Page 1 of 8 Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agenda This document can be made available in other accessible formats or with communications supports as soon as practicable and upon request. December 6, 2017, 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Agenda/Additions to the Agenda 3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest 4. Minutes of Previous Meetings 1. November 15, 2017 Recommendation: That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopt the minutes of the Council meeting held on November 15, 2017, as amended. 5. Announcements Nil 6. Public Hearings Nil 7. Presentations 1. Ann Schneider, Town of South Bruce Peninsula Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee (PRRC) – Funding Request 8. Delegations 1. Tim Nicholls Harrison, Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library Board – 2018 Draft Budget 9. Consent Agenda 1. Accounts a) Accounts to be approved for the period of November 9, 2017 to November 29, 2017 in the amount of $ 639,166.71

Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,

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Page 1: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agenda

This document can be made available in other accessible formats or with communications supports as soon as practicable and upon request.

December 6, 2017, 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Agenda/Additions to the Agenda

3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

4. Minutes of Previous Meetings

1. November 15, 2017 Recommendation: That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopt the minutes of the Council meeting held on November 15, 2017, as amended.

5. Announcements


6. Public Hearings


7. Presentations

1. Ann Schneider, Town of South Bruce Peninsula Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee (PRRC) – Funding Request

8. Delegations

1. Tim Nicholls Harrison, Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library Board – 2018 Draft Budget

9. Consent Agenda

1. Accounts

a) Accounts to be approved for the period of November 9, 2017 to November 29, 2017 in the amount of $ 639,166.71

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agenda

December 6, 2017

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2. Correspondence for Council Information

a) Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative - Increased Investments to Protect Great Lakes and St. Lawrence

b) Board of Health - Public Beach Management Program

c) Gravel Watch Ontario - Cornerstone Standards Council Responsible Aggregate Standard and Certification System

d) Ontario Provincial Police - Municipal Policing Bureau

e) Letter From Minister Bill Mauro and Minister Kevin Flynn - Bill 148

f) AMO Queens Park Legislative Update

g) Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund - 2018 Allocations

3. Resolutions from Other Municipalities

a) Municipality of St.-Charles - Bill 148

b) Resolutions regarding Oxford People Against the Landfill I) Town of Ingersoll Resolution - Oxford People Against the Landfill


II) Town of Tillsonburg Resolution - Oxford People Against the Landfill (OPAL)

III) Township of East Zorra-Tavistock - Oxford People Against the

Landfill (OPAL)

c) Resolutions regarding Provincial Flood Insurance

II) Town of Lakeshore - Provincial Flood Insurance

III) Township of Ignace - Provincial Flood Insurance

4. Minutes

a) Multi – Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group – September 14, 2017

b) Grey Sauble Conservation Authority – October 11, 2017

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agenda

December 6, 2017

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c) Inter-Township Fire Board – November 14, 2017

d) Police Services Board – November 20, 2017

Recommendation: That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopt the Consent Agenda as circulated, less items _____________, and

That staff be directed to proceed with all necessary administrative actions.

10. Consideration of Items Separated from Consent Agenda

11. Correspondence


12. Committee Reports

1. Operations Committee

a) Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meeting

Recommendation: That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffsadopt the minutes of the Operations Committee meeting held onNovember 14, 2017, including Recommendations OP 2017-052 to OP2017-056.

i) OPS2017-89 Shallow Lake Water Plant SCADA Upgrades

Moved By: Mayor Barfoot

That the Operations Committee recommends that the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approve implementation of SCADA upgrades at the Shallow Lake Water treatment plant by OCWA at a price of $21,792.50 to be funded by the Clean Water Waste Water Fund (CWWF) grant.

Carried OP 2017-052

ii) OPS2017-91 Snow Clearing Tender Results Cobble Beach

Moved by: Councillor Carleton

That the Operations Committee accepts the snow removal tender, subject to the roads being assumed by by-law within

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December 6, 2017

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Cobble Beach to Cobble Beach Golf Links at the following prices:

Cobble beach Drive $225.00 / trip McLeese Drive $150.00 / trip Punkinseed Lane $60.00 / trip Snowberry Lane $18.00 / trip Braw Glint Lane $18.00 / trip Algonquin Trail $30.00 / trip Telford Trail $45.00 / trip

Algoma Crescent $48.00 / trip

Carried OP 2017-053

iii) OPS2017-92 East Linton Water System Pressure ReducingChamber Waterproofing

Moved by: Councillor Barfoot

That the Operations Committee recommends that the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approve the hiring of WiseCracks to provide waterproofing service to the pressure reducing valve chamber opposite the low lift pump station at a price of $6,331.39 plus HST to be funded by the Clean Water Waste Water Fund (CWWF) grant.

Carried OP 2017-054

iv) OPS2017-96 Unmaintained Roads and Private Roads

Moved by: Councillor Carleton

That the Operations Committee receives Report OPS2017-96 and provides direction to Staff to continue the development of a policy for the assumption of unmaintained roads and private lanes.

Carried OP 2017-055

v) Committee Directions Report – October

Moved By: Councillor Barfoot

That the Operations Committee directs Staff to proceed with the placing of posters in public spaces and proceed with door hangers.

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December 6, 2017

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Carried OP 2017-056

2. Corporate Services, Finance and Building Committee

a) Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meeting

Recommendation: That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffsadopt the minutes of the Operations Committee meeting held onNovember 20, 2017, including Recommendations CFSB2017-036 toCFSB2017-039.

i) Finance – Updated Financial Report and Tax Arrears Analysis

Moved By: Mayor Alan Barfoot

That the Corporate Services, Finance & Building Committee receive the Updated Financial and Tax Arrears Analysis reports for information purposes.

Approved – Recommendation Number CFSB2017-036

ii) Monthly Statistical Updates – October 2017

Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley

That the Corporate Services, Finance & Building Committee receives the monthly statistical updates for information purposes.

Approved – Recommendation Number CFSB2017-037

iii) OPS2017-98 – Award for Tender for Supply and Installation ofGenerator at Shallow Lake Community Centre

Moved By: Mayor Alan Barfoot

That the Corporate Services, Finance & Building Committeerecommend that the Council of the Township of GeorgianBluffs approve awarding RFP 2017-18 for the Supply andInstallation of One Emergency Back-up Power DieselGenerator at Shallow Lake Community Centre to WaglerElectric for $62,500.00 plus HST.

Approved – Recommendation Number CFSB2017-038

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agenda

December 6, 2017

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iv) OPS2017-99 – Proposed Facilities Capital Budget Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley That the Corporate Services, Finance, and Building Committee recommends that the proposed 2018 capital expenditures and capital contributions proposed in report OPS 2017-99 be brought forward to budget deliberations for consideration.

Approved – Recommendation Number CFSB2017-039

13. Staff Reports

1. LEG2017-28 – Consent to Transfer, Fiber Optic Telecommunications Agreement, Bruce Telecom Company


1. That the report from Wendi Hunter, Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, regarding the Consent to Transfer, Fibre Optic Telecommunications Agreement, Bruce Telecom Company, be received, and

2. That the Clerk be authorized to sign the Consent to Transfer as requested by Bruce Telecom Company.

2. OPS2017-100 – Road Bore and Pipe Crossing Agreement Sideroad 3

and Concession 5 Recommendation: That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approves the Director of Operations signing of the Road Bore and Pipe Crossing Agreement with Ian Gamble, Lois Gamble, Mark Gamble and Jenna McKay for the installation of a drainage outlet pipe under the intersection of Sideroad 3 and Concession 5 in the former Township of Derby.

3. OPS2017-103 – Assumption of Cobble Beach Roads

Recommendation: That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs reviews the request from the developer of the Cobble Beach development for the assumption of roads and utilities, and further recommends the passing of a by-law to assume the roads as public highways as of January 1, 2018 with securities of $64,000.00 being held by the Township to ensure the required work and deficiencies are

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December 6, 2017

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completed by July 1, 2018.

14. Public Question Period

15. By-laws

1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation, and engrossed in the By-law Book.

a) By-law 2017-103, Being a by-law to authorize execution of an

Agreement with the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services for the provision of police services. (Further to report LEG2017- 26 OPP/ Policing Contract Renewal, presented to Committee of the Whole on November 8, 2017)

b) By-law 2017-104, Being a by-law to dedicate and assume the streets in the Cobble Beach Subdivision as a Public Highway and to assume the Street Lighting System. (See item 13.3. Further to report OPS2017-93 Assumption of Cobble Beach Roads, presented to Council on November 15, 2017)

16. Unfinished Business

17. New Business

1. Reminder – Committee of the Whole, December 13, 2017 will commence at 5:00 p.m. for consideration of the first draft of the Zoning By-law.

18. In Camera

1. That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs does now go into closed session at _:__ p.m. in the Council Chambers with the Acting CAO and Clerk remaining in the room.

a) Adoption of the minutes from the previous In Camera meeting

b) Discussion regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agenda

December 6, 2017

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19. Confirming By-law

1. Recommendation: That By-law No. 2017-105, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council on December 6, 2017, be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and engrossed in the By-law Book.

20. Date of Next Regular Meeting/Adjournment

December 20, 2017 – 7:00 p.m.

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Minutes

This document can be made available in other accessible formats or with communications supports as soon as practicable and upon request.

November 15, 2017, 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers

Members Present: Mayor Alan Barfoot Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley Councillor Carol Barfoot Councillor Sue Carleton Councillor Ryan Thompson Councillor Tom Wiley Members Absent: Councillor Paul Sutherland Staff Present: Brittany Drury, Legislative Assistant (Recording Secretary) Wendi Hunter, Clerk / Director of Legislative Services Kassandra Rocca, Treasurer / Director of Finance Rick Winters, Acting CAO / Director of Operations 1. Call to Order

Mayor Alan Barfoot called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

2. Approval of Agenda/Additions to the Agenda

3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

4. Minutes of Previous Meetings

1. November 1, 2017 The motion was amended to read:

Moved By: Councillor Carol Barfoot Seconded By: Councillor Sue Carleton That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopt the minutes of the Council meeting held on November 1, 2017, as amended.

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Minutes

November 15, 2017

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Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-285

5. Announcements


6. Public Hearings

1. Joint Public Meeting

Paul Sutherland: 402558 Grey Road 17, Part Lot 23, Concession 19 (Keppel)

Moved By: Councillor Ryan Thompson Seconded By: Councillor Carol Barfoot That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs recess the regular meeting to hold a joint public meeting for the consideration of Township of Georgian Bluffs Zoning By-law Amendment application Z-14-17 and Grey County Official Plan Amendment Application (OPA) 140, for the property located at 402558 Grey Road 17, Part Lot 23, Concession 19 (Keppel).

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-286

Mayor Alan Barfoot called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. with 10 people in attendance.

Council welcomed Grey County Planner, Kelly Henderson.

Ms. Henderson explained the subject lands and the purpose of the meeting, being to consider the Grey County Official Plan Amendment and the Township of Georgian Bluffs Zoning By-law Amendment. A Consent Application will also be required, to be discussed at a later date. Approval is required on all three applications to carry out the proposed severance.

Ms. Henderson explained the purpose of the application, to grant an exception to allow a farm severance. Notice was given to property owners and agencies within 120 meters of the subject property. Ms. Henderson explained the appeal process, commenting that any individual requiring notification may request such by submitting a written request to the County.

All circulated agencies had no objections to the application. Ms. Victoria Boulter submitted concerns regarding the size of the severance and the access to Grey Road 17.

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November 15, 2017

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The applicant was present and spoke through his agent, Ron Davidson. Mr. Davidson further explained the purpose of the application, commenting that the odd shape and size of the severance is to maximize the usable agricultural land for farming purposes.

Mayor Barfoot asked if anyone present wished to make oral or written submissions either in favour or opposed to the proposed application and if so that they give their name and address to the Clerk.

No attendees spoke in support. Ms. Victoria Boulter spoke to concerns regarding the odd shape of the severance, poor visibility at the road access and the removal of trees along the roadway.

A final decision regarding the application will likely occur in the new year.

Moved By: Councillor Carol Barfoot Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley That report PL.2017.39 from Jenn Burnett, Planner, regarding Grey County Official Plan Amendment (OPA 140) and Township of Georgian Bluffs Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z-14-17 for Sutherland, be received.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-287

The public meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m.

2. Possible Delegations Regarding the Renaming of Concession 21 to Elm Street

(See item 15.2.b.)

Gord and Mary Joe Schroeder inquired regarding the renaming, specifically if their fire number would be changed in the process. The Acting CAO / Director of Operations explained that at this time, the fire numbers will remain the same.

7. Presentations


8. Delegations


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Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Minutes

November 15, 2017

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9. Consent Agenda

1. Accounts

a) Accounts to be approved for the period of October 27, 2017 to November 8, 2017 in the amount of $832, 085.87.

2. Correspondence for Council Information

a) Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative - Making Waves

3. Resolutions from Other Municipalities

a) Municipality of Morris – Turnberry – Tenanted Farm Tax Class

Moved By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley Seconded By: Councillor Ryan Thompson

That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopt the Consent Agenda as circulated, and That staff be directed to proceed with all necessary administrative actions.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-288

10. Consideration of Items Separated from Consent Agenda

11. Correspondence


12. Committee Reports

1. Committee of the Whole

a) Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meeting

Moved By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley Seconded By: Councillor Ryan Thompson That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopt the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on November 8, 2017, including Recommendations COW 2017-026 to COW 2017-033.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-289

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Minutes

November 15, 2017

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i) Zoning Public Meetings Moved By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley Seconded by: Councillor Sue Carleton That Committee of the Whole of the Township of Georgian Bluffs recess the regular meeting to hold public meetings for the consideration of Zoning By-law Amendment applications for properties located at 505035 Grey Road 1, Part Lot 6, Georgian Range, RP 16R9176, Parts 5, 6 and 7 and Concession 10, South Part Lot 7, RP 16R4334, Part 5 (Derby).

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-026

ii) PL.2017.39 – Temporary Use By-law Application Z-16-17

Moved by: Councillor Ryan Thompson Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley That Report PL.2017.39 from Jenn Burnett, Planner, regarding Temporary Use By-law Application Z-16-17 for Dart, be received.

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-027

iii) PL.2017.38 – Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z-17-17

Moved by: Councillor Paul Sutherland Seconded By: Councillor Carol Barfoot 1. That Zoning By-law amendment application Z-17-17 and Official Plan Amendment application B09/17, for Concession 10, South Part Lot 7, RP 16R4334, Part 5 (Derby), submitted by Martin Taylor be approved, and 2. That Council direct staff to prepare a By-law to amend Zoning By-law 6-2003 for the purposes of said application, to be brought to a future meeting of Council for enactment.

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-028

iv) Kemble Lions Christmas Parade – Request to Waive Facility Rental Fee

Moved By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley Seconded By: Councillor Ryan Thompson

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November 15, 2017

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That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approve a fee waiver for the use of the Kemble Arena on December 10, 2017 for the Kemble Santa Clause Parade.

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-029

v) Shallow Lake Skating Club – Request to Waive Ice Rental Fee Moved By: Councillor Carol Barfoot Seconded By: Councillor Paul Sutherland That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approve waiving the ice rental fee at Shallow Lake Arena for the Shallow Lake Skating Club for the duration of the following: 1. Pancake Breakfast / Skate with Santa – Saturday, December 16, 2017 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, AND 2 .Year-end Talent Show – Tuesday, March 6, 2018 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-030

vi) LEG2017-26 – OPP / Policing Contract Renewal Moved By: Councillor Carol Barfoot Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley 1. That the report from Wendi Hunter, Clerk / Director of Legislative Services, regarding the OPP / Policing Contract Renewal, be received and 2. That Committee of the Whole Direct staff regarding the term of three years for the new contract.

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-031

vii) OPS2017-94 – Anaphylaxis Policy for Township Facilities Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley Seconded By: Councillor Sue Carleton That Committee of the Whole receive the report and recommend that the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approve the draft policy on Anaphylaxis and request

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November 15, 2017

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staff to take steps to implement the policy at the required facilities.

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-032

viii) OPS2017-95 – October Monthly Airport Report

Moved By: Councillor Sue Carleton Seconded By: Councillor Carol Barfoot That Committee of the Whole receive report OPS2017-95 for information purposes.

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-033

13. Staff Reports

1. OPS2017-93 – Assumption of Cobble Beach Roads

The Acting CAO / Director of Operations explained the report. There was discussion regarding:

Securities Assumption processes Winter maintenance: completion and standards Budget implications Deficiencies as mentioned in the report, ie. Incomplete catch basins

and sidewalks

Mr. Rob McLeese and Mr. John Anderson were in attendance and spoke to the report. Mr. McLeese and Mr. Anderson explained that inclement weather has delayed the repairs, however they anticipate completion by the end of May 2018.

The motion was amended to include “staff be directed to present a by-law on December 6, to assume the works.”

Moved By: Councillor Ryan Thompson Seconded By: Councillor Sue Carleton That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs review the request from the developer of the Cobble Beach development for the assumption of roads and utilities, and further provides direction to staff regarding the request to have certain deficiencies completed in Spring 2018,

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November 15, 2017

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And staff be directed to present a by-law on December 6, 2017 to assume the works.

Councillor Wiley requested a recorded vote.

For: Councillor Barfoot, Councillor Carleton, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Wiley, Deputy Mayor Burley, Mayor Barfoot.

