DAILY TOWANDA REVIEW. VOLUME 111, NO. 76. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Personal. Miss MAY MACFARLANE has returned from her visit in Pittsburg. Miss LIZZIE A. GORE, of Athens, is visiting Miss HELEN KINGSBURY on York Avenue. Miss CARRIE LONG, who has been spending several weeks with friends in Troy, is home again, Justice HALL deposited his ballot for Mr. WOLFE yesterday morning and then took his departure for Williamsport. Mrs. HENRY LYNCH, MISS MARY and Master WILLIE, were the guests of Dr. KIL- BOURN and family, Sabbath last. Miss FANNIE J KWDTT has been spending some weeks in Sayrc. She has now made her Towanda friends happy by retuaning. Miss FLORA BEST starts to-morrow for a ylsit to her former home in Quincy, 111. Her many young friends here wish her a pleasant visit and safe return. Rev. W. A. BARBER of Liyona, N. Y., who has friends residing here, will to-mor- row be united in the holy bonds of matriiuo ny, with Mrs. CLARK of Andover N. Y. Mr. BEST, who has been in Colorado su- perintending a mine, for the past summer, has returned home for the winter. Though somewhat reduced in wetglit lie is looking well. The Tanning Co. aibitration has been con- tinued again, this time till some day uext month. Our good natured but prompt friend, X. P. HICKS gives notice that all persons indebted te him must pay up. The Eureka works and DAYTOX'S mill run nights, and give a lively appearance to busi. ncss in the first ward. JENNIE, another daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. BOWMAN, lias fallen a victim to diph- theria. She died Monday morning after a short illness. Llecnan day passsd off very quietly. By law all bar rooms were closed. Let us be thankful that we can enjoy prohibition one day in the year. December term of court will continue only two weeks. As there are three Oyer and Terminer crses to be disposed of. the civil list willprobably not be reduced much. Ninety-nine physicians have now register- ed in this county. The iast one was Doctor AZAUIAII JUDSON of Litchfield. He is a grad- uate of the Berkshire, Mass., Medical Col- lege. ( The members of Naiad Fire Co. No. 2, are requested to meet at their parlors to-day at 12:30 sharp, in readiness to proceed to the fu- neral of our late brother,LEGRAND BREWER. By order of the Foreman. The attendance at the fall term of the Col- legiate Institute was the largest in the history of the institution. The fact that forty teach- ers were among the students is good evidence that, the standard of qualifications is being elevated under the administration of Super- intendent RYAN. Scientific American gives the following in- formation to those who desire to get rid of stumps on their farms: "In the autumn or early winter bore a hole one or two inches in diameter, according to the girth of the stump, and about eight inches deep. Put into it one or two inches of saltpetre, fill the hole with water and plug it close. In the ensuing spring take out the plug and pour in about a gill of kerosene oil and ignite it. The stump will smoulder away without blazing, to the very roots, leaving nothing but ashes.' The finest confections in the murkot at C. S. FITCH'S. TOWANDA, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1881. school life: one who give much promise of attaining high scholarship in the school and great usefulness in future; and above all one whose pure and blameless character would indicate peace with God and the indwelling of his Holy Spirit, Resolved , Thot we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the relatives and friends of the deceased; that as a token of love and esteem, we drape in mourning her desk and the room in which she was accustomed to sit; and that, as a school, we wiil follow the remains of our departed friend to their tast resting place. Resolved , That these resolutions be print- ed and that a copy be sent to tho bereaved family. C. \V. SHELDON, ) H. P. CORSKR, > Comm. STELLA BROWN, ) The prevalence of small pox along the line of the Lehigh Valley road, should cause a thorough vaccination in this place. Dr. T. B. JOHNSON has provided himself with pu7e, fresh vaccine. No news from the election in tin : state. New York has gone democratic. The re- sult in Virginia is still in doubt. Minne- sota and Massachusetts are republican.? No report from the other states. Mrs. Kilbourn invites the ladies of Towanda and vicinity to call and examine her stock of Millinery Goods before purchasing elsewhere. Conveniant rooms for house keeping, in Tracy & Moore's block, Main St. Apply to 11, l\ MOORE. Taken from the stable of D'A Overton, a few days since, a valuable riding bridle,with patent bit. One dollar reward will be paid for its return. W. VANDERMARK. All person* indebited