TOWN OF EAST GWILLIMBURY BYLAW PROPOSAL - PIGEONS ON ... · (1.0) “pigeon” - means any kind of pigeon, including any pigeon, whether wild or kept as a pet, for consumption or

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Page 1: TOWN OF EAST GWILLIMBURY BYLAW PROPOSAL - PIGEONS ON ... · (1.0) “pigeon” - means any kind of pigeon, including any pigeon, whether wild or kept as a pet, for consumption or



Proposed by: K Smith Contact:

Page 2: TOWN OF EAST GWILLIMBURY BYLAW PROPOSAL - PIGEONS ON ... · (1.0) “pigeon” - means any kind of pigeon, including any pigeon, whether wild or kept as a pet, for consumption or


1. Summary of Request ..…….……….…….…….…….…….…….…….….….….….…..……. 2 2. Case ..….…….……….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…..….………..….. 2 3. Proposed Items to Be Addressed in the Pigeon By-law ..….…….…….…..….……....….. 2 4. Health Hazards of Pigeons.…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…..….………..….. 2 5. Immediate Reason for Concern .…….…….…….…….…….…….…….…..….………..….. 3 6. Why The Proposed Pigeon By-law Matters ..…....…….….…....…….….…...…...….……. 3 7. Aligning with our Community Purpose and Vision ..………….…….…….………….….….. 4 8. Proposed Items To Include In Pigeon By-law .….…….…….………….…….….…..….….. 4

Appendix Appendix A: Pigeon Related Diseases …….…….………….…….………….…….………….…..… 8

a) Histoplasmosis b) Cryptococcosis c) Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis d) Histoplasmosis e) Disseminated Histoplasmosis

Appendix B: List of Pigeons By-laws in the Surrounding Community …….…….………...…….. 10 Appendix C: East Gwillimbury Strategic Plan 2019-2022 …….……..………….…….…….……. 19 Appendix D: Town of East Gwillimbury Existing By-laws ………….………….………...………....20

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By-law Proposal - Pigeons on Residential Lots 1. Summary of Request. To propose a By-law regarding pigeons on residential lots. Pigeons, in particular their droppings (feces), can cause a variety of diseases and thus pose a health hazard. This is why it’s critical that a Pigeon By-law is created to regulate the keeping of pigeons on residential lots, to ensure the health and safety of the general public. 2. Case. Currently, there is a member of our community who is a keeper of pigeons on their residential lot, which includes multiple coops. Not only can it pose a health risk, as stated by the Canadian Government , but the neighbors whose property lines are shared with the pigeon 1

keeper, have health conditions (Cancer and COPD) that put them at an even greater risk. 3. Proposed Items to Be Addressed in the Pigeon By-law. Given the health hazards of pigeons caused by feces (droppings), the most critical items to be addressed in a proposed Pigeon By-law is:

● The sanitary disposal of pigeon waste ● Pigeon allowance and flight periods, as with more pigeons comes more droppings ● The maintenance and upkeep of pigeons structures/enclosures

4. Health Hazards of Pigeons. The Government of Canada states, “Human exposure to pigeon and bat droppings can result in infections, disease, flu/pneumonia-like symptoms, blindness, and in rare cases, death. ” The associated diseases include but are not limited to, 2

Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis, and Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis which are fungal and lung disease related to pigeon droppings. See Appendix A: Pigeon Related Diseases. Therefore, the biggest problem pigeons cause is the number of feces (droppings) they produce. Given “pigeon droppings may pose a health hazard to the general public ”, as indicated by The 3

Government of Canada, it's important that regulations are in place regarding the keeping, 4

maintenance, and overall safety of keeping pigeons on residential lots.

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1 https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/pest-control-tips/pigeons.html 2 https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/biens-property/sngp-npms/bi-rp/conn-know/securite-safety/infectieuses-infectious-eng.html 3 https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/pest-control-tips/pigeons.html 4 https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/pest-control-tips/pigeons.html

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5. Immediate Reason for Concern - Neighbours at Increased Risk of Developing Pigeon Related Diseases. Cancer: A member of our household, , has recently been diagnosed with Cancer, specifically Leukemia, which of course weakens the immune system. Our neighbors are keepers of many pigeons with multiple outdoor coops . As stated on the Canadian Government website, 5

