TPL Smart Metering Base RFP V10 Final 16 Nov 13

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TPL Smart Metering Base RFP V10 Final 16 Nov 13

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  • Request for Proposal


    Commercial in Confidence

    Issue Date: 16 November 2013

    PO Box 109628

    Auckland, New Zealand [email protected]

  • Smart Metering RFP

    Doc ID: 284/11/01, 16 November 2013 Page: 2

    Table of Contents 1. Introduction 6

    1.1 Background .............................................................................................................................. 6 1.2 About Tonga Power Limited ...................................................................................................... 6 1.3 Glossary of Terms .................................................................................................................... 7

    2. Scope of Supply 10

    2.1 Smart Meters .......................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Head-End ............................................................................................................................... 11 2.3 Meter Data Management ........................................................................................................ 11 2.4 Telecommunications ............................................................................................................... 12 2.5 Additional Services ................................................................................................................. 12

    3. RFP Proposals 13

    3.1 Indicative Evaluation Process ................................................................................................. 13 3.2 Indicative Timetable ................................................................................................................ 14 3.3 Communications ..................................................................................................................... 15 3.4 Notification of Receipt of RFP and Intention to Respond ......................................................... 15 3.5 Notices to Proponents ............................................................................................................ 15 3.6 Format of Proposals ............................................................................................................... 15 3.7 Multiple Proposals and Alternative Proposals .......................................................................... 16 3.8 Delivery of Proposals .............................................................................................................. 16 3.9 Validity Period ........................................................................................................................ 17

    4. RFP Terms and Conditions 18 5. AMI Components Overview 19

    5.1 Conceptual Future State ......................................................................................................... 19 5.2 Core Components covered by this RFP .................................................................................. 20 5.3 Standards ............................................................................................................................... 22 5.4 Service Functionality ............................................................................................................... 22 5.5 Modularity ............................................................................................................................... 23 5.6 Meters/Metering Equipment .................................................................................................... 23

    5.6.1 Metrology 23 5.6.2 Configuration 24 5.6.3 Display 24 5.6.4 Installation 24

    5.7 Head-End ............................................................................................................................... 24 5.7.1 Head-End Hardware and Operating Software 24 5.7.2 Vendor Software Licences 25

    5.8 Interfaces ............................................................................................................................... 25 5.8.1 TPL Distributor IT Systems 25

    5.9 Meter-Head-End Communications/Telecommunications Equipment ........................................ 25

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    5.9.1 Telecommunications Technologies 25 5.9.2 General Requirements of the Meter Head-End Communications network 26 5.9.3 Times to Communicate (System End-to-End Performance) 27 5.9.4 Network Coverage 30

    5.10 Meter Data Management ........................................................................................................ 31 5.10.1 Core Meter Data Management Functionality 31 5.10.2 Prepayment Management System 33

    6. Responsibilities 36

    6.1 Design, Installation and Commissioning .................................................................................. 36 6.1.1 Design 36 6.1.2 Installation 36 6.1.3 Commissioning 36

    6.2 Reference Sites ...................................................................................................................... 36 6.3 Factory Acceptance Testing .................................................................................................... 37 6.4 Installation Support ................................................................................................................. 37 6.5 Training .................................................................................................................................. 37 6.6 Documentation ....................................................................................................................... 37 6.7 Support Services .................................................................................................................... 38 6.8 Spare Parts ............................................................................................................................ 38 6.9 Test Equipment ...................................................................................................................... 39 6.10 Supply Orders ........................................................................................................................ 39 6.11 Systems Commissioning ......................................................................................................... 40 6.12 Warranties .............................................................................................................................. 40 6.13 Escrow ................................................................................................................................... 40

    7. Pricing 41

    7.1 Equipment .............................................................................................................................. 41 7.2 Services ................................................................................................................................. 41 7.3 Currency Exchange ................................................................................................................ 41

    8. Contract 42 Appendix A: Terms & Conditions of RFP 43

    1. Agreement by Proponents to RFP Terms and Conditions ........................................................ 43 2. Responsibilities of Proponents ................................................................................................ 43 3. TPL has no Obligations........................................................................................................... 43 4. Submission of Proposals ........................................................................................................ 44 5. Proposal Qualifications ........................................................................................................... 44 6. Subcontracting ....................................................................................................................... 45 7. Joint/Consortia Proposals ....................................................................................................... 45 8. Presentations ......................................................................................................................... 46 9. Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights ............................................................................. 46 10. No Canvassing or Influencing ................................................................................................. 46 11. Costs ...................................................................................................................................... 46

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    12. Proponent Request to Extend Closing Date ............................................................................ 47 13. Confidentiality ......................................................................................................................... 47 14. Gifts and Hospitality ................................................................................................................ 47 15. No Anti-Competitive Behaviour ............................................................................................... 47 16. Conflict of Interest ................................................................................................................... 47 17. Liability ................................................................................................................................... 48 18. Governing Law ....................................................................................................................... 48 19. Verbal Advice/Information ....................................................................................................... 48 20. General Conditions ................................................................................................................. 48 21. Currency/Foreign Exchange Rates ......................................................................................... 49

    Appendix B: Requirements 51

    1. Metrology ............................................................................................................................... 51 1.1 Core Services 51 1.2 On Demand Services 54 1.3 Smart Remote Services 58 1.4 Reporting 60 1.5 Fault Management 61 1.6 Metrology 62 1.7 Meter Configuration Options 65 1.8 Specific Functionality 66 1.9 External Interfaces 69 1.10 Delivery 70 1.11 Reference Sites 70 1.12 Technology Roadmap 71

    2. Telecommunications ............................................................................................................... 72 2.1 Communications Response Times 72 2.2 Meter Modem Configuration 74 2.3 Meter Head-End Communications 75 2.4 Security 76 2.5 Modem Environmental and Compliance Standards 77 2.6 Communications Technology 78 2.7 Reporting 80 2.8 Delivery 80 2.9 Reference Sites 81 2.10 Technology Roadmap 81

    3. Meter Data Management and Prepayment Management Systems .......................................... 82 3.1 Business Requirements 82 3.1.1 Meter Data Management System 82 3.1.2 Prepayment Management System 88 3.2 Technology Requirements 94 3.2.1 Technology Description 94

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    3.3 Product Licensing Requirements 98 3.4 Expertise 100 3.5 Implementation and Knowledge Transfer 100 3.6 Support Requirements 101 3.6.1 Support Capability, Warranties and Documentations 101

    Appendix C: Pricing Schedules 102

    1. Basis of Pricing ..................................................................................................................... 102 2. Metrology ............................................................................................................................. 102 3. Telecommunications ............................................................................................................. 106 4. Meter Data Management and Prepayment Management Systems Pricing ............................. 107 5. Additional Services ............................................................................................................... 110 6. Other .................................................................................................................................... 111

    Appendix D: Acknowledgement/Transmittal Forms 112 Appendix E: Key Contractual Terms 116

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    1. Introduction 1.1 Background Tonga Power Limited (TPL) has 17,000 residential and 4,000 commercial customers on its four electricity networks throughout the Kingdom of Tonga. 85% of its customers are on Tongatapu, the remainder on three small outer island grids. TPL is interested in understanding the potential options for replacing its installed meter stock, with a view to improving the credit management of its business, and potentially accessing the functionality of smart metering technologies to improve the operation of its business. Currently TPL disconnects close to 6% of its customers each month for non-payment of electricity charges and is not able to recover the full cost of disconnecting and reconnecting these customers. Theft and meter bypass/tampering are also significant revenue protection challenges faced by TPL that suggest some form of prepay metering solution would have a meaningful impact on the payment behavior of its customers, and on TPLs quality of service to customers... In addition to these specific revenue protection issues, TPL recognises that it has a range of wider requirements including the move to more sophisticated tariffs, the ability to deal with distributed generation and remote monitoring and/or enhanced control of certain elements of its network which could be achieved through the use of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). The purpose of this RFP is to find a suitable technology solution to meet TPLs requirements that provide for some level of future proofing, while at the same time dealing with the companys specific issues relating to revenue protection. 1.2 About Tonga Power Limited TPL is a state-owned enterprise, wholly owned by the Government of Tonga and operated as a stand-alone company at arms-length under a concession overseen by an independent regulator.

