Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

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Page 1: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects
Page 2: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects
Page 3: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects
Page 4: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects
Page 5: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects
Page 6: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects
Page 7: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects
Page 8: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects
Page 9: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects
Page 10: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects on the region of contact.

Page 11: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Spatial Diffusion (Columbian Exchange)

Page 12: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Spatial Diffusion• Spatial Diffusion can be made more difficult

as a result of physical barriers (mountains, deserts, rain forests, distances, large bodies of water)

• Spatial Diffusion can be made easier as a result of technology:– Transportation methods like ships, trains,

roadways, air travel, etc.– Communication methods like internet, email,

phones, tv, radio, etc.

Page 13: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Spatial Diffusion

• American Popular Culture has seen its spread all over the world!– Music– Movies (Hollywood ---- Bollywood)– Companies (McDonalds)– Food (McDonalds, Coca Cola, and many


Page 14: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Diffusion (SCARCITY)

• Not every country has enough resources to satisfy all that their people need and/or want.– We don’t have enough oil (need)– We don’t have enough coffee (want)– We like foreign cars and technology– Some countries don’t have enough food– Some countries have disasters causing


Page 15: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Diffusion (Global Trade)


• Some countries specialize in what they have a lot of OR what they are very good or efficient at.

• Good trade relations USUALLY result in the need to cooperate.

• INTERDEPENDENCE is the outcome!

Page 16: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects





Page 17: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

•Examine the physical processes that affect the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere

Page 18: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Physical Processes (LITHOSPHERE)

• All the stony parts of the Earth.• Includes the basins.

• PLATE TECTONICS- Movement of plates as well as the flow of magma.– Mountains, Valleys, Faults, Earthquakes, etc.

• Rain Shadow Effect

Page 19: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects
Page 21: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Physical Processes (Hydrosphere)

• The watery areas of the earth.

• Includes the oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, etc.

• Water Cycle is important…impacts climate

Page 22: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects
Page 23: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Atmosphere and Biosphere

Atmosphere = layer of gasses surrounding the Earth.

Biosphere = Any place on Earth that supports life.

Ecosystems = community of living and nonliving things that depend on one another.

Page 24: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Analyze how the character of a place is related to its political, economic, social, and cultural elements.

Page 25: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Character of Place (Social)• There are subgroups within each society.

• Family• Classes

• Socioeconomic (wealth)• Ancestry• Education• Jobs• Etc.

Page 26: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Character of Place (Cultural)• Language•Religion•Economic Activity•Social Groups•Customs •Holidays•Technology•Etc.

Page 27: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Character of Place (Political)How does a place maintain order, create laws and enforce them?• Unitary (centralized)•Federal (Divided between national and regional/local)

•Autocracy- Power held by one person•Democracy- Power held by the people

Page 28: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Character of Place (Economic)

How are economic decisions made? Who controls the resources? What, how, and for whom are things that will be produced?•Traditional- Based on custom/tradition

•Market- Supply and demand (what people want and what companies will make).

• Profit motive (free enterprise; capitalism)

Page 29: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Economics ContinuedCommand Economy- The government makes the decisions. Not as much freedom for individuals.

• COMMUNISM- Strict government control over everything

• Socialism- Some private ownership, but the goal is equal distribution of wealth and resources; Major decisions still made by government.

Page 30: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Locate and describe human and physical features that influence the size and distribution of settlements.

Page 31: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Settlement (physical)• WATER

• Food• Irrigation for farming• Transportation• Energy/Power• Access to other places

•Also consider CLIMATE, RESOURCES, etc.

Page 32: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Settlement (Physical)Physical Geography also creates barriers to where people live. People won’t live….

• Harsh climates (too cold; desert)• Rain forests (hot and humid)• Mountains• Etc.

Page 33: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Settlement (History)• Hunters and Gatherers (Nomads)

• Constantly searching for food and resources

•Found water sources, settled down•AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION

• People figured out how to cultivate land, plant and replant on same land

• Cities centered around these areas

Page 34: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Urbanization• People moved from farming/rural areas to the cities seeking….

• Better jobs• Better housing• Better healthcare• Other things as well

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Page 36: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Urban Sprawl

Urban Core




I 10


Urban Fringe

SuburbsRural Fringe





Page 37: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Explain how political, economic, social, and environmental push and pull factors impact the flows of human immigration; AND how physical geography affects the routes and flows of human immigration.

Page 38: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects


• What is “pulling you” towards the place you are going to?–Jobs and economic freedom–Religious freedom–New form of government–Other things, like land, hope, availability

of resources, climate

Page 39: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

PUSH Factors

• Why do you want to “leave”… what is pushing you out?–Government policies and lack of

religious freedoms…some are forced out

–Disease and famine? Irish and potatoes–Lack of jobs –No land–And many other things that are “bad”

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BERINGIA LAND BRIDGEhttp://instaar.colorado.edu/QGISL/bering_land_bridge/downloads/beringlandbridge1l.mov

Page 41: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects


People tend to migrate from DEVELOPING countries to DEVELOPED countries….


Page 42: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Compare the ways that humans depend on, adapt to, and modify the physical environment, including the influences of culture and technology.

Page 43: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Modifying the Environment

• Humans can modify the environment:– We level forests to build roads for

transportation, housing, business…– We build dams on rivers to control flooding

and help irrigate the fields.– New Orleans has build levees to protect it

from water.

Page 46: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Adapting to the Environment

• How do humans adapt to the environment?– In Houston, it is hot…we install air

conditioners to keep cool.– In Egypt, the farmers set up near the Nile

River to take advantage of the annual floods for their farms.

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Nile River Farming/Igloo in Alaska

Page 48: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Depending on the Environment

• How do humans DEPEND on the environment?– We need heat and rain to grow crops.– Some places depend on certain minerals to

mine and make money.– Some places need trees to burn for fuel.– Some places have great soils for farming.– ETC

Page 49: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects

Environment Hinders Humans

• How does the environment HINDER (hurt) humans?– In Pakistan, flooding is killing people and

destroying homes…– In New Orleans, Houston, Galveston, and

other Gulf Cities…Hurricanes have taken lives and destroyed property.

– Droughts in Africa have caused the desert to grow, and people to starve.

Page 50: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects
Page 51: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects
Page 52: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects
Page 53: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects
Page 54: Trace the spatial diffusion of phenomena such as the Columbian Exchange or the diffusion of American popular culture; Describe the effects