Absent: Councillor Sutherland

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-290

2. OPS2017-97 – Hall / Charlton Municipal Drain Tender

Moved By: Councillor Sue Carleton Seconded By: Councillor Tom Wiley That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approve the award of the tender to Underwood Construction Ltd for the Hall / Charlton Municipal Drains construction and cleanout at a price of $36,615.00 plus HST and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the contract.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-291

3. LEG2017-27 – Support Resolution, FIT Contract – Biidaaske Inc.

Moved By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley Seconded By: Councillor Ryan Thompson

1. That the report from Wendi Hunter, Clerk / Director of Legislative Services, regarding the Support Resolution, FIT Contract – Biidaaske Inc., be received, and

2. That the resolution of support, included as Unfinished Business on this agenda, be passed, and

3 .That the Clerk be authorized to sign the “Municipal Council Support Resolution Confirmation” as required by the IESO.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-292

14. Public Question Period

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November 15, 2017

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15. By-laws

1. Zoning By-laws

Moved By: Councillor Ryan Thompson Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley Whereas, Council has given consideration to the written comments submitted by the agencies in the decision on proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application Z-17-17; and

Whereas Council has considered oral submissions made at the Public Meeting;

Therefore be it resolved that Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs is satisfied that the proposed amendment is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2014 and other governing regulations; and

That By-law 2017-099 be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation, and engrossed in the By-law Book.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-293

a) By-law 2017-099, Being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 6-2003, as amended, of the Township of Georgian Bluffs. (Further to report PL.2017.37, presented at the November 8, 2017 meeting of Committee of the Whole)

2. Other By-laws

Moved By: Councillor Sue Carleton Seconded By: Councillor Ryan Thompson That By-laws 2017- 098, 2017-100 and 2017-101, be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation, and engrossed in the By-law Book.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-294

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November 15, 2017

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a) By-law 2017-098, Being a by-law for the imposition and collection of fees and charges for certain municipal services and activities. (Further to report FIN2017-17 Fees and Charges By-law, presented at the November 1, 2017 meeting of Council)

b) By-law 2017- 100, Being a by-law to rename a public highway in the

Township of Georgian Bluffs. (Further to report OPS2017-86 Concession 21 / Elm Street, presented at the October 16, 2017 Operations Committee meeting)

c) By-law 2017-101, Being a by-law to authorize execution of a Bill of Sale and lease agreement with Southern Ontario Water Conditioning Inc.

(Further to report OPS2017-82 Sale of Hangar No. 3, presented at the October 4, 2017 meeting of Council)

16. Unfinished Business

1. FIT Contract – Biidaaske Inc. – October 17, 2012 Resolution No. 270-2012 Moved By: Councillor Carol Barfoot Seconded By: Councillor Ryan Thompson WHEREAS capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in the FIT Contract, Version 3.1;

AND WHEREAS Biidaaske Inc. (the "Supplier") had entered into a FIT Contract to construct and operate a ground mount solar PV project upon receipt of a FIT Contract from IESO (OPA) Facility (the "Project") on Concession 8, Part Lot 7 Sideroad 6, geographic Township of Derby (the "Lands") in the Township of Georgian Bluffs (the "Local Municipality") under the Province's FIT Program;

AND WHEREAS the Supplier previously requested that the Council of the Local Municipality ("Council") indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands or all Projects with the same Renewable Fuel anywhere in the Local Municipality, and Council did provide such support in a prior resolution;

AND WHEREAS the Supplier has requested that the Council indicate, by a resolution dated no earlier than June 10, 2015 (the "New

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Resolution"), Council's continued support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands;

AND WHEREAS where a New Resolution is received in respect of a Project, the Supplier will be recognized as fulfilling the requirements under Section 2.4(d)(vii) of the FIT Contract, which may result in the Supplier being offered Notice to Proceed in accordance with the terms of the Supplier's Fit Contract;


Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs supports the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands.

This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Supplier to achieve Notice to Proceed under its FIT contract and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the FIT Contract or Project or for any other purpose. FIT Contract ID #: F-006034-SPV-310-722

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-295

(See item 13.3)

2. 2018 Draft Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library Budget – CEO, Tim Nicholls Harrison, Delegation Update. The Clerk explained that after correspondence with Tim Nicholls Harrison, it is anticipated that he will appear as a delegation at the December 6, 2017 meeting of Council. Staff will confirm his availability prior to circulation of the December 6, 2017 agenda. (As discussed at the November 8, 2017 meeting of Committee of the Whole)

3. Committee of the Whole Meetings – December 5, 2017 and December 13, 2017

Moved By: Councillor Sue Carleton Seconded By: Councillor Tom Wiley 1. That Committee of the Whole will meet on December 5, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. for budget deliberations, and

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Minutes

November 15, 2017

Page 12 of 13

2. That the scheduled Committee of the Whole meeting of December

13, 2017 will commence at 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of consideration of the draft Zoning By-law.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-296

17. New Business

1. Reminder – Zoning By-law Open House: November 22, 2017, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Shallow Lake Arena

18. In Camera

Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley Seconded By: Councillor Sue Carleton

1. That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs does now go into closed session at 8:20 p.m. in the Council Chambers with the Acting CAO remaining in the room.

a) Adoption of the minutes from the previous In Camera meeting

b) Discussion regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-297

Council resumed opened session at 8:35 p.m.

19. Confirming By-law

Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley Seconded By: Councillor Sue Carleton

1. That By-law No. 2017-102, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council on November 15, 2017, be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and engrossed in the By-law Book.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-298

20. Date of Next Regular Meeting/Adjournment

December 6, 2017 – 7:00 p.m.

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Minutes

November 15, 2017

Page 13 of 13

The meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m. on a motion moved by Councillor Sue Carleton.

____________________________ Alan Barfoot, Mayor ____________________________ Wendi Hunter, Clerk

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To Georgian Bluffs Council

December 6, 2017

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• We need 3.4 physicians, 2 in the Wiarton Clinic and 1.4 in theSauble FHT

• Dr John Van Dorp retired Dec. 31, 2015 and Dr Eric Barkerretired on Nov.3rd, 2017

• Increased demand on Emergency room coverage on remainingphysicians as well as pressure to pick up more patients thanwhat they can manage

• Large catchment area with “orphaned” patients

• Georgian Bluffs and South Bruce Peninsula are still deemedhigh needs areas (HealthForce Ontario)

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• Our Mandate:• Plan, develop and implement initiatives to attract and retain physicians to our service area,

• Liaise with stakeholders, municipalities, corporations and the community, as a whole, to establish resources that facilitate recruitment and retention

• Educate and promote rural primary care

• Membership consists of area residents, and healthcare professionals, along with a SBP Council representative. Constituents of Georgian Bluffs including council member Ryan Thompson are valued, active members of our group and make up 25% of our membership.

• We are one of the most successful Committee’s in the area. I can personally say that since being a member for about 7 years I have seen 7 new doctors come to our clinics

• Through these efforts, our 24 hr Emergency department,out patient clinics and in patient beds promote ashared, flexible model that relies on a full physician complement that promotes a greater balance between workand home life for our physicians.

Page 25: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,

o According to the 2016 census Georgian Bluffs has a population of 10,479 which is uponly 72 people from the number 10,407 listed in the 2011 census report. That is an increase of 14.4 people per year which is a long ways from your goal listed in yourOfficial Plan. There you state a hoped for increase of “2,600 new residents by the year2026”. That would be 226 new residents per year.

o Currently GB growth is through its elderly population

• Provincially, percentage of population aged 65 year and over is 16.9 %

Georgian Bluffs 22.6 % (it was 18.4 in 2011)

• Provincially, percentage of population aged15-64 is 66.5

Georgian Bluffs 63.5 %

• Provincially, percentage of population aged 0-14 year and over is 16.9 %

Georgian Bluffs 13.9 %


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*about 26% of G/G residents aged 12 and over are regular heavy drinkers

Grey Bruce Ontario

High Blood Pressure

20.2% 17.6%

Diabetes 7.1% 6.3%

Obesity 21.6% 18.3%

Heavy Drinking * 25.8% 16.9%

Smoking 18.3% 14.4%

Arthritis 22.7 17.2

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Why is Accessible Healthcare ImportantContinued

In addition to an increasing number of elderly people as well as higher rates of some medical conditions, Georgian Bluffsstand out in another way that makes good and accessible health care really important. Thatinvolves the rate of unintentional injuries requiring trips to the emergencydepartment and hospital admissions.

G/B Unintentional Injury

Requiring EMV

Compared to the Province

• unintentional falls 72% higher• farm related injuries 72% higher• motor vehicle crashes 43% higher

Requiring Hospitalization

• all injuries 50 % higher• unintentional falls 39 % higher (way higher for seniors)• motor vehicle crashes 73% higher• pedal injuries 26 % higher• unintentional burns 52 % higher

Page 28: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,


* Our current roster of Physicians were able to absorb Dr Van Dorp’s patients with the help of Dr. Engman whostarted her practice at about the time he retired. They have also absorbed about 200 of Dr. Barkers most vulnerablepatients. That leaves 1000 more of Dr. Barker’s patients as well as about 400 people who did not have a doctorprior to his retirement.

1400 people without a doctor.

Given the 25% Georgian Bluffs usage

350 of them are your constituents.

* Complexity of physicians scope of practice involves 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, Emergency Room coverage, office practice, inpatient coverage and in some cases obstetrics and surgical assistance

* Maintaining ER at GBHS – Wiarton, is a critical component to necessary care within our community. Ouremergency department EXPLODES over the summer months with as much as a 800% increase in caseload; managed through the unique partnership of the local physicians. The above 1400 people will need to use emerge ifthey have a health concern.



Of our group of 8 doctors, 5 currently have young families, one is of an age that that could be a possibility

Given the professional and family demands physician burn out and or loss is a real possibility

We need 3.4 more doctors

Page 29: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,

• South Bruce Peninsula has contributed $550,897.10 towards recruitment in the past 14 years

• North Bruce Peninsula contributes $25,000 annually

• West Grey contributed $35,581 in 2014 and $81,593 in 2015 to Health and Social Services

• Meaford has committed $25,000 to the Health Clinic and $50,000 to GBRHC from 2014-2020

• Brockton contributed $48,000 to doctor recruitment in 2016

• Town of Hanover $266,700 in 2016 to Health services and the Medical Clinic

• Southgate $69,000 to Health in 2016

• Owen Sound $31,000 annually to Health needs

• Saugeen Shores gave 109,000 to doctor recruitment in 2015 and 2016 as well as significant

additional money to the two medical clinics (about $150,000 total each year).

• South Bruce to doctor recruitment $14,556 in 2015 and $49,800 in 2016

• Georgian Bluffs $6,000 in 2015

Are Municipalities Helping Assure That TheirConstituents haveAccess to Quality Health Care?

Page 30: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,

Why Should Municipalities HelpWith Physician Recruitment?

We need 3.4 more doctors

Just in Grey Bruce, the following other areas are in need of Family Physicians:

That totals 12.4 Family Physicians

This is not something that can be left to one municipality or committee. Thecommunities using a service need to partner and work together for the well being oftheir constituents.

The reality is that young doctorscome out of medical school with huge debt loads. They may look to moving around doing locumsthat don’t require the expense ofoffice rental and setting up a practice or look for where they can receive financialassistance to do so.

Owen Sound 3-4Lions Head 1Markdale 1Meaford 2Southampton 1

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* A minimum of 25 % of Georgian Bluffsconstituents accesshealth care through theWiarton inpatient service, emergency department and out patient clinic and at theSauble Family Health Team

* A minimum of 350 Georgian Bluffsconstituents do not have a family doctor

* Georgian Bluffshopes to increase its population by 2600 by 2026, these newconstituents will be more inclined to come if they know they can get a family doctor

* The elderly population in Georgian BluffsContinues to grow- elderly folkshave anincreasing need for health care

* The plan for Georgian Bluffsspeaksto the increasing need for seniorsspecifichousing and care and the encouragement of such facilities being built in primary andsecondary settlement areas in Georgian Bluffs. No one will build these if they thinkthey can’t get medical care for the facilities

* The plan for Georgian Bluffs speaks to the “Healthy Community Initiate” which willimprove the “health of its citizens by encouraging healthy and active lifestyles”. Thatalso includes access to quality healthcare when needed.

Page 33: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,


In 2016 Georgian Bluffsspent

* $1,447,300 was spent on policing


* $395,500 was spent on Recreational and Cultural Programs

* $ 329,500 was spent on facilities

* $157, 500 was spent on General Parks and Recreation

* $0 on assuring their constituents have health care

These are all good thingsbut your constituents can’t make use of those optionsif theyare in need of health care and can’t get it . With a growing seniorspopulation plus yourwish to attract new constituents to your community you need to help assure thatquality health care is available. USE SOME OF MY/ OUR/YOUR TAX DOLLARS TODO THIS!

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Final Thoughts

• Healthy communities need doctors

• 100,000 funding commitment over the next 10 years

• Thank you for Ryan’s membership on the committee, we would like that to continue

• Partner to promote the rural area for physician desirability

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Approved ACTUAL Over /Under Proposed NOTES

2017 30-Sep-17 Budget 2018YTD



MUNICIPAL REVENUE:CITY SUPPORT:City Operating Grant 907,864.00 679,324.00 228,540.00 945,951.00City Allowance for 27th Pay 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------Total City Support: ** 907,864.00 679,324.00 228,540.00 945,951.00

TOWNSHIP SUPPORTTownship of Chatsworth** 152,545.00 75,810.55 76,734.45 159,726.00Township of Georgian Bluffs** 306,571.00 308,176.99 -1,605.99 325,655.00Municipality of Meaford** 114,038.00 114,038.00 0.00 119,407.00

------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------Total Township Support: ** 573,154.00 498,025.54 75,128.46 604,788.00Total Municipal Support Before Rebate: 1,481,018.00 1,550,739.00Rebate to Municipalities -72,589.00 -72,589.00

------------------ based on August 31, 2017 membershipTOTAL UNION LIBRARY SUPPORT: 1,408,429.00 1,177,349.54 231,079.46 1,478,150.00 Municipal overall increase of 4.95%

------------------ =========== =========== ------------------ after rebate to Municipalities

NON-MUNICIPAL REVENUE: Legislative Grant(Prov) 72,589.00 0.00 72,589.00 72,589.00 Pay Equity 3,391.00 0.00 3,391.00 3,391.00 Employment Grants - YCW, CAP, ALC, etc 4,000.00 2,840.39 1,159.61 4,000.00 Non-Resident Memberships 500.00 210.00 290.00 500.00 Fines 25,000.00 16,159.29 8,840.71 25,000.00 Non-Member Computer/Internet Fees 1,500.00 928.38 571.62 1,500.00 Copying/Printing 5,440.00 4,236.85 1,203.15 5,440.00 Room Rentals/AV Rentals 7,000.00 1,726.50 5,273.50 7,000.00 Publicity & Programming 2,000.00 4,092.26 -2,092.26 2,000.00 Interest 8,000.00 4,886.73 3,113.27 8,000.00 Misc Revenue 3,000.00 1,698.61 1,301.39 3,000.00 Donations - HWB / AAM 12,000.00 3,804.21 8,195.79 12,000.00 Transfers from Reserves 134,000.00 52,003.72 81,996.28 25,000.00 from Book Sale Reserve for Collection ALC Administration 30,000.00 23,437.50 6,562.50 50,000.00 increase due to funding increase

------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------TOTAL NON-MUNICIPAL REVENUE: 308,420.00 116,024.44 192,395.56 219,420.00

GRAND TOTAL ALL REVENUE: 1,716,849.00 1,293,373.98 423,475.02 1,697,570.00 ============ ============ ============ ============

DRAFT Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library

2018 Operating Budget - with unaudited actuals to September 30, 2017

Page 36: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,

Approved ACTUAL Over /Under Proposed NOTES

2017 30-Sep-17 Budget 2018


Wages - Full/Part Time 942,254.00 672,789.74 269,464.26 970,524.00Wages - Shelving Assistants 27,405.00 18,165.96 9,239.04 31,613.00

Wages - Summer/Special Grants 4,000.00 5,268.09 -1,268.09 4,000.00

Allotment for 27th pay 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------

WAGES: Sub-Total: 977,659.00 700,223.79 277,435.21 1,010,137.00 includes 2018 increase

BENEFITS: Sub-Total: 274,474.00 191,993.97 82,480.03 268,518.00

TOTAL WAGES & BENEFITS: 1,252,133.00 892,217.76 359,915.24 1,278,655.00 increase of 2.12% =========== =========== =========== ===========

LIBRARY COLLECTION:Adult Books/Audio Visual 48,000.00 44,397.00 3,603.00 48,000.00 .e-Resources 50,000.00 52,851.00 -2,851.00 40,000.00 Decreased $10,000Magazines & Newspapers 10,000.00 8,128.00 1,872.00 10,000.00Juv Books/Audio Visual/Toy Yard 22,000.00 15,104.00 6,896.00 22,000.00Processing & Delivery 10,000.00 5,927.00 4,073.00 10,000.00

------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------TOTAL LIBRARY COLLECTION: 140,000.00 126,407.00 13,593.00 130,000.00 $25,000 from Book Sale Reserve

OCCUPANCY EXPENSE:Caretaking Supplies 2,000.00 1,670.45 329.55 2,000.00Utilities 60,000.00 44,861.73 15,138.27 60,000.00Elevator Service 7,500.00 4,714.52 2,785.48 7,500.00Insurance 7,500.00 7,624.00 -124.00 7,700.00 increase $200 based on actualsRepairs & Maintenance 12,000.00 -1,461.78 13,461.78 12,000.00Operating Capital 20,000.00 8,871.51 11,128.49 20,000.00Landscaping 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00Security Systems 2,000.00 1,226.22 773.78 2,000.00 ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------TOTAL OCCUPANCY EXPENSE: 112,500.00 69,006.65 43,493.35 112,700.00