“People with weakened immune systems (like cancer patients or people living with HIV/AIDS) are generally more at risk of developing histoplasmosis.” ” which is a disease 6

caused by a fungus that grows in pigeon droppings and is carried by the wind. This raises even more cause for concern given the health hazards of pigeons and the heightened risk Mrs. faces. Due to her cancer, she is more susceptible and at increased risk to the fungal diseases related to pigeon droppings. The doctor has advised that the nearby pigeons are of concern given the weakened immune system caused by cancer and cancer treatment. COPD: Further, the other neighbor, whose property line is also shared with the pigeon keeper,

, has COPD which is a Chronic Lung Disease that obstructs airflow from the lungs. One of the various diseases pigeons have been associated with is Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis, which is an allergic-type of lung disease related to the inhalation of protein material within pigeon droppings and Disseminated Histoplasmosis which is the rarest, most severe form, and involves the spreading of the fungus to other organs outside of the lungs. This form is fatal if not medically treated, and in some cases is fatal even with medical treatment. Given is already faced with a lung condition he too is at heightened risk for infection. 6. Why The Proposed Pigeon By-law Matters. Pigeons may pose a ‘health hazard’ as stated by the Canadian Government , but given the 7

health conditions of surrounding neighbours, whose property line borders that of the pigeon keeper, neighbours are at risk of not only severely jeopardizing their health but potentially facing fatal conditions. This is why it’s critical that we implement a Pigeon By-law that regulates the safe keeping on pigeons on residential lots. Thus far it appears there has not been a need or concern regarding the keeping of pigeons on residential lots but as a growing community it’s important we adapt our By-laws to meet the evolving needs and safety of our residents. There are multiple surrounding communities that have already implemented By-laws that include the keeping of pigeons. See Appendix B: List of Pigeons By-laws in the Surrounding Area.

5 Coops may also be known as pens, enclosures, structures etc 6 https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/pest-control-tips/pigeons.html 7 https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/pest-control-tips/pigeons.html

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7. Aligning with our Community Purpose and Vision. This change also aligns with the purpose and vision outlined in East Gwillumbury’s Strategic Plan: ‘Our Core Purpose. Our Town...To be a safe, connected community, focused on livability, and high quality, affordable services.’ and ‘Our Community Vision. Our future...To be a balanced community, evolving to meet the changing needs of our residents’ 8. Proposed Items to Include In Pigeon By-law The following items are being proposed to be included in a By-law for ‘Keeping of Pigeons of Residential Lots’. The following detailed are inspired by Appendix B: List of Pigeons By-laws in the Surrounding Area and Appendix D: Town of East Gwillimbury Existing By-laws SUMMARY I.INTERPRETATION (1.0) “pigeon” - defined (1.1) “pigeon owner” - defined (1.2) “pigeon coop” - defined II. SANITARY DISPOSAL OF PIGEON WASTE (2.0) Sanitary Disposal of Pigeon Waste (2.1) Immediate Disposal of Pigeon Upon Death III. PIGEON ALLOWANCE AND FLIGHT PERIODS (3.0) Maximum Allowable Amount of Pigeons per Residential Lot (3.1) Declaration to Town (3.2) Flight Period IV. PIGEON STRUCTURES/ ENCLOSURES (4.3) The maintenance and upkeep of an enclosure (coop, structure, or pen)

I. INTERPRETATION (1.0) “pigeon” - means any kind of pigeon, including any pigeon, whether wild or kept as a pet, for consumption or for hobby purposes such as breeding, showing or sporting. (1.1) “pigeon owner” means a person who keeps pigeons.

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(1.2) “pigeon coop” means an accessory building or structure for the keeping of pigeons. Also known as pens, enclosures, and structures. II. SANITARY DISPOSAL (1.0) Sanitary Disposal of Pigeon Waste

a. No person shall locate scattered, or a heap of pigeon droppings on a property. b. No person shall dump, throw, place, deposit, bury, dispose of pigeon droppings on any

land. c. Pigeon owner shall remove in a sanitary manner at least twice each week, all pigeon

droppings, refuse and dropped or scattered feed within or adjacent to all such buildings, structures, lofts, pens, coops or runs, including outside runs enclosed only with wire.

d. The removal of pigeon droppings must minimize debris from being airborne. e. All dropping and waste resulting from the keeping of the animals shall be contained in air

tight containers or securely fastened and sealed waste bag in such a manner as to prevent odours and shall be disposed of in a manner that will not create a public nuisance or health hazard.

i. No person shall have more than one (1) waste bags or (1) container measuring to a maximum of 63L, containing pigeon droppings for disposal.

f. Waste bags and containers containing pigeon droppings for disposal may not be placed more than 3.0 meters from a property line.

g. Waste bags and containers containing pigeon waste be disposed of within 24 hours of collection of droppings.

