TOWARDS WALKING ON MARS M. Latta, C. D. Remy, M. Hutter, M. Höpflinger, R. Siegwart Autonomous Systems Lab, Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ), Tannenstrasse 3, 8092 Zurich {martin.latta, christian.remy, marco.hutter, markus.hoepflinger, roland.siegwart}@mavt.ethz.ch ABSTRACT This paper presents a quadruped robot that enables novel locomotion concepts for extremely rough terrain. The system was built for upright walking but its wide range of motion in all joints allows switching to a turtle-like crawling gait when loose soil or steep slopes are encountered. Furthermore, a robust design paired with special manoeuvres that allow recovering after tipping over make the system very robust against “mission failure”. The platform was initially tested in the ESA Lunar Robotics Challenge 2008 and since then further developed for completely autonomous operation in rough and unknown terrain. 1. INTRODUCTION In 2008, the European Space Agency (ESA) organized the Lunar Robotics Challenge (LRC) in Tenerife to simulate a mission on the moon [1,2]. The task was to deploy a robot from a landing site located close to a crater, climb into the crater, collect a sample, and return to the landing base. The background behind this simulated mission is to examine the assumption that hydrogen rich ore may be found on the crater ground where no sunlight reaches. Scientists believe that in these depths of lunar craters water might be preserved frozen which could be crucial, if one day mankind wants to establish a permanent base on the moon. The conditions encountered in such a crater make exploration very different from common missions. The crater edge is extremely steep (about 40°) and will be covered by rocks, boulders, and terraces. Landslides can occur every time the sand on the crater's slope is touched. Everything that makes the crater interesting for science (no sunlight, cold temperature, depth) makes it hard to explore. Facing these harsh conditions, the usual approach of using a wheeled rover is pointless. The rover would grave itself into the loose gravel while trying to climb the crater slope and would not be able to overcome high obstacles such as rocks. Therefore, new platforms with new locomotion principles are required for such situations where wheeled rovers can no longer operate. We propose a highly agile, fully actuated quadruped platform with a total of 12 degrees of freedom (DoF) to perform such tasks. The robot walks upright on solid surface by careful foothold planning (Fig. 1), but switches to a turtle-like crawling gait when it comes to loose gravel and soil and/or extremely steep slopes. This special gait features a larger contact surface in combination with a very low positioned centre of gravity (CoG) that ensures static stability even under conditions as encountered in the LRC. In case of failure, the presented platform is able to recover from a complete rollover due to the impressive range of motion that is achieved by a differential drive in the hip joint. While during the LRC an operator manually selected gait parameters like speed or turning rate, the platform was subsequently equipped with a real-time simulation and planning software for autonomous operation. Gait or even more foothold selection can now be based on camera and haptic feedback. 2. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION We developed a quadruped robot with a total weight of about 15kg and linear dimensions in the range of 0.5m. The proposed platform combines a lightweight structure with powerful actuation that makes it not only well suited for a lunar mission but also easy to handle by a single operator as a research platform. With a payload capability of more than 5kg (for a standard walking gait, largely increased for crawling gaits), the robot is able to collect as well as to transport respectable amounts of specimen, but also to carry Figure 1: The robot during walking at the testing site of the El Teide during the LRC in Tenerife 2008.

TOWARDS WALKING ON MARS - Automation & Robotics ...robotics.estec.esa.int/ASTRA/Astra2011/Papers/Posters/FCXNL-11A06... · TOWARDS WALKING ON MARS M. Latta, C. D. Remy, ... for science

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M. Latta, C. D. Remy, M. Hutter, M. Höpflinger, R. Siegwart

Autonomous Systems Lab, Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ),

Tannenstrasse 3, 8092 Zurich

{martin.latta, christian.remy, marco.hutter, markus.hoepflinger,



This paper presents a quadruped robot that enables

novel locomotion concepts for extremely rough terrain.

The system was built for upright walking but its wide

range of motion in all joints allows switching to a

turtle-like crawling gait when loose soil or steep slopes

are encountered. Furthermore, a robust design paired

with special manoeuvres that allow recovering after

tipping over make the system very robust against

“mission failure”. The platform was initially tested in

the ESA Lunar Robotics Challenge 2008 and since

then further developed for completely autonomous

operation in rough and unknown terrain.


