02 9840 9840 (Harris Park, South Wentworthville,

Girraween, Merrylands, Merrylands West, Pemulwuy) o Blacktown City Council - 02 9839 6000 (Huntingwood, Prospect, Eastern

Creek, Minchinbury) o Penrith City Council - 02 4732 7777 (St Clair, Erskine Park)

• Planning Secretary (Department of Planning, Industry & Environment) [email protected]

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Appendix B - Waste Transportation Route (Tennyson Road to Erskine Park)

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Appendix C - Waste Transportation Route (Kendall Bay to Tennyson Road)

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Appendix D – Emergency Response Procedures (ERPs) On Land


Transport Pollution event (Hazardous Substances)

1 Objective

To ensure a successful outcome to a transport pollution emergency, ensuring all personnel are evacuated from any dangers, the spill is contained, and appropriate resources are available to prevent or minimise personnel and/or environmental harm.

2 Training

Kendall Bay Commercial Drivers Induction Transport drivers will receive a “Drivers information kit” consisting of haulage route maps, incident response information and relevant emergence contact information. Emergency response training provided to appropriate personnel relative to potential hazards.

3 Key Responsibilities

Issue/Instruct Ventia Project Manager Training SHEQ Advisor Reporting All personnel Response Site Superintendent / Emergency services

4 Resources

• Two-way radio/mobile phone • Driver Information Kit • Kendall bay Commercial Drivers Induction • MSD Register


IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Stay calm Do not panic

ALL WORKPLACE PERSONNEL • Stop vehicle • Raise the alarm - notify Ventia Supervisor/SHEQ Advisor • Evacuate the immediate area • Remove injured person/s from the cause (if it is safe to do so) • (If safe to do so) Prevent any further release of substances

(switch off tap, stand container) • Isolate power, services and machinery (if safe to do so) • Ensure appropriate PPE is worn when handling hazardous

substances • Do not endanger yourself or others- evacuate area, DO NOT re-

entre affected areas • Advise public to clear the area and control access

6 Contact Emergency Services

The Emergency Response Coordinator shall contact Emergency Services stating clearly: • The nature of the emergency • Location of the emergency • The current actions Ventia is following to deal with the situation • Emergency response assistance required

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7 Completion

Emergency services are to inform all affected persons when it is safe to reassume normal operations. Site Superintendent is to inform all Ventia personnel of further instructions. (i.e. Resume to planned destination of divert along an altered route to destination)

8 Investigation/ Reporting

The Ventia Project Manager shall ensure that the incident is reported and investigated in accordance with Process: SHEQ Incident and Apply Immediate Actions

Further Information: Ventia Project Manager shall ensure compliance with relevant regulations. All personnel involved clean up spills must wear appropriate personnel protective equipment. Appropriate PPE described in the MSDS.

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Appendix E – Emergency Response Procedures (ERPs) On Water


Marine Pollution event (Hazardous Substance)

1 Objective To ensure a successful outcome in a Marine Environment

2 Training

• Ventia - Kendall Bay Induction/ Marine Induction • Relevant training and SOP’s • Emergency response training provided to appropriate

personnel relative to potential hazards.

3 Key Responsibilities

Issue/Instruct Ventia Project Manager Training SHEQ Advisor Reporting All personnel Response Site Superintendent / Emergency services

4 Resources

• UHF Radio/ mobile phone • Silt Curtains/ Oil booms/ Sheet Pile Walls/ Spill Kits/ Fire

Extinguishers • Appropriate PPE as per the MSDS • MSDS Register/ MSDS folder in site office


IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Stay calm Do not panic

ALL WORKPLACE PERSONNEL • Stop vessel and anchor if possible • Raise the alarm - notify Ventia Site Superintendent /SHEQ

Advisor • Evacuate the immediate area • Remove injured person/s from the cause (if it is safe to do

so) • (If safe to do so) Prevent any further release of substances

(switch off tap, stand container, deploy booms / curtains) • Isolate power, services and machinery (if safe to do so) • Ensure appropriate PPE is worn when handling hazardous

substances • Do not endanger yourself or others- evacuate area, DO NOT

re-entre affected areas • Advise public to clear the area and control access

6 Contact Emergency Services

The Emergency Response Coordinator shall contact Emergency Services stating clearly: • The nature of the emergency • Location of the emergency • The current actions Ventia is following to deal with the

situation • Emergency response assistance required

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7 Completion

Emergency services are to inform all affected persons when it is safe to reassume normal operations. Site Superintendent is to inform all Ventia personnel of further instructions. (i.e. Resume to planned destination of divert along an altered route to destination)

8 Investigation/Reporting

The Ventia Project Manager shall ensure that the incident is reported and investigated in accordance with Process: SHEQ Incident and Apply Immediate Actions

Further Information: Ventia Project Manager shall ensure compliance with relevant regulations. All personnel involved clean up spills must wear appropriate personnel protective equipment. Appropriate PPE described in the MSDS. Any marine spill (whether the spill occurs on water or occurs on land and subsequently enters the water) is to be immediately reported to Sydney VTS (Port Authority) on VHF Channel 13.

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Appendix F – DP&E Compliance Elements

The table below maps how the plan demonstrates compliance with the applicable planning conditions.

Department of Planning and Environment Consent Conditions Compliance

Expectations How will we meet the Expectation? (minimum requirements)

Responsibility Deliverables

C3. The RWEMP required under Condition C2 must include:

(l) Pollution Incident Management Plan; This plan Project Manager Project Engineer

This plan

C9. The Department must be notified in writing to [email protected] immediately after the Applicant becomes aware of an incident. The notification must identify the development (including the development application number and the name of the development if it has one) and set out the location and nature of the incident. Subsequent notification requirements must be given, and reports submitted in accordance with the requirements set out in Appendix 3.

Appendix A Project Manager Project Engineer

This plan