Towards a Certificate Qualification The Management of Technology and Innovation Applied to Supervisory Employees

Towards a Certificate Qualification The Management of ...facultylibrary.dmcodyssey.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ASLDP... · supervisor, more specifically the production supervisor

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Page 1: Towards a Certificate Qualification The Management of ...facultylibrary.dmcodyssey.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ASLDP... · supervisor, more specifically the production supervisor

Towards a Certificate Qualification

The Management of Technology and Innovation

Applied to Supervisory Employees

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Directors: Prof R Marcus Chairman, Prof B Anderson CEO, D Marcus, Company Registration No. 2001/009271/07

Registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997.

Accreditation No. 2004/HE07/003

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Table of ContentsChapter Page

One Introduction & Orientation

Two About this Tool

Three Preparing for your Journey1 Clarify Expectations

2 Learning at Da Vinci

3 Computer and Digital Literacy

4 Professional Writing

5 Real Learning

Four The 21st Century Business Landscape1 Changing World of Work

2 Theoretical Framework : Making Sense in a Changing World

3 This thing they call Change!

Five Becoming Change Ready

1 Organisational Change & Development

Understand the Organisation

Talent Management

Employment relations

2 Individual Change & Development


Ability to Process Complex information

Knowledge,Experiences & SkillsPage ! I AngloGold Ashanti3

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3 Start with the end in mind

Six Learning & Development Journey 1 Self-Directedness

2 The Importance of Self-Awareness in Self Development

The Johari Window : Finding my Blind Spot

Self Directed, Focussed & Goal Directed

6 Self Reflection

Seven Emotional Intelligence (EI)1 Self-Awareness

2 Self-Management

3 Motivation

4 Empathy

5 Relationship Management

Eight Manage Self1 Self Starter & Take initiative

2 Stress Tolerance / Resilience

3 Display Integrity & Honesty

4 Champions Change

Nine Manage People / Teams1 Inspire & Motivate Others

2 Collaboration & Promote Teamwork

3 Develop Others

4 Communicates Effectively

Ten Manage Work 1 Clear Vision, strategy & Direction


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Problem Solving


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Chapter One

Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme Introduction & Overview

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Introduction & Orientation

Welcome and congratulations on your decision to embark on this Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme (ASLDP), offered by The Da Vinci Institute in association

with AngloGold Ashanti. The ASLDP is a programme focused on the development of the

supervisor, more specifically the production supervisor and their role and function in the fast

changing Gold mining industry. Differently said, the ASLDP focus on the development of the

person in the role of the supervisor.

As the gold mining industry is caught up in the realities of fluctuating, uncertain and volatile

global markets, it was a important consideration to offer you the opportunity to earn credits

towards a qualification, as it will help you to position yourself for possible future career

opportunities outside the mining industry.

I have come to understand that different people have different reasons why they attend this

programme. My wish however is that whatever you reason might be, that these eight days set

aside for you will help you to learn and see what you NEED to SEE in order to reach both personal

and professional goals.

Allowing us the privilege to journey alongside you, is a honour … Allowing us to learn from you, is

humbling. Thank you!


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The Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme (ASLDP) is a managerial

leadership development programme that looks at the crucial role and function of the supervisor

within the context of a Requisite Organisation. The curriculum modules are designed and

aligned to support the Requisite Organisation’s purpose to create an organisational culture of

accountability and trust, consistent with organisational values, whereby all employees can feel

free to express themselves in their work the best way they can and to offer employees the

opportunity to be part of a team that delivers exceptional results to the benefit of both the

employee and the organisation.


The overall objective of the Supervisory Development Programme is to expose students to a

customised individual development process thus enabling them to grow their potential


The objectives of the programme are for students to :

Understand their organisation

Exercise agile supervisory leadership

Establish effective working relationships to be able to engage all team members

Apply managerial leadership practices

Create a working environment where safety is a value

Curriculum Framework

Your curriculum outlines the curriculum for the Certificate: Management of Technology and

Innovation (MOTI) applied for Supervisory Employees (SAQA QUAL ID 59449 at NQF Level 5).