    TPL is a traditional, vertically integrated power supply company which serves four of the Tonga archipelago of over 170 islands. The main island of Tongatapu in the southern island cluster is the largest with some 80% of the Tonga population living there.

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    Other systems are on Eua, also in the southern cluster, Haapai in the central cluster and Vavau in the northern cluster. Each of these centres has a diesel power station and a medium to low voltage distribution system. Tongatapu has a small 11kV network, the three outer island networks currently operate at 6.6 kV. Some of these feeders are long relative to the voltage levels so that control of frequency and voltage levels within acceptable ranges can be difficult. This is especially so for the low voltage networks, given the low electricity demands of the connected customers. With distributed generation located on these lines in the future, control problems and voltage fluctuations will be exacerbated and must be explicitly evaluated in advance. 1.3 Glossary of Terms In this RFP, unless the context indicates otherwise: Additional Services means additional services offered by a Proponent in their Proposal but that are not mandatory under the RFP; Alternative Proposal means a Proposal that differs from that contemplated by this RFP; AMI means Advanced Metering Infrastructure Closing Date has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 3.8; Conditions of Contract means the proposed terms for the Contract, as set out in Appendix E; Contract means a supply contract that is entered into by TPL and the Vendor, as a consequence of this RFP; Customer means the end consumer of electricity Fast Time means one-way communication between the Head-End and the smart meter that occurs within 5 seconds; Final Acceptance Certificate means the certificate issued by Tonga Power Limited after commissioning and testing the initial order, comprising Head-End and Metering Equipment; HAN means Home Area Network;

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    Head-End means the meter head-end to be supplied by the Vendor to Tonga Power Limited under the Contract having the functionality described in paragraph 5.7; Issue Date means the issue date of this RFP; MDM mean Meter Data Management; Metering System means the Head-End, smart meters and the communications network that together operates so as to deliver the functionality detailed within this RFP; Normal Time means one-way communications between the Head-End and the smart meter that takes longer that 5 seconds but which occurs within 30 seconds; Notices to Proponents means clarification of particular items, additions to or subtractions from this RFP issued by Tonga Power Limited from time-to-time in accordance with paragraph 3.5; Preferred Proponent means the Proponent selected from the Short-Listed Proponents for further negotiation in accordance with paragraph 3.1; Proponent means the person or persons who lodge a Proposal in accordance with the RFP; Proposal means a Proponent's proposal submitted in response to, and in accordance with, this RFP; RFP means this request for proposals, including all appendices, any addenda and any Notices to Proponents; Short-Listed Proponents means the Proponents whose Proposals have been selected for further assessment in accordance with paragraph 3.1; Smart Meters means the metering component of the AMI - generically meters with two way communications Support Services Agreement means the 15 year support services agreement to be entered into by TPL and the Vendor contemporaneously with the Contract; Technical Requirements means the technical requirements set out in the Technical Requirements Overview in section Error! Reference source not found. and the Technical Requirements in Appendix B; TOU Means Time Of Use

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    TPL means Tonga Power Limited TPL Procurement Manager means the TPL person who has primary responsibility for procurement under this RFP, as specified in paragraph 3.3 Validity Period means the period set out in 3.9; Vendor means the successful Proponent (if any) who enters into the Contract.

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    2. Scope of Supply This section sets out, at a high level, the scope of the system for which TPL is seeking Proposals from Proponents. The specific requirements are set out in the Functional Requirements (being section Error! Reference source not found. and Appendix B). Proponents may respond to portions of the RFP rather than all of the AMI components described in the requirements section. 2.1 Smart Meters Through this RFP, TPL is intending to enter into a long-term supply agreement with an AMI vendor to purchase AMI meters, communications, meter Head-End software and Meter Data Management solution. The number of smart meters purchased will depend on, amongst other factors (refer paragraph 3.1), the price that the successful Proponent tenders. The number of smart meters purchased could vary from 15,000 to 22,000 with possible ongoing annual quantities of approx 250 meters. TPL is seeking to purchase a modular smart meter in respect of the following physical or functional features: Mass Market Customers

    Meter to Head-End communications;

    Supply switching;

    Load limiting;

    Discretionary load control and signalling;

    Under frequency load shedding; and

    Outage management

    Ability to operate in prepay or post pay mode Modular is defined to be pluggable within the meter and/or able to be wired/connected external to the meter but the modules are not necessarily provided or installed at the time the smart meter is installed. However TPL may choose to purchase some fixed functionality if that functionality is at a reasonable incremental cost with respect to the base meter price. Not all of

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    the above functions are essential and Proponents are asked to indicate the status of these functions in their product roadmaps. 2.2 Head-End TPL is seeking to purchase a Head-End which must interoperate with the smart meters. The Head-End is software with functionality that:

    (i) enables secure communications to meters through communications servers;

    (ii) has a management server that provides overall metering system control;

    (iii) has a data warehouse to store meter asset data and the data collected from meters; and

    (iv) a man-machine interface that can be used to compile and initiate tasks, register new smart meters, view communications network data and that can be used to configure individual meters.

    Note that the Head-End may be embedded within the Meter Data Management System refer below. 2.3 Meter Data Management TPL is interested in accessing a MDM capability for the purposes of validating and processing meter data to support billing and other utility functions. In addition to traditional MDM capabilities TPL are seeking prepay management capabilities as either part of an MDM solution or as a separate application that can be readily integrated with A MDM solution. On this basis it will consider:

    Purchasing a license to existing MDM software

    Procuring the development of a fit for purpose bespoke MDM solution

    MDM software as a service (SAAS)

    Fully outsourced MDM service on a per meter or customer basis Proponents should consider the scale of TPLs business and the appropriate fit for purpose MDM solution for a Pacific Island nation in their responses.

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    2.4 Telecommunications TPL is interested in understanding what potential telecommunications mediums for Head-End to smart meters could be fit for purpose for its requirements, including at least: RF Mesh, Power Line Carrier (PLC), Distribution Line Carrier (DLC), Long Range radio and Cellular communications. Proponents are required to provide a conceptual design and price the telecommunications components separately from the meter and Head-End components of their offering. 2.5 Additional Services Proponents that wish to offer Additional Services can do so in the Response Schedules, Appendix C. Additional Services, that are not included in this RFP, could include:

    Engineering and/or IT consulting services; Head-End management services; Communications network operations and management services (applicable to RF Mesh

    solutions); Systems for the asset management of meters; Smart grid applications; and/or Back office integration services.

    It is important that Proponents offering Additional Services separate the costs of the Additional Services from the pricing of the smart meters, Head-End, MDM and telecommunications (as applicable). Furthermore Proponents should appreciate that any Additional Services offered will not be evaluated as part of this RFP. If a Proponent that has offered Additional Services is selected as the Preferred Proponent, then TPL may choose to discuss the offer of those Additional Services. Proponents that do not offer Additional Services will not be penalised.