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Approved ACTUAL Over /Under Proposed NOTES

2017 30-Sep-17 Budget 2018YTD

OTHER EXPENSES:Photocopier 10,000.00 9,188.40 811.60 10,000.00Postage/Frieght & Courier 1,500.00 1,900.74 -400.74 2,000.00 increase $500 based on actualsTelephone 4,000.00 4,822.17 -822.17 5,000.00 increase $1000 based on actualsStaff Education & Travel 7,000.00 9,732.62 -2,732.62 8,500.00 Increase $1,500 based on actualsPublicity & Programming 6,000.00 6,876.35 -876.35 7,000.00 increase $1000 based on actualsMemberships Fees 2,500.00 2,470.33 29.67 2,500.00Library Supplies 9,000.00 3,854.04 5,145.96 9,000.00Library Furnishings 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00Machine Repairs & Expense 3,500.00 1,252.21 2,247.79 3,500.00IT / LAN / Computers 32,000.00 9,044.96 22,955.04 32,000.00IT Service Contract 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 7,000.00Automated Systems Maintenance 26,000.00 21,159.69 4,840.31 26,000.00RFID/Self Checkout Maintenance 2,900.00 2,886.93 13.07 2,900.00Bindery 50.00 0.00 50.00 50.00Professional/Audit Fees 6,500.00 330.70 6,169.30 6,500.00Miscellaneous Expense 2,000.00 825.52 1,174.48 2,000.00Board Expenses-Ed/Training 266.00 0.00 266.00 265.00Special Project Expenses 90,000.00 23,217.22 66,782.78 50,000.00Transfers to Reserves 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES: 212,216.00 97,561.88 114,654.12 176,215.00

TOTAL COMBINED EXPENSES: 1,716,849.00 1,185,193.29 531,655.71 1,697,570.00 Decrease over 2017 = 1.12%

LIBRARY OPERATING SURPLUS (DEFIC 0.00 108,180.69 -108,180.69 0.00 ========== ========== ========== ==========

CAPITAL OPERATING BUDGET:CAPITAL REVENUE:Prov/Fed - Grants 0.00 5,479.00 0.00 0.00City - Capital Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Other - Capital Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Townships-Capital Revenue 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------TOTAL CAPITAL REVENUE: 3,000.00 5,479.00 -2,479.00 3,000.00

CAPITAL EXPENSES:Prov/Fed - Grants 0.00 5,479.00 0.00 0.00City - Capital Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Other - Capital Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Townships-Capital Expense 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES: 3,000.00 5,479.00 -2,479.00 3,000.00

CAPITAL OPERATING SURPLUS: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ========== ========== ========== ==========

COMBINED SURPLUS(DEFICIT): 0.00 108,180.69 -108,180.69 0.00 ========== ========== ========== ==========

Page 38: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,

Total Operating Funding

Required for Current Year


Off-set by share of

2018 Provincial Household


2018 Total after


Membership (August 31,


Percentage of membership as the whole

from Townships

Municipality's percentage

for calculation of capital

$3,000 capital

contribution divided by %

of membership

from townships

Total Amount of

Support less the

provincial household


Figure to be used for budget

includes total operating

plus capital

Chatsworth 159,726 11,614 148,112 1,212 26.56 26.56 796.67$ 148,909 160,522.67Georgian Bluffs 325,655 18,873 306,782 2,452 53.72 53.72 1,611.74$ 308,394 327,266.74Meaford 119,407 - 119,407 900 19.72 19.72 591.59$ 119,999 119,998.59Total 604,788 574,301 4,564 100 100 3,000.00$ 577,301 607,788.00


Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library

2018 Townships and Meaford Share including Capital

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Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library

2017 Municipal FundingBudget



Member-ship Ratio % (3-Year Average)

Municipal Funding in Previous Year

(2018 Budget)

Full Funding Based on

Membership Ratio and

Projected 2018 Budget

* Difference from

Previous Year (2018 -


Total Operating Funding

Required for Current Year:


2018 Funding


Off-set by Share of

2018 Provincial Household


2018 TOTAL After


2017 TOTAL After


Chatsworth 10.3 $152,545 $159,726.12 $7,181 $159,726.12 10.3% 11,614$ 148,112.12$ 140,931$ Georgian Bluffs 21.0 $306,571 $325,655.19 $19,084 $325,655.19 21.0% 18,873$ 306,782.19$ 287,698$ Meaford 7.7 $114,038 $119,406.90 $5,369 $119,406.90 7.7% -$ 119,406.90$ 114,038$ Total Townships 39.0 $573,154 $604,788.21 $31,634 $604,788.21 39.0% 30,487$ 574,301.21$ 542,667$ Owen Sound 61.0 $907,864 $945,950.79 $38,087 $945,951 61.0% 42,102$ 903,849$ 865,762$ TOTAL 100 $1,481,018 $1,550,739.00 $69,721 $1,550,739 100.00% 72,589$ 1,478,150$ 1,408,429$


These 2018 numbers are based on 3 Year Average 2015-17

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Mayors, Businesses and NGOs in Ottawa to call for increased investment to protect the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence

GLRI-type process proposed to Environment and Climate Change Minister Ottawa, ON November 22, 2017 – Today, mayors, businesses and NGOs gathered in Ottawa to call for a collaborative process to amplify and accelerate Great Lakes and St. Lawrence protection and restoration, at their second annual Parliament Hill Days. The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence advocates requested that Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna establish an Independent Panel of Stakeholders to undertake a strategic review of federal Great Lakes and St. Lawrence investments and programs with a view to increasing investment and improving programing to protect the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence. “Despite years of effort by all levels of government, we are not keeping up with the compounding stressors and new threats to the Great Lakes,” said Tony Maas, of Freshwater Future, “We need to up our game to combat the impacts of climate change, agricultural and urban run-off, new chemicals, invasive species and habitat loss.” The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, Freshwater Future, Council of the Great Lakes Region, Strategies Saint Laurent and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission and other key stakeholders met with Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna while in Ottawa, to propose a Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Collaborative Strategy to find ways to accelerate and amplify the impact of investments and programs to protect and restore the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence. “We are inspired by the success of the US Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, which demonstrated how federal commitment and financing transformed the shorelines and communities of the Great Lakes,” said Paul Dyster, Mayor of Niagara Falls New York and Chair of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, a binational coalition of mayors. “We are committed to working together to achieve the same success here in Canada”. The groups are proposing the creation of an Independent Panel of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Stakeholders to undertake a strategic review of federal programs and investments to better support the existing Structural Programs, such as the St. Lawrence Action Plan and the ZIP Program, to meet commitments and priorities identified under existing Great Lakes and St. Lawrence intergovernmental agreements and plans. The Independent Panel would then consult with stakeholders on recommended investments and programming to address the priorities effectively. Given their critical stake in Great Lakes and St. Lawrence management, the Governments of Québec and Ontario and First Nations and Metis political leadership would also be asked to participate in this process.

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“A healthy Great Lakes St. Lawrence Region is essential for the success of the Canadian economy, said Mark Fisher, President and CEO of the Council of the Great Lakes Region. “Our global competitiveness and our ability to attract talent rests on protecting our greatest asset – our high quality of life on the shores of the greatest freshwater resource in the world.” The connection between the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence as one ecoregion is of particular interest to the Collaborative partners. There is currently no plan that tackles the greatest threats to both systems, particularly the risk of introducing Asian carp into the St. Lawrence and the Great Lakes system via Lake Michigan. “The waters of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence play a critical role in sustaining the health of one-fifth of all fish species in North America, said Robert Lambe, Executive Director of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission. “Asian carp pose an existential threat to indigenous fish and recreational and commercial fishing in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence.” For more information on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Collaborative Strategy, please go to www.glslcities.org/collaborative.


Media Contacts Mark Fisher President and CEO Council of the Great Lakes Region Cell: (613) 668-2044 E: [email protected]

Tony Mass Manager, Strategies Freshwater Future Cell: 519-572-9972 Email: [email protected]

Scott McKay Program Manager (Québec) Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative C: (514) 618-0297 E: [email protected]

Marc Gaden Communications Director and Legislative Liaison Great Lakes Fishery Commission Cell: 734-669-3012 E: [email protected]

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Public Beach Management Program

Board of Health October 27, 2017

Public Beach Management ProgramUpdate

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Public Beach Management Program

Board of Health October 27, 2017

Ontario Public Health Standards (OPHS) require health units to reduce the risk of public beach use by implementing a Public Beach Management Program

Public Beach is any public bathing area owned/operated by a municipality to which the general public has access, and where there is reason to believe that there is recreational use of the water.

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Public Beach Management Program

Board of Health October 27, 2017

Beach Management Programs traditionally reply on sampling for E. coli bacteria and using the results to make decisions about safety for use.


• Sampling is a good method for monitoring ongoing water quality.

• Sampling is a poor method for determining real‐time water quality due to results reporting lag

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Public Beach Management Program

Board of Health October 27, 2017

Historic Knowledge of Beach Water Quality in Grey Bruce

• Water quality is generally excellent

• Exceedances in E. coli bathing criteria are almost always related to predictable impacts (water turbidity, recent rainfall)

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Public Beach Management Program

Board of Health October 27, 2017

2018 Beach Management Program will….

• emphasize public knowledge/awareness of observable conditions that can indicate adverse water quality 

• de‐emphasize sampling as best practice strategy for real‐time assessment of water quality

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Public Beach Management Program

Board of Health October 27, 2017

2018 Beach Management Program will….

• actively promote public knowledge/awareness via• increased signage at beaches• increased media/social media activities• GBHU website

• reduce beach sampling from bi‐weekly to monthly• Monthly sampling provides sufficient data to track year to year water quality 

trends• The number of beaches sampled will be increased in order to consistently 

meet OPHS requirements

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Public Beach Management Program

Board of Health October 27, 2017

Municipality Beach Name

Blue Mountains Northwinds

Blue Mountains Little River

Meaford Meaford Memorial Park new

Georgian Bluffs Sarawak Family Park new

South Bruce Peninsula Sauble Beach

South Bruce Peninsula Hope Bay new

Northern Bruce Peninsula Lion’s Head new

Northern Bruce Peninsula Singing Sands (third party sampling by Parks

Canada staff)

Saugeen Shores Southampton Beach

Saugeen Shores Gobles Grove, Port Elgin

Saugeen Shores Port Elgin Main Beach

Huron-Kinloss Point Clark new

Kincardine Kincardine Main Beach

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1 [email protected] www.gravelwatch.org (905) 659-5417

To: Clerk / Mayor / Reeve / Councillor / Warden November 2017

Subject: Concerns regarding Cornerstone Standards Council (CSC) Responsible Aggregate Standard and Certification System


Gravel Watch Ontario acts in the interests of residents and communities to protect the natural environment, health, safety and quality of life for Ontarians in matters relating to aggregate resources. We are a province-wide coalition of citizens’ groups and individuals.

Aggregate (sand, stone & gravel) production has a long history of being controversial and challenging for municipalities. Ontario requires aggregate materials to support our built communities. Unfortunately, the process of extracting aggregate resources comes with inherent social and environmental impacts.

Many stakeholders, including the aggregate industry, governments, community and environmental groups have been seeking a way to deal with this challenge. The development of a voluntary enhanced aggregate standard was proposed. The envisioned standard would outline a set of requirements that aggregate producers could adopt and then be recognized for. After several years of work, the Cornerstone Standards Council Responsible Aggregate Standard and Certification System, the CSC program, was drafted.

Members of Gravel Watch Ontario served on the Cornerstone Standards Council Board and the founding Standard Development Panel for over two years. We have substantial knowledge of the Standard as written as well as the original intent. Gravel Watch Ontario is contacting municipal leaders across Ontario to ensure they are informed regarding serious concerns with claims made by the CSC program which are not supported by the Standard requirements. Indeed, the claims made in relation to the program outcomes appear at times to grossly misrepresent what the Standard requires.

CSC Does Not “Raise the Bar”

For example, the program claims that it “recognizes and rewards both public and privately owned aggregate operations that go beyond regulatory compliance and adopt industry best practices” and that it “ensures high levels of operational practice are met and monitored”. Unfortunately, the Standard does not contain specific targets or requirements on some of the most relevant operational issues for aggregate production sites. For example, there are no operational targets set for noise, dust, vibration, ambient light, and water consumption, among other areas.

The Standard when addressing noise, dust, light and water has the following requirements: “When addressing adverse environmental impacts … the applicant implements (consistent with the scale and intensity of the operation) an Environmental Management System or a series of Standard Operating Procedures that are consistent with or exceed existing regulatory requirement”. The Standard has no mandate to exceed regulatory requirements; being consistent is sufficient.

There is no reference in the Standard to adopting industry best practices and no reference to current industry norms. Certified sites may actually be performing below established industry benchmarks. Without

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2 [email protected] www.gravelwatch.org (905) 659-5417

explicit requirements on the most relevant social and environmental aspects of aggregate production, the program cannot be delivering on the claims made above.

Further, a review of the audit reports relating to the four program certificates granted thus far, reveals that one or two CSC auditors spend a very limited time on an aggregate site; typically, only a day or two. The reports provide no indications that the auditors have taken any independent measurements of the environmental factors that the Standard claims to assure.

The environmental audit process seems to have become a paper exercise of reviewing reports, some of which appear to have been prepared during the application and licencing process as predictors of future outcomes and commitments for future actions. The degree to which these predictions actually became reality is unknown. Without actual measurements being taken or observations beyond a brief 48-hour interval, there can be no claims made as to how these sites generally operate. The current auditing process in no way supports the claims by CSC regarding full regulatory compliance, industry best practices and the monitoring of high levels of operational practice.

CSC “Lowers the Bar”

For any certification program to be legitimate, the requirements of the program must be met before certification is awarded. A review of the audit reports relating to the certificates already granted shows that none of the four sites certified have met all the requirements of the Standard. Even when non-conformances were in areas that CSC claims as a focus (e.g., addressing adverse environmental impacts), those sites were still granted a certificate based on a requirement for future corrective action.

More concerning though were sites that had non-conformances relating to compliance with existing regulatory requirements. Of the four sites certified by CSC thus far, two were found to have non-conformances with site plan requirements. Further, one site was reported to be in non-compliance with Ontario Regulation 127 which deals with Airborne Contaminant Discharge Monitoring and Reporting. If CSC certified sites are in violation of regulatory requirements, how can the program claim that CSC “recognizes and rewards… aggregate operations that go beyond regulatory compliance”?


Gravel Watch Ontario continues to believe there is value in a robust voluntary aggregates standard which recognizes performance that goes beyond existing regulation. That is why we dedicated over two years to the development of what we had hoped would be such a standard. To deliver on that promise, though, the standard must set a high bar and enforcement must be rigorous, thorough, and absolute. The current CSC Responsible Aggregate Standard and Certification System fails to deliver on those requirements and as a result fails to justify the outcomes that are being claimed.

Gravel Watch Ontario is committed to ensuring that municipalities across Ontario, as consumers and/or producers of aggregate resources, are informed regarding the Cornerstone Standards Council aggregate program. We ask that you add your voice to calls to improve the program and make it what it was originally intended to be. In its current form, it is a disservice to all those in Ontario who are working hard to address the inherent challenges for those communities where aggregate extraction activities occur.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss our comments further, please feel free to contact us.

Sincerely, Graham Flint President, Gravel Watch Ontario www.GravelWatch.org [email protected] T: (905) 659-5417 F: (905) 659-5416

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Ontario Provincial Police

Police provinciale de l’Ontario

Municipal Policing Bureau Bureau des services policiers des municipalités 777 Memorial Ave. 777, ave Memorial Orillia ON L3V 7V3 Orillia (ON) L3V 7V3

Tel: (705) 329-6200

Fax: (705) 330-4191

File number/Référence: 612-20

November 14, 2017 Mayor/Reeve and Clerk/CAO, As a follow-up to the letter from April 27, 2017, I am pleased to share with you some updates from the Municipal Policing Bureau of the OPP. In October 2017, our Bureau organized a webinar on the 2018 Annual Billing Statements, issued to municipalities in September. The Financial Services Unit Manager explained in detail the 2018 Annual Billing Statements and answered questions. The webinar presentation with the speaking notes was sent to all webinar participants; however, if you or your municipal representatives are interested in receiving it, please let our Bureau know at [email protected]. The presentation will be also uploaded in both official languages on www.opp.ca/billingmodel page. Please check our www.opp.ca/municipalpolicing page for other municipal policing information and documents. Should you have any questions specific to your municipality, please email our Financial Services Unit members at [email protected] On November 2, 2017, Marie-France Lalonde, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services, and Attorney General Yasir Naqvi announced that the first Reading for Bill 175, Safer Ontario Act, 2017 was carried. The bill is a comprehensive community safety legislative package that, if passed, would represent the largest policing and public safety transformation in a generation. A bill is considered to be “passed” by the Legislative Assembly once it has received three readings; upon receiving Royal Assent, the “passed” bill becomes an Act. Accordingly, the Police Services Act, 1990 will be in force until the new Act will receive Royal Assent. As usual, our Bureau will have a booth at the upcoming Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Conference, which will be held January 21-23 in Toronto. Drop in at our booth and speak to our analysts directly or should you like to have a more formal discussion during the conference, please contact us directly at [email protected] and we will set up a time to meet you the day following the Minister’s delegation meetings. Further, we will maintain the tradition we initiated last year, and will share with you the 2018 Municipal Policing Bureau Calendar. Same as last year, the Calendar will be sent to your Detachment Commanders and he/she or a detachment designate will further distribute it to your municipality. We look forward to hearing from your municipality on these initiatives and our fruitful collaboration in the future.