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The Advance Supervisory Management Development Programme (ASMDP)

The following modules apply to AngloGold Ashanti's Advanced Supervisory Leadership Programme (ASLDP) :

To view the full curriculum Framework, click on the link

Module Synopsis

Code Module Credits Compulsory

Da Vinci Systems and Foundational Competencies

CMLD Managerial Leadership Development 2 2

Supervisory Management Competencies

CSP Systems for People : An Introduction 8

CMLE Managerial Leadership Engagement 10 10

CSL Safety Leadership 4 4

CCD Career & Professional Development 4

ELA Exit Level Assignment 2

Total 30 16

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Systems for People (SP)


System for People is a total system approach to purposefully create an organisational culture of accountability and trust, consistent with organisational values, whereby all employees can feel free to express themselves in their work the best way they can so as to benefit both themselves as well as become part of a team that delivers exceptional results.


Safety Leadership (SL)


The purpose of this module is to enable safety leaders to create an environment in which safe behaviours are promoted and unsafe acts challenged.

Safety in the workplace is the responsibility of everyone in an organisation. Companies have legal obligations to meet certain safety requirements, but many go further than the minimum obligations.


Managerial Leadership Development (MLD)


Managerial and Leadership Competence examines the world of managerial and leadership, unpacking various theories and practice examples before internalising the student’s personal Managerial and leadership needs and applications. Here, organisation-wide comparative analyses are added and a detailed personal analysis and improvement plan is added at diploma level.


Managerial Leadership Engagement (MLE)


Managerial Leadership Engagement focuses on one of the manager’s key accountabilities to maximise self and team engagement. This module therefor addresses the importance of self and social awareness to master social and emotional competencies needed to apply agile supervisory leadership; self-regulation to establish and manage effective working relationships to maximise


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Chapter Two

Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme About this Tool

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�Chapter Process MAP

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The Learning journey : Setting context

Embarking on the Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme you will have

two (2) Learning Navigators. Both these Navigators were designed to support to maximise your

learning experience. The intent is to assist you to navigate both content and resources.

However these navigators should not be used outside the context of the curriculum framework

but rather seen as tools.

Navigational iCons

As a departure from traditional learning and to make your experience more interactive, we

have incorporated a number of different learning events which should enable you to apply your

learning. To guide you through the experience you will find the following icons:

Navigational iCons

Topic Library

As you work through the module

you will be required to do your

own research. Although it is for

your own knowledge, it would

be to your advantage to plan

your work in such a way that the

data you gather can be used


Group Activity

Activity that has to be

performed by the group.

Media Library

If there are any media files

related to the specific module

or topic in the media library, this

iCon will link you to the media


Take Note

A useful tip or essential element

regarding the concept under






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You will be provided with a

series of articles and literature to

read that will help you broaden

the subject at hand. The articles

will be available electronically.

Social Learning Tools

You will be introduced to various

social learning tools during the

workshop that you can use to

e n h a n c e y o u r l e a r n i n g



You will be given ample time to

reflect on learning within the

time we will spend together, but

we also suggest that you create

our own time to do so. You can

capture your reflections in your

ref lect ive journal on your

personal website.

70 : 20 : 10 Learning Principle

Planing and designing your own

learning journey the 70 : 20 : 10

learning principle is a helpful

strategy to close the GAP

b e t w e e n y o u r C u r r e n t

Capabi l i ty (CC) and your

Potential Capability (PC). You

will be ask to indicate your

learning strategy in your iDP.

Individual Activity

Individual activity that has to be

performed by the student.

Resource Tree

This link will take you to online

learning resources

Courseware iCons

Courseware Qualification Framework

Module Synopsis & Learning

OutcomesContent MAP

Module Wrap Post Module Assignment (PMA)







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Module Library Multi Media

Module Slides Audio Books

Module Notes Link to Websites

Resource iCons

Da Vinci Library General Topic Library

Resource Tree 70 : 20 : 10 Learning Principle

IQ Matrix 70 : 20 : 10 Forum

TED Talks Assignment Library

Da Vinci e-learning platform Turnitin









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Bitrix24 Assessment Library

Supervisory Leadership

Development Programme


Development iCons

Work Base Competency Framework

My Vision Competency (Desired State)