to the subscriber whose ac- counts have been standing over three months must settle before December Ist to save costs. N. P. IIICKS. FIVE CHILDREN AT ONE TIME ! ? A Lady tn Neiv England had five children sick witii Chills at one time. Her pastor recommended Thermalinc. She bought a family box and cured the whole lot. Chil- dren won't take quinine; its bitter taste turns their stomachs. Thermaline is put up in sugar-coated cap- sulets, like small flat beans. Only costs 25 cents a box. It lias never been known to fail, and is now prescribed by physicians instead of quinine. MARRIED. GAYLORD?CLAPPER?At the bouse of the bride's brother, Nov. 5,1881, by Rev. J, 11. Wes-- ton, Mr. Wm. W. Gaylord and Miss Susie O. Clapper, all of Wyalusing, I'a. The wedding gifts were numerous and tine. DIED. BREWER ?In Carbon Run Sunday Nov, 0, Le Grand S. Brewer, son of Peter Brewer,aged 26 years, 4 months and 15 days. Funeral at residence of parents, Wednesday af- ternoon at 1 o'clock. BUISNESS LOCAL. Largest assortment of Vases and mottoed Clips Cups and Saucers, in town at the 5 CENT Store. Immense shipments of TOYS for the Holiday trade, are being received daily at the 5 CENT Store. WANTED?Dress-Making and Plain Sewing, by a thoroughly competent Dress Maker. TERMS, 50 Cents per day. Enquire at J. M. Sill's, Cherry st. LOST ?Strayed or stolen from my premises in Towanda township, on the night of October 30tli, a DARK RED COW, with black face; 8 or 9 years old; coming in soon; had a rope tied around her horns. A liberal reward will be paid for her return or for information that will lead to her discovery. Nov. 1. GEORGE VANDERPOOL. Situation as Book keeper or Clerk wanted by a thoroughly competant young man. Address 11, Box 1135, Towanda, Pa. Professor Dannelle respectfully notifies his friends and pupils of last season and the citizens of To- wanda that pursuant to special request, he will\j open classes in the Means' Hall, on Tuesday, after- noon and evening, Nov. 17. Terms same as last season, und instructions snperior to any ever given here, before or since the first advent ot Dannelle. List at C. B. Porter's Drug Store. Mr. James Dees, late with Felch & Co., takes this method of notifying his friends that he has taken a position with Evans & Hildreth, where he will he happy to see them all and offer them great induce- ments in the line of dry goods. David Goodman, Blacksmith, has Removed from shop on Park street to the rear of Col. Means' block. Entrance from Pine street. William Brown, at Miller's Barn, cleans and oils Harness, and washes wagons very cheaply. Nathan Tidd desires to inform his patrons and the public in general, that he is prepared to deliver Loyal Sock coal at same prices as charged at the S. L. & S. Yaid. PREPARING FOR THE HOLIDAYS.?The holidays, which are only a little ways off, are alrsady being discussed. The babies are be- ginning to dream of Santa Claus and Merry Christmas, and the old, old gossip about the jolly season is being revived around the do- mestic hearth. In view of all this, S. P* WHITCOMB is preparing for a grand display of the choicest stationery goods made, the early invoices of which are already arriving. And his first showing of the publisher's art indicates that the enterprising stationer does not intend to slight the universal taste for the prettiest low priced books as well as the choicest and most expensive, while mag- nificent intermediary goods, will be offered. In tine Mr. WHITCOMB will spare no pains to satisfy the public in every particular as the early arrivals alluded to amply testify. The return rifle match between the Key- stone Club and Towanda Club took place at Rome on Saturday last. The weather was unfavorable for shooting, the wind being ve- ry strong, and the scores in consequence were low. The Keystone won the match by two punts. The following is the score; . KEYSTONE CI.UII. P. F. Elswortli 444444454 s?l*2 11. C. Smith, 445554553 4?14 J. S. Ellsworth 3 4 5 3 3 4 4 3 4 5?38 J. L. Pendleton 354334434 3?36 G. S. Kinney 3 5 2 334444 4?36 1% TOWANDA CLUB. Edw. Walker, Jr. 444434443 4?3S A. P. Laplant 3 4 3 344354 4?37 11. Bowman 44543344 5 5?41 E. Walker, Sr. 44443443 3 4?37 J. 51. Edeon 444444454 4?41 104 The third match between these clubs will take place before long. Betow we give the result of the vote in this borough yesterday in the several wards: Ist 2d 3d State Treasurer. Raily, rep., 66 128 81 NOble, dem., 41 72 51 Jackson, g. b., 28 15 5 Wilson, pro., 5 11 Wolfe, ind., (17 05 JIG Sheriff. Horton, rep.. 110 107 110 Russell, dem., 63 90 58 Woodburn, g' b.. 30 20 18 Prothonoiary. Rlackman, rep., 108 187 113 Leonard, dem., 55 87 37 Orcutt, g. I)., 40 37 33 Register and Recorder. Webb, rep., 03 143 70 Cross, dem., 98 156 98 