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    3. RFP Proposals This section sets out, at a high level, the requirements for Proponents' Proposals and the process to be followed by Proponents and TPL. Proponents should ensure they comply with this section 3 and the specific Terms and Conditions of the RFP referred to in section 4. 3.1 Indicative Evaluation Process TPL intends to evaluate and conform the Proposals to a common basis for evaluation. As part of this process TPL may prepare a list of questions to obtain any additional or missing information required from Proponents. TPL intends to use a set of specific criteria and weightings for each component of this RFP, including criteria such as:

    Maturity of solution/services

    Fitness for purpose of solution/services

    Likely fit of proponent with TPL from a working relationship perspective

    Price of solution/services

    Demonstrated ability to implement and support solution/services in a Pacific Island context

    The price evaluation will be based upon the component prices provided by Proponents together with the expected operation and maintenance costs, including Proponent annual support costs. Comparison of the different technologies will be made on an NPV basis over a 10 year period. From the evaluation process TPL will select up to 4 Short-Listed Proponents. All Proponents that submit Proposals will be advised in writing of their status following the evaluation process. Short-Listed Proponents will be contacted to determine suitable dates for clarification visits, reference site visits (refer section 6.2) and factory visits as required. A TPL team will conduct the visits to obtain a clear understanding of the Short-Listed Proponents':

    technology offering(s);

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    engineering capabilities;

    key personnel and resources responsible for delivering the Proponents solution;

    support infrastructure;

    technology roadmap;

    manufacturing processes and QA systems; and

    commercial terms. The TPL evaluation team may visit reference sites and discuss how the Proponents existing solution has been implemented and what has been learnt from the ongoing performance of the solution. Following the visits programme, TPL will select a Preferred Proponent and notify all parties accordingly. TPL will then commence contract negotiations with the Preferred Proponent. 3.2 Indicative Timetable The indicative timetable for this RFP process is tabulated below. TPL reserves the right to vary this timetable.

    Activity Date RFP Issued 16 November 2013 Proponents confirmation of receipt 18 November 2013 Proponents confirmation of intent to respond

    22 November 2013

    Last date for questions 06 December 2013 RFP Closing Date (responses by email) 13 December 2013 Last date for hard copy responses 20 December 2013 Advise Short-Listed Proponents 17 January 2014 Programme of visits commences 20 January 2014 Preferred Proponent notified 31 January 2014 Contract Awarded 28 February 2014

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    3.3 Communications All communications with TPL relating to this RFP must be directed to:

    John McCutcheon TPL AMI Procurement Manager Level 1, 79 Grafton Road, Grafton PO Box 109628, Newmarket, Auckland 1149, New Zealand DDI +64 9 358 3503 Mobile +64 21 934 901 Email [email protected]

    From the Issue Date of this RFP until a Contract is signed by both parties, all correspondence is to be directed to the TPL AMI Procurement Manager. Proponents shall not be permitted to communicate with other TPL personnel in relation to this RFP unless otherwise agreed with the TPL AMI Procurement Manager. 3.4 Notification of Receipt of RFP and Intention to Respond Proponents are requested to notify receipt of this RFP within 24 hours from receipt by emailing the form Acknowledgement of Receipt of RFP Form contained in Appendix D provided as a separate electronic Microsoft Word format document. Proponents are requested to notify their intent to respond or not as the case may be, by completing the Intention to Respond Form, also contained in Appendix D provided as a separate electronic Microsoft Word format document. Proponents that do not notify their intention to respond (or not respond) within one week of the Date of Issue of this RFP will be contacted to confirm receipt of the RFP and to ensure that any Notices to Proponents are sent to the designated persons. 3.5 Notices to Proponents TPL may issue Notices to Proponents to clarify this RFP or to effect modifications to this RFP from time-to-time and at any time prior to the Closing Date. Each Notice to Proponents will be issued to all Proponents who have notified TPL of their intention to respond. Upon such issue or notification, each Notice to Proponents will form part of this RFP. 3.6 Format of Proposals

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    Proponents must submit all information required by this RFP in strict accordance with the forms and formats contained in Appendices B and C. The reasons for this requirement are twofold:

    (i) to make it easy for TPL to evaluate and conform the responses; and (ii) to make it easy for Proponents to respond.

    Appendices B and C are issued in editable Microsoft Word format documents along with this RFP. Proponents should expand the response portions of tables to accommodate the information that they wish to provide to TPL. Information provided should allow a clear and detailed evaluation of the Proponents solution. Proposals submitted pursuant this RFP must be submitted electronically to the email address listed in the Communications paragraph 3.3 above, in Microsoft Word format in English and by one paper copy signed by a duly authorised person from the Proponent using the "RFP Proposal Transmittal Form" in Appendix D, posted or delivered to the address in the Communications paragraph 3.3. Proponents may elect to respond against certain portions of the requirements outlined in this RFP. Proponents are urged to complete the response forms fully of the components of the RFP they are responding against as TPL may refuse to consider Proposals that do not provide all information required by this RFP, or may score incomplete portions zero. Any non-compliance with this RFP must be specifically highlighted by Proponents in their Proposals. Non-complying Proposals may or may not be accepted by TPL at its sole discretion. Copies of brochures and other Vendor material are not required. 3.7 Multiple Proposals and Alternative Proposals Proponents may wish to offer multiple Proposals. In this case, Proponents should submit complete separate Proposals including the Responses Schedules, Appendix B and C. Proponents may wish to offer an Alternative Proposal. Alternative Proposals must accompany a conforming Proposal. The Alternative Proposal must indicate that the Proponent can demonstrate a technical or commercial advantage to be gained by TPL in implementing the Alternative Proposal in preference to the conforming Proposal. 3.8 Delivery of Proposals All Proposals must be delivered by email by 4pm, 13 December 2013 (Closing Date), to [email protected] , with hard copies to follow by 20 December 2013, sent to the offices of, or postal address as follows:

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    Power Business Limited Level 1, 79 Grafton Road Grafton Auckland

    New Zealand

    Power Business Limited PO Box 109628 Newmarket Auckland 1149

    New Zealand 3.9 Validity Period Proposals submitted pursuant to this RFP shall remain valid for a period of 3 months from the Closing Date.

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    4. RFP Terms and Conditions The specific Terms and Conditions governing this RFP are contained in Appendix A. In the event of any inconsistency between the specific Terms and Conditions and some other part of this RFP, the specific Terms and Conditions take precedence.

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    5. AMI Components Overview This section sets out, at a high level, the TPL requirements, including an indicative future state AMI architecture and a description of the key underlying processes. Proponents should ensure their Proposal addresses and complies with both this section Error! Reference source not found. and the detailed Requirements for this RFP set out in Appendix B. Appendix B also serves as a table of conformance. Proponents should use the provided Microsoft Word format document of Appendix B to indicate their conformance with the Technical Requirements and all non-conformance and any departures/tags or commentary. 5.1 Conceptual Future State The diagram below presents the high level conceptual future state of TPLs AMI architecture. The highlighted portion shows the components that are either owned by TPL or managed via outsourced service agreements with TPL.