Self - Assess Reflect

Plan & Design Individual

Development Plan (iDP)What Learning I need to do

Schedule Re-Assessment date Google Search






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Navigational Tools

The two (2) Learning Navigators are :

Module Dashboard (Content Navigation)


The purpose of the content navigator is to :

1. Provide / suggest a possible structure to your learning process

2. Assist you to effectively navigate module content linked to the curriculum framework. The

latter primarily includes navigating through different theories, models, framework, stances or

viewpoints underpinning different schools of thoughts

3. Assist you to conceptualise alternative models of understanding and when

4. Applied to your own identified Work Base Challenge will

5. Allow you to generate alternative solutions to challenges experienced in your own business


Development Dashboard


The purpose of this tool is merely to guide you through this part of your development journey. It is

designed in such way that it will help you to address each of the 18 competencies of AngloGold

Ashanti’s competency framework systematically and should help you to :

1. Introduce you to the relevant research related to the importance of continues learning and

self reflection in order to build your own strategic value

2. Helps you to define or describe the desired capability of the specific competency against

which you would be able to assess your current / applied capability.

3. Assist you to access self assessments and other possible or suggested evaluations so you

would be able to determine your current capability.

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4. Enabling you to identify your strengths indicating your strategic value

5. Identify and translate your specific development areas into an individual development plan


6. Plan and design your iDP on the 70 : 20 : 10 learning principles

7. Detailing your action plan to address these development areas by setting measurable and

achievable goals to close the GAP between your current / applied capabilities and your

potential capabilities

8. Build your individualised development library and learning network to support you on this

development journey.

Resource Dashboard


This tool is primarily designed to facilitate “new adult learners” in the research process. The

Reasearch dashboard has recommended links to very usefull resources available on the net.

These resources could be directly accessed from this guide by just clicking the tile.

The links on the research dashboard are only sugestions and should NOT be seen as prescriptive

in any way what so ever. Often students that are new to adult learning feel somewhat over

whelmed and this tool’s intent was to provide some structure as to where to start finding credible


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�Module Dashboard

! Scholar



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�Development Dashboard

! Scholar


ThrowingR E F L E C T I O N



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�Module Dashboard

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Chapter Three

Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme Preparing for the Journey

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�Chapter Process MAP

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Clarify Expectations

But before we start our journey, please help me to clarify your expectations. In

other words, what would you like to happen during this time we spend together?

Or maybe, I should first ask the question:

Individual Action

Firstly, why are you here?


Individual Action

What would you like to achieve from this programme?!

Individual Action

What might stand in your way of this achievement?!

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Previous Learning Experience

Individual Action

How did you experience learning in the past? (going back as far as you can


Primary School :

High :

Tertiary :

Adult Learning :


Individual Action

Now that you have looked back on your personal experience of learning, rate

your view on learning (based on your experiences) on a scale form 1 - 10.�

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Hate Love

Individual Action

Currently you are in the role of a supervisor (most of you with many years of

experience. What is your view on … learning in general?

Learning in general?

Professional Development

How do you learn best? How should your learning environment look like in order for you to

learn best?


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Learning at Da Vinci

Mode 2 Learning


Follow this link to read the following articles :

Mode 2 Management Research (MacLean et al, 2002) and

Mode 2 What kind of University (Gibbons 2015)


Individual Action

Summarise your understanding of the key Mode 2 concepts.

Application based



Socially Accountable

Quality Assurance


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About Leonardo Da Vinci

Google Search

Leonardo Da Vinci, The Seven Da Vinci Principles,


Follow this link to read the following articles :

Learning from Da Vinci

Media Library

Follow this link :

Watch the short video on the life and work of Leonardo Da Vinci.

Da Vinci’s Demons is a television series on the life of Da Vinci and if you could

get access to this series, I highly recommend it.

Links & Web sites

Follow this link to read the following articles :




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Group Action

List everything you know about Leonardo Da Vinci. Discuss in your group :

Why Leonardo was such a remarkable man.

What lessons can you take from his life to apply to your learning?

How do you understand the seven Da Vinci principles?


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The Seven (7) Da Vinci Principles

Individual Action

In oder to get a better understanding of the seven (7) Da Vinci Principles, either

follow this link to a webpage where you would also be able to work through a

short workshop on what these principles are and how it can assist you on your

learning journey.

