Crumb Kuchen raspberries and apple Members : -Vicente cárcamo

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Raspberry strudel

Crumb Kuchen raspberries and apple

Members : -Vicente crcamo -Juan pablo herrera

Ingredients1. MassFifty grams of sugartwo hundred grams of flour hundred twenty-five grams of butterTwo eggsfive grams baking powder2. FilledTwo cups of raspberriesTwo cups chopped appleOne cup sugarTwo hundred ml of creamFive grams of cinnamon3. CrumbFifty grams of butter Hundred grams of sugarFifty grams of fluor

Preparation1.MassLocate in a bowl the flour, sugar, baking powder and stir homogeneously. Take eggs and softened butter and unite with the finger without kneading.Fingers stretch the dough into a greased 40 cm in diameter, leaving a border of 3 cm in height.


Put in a pot of chopped apples, raspberries, sugar and simmer for 10 minutes. Let cool to room temperature and pour into the dough and then add the cream. Bake in oven at 180 degree C for 30 minutes

3. Crumb

Locate in bowl the sugar butter and flour with your fingers makes crumbs, then sprinkle over the kuchen for 10 minutes and place in the oven until crisp. cool and eat !. It can be served with whipped cream

Findingcooking is very entertaining, however you have to be careful to follow the procedures indicated in the recipe. On the other hand it is important to make it easy to avoid accidents such as cuts or burns. is an art, it requires creativity and love