    Figure 1 - Conceptual TPL AMI Architecture

    CPE CommsNetwork

    PaymentChannel &

    Vending System

    AMI Head-end

    AMI MDMS AMI Prepaymt

    Mgt System

    CIS/Billing/Asset/ Field

    Mgt/ Integration

    Install smart meterAMI Head-end


    Meter Data Mgt SystemIHD

    Vending System

    Prepayment Mgt System

    Smart meter

    Network Comms

    TPLs Bank


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    Component Owned by TPL Supply Arrangement

    Option Scope for this RFP

    Customer Premise Entity (CPE) Smart meters


    Communications Network NO Supplier Partnership Arrangement


    Vending Channels NO Supplier Partnership NO

    Vending System NO Supplier Partnership NO AMI Head-end YES YES can be via Software

    as a Services (SaaS) or Outsourced back-office service provider and system arrangement


    Meter Data Management System

    YES YES can be via Software as a Services (SaaS) or Outsourced back-office service provider and system arrangement


    Prepayment Management System

    YES YES can be via Software as a Services (SaaS) or Outsourced back-office service provider and system arrangement


    Customer Communications Channel


    5.2 Core Components covered by this RFP The diagram below shows the new components that are covered by this RFP. The new components that are within the scope of this RFP are:

    Smart Meters

    Network Communications Layer

    AMI Head-end System

    Meter Data Management System

    Prepayment Management System

    Customer Communications channels under Additional Services

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    The new components that are introduced in this future state but NOT in scope of this RFP are:

    Vending System Vending Merchants/ Channels

    The components that already exist in the current TPL business systems landscape that will have to have integration points with the new components are:

    Orion CIS/ Billing System FileMaker Bespoke Applications Existing Finance System

    Figure 2 - Conceptual TPL AMI Interface Diagram


    Prepay MgtSystem


    AMI Head-endSystem

    Meter Data Mgt




    Call Centre/ IVRCustomer Comms


    In Scope new component

    Out of Scope -new



    Field Force

    Smart Meters

    AMI CommsNetwork

    Out of Scope existing


    Vending Channels

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    5.3 Standards Meter metrology must comply with the following International Standards

    IEC62052 Parts 11 and 21; IEC62053 Part 23; or ANSI C12.19.

    TPL appreciates that international standards have yet to mature in relation to smart metering but where Proponents have developed their systems/products in accordance with Open Metering System (OMS), or Device Language Message Specification (DLMS) Smart Metering Language (SML) or other similar standards; such implementation should be noted in the Response Schedules, Appendix B. Telecommunications must comply with the following International Standard:

    ANSI C12.21 for the modems 5.4 Service Functionality Essential functional requirements are summarised as follows:

    Multiple data storage registers;

    Remote scheduled meter reads of power consumed by the Customer;

    Remote capability to update tariff tables stored within the meter;

    Remotely change tariffs;

    Prepay (remote application of credit);

    Fast Time reporting of outages and tamper events ;

    Remote retrieval of interval data (nominally hour at this time);

    Remotely set time base interval ranges;

    Remote retrieval of peak power data;

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    Remote retrieval of power quality data;

    Recording of any Customer export of power (four quadrant capable);

    Remote hard and soft supply disconnect/reconnect;

    Capacity limiting;

    Control of Customer discretionary loads (e.g. water heating);

    Configurable levels of priority access to strategic devices (for network control and

    monitoring); and

    Ability to allocate meters/devices into multiple control groups (e.g. customer specific and regional).

    Not essential functionality includes:

    Last gasp; and

    Alarming to configurable voltage ranges (low/high voltage).

    5.5 Modularity TPL requires that smart meters are modular with respect to the following:

    (i) Meter to Head-End communications; (ii) Supply disconnect/reconnect; and (iii) Load control relay(s).

    5.6 Meters/Metering Equipment

    5.6.1 Metrology The detailed requirements for metrology are listed in Appendix B. Proponents should note that an IEC form factor is required.

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    5.6.2 Configuration Each order for meters will be accompanied with a configuration schedule indicating what configuration is to be programmed into the meters and which of the modular options are to be included into each type of meter.

    5.6.3 Display Although meters will be read remotely, meters are required to have a display that can display various parameters that are listed in Appendix B.

    5.6.4 Installation Once installed by a qualified installer, the smart meter should self-configure onto the metering network by communicating with the Head-End. 5.7 Head-End Head-End required functionality includes:

    (i) meter data repository storage of all required meter data records and events scalable up to a minimum of 50,000 meters;

    (ii) meter management system(s) management of the new meter registration, network

    security, network communication elements, element management of individual meters, remote software upgrading of meters;

    (iii) a man-machine interface that can be used to compile and initiate tasks, view

    communications network data and that can be used to configure individual meters;

    (iv) interface to a central TPL data warehouse two way communication; and

    (v) the ability to interface to TPL IT and SCADA systems two way communications.

    5.7.1 Head-End Hardware and Operating Software Proponents are asked, in the Response Schedules, Appendix B to specify the minimum requirements for hardware and operating systems to support the Proponents Head-End software so that TPL can independently price these. Proponents may also offer to supply hardware and operating software as an Additional Service.

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    Proponents not offering to supply Head-End software must provide details of a Head-End software vendor who offers Head-End software which has been demonstrated to successfully interoperate with the Proponents meters. Furthermore it is a requirement of this RFP that the proposed Head-End has been in commercial operation for at least one year.

    5.7.2 Vendor Software Licences Proponents should clearly indicate their software licensing regime including how software upgrades will be provided and whether upgrades that are not gratis will be optional and any implications for ongoing support of software if TPL chooses not to upgrade. Licences should be perpetual or at least available for a period of not less than 15 years. If there are any licensing costs these should be included in the pricing schedule (Appendix C). If third party intellectual property (including software) is utilised in a Proponents solution the Proponent must warrant that it has the rights to use such intellectual property. Any costs associated with the use of third party software should be clearly set out in the Proposal. The costs of software licences will be factored into the evaluation by TPL who will adopt a holistic evaluation methodology. 5.8 Interfaces

    5.8.1 TPL Distributor IT Systems TPL may wish to have specific interfacing developed to connect to their IT systems (e.g. billing, GIS, financial asset management) and SCADA systems (e.g. outage management, network switching, load control). Proponents must indicate the feasibility of, and provide other appropriate information (including pricing) relating to, developing appropriate bespoke interfacing. As a minimum, Proponents must indicate that they will provide sufficient interfacing details for TPL or a third party developer to develop an appropriate interface. 5.9 Meter-Head-End Communications/Telecommunications Equipment

    5.9.1 Telecommunications Technologies TPL has restricted technologies that provide two-way communications between the meters and their Head-End to:

    (i) RF Mesh; (ii) Power Line Carrier / Distribution Line Carrier

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    (iii) Cellular (GPRS/3G) (iv) Long Range Radio

    RF Mesh solution providers should note that Tonga uses the E-GSM-900 Band (880.00-960.00 MHz) for cellular communication, consequently the 900MHz ISM Band (902-928 MHz) that is commonly used in many countries for mesh radio networks, is not available in this instance and alternate radio frequency bands will need to be considered. Proponents tendering communications solutions using these technologies must be able to demonstrate a mature solution that has been operating successfully for at least 2 sites for a minimum period of one year. It is possible that TPL may choose more than one communications technology, or the Proponent may offer or recommend a solution using a combination of technologies.

    5.9.2 General Requirements of the Meter Head-End Communications network In considering the communications technology, TPL is looking for a network architecture that delivers on a number of performance measures, including:

    high coverage rates in a challenging Pacific Island environment [signal strength and distance];

    Standards-based where possible; mature technology well proven in other areas; strong security implementation; scalable architecture which supports densely clustered and also widely spread meter

    locations and also needs to support regionally diverse meter locations that access a common centrally held database;

    robust network design with a high level of reliability in the communications; potential for local control in the event a region becomes isolated from the central data

    store; a well dimensioned network that supports the types of traffic patterns generated by both

    Fast-Time and Normal-Time meter communications particularly at peak periods;

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    easy rollout connection process; and excellent operational support with minimal operational overhead requirement.

    In responding to the RFP each Proponent should illustrate how its communications solution meets these requirements.

    5.9.3 Times to Communicate (System End-to-End Performance) The following table provides requirements for Head-End to meter communications. Fast-Time response is less than 5 seconds. Normal Time response is less than 30 seconds. Proponents should clearly indicate any non-compliance with these times to communicate in their Proposal.






















    Comment / Purpose / Benefits

    Automated Meter Reporting

    Meter reporting of kWh power consumption

    C For customer billing purposes.