If you have an electronic version of this student guide, you may follow the links

above which will also help you to access the principles directly from your guide …



Your comments and experience on the exercise …










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The Art of Powerful Questions

Google Search

The Art of powerful Questions, Powerful Questions, Appreciative Enquiery

Group Activity

The group has to research, discuss and and come to a decision whether the

following statements are fact or fiction and present their argument to the class as

how they have arrived at the decision.

The Wright brothers flew the first airplane in 1903.

Niel Armstrong, an American, was the first person to put foot on the moon in


The first helicopter was designed and flew by Igor Sikorsky on 14 September



Follow this link to read the following article :

Read The Art of Powerful Questions

Media to Watch

Links to media file will be given to you after the exercise.





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Web Links

andrewsobel.com (Archive)

How to ask powerful questions

The Barefoot Guide Connection

Also refer you back to the 7 Da Vinci principles where you can also do a short

exercise on asking powerful questions.



Your comments and experience on the exercise …!

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Indicate your own strategic drivers

List the names and email adresses at least 5 people within your space (at work or at

home) who you are going to take with you on your learning journey and with who you are

goin to share our learning.

‣ Name

‣ Name

‣ Name

‣ Name

Choose the level descriptors you want to be evaluated on

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Take Note

After you have completed this excersice, download the Da Vinci Action Learning

Template to complete and forward it to your KAM before or on the date indicated

in your courseware.!


Your thougts on Action Learning …?


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70 : 20 : 10 Learning Principle

The following table explains 70, 20 and 10 % learning.


Follow this link to read the following article :

Revamping 70 : 20 : 10 by following!

Media Library

As an introduction to the 70:20:10 learning principle you can view the following

two (2) short introductory clips

What is a 70 ; 20 : 10 learning system?

70 : 20 : 10 Social learning


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Experiential Learning

Social Learning

Formal Learning

Work-Based Challenge

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Seek and work on challenging

or new projects.

Shadow a high-performer you

admire.Attend a training class

Train a new team memberSeek out a mentor or mentor


Take an online learning


Share something new with

team members.

Provide constructive informal

feedback to your peers.

Attend an outside training

seminar or class.

Represent your team at a

cross-functional meeting

Informally solicit feedback

from your peers, and


Participate in outside

networking event specific to

your role or interests

Individual Action

As a further execise, please extend the above table with your own examples of 70

: 20 : 10 learning!

Take Note

To follow through on the 70 : 20 : 10 learning principle, please indicate in

your iDP how you will address each development area by indicating your

70 : 20 : 10 strategy in order to close your development GAP.


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And Learning in Wonderland …?


After reading the article and whatching the clips, how do you think this might

help you on your learning journey?…!

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For your own interest, the following three articles look at workplace learning from

a different angle …

The Untapped Potential of Workplace Learning

Through the 70-20-10 Looking Glass

Managers and Mad Hatters : Work that Stretches



Your notes and reflection on The Untapped Potential of Workplace Learning!


Your notes and reflection on Through the 70-20-10 Looking Glass!


Your notes and reflection on Managers and Mad Hatters : Work that Stretches!

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Preparing for your Journey

Computer & Digital Orientation

Slide Show

This link will take you to a Power Point Presentation prepared by Michelle Pieterse

from ATDS. It is stronly suggested that you work through these slides to orientate

you in the use of a computer.


Take Note

Digital literacy is one of the most important work skills to aquiere in ANY industry. If

you want to skill yourself across industries, you need to ensure you become

digitally fluent. This include also fluent in the use of the internet and Microsoft


Should you feel that you need to further your skills in the use of a computer, please

consult ATDS Prospectus where you will find courses offered by AGA which you

can benifit from.

This link will take you to a prospectus of possible elearning which might help you.

This prospectus is available at ATDS.


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Professional Writing


Written communication is a important skill enabling you to write professional

reports, emails, minutes of meetings, clear and precise written instructions , etc.

In an academic environment professional writing skills becomes just as . The

following reading will help you with tips and suggestions to help you write good



Media Library

Da Vinci has a video library containing recorded lectures. This link will take you

to Da Vinci's YouTube Channel with several recorings of workshops on

Professional Wrting (facilitated by Richard Goddard) or related videos.!