Houston, g. b., 20 12 5 Treasurer. Lilley, rep., 105 185 108 Van Dyke, dem.. 60 103 65 Thompson, g. b., 38 19 10 Commissioners. Bradford, rep., 96 200 103 Kingsley. rep., 103 183 112 Rausoin, dem., 62 93 50 Holcomb, g. b., 51 34 21 Turk, g. b., 43 23 0 Hinds, ind., 10 13 5 Terry, ind., 2 2 Aoditors. Ilested, rep., 106 187 100 Moody, rep., 107 188 100 Welles, dem., 66 101 80 Ballard, g. b., 37 28 11 Bailey, g. b., 30 26 10 In the 2d ward, C. L. Codding received 1 and in the 3d ward D. Mehan had 1 for audit- or and John Carter 1 for commissioner. Returns from the county are very meagre. The republican ticket is all elected, though Webb's majority will be small Wolfe's vote is between 1,000 and 2,000, many democrats having voted for him. The following resolutions were adopted by the teachers and scholars of the Susquehan- na Collegiate Institute upon the occasion of* the death of Miss JENNIE BOWMAN. WHEREAS. Our Heaveculy Father has seen fit to remove from our number a dearly be-* loved pupil and school-mate, therefore be it Resolved , That we, the teachers and stu- dents of the Susquehanna Collegiate Insti- tute, deeply mourn the loss of one who was faithful in the discharge of every school du- ty, and conscientious in all the relations of 1 PRICE ONE CENT. Business Cards. ALVORD & SON, JOB PRINTEIiS, DAILY REVIEW OFFICE, Main street, Towanda I'a TOWANDA,Sept. '23. lbb-l BARCLAY JUNCTION HOTEL. R. OA TON, Proprietor, Near the Barclay depot. Good accommodations at reasonable prices. Call'and see us. CIIAS. K. LADD, M. 1). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office three doors above Mercur Block. 284-3 y. DR. T.B. JOHNSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over U. O Porter's Drug Store, Residence corner Maple and Second Streets, ELSBREE & SON, A 7 TORNEYS-AT-LA )V, South side Mercur Block, Towanda, l'a. N. C. ELSBREE. | L. ELSBUDE. FL. HOLLISTER I). D. S. \u25a0 (Successor to Dr. E. H. Angle.) OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL DENTIST. Office on State street, second tloor of Dr. Pratt's office. 10jau80 F THORNTON, TUNER AND REPAIRER Of Pianos and Organs. (Over 17 years experi- ence.) Orders received at Holmes & Passage's Music Store. aw. RYAN, ? BOUNTY SUPERINI ENDEN T Office Means' Block. HENRY STREETER, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW TOWANDA, PA. JAMES T. HALE, A TTORNEY-A T-LA ]V, Office over Stevens & Long's store. JOHN W. CODDING, A TTORNEY-A T-LA W, Office Mercur Block, over Kirby's Drug Store. OD. KINNEY, A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W, Office corner Main and Pine Streets, Towanda, Pa. PECK & OVERTON, Attorneys-at-Law, Towanda, Pa. D'A. OVERTON- I BEN J. M. PECK. WILLIAMS, ANGLE & BUFFING TON, A TTORNE YS-A T-LA IF, Office formerly occupied by W. Watkins. TRIAL LIST NOVEMBER SPECIAL TERM, 1881. FIRST WEEK. Emily McTavish vs E. Loekwood Eject W. M. Nixon vs Win. Wolf Issue H. B. Ingham vs A. J. Layton, et al Trespass B. S. Bently, trus., etc. vs Susq. Mut. Ins. Co. Debt First Nat. Bank, Athens, vs Geo. W. Morse.. " Selim Kirby vs A. C. Carpenter Eject Pa. &N. Y. Canal &R. R. Co. vs J. D. Montanye, et al Eject Geo. W. Esser vs Jno. O. Ward Tresp Jno. Swackhammer vs Chas. and Mary Sill...Eject 11. B. Vangilder vs W. 11. Sherwood Tresp Frederick It. Cole vs David Cole Eject Delplicne Shoemaker vs L. B. Faulkner " C. W. Clapp vs Jno. W. Ilollenback Debt Athens B. & L. Association vs C. O. Huntington et al Sci Fa Wright Dunham vs Ellsworth Osborn Tresp Citizens' Nat. Bank Towanda vs A. Conklin. Asspt First Nat. Bank Towanda vs A. Conklin " Mary E. Hamilton vs Win. Snyder Debt Lormore & Tompkins vs Geo. P. Tracy... .Appeal Win. M. Mallory vs Douglass Wilson, et ul.. .'Eject SECOND WEEK. Jackson Lewis vsWm. Whitney Tresp Rose L. Secor use vs Elisha Atherton's Ex'rs F. Iss E. A. Packer & Co. vs Schradcr Min, & Mfg. Co Tresp First Nat. Bank. Towanda vs Thos. F. Madill " 11. W. Tracy vs Pa & N. Y Canal & R. R. Co. Appeal M S. Pike's Ex'rs vs A. Hunsiker Issue Francis A. Drexel vs Jno. Carrol Eject C. K, Frost vs Thos. It. Jordon Appeal 8. 11, Farnsworth vs J. Cobb Issue E. W. Drake vs Thos. Harding, et al Asspt E. L. Palmer vs Eugene Keeler Appeal M. 8, Pike's Ex'rs vs C. Hunsiker Rplvn Lewis & Brown vs David Whipple Appeal Samuel Ovenshire vs A, 11. Spalding, et al..Tresp Clark Johnson vs Asylum Twp Appeal 8. 11. Howell vs A. J* Layton " Chas. Perrigo & Co vs Kinney & Watkins....Tresp Chas. Perrigo & Co vs M. Watkins " Mary Lalley, use vs Michael Kirwin " Geo. C. Atwood vs N. N- Parks " Snbpcenaes first week returnable Monday, Nov. 21. 1881, at 2 o'clock P. M. Subptenaes second week returnable Monday .Nov. 28,1881, at 2 o'clock P. M. GEORGE W. BLACKMAN Towanda, Pa.,0ct,14, 1881. Proth'y.