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The OPP is committed to work diligently with municipal stakeholders to ensure effective, efficient and sustainable police service delivery in Ontario. Thank you again. Sincerely,

M.M.(Marc) Bedard Superintendent Commander, Municipal Policing Bureau Email [email protected] Web: www.opp.ca/municipalpolicing Twitter @OPP_Mun_Pol /nv

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200 University Ave., Suite 801 Toronto ON M5H 3C6 Canada | Tel: 416.971.9856 | Fax: 416.971.6191 | Toll-Free in Ontario: 1.877.426.6527 | [email protected]

November 21, 2017

AMO Queen’s Park Legislative Update

The Ontario Legislature has about 3 weeks left in this legislative session and there are a large number of bills of interest to municipal governments still in significant motion. All of AMO’s submissions to Standing Committee (where done) and Members’ Updates on any of the Bills are available on the AMO website.

Here are the key highlights for your information:

Name of Legislation

Highlights AMO’s Asks Status

Bill 139, Building Better Communities and Conserving Watersheds Act, 2017

• OMB becomes Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT)

• No de novo hearings • Some amendments not appealable • A support centre for citizens • Conservation Authorities roles,

responsibilities and relationships clearer.

• Bill reflects the AMO key ask to reform the OMB to better respect municipal government decision.

• Keep all provincial land use policy in the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS)

• Provide 120 days for the second decisions of council

• Delete the reference to the LGIC regulating composition of CA board members

• In the House for third reading

• The AMO asks to reform the OMB are reflected in this Bill.

• Putting all provincial policy in the PPS was not approved.

• An amendment providing 120 days instead of 90 for the second decision process was defeated.

• No amendment limiting LGIC powers to direct conservation authority board composition

Bill 142- An Act to Amend the Construction Lien Act, 2017

• Bill revises the Construction Lien Act • Prompt Payment is added to the Act. • It sets out timelines for the payment of

amounts payable under contracts to

• Payment should not be made without first getting a municipal owner’s express approval or

• At Standing Committee • AMO presented on

November 1, 2017

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200 University Ave., Suite 801 Toronto ON M5H 3C6 Canada | Tel: 416.971.9856 | Fax: 416.971.6191 | Toll-Free in Ontario: 1.877.426.6527 | [email protected] 2

Name of Legislation

Highlights AMO’s Asks Status

Bill 142- An Act to Amend the Construction Lien Act, 2017 continued

contractors (payable by owners), and under subcontracts to subcontractors (whether payable by contractors or by other subcontractors).

• Mandatory Construction Dispute Interim Adjudication is added to the Act

certification that work was done properly

• Before proceeding to align lien rights and mandatory adjudication regimes, problematic timing and other practical considerations need to be addressed

• Training support and resources needed for implementation

Bill 148, Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs 2017

• The bill changes the ESA and LRA to require more on-call pay, longer pre-scheduling timeframes, and could undermine municipal public safety and emergency operations significantly unless amended

• It means paying volunteer firefighters wages equal to full time firefighters

• Provides for 2 paid personal leave days, new vacation pay calculations and equal pay for seasonal, p/t, casual and temp workers

• Exemption for municipal / local board employees re: "on call" provisions to deliver statutory public safety services.

• Exemption for volunteer firefighters re: matching pay to full-time firefighters

• Specific reference that Bill 148 does not override other statutory obligations.

• AMO presented to the standing committee.

• MOL + MMA Ministers’ letter was sent to all heads of council Nov 14th successfully addressing AMO's core asks.

• These amendments included at the clause-by-clause review

• Third reading expected this week

Bill 160- Strengthening Quality and Accountability for Patients Act, 2017

Omnibus health bill proposing amendments to several pieces of health related legislation including those of municipal interest: 1. Ambulance Act • Modernize the act to enable new models of

low-acuity patient care on scene by paramedics

• Opens the door to the fire-medic model

2. Health Protection and Promotion Act • Permits the regulation of recreational water

facilities and personal service settings

• Concurrently amend the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 and the Ambulance Services Collective Bargaining Act, 2001 to protect unwilling municipal government employers from interest arbitration settlements replicating the fire-medic pilot across Ontario.

Amend the Ambulance Act to: • update the definition of a


• Passed second reading • Referred to Standing

Committee on General Government

• Hearings up until November 22, 2017

• AMO made an oral and written submission outlining municipal key asks

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200 University Ave., Suite 801 Toronto ON M5H 3C6 Canada | Tel: 416.971.9856 | Fax: 416.971.6191 | Toll-Free in Ontario: 1.877.426.6527 | [email protected] 3

Name of Legislation

Highlights AMO’s Asks Status

Bill 160- Strengthening Quality and Accountability for Patients Act, 2017 continued

3. Long-Term Care Homes Act • Strengthens enforcement and compliance

Enacts a new consent-based framework for resident confinement

• protect against increased municipal liability

• update ambulance conveyance and response requirements

• add flexibility to operate own dispatch systems

• address the cost of non-urgent, inter-facility transfers

• ensure that actual costs are reimbursed by the province for the cost-shared program

• Amend the Health Protection and Promotion Act to protect against rising cost share responsibilities.

Bill 174 – Cannabis, Smoke-Free Ontario + Road Safety Statute Act Amendment Act, 2017

• Creates Ontario Cannabis Retail Corporation with sole authority for distribution of recreational cannabis;

• Creates significant fines for cannabis distribution outside the new corporation;

• Updates the Smoke Free Ontario Act to regulate smoking and vaping of cannabis (which will only be allowed in private residences);

• Creates new fines for operating a vehicle after consumption of cannabis; prohibits people 19 years and under from purchasing, possession, cultivation and consumption of cannabis and creates new authorities to divert youths away from the court system.

• Increased fines and penalties for distracted driving, careless driving, failing to yield to pedestrians at crosswalks and stopped school buses

• Municipalities have influence over the location of new cannabis retail outlets in their communities - LCBO and MOF consultation process in place

• Cost neutrality for municipal gov’ts to implement the new rule

• Cannabis tax revenue sharing with municipal governments

• Longer-term private market available to entrepreneurs to support economic development in our communities

• Supportive of improved safety provisions

• At Second Reading debate

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200 University Ave., Suite 801 Toronto ON M5H 3C6 Canada | Tel: 416.971.9856 | Fax: 416.971.6191 | Toll-Free in Ontario: 1.877.426.6527 | [email protected] 4

Name of Legislation

Highlights AMO’s Asks Status

Bill 175 Safer Ontario Act, 2017

• Provides for a new Police Services Act and a new Policing Oversight Act

• Mandates municipal gov’ts to develop Community Safety and Well-Being Plans

• Limited civilianization for delivery of some public safety functions

• 1 police service board per OPP detachment • Own Force Police Service Boards reforms-

training + diversity requirements • Provincial Inspector General establishment • Limited suspension without pay provisions • New waterway policing requirements

Priority policing modernization Asks: • Make changes to the interest

arbitration system. • Improve the quality of the existing

governance and civilian oversight system.

• Make legislative changes to permit the greater transfer of specific functions to civilians or other security providers where appropriate.

• Please see 2015 AMO Policing Modernization report

• AMO’s priority Asks not included in Bill 175- doesn’t address improved efficiency + affordability

• Some of the legislative changes will advance modernization agenda esp. oversight however many elements will increase municipal costs

• At Second Reading debate

Bill 177 – the Stronger, Fairer Ontario (Budget Measures) Act Note- many schedules affect municipal gov’ts

Schedule 2 – Building Code Act • Enables the establishment of a Building

Condition Evaluation Program and a list of building types subject to inspections;

• Enables the creation of a continuing education and professional development program for building officials, inspectors, designers and other relevant persons;

• Authorizes municipalities to establish administrative penalties for non-compliance and authorizes Building Code officials to impose such penalties;

• Improves public notification of orders and enables or in some instances requiring the registration of orders in a land registry office; and

• Permits building officials to enter into buildings and onto land without a warrant for the purposes of inspecting a building, subject to limitations on entry into dwellings.

• The approach the province took on Part 1 of the Elliot Lake Inquiry recommendations is appreciated rather than simply implementing all the recommendation without consideration of municipal impact

• Would have been better to see Elliot Lake legislation introduced as a standalone bill rather than as a budget item.

• It was recommended that any registry or complaints system (as part of the Building Condition Evaluation Program) be housed with the Province and not with individual municipal governments as additional administrative burden

• At Second Reading debate

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200 University Ave., Suite 801 Toronto ON M5H 3C6 Canada | Tel: 416.971.9856 | Fax: 416.971.6191 | Toll-Free in Ontario: 1.877.426.6527 | [email protected] 5

Name of Legislation

Highlights AMO’s Asks Status

Schedule 26 – Ministry of Revenue Act • Enables MOF to request info about a person

or business entity from a municipal government and enables municipal governments to respond for the purposes of tax compliance, addressing the underground economy and with some limitations to protect privacy.

• To address the underground economy for the purposes of maximizing tax compliance.

• Given the administrative burden this item may have on municipal governments, it is important that a municipal government’s response to the MOF’s request for information about a person or business entity remain voluntary.

Schedule 28 – Municipal Act • Amends sections of the Municipal Act on the

Vacant Unit Rebate Program enabling prescribed local municipalities to impose additional requirements or alternative requirements.

• The amendments also enable the Minister to make regulations on how the amount of the tax rebate is to be shared by municipal governments and school boards.

• These changes should provide municipal governments with more local flexibility as per requests

Schedule 35 – Provincial Offences Act • Amends ‘prosecutor’ to include persons

acting on behalf of a municipality • Introduces new procedure for ‘early

resolution meetings between defendant and the prosecutor’

• Requires court houses to be equipped to enable remote attendance of early resolutions meetings

• The legislation introduces changes to fine enforcement. Administrative penalties imposed for defaults will not be affected by payment extensions and there will be a requirement for defaulted fines to be paid in chronological order.

• The amendments enabling the transfer of responsibility for prosecuting Part III cases to municipalities may result in another unfunded mandate for municipal governments.

• Since the legislation requires municipal ‘agreement,’ it is important that a pilot project model not be used to eventually transfer this responsibility onto unwilling municipalities.

• More information needed about the implications and alleged benefits of this change

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200 University Ave., Suite 801 Toronto ON M5H 3C6 Canada | Tel: 416.971.9856 | Fax: 416.971.6191 | Toll-Free in Ontario: 1.877.426.6527 | [email protected] 6

Name of Legislation

Highlights AMO’s Asks Status

• Enables municipalities by agreement with MAG to prosecute any offence under the Act or the Federal Contraventions Act (eliminating restriction to part 1 and part 2 proceedings)

• AMO has supported efforts to introduce new POA processes that enable minor matters to be resolved outside of trial to minimize costly judicial involvement.

• AMO has also been supportive of using new technologies (remote attendance) to streamline processes and reduce costs

Schedule 45 – Workplace Safety and Insurance Act • The proposed amendments make workplace

mental stress claim provisions retroactive to 2014

• This change would result in increased costs for Ontario’s municipal governments.

• In 2017 and 2018, the WSIB’s Premium rate resulted in decreased rates for many employers with the notable exception of local governments, which saw premiums increase well above inflation.

• The implementation of the WSIB Workplace mental stress program is expected to be challenging for all employers.

The Ontario Legislature will rise on December 14th and will resume on February 13, 2018. We will keep members informed as more information is available.

Contact: Monika Turner, Director of Policy, [email protected], 416.971.9856 ext. 318

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Moved by

Seconded by: tTownship of East Zorra-Tavistock - Council Resolution

November 15,2017

Resolution # 3

WHEREAS municipal governments in Ontario do not have the right to approve landfill projects in their communities, but

have authority for making decisions on all other types of development;

AND WHEREAS this out-dated policy allows private landfill operators to consult with local residents and municipal

Councils, but essentially ignore them;

AND WHEREAS proposed Ontario legislation (Bill 139) will grant municipalities additional authority and autonomy to make

decisions for their communities;

AND WHEREAS municipalities already have exclusive rights for approving casinos and nuclear waste facilities within their

communities, AND FURTHER that the province has recognized the value of municipal approval for the siting of power

generation facilities;

AND WHEREAS the recent repod from Ontario's Environmental Commissioner has found that Ontario has a garbageproblem, particularly from lndustrial, Commercial and lnstitutional (lCl) waste generated within the City of Toronto, wherediversion rates are as low as 15o/o;

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AND UNLESS significant efforts are made to increase recycling and diversion rates, a new home for this Toronto garbage

will need to be found, as landfill space is filling up quickly;

AND WHEREAS municipalities across Ontario are quietly being identified and targeted as potential landfill sites for futureToronto garbage by private landfill operators;

AND WHEREAS other communities should not be forced to take Toronto waste, as landfills can contaminate local

watersheds, air quality, dramatically increase heavy truck traffic on community roads, and reduce the quality of life for local


AND WHEREAS municipalities should be considered experts in waste management, as they are responsible for this within

their own communities, and often have decades' worth of in-house expertise in managing waste, recycling, and diversion


AND WHEREAS municipalities should have the exclusive right to approve or reject these projects, and assess whether the

potential economic benefits are of sufficient value to offset any negative impacts and environmental concerns;

THEREFORE BE lT RESOLVED THAT the Township of East Zorra - Tavistock calls upon the Government of Ontario,

and all political parties, to formally grant municipalities the authority to approve landfill projects in or adjacent to theircommunities, prior to June 2018;

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AND THAT in the case of a two-tier municipality, the approval be required at both the upper-tier and affected |ower-tier


AND FURTHER THAT the Township of East Zorra -Tavistock encourage all other municipalities in Ontario to consider

this motion calling for immediate provincial action.

(-(4 (


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Page 1 of 6 Multi-Municipal Wind Turbines

Working Group Meeting Minutes September 14, 2017

Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group Thursday, September 14, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. Chesley Fire Hall 211 1st Ave N., Chesley, Ontario MINUTES A meeting of the Multi Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group was held on Thursday, September 14, 2017 at the Chesley Fire Hall. Participating Municipalities Present: Municipality Name of Members in attendance Arran-Elderslie Mark Davis (Vice-Chair), Keith Stelling Bluewater Dave Roy Brockton Steve Adams, Philip Englishman Chatsworth Scott Mackey, Tony Clark Georgian Bluffs Carol Barfoot Grey Highlands Stewart Halliday (Chair) Meaford André Den Tandt Northern Bruce Peninsula Patricia Greig, Linda Weatherhead South Bruce Peninsula Ana Vukovic, Gord Henrich West Grey Carol Lawrence

Participating Municipalities Absent: Central Huron Huron-Kinloss Kincardine Wainfleet West Lincoln

The following members of Staff were present: Teresa Gowan Arran-Elderslie Secretary Bill Palmer Saugeen Shores Technical Advisor Others in attendance were: Warren Howard North Perth Bonnie Roy Bluewater Dave Hemingway Central Huron Bill MacKenzie Kincardine 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Moved by: Scott Mackey

Seconded by: Patricia Greig That the Agenda for the Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group meeting of September 14, 2017 be received and adopted, as distributed by the Recording Secretary. Carried

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Working Group Meeting Minutes September 14, 2017


No disclosures of pecuniary interests were made by the Committee.

3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by: Carol Lawrence

Seconded by: Keith Stelling That the Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group adopt the minutes of the last Committee Meeting held August 10th, 2017, as circulated. Carried

4. DELEGATIONS 4.1 Warren Howard presented a Powerpoint presentation to the Committee

suggesting how municipalities can help their citizens who are impacted by industrial wind turbines. Municipalities have a responsibility to their citizens and it was proposed that each municipality with operating wind turbines follow up with the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change and invite them to make a presentation to the local Councils on exactly how they are responding to citizen complaints. A variety of specific complaint issues were offered whereby municipalities could address with MOECC and request how the MOECC are responding to these complaints.

Following the presentation the Committee discussed ways how

municipalities could have the MOECC explain their process on handling citizen complaints.

Moved by: Ana Vukovic Seconded by: Gord Henrich That the Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group invite Rick

Chappell, District Manager of the MOECC to attend the MMWTWG to explain the complaint process for noise complaints as it relates to IWT, by year end 2017.


5. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 5.1 Dave Hemingway addressed the Committee and stated that he has

obtained signed Personal Release Forms from the people the Bus Tour attendees visited. The Personal Releases are to Hemingway Productions and refer to the Working Title: Multi-Municipal Bus Tour 2016. Dave provided copies of these Personal Release Forms to the Recording Secretary.

As for who owns the DVD, Dave Hemingway did the video taping receiving

no compensation for this and therefore he said the DVD is owned by Hemingway Productions. While the Committee organized the bus tour, Dave Hemingway stated that the ownership by Hemingway Productions

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Working Group Meeting Minutes September 14, 2017

avoids the Committee from obtaining consent from each of the 15 Councils which make up the Committee.

At last month's meeting the Committee raising the issue of copyright.

Dave Hemingway stated that new copies of the DVD have imprinted on it Hemingway Productions copyright 2017.

While Dave Hemingway stated that by putting the words "copyright 2017"

on the DVD that it is now a copyright product. The Chair and Committee members require assurances that the copyright

is in fact registered. Dave said he will check on that. The Chair, Stewart Halliday, stated that Dave is to get a registered

copyright for the DVD and report back to the Committee. In the meantime, Committee members may show the DVD to their local councils.