(1.1) Immediate Disposal of Pigeon Upon Death. Immediately dispose of any such pigeon which dies in accordance with (1) Sanitary Disposal of Pigeon Waste. III. PIGEON ALLOWANCE AND FLIGHT PERIODS (2.0) Maximum Allowable Amount of Pigeons per Residential Lot

a. No person shall keep, on any lot, more than 25 homing, pouter, racing or tumbler pigeons, or any combination thereof.

b. A maximum of 40 pigeons may be kept on a lot during racing season, which is from April 1 to October 31.

i. All pigeons must be banded with an identifying leg band issued by the Canadian Racing Pigeon Union.

c. At other times (non-racing season), the maximum allowed is 25 pigeons on a lot. (2.1) Declaration to Town. Provide the Town with a declaration stating the number of pigeons in his or her possession.

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(2.2) Flight Period.

a. All pigeons must be kept enclosed at all times, except during a maximum of two flight periods daily, which flights shall take place:

i. October 1 to April 30, only before 7:30 a.m. and after 6:00 p.m; and ii. May 1 to September 30, before 9:00 a.m. or after 7:30 p.m.

b. Only one-half of the number of pigeons kept on the lot may be released for flight at any one time.

c. Every person keeping pigeons shall ensure the pigeons do not stray, perch, roost, nest or rest upon any premises other than on premises of the owner;

IV. PIGEON STRUCTURES/ ENCLOSURES (3.3) The Maintenance and Upkeep of a Pigeon Coop

a. Every pigeon coop shall be located a minimum of 9 metres (29.5 feet) from any school, church, public hall, store, dwelling or premises used for human habitation, other than premises occupied exclusively by the owner or keeper of such animals or members of his immediate family.

b. Every pigeon coop shall be located a minimum of 3 metres (9.84 feet) from the boundary line between the owner's property and all adjacent property.

c. Every pigeon coop shall have a clear space between the ground and the underside of the floor of not less than 30 centimetres (11.81 inches).

d. Every pigeon coop shall have a floor with a surface which is impervious to moisture. e. Each pigeon coop shall be constructed so as to prevent the escape of the animals kept

therein. f. The appearance of the pigeon coop shall be properly maintained, by regular painting, or

shall be finished with permanent siding, and in all cases shall comply with the requirements of the Zoning By-law.

g. Every person keeping pigeons shall lime-wash, paint or disinfect the inside walls and ceilings of all pigeon coops, at least twice a year.

h. All equipment and material related to pigeon coop shall be kept within a building or structure, or under cover.

i. All equipment and materials shall be screened from the view of the general public, and, where it is necessary to do so, a hedge or other such vegetation shall be planted, or a solid fence erected, to act as a screen.

j. All food for the animals shall be kept in rodent-proof containers. k. No pigeon coop shall be kept in a condition which:

i. is structurally unsound as to be incapable of safely sustaining its own weight and any additional weight that may be put on it through normal use; ii. is incapable of safely accommodating all normal movements without damage, decay or deterioration;

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iii. is not clad by exterior surfaces of materials which provide adequate protection from the weather to prevent the entry of moisture that would contribute to damage, decay or deterioration; or, iv. contains loose, rotten, warped and broken materials and objects.

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 Appendix A: Pigeon Related Diseases. 1. Government of Canada 8

Source : https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/pest-control-tips/pigeons.html 9

Pigeons tend to breed and roost in groups. The biggest problem they cause is the amount of feces (droppings) they produce. The build-up of pigeon feces on buildings and other structures is visually unappealing and is made worse by the fact that pigeon droppings are acidic and erode metal and stonework. More importantly, pigeon droppings may pose a health hazard to the general public. Pigeons have been associated with a variety of diseases, including histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis. Histoplasmosis is a disease caused by a fungus that grows in pigeon droppings. The fungus can also be found in bat droppings or in the soil, and is carried by the wind. When removing droppings, people may breathe in some of the fungus. When exposure is high, the fungus can cause infections. Symptoms of histoplasmosis begin to appear about 10 days after the initial infection and can include fatigue, fever, and chest pains. Most infections have no symptoms or appear as a mild respiratory illness. People with weakened immune systems (like cancer patients or people living with HIV/AIDS) are generally more at risk of developing histoplasmosis. The disease cannot be transmitted from person to person. Cryptococcosis is another fungal disease related to pigeon droppings and grows in soils throughout the world. It is very unlikely that healthy people will become infected even at high levels of exposure. A major risk factor for infection is a compromised immune system. 2. Public Services and Procurement Canada 10