Townada daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1881-11-09 [p ]Ballard, g. b., 37 28 11 Bailey, g. b., 30 26 10 In the 2d ward, C. L. Codding received 1 and in the 3d ward D. Mehan had 1 for

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Page 1: Townada daily review. (Towanda, Pa.) 1881-11-09 [p ]Ballard, g. b., 37 28 11 Bailey, g. b., 30 26 10 In the 2d ward, C. L. Codding received 1 and in the 3d ward D. Mehan had 1 for





Miss MAYMACFARLANE has returned from

her visit in Pittsburg.

Miss LIZZIEA. GORE, of Athens, is visitingMiss HELEN KINGSBURY on York Avenue.

Miss CARRIE LONG, who has been spending

several weeks with friends in Troy, is home


Justice HALL deposited his ballot for Mr.

WOLFE yesterday morning and then took his

departure for Williamsport.


Master WILLIE, were the guests of Dr. KIL-

BOURN and family, Sabbath last.

Miss FANNIE J KWDTT has been spending

some weeks in Sayrc. She has now made her

Towanda friends happy by retuaning.

Miss FLORA BEST starts to-morrow for aylsit to her former home in Quincy, 111. Her

many young friends here wish her a pleasant

visit and safe return.

Rev. W. A. BARBER of Liyona, N. Y.,

who has friends residing here, will to-mor-

row be united in the holy bonds of matriiuony, with Mrs. CLARK of Andover N. Y.

Mr. BEST, who has been in Colorado su-

perintending a mine, for the past summer,

has returned home for the winter. Though

somewhat reduced in wetglit lie is looking


The Tanning Co. aibitration has been con-

tinued again, this time till some day uext


Our good natured but prompt friend, X. P.

HICKS gives notice that all persons indebtedte him must pay up.

The Eureka works and DAYTOX'S mill runnights, and give a lively appearance to busi.ncss in the first ward.