In 2008, the European Space Agency (ESA) organized

the Lunar Robotics Challenge (LRC) in Tenerife to

simulate a mission on the moon [1,2]. The task was to

deploy a robot from a landing site located close to a

crater, climb into the crater, collect a sample, and

return to the landing base. The background behind this

simulated mission is to examine the assumption that

hydrogen rich ore may be found on the crater ground

where no sunlight reaches. Scientists believe that in

these depths of lunar craters water might be preserved

frozen which could be crucial, if one day mankind

wants to establish a permanent base on the moon. The

conditions encountered in such a crater make

exploration very different from common missions. The

crater edge is extremely steep (about 40°) and will be

covered by rocks, boulders, and terraces. Landslides

can occur every time the sand on the crater's slope is

touched. Everything that makes the crater interesting

for science (no sunlight, cold temperature, depth)

makes it hard to explore.

Facing these harsh conditions, the usual approach of

using a wheeled rover is pointless. The rover would

grave itself into the loose gravel while trying to climb

the crater slope and would not be able to overcome

high obstacles such as rocks. Therefore, new platforms

with new locomotion principles are required for such

situations where wheeled rovers can no longer operate.

We propose a highly agile, fully actuated quadruped

platform with a total of 12 degrees of freedom (DoF) to

perform such tasks. The robot walks upright on solid

surface by careful foothold planning (Fig. 1), but

switches to a turtle-like crawling gait when it comes to

loose gravel and soil and/or extremely steep slopes.

This special gait features a larger contact surface in

combination with a very low positioned centre of

gravity (CoG) that ensures static stability even under

conditions as encountered in the LRC. In case of

failure, the presented platform is able to recover from a

complete rollover due to the impressive range of

motion that is achieved by a differential drive in the hip


While during the LRC an operator manually selected

gait parameters like speed or turning rate, the platform

was subsequently equipped with a real-time simulation

and planning software for autonomous operation. Gait

or even more foothold selection can now be based on

camera and haptic feedback.


We developed a quadruped robot with a total weight of

about 15kg and linear dimensions in the range of 0.5m.

The proposed platform combines a lightweight

structure with powerful actuation that makes it not only

well suited for a lunar mission but also easy to handle

by a single operator as a research platform. With a

payload capability of more than 5kg (for a standard

walking gait, largely increased for crawling gaits), the

robot is able to collect as well as to transport

respectable amounts of specimen, but also to carry

Figure 1: The robot during walking at the testing

site of the El Teide during the LRC in Tenerife 2008.

large and sophisticated sensors. With regard to the

harsh environment that the robot faced in this

challenge, the chassis is built of carbon-kevlar hybrid

fibres, granting for high torsional stability as well as

for good robustness against collisions with a minimal


2.1. Actuation

The robot shows a total of 12 degrees of freedom - 3

per leg - which are split into one DoF in the knee and

two in the hip. A bevel gear drive in the knee allows

for flexion and extension of about +90° and -160°

respectively. Hip abduction/adduction and

flexion/extension is realized using a differential gear

drive (Fig. 2) which couples two actuators and enables

a wide range of motion of about ±180° for

flexion/extension (Fig. 2A) and ±45° for

abduction/adduction (Fig. 2B). This maximizes the

robot manoeuvrability (Fig. 3) which is crucial when it

comes to traverse challenging terrain. As a second

beneficial effect, both hip motors are placed within the

main body such that the leg segment mass is reduced

and the motor and gearboxes can be entirely sealed

from the environment (dust protection). To be able to

utilize this large range of motion, the robot is equipped

with 12 DC motors (Maxon RE25, 24V) with a gear-

box reduction ratio of 79:1. The detailed mechanical

specifications are summarized in Tab. 1.

2.2. Electronics and control

Within the Lunar Robotics Challenge, the robot was

manually controlled using an external Laptop which is

linked by an IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi connection to the

onboard single-board RIO (sbRIO) from National

Instruments (NI) that combines an FPGA and a real

time processor. The user can apply certain high level

commands, such as heading, velocity, or gait

transmission by using a joystick. The movement itself

is generated by following pre-implemented velocity

and position trajectories on the sbRIO. The sbRIO

communicates over a CAN-bus system with the low

level Maxon EPOS motor controllers that are

responsible for velocity as well as current control.