Source : 11

https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/biens-property/sngp-npms/bi-rp/conn-know/securite-safety/infectieuses-infectious-eng.html Human exposure to pigeon or bat droppings can result in infections, disease, flu/pneumonia-like symptoms, blindness, and in rare cases, death. The two primary

8 https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/pest-control-tips/pigeons.html 9 https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/pest-control-tips/pigeons.html 10 https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/biens-property/sngp-npms/bi-rp/conn-know/securite-safety/infectieuses-infectious-eng.html 11 https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/biens-property/sngp-npms/bi-rp/conn-know/securite-safety/infectieuses-infectious-eng.html

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diseases resulting from the inhalation of these droppings are 'hypersensitivity pneumonitis' and 'histoplasmosis'. Another rare but related fatal disease is 'disseminated histoplasmosis'.

● Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis: An allergic type of lung disease related to the inhalation of protein material within pigeon and bat droppings. Usually, there are flu-like symptoms such as: chills, fever, fatigue, cough, and shortness of breath, which generally occur between 5-10 hours after exposure.

● Histoplasmosis: An infectious disease caused by the inhalation or ingestion of the spores of a fungus called 'Histoplasma Capsulatum', or the contamination of bodily fluids by the spores through other means. The spores are usually found in areas inhabited by pigeons and/or bat colonies. This condition can be mild to very severe with pneumonia-like symptoms usually appearing within 3 - 18 days after exposure.

● Disseminated histoplasmosis is the rarest, most severe form, and involves the

spreading of the fungus to other organs outside of the lungs. This form is fatal if not medically treated, and in some cases is fatal even with medical treatment. Histoplasmosis cannot be transmitted through person-to-person contact.

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Appendix B: List of Pigeons By-laws in the Surrounding Area SUMMARY

1. City of Richmondhill 2. City of Brampton 3. City of London 4. Town of Ajax

1.CITY OF RICHMONDHILL By-law ANIMAL: Chapter 304 ANIMAL - KEEPING Source : https://www.richmondhill.ca/en/shared-content/resources/documents/995-304.pdf 12

SUMMARY Article 1 INTERPRETATION 304.1.10 Pigeon - defined Article 4 PIGEON 304.4.1 Keeping - maximum - 25- per lot 304.4.2 Keeping - exemption - previously permitted 304.4.3 Replacement - pigeons - immediate - upon death - other 304.4.4 Recognized club member - written proof - to Town 304.4.5 Declaration - number kept - to Town 04.4.6 Flight periods - two daily - times - seasons DETAILED Article 1 INTERPRETATION 304.1.10 Pigeon - defined. “pigeon” means any kind of pigeon, and without restricting the generality of this definition, includes any pigeon, whether wild or kept as a pet, for consumption or for hobby purposes such as breeding, showing or sporting. Article 4 PIGEON 304.4.1 Keeping - maximum - 25 - per lot Notwithstanding anything in this Chapter to the contrary, no person shall keep or cause to be kept, on any lot, more than 25 homing, pouter, racing or tumbler pigeons, or any combination thereof.

12 https://www.richmondhill.ca/en/shared-content/resources/documents/995-304.pdf

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304.4.2 Keeping - exemption - previously permitted Notwithstanding anything in this Chapter to the contrary, Section 304.4.1 does not apply to any person who, at the time By-law 17-82 came into force and effect and since that time, has kept more than the maximum permitted number of such pigeons, provided such person continues to keep no more that the same number of such pigeons as he had at the time By-law 17-82 came into force and effect. 304.4.3 Replacement - pigeons - immediate - upon death - other Section 304.4.1 does not apply to any person who, at the time By-law 17-82 came into force and effect and since that time, has kept more than the maximum permitted number of such pigeons, provided such person immediately replaces any such pigeon which dies or is otherwise disposed of. 304.4.4 Recognized club member - written proof - to Town Section 304.4.1 does not apply to any person who, at the time By-law 17-82 came into force and effect and since that time, has kept more than the maximum permitted number of such pigeons, provided such person provides written proof with the Town that he or she is a member of a recognized Pigeon Racing Club. 304.4.5 Declaration - number kept - to Town Section 304.4.1 does not apply to any person who, at the time By-law 17-82 came into force and effect and since that time, has kept more than the maximum permitted number of such pigeons, provided such person provides the Town with a declaration stating the number of pigeons in his or her possession. 304.4.6 Flight periods - two daily - times - seasons All pigeons must be kept enclosed at all times, except during a maximum of two flight periods daily, which flights shall take place: (a) October 1 to April 30, any time of the day; and (b) May 1 to September 30, before 9:00 a.m. or after 7:30 p.m. By-law 15-88, 5 January, 1988. 2. City of Brampton Animal Control By-Law 261-93 Source : https://www.brampton.ca/EN/City-Hall/Bylaws/All%20Bylaws/Animal%20Control.pdf 13