Mark Davis expressed concern about Dave Hemingway's wish to distribute

the DVDs at the Ontario Landowner's tent at the International Plowing Match. Mark said some Councils are not comfortable selling the DVDs there and asked if reference to the MMWTWG could be removed from the DVDs. Dave said he will agree to remove the MMWTWG reference from the DVDs being made available there.

Dave said that he has the original video and if anyone wishes more copies

to contact Dave Hemingway directly. 5.2 Chad Walker authored an article in the August edition of Municipal World

titled "The Need for Community-based Approaches to Wind Energy" and Stewart contacted Chad Walker and invited him and his colleagues to the area for a tour of IWTs in the area. Unfortunately, Stewart was unavailable on the particular day of the scheduled tour, therefore Mark Davis met with Chad Walker and his colleagues on August 16, 2017. Mark provided an update of that visit. Mark Davis stated that in addition to Chad Walker, there were two professors from Western University, one from University of Waterloo, and one from Belfast, Ireland. In addition, there was one planning student from Nova Scotia and two planning students from Belfast, Ireland.

Mark took them on a tour of areas which have a number of IWTs and

explained how they affect people's health. Mark said it was a good meeting and he stated that the planning students were willing to listen to the message. The last place they visited was Shawn & Trish Drennan's place. Shawn did a great job of letting these visitors know how the IWTs are affecting their health as well as their neighbours' health.

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Working Group Meeting Minutes September 14, 2017

Mark said the saddest news is that Shawn and Trish Drennan's health is deteriorating and they may need to leave their new house.

Stewart Halliday asked the Recording Secretary to send a thank you letter

to Shawn and Trish thanking them for hosting these visitors. 5.3 Steve Adams advised the Committee that he, in his capacity as a private

citizen, wrote to Chad Walker concerning Mr. Walker's article "The Need for Community-based Approaches to Wind Energy" in the August edition of Municipal World. Steve challenged Chad Walker on a number of items Mr. Walker raised in the article.

Steve Adams read his letter to the Committee and he stated that Mr.

Walker was comparing the wind turbines in Ontario to the wind turbines in Nova Scotia. Steve was familiar with the wind turbines in Nova Scotia as he had visited there and took a lot of pictures of IWTs. Steve stated that there are only 296 IWTs in Nova Scotia versus 2,700 IWTs in Ontario. There are differences between Nova Scotia and Ontario as to the size of IWTs and where they are located. Steve noted that the IWTs in Nova Scotia would be 3 or 4 on a hill approximately 10 kms away from homes whereas in Ontario the setback is only 500 meters from homes.

Steve Adams said that Chad Walker did respond to his letter and read the

response to the Committee. Stewart Halliday thanked Steve for doing this in his role as a private

citizen and suggested that since his letter was so well written perhaps Steve may wish to consider writing an article to the Editor of Municipal World.

A number of Committee members agreed that the letter Steve Adams

wrote was well written and thanked him for sending the letter to Chad Walker.

6. NEW BUSINESS 6.1 Reviewed draft Media Release from the MMWTWG prepared by Keith

Stelling supporting the residents of North Kent in their challenge with Samsung concerning their contaminated well water due to continued pile driving for the 36 wind turbine project. The MOECC approved the project even thought it is situated on an important aquifer. A number of concerned citizens blockaded the entrance to the project. A couple of First Nations women also came forth in support with a deed of land proclamation issued in 1850 by the Province of Canada which gives ownership of the land to the First Nations people as original inhabitants. They voiced their concern and stated that the company is ruining people's water and that food, water and shelter are basic necessities and this is an international human rights issue.

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Working Group Meeting Minutes September 14, 2017

The Water Wells First group of North Chatham will present their evidence

at a hearing in court at the end of September. By a show of hands, the Committee agreed to have the Media Release

circulated to various publications.


7.1 In the updates from municipalities, the following municipalities have passed a Resolution supporting CCSAGE Naturally Green Judicial Review Application: Brockton West Grey Chatsworth Grey Highlands Arran-Elderslie Northern Bruce Peninsula Warren Howard stated that the appeal period for the Fairview Project in Clearview Township, being the project near the Collingwood Airport, has already expired or would soon expire. The ERT decision went against the wind developer. Stewart Halliday stated that the 5 IWT project at Badjeros failed due to funding issues. 7.2 The letter and attachments addressed to Minister Chris Ballard, MOECC, which were approved at last month's meeting, were sent to him by regular mail and email.

8. DATE AND LOCATION OF NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING The next meeting date is scheduled for Thursday, October 12, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. at the Chesley Fire Hall, 211 1st Ave. N., Chesley.

9. RESOLUTION TO MOVE INTO CLOSED SESSION AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF (includes appointed Councillor(s) and citizen appointee)

Not Required


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Working Group Meeting Minutes September 14, 2017


Moved by: André Den Tandt Seconded by: Dave Roy That the meeting be adjourned to the call of the Chair. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Carried

Original Signed by Original Signed by ______________________________ ___________________________ Stewart Halliday, Chair Teresa Gowan, Recording Secretary

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Full Authority Board of Directors

Wednesday, October 11th, 2017 – 1:15 p.m.


The Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Board of Directors meeting was held at the Conservation Authority Administration Centre located on Inglis Falls Road. 1. Call to Order Chair Dick Hibma called the meeting to order. Directors Present Al Barfoot, Sue Carleton, Jaden Calvert, Dick Hibma, Cathy Little, John McGee Marion Koepke, Paul Eagleson, and Ana Vukovic Directors Absent - Harley Greenfield and Shawn Greig Staff Present – Sonya Skinner, Doreen Robinson, John Bittorf, Andy Sorensen, Tim Lanthier, Carl Seider, Alison Armstrong, Jason Traynor, Cam Bennett, Rebecca Ferguson, and Gloria Dangerfield

Commencing with the November BOD’s agenda, the regular and consent agendas will be both listed under the one item – “Adoption of Agenda”. 2. Adoption of Agenda Motion No.: Moved by: Al Barfoot FA-17-092 Seconded by: Cathy Little THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Board of Directors approve the agenda of October 11th, 2017, with the following amendments: Under Item #10)

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BOD Minutes – Oct 11/17 - Pg. 2

- Other Business – Add Clendenan Dam and Haines Dam; Remove Item #4) – Adoption of Consent Agenda; Remove Item #11) Closed Session – Personnel; Carried 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest The Directors were reminded to disclose any pecuniary interest that may arise during the course of the meeting. No disclosures of pecuniary interest were expressed at this time. 4. Approval of Minutes Motion No.: Moved by: John McGee FA-17-093 Seconded by: Jaden Calvert THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Board of Directors approve the Full Authority minutes of September 13th, 2017, with the following amendment: Item #2 – “reads Adoption of Minutes”, should read “Adoption of Agenda”. Carried 5. Business Out Of Minutes 1) Organizational Chart – Information The organizational chart was reviewed. The Species at Risk & Invasive Species Technician job box should include the incumbent’s name Elaine VanDenKieboom. The chart will be updated. 2) Clendenan Dam Meeting with Fishing Clubs Sonya Skinner, John Bittorf and Jason Traynor had a successful meeting with

members or the Lake Huron Fishing Club, Georgian Triangle Anglers Association,

Beaver River Watershed Initiative and MNRF. The fishing clubs are interested in

ensuring that the fishway is not plugged, and there were several questions to

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BOD Minutes – Oct 11/17 - Pg. 3

MNRF about opening the fishway during the time of the year when salmon would

use it, as the current river management plan limits salmon access above this dam.

GSC shared their normal maintenance and inspection practices with participants,

and noted that the internal fishway inspections show the fishway is consistently

clear. Participants noted that fishing club members are willing to provide notice

to GSC if they notice a blockage. As a follow up, Jason went through the fishway a

week later and took pictures for the group to show the setup inside the

structure. No blockages were found.

6. Consent Agenda Motion No.: Moved by: Marion Koepke FA-17-094 Seconded by: Jaden Calvert THAT in consideration of the Consent Agenda, Items listed on the October 11th, 2017, agenda, the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Board of Directors receives the following items: 1) the list of permits under Ontario Regulation 151/06 – “Development, Interference, with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation”, for September 2017; 2) Receipts and Expenses for September 2017; 3) BRWI Minutes – September 21st, 2017; 4) Foundation Minutes – September 20th, 2017; 5) Forestry Committee Minutes – September 26th, 2017; 6) Arboretum Alliance Minutes – May 16th, 2017 & September 12th, 2017; 7) Correspondence – i) Letter from Anne Lennox re: retirement; ii) Letter from Krista McKee – re: retirement; 8) Staff Meeting Minutes – September 6th, 2017; Carried The Chair of the Arboretum Alliance is now providing minutes of their meetings for circulation in the BOD’s meeting packages. Marion Koepke commented on the good work from the Planning Department with regards to the high volume of permits that have been issued under Section 28 for September.

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BOD Minutes – Oct 11/17 - Pg. 4

7. Business Items a) Water Management 1) Invasive Species Report Rebecca Ferguson, Stewardship Technician, made a presentation on invasive plant species, including relevant legislation and regulations, what municipalities, stakeholders and Grey Sauble Conservation are doing now, and a range of potential go-forward roles and activities for GSC. GSC’s current activities include presentations, mapping and contract work for others. There are also Phragmites cutters purchased by BRWI that are available for use by groups. Invasive plant species on roadsides, parks and recreation areas are a common concern among all eight member municipalities and both counties. Dick Hibma recommended contacting Francis Chua at Bruce Power. John McGee stated that there is quite a range of invasive species and should GSCA be focused on the ones that affect our watershed. The extent of the problem of invasive species needs to be defined and distinguish responsibilities with partners to avoid any duplication. Al Barfoot mentioned the Wild Chervil work being led by Grey County. GSCA should be concentrating on what affects the watershed. Marion Koepke requested that a presentation be arranged for the Owen Sound Community Services Committee. On a pilot basis for 2018, GSC staff recommend that GSC start to take a coordination and leadership role strongly directed to finding, understanding and addressing the highest priority invasive species. This includes:

• Educating the local community on invasive species and begin monitoring and controlling invasive species on GSC properties.

• Providing a set initial level of monitoring, mapping and control activities at priority areas identified with local municipalities.

- These activities would be delivered by the Stewardship Technician with support from GSC’s SAR/IS Technician.

- Pending the amount of fee for service work, once it is secured the additional needed seasonal staff or students would be hired for delivery.

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BOD Minutes – Oct 11/17 - Pg. 5

• Providing a report-back at the end of 2018, including incorporation of municipalities input, to recommend whether to continue or change GSC’s role and activities in 2019.

If all recommendations are selected, the total cost of implementation would be $20,400 from municipal levy funding, and generally directed toward continuing the Stewardship Technician position. Motion No.: Moved by: John McGee FA-17-095 Seconded by: Jaden Calvert THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Board of Directors approve in principle Report #11-2017 – Invasive Species Action Plan Options for the Grey Sauble Watershed. Carried b) Environmental Planning 1) National Disaster Mitigation Program Application Support

Grey Sauble Conservation has, in collaboration with Grey County and the Blue

Mountains, put forward a proposal for the National Disaster Mitigation

Program. This program offers 50% funding to applicant Provincial & Territorial

agencies to undertake projects that will fill a critical gap in Canada's ability to

effectively mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from, flood-related

events by building a body of knowledge on flood risks in Canada, and investing in

foundational flood mitigation activities.

This project will move Grey Sauble Conservation (GSC), Grey County and the Town

of the Blue Mountains much closer to a well-engineered, thorough and systematic

understanding of potential flooding scenarios, and enable proactive flood

mitigation and resiliency actions, including the development of investment

plans. The proposed approach includes the capture of elevation data across the

Lake Huron Georgian Bay lake fringe subwatersheds in Grey County, which span

from the west side of Collingwood to the east edge of Wiarton, and using the

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BOD Minutes – Oct 11/17 - Pg. 6

information in a defined pilot area (the Craigleith and Camperdown subwatershed

pilot area in the Town of the Blue Mountains), such that at the end of this project

the Risk Assessment activities will be completed, and the municipalities and GSC

can prioritize immediate flood mitigation actions and effectively proceed in the

next phase with flood mapping over the entire area.

The total contribution across the three partners, including both cash and in-kind

contributions is $138,000, with a total value of $276,000 if approved when the

federal contribution is added.

Motion No.: Moved by: Sue Carleton

FA-17-096 Seconded by: Jaden Calvert

THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Board of Directors support the application to the National Disaster Mitigation Program, with a commitment by the Board if the application is approved. Carried

Blue Mountains, and Grey County will need to endorse a similar motion and

forward it on to the Province with the Province forwarding it on to the Federal


c) Lands Update – nothing at this time

d) Administration

2) Capital Asset Management Plan

Sonya Skinner reviewed the comments received on the Capital Asset

Management Plan and staff updates with the Board. The following points were


• The Administration Centre financial needs were increased to $600,000

including an estimated cost of $440,000 to bring the building up to

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BOD Minutes – Oct 11/17 - Pg. 7

accessibility standards, as well as work on the roof, energy efficiency, the

electrical and heating systems and the offices layout.

o Any programs for building improvements, such as energy efficiency

would be applied for.

o Directors suggested and staff agreed that they will consider a new or

different building, as well as renovation.

• There are caveats in the report that require future work, such as:

o All signs, specifically entrance and other, need to be inventoried and


o There is no listing of culverts the Authority owns or their condition,

so their needs are not included in this plan.

o Actual value of all trails is not known. Further work is required to

understand their replacement costs.

o Studies on the needs for our dams are required.

o Further work on the value of the ecological services delivered by

GSC’s lands will be completed.

• Dick Hibma mentioned that all the pavilions are not listed in this Asset

Management Plan but were in the first draft. Staff will follow up.

Motion No.: Moved by: Al Barfoot

FA-17-097 Seconded by: Jaden Calvert

THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Board of Directors accept the 2nd

draft of the Capital Asset Management Plan dated October 4th, 2017, to be used

as input into the 2018 Budget.


1) Draft #1 of Proposed 2018 Budget

The CAO provided an overview of the proposed 2018 priorities, the associated

budget changes and the overall recommended 2018 budget. The following

discussion was held:

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• Paul Eagleson questioned putting $600,000 into a 40 year old building

compared to building a new one.

• 8 entrance signs per year will be replaced

• Given the mounting volume and increasing complexity of planning and

permit applications, it is recommended that this department be increased

by one person. In lieu of filling the Intermediate Planning position the

budget proposal is for two Planning Technician positions (contract). Staff

will report back on whether an increase in fees is viable to address the net

change of $30,000 in departmental levy costs.

Motion No.: Moved by: John McGee

FA-17-098 Seconded by: Marion Koepke

THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Board of Directors request staff to

prepare a report on increasing planning and regulation fees with revenue being

generated by $30,000 to avoid an increase in the levy by this amount with this

report showing the staff compliment for 2017 vs 2018.


• The Stewardship Technician position and the Invasive Species Technician

will be included in staffing for 2018.

• Paul Eagleson said the public have expressed that the GSCA Planning

Department is on top of their game. Paul feels that hiring full time staff for

Planning is more likely to attract the high quality and longer-term staff

required. Staff were directed to bring back a report on a full time vs

contract option.

• The Foundation were requested to help with the funding for renewed

properties signage, and have provided a preliminary reply that they are

interested in helping.

Marion Koepke left the meeting at 3:45 p.m.

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BOD Minutes – Oct 11/17 - Pg. 9

• The modified current assessment is used to assign portions of the municipal

levy to each municipality. Staff were surprised that this value has

decreased for five of GSC’s eight municipalities and is following up with


• GSC has contracts with Grey County which include a 15% administration


• For Drinking Water Source Protection the actual costs are charged to

MOECC, including a portion of GSC’s administration and building costs.

• Paul Eagleson commented that we have less funds to carry out our

mandate than we had 20 years ago. The draft budget should be taken to

the municipalities, and include the dollar value increase of $120,000 broken

down by municipality.

• Dick Hibma said the $120,000 could be revised lower, pending decision on

fees for permit and planning services.

• Ana Vukovic commented that some councils are not fully familiar with

GSC’s mandate and services.

• Dick Hibma will be making a presentation to the MNRF voicing our concern

that with regards to the $71,779 from the MNRF stressing that this money

is well below the costs to deliver the mandatory programs. It is hoped that

the Province of Ontario would increase that figure. Financially, the MNRF is

an insignificant partner with the municipalities being the significant


3) CAO’s Update and Monthly Calendar

o Grey County has supported GSC by putting out trail use counters on three

trails by Grey County in August. Average daily attendance for the month

was: Eugenia Falls - 185 people a day; Derby (Grey Co. property) – 9

people a day; Bognor Marsh - 25 people a day.

o GSC’s contribution to the Springmount municipal drain will be $16,500.

This includes the new pedestrian bridge from GSC’s property (OSTC parking

lot) to the Pottawatomi/Jones Falls trails. In lieu of re-using the old

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BOD Minutes – Oct 11/17 - Pg. 10

decking, the Foundation paid for the new wooden decking, and it is

intended to install a plaque at the site to recognize their support.

o There is one remaining presentation in Meaford seeking Strategic Plan

input. Initial observations continue to be that some council members and

the public don’t know what GSC does, and we are generally thought of as a

regulator of nature-related things (whereas we are actually a regulator

related to flood and other water hazards and provincially-significant

wetlands and have an encouraging and communication role related to

conservation). We also have not attracted a lot of participants to the

sessions so our advertising approach will require future improvements. The

next step is a discussion at the November Board meeting.

o Thanksgiving observations – Old Baldy – was smooth; 30+ vehicles at


o Field staff are stretched to cover weekend needs.