Energy supply is provided off-board by a cable which

was additionally designed to hold as a tethering device

for active support when the terrain is too steep.

Following pre-planned trajectories clearly limits the

variability of the robot and requires for a human

operator. Subsequent to the LRC, the manual operator

was replaced by a simulation and planning

environment [3]. This allows for real time motion as

well as foot hold planning based on various sensor

feedback that can monitor the main body

position/orientation (IMU) as well as the environment

Figure 3: The wide range of motion accessible is

provided by the differential drive at the hip as well

as the functional design of the body

Figure 2: The upper picture shows the movement

that results when the motors (black arrows) of the

differential drive turn in different directions. The

output shaft mounted on the hip, starts to rotate (red

arrow) resulting in the flexion/extensiont. When

both motors turn in the same direction the whole

cage of the differential drive moves (red circles),

which refers to the abduction/adduction leg (shown

in the second picture).

Table 1: Hardware characteristics of the quadruped Parameter Value

Overall Length [mm] 557

Typical Height Walking [mm] 400

Typical Height Crawling [mm] 120

Total Mass [kg] 15

Main Body Mass [kg] 10

Overall Width [mm] 386

Torque Knee, (Continuous/Peak) [Nm] 4/15

Torque Hip, (Continuous/Peak) [Nm] 3/11.3

Range of Motion for Abduction/Adduction [°] ±45

Range of Motion for Hip Flexion/Extension [°] ±180

Range of Motion for Knee Flexion/Extension [°] +90/-160

Spacing Between Hip Joints (Longitudinal) [mm] 389

Spacing Between Hip Joints(Lateral) [mm] 208

Length of Thigh Segment [mm] 150

Length of Shank Segment [mm] 150

Foot Diameter [mm] 40

Maximum Peak Load for Standing [N] 400

(stereo cameras, kinect sensor[4]).

2.3. LRC setup

The challenging environment with a steep crater with

loose gravel and soil, no direct line of sight from the

operator to the robot, no GPS availability for

localization, as well as the bad illumination conditions

during night required additional means for a

completion of the proposed task. Our team tackled

these problems by a collaboration of the presented

quadruped with two additional robots. CRABli [5]

(Fig. 5, on the left), a six wheel rover equipped with a

passive suspension system optimized for rough terrain,

was positioned at the crater edge to establish the

communication link as well as to provide birds-eye

view of the crater using a high resolution pan-tilt-zoom

(20x) camera. A stationary robot remained at the

landing station and was responsible for cabling and for

support during ascending in the steepest slope.

For sample detection, the quadruped robot was

equipped with pan-tilt cameras and bright illumination

at both ends. Due to the challenging ground, the whole

robot was sealed with a sort of jumpsuit to protect it

from dust. Additional skid plates underneath the main

body and the shanks improved friction and kept the

direction while climbing the high inclined slopes.


3.1. Gaits

The high range of motion in all joints pays out in a

large variety of gaits that can be applied depending on

the terrain properties:

A) Upright walking

For locomotion on solid ground, a standard walking

Figure 5: The quadruped and the supportive

wheeled rover CRABli in front of the crater rim at

the LRC testing site in Tenerife.

Figure 4: The large range of motion especially in the hip joint allows for unconventional gait creation such as

crawling. The robot abducts the thigh about 45° ((4) and (6)) to propulse itself in a turtle-like manner which is

useful to explore hard accessible terrain.

Figure 6: Obstacles of the size of the wheel

diameter of the rover are mostly insurmountable

obstacles, whereas for legged exploration

platforms such barriers can be managed.

gait is applied with a step length of about 0.2m and a

ground clearance of 0.25m. Thereby the overall CoG

respectively ZMP (Zero Moment Point) [6] is kept

within the support polygon of the 3 supporting feet

while the swing leg is moved to the subsequent

foothold position. This gait is especially interesting

when large but solid obstacles or gaps in the ground

must be conquered – where this robot has clear

advantages compared to a same sized rover due to a

ground clearance that is in the range of the leg length

(Fig. 6)

B) Crawling

Upright walking becomes inappropriate when it comes

to loose soil and/or landslide (which both were

encountered in the LRC). The feet would sink into the

ground, causing the robot to stumble and fall over.