SUMMARY DEFINITIONS PROHIBITIONS AND REGULATIONS DETAILED DEFINITIONS “pigeon coop” means an accessory building or structure for the keeping of pigeons; (78-2009) “pigeon owner” means a person who keeps pigeons; (78-2009) PROHIBITIONS AND REGULATIONS

13 https://www.brampton.ca/EN/City-Hall/Bylaws/All%20Bylaws/Animal%20Control.pdf

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13. No person shall keep, or permit to be kept, any rabbit, pigeon, game fowl, or domestic fowl, except in accordance with the following rules: (1) For dwelling units on a lot, each animal shall be kept in an animal quarter and not in the dwelling unit except for up to two (2) rabbits. (2) Except for pigeon coops as provided for in section 14, each animal quarter shall be at least eight (8) metres (25 feet) from any dwelling, school, store or shop, and at least two (2) metres (six feet) from each boundary of the property on which it is located. (3) Each animal quarter shall be constructed so as to prevent the escape of the animals kept therein. (4) The appearance of each animal quarter shall be properly maintained, by regular painting, or shall be finished with permanent siding, and in all cases shall comply with the requirements of the Zoning By-law. (5) All equipment and material shall be kept within a building or structure, or under cover. (6) All equipment and materials shall be screened from the view of the general public, and, where it is necessary to do so, a hedge or other such vegetation shall be planted, or a solid fence erected, to act as a screen. (7) All refuse resulting from the keeping of the animals shall be contained in air tight containers in such a manner as to prevent odours and shall be disposed of in a manner that will not create a public nuisance or health hazard. 8) All food for the animals shall be kept in rodent proof containers. 14. In addition to other requirements of this by-law and the Zoning By-law, the following are the rules for pigeon owners: (1) No person shall keep more than two pigeons on a lot unless a license is obtained from the License Issuer. (2) For the purposes of this section: a) The licensing period shall be from May 1st of a calendar year to April 30th of the following calendar year, effective May 1, 2009.

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b) The applicant shall complete a license application, file any information as may be required by the License Issuer and pay the required fee as set out in the User Fee By-law prior to a license being issued. c) The coop shall be located, constructed and maintained in compliance with this by-law, the Zoning By-law and any other applicable legislation. d) A license shall be issued to an owner whose application meets all the requirements of this By-law except if the License Issuer is of the opinion that: i) the issuance or the holding of a license would be contrary to the public interest in respect of (1) the health and safety of any person or animal; or (2) a nuisance affecting any land or person in Brampton; ii) any application or other document provided to the License Issuer by or on behalf of the applicant contains a false statement, or provides false information; iii) the applicant does not meet all the requirements of this By-law or any other City By-law. e) Where the License Issuer has refused to issue a license, the applicant may appeal to the Brampton Appeal Tribunal in accordance procedures established by Licensing By-law 1-2002 f) When it considers an appeal under this By-law, the Tribunal shall not make any decision or finding that impacts an application for a minor variance. g) Any person holding a license under this section shall produce the license upon the request of the License Issuer or animal control officer. (3) It is an offence to keep or permit to be kept three or more pigeons on a lot without a valid license and for the purposes of this by-law, the owner of the lot shall be deemed to be the owner of a pigeon found in or returning to a pigeon coop on the lot. (4) Notwithstanding Sections 14(1) and 14(3), a veterinarian who is keeping pigeons for treatment or other purposes directly related to his or her practice of veterinary medicine is not subject to pigeon owner licensing requirements, maximum numbers of pigeons, flight restrictions or banding requirements. (5) A maximum of 60 pigeons may be kept on a lot during racing season, which is from April 1 to October 31. (6) At other times (non-racing season), the maximum allowed is 40 pigeons on a lot.