Cathy Little pointed out that the Stategic Planning meeting held at Grey

Highlands on September 13th was not reflected in the BOD’s calendar. It will be

put in the calendar.

4) Proposed Change in Meeting Dates for 2018

At present the BOD’s meeting dates are the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 1:15

p.m. Due to Stat holidays and the closeness to month end, it is sometimes

difficult to have BOD’s agenda items prepared on time. Jaden Calvert suggested

the 4th Wednesday of the month. Members who were not present during this

discussion will be contacted to ask if this date would accommodate their


e) Forestry, Fish and Wildlife

1) Forest Management Policy – deferred until the November Meeting

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BOD Minutes – Oct 11/17 - Pg. 11

2) Forestry Tenders

Cam Bennett, Forestry Technician, presented the following summary on tenders

which were received for Sawlog, Fuelwood, and Pine Thinning Tenders which

closed on October 10th.

Kolapore Uplands Management Area – Compartment 83 Lot 12, Concession 14, Municipality of Grey Highlands (formerly Osprey Twp), Grey County - Marked Area: 70 acres Volume Tendered: Sawlogs – 63,113 fbm Fuelwood – 134 full cords Tenders Received

Contractor Total Bid

Page Logging 33,520.00 Klemmer Lumber Ltd. 50,100.00

Complete Woodlot Mgmt. 47,000.00

Midwest Eccles Ltd. 51,250.00 Timber Horse Logging 29,110.00

Bester Forest Products 36,800.00 Kolapore Uplands Management Area – Compartment 93 North Part Lot 4, Concession 6, Town of the Blue Mountains (formerly Collingwood Twp), Grey County - Marked Area: 20 acres Volume Tendered: Sawlogs – 25,607 fbm Fuelwood – 15 full Cords Tenders Received

Contractor Total Bid

Klemmer Lumber Ltd. 26,100.00 Midwest Eccles Ltd. 22,150.00

Timber Horse Logging 13,010.00

Complete Woodlot Mgmt. 17,000.00 Sydenham Forest Management Area – Compartment 164

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BOD Minutes – Oct 11/17 - Pg. 12

Est Part Lot 22, Concession 6, Municipality of Meaford (formerly Sydenham Twp), Grey County - Marked Area: 40 acres Volume Tendered: Sawlogs – 29,527 fbm Fuelwood – 213 full cords Tenders Received

Contractor Total Bid

Klemmer Lumber Ltd. 21,600.00 Midwest Eccles Ltd. 22,100.00

Timber Horse Logging 11,010.00

Complete Woodlot Mgmt. 23,500.00 Pine Thinning Tenders Rockford Management Area – Compartment 155 North Part Lot 9, Concession 12, Municipality of Meaford (formerly Sydenham Twp), Grey County - Marked Area: 3 acres Volume Tendered: White Pine (100%) – 20 cords Tenders Received

Contractor Total Bid

Moggie Valley Timber Inc. 400.00

Telfer Creek Management Area – Compartment 163 North Part Lot 15, Concession 10, Municipality of Meaford (formerly Sydenham Twp), Grey County - Marked Area: 6 acres Volume Tendered: Red Pine (90%), White Pine (10%) – 68 cords Tenders Received

Contractor Total Bid Moggie Valley Timber Inc. 3,400.00

Skinners Bluff Management Area – Compartment 146 Lot 20, Concession 25, Township of Georgian Bluffs (formerly Derby Twp), Grey County. Marked Area: 12 acres Volume Tendered: White Pine (60%), Red Pine (40%) – 140 cords Total

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BOD Minutes – Oct 11/17 - Pg. 13

Tenders Received

Contractor Total Bid

Liverance Lumber Inc. 9,380.00 Moggie Valley Timber Inc. 7,000.00

Bognor Marsh Management Area – Compartment 27 North Part Lot 10, Concession 4, Municipality of Meaford (formerly Sydenham Twp), Grey County - Marked Area: 18 acres Volume Tendered: White Pine (70%), White Spruce (30%) – 271 Full Cords Tenders Received

Contractor Total Bid Liverance Lumber Inc. 18,970.00

Moggie Valley Timber Inc. 13,550.00

Motion No.: Moved by: Cathy Little

FA-17-099 Seconded by: Ana Vukovic

THAT Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Board of Directors award the tenders for Sawlog, Fuelwood and Pine Thinning Tenders as follows: Kolapore Uplands Management Area-Compartment 83 to Midwest Eccles Ltd. for their total bid of $51,250.00, subject to signing the agreement; Kolapore Uplands Management Area-Compartment 93 to Klemmer Lumber Ltd. for their total bid of $26,100.00, subject to signing the agreement; Sydenham Forest Management Area-Compartment 164 to Complete Woodlot Management for their total bid of $23,500.00, subject to signing the agreement; Rockford Management Area-Compartment 155 to Moggie Valley Timber Inc. for their total bid of $400.00, subject to signing the agreement. Telfer Creek Management Area-Compartment 163 to Moggie Valley Timber Inc. for their total bid of $3,400.00, subject to signing the agreement; Skinners Bluff Management Area-Compartment 146 to Liverance Lumber Inc. for their total bid of $9,380.00, subject to signing the agreement;

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BOD Minutes – Oct 11/17 - Pg. 14

Bognor Marsh Management Area-Compartment 27 to Liverance Lumber Inc. for their total bid of $18,970.00, subject to signing the agreement. Carried f) Communications/Public Relations – nothing at this time g) DWSP/RMO Report – nothing at this time 8. Chair’s Report Since our September meeting I have attended and participated in Strategic Plan consultations with the municipalities of Grey Highlands, South Bruce Peninsula, Township of Chatsworth, and the City of Owen Sound. Additional local meetings included the Drinking Water Source Protection Committee on Sept. 22nd, with members of the executive of the Grey Sauble Conservation Foundation regarding their strategic planning process on Sept. 27th, and the Forestry Committee meeting on Sept. 26th. I also attended the Conservation Ontario meeting on Sept. 25th where MNRF Minister Kathryn McGarry attended to speak to the Conservation Ontario Council members. She provided an update on the progress to date of Bill 139, with includes the proposed changes to the Conservation Authorities Act, and expressed her appreciation for and support of Conservation Authorities across the province. The Bill has passed 2nd reading in the Legislature and is now sent to committee for additional consultation, all party review and debate on potential revisions. It is anticipated that the Bill should be back to the Legislature for final reading and passage prior to the Christmas break. We’ll remain cautiously optimistic about the timing. This year the Conservation Authorities Biennial Tour was hosted by Credit Valley Conservation and Conservation Halton from Oct 1st through 4th, touring projects and properties on the Lake Ontario shoreline, flood management initiatives in the highly developed urban area of Mississauga to address concerns in Cooksville Creek, commercial / industrial properties demonstrating Low Impact Development features in Oakville, housing developments in Milton which incorporated biodiversity restoration initiatives in a highly compromised river,

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BOD Minutes – Oct 11/17 - Pg. 15

extensive rehabilitation of early phases of the Milton quarry, the Glen Eden ski hill operated by Conservation Halton, and Crawford Lake which features an historic Iroquois village and interpretive centre along with the unique meromictic Crawford Lake which led to the discovery of evidence of the First Nations settlement over 600 years ago. I also had the opportunity to attend two separate events to mark the launch of Mark Zelinski’s latest book, The Heart of Turtle Island, The Niagara Escarpment. The first was held at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton on Sept. 20th, and the second was held this past Friday, Oct. 6th where I was given the opportunity to speak about the value of the escarpment to our region and our Conservation Authorities. We do have a limited number of these books available for sale here at the Administrative Centre, and I encourage you all to have a look through it. Jaden Calvert left the meeting at 4:25 p.m. 9. Other Business a) Committees – Minutes 1) Friends of Hibou – nothing at this time b) Next Meetings - Wednesday, November 8th, 2017 at 1:15 p.m. - Wednesday, December 13th, 2017 – meeting at 9:30 at GSCA Administration Centre followed by Christmas Luncheon at Tara Legion at 12 noon c) Haines Dam – John McGee advised that a plaque had been erected at the Haines Dam with the Haines family present. Congratulations to Grey Sauble Staff. It is a beautiful location for a picnic which is being planned to watch the salmon spawn. 10. Adjournment – On motion by Al Barfoot, the meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. ____________________________ __________________________________ Dick Hibma, Chair Doreen Robinson, Administrative Assistant This set of minutes was approved at the BOD’s meeting held on November 8th, 2017.

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Inter-Township Fire Department Joint Board of Management Agenda

This document can be made available in other accessible formats or with communications supports as soon as practicable and upon request.

November 14, 2017, 3:00 p.m., Council Chambers

Members Present: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley (Chair) Deputy Mayor Harley Greenfield Mayor Alan Barfoot Councillor Tom Wiley Councillor Steve Bartley

Staff Present: Kassandra Rocca, Director of Finance/ Treasurer Carl Linthorne, Fire Chief Brittany Drury, Legislative Services Assistant (Recording Secretary) 1. Call to Order

Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley called the meeting to order at 2:58 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda/Additions to the Agenda

3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

1. October 10, 2017 Moved By: Mayor Alan Barfoot Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Harley Greenfield That the Joint Board of Management adopt the minutes of the meeting held on October 10, 2017.

Carried – Resolution No. 2017-076

5. Presentations


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Inter-Township Fire Department Joint Board of Management Agenda

November 14, 2017

Page 2 of 5

6. Delegations

1. A.J. Lake, Town of the Blue Mountains Deputy Fire Chief / Grey County Fire Coordinator - Air Light Support Unit - 2004 Freightliner

The Board moved to waive the Procedural By-law to consider the Chief’s report regarding the Air light Support Unit with Mr. Lake’s delegation.

Mr. Lake introduced himself and gave a detailed summation of the Chief’s report. The unit will be provided by Bruce Power and shared amongst Grey County departments, with delivery anticipated for January – February 2018. The unit will be owned by the Grey County Chiefs Association and stored at the Inter-Township Fire Hall in Owen Sound. The Township of Georgian Bluffs will be responsible for payment of insurance costs associated with the unit, however such costs will be reimbursed via the County. Any additional costs to the Township associated with the unit will also be reimbursed by the County.

The Board inquired regarding the refilling and purchasing of air bottles for the unit, the state of the motor and compression unit and the unit’s potential life span.

Mr. Lake noted that the unit and all associated components had been tested and meet industry standards.

The Board directed the Fire Chief to prepare a report with additional information regarding the unit to be presented at the December 12th meeting of the Board.

Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley Seconded By: Councillor Steve Bartley That the Inter-township Fire Department Board of Management receive the report for information purposes.

Carried – Resolution No. 2017-077

7. Public Question Period

8. Correspondence


9. Staff Reports

1. Fire Department

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Inter-Township Fire Department Joint Board of Management Agenda

November 14, 2017

Page 3 of 5

a) Emergency Responses

There was a discussion regarding:

Call 17168 included in the Fire Summary Report Call 17172 included in the Fire Summary Report Call 160 and 166 included in the Fire Summary Report False alarm procedures

Moved By: Councillor Steve Bartley Seconded By: Mayor Alan Barfoot That the Inter-Township Fire Department Joint Board of Management receive the Emergency Response reports for October, 2017 for information purposes.

Carried – Resolution No. 2017-078

b) Inspection Report

Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley Seconded By: Councillor Steve Bartley That the Inter-Township Fire Department Joint Board of Management receive the Inspection reports for October, 2017 for information purposes.

Carried – Resolution No. 2017-079

c) Air Light Support Unit - 2004 Freightliner

Recommendation: That the Inter-township Fire Department Board of Management receive the report for information purposes. The report was discussed and received with Mr. Lake’s delegation.

2. Treasury Department

a) Voucher #09-2017

There was a discussion regarding a transfer from BMO to CIBC. The Secretary / Treasurer explained that the Board is moving to CIBC from BMO and the transfer was completed to facilitate said move.

Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley Seconded By: Councillor Steve Bartley

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Inter-Township Fire Department Joint Board of Management Agenda

November 14, 2017

Page 4 of 5

That the Inter-Township Fire Department Joint Board of Management approves Voucher #09-2017 in the amount of $86,517.26 for the period from October 3, 2017 to November 8, 2017.

Carried – Resolution No. 2017-080

b) 2017 Financial Report

There was a discussion regarding:

Insurance Capital purchases and Capital equipment Depreciation on expenditures

Moved By: Councillor Steve Bartley Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Harley Greenfield That the Inter-Township Fire Department Joint Board of Management receive the updated 2017 Financial report for information purposes.

Carried – Resolution No. 2017-081

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

There was a discussion regarding an audit being conducted by the Fire Marshall’s office in Meaford. The Board had received correspondence indicating there was documentation outstanding from the Inter-Township Fire Department. The Fire Chief explained that he had provided all required documentation to the best of his knowledge and provided the Board with email correspondence from the Fire Marshall’s office indicating so.

The Fire Chief inquired regarding a disposal of surplus equipment policy and sought direction from the Board in forming such a policy. The Secretary / Treasurer recommended that both she and the Chief work in unison to formulate the policy. The Board directed the Secretary / Treasurer and Fire Chief to create a policy to be considered at the next meeting of the Board.

12. In Camera Moved By: Deputy Mayor Harley Greenfield Seconded By: Councillor Steve Bartley

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Inter-Township Fire Department Joint Board of Management Agenda

November 14, 2017

Page 5 of 5

That the Joint Board of Management for the Inter-Township Fire Department does now go into closed session at 3:50 p.m. in the Council Chambers with the Secretary/Treasurer and HR Manager remaining in the room to discuss:

a) Adoption of minutes from previous meeting

b) Matters related to labour relations.

Carried – Resolution No. 2017-082

13. Date of Next Meeting Upon resuming open session, the Board directed the Secretary / Treasurer to arrange a meeting with union representatives. December 12, 2017 3:00 pm.

14. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 4:32 p.m. on a motion moved by Councillor Steve Bartley.

____________________________ Dwight Burley, Chair

____________________________ Brittany Drury, Recording Secretary

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Police Services Board Minutes

This document can be made available in other accessible formats or with communications supports as soon as practicable and upon request.

November 20, 2017, 4:30 p.m., Council Chambers

Members Present: Mayor Alan Barfoot Provincial Member Dick Beresford (Chair) Community Member Dan Aleven

OPP Present: Inspector Martin Murray Staff Present: Christine Fraser-McDonald (Recording Secretary)

1. Call to Order Chair Dick Beresford called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.

2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof None declared.

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

a) September 18, 2017

Moved by: Mayor Barfoot That the Police Services Board adopt the minutes of the meeting held on September 18, 2017.

Carried PSB2017-014

4. Additions to the Agenda

a) Assumption of roads and additions of new stops signs and speed limits

5. Delegations or Deputations (if required) None.

6. Reports and Recommendations

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Township of Georgian Bluffs

Police Services Board Minutes November 20, 2017

Page 2 of 3

a) Detachment Commander’s Report for September/October 2017

The report for September/October was summarized for the Board.

Violent crimes have risen slightly and property crimes have decreased. There has been a significant drop in fraud as well as drug related occurrences. Domestic disturbances have increased from five in 2016 to 13 in 2017.

911 pocket dials have also increased. These are very labour intensive calls as two officers are still required to respond.

The “Festive R.I.D.E.” season will start on November 24, 2017.

There has been numerous car/deer incidents.

In September, there was 52.75 hours of overtime and 51.75 in October.

Moved by: Member Dan Aleven That the Police Services Board accepts the Detachment Commander’s Report for July/August 2017.

Carried PSB2017-015

7. Public Question Period None.

8. New Business

a) Assumption of roads and additions of new stops signs and speed limits

Inspector Murray noted that the OPP would like to be notified of any new stop signs, changes in speed limits and the assumption of new roads within the Township.

9. Unfinished Business:

a) Joint Ticket Books

The Secretary updated the Board regarding Joint Ticket Books.

10. Next Meeting Date:

January 15, 2018 at 4:30 p.m.

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Township of Georgian Bluffs

Police Services Board Minutes November 20, 2017

Page 3 of 3

11. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 5:59 p.m. on a motion moved by Member Alan Barfoot.


Dick Beresford, Chair


Christine Fraser-McDonald, Recording Secretary

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Operations Committee Minutes

This document can be made available in other accessible formats or with communications supports as soon as practicable and upon request.

November 14, 2017, 1:00 p.m., Council Chambers

Members Present: Mayor Alan Barfoot Councillor Sue Carleton Councillor Carol Barfoot Councillor Paul Sutherland

Staff Present: Rick Winters, Director of Operations / Acting CAO Brian Anderson, Operations Administrative Assistant (Recording Secretary)

1. Call to Order

Chair Sutherland called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof

None declared.

3. Delegations or Deputations (if required)


4. Public Question Period


5. Reports and Recommendations

a) OPS2017-89 Shallow Lake Water Plant SCADA Upgrades

Moved by: Mayor Barfoot

That the Operations Committee recommends that the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approve implementation of SCADA upgrades at the Shallow

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Operations Committee Minutes

November 14, 2017

Page 2 of 4

Lake Water treatment plant by OCWA at a price of $21,792.50 to be funded by the Clean Water Waste Water Fund (CWWF) grant.

