Towards a European Monitoring and Verification Support Capacity Design Activities First Results Download the Copernicus Reports Salmon Emmanuel 1 , Balsamo Gianpaolo 2 , Engelen Richard 2 , Jones Matthew 3 , Kutsch Werner 1 , Le Quéré Corinne 3 , Pinty Bernard 4 , Peylin Philippe 5 , Thépaut Jean-Noël 2 , and the whole CHE and VERIFY consortia 1 ICOS-ERIC, 2 ECMWF, 3 UEA, 4 EC, 5 LSCE The European Union is the first major economy to put in place a legally binding framework to deliver on its pledges under the Paris Agreement. The ambition to reach climate neutrality by 2050 is supported by an unprecedented effort to set up an operational anthropogenic CO 2 emissions Monitoring & Verification Support (MVS) capacity. Developed as a service to the countries and their inventory communities, the MVS will bring together meteorological and satellite data (including from the future Sentinel constellation), high-quality in situ observations, as well as advanced modelling and data assimilation capacities. The resulting MVS will allow to reduce the existing uncertainties in the national budgets of CO 2 and potentially other main GHGs (CH 4 , N 2 O), identify and monitor hot spots of fossil fuel emissions, and assess changes in emission patterns against local and national reduction actions. This will provide actionable knowledge at country and city scales, and support the national climate plans. Supported in its design by the European Commission through several H2020 projects, the MVS is a joint endeavour of the major European actors in each field, under the leadership of Copernicus. Further cooperation at the global level, for instance under the umbrella of WMO and CEOS, is welcome in order to contribute to the improvement of GHG reporting and monitoring towards the 2 nd Global Stocktake in 2028. CHE coordinates efforts towards developing the European CO 2 MVS capacity, using a requirement-driven integration of Earth observations, from remote sensing and in situ, with enhanced (inverse) modelling capabilities for CO 2 fossil fuel emissions and natural fluxes. The project aims to provide first building blocks as well as recommendations for further research & development, including accuracy estimations. More information www.che-project.eu [email protected] High-resolution (1 x 1 km 2 ) CO 2 fossil fuel emission map for 2015. Credit: H. Denier van der Gon CHE – Ensemble of high-resolution CO 2 emission data sets VERIFY develops a system to estimate GHG emissions and sinks based on land, ocean and atmospheric observations, as well as their associated uncertainties. Two complementary approaches relying on observational data streams are used to quantify GHG fluxes: 1. atmospheric GHG concentrations from satellites and ground- based networks (top-down atmospheric inversion models) 2. bottom-up activity data (e.g. fuel use and emission factors) and ecosystem models. More information lsce.verify.eu [email protected] The CHE & VERIFY projects have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No 776186 & 776810 VERIFY – First CH 4 flux reconciliation for Europe (EU28): preliminary results Bottom-up vs. top-down anthropogenic emission estimates using VERIFY and non-VERIFY flux estimates. Credit: R. Petrescu, P. Ciais XCO 2 column integral on 12.12.2015 (Paris Agreement’s day at COP21) Column-averaged CO 2 mole fraction in ppm for 12 December 2015 from a high-resolution (9 km) global computer simulation produced in the CHE project. Credit: ECMWF Service Architecture

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Towards a European Monitoring and Verification Support Capacity

Design Activities

First Results

Download theCopernicus Reports

Salmon Emmanuel1, Balsamo Gianpaolo2, Engelen Richard2, Jones Matthew3, Kutsch Werner1, Le Quéré Corinne3, Pinty Bernard4, Peylin Philippe5, Thépaut Jean-Noël2, and the whole CHE and VERIFY consortia1 ICOS-ERIC, 2 ECMWF, 3 UEA, 4EC, 5 LSCE

The European Union is the first major economy toput in place a legally binding framework to deliveron its pledges under the Paris Agreement. Theambition to reach climate neutrality by 2050 issupported by an unprecedented effort to set upan operational anthropogenic CO2 emissionsMonitoring & Verification Support (MVS)capacity. Developed as a service to the countriesand their inventory communities, the MVS willbring together meteorological and satellite data(including from the future Sentinel constellation),high-quality in situ observations, as well as advancedmodelling and data assimilation capacities.

The resulting MVS will allow to reduce theexisting uncertainties in the national budgets ofCO2 and potentially other main GHGs (CH4,N2O), identify and monitor hot spots of fossil fuelemissions, and assess changes in emission patternsagainst local and national reduction actions. Thiswill provide actionable knowledge at country andcity scales, and support the national climate plans.Supported in its design by the EuropeanCommission through several H2020 projects, theMVS is a joint endeavour of the major Europeanactors in each field, under the leadership ofCopernicus.

Further cooperation at the global level, for instanceunder the umbrella of WMO and CEOS, iswelcome in order to contribute to the improvementof GHG reporting and monitoring towards the 2nd

Global Stocktake in 2028.

CHE coordinates efforts towards developing theEuropean CO2 MVS capacity, using arequirement-driven integration of Earthobservations, from remote sensing and in situ,with enhanced (inverse) modelling capabilitiesfor CO2 fossil fuel emissions and natural fluxes.The project aims to provide first building blocksas well as recommendations for further research& development, including accuracy estimations.

More [email protected]

High-resolution (1 x 1 km2) CO2 fossil fuel emission mapfor 2015. Credit: H. Denier van der Gon

CHE – Ensemble of high-resolution CO2 emission data sets

VERIFY develops a system to estimate GHGemissions and sinks based on land, ocean andatmospheric observations, as well as theirassociated uncertainties. Two complementaryapproaches relying on observational data streamsare used to quantify GHG fluxes: 1. atmosphericGHG concentrations from satellites and ground-based networks (top-down atmospheric inversionmodels) 2. bottom-up activity data (e.g. fuel useand emission factors) and ecosystem models.

More [email protected]

The CHE & VERIFY projects have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No 776186 & 776810

VERIFY – First CH4 flux reconciliation for Europe (EU28): preliminary results

Bottom-up vs. top-down anthropogenic emission estimates using VERIFY and non-VERIFY flux estimates.

Credit: R. Petrescu, P. Ciais

XCO2 column integral on 12.12.2015 (Paris Agreement’s day at COP21)

Column-averaged CO2 mole fraction in ppm for 12 December 2015 from a high-resolution (9 km) global computer

simulation produced in the CHE project. Credit: ECMWF

Service Architecture