    Customer Services Prepayment functionality C Customer prepayment capability and display

    of credit balances. Switch between prepayment and post payment modes.

    Disconnect/ Reconnect C Remote disconnect and reconnect, including manual reconnect.

    Routine reads (scheduled) C Routine reads can be timed outside of the time zones when other applications are more likely to be calling on any shared communications.

    Special reads (unscheduled) C Meter display of price and volume registers


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    Comment / Purpose / Benefits

    Asset / System Planning Load Profiles / Forecasting by asset and by system

    C Analysis and planning information.

    Outage Management Outage Detection/ Notification (include in response if available)

    C Pro-active notification to Dispatch and Control Room plus callout of fault response teams

    Outage Cause Analysis

    F Pro-active guidance of likely fault cause(s) and location(s) to response teams (for future field service automation)

    Outage Information Feedback to Call Centre

    F Automation of fault information back to customer call centre

    Outage Events Log

    C Post event analysis. However requires log of events auto-created in fast time.

    Monitoring Feeders Volt / VAR measurement of feeders and/ or capacitors via meters

    C Alarm triggered, or on-demand reading (e g when performing paralleling/switching)

    Operation of capacitors

    F For voltage or load management, PF correction, loss reduction.

    Compare peak load to system capacity / constraints

    C Comparison of peak loads and overloading values. For load management and risk management.

    Monitoring and Managing Distribution Transformers and Low Voltage Feeders

    Volt / VAR measurement

    C Can be triggered from pre-set alarm or on-demand.

    Monitor temperature and load

    C Of transformer and low voltage circuits.

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    Comment / Purpose / Benefits

    Validate distribution load flow calculations

    F Planned vs Actual, aggregated customer metered loads.

    Compare peak load to system capability

    F Changes to average load and peak load over time.

    Perform maintenance, move load or equipment as necessary

    F Management of planned outages and/or redistribution of load as required.

    Load Balancing F Across phases.

    Distribution Automation Automated Load Switching F For self healing distribution i.e. dynamic

    fault switching.

    Monitoring operating state of distribution assets

    C Distribution transformers, voltage regulators, capacitor banks, reclosers, switches, meshed networks. Equipment under consideration will be selected so as to enable remote access and control

    Controlling distribution assets for load flow and power quality management

    F For automated load management. Control signals triggered by alarm activation (e g low voltage triggering a load transfer off a feeder)

    Load Control Under frequency load shedding

    (initiation remote)


    C Initiation response (Fast Time based on frequency sensing) can be programmed into meters. Need reset function and fail-safe restore after power outage (Normal Time).

    Peak demand load control at customer premises

    C On command from Control Centre

    Time based load control C e.g. street lighting, tariff switching Revenue Protection Locating and reconciling unidentified losses

    F Take a plugging the gaps approach. Reconciliation at feeder level.

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    Comment / Purpose / Benefits

    Identifying theft/ tampering C

    Other Network visibility F Feed load flow data to connectivity tables Reporting interface into SCADA

    F Alarming based on power quality boundaries and outage.

    Distributed generation management of load flows and power quality.

    F Future requirement, full 4 quadrant metering and reactive flow measurement (generator size dependent)

    Demand side feed back

    F Future requirement. Desirable to understand in Fast Time but not essential. Multiple levels of control (interruptible vs controlled load)

    Messaging F In-home messaging

    5.9.4 Network Coverage Head-End to meter connectivity is required to cover a minimum of 95% of meters on the TPL network. Proponents that have compatible solution(s) to extend the coverage to the remaining meters can include descriptions of those solutions but are not required to provide pricing at this juncture. Proponents are required to provide complete pricing for their solutions in the Response Schedules, Appendix C but that pricing will exclude all facets of the solution that are not completely under the Proponents control such as:

    (i) Local Authority consents; (ii) Costs of co-locating with established communications operators at particular sites; (iii) Land owner agreements and easements; (iv) Third party agreements for back haul services; and

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    (v) Site establishment infrastructure. Proponents must clearly identify facets of the solution that have been excluded from pricing. 5.10 Meter Data Management

    5.10.1 Core Meter Data Management Functionality TPL require the following Meter Data Management capabilities.

    Figure 3 - MDM Core Functions

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    Synch Master Data o Reliable and efficient master data synchronisation interface and process with TPLs

    Customer Information System

    Import and Storage of Meter Data from Head-end o Efficient and reliable importing of register reads, load profile (interval) data, power

    quality data and events data o Robust and reliable storage of imported data

    Validation, Estimation and Editing (VEE) o Configurable VEE rules and allocation o Efficient VEE process o Auditable VEE routine and updates

    Data Aggregation, Data Exporting and Reporting o Configurable aggregation rules and allocation o Flexible data exporting via schedule or adhoc execution o Flexible reporting via schedule or adhoc execution

    System and Data administration o User friendly configuration setting o Efficient master data and admin data management, storage and security policy

    enforcement o Efficient user access and system interface configuration

    Exceptions Management o Efficient exceptions management at file import, record management, admin data

    management and process execution levels

    Integration Layer o Flexible configuration of integration with external system either via messaging or

    batch file transfer o Secure integration layer with identity management of source

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    5.10.2 Prepayment Management System As part of its MDM TPL also require a prepayment management capability.

    Figure 4 - Prepayment Management System Core Functions

    Synch Master Data o Reliable and efficient master data synchronisation interface and process with TPLs

    Customer Information System including active tariff rates of prepay customers

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    o Efficient and reliable importing of connection status information from the back-office system

    Import and Storage of Consumption and Payment Data o Efficient and reliable importing of daily consumption data from the MDM system o Efficient and reliable importing of real-time payment data from the Vending system o Robust and reliable storage of imported data

    Credit vs Usage Calculation o Configurable calculation algorithm, parameters and control settings o Efficient, reliable and robust calculation engine with real-time response from receipt

    of payment data o Auditable calculation results and configuration updates

    Disconnection List/Request Generation and Notification o Configurable disconnection parameter settings o Efficient, reliable and robust disconnection determination, notification and list

    generation process o Efficient, reliable and robust disconnection notification trigger

    Reconnection Request Generation o Configurable reconnection parameter settings o Efficient, reliable and robust reconnection determination o Efficient, reliable and robust reconnection request generation process

    Data Exporting and Reporting o Flexible data exporting via schedule or adhoc execution o Flexible reporting via schedule or adhoc execution

    System and Data administration o User friendly configuration setting o Efficient master data and admin data management, storage and security policy

    enforcement o Efficient user access and system interface configuration

    Exceptions Management o Efficient exceptions management at file import, record management, admin data

    management and process execution levels

    Integration Layer

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    o Flexible configuration of integration with external system either via messaging or batch file transfer

    o Secure integration layer with identity management of source

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    6. Responsibilities Once the Preferred Proponent(s) sign a Contract with TPL for the respective components of this RFP, it (they) will become the Vendor(s). This section sets out, at a high level, the responsibilities that the Vendor(s) will be required to undertake and, where applicable, the relevant information Proponents are required to provide. More details of the Vendor(s)' responsibilities can be found in the Conditions of Contract in Appendix E. 6.1 Design, Installation and Commissioning

    6.1.1 Design As between TPL and the Vendor(s), the Vendor(s) will be responsible for the design of the Head-End, smart meters, the telecommunications equipment supplied by the Vendor(s) and the telecommunications network (which, if applicable, will include the radio network architecture and the configuration of the radio equipment) and the MDM.

    6.1.2 Installation The Head End Vendor will be responsible for the installation of the Head-End and the training of TPLs field service providers who will install the smart meters. The Telecommunication Vendor, as applicable, will be responsible for training TPLs telecommunications network field service providers who will install the telecommunications equipment.