JENNIE, another daughter of Mr. and Mrs.B. F. BOWMAN, lias fallen a victim to diph-

theria. She died Monday morning after a

short illness.

Llecnan day passsd off very quietly. By

law all bar rooms were closed. Let us be

thankful that we can enjoy prohibition oneday in the year.

December term of court will continue only

two weeks. As there are three Oyer andTerminer crses to be disposed of. the civil listwillprobably not be reduced much.

Ninety-nine physicians have now register-

ed in this county. The iast one was Doctor

AZAUIAIIJUDSON of Litchfield. He is a grad-

uate of the Berkshire, Mass., Medical Col-lege. (

The members of Naiad Fire Co. No. 2, arerequested to meet at their parlors to-day at

12:30 sharp, in readiness to proceed to the fu-

neral of our late brother,LEGRAND BREWER.

By order of the Foreman.

The attendance at the fall term of the Col-

legiate Institute was the largest in the history

of the institution. The fact that forty teach-

ers were among the students is good evidence

that, the standard of qualifications is being

elevated under the administration of Super-

intendent RYAN.

Scientific American gives the following in-

formation to those who desire to get rid of

stumps on their farms: "In the autumn orearly winter bore a hole one or two inches in

diameter, according to the girth of the stump,

and about eight inches deep. Put into it one

or two inches of saltpetre, fill the hole withwater and plug it close. In the ensuing

spring take out the plug and pour in about a

gill of kerosene oil and ignite it. The stump

will smoulder away without blazing, to the

very roots, leaving nothing but ashes.'

The finest confections in the murkot at C.S. FITCH'S.


school life: one who give much promise ofattaining high scholarship in the school andgreat usefulness in future; and above all onewhose pure and blameless character wouldindicate peace with God and the indwellingof his Holy Spirit,

Resolved , Thot we extend our heartfeltsympathy to the relatives and friends of thedeceased; that as a token of love and esteem,we drape in mourning her desk and the roomin which she was accustomed to sit; andthat, as a school, we wiil follow the remainsof our departed friend to their tast restingplace.

Resolved , That these resolutions be print-ed and that a copy be sent to tho bereavedfamily. C. \V. SHELDON, )


The prevalence of small pox along the lineof the Lehigh Valley road, should cause a

thorough vaccination in this place. Dr. T.

B. JOHNSON has provided himself with pu7e,fresh vaccine.

No news from the election in tin : state.New York has gone democratic. The re-sult in Virginia is still in doubt. Minne-sota and Massachusetts are republican.?No report from the other states.

Mrs. Kilbourn invites the ladies of Towanda andvicinity to call and examine her stock of MillineryGoods before purchasing elsewhere.

Conveniant rooms for house keeping, in Tracy &

Moore's block, Main St. Apply to 11, l\ MOORE.

Taken from the stable of D'A Overton, a fewdays since, a valuable riding bridle,with patent bit.

One dollar reward will be paid for its return.W. VANDERMARK.

Allperson* indebited to the subscriber whose ac-counts have been standing over three months mustsettle before December Ist to save costs.



England had five children sick witii Chills at onetime. Her pastor recommended Thermalinc. She

bought a family box and cured the whole lot. Chil-

dren won't take quinine; its bitter taste turns their

stomachs. Thermaline is put up in sugar-coated cap-

sulets, like small flat beans. Only costs 25 cents abox. It lias never been known to fail, and is nowprescribed by physicians instead of quinine.


bride's brother, Nov. 5,1881, by Rev. J, 11. Wes--ton, Mr. Wm. W. Gaylord and Miss Susie O.Clapper, all of Wyalusing, I'a.The wedding gifts were numerous and tine.


BREWER ?In Carbon Run Sunday Nov, 0, LeGrand S. Brewer, son of Peter Brewer,aged 26years, 4 months and 15 days.Funeral at residence ofparents, Wednesday af-

ternoon at 1 o'clock.


Largest assortment of Vases and mottoed ClipsCups and Saucers, in town at the 5 CENT Store.

Immense shipments of TOYS for the Holidaytrade, are being received daily at the 5 CENTStore.

WANTED?Dress-Making and Plain Sewing, by athoroughly competent Dress Maker. TERMS, 50Cents per day. Enquire at J. M. Sill's, Cherry st.

LOST ?Strayed or stolen from my premises inTowanda township, on the night of October 30tli, a

DARK RED COW, with black face; 8 or 9 yearsold; coming in soon; had a rope tied around herhorns. A liberal reward will be paid for her returnor for information that will lead to her discovery.