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(7) All pigeons must be banded with an identifying leg band issued by one of the following: Central Peel Racing Club Canadian Fancy Pigeon Association Canadian Racing Pigeon Union Canadian Union of Racing Clubs or Brampton and Peel County Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association. (8) All pigeons must be kept within the pigeon coop except during the permitted daily flight periods. (9) Each pigeon may be released for no more than two flights per day. (10) Only one-half of the number of pigeons kept on the lot may be released for flight at any one time. (11) Pigeons may be released for flight during the following day flight periods: (a) from April 1 to September 30 in each calendar year, only before 7:30 a.m. and after 6:00 p.m.; and (b) from October 1 to March 31 in each calendar year, only before 10:00 a.m. and after 3:00 p.m. (12) The release of pigeons for flights shall be under the supervision of the pigeon owner, or some other competent person. (13) Notwithstanding Sections 14(6), 14(7), 14(8) and 14(9), a pigeon in a race may be at flight up to one day beyond the expected duration of the race, if weather or other conditions beyond control of the owner have caused the pigeon to be overdue. (14) Every pigeon owner shall permit entry on the lot for the purpose of enforcing this or any other City by-law and it is an offence to obstruct any City employee in the execution of his or her duties under this bylaw. 3. CITY OF LONDON Animal Control By-law PH-3 - Consolidated as of October 17, 2017 Source : https://www.london.ca/city-hall/by-laws/Documents/animal-control-PH3.pdf 14

SUMMARY Part 2 CLASSES OF ANIMALS 2.4 Class 3 animal "Class 3 animal" shall mean homing, pouter, racing or tumbler pigeons Part 7 CLASS 3 ANIMALS 7.12 Pigeons - trespassing - prevention Part 8

14 https://www.london.ca/city-hall/by-laws/Documents/animal-control-PH3.pdf

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CLASS 3 ANIMALS - NUMBERS - LIMITED 8.1 Banded pigeons - maximum - 40 - winter months 8.2 Banded pigeons - maximum - 60 - summer months 8.3 Unbanded pigeons - maximum - 2 - at any time Part 9 CLASS 3 ANIMALS - FLIGHT 9.1. Enclosed - all times - exception - 2 flights daily 9.2 Flights - summer months - times - designated 9.3 Flights - winter months - times - designated 9.4 Flights - supervision - required 9.5 Exception - organized flights - recognized by City DETAILED Part 2 CLASSES OF ANIMALS 2.4 Class 3 animal "Class 3 animal" shall mean homing, pouter, racing or tumbler pigeons. Part 7 CLASS 3 ANIMALS 7.1 Animals - confinement - requirements - set out All Class 3 animals kept within the municipal boundaries of the City of London shall be confined to a building, structure, coop, loft, pen or run which shall meet the requirements set out in sections 7.2 to 7.8 inclusive of this by-law. 7.2 Building - structure - minimum size - requirements Every building, structure, coop, loft, pen or run in which Class 3 animals are kept shall have a height of not less than 1.5 metres (4.92 feet) and a floor area of not less than 1.25 12 square metres (13.45 square feet) for each pair of pigeons kept therein. 7.3 Building - structure - ventilation - adequate Every building, structure, coop, loft, pen or run in which Class 3 animals are kept shall have adequate ventilation having regard to the number of pigeons kept therein. 7.4 Building - structure - raised - above ground Every building, structure, coop, loft, pen or run in which Class 3 animals are kept shall have a clear space between the ground and the underside of the floor of not less than 30 centimetres (11.81 inches). 7.5 Building - structure - floor - impervious to moisture Every building, structure, coop, loft, pen or run in which Class 3 animals are kept shall have a floor with a surface which is impervious to moisture.