    6.1.3 Commissioning The Vendor(s) will be responsible for commissioning and testing the Head-End and smart meters and, if applicable, the telecommunications equipment and MDM. TPL reserves the right to witness that commissioning. The Vendor will issue a Final Acceptance Certificate after the Metering System has satisfactorily passed all the commissioning tests. 6.2 Reference Sites Proponents are required to provide a schedule of reference sites (Response Schedules, Appendix B) where TPL can view their proposed solution working and discuss related matters with client organisations. Preferred Proponents are required to give access to the reference sites listed in their Proposal to TPL personnel as part of the evaluation process.

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    6.3 Factory Acceptance Testing TPL may wish to undertake or witness factory testing of the Vendors solution or part of that solution. Proponents are to indicate the location for such testing in the Response Schedules (Appendix B). 6.4 Installation Support The Vendor is required to be available at 48 hours' notice to provide on-site technical support during the initial installation phase of the meter roll-out programme which will be for a period of 3 months from delivery of the initial order and thereafter to provide non-urgent on-site support at 72 hours' notice. Vendors that have special tools and software program(s) that will aid the installation process must provide details and pricing in the response Schedules, Appendix C. All installation support costs are to be provided in the Response Schedules, Appendix C. 6.5 Training The Meter Vendor is required to provide training to TPL's (or the TPL Distributors') installation contractors on the correct methods of installation of all types of their meters one month ahead of TPLs start date for meter installation. TPL will give the Vendor one months' prior notice of the start date for meter installation. The Head End Vendor will be required to provide training in the operation and maintenance of the Head-End and Head-End software. If the telecommunications solution includes RF Mesh communications solutions, the Telecommunications Vendor will be required to provide training in the operation and maintenance of those solutions. TPL requires that the Vendor(s) provides sufficient training to minimise any requirement on TPL to use the Vendors staff on an ongoing basis. Whilst some training may be required at the Vendor's factory it is expected that the majority of training will occur in Tonga. All training costs and venues are to be set out in the Response Schedules, Appendix C. Ongoing support costs are to be priced separately from deployment and commissioning training. 6.6 Documentation

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    The Vendor(s) must provide all documentation required by TPL to operate and maintain the systems provided by the Vendor (s). This documentation shall be provided in electronic format and shall include, but shall not be limited to:

    Operating manuals;

    Maintenance manuals (both hardware and software and including any procedure for undertaking system upgrades);

    Installer manuals for meters;

    Commissioning test results;

    Meter and modem test certificates; and

    Third party product/software manuals (as applicable). The Vendor(s) shall provide samples of the documentation which shall be approved by TPL before acceptance. 6.7 Support Services The Vendor(s) are required to provide support for their proposed solution for a period of not less than 15 years under a Support Services Agreement to be entered into between TPL and the Vendor. Proponents are required to detail the levels of support proposed and the associated annual costs in the Response Schedules, Appendix C First Level support will be provided by TPL field service staff and Second Level will be provided by TPLs meter/communication specialists. TPL requires Third Level support to be provided by the Vendor. This support may, on occasions, require site visits otherwise it is expected that most problems will be resolved using phone and email communications. 6.8 Spare Parts Proponents are required to list any recommended spare parts required, other than meters, to be held by TPL. Spares should include Head-End componentry as well as numbers of each spare

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    part. The numbers should be based on a 20,000 meter network. The Vendor is required to make spare parts available to purchase for a minimum period of 10 years. Proponents are required to nominate quantities and prices for spare parts in the Response Schedules, Appendix C. 6.9 Test Equipment Proponents should specify any test equipment essential for the installation and commissioning of the Head-End, meters and communications network that their commissioning personnel will not provide during the period of system commissioning. Proponents should also specify any test equipment that is considered necessary for TPL to own or to have access to in order to operate and/or maintain the meters, Head-End or communications network. 6.10 Supply Orders TPL intends to enter into a non-exclusive, long term (not less than 15 years) supply agreement with the Vendor to supply smart meters. The Vendor will be required to supply interoperable meters for the duration of the Contract. Most of the smart meters will be installed in residential premises but some agricultural, commercial and light industrial customers will also be supplied with 3 phase smart meters. The approximate ratios of meter types are:

    Single phase 96%

    3 phase whole current 4%

    3 phase CT 1% The Vendor is only required to supply smart meters upon receipt of an order to supply from TPL. Following the first supply order, the time from receipt of order to delivery in Tonga shall be 3 months (subject to the volume of meters to be supplied in subsequent orders, which will be discussed with Short-Listed Proponents). TPL would like to have the first order supplied, in Tonga during the 3rd quarter of 2014. Proponents should indicate if this date is achievable and if not what the firm supply date would be. Proponents should also indicate whether they can supply ahead of the required delivery date

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    and provide the early delivery date. Proponents should assume a quantity of 5,000 meters for the initial shipment. Proponents should indicate their flexibility to respond to just in time requests for orders by reconfiguring meters in stock for shipment. 6.11 Systems Commissioning The Vendor is required to take responsibility for commissioning the communications network and provide at least one commissioning engineer for a period of not less than 4 weeks to undertake that task. During this period the Vendors commissioning personnel shall provide on-the-job training to TPL personnel. At the end of the commissioning process, the Vendor's lead commissioning engineer is required to certify that the system complies with the Technical Requirements and is fit for its purpose and ready for final acceptance testing. Commissioning will be declared complete by the TPL project manager after reviewing the Vendors completion certificate and undertaking final acceptance testing. 6.12 Warranties The Vendor(s) are required to warrant the reliable, safe and fit for purpose operation of all products supplied to TPL. The Vendor(s) are required to warrant that a Head-End has capacity to interface with 50,000 smart. The Vendor(s) are required to warrant that services provided by the Vendor(s) will be rendered by qualified and competent personnel and that those services will be delivered in keeping with good industry practice for those services. The Vendor(s) are required to warrant that the Head-End will output data appropriate for the purpose for which TPL is acquiring the system. 6.13 Escrow Source code for any software that is specifically developed for TPL by the Vendor(s) shall be delivered to TPL (including source materials). The source materials for any other software used in the Vendor's solution shall be placed in escrow.

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    7. Pricing 7.1 Equipment The Response Schedules, Appendix C, requires Proponents to list their respective component prices. TPL will commit to a minimum order quantity (MOQ) of smart meters over minimum order period (MOP) of two years. This commitment will be made in the Contract. TPL expects Proponents to factor this commitment into their pricing. The unit meter prices to be paid for each new order for meters during the MOP will be fixed for the duration of the MOP. There will be a price reset at the second and every subsequent anniversary of the Acceptance Date to take into account any change in Vendors standard pricing but if the Vendor's standard list price is less than the adjusted price then the former will apply for the next 12 months. 7.2 Services Services that relate directly to the procurement, installation and commissioning of meters are to be priced on a daily rate basis plus disbursements. Post commissioning and system handover ongoing support services are to be priced as an annual fee or on a daily rate basis plus disbursements as is the Proponent's policy. Prices for Additional Services (refer Section 2.5) are to be priced on a fixed fee and/or daily rate basis plus disbursements. 7.3 Currency Exchange Proponents should refer to clause 21 of the Terms and Conditions of RFP in Appendix A for details on nominated currencies and how currency exchange rates will be addressed.

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    8. Contract The proposed key terms for the Contract resulting from this RFP are set out in Appendix E. The Preferred Proponent will be expected to enter into a Contract that substantially reflects these terms; therefore Proponents should clearly identify any proposed departures from/tags to the key terms in their Proposal.