Carried OP 2017-052

b) OPS2017-91 Snow Clearing Tender Results Cobble Beach

Moved by: Councillor Carleton

That the Operations Committee accepts the snow removal tender, subject to the roads being assumed by by-law within Cobble Beach to Cobble Beach Golf Links at the following prices:

Cobble beach Drive $225.00 / trip McLeese Drive $150.00 / trip Punkinseed Lane $60.00 / trip Snowberry Lane $18.00 / trip Braw Glint Lane $18.00 / trip Algonquin Trail $30.00 / trip Telford Trail $45.00 / trip Algoma Crescent $48.00 / trip

Carried OP 2017-053

c) OPS2017-92 East Linton Water System Pressure Reducing Chamber Waterproofing

Moved by: Councillor Barfoot

That the Operations Committee recommends that the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approve the hiring of WiseCracks to provide waterproofing service to the pressure reducing valve chamber opposite the low lift pump station at a price of $6,331.39 plus HST to be funded by the Clean Water Waste Water Fund (CWWF) grant.

Carried OP 2017-054

d) OPS2017-96 Unmaintained Roads and Private Roads

Moved by: Councillor Carleton

That the Operations Committee receives Report OPS2017-96 and provides direction to Staff to continue the development of a policy for the assumption of unmaintained roads and private lanes.

Carried OP 2017-055

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Operations Committee Minutes

November 14, 2017

Page 3 of 4

6. Committee Direction Updates

a) Committee Directions Report – October

Committee would like to see “If you have already sent in your email, thank you for supplying it”, and “that this email address will only be used for boil water notifications” added to the poster and door hanger.

Moved by: Councillor Barfoot

That the Operations Committee directs Staff to proceed with the placing of posters in public spaces and proceed with door hangers.

Carried OP 2017-056 7. Other Business


8. Correspondence

a) OCWA – Monthly Process and Compliance Status Report – September 2017

Received for information

b) GBHU – Small Drinking Water Systems Newsletter October 2017

Received for information.

c) Jerry Hamilton – Georgian Bluffs Road Maintenance

Committee directed Staff to respond to all residents on the petition that Committee has received this correspondence and that a policy will be brought back for consideration in 2018.

9. Committee Inquires

a) Grading of Keppel Sarawak Townline – Committee inquired about the poor road conditions seen on Keppel Sarawak Townline. This was caused by grading combined with heavy rain. Once the road had hardened up it was scratched with ice blades to remove the worst of the ruts.

10. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 2:21 p.m. on a motion moved by Councillor Barfoot.

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Operations Committee Minutes

November 14, 2017

Page 4 of 4

____________________________ Councillor Paul Sutherland, Chair

____________________________ Brian Anderson, Recording Secretary

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Page 1 of 4

Township of Georgian Bluffs Corporate Services, Finance & Building Committee Minutes

This document can be made available in other accessible formats or with communications supports as soon as practicable and upon request.

November 20, 2017, 2:00 p.m., Council Chambers

Members Present: Mayor Alan Barfoot Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley (Chair) Councillor Tom Wiley Councillor Ryan Thompson Members Absent: Staff Present: Brittany Drury, Legislative Services Assistant (Recording Secretary) Zach Carson, Facilities Coordinator Wendi Hunter, Clerk / Director of Legislative Services Kassandra Rocca, Treasurer / Director of Finance

1. Call to Order

Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley called the meeting to order at 1:59 p.m.

2. Approval of Agenda/Additions to the Agenda

3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

4. Presentations


5. Delegations Nil

6. Public Question Period

7. Correspondence Nil

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Corporate Services, Finance & Building Committee Minutes

November 20, 2017

Page 2 of 4

8. Staff Reports

1. Finance

a) Updated Financial Report

There was a brief discussion regarding lines 610-1256 to 610-1260.

b) Tax Arrears Analysis

Moved By: Mayor Alan Barfoot That the Corporate Services, Finance & Building Committee receive the Updated Financial and Tax Arrears Analysis reports for information purposes.

Approved – Recommendation Number CFSB2017-036

2. Monthly Statistical Updates – October 2017

a) Animal Control

b) Building Permits The Clerk explained the changes made to the formatting of the report. Councillor Tom Wiley suggested that upon hiring a new permanent CBO, Building staff review the processes of conducting a final inspection.

c) By-law Enforcement The Clerk spoke to the report, commenting that the Township is seeing positive progression and success in By-law enforcement. There was a brief discussion regarding updates on the status of past enforcement issues.

d) Facility Usage The Facilities Coordinator commented that October 2017 stats are similar to those of October 2016. There was a brief discussion regarding the implementation of the Nut Aware policy at Shallow Lake Arena. Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Corporate Services, Finance & Building Committee Minutes

November 20, 2017

Page 3 of 4

That the Corporate Services, Finance & Building Committee receives the monthly statistical updates for information purposes.

Approved – Recommendation Number CFSB2017-037

3. OPS2017-98 – Award for Tender for Supply and Installation of Generator at Shallow Lake Community Centre The Facilities Coordinator explained the report and the reasons for proposing the purchase of a reduced power generator. There was a brief discussion regarding the differences between the 175 KW to 150 KW generator. Moved By: Mayor Alan Barfoot That the Corporate Services, Finance & Building Committee recommend that the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approve awarding RFP 2017-18 for the Supply and Installation of One Emergency Back-up Power Diesel Generator at Shallow Lake Community Centre to Wagler Electric for $62,500.00 plus HST.

Approved – Recommendation Number CFSB2017-038

4. OPS2017-99 – Proposed Facilities Capital Budget There was a discussion regarding:

Shallow Lake Arenas boards and glass project Defibrillators Purchase of a new vehicle for the facilities department staff Purchase of a new mower Rail trail fencing improvement funding

Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley That the Corporate Services, Finance, and Building Committee recommends that the proposed 2018 capital expenditures and capital contributions proposed in report OPS 2017-99 be brought forward to budget deliberations for consideration.

Approved – Recommendation Number CFSB2017-039

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Township of Georgian Bluffs Corporate Services, Finance & Building Committee Minutes

November 20, 2017

Page 4 of 4

5. Unfinished Business


6. New Business

There was discussion regarding the water use at Shallow Lake Arena. The Treasurer and Utilities Coordinator are continuing to monitor the use.

7. Date of Next Regular Meeting/Adjournment December 18, 2017 – 2:00 pm

The meeting was adjourned at 2:43 p.m. on a motion moved by Mayor Alan Barfoot.


Deputy Mayor Burley, Chair


Wendi Hunter, Clerk

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Report LEG2017-28 Page 1 of 2

Date Wednesday, December 06, 2017

From Wendi Hunter, Clerk / Director of Legislative Services

Subject Consent to Transfer, Fiber Optic Telecommunications Agreement, Bruce Telecom Company

Report No. LEG2017- 28


1. That the report from Wendi Hunter, Clerk/Director of Legislative Services, regarding the Consent to Transfer, Fiber Optic Telecommunications Agreement, Bruce Telecom Company, be received, and

2. That the Clerk be authorized to sign the Consent to Transfer as requested by Bruce Telecom Company.


On June 18, 2008, the Township enacted By-law 54-2008 (attached hereto), to enter into an agreement with Bruce Telecom for installation of fiber optic facilities along Township rights-of-way. The term of the agreement is for 21 years less a day. We have been contacted by Jeffrey Pang, of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, acting on behalf of Bruce Telecom, who advises that the ownership of the company is changing, subject to receipt of approvals from various agencies. The transfer is proposed to take place on or about January 1, 2018.


Mr. Pang advises that, as part of the transfer, the contract requires the Township’s “Consent to Transfer.” The Consent is attached to this report for Council’s information. Staff see no impediments to signing the consent, which allows continuation of the agreement.

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Report LEG2017-28 Page 2 of 2

Staff is requesting authorization from Council for the Clerk to sign the Consent on behalf of the Township.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications for the Township.


There are no new implications for the Township. Proper transfer of ownership of Bruce Telecom ensures continuation of the Fiber Optic Telecommunications Agreement entered into in 2008.

Strategic Priorities

This initiative in is accordance with Strategic Plan Key Core Business area of Customer Service/Governance.


Staff recommends the Clerk be given the authority to sign the Consent to Transfer on behalf of the Township, as required for the transfer of ownership of Bruce Telecom, with which the Township has entered into a Fiber Optic Telecommunications Agreement.

Respectfully Submitted:

_________________________________ Wendi Hunter Clerk / Director of Legislative Services Attachments: Consent to Transfer By-law 54-2008

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BY-LAW NO. 54-2008

BEING a By-law to authorize a Fiber Optic Telecommunications Agreement with Bruce Telecom.

WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs considers it to be desirable that Bruce Telecom be permitted access to rights-of­way which are under the jurisdiction and control of the Township for the purpose of installing Fiber Optic Facilities;

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs and Bruce Telecom have agreed to enter into an agreement upon certain terms and conditions;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs enacts as follows:

1. That a Fiber Optic Telecommunications Agreement between Bruce Telecom and the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs is hereby authorized.

2. That the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign the agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" and which forms a part of this By-law.

3. This By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing hereof.

Read a first and second time this 18th day of June, 2008.

Read a third time and finally passed this 18th day of June, 2008 .

. ~ ~ Clerk- Bruce Hoffman

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SCHEDULE ''A'' TO BY-LAW NO. 54-2008


This Agreement made in duplicate this 121h day May, 2008.


Hereinafter called the "Township"




Hereinafter called the "Company"


WHEREAS the Township and the Company consider it to be desirable that the Company be permitted access to rights-of-way which are under the jurisdiction and control of the Township of Georgian Bluffs for the purpose of installing Fiber Optic Facilities;

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that the parties agree as follows:

1. The Township grants to the Company for a period of one (21) twenty-one years less-a-day term from the date of this Agreement, permission to place, replace, maintain, and repair Fiber Optic Facilities transmission plant and all connections, attachments, and apparatus necessary for conveying telecommunications signals (in this Agreement called "the plant") over, along, across, or under any portion of the highway right-of-way under the jurisdiction of the Township;

Permission extends only to the right-of-way of the existing road allowance and the Township need not provide any other right-of-way for the plant.

2. The Company will, wherever practicable, use those parts of the right-of-way adjacent to the fence lines, gravel, grass, or outer boundaries of the right-of-way and wherever the Company carries out work on the right-of-way under this agreement and the attachment, it will be at its own expense and will restore the right-of-way to as good a condition as it was in before the work was carried out.

3. In the placing, replacing, maintaining, operating, and repairing the plant, the Company will use care and diligence to ensure that there will be no unnecessary interference with the traveled portion of the right-of-way or the ditches or drains adjoining it. If additional drains or ditches are made necessary by reason of any work done or omitted to be done by the Company, the Township at the Company's expense will construct them during the continuance of the Agreement.

4. The Company will indemnify and save the Township from and against all claims, liabilities, losses, costs, damages, or other expense of every kind that the Township may incur or suffer as a consequence of or in connection with the placing, replacing, maintenance, operation, or repair of the plant.

5. The Company places its plant on the right-of-way entirely at its own risk and the Township shall not be responsible or liable in any way to the Company, its contractors, agents, or it customers for any damage or loss howsoever caused. (This includes loss of service or loss of use by any customer users.)

~ Company lniti~_,_

c-... Township Initials-~~-

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6. The permission granted is subject to:

(a) The right of free use of the highway by all persons entitled to it.

(b) The rights of the owners of the property adjoining this right-of-way of full access to and from the highway and to construct crossings and approaches from their property; and

(c) The rights and privileges that the Township may have previously granted to any persons on the right-of-way;

7. The Company will, within three (3) months of receipt of notice in writing from the Chairman of the Roads Committee, remove, relocate, or alter, at its own expense, the plant or any part of it and in default of the Company complying with the notice the Township may remove, relocate, or alter the plant or any part of it described in the notice and charge the entire cost to the Company.

8. All work done under this Agreement is subject to the approval and direction of the Chairman of the Roads Committee, or other person appointed by the Township, who has full power and authority to give direction and orders that he considers in the best interest of the Township, and the Company shall comply with any directions and orders that may be given. Such person may include an inspector for the purpose of insuring all work is performed by the Company in accordance with the plans filed under the terms of this Agreement. The Company agrees to reimburse to the Township the cost of such inspection including wages, and all the payroll and travel expenses as may be reasonably associated with such inspection.

9. Before commencing any work on the right-of-way or causing any work to be commenced on the right-of-way, the Company shall deposit with the Township a plan showing the right-of-way and the location of the plant and specifications relating to it and no work shall be carried out on the right-of-way by the Company or any agent or contractor of the Company until such time as the Chairman of the Roads Committee has given written approval. The Company further agrees to deposit with the Township an as-constructed plan showing as­constructed location of the plant and the date of completion. A record and copies of all approvals, plans, and other documentation made pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be maintained by the Township and shall be considered to form part of this Agreement.

10. The Company will not cut, trim, or interfere with any trees on the right-of-way without the approval in writing of the Chairman of the Roads Committee, or other person appointed by the Township.

11. The Company may at any time cease the operation of the plant, or any part of it, and remove it after giving three (3) months notice in writing to the Township of the Company's intentions to do it, whereupon the privileges granted will cease.

12. The Company may not assign any part of this Agreement without the consent in writing of the Township.

13. If the Company violates any of the conditions of this Agreement, the Company shall remedy the violation within thirty (30) days after receiving notice specifying the violation in accordance with any direction, which the Township may give.

Company lnitia: ~ __ !f:J4-I

-fu..._ __ ~.

Township Initials --~ ---:_-

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14. If the Company becomes bankrupt, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or if it ceases to operate the plant for a period of six (6) consecutive months, the rights, powers, and privileges granted to the Company under this Agreement will terminate and the Company will, at its own expense, remove the plant within sixty (60) days or the plant will become the property of the Township and may be removed, operated, sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of as the Township may consider proper.

15. The Company agrees to reinstate the right-of-way, including fencing, trees, and vegetation to its pre-work condition and to the acceptance of the Chairman of the Roads Committee.

16. The Company will be responsible for obtaining all other Federal, Provincial, or Municipal approvals required in order to carry out these works and to notify all other utilities located on the right-of-way of their interest.

17. Where in the opinion of the Company replacement of the plant is required during the currency of the approval of this Agreement, the Company may enter on the right-of-way in order to replace the plant in accordance with the following conditions:

a) Where the plant is to be replaced by carrying it through existing duct work or structures, the Company shall notify the Chairman of the Roads Committee of its intentions to make such replacement and the replacement shall be carried out by the Company in accordance with any order or direction which the Chairman of the Roads Committee give;

b) Where replacement of the plant is to be carried out through means other than carrying it through existing structures, the replacement shall be treated as a new installation and shall be carried out by the Company in accordance with all relevant provisions of this Agreement related to the placing of the plant on the right-of-way;

18. It is understood that any replacement of the plant made pursuant to the provision of this paragraph shall be considered as replacement only and all provisions of this Agreement shall remain in force as though the plant replaced had been placed during the term of the Agreement approved by the Township.

19. Where the Company requires access to the right-of-way for the purpose of repairing any portion of the plant which has been installed, it may access the plant at any time and prior approval of the Chairman of the Roads Committee will not be required provided that all repair work will be carried out by the Company in accordance with the applicable provisions of the attachment and in accordance with any other procedures prescribed by the Chairman of the Roads Committee from time to time. Should any repair carried out by the Company materially affect any plan or other documentation required to be maintained pursuant to this Agreement, the Company shall file amendments to such plans or documentation with the Chairman of the Roads Committee.

20. Any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and may be personally delivered or sent by prepaid registered mail to the party to whom it is directed at the address for service of that party set out below, or at such other address as either of the parties may by notice to the other specify.

Company Initials'C2f __ _ Township Initials ~-

Page 133: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,

In the case of the Notice to the Township:

Michael Day Operations Manager The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs 177964 Grey Road 18, RR 3 Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 5N5 Tel: 519-376-2729 Ext. 229 Fax: 519-372-1620

In the case of the Notice to the Company:

William D. Sipprell General Manager Bruce Telecom 3145 Hwy 21 North, Box 80, RR 3 Tiverton, Ontario NOG 2TO Tel: 519-368-1225 Fax: 519-368-1256

Every such notice shall be deemed to have been received if personally delivered at the time of such delivery and if sent by prepaid registered mail, at the end of three (3) business days after the mailing thereof.

21. The Company will guarantee that within forty-eight (48) hours of a telephone call that they will at all times provide a person on persons to provide cable locate service for the Township when the Township requests this service.

22. The Company will have a representative on the construction and/or maintenance site or provide the Chairman of the Roads Committee with the name of an official of the Company who may be contracted with respect to any construction or maintenance activities being carried out by the Company.

23. The Company shall obtain all other necessary approvals and shall comply with all applicable laws in making use of the permission granted pursuant to the Agreement.

24. The Township reserves the right to levy a fee, similar to that paid by the telephone companies. Any charges will become effective from the date of notification and not the signing of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunto set their Corporate Seal, attested by the hands of its duly authorized officers.

cs. "'''"'-= \ '!::, . "-\)"' 1l '


Date: ~~ '\ ~.\ '-~~1::.