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7.6 Building - structure - maintenance - appearance Every building, structure, coop, loft, pen or run in which Class 3 animals are kept shall be maintained by regular painting of the exterior or by permanent siding, and all loft equipment shall be kept under cover and where necessary a suitable hedge shall be planted as a buffer between properties. 7.7 Distance - from other dwellings - minimum Every building, structure, coop, loft, pen or run in which Class 3 animals are kept shall be located a minimum of 12 metres (39.4 feet) from any school, church, public hall, store, dwelling or premises used for human habitation, other than premises occupied exclusively by the owner or keeper of such animals or members of his immediate family. 7.8 Distance - from boundary line - minimum Every building, structure, coop, loft, pen or run in which Class 3 animals are kept shall be located a minimum of 3 metres (9.84 feet) from the boundary line between the owner's property and all adjacent property. 7.9 Walls - ceilings - painted - disinfected - bi-annually Every person keeping Class 3 animals shall lime-wash, paint or disinfect the inside walls and ceilings of all buildings, structures, lofts, pens, coops, or runs (other than an outside run enclosed only with wire), at least twice a year. 7.10 Droppings - removal - disposal - bi-weekly - exception Every person keeping Class 3 animals shall remove and dispose of in a sanitary manner at least twice each week, all pigeon droppings, refuse and dropped or scattered feed within or adjacent to all such buildings, structures, lofts, pens, coops or runs, including outside runs enclosed only with wire, provided, however, that this regulation shall not apply when below freezing temperatures prevent removal and disposal. 7.11 Feed - storage - rodent-proof containers Every person keeping Class 3 animals shall store all feed in rodent-proof containers. 7.12 Pigeons - trespassing - prevention Every person keeping Class 3 animals shall prevent pigeons from trespassing on any land, except as otherwise provided in this by-law. Part 8 CLASS 3 ANIMALS - NUMBERS - LIMITED 8.1 Banded pigeons - maximum - 40 - winter months Despite section 4.1 of this by-law, if a pigeon is banded with an identifying leg band issued by an organization recognized as bona fide by resolution of the Council, no more than a total of 40 homer, pouter, racing or tumbler pigeons or any combination thereof may be kept at any one time from November 1 of one year to March 31 of the following year. 8.2 Banded pigeons - maximum - 60 - summer months Despite section 4.1 of this by-law and in order to provide for the raising and racing of pigeons hatched in any year, the number of

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pigeons that may be kept from April 1 to October 31 of any year may be increased to not more than 60. 13 8.3 Unbanded pigeons - maximum - 2 - at any time No person shall keep more than 2 unbanded pigeons at any time. Part 9 CLASS 3 ANIMALS - FLIGHT 9.1 Enclosed - all times - exception - 2 flights daily Class 3 animals shall be kept enclosed at all times, except during a maximum of two flight periods daily, when no more than half the total number of animals of the class being kept by any one person shall be at large at any one time and such flights shall be governed by the regulations set out in sections 9.2 to 9.5 inclusive of this by-law. 9.2 Flights - summer months - times - designated During the period from April 1 to September 30 of any year, all flights shall take place before 9:00 o'clock in the morning or after 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. 9.3 Flights - winter months - times - designated During the period from October 1 of one year to March 31 of the following year, all flights shall take place before 10:00 o'clock in the morning or after 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. 9.4 Flights - supervision - required All flights shall take place under the supervision of the owner of such animal or a competent person on his behalf. 9.5 Exception - organized flights - recognized by City When a bona fide flight is conducted by an organization recognized by a Council resolution, the regulations set out in sections 9.2 to 9.4 inclusive of this by-law do not apply. 4. TOWN OF AJAX Source : https://www.ajax.ca/Modules/bylaws/Bylaw 15

Bylaw No. 61-2009 - Exotic Pets By-law download SUMMARY 4. KEEPING OF PIGEONS DETAILED 4. KEEPING OF PIGEONS

4.1 Every owner of a domestic pigeon in the Town shall; a) keep no more than eighty (80) pigeons at any time:

15 https://www.ajax.ca/Modules/bylaws/Bylaw

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b) be a member of a recognized pigeon club which is affiliated with a national organization: c) ensure each pigeon wear a metal or plastic leg band that shall identify the owner of the bird, and shall register these numbers with a recognized pigeon club which is affiliated with a national organization: d) ensure all pigeons are not kept in, upon, or under any building used for human habitation; e) keep all pigeons in a bird enclosure of sufficient size to house all birds; which shall provide a minimum space of 1.0 square metre of loft space for every 10 birds, and shall be constructed as to prevent escape of pigeons: f) ensure the bird enclosure is located no less than seven (7) metres from any dwelling, shop or apartment building, and no less than three (3) metres from any adjoining property line; g) ensure the pigeons do not stray, perch, roost, nest or rest upon any premises other than on premises of the owner;

h) keep the pigeons in a building, structure, loft, pen, coop or run which is maintained by regular painting or permanent siding; i) lime wash, paint or disinfect the inside walls and ceilings of all buildings, structures, lofts, pens, coops and runs used for the keeping of pigeons other than outside runs enclosed solely with wire, at least four times per calendar year;

j) remove and dispose of in a sanitary manner, at least twice each week, all pigeon droppings and refuse within or adjacent to all buildings, structures, lofts, pens, coops and runs used for the keeping of pigeons, it being understood that this requirement shall not apply when below freezing temperatures prevent waste removal and disposal ; k) store all pigeon feed in rodent-proof containers;