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    Appendix A: Terms & Conditions of RFP 1. Agreement by Proponents to RFP Terms and Conditions

    Each Proponent is deemed to have reviewed, acknowledged and agreed to the terms and conditions set out in this RFP without reservation or variation. In the event of any inconsistency between this Appendix A and any other section or provision of this RFP, this Appendix A will prevail.

    2. Responsibilities of Proponents The information contained in this RFP or otherwise provided to Proponents by TPL in connection with this RFP is for the purpose of the Proponents considering, and responding to, this RFP. TPL has taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information provided is accurate, complete and not misleading, but does not warrant or represent that this is the case.

    No assurances or representations are made by TPL, whether before or after the issue of this RFP or during the RFP process and each Proponent accepts and acknowledges, and is deemed to have accepted and acknowledged that its decision as to whether to submit a Proposal or not, and the Proposal itself, is made solely on its own judgement and not upon any express or implied representation, statement or warranty made by TPL, or on behalf of TPL.

    Each Proponent acknowledges that it is its own responsibility, before submitting a Proposal, to:

    examine this RFP, any documents referenced by this RFP and any other information made available to it by TPL or via TPLs website (

    identify and obtain all information it may require to prepare and submit its Proposal;

    obtain independent advice (including legal and accounting advice);

    consider all the risks, contingencies, impacts and other circumstances which may affect its Proposal and its ability to perform in accordance with it; and

    satisfy itself as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Proposal, including the costings and prices stated in the Proposal, and all information provided with its Proposal.

    Without limiting this section 2, in submitting a Proposal, each Proponent acknowledges and agrees that it has not relied on any express or implied statement, representation or warranty as to the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this RFP or otherwise provided to the Proponent by TPL.

    3. TPL has no Obligations No legal or other obligations will arise between a Proponent and TPL in relation to this RFP, or in relation to the process, conduct, or outcome of this RFP, unless and until that Proponent and TPL have entered into a binding written Contract and the Contract is, or becomes, unconditional in which case the Contract will be binding on the parties only in accordance with its terms.

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    This RFP does not constitute an offer by TPL to acquire services, buy or sell assets or enter into any arrangement with any person.

    This RFP does not commit TPL to proceed with, continue, or follow, the process outlined in this RFP or to evaluate any particular Proponent's Proposal or enter into any discussions, negotiations or contractual arrangements with any Proponent. Nothing in this RFP, or in the relationship of TPL and each Proponent, imposes any duty of care on TPL and any such duty of care is expressly excluded.

    The provisions of this Section 3 apply notwithstanding any other provision of this RFP and in the event of any inconsistency, this Section 3 will take precedence.

    4. Submission of Proposals Proposals must be submitted in accordance with, and must comply with, the terms of this RFP.

    Each Proponent warrants and represents to TPL that:

    the information contained in, and submitted with, its Proposal is complete and accurate in all material respects and may be relied upon by TPL; and

    the provision of the information contained in, and submitted with, its Proposal, and the use of it by TPL or any third party to whom TPL may make such information available to: o for the evaluation of, and discussions in respect of, the Proposal or any offer by

    the Proponent to provide the Services; and/or o in the negotiation of the terms of any contract in relation to the Proposal

    (whether or not resulting in a Contract), o will not breach any third party intellectual property rights,

    and each Proponent indemnifies TPL against all direct losses incurred by TPL as a result of a breach of such warranties or the representations being incorrect.

    A Proposal, once submitted to TPL, may be varied by the Proponent only on the request of TPL, and will remain open for consideration by TPL for 6 months after the Closing Date. Proponents may be asked to clarify their respective Proposals or provide additional information in connection with the evaluation of their Proposals. These requests will require prompt action and must be responded to in writing in the time specified in the request.

    Failure in doing so may result in the Proponent's Proposal not being considered any further.

    5. Proposal Qualifications Any qualifications to a Proposal must be clearly recorded in the Proposal and in the relevant sections of the Appendices. Any qualifications not clearly recorded in this manner may be excluded from further consideration in relation to this RFP.

    Proposals submitted subject to significant qualifications may be considered as alternative Proposals and will, if evaluated, be evaluated by TPL accordingly.

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    A Proponent may be requested to remove unacceptable qualifications in that Proponent's Proposal. Refusal to remove qualifications may result in the Proposal being rejected. If the consequence of a qualification or a qualification itself is unacceptable to TPL the Proposal will be considered to be non-conforming and may be rejected.

    6. Subcontracting TPL may consider Proposals where the Proponent subcontracts one or more portions of the services to others. If a Proponent's Proposal includes services to be performed by subcontractors or third parties, the names of the subcontractors or third parties, and the particular services that they will each perform, must be clearly identified.

    The Proponent must ensure that there is a single point of contact for account management and assume total responsibility for the actions of the subcontractors or third parties and will not be relieved of any of its obligations under the Proposal for the supply of any goods or services from subcontractors or third parties.

    7. Joint/Consortia Proposals TPL may accept Proposals from multiple joint Proponents (including consortia). If a joint or consortium Proposal is submitted, a clearly identifiable, single organisation is required to be responsible for the joint Proponents. The following information is required:

    a detailed description of the proposed: o legal relationship between each joint-Proponent/member of the consortium; o management structure for the joint Proponents/consortium; o roles and responsibilities of each joint-Proponent/member of the consortium; o primary responsible organisation for TPL to direct contract, management and

    performance engagement issues; and

    o the manner in which the joint Proponents/consortium will enter into contracts, including the proposed party or parties to enter into agreements with TPL; and

    confirmation that either: o each joint-Proponent/member of the consortium:

    (a) appoints a nominated member of the consortium to represent it in all discussions and negotiations with TPL in relation to this RFP (with such nominated member being authorised to also represent all other joint Proponents/members of the consortium); and

    (b)authorises that nominated member party to bind it in relation to those matters; and

    (c) is jointly and severally liable for the performance of all joint-Proponents/members of the consortium under any agreement that may be entered into with TPL; or

    o one joint-Proponent/member of the consortium is fully liable for the performance of all others; and

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    confirmation that the establishment and operation of the joint provision/consortium does not contravene the requirements of Part 2 of the Commerce Act 1986, and the basis for this confirmation.

    Where a joint or consortium Proposal is submitted, the liability of the Proponents, in relation to their Proposal, will be joint and several.

    8. Presentations Proponents may be invited to meet with representatives of TPL and its advisers after the Closing Date to make presentations relating to their Proposals and to take part in a question and answer session. The dates for these presentations (if applicable) will be notified by TPL to the Proponents in advance. The purpose of the presentations is to assist TPL with its evaluation of the Proposals. The Proponents may be requested to confirm in writing any statements made by the Proponents during the presentations. Any questions raised or statements made by TPL at the presentations are subject to these terms and conditions.

    9. Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights All Proposals become the property of TPL on receipt by TPL and will not be returned to the Proponent. As between TPL and a Proponent, the intellectual property rights in the information contained in the Proponent's Proposal belong to the Proponent, but TPL may use any information contained in a Proposal for the purposes of assessing and evaluating the Proposal, for the negotiation and preparation of any related agreements, and as otherwise contemplated by this RFP.

    All intellectual property rights in this RFP and in any materials prepared by TPL and distributed with, or in connection with, this RFP belong to, and remain with, TPL.

    10. No Canvassing or Influencing Proponents must not, directly or indirectly, canvass or seek to influence the decision of any TPL employee, consultant or contractor acting on behalf of TPL at any stage in connection with this RFP. Any Proponent who indirectly or directly canvasses or seeks to influence any employee, consultant or contractor acting on behalf of TPL concerning any aspect of this RFP may in TPLs discretion be disqualified from further consideration for this RFP.