Inspired by nature, a turtle-like crawling gait was

adopted that keeps the CoG at the lowest point possible

(Fig. 8). The support surface is largely increased since

at every instant in the whole gait cycle, either the entire

main body or all four shank plates are in ground

contact. The larger contact surface is additionally

beneficial considering sinking in the loose soil. Fig. 4

shows a picture series of a single crawl cycle on flat

ground. The required joint positions (especially (2)

and (6)) are only achievable due to the high range of

motion of the hip joint (differential drive).

C) Specialized manoeuvres

The biggest challenge for planetary exploration devices

is to recover from situations where the robot is stuck

and can no longer be operated. The worst case is a

complete tilt over on the top of the robot, which

generally means that the mission fails, at least for a

rover. The presented quadruped platform can cope

with this situation: First, actuators, sensor and

electronics will survive the roll-over since they are

protected either by the side plates of the thigh or the

shock resistant carbon-kevlar main body hull. Second,

the high manoeuvrability allows recovering from any

configuration (lateral or supine position) by performing

the motion depicted in Fig. 7.

Figure 8: The static stability margin left in a steep

slope situations is higher for the legged application

(shown in an arachnoid configuration on the right).

The system is more robust against disturbances and

dynamic effects compared to the rover on the left


Figure 7: The picture sequence shows a rollover of the robot after tilting on its back. The first step is to position the

legs of one side such that a support area is built on which further actions can be performed (frame 2). The second

step is to position the main body above the support area by pushing with the legs of the other side (frame 3 and 4).

Afterwards the unloaded legs are turned to the belly-side of the robot (frame 5). Using now the loaded legs to turn

the torso and the upper legs to buckle (frame 6), the robot reaches its initial position (frame 7) from which it can

start walking or crawling.

3.2. Terrain classification

During the LRC, the operator decided what gait should

be applied depending on the ground characteristics,

namely inclination, material consistency, or obstacle

occurrence. Towards more autonomy, the robot has to

select gait, speed or foothold on-line depending on

visual and/or haptic feedback of the environment.

Using the presented quadrupedal platform, we

developed a haptic terrain classification algorithm [7]

which can identify the decomposition of the soil and

the small scale surface geometry with a high success

rate. During a test cycle for which the robot has to

stand on point, the foot executes a movement similar to

scratching while measuring the resulting forces with a

force sensing device embedded in the foot as well as

the sinkage rate and motor current. Different features

were extracted from this data and used for training and

classification by a multiclass AdaBoost [8] machine

learning algorithm. In preliminary test series, the robot

could correctly classify about 94% of the terrain shapes

and about 73% of the surface samples. Depending on

the material (solid/compliant and the gravel size of the

compliant material) a gait can be chosen suiting the

current environmental conditions.


The presented platform and locomotion principles

demonstrated that legged robotic systems are a

promising approach for future exploration missions.

The high manoeuvrability increases the versatility of

the system, such that very challenging (in terms of

obstacles, inclination, and surface characteristics)

terrain can be safely traversed. Within the Lunar

Robotics Challenge, we proposed a successful crawling

gait that can cope with extreme slopes in combination

with loose gravel and soil. In addition thereto, our

quadruped demonstrated high failure robustness: even

in the worst case of a complete tilt over, the robot is

able to recover.

Within the LRC, gait selection (including speed,

turning angle, step length, crawl/walk/...) was chosen

by an operator. In subsequent research conducted at

our lab, a simulation environment for foothold

planning and execution was integrated that the system

can operate autonomously. We are now at the stage

where camera feedback in combination with IMU data

are fused to estimate the robots position in unknown

environment as well as to map the environment. This

is augmented by haptic feedback from the force sensors

for optimal foothold planning with regard to shape and

consistency of the environment – leading to an

autonomous quadruped robot for future explorations.


The authors would like to thank the European Space

Agency for the financial support and the opportunity to

participate in the challenge as well as the whole LRC

team for their contribution.


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