I) keep all equipment associated with the keeping of pigeons under cover; and

m) keep the pigeons enclosed at all times, except to allow a maximum of two daily, two hour, flight periods during which no more than fifty percent of the total number of pigeons being kept shall be permitted to be at large during any particular flight period, it being understood that this restriction shall not apply to members of a racing pigeon club when the members are participating in a bona fide flight conducted by the club.

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 Appendix C: East Gwillimbury Strategic Plan 2019-2022 16

Source : 17

http://www.eastgwillimbury.ca/Government/Publications/Town_Plans_and_Strategies/Strategic_Plan.htm Our Core Purpose Our Town...To be a safe, connected community, focused on livability, and high quality, affordable services Our Community Vision Our future...To be a balanced community, evolving to meet the changing needs of our residents

(continues on next page)

16 http://www.eastgwillimbury.ca/Government/Publications/Town_Plans_and_Strategies/Strategic_Plan.htm 17 http://www.eastgwillimbury.ca/Government/Publications/Town_Plans_and_Strategies/Strategic_Plan.htm

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 Appendix D: Town of East Gwillimbury Existing By-laws 1.BY-LAW NUMBER 2018- 084 Source : https://eastgwillimbury.civicweb.net/filepro/documents/104837?preview=114333 18

SUMMARY II GENERAL PROVISIONS III UNSAFE OR HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS IV DUMPING AND WASTE DISPOSAL V COMPOST II GENERAL PROVISIONS 2.8 Every owner shall remove any domesticated animal excrement on their property. 2.9 Every owner shall maintain their property clear of all waste material. 2.10 Every owner shall store waste material in rigid covered containers (except for recyclable materials) when stored outdoors and waste material shall not be stored in the front yard of a residential property where the property has a garage, side yard or designated storage facility. III UNSAFE OR HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS 3.1 Every owner shall keep their property clear of objects or conditions that create or might create a health, fire or accident hazard. IV DUMPING AND WASTE DISPOSAL 4.1 No person shall dump, throw, place, deposit, bury, dispose, or permit to be dumped, thrown, placed, deposited, buried, or disposed, waste material on any land unless specifically permitted by any other By-law. V COMPOST No person shall locate a compost heap or structure on a property unless the following provisions are met: (a) The compost heap or structure is located in a rear or side yard; (b) The use of the compost heap or structure is limited to the disposal of acceptable compostable material in accordance with standards established by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and local health authorities; (c) The compost heap or structure is no larger than 1.0 square metres in size and no taller than 1.0 metre in height; (d) The compost heap or structure is no closer than 1.0 metre to any property line; and,

18 https://eastgwillimbury.civicweb.net/filepro/documents/104837?preview=114333

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(e) Subsection 5.2(b) of this By-law shall not apply to a compost heap or structure for agricultural uses. 2. BY-LAW NUMBER 2018-083 Maintenance of Yards 4.2 No owner shall keep their property, or that part of their property, without keeping it clean and free, at all times, from: (a) brush, waste material or other debris and from objects or conditions, such as holes or excavations, that might create a fire, health, safety or accident hazard; (b) machinery or parts thereof, or other objects or parts thereof, or accumulation of material that creates an unsafe condition or which is not in keeping with the neighbouring properties; (c) dilapidated, collapsed or unfinished structures and from materials that create nuisance and/or safety issues; (d) injurious insects or rodents and any condition which might result in the harbouring of such injurious insects or rodents; and, (e) dead, dying, diseased or hazard trees or other natural growth, and the branches or limbs thereof. Buildings and Structures 4.25 No building, or structure shall be kept in a condition which: (a) is structurally unsound as to be incapable of safely sustaining its own weight and any additional weight that may be put on it through normal use; (b) is incapable of safely accommodating all normal movements without damage, decay or deterioration; (c) is not clad by exterior surfaces of materials which provide adequate protection from the weather to prevent the entry of moisture that would contribute to damage, decay or deterioration; or, (d) contains loose, rotten, warped and broken materials and objects.

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