Date: J?1 ~A7 1 J~ 2-oO'f:



~~~ Mayor

~~J>s-Bruce Hoffman Clerk


~ "7 J

. ~~~ ~/) i>(/.c?,,) ·;JG . / , ..... .

William D. S1pprell General Manager

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Report OPS2017-100 Page 1 of 2

Date Wednesday, December 06, 2017

From Rick Winters, Director of Operations

Subject Road Bore and Pipe Crossing Agreement Sideroad 3 and Concession 5

Report No. OPS2017- 100


That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approves the Director of Operations signing of the Road Bore and Pipe Crossing Agreement with Ian Gamble, Lois Gamble, Mark Gamble and Jenna McKay for the installation of a drainage outlet pipe under the intersection of Sideroad 3 and Concession 5 in the former Township of Derby.


The Township has a Road Bore and Pipe Crossing Agreement that was developed to allow for and regulate the installation of road crossing pipes and utilities under exiting roadways. The delegated authority under by-law 19-2008 does not address such agreement to be signed by the CAO, Clerk, or Director of Operations, therefore any such agreement must be presented to Council for approval.


The owners of 177152 Concession 5 are in the process of having their property systematically tie drained and require an outlet under the intersection of Concession 5 and Sideroad 3 to ensure a positive outlet to the their proposed drainage system.

The applicants are proposing to install a 250mm dia HDPE pipe under the intersection by means of directional boring, resulting in no interference or alteration to the road surface.

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Report OPS2017-100 Page 2 of 2

The applicants have submitted the required application form, proof of insurance listing the Township as an additional insured, as well as the prescribed fee and $1,000.00 security deposit.

The Township Drainage Superintendent has reviewed the proposal and has indicated that the subject property does benefit from the Johnson Municipal Drain and such is able to tie into the outlet of the drain.

The applicant will be responsible for obtaining approval from the landowners of the property east of Concession 5 for the installation of the outlet pipe.

Financial Impact




Consultation and Communications



The owners of 177152 Concession 5 are seeking approval for the installation of a 250mm dia HDPE drainage pipe under the intersection of Side Road 3 and Concession to facilitate as an outlet to their systematic tile drainage system. The installation of the pipe will be completed by means of directional drilling with no interference or alteration to the road surface.

Supporting Documentation

Appendix 1- Road Bore and Pipe Crossing Agreement Application

Respectfully Submitted:

_________________________________ Rick Winters, C.E.T. Director of Operations/Acting CAO

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Report OPS2017-93 Page 1 of 5

Date Wednesday, December 06, 2017

From Rick Winters, Director of Operations

Subject Assumption of Cobble Beach Roads

Report No. OPS2017-103


That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs reviews the request from the developer of the Cobble Beach development for the assumption of roads and utilities, and further recommends the passing of a by-law to assume the roads as public highways as of January 1, 2018 with securities of $64,000.00 being held by the Township to ensure the required work and deficiencies are completed by July 1, 2018.


The Cobble Beach development was approved in 2007, with the services and roadways being constructed in 2007/2008. To date the services and roadway have not been assumed by the Township; however, the developer is in the process of finalizing the services and is requesting the Township assume the roadways in the near future.


Under Section 31 of the Ontario Municipal Act land may only become a highway by virtue of a by-law establishing the highway and not activities of the municipality or any other person in relation to the lands, including spending of public money, and further that the municipality is not responsible for maintenance until such time as the by-law has been passed assuming the roadways as “public highways”.

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Report OPS2017-93 Page 2 of 5

The developer of Cobble Beach has been working for the past year to rectify deficiencies noted by their engineer and the Township.

At this point in time, the developer has requested assumption of the roadways, specifically being the constructed portions of:

Cobble Beach Drive McLeese Drive

Algoma Crescent Snowberry Lane

Braw Glint Lane Trelford Trail

Punkinseed Lane Algonquin Trail

In the spring of 2017, a request was brought forward to Council to reconsider the installation of sidewalks along each section of the roadway. At that time the developer had only wished to construct sidewalks along Cobble Beach Drive and McLeese Drive. The Township took the position that the sidewalks along the Cobble Beach Drive and McLeese Drive be completely installed and that the small portions of existing sidewalk along Trelford Trail be removed. The developer has chosen not to remove the section along Trelford Trail as it is believed these portions may be beneficial for the long term plans of the development of future phases. The developer has requested that the Township assume the roads and allow an extension until July 2018 to have the remainder of the sidewalks constructed. This could be arranged with a security deposit held by the Township until the works have been completed.

There are four catch basin frame and gates identified by the developers engineer within the travelled portion of the roadway that are broken and require replacement. As the replacement involves the removal of a small section of concrete curb and asphalt, the developer has requested that this remedial work be completed in the spring of 2018.

The developers engineer has noted all of the deficiencies other than the installation of the required sidewalk, boulevard topsoil and seed and the replacement of the four catch basin frame and grates has been completed. The estimated cost to complete the required outstanding work is $$57,900.00. It is recommended that a security equal to 110% ($64,000.00) be held by the Township until the work is completed. Should the work not be completed by July 1, 2018, the security may be used by the Township to complete the works.

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Report OPS2017-93 Page 3 of 5

Further, there is an issue along Punkinseed Lane whereby Union Gas had installed the gas service and inadvertently drilled the gas line through an existing HDPE storm sewer pipe. The gas service has been disconnected and as such the safety risk has been reduced. Union Gas is working on a plan to repair the damaged pipe. The Director of Operations has requested that this repair be completed internally, as opposed to cutting the asphalt road surface.

At the writing of this report, the Township still has not received the results of the CCTV videos for the storm and sanitary systems for review. The developers engineer was present during the sewer flushing and CCTV process. The engineer is reviewing the CCTV videos prior to forwarding to the Township for review and sign off.

Once the Township assumes the roadways through a by-law, the Township assumes all risk for liability for all areas within the road right of way. The Director of Operations is of the opinion that the work should be completed in entirety prior to the assumption of services.

Immediately following the assumption by-law, the Township will be responsible for the maintenance of the roadways and services. Until such time of assumption, the developer is responsible for the required maintenance in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement dated September 28, 2007.

Section 28.4 of the Subdivision Agreement states:

The effect of the Certificate of Final Acceptance is that the developer is

released from all obligations imposed by this agreement except for

those reserved by the Certificate and those warranties relating to

maintenance period. If this agreement is registered on title, the effect

of the registration of the Certificate of Final Acceptance is to release

the land against which it is registered from any burdens placed upon

the lands by this agreement except for those reserved by the said

Certificate including those related to restrictive covenants. The

Developer acknowledges that the Certificate of Final Acceptance will

not release the land described in the Certificate of Final Acceptance

from compliance with the grading and drainage plan.

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Report OPS2017-93 Page 4 of 5

If the assumption of the roads were to take place on January 1, 2018, the transition into the Township’s capital asset plan would be a smoother


Financial Impact

The cost to provide maintenance to the road network within the Cobble Beach development was not included in the 2017 budget. Any costs to complete required maintenance services would be an overage to the approved 2017 budget.

Strategic Priorities

3.5 Roads, Bridges and Culverts

Maintain roads, bridges and culverts at a high standard to protect public safety and property and to carefully evaluate the need for new road, bridge and culvert infrastructure to protect the long term interests of the Township

Consultation and Communications



The developer of the Cobble Beach development has requested that Council consider assuming the currently constructed roadways within Cobble Beach through by-law and allow for minor work to be completed in the Spring of 2018, with the Township holding the required securities as a guarantee.

Supporting Documentation

Appendix 1—Request for Final Acceptance Cobble Beach Phase 1 e-mail dated November 30, 2018

Appendix 2 – Memo from Crozier Consulting Engineers – Water System & Boulevard Conditions Review dated November 30, 2017

Appendix 3 – Memo from Crozier Consulting Engineers – Storm & Sanitary Structure Review dated November 30, 2017

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Report OPS2017-93 Page 5 of 5

Respectfully Submitted:

_________________________________ Rick Winters, C.E.T. Director of Operations

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Page 1 of 1

Project No.: 416-3114

File No.: Assumption OPC

Date: 2017.11.28



A1 Supply & Place Seed within Boulevards 600 m2

$ 2.00 $ 1,200.00

A2 Supply & Place Topsoil and Seed within Boulevards 1000 m2

$ 4.00 $ 4,000.00

A3 Remove Asphalt Sidewalk & Dispose off-site 300 m2

$ 5.00 $ 1,500.00

A4 Construct 1.5m wide Concrete Sidewalk on ex. granular base 300 m2

$ 35.00 $ 10,500.00

A5 Construct 1.5m wide Concrete Sidewalk c/w granular base 480 m2

$ 65.00 $ 31,200.00

A6 Supply & Install Curb Stop (Lot 6), including Restoration 1 LS $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00

A7 Repair Broken Catch Basin Frames 4 ea $ 2,000.00 $ 8,000.00

Subtotal $ 57,900.00



Subtotal Schedule A 57,900.00$

Construction Contingency Allowance (10%) 5,790.00$

Total Estimated Capital Costs - Outstanding 2018 Works 63,690.00$

Cobble Beach - PUBLIC ROADWAYSOpinion of Probable Costs - Outstanding Works 2018

J:\400\416 - Cobble Beach\3114 - Parking Lot Towns-Block 75 76-The Core Lands\Estimates & Schedules\2017.11.28 CB Roads Assumption OPC.xlsx11/28/2017 12:14 PM

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A site walk was carried out on November 28, 2017, by CF Crozier & Associates to review the condition

of the boulevards and water system within the above noted development.

The following chart summarizes the outstanding issues to be addressed in 2018 and the items recently

completed by the Owner.

Boulevard Conditions

Location Unfinished Areas Comments



Cobble Beach Dr. Lot 18 to 20 (north side) Boulevard without grass;

hydroseed to be applied.

Spring 2018

Cobble Beach Dr. Lot 49 to 43 (south side) Boulevard without grass;

hydroseed to be applied.

Spring 2018

McLeese Drive Block 75 Villas (west


Boulevard without grass;

hydroseed to be applied.

Spring 2018

McLeese Drive Villas to Clubhouse

(east Side)

Sidewalk prep underway with

granulars; concrete to be installed

the week of November 20th

(weather depending)

Spring 2018

Cobble Beach Drive 30 km/h road signs Signs installed on permanent post

along Cobble Beach Drive.


November 28th,



DATE November 30, 2017 FILE NO. 416-3114

RE Cobble Beach Stage 1

Water System & Boulevard Conditions Review

TO John Anderson CC

FROM Kevin Morris

Page 148: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,

Public Roads Assumption Process Water System & Boulevard Memo – Status Update

Cobble Beach Phase 1 November 28, 2017

C.F. Crozier & Associates Inc. Page 2 of 2

Project No. 416-3114


Location Valve Type Comments Completion Date

Lot 6 Curb stop Curb stop not installed. To be

installed spring 2018 if lot is sold.

Spring 2018

Cobble Beach &

Algonquin Trail (On

Cobble Beach)

Gate valve Damaged lid to be repaired or


December 2017

Block 76

(Punkinseed Lane)

Gate valve Gate valve nut deeper than

2.54m, longer key required, water

at bottom of valve.


November 28th,


North-West corner of

Cobble Beach and


Fire hydrant

gate valve

Gate valve nut deeper than

2.8m, longer key required, water

at bottom of valve.


November 28th,


Lot 40 (Cobble Beach


Fire hydrant

gate valve

Gate valve nut deeper than 3.0m,

longer key required, water at

bottom of valve.


November 28th,


South-East corner of

Cobble Beach &


Fire hydrant

gate valve

Water was not observed. Completed

November 28th,


Cobble Beach and

Sarawak (Valve on

Cobble Beach)

Gate valve Water at bottom of valve. December 2017



Kevin Morris, P.Eng.

Founding Partner ML/ch

J:\400\416 - Cobble Beach\3114 - Parking Lot Towns-Block 75 76-The Core Lands\Contract Administration\Field Inspection\Memos &

Letters\2017.11.30 Water System & Boulevard Memo.docx

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A site walk was carried out on November 28, 2017, by CF Crozier & Associates, to review the repairs to

the storm and sanitary structures within the above noted development.

The following chart summarizes the outstanding issues to be addressed and the items recently

completed by the Owner.


Location Structure Comments Completion Date

McLeese Drive

(STA. 71+050)

STM MH 12 Additional ladder rung required. Completed

November 28th, 2017

Cobble Beach Drive

(STA. 15+850)

CBMH 44 Repair broken parging. Completed November 28th, 2017

Telford Trail

(STA. 50+065)

CBMH 26 Broken frame. December 2017

(weld repair)

Spring 2018 (final


McLeese Drive

(STA. 71-640)

TICBMH 9 Township accepted the installation of

ladder rungs within the structure.

No action required

McLeese Drive

(STA. 71-180)

CBMH 61 Broken frame December 2017

(weld repair)

Spring 2018 (final


McLeese Drive

(STA. 71-590)

CBMH 64 Broken frame December 2017

(weld repair)

Spring 2018 (final



DATE November 30, 2017 FILE NO. 416-3114

RE Cobble Beach Stage 1

Storm & Sanitary Structure Review

TO John Anderson CC

FROM Kevin Morris

Page 150: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,

Parking Lot Towns/Block 76/Core Lands Structure Review Memo

Cobble Beach November 28, 2017

C.F. Crozier & Associates Inc. Page 2 of 2

Project No. 416-3114


Location Structure Comments Completion Date

Punkinseed Lane

(STA. 60+130)

CBMH 70 Township accepted the installation of

ladder rungs within the structure.

No action required

Punkinseed Lane

(STA. 60+010)

SANMH 43 Township accepted the installation of

ladder rungs within the structure.

No action required



Kevin Morris, P.Eng.

Founding Partner ML/ch

J:\400\416 - Cobble Beach\3114 - Parking Lot Towns-Block 75 76-The Core Lands\Contract Administration\Field Inspection\Memos &

Letters\2017.11.30 Structure Review Memo.docx

Page 151: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,

The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs

By-law Number 2017-103

Being a by-law to authorize execution of an Agreement with the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services for the provision of police services. Whereas Section 8 of the Municipal Act, S.O., 2001, provides that the powers of a municipality under the Act shall be interpreted broadly so as to confer broad authority on the municipality to enable it to govern its affairs as it considers appropriate and to enhance the municipality’s ability to respond to municipal issues; and Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs has expressed its intent to provide police services, in pursuance of its responsibilities under Section 5 of the Police Services Act, by means of an agreement; and Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs deems it necessary to enter into an agreement with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services for the provision of police services; Now Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs enacts as follows: 1. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, and the Clerk is

authorized to affix the Corporate Seal to, an Agreement between the Township of Georgian Bluffs and the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services for the provision of police services under Section 10 of the Police Services Act, effective January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020, and

2. That the Agreement shall be in substantively the same form as the agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A".

3. That this By-law shall come into force and effect upon being passed by Council. Read a first and second time this 6th day of December, 2017.  Read a third time and finally passed this 6th day of December, 2017.    ___________________________ Mayor – Al Barfoot ___________________________ Clerk – Wendi Hunter By-law 2017-103 Page 1 of 1

Page 152: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,
Page 153: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,
Page 154: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,
Page 155: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,
Page 156: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,
Page 157: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,
Page 158: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,
Page 159: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,
Page 160: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,
Page 161: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,
Page 162: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,
Page 163: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,
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The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs

By-law Number 2017-104 ____________________________________________________________________________

Being a By-law to dedicate and assume the streets in the Cobble Beach Subdivision as a Public Highway and to assume

the Street Lighting System. WHEREAS Section 31 (2) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25 states that after January 1st, 2003 land may only become a highway by virtue of a by-law establishing the highway and not by the activities of the municipality or any other person in relation to the land, including the spending of public money; AND WHEREAS the Streets namely "Cobble Beach Drive”, “McLeese Drive”, “Algoma Crescent”, “Punkinseed Lane”, “Snowberry Lane”, “Braw Glint Lane” and “Algonquin Trail” on Registered Plan 16M-15 , Part of Lots 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, Concession 3 Sarawak Township were dedicated on Registered Plan 16M-15 as public highways; AND WHEREAS a Certificate of Maintenance and Final Acceptance with respect to the Street and Street Lighting System on Registered Plan 16M-15 was issued on December 1, 2017. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs enacts as follows:

1. That the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs hereby dedicates and assumes the streets namely "Cobble Beach Drive”, “McLeese Drive”, “Algoma Crescent”, “Punkinseed Lane”, “Snowberry Lane”, “Braw Glint Lane” and “Algonquin Trail” on Registered Plan 16M-15 , Part of Lots 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, Concession 3 Sarawak Township as a public highways and incorporates said streets into the road network of the Township of Georgian Bluffs effective January 1, 2018

2. That the Street Lighting System on Registered Plan 16M-15 is hereby

assumed by the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Buffs effective January 1, 2018.

3. That this By-law shall be registered in the proper Land Registry Office.

4. That this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing

hereof. Read a first and second time this 6th day of December 2017. Read a third time and passed this 6th day of December 2017.

_________________________ Clerk – Wendi Hunter

__________________________ Mayor – Alan Barfoot

Page 168: Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agendacalendar.georgianbluffs.ca/council/Detail/2017-12...Dec 06, 2017  · 1. Recommendation: That By-law 2017-103 and 2017-104, be read a first,

By-law 2017-105 Page 1 of 1

The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs

By-law Number 2017-105

Being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian

Bluffs held on December 6, 2017

Whereas, Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, c. 25 states that the powers of a municipality shall be exercised by Council; and

Whereas, Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act S.O. 2001, c. 25 provides that municipal power shall by exercised by by-law; and

Whereas, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs deems it expedient and necessary that the proceedings of the Council meeting held on December 6, 2017 are confirmed and adopted.

Therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs enacts the following:

1. That the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs at its meeting held on December 6, 2017, in respect to each motion and resolution passed, reports received and direction given by the Council at the said meeting, are hereby adopted and confirmed.

2. That the Mayor and the proper Officials of the Corporation are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said actions of the Council.

3. That the Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf, and the Clerk is authorized and directed to affix the Seal of the Corporation to all such documents.

4. That this by-law shall come into force and effect upon being passed by Council.

Read a first and second time this 6TH day of December, 2017.

Read a third time and finally passed this 6TH day of December, 2017.


Mayor – Alan Barfoot


Clerk – Wendi Hunter