    11. Costs Each Proponent must pay its own costs in connection with this RFP, including but not limited to:

    any communications or negotiations with TPL;

    any meetings, presentations or interviews with TPL;

    any Proponent briefings, meetings and/or site visits;

    any legal costs and expenses and any professional consultants fees; and

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    any establishment costs associated with any consortium or multi-party supply Proposal.

    TPL will have no liability in relation to any such costs.

    12. Proponent Request to Extend Closing Date Proponents may request an extension of the Closing Date for the submission of Proposals by written application to the contact person identified in section 3.3 of the RFP. Any such request must be received at least 5 Business Days prior to the Closing Date, and must provide sufficient reasons to support the request. Any extensions of time that TPL chooses to grant (in its absolute discretion) will be granted to all Proponents, and not only the particular Proponent requesting the extension.

    13. Confidentiality The information supplied by TPL (either itself or through its consultants or advisors) in connection with this RFP that is not publicly available is confidential. The Proponent must not release or disclose any such information to any other person, or use any such information to the detriment of TPL or for any purpose other than for the purposes of this RFP. TPL may require a Proponent(s) to enter into a deed of confidentiality in relation to this RFP at any stage. TPL will keep Proposals received confidential provided that Proposals may be disclosed:

    to any persons advising or assisting TPL in relation to this RFP; and

    as may be required by law. TPL is not required to keep the name of any Proponent confidential.

    No advertisement, press release, public statement or other information relating to the acceptance or otherwise of any Proposal may be published in any newspaper, magazine, journal, or other advertising media without the prior written permission of TPL.

    14. Gifts and Hospitality In compliance with TPLs policy, gifts, inducements, promotional products or services will not be accepted by TPLs employees, agents, or advisors working on behalf of TPL. Any Proponent attempting to provide any gifts and/or hospitality to any TPL employee, agent or advisor working on behalf of TPL may be disqualified from responding to or consideration for this RFP.

    15. No Anti-Competitive Behaviour Proponents must not, in the preparation of any Proposals, or in any discussions or negotiations with TPL, engage in collusive, deceptive or improper conduct.

    16. Conflict of Interest Each Proponent must disclose to TPL, both at the time of submitting the Proponent's Proposal and on a continuing basis, any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest in relation to the matters covered by this RFP or any subsequent arrangement that may be entered into by the Proponent in connection with the matters covered by this RFP.

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    17. Liability Neither TPL, nor TPL's employees, advisers, contractors or agents, will be liable (in contract, tort (including negligence), equity or otherwise) for any direct or indirect damages, losses, costs or expenses (including wasted costs, loss of profits or loss of business opportunity) incurred by a Proponent or any other person and arising in any way in connection with this RFP, including in connection with:

    the evaluation of Proposals;

    the preparation of any Proposal;

    any investigations of, or by, any Proponent;

    the acceptance or rejection of any Proposal;

    the variation, suspension or cancellation of the process outlined in this RFP; or

    any information given, or not given, to a Proponent. Each Proponent waives any rights it may have to make a claim against TPL, or TPL's respective officers, employees, contractors, agents or advisers arising out of or in connection with this RFP.

    Nothing contained or implied in, or arising out of, this RFP shall be construed as legal, financial or other advice of any kind.

    18. Governing Law This RFP and any contract entered into under this RFP shall be construed according to and governed by Tongan law. Each Proponent agrees to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of Tongan courts in any dispute concerning this RFP or any Proposal.

    19. Verbal Advice/Information TPL will not be bound by any verbal advice given or information furnished by any of its officers, employees or agents in respect of this RFP. An answer or clarification relating to any matter set out in this RFP will only be made by TPL in accordance with this RFP.

    20. General Conditions TPL reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to:

    Not consider, or reject, any Proposal even if it complies with all requirements of this RFP.

    Not accept or award a contract to the lowest priced Proposal, the highest scoring Proposal or any other Proposal that may be received.

    Consider and accept a Proposal even if it is received after the Closing Date, does not comply with the requirements of this RFP or is non-conforming in any respect with this RFP.

    Not give any reason to any person for the rejection, failure or otherwise of any Proposal, or any suspension or cancellation of this RFP.

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    Negotiate with any Proponent (to the exclusion of any other Proponent), at any time before, or after selection of Short-listed Proponents or Preferred Proponents, and upon any terms and conditions.

    Deal separately with any divisible element of any Proposal, unless the relevant Proposal specifically states that those elements must be taken collectively.

    Seek clarification and/or adjustment of any Proposal.

    Award a contract for all or part of any combination of parts of the supply of equipment and services under this RFP to one of more Proponents.

    Waive any irregularities or failures by a Proponent to comply with any of the requirements in this RFP.

    Amend any part of this RFP, or any associated documents (including any date and the scope of any requirements to be met by any Proponent), by issuing a written amendment notice.

    Suspend or cancel (in whole or in part) this RFP and/or issue a new RFP.

    Conduct or not conduct reference checks or credit checks on Proponents.

    Re-advertise for Proposals.

    Not enter into any contract in relation to the supply of equipment and services under this RFP or enter into one or more contracts in relation to this.

    Obtain similar services from any third party and not deal exclusively with any Proponent.

    Evaluate each Proposal against criteria, and in accordance with an evaluation process, determined by TPL.

    Give whatever weight it considers appropriate to any policy or criteria relating to this RFP or evaluation of any Proposal.

    Take account of any other relevant information that TPL may have in its possession and to make enquiries of any person to assist it in the evaluation of Proposals.

    Otherwise conduct the evaluation and contract award processes for the services in any manner it sees fit.

    21. Currency/Foreign Exchange Rates Proponents should state all prices in their Proposal in New Tongan paanga (TOP)

    exclusive of any taxes or levies, such prices to remain valid for the Validity Period. Proponents should show the exchange rate of TOP to US dollars used at the time of their proposal.

    If the Proponent is proposing to be paid in another currency then that currency should be stated. TPL intends that, if the date of the Contract is within the Validity Period the price payable by TPL will be the equivalent of the TOP prices specified in the Vendor's Proposal. If the date of the Contract is outside the Validity Period the price payable will be adjusted to match the percentage change in the cross rate (in

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    excess of 2%) between the TOP and the other currency, from the end of the Validity Period to the date of the Contract.

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    Appendix B: Requirements 1. Metrology

    1.1 Core Services

    Requirement Background Compliance / Alternatives COR.BRQ.01 Meter Admin: the set up and ongoing

    management of meters from the Head-End, including any commissioning processes, reconciliation with field installation details, meter configuration changes and retailer record maintenance.

    Meter details will be provided on a singular or batch process and will require ongoing management of configuration details, current retailer record following switch activity. Confirmation of commissioning is also required and reconciliation with field installation records on a regular basis.

    COR.BRQ.02 Scheduled Meter Register Reading: the reading of one or more meters in a pre-determined schedule provided by a retailer to collect register(s) data just before midnight on the scheduled date. Reads will reflect import and export of energy. Pass validation criteria and be aggregated for delivery.

    These reads will be used for billing and encompass import and export of energy to cover instances of local generation.

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    Requirement Background Compliance / Alternatives COR.BRQ.03 Scheduled retrieval of peak demand data

    (maximum hourly demand recorded over a user-defined time period) for an individual or group of meters

    COR.BRQ.04 Scheduled Interval Meter Reading: the reading of one or more meters in a schedule to collect the interval consumption data just before midnight on the scheduled date for the period up until the last read. Data will reflect import and export of energy, pass validation criteria and be aggregated for delivery.

    TPL may develop time interval or capacity based pricing, which will require provision of this data on a defined schedule to enable billing and encompass import and export of energy to cover instances of local generation. Interval between reading periods to be settable and frequency of reporting to be variable

    COR.BRQ.05 Month End Reconciliation Read: the register read of each meter just before midnight on the last day of the month that has passed validation criteria and be