Situation as Book keeper or Clerk wanted by athoroughly competant young man. Address 11,Box 1135, Towanda, Pa.

Professor Dannelle respectfully notifies his friendsand pupils of last season and the citizens of To-wanda that pursuant to special request, he will\jopen classes in the Means' Hall, on Tuesday, after-noon and evening, Nov. 17. Terms same as lastseason, und instructions snperior to any ever givenhere, before or since the first advent ot Dannelle.List at C. B. Porter's Drug Store.

Mr. James Dees, late with Felch & Co., takes thismethod of notifying his friends that he has taken aposition with Evans & Hildreth, where he will hehappy to see them all and offer them great induce-ments in the line of dry goods.

David Goodman, Blacksmith, has Removed fromshop on Park street to the rear of Col. Means'block. Entrance from Pine street.

William Brown, at Miller's Barn, cleans and oilsHarness, and washes wagons very cheaply.

Nathan Tidd desires to inform his patrons andthe public in general, that he is prepared to deliverLoyal Sock coal at same prices as charged at theS. L. & S. Yaid.

PREPARING FOR THE HOLIDAYS.?Theholidays, which are only a little ways off, are

alrsady being discussed. The babies are be-ginning to dream of Santa Claus and MerryChristmas, and the old, old gossip about thejollyseason is being revived around the do-mestic hearth. In view of all this, S. P*WHITCOMB is preparing for a grand displayof the choicest stationery goods made, theearly invoices of which are already arriving.And his first showing of the publisher'sart indicates that the enterprising stationerdoes not intend to slight the universal taste

for the prettiest low priced books as well asthe choicest and most expensive, while mag-nificent intermediary goods, will be offered.In tine Mr. WHITCOMB will spare no pains to

satisfy the public in every particular as theearly arrivals alluded to amply testify.

The return rifle match between the Key-

stone Club and Towanda Club took place at

Rome on Saturday last. The weather wasunfavorable for shooting, the wind being ve-ry strong, and the scores in consequence

were low. The Keystone won the matchby two punts. The following is the score;


P. F. Elswortli 444444454 s?l*211. C. Smith, 445554553 4?14J. S. Ellsworth 3 4 5 3 3 4 4 3 4 5?38J. L. Pendleton 354334434 3?36G. S. Kinney 3 5 2 334444 4?36



Edw. Walker, Jr. 444434443 4?3SA. P. Laplant 3 4 3 344354 4?3711. Bowman 44543344 5 5?41E. Walker, Sr. 44443443 3 4?37J. 51. Edeon 444444454 4?41


The third match between these clubs willtake place before long.

Betow we give the result of the vote inthis borough yesterday in the several wards:

Ist 2d 3dState Treasurer.

Raily, rep., 66 128 81NOble, dem., 41 72 51Jackson, g. b., 28 15 5Wilson, pro., 5 11Wolfe, ind., (17 05 JIG

Sheriff.Horton, rep.. 110 107 110Russell, dem., 63 90 58Woodburn, g' b.. 30 20 18

Prothonoiary.Rlackman, rep., 108 187 113Leonard, dem., 55 87 37Orcutt, g. I)., 40 37 33

Register and Recorder.Webb, rep., 03 143 70Cross, dem., 98 156 98Houston, g. b., 20 12 5

Treasurer.Lilley, rep., 105 185 108Van Dyke, dem.. 60 103 65Thompson, g. b., 38 19 10

Commissioners.Bradford, rep., 96 200 103Kingsley. rep., 103 183 112Rausoin, dem., 62 93 50Holcomb, g. b., 51 34 21Turk, g. b., 43 23 0Hinds, ind., 10 13 5Terry, ind., 2 2

Aoditors.Ilested, rep., 106 187 100Moody, rep., 107 188 100Welles, dem., 66 101 80Ballard, g. b., 37 28 11Bailey, g. b., 30 26 10

In the 2d ward, C. L. Codding received 1and in the 3d ward D. Mehan had 1 for audit-or and John Carter 1 for commissioner.

Returns from the county are very meagre.The republican ticket is all elected, thoughWebb's majority will be small Wolfe's vote

is between 1,000 and 2,000, many democratshaving voted for him.

The following resolutions were adopted bythe teachers and scholars of the Susquehan-na Collegiate Institute upon the occasion of*the death of Miss JENNIE BOWMAN.

WHEREAS. Our Heaveculy Father has seenfit to remove from our number a dearly be-*loved pupil and school-mate, therefore be it

Resolved , That we, the teachers and stu-dents of the Susquehanna Collegiate Insti-tute, deeply mourn the loss of one who wasfaithful in the discharge of every school du-ty, and conscientious in all the relations of 1


Business Cards.


DAILYREVIEW OFFICE, Main street, Towanda I'a

TOWANDA,Sept. '23. lbb-l


Near the Barclay depot. Good accommodations atreasonable prices. Call'and see us.

CIIAS. K. LADD, M. 1).

PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.Office three doors above Mercur Block. 284-3 y.


Office over U. O Porter's Drug Store, Residencecorner Maple and Second Streets,


South side Mercur Block, Towanda, l'a.N. C. ELSBREE. | L. ELSBUDE.

FL. HOLLISTER I). D. S.\u25a0 (Successor to Dr. E. H. Angle.)

OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL DENTIST.Office on State street, second tloor of Dr. Pratt's

office. 10jau80


Of Pianos and Organs. (Over 17 years experi-ence.) Orders received at Holmes & Passage'sMusic Store.


Office Means' Block.




Office over Stevens & Long's store.


Office Mercur Block, over Kirby's Drug Store.


Office corner Main and Pine Streets, Towanda, Pa.

PECK & OVERTON,Attorneys-at-Law, Towanda, Pa.



ATTORNE YS-A T-LA IF,Office formerly occupied by W. Watkins.



Emily McTavish vs E. Loekwood EjectW. M. Nixon vs Win. Wolf IssueH. B. Ingham vs A. J. Layton, et al TrespassB. S. Bently, trus., etc. vs Susq. Mut. Ins. Co. DebtFirst Nat. Bank, Athens, vs Geo. W. Morse.. "

Selim Kirby vs A. C. Carpenter EjectPa. &N. Y. Canal &R. R. Co. vs J. D. Montanye,

et al EjectGeo. W. Esser vs Jno. O. Ward TrespJno. Swackhammer vs Chas. and Mary Sill...Eject11. B. Vangilder vs W. 11. Sherwood TrespFrederick It. Cole vs David Cole EjectDelplicne Shoemaker vs L. B. Faulkner "

C. W. Clapp vs Jno. W. Ilollenback DebtAthens B. & L. Association vs C. O. Huntington

et al Sci FaWright Dunham vs Ellsworth Osborn TrespCitizens' Nat. Bank Towanda vs A. Conklin. AssptFirst Nat. Bank Towanda vs A. Conklin "

Mary E. Hamilton vs Win. Snyder DebtLormore & Tompkins vs Geo. P. Tracy... .AppealWin. M. Mallory vs Douglass Wilson, et ul.. .'Eject

SECOND WEEK.Jackson Lewis vsWm. Whitney TrespRose L. Secor use vs Elisha Atherton's Ex'rs F. IssE. A. Packer & Co. vs Schradcr Min, & Mfg.

Co TrespFirst Nat. Bank. Towanda vs Thos. F. Madill "

11. W. Tracy vs Pa & N. YCanal & R. R. Co. AppealM S. Pike's Ex'rs vs A. Hunsiker IssueFrancis A. Drexel vs Jno. Carrol EjectC. K, Frost vs Thos. It. Jordon Appeal8. 11, Farnsworth vs J. Cobb IssueE. W. Drake vs Thos. Harding, et al AssptE. L. Palmer vs Eugene Keeler AppealM. 8, Pike's Ex'rs vs C. Hunsiker RplvnLewis & Brown vs David Whipple AppealSamuel Ovenshire vs A, 11. Spalding, et al..TrespClark Johnson vs Asylum Twp Appeal8. 11. Howell vs A. J* Layton "

Chas. Perrigo & Co vs Kinney & Watkins....TrespChas. Perrigo & Co vs M. Watkins "

Mary Lalley, use vs Michael Kirwin "

Geo. C. Atwood vs N. N- Parks "

Snbpcenaes first week returnable Monday, Nov.21. 1881, at 2 o'clock P. M.

Subptenaes second week returnable Monday .Nov.28,1881, at 2 o'clock P. M.

GEORGE W. BLACKMANTowanda, Pa.,0ct,14, 1881. Proth'y.