Assignment Library

This library contains examples of assignments submitted by students for you to



Your reflection on your professional writing skills highlighting further areas of


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How People Learn

There is a right way to learn … and then there is a right way to learn …

Google Search

Leonardo Da Vinci, Action Learning, Life-Long Learning, Personal Development,

Mode 2 Learning, 70 : 20 : 10 Learning Principle, Self Directed Learning, Kolb's

Learning Theory, Learning Styles


Follow this link to read the following articles

Summary of Learning Styles

Kolb's Learning Styles (Hayes Group, 2010)

Kolb’s Learning Theory & Styles (Kolbe, 2014) this link to watch a short video

on Leonardo Da Vinci


Complete the Learning Style Inventory

To interpret your specific learning style, please follow the links that follow.

Learning Style Profile

Learning Style Overview




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Group Activity

Kolb said : “There is a right way to learn, and there is a right way to learn”.

The group needs to research, discuss and give feedback to the group on :

What did he mean by that?

Explain the groups understanding of Kolb’s learning theory

Each group member has to determine individual learning styles.

Group Activity

Getting to understand how people learn.

Share with each other their learning preferences.

Discuss how the understanding of learning styles will help to understand self &


etermin your groups individual learning styles.

Reflect on how the understanding of peoples learning styles can help you in

your work place




Summarise your learning style for your own purposes and reflect on how you think

thos tool would help you understanding yourself and others in your work place.!

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Real Learning

Google Search

The Art of powerful Questions, Powerful Questions


Follow this link to read the following article :



Media to Watch

Links to media file will be given to you after the exercise.


Links to media file will be given to you after the exercise.

Web Links

Group Activity


Your comments and experience on the exercise …







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Chapter Four

Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme 21st Century Business Landscape

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�Chapter Process MAP

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The world is changing rapidly and dramatically, and these changes - economic,

political, technological and cultural are having a profound effect on the world of

work. Accompanying these changes is a level of uncertainty that influences

people's careers and lives.

How did these Changes affected you



Changing structure of organisations

Job Loss

Changing nature of work

Culturally diverse work force

Work and Family Life

Source : The Changing Nature of Organizations, Work, and Workplace


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In 2011, the Institute for the Future (IFTF) has identified ten (10) proficiencies that are

predicted to be "required across a broad range of jobs and work settings in 2020."

Rate you own efficiency on each of the the 10 predicted work skills requiered for

2020, where 0 is not proficient at all to 10 totally competent

New Skills Requiered Define as Rating

Sense Making The ability to determine the deeper meaning or significance of what is being expressed. In somewhat different words: critical thinking is one of the skills that machines "simply do not have."

Social Intelligence The ability to connect to others in a deep and direct way, to sense and stimulate reactions and desired interactions. Success skills include the ability to read the emotions of others, to collaborate with others, and to process that information

quickly and respond appropriately.

Novel and Adaptive Thinking

Proficiency at thinking and coming up with solutions and responses beyond that which is rote or rule-based. Whether for low-wage, low-skill jobs such as personal

care or food service, or high-wage, high-skill jobs such as management, one will need to able to respond with novel thinking and adaptability, and "in the

moment to unanticipated situations."

Cross-Cultural Competency

The ability to operate in different cultural settings. "As noted in the study, diversity comprises not just national or ethnic origin but age, skills, disciplines, working

styles and ways of thinking. The key is to be able to successfully communicate shared goals, priorities and values in a way that transcends differences and helps foster a spirit of collaboration."

Computational Thinking

The ability to translate vast amounts of data into abstract concepts and to understand data-based reasoning. "The IFTF report suggests that strong statistical analysis and quantitative reasoning skills will replace familiarity with basic

software programs as the sign of a valuable, 21st

century worker."

New-Media Literacy The ability to critically assess and develop content that uses new media forms, and to leverage these media for persuasive communication. User-generated

content already dominates much of today's mass communication, and new media such as blogging, micro-blogging, videos, and podcasts, will become

fully integrated into the workplace in just the next few years. The 21st century worker will need to be able to analyse these new media, create content to present through these media, and use these media to engage and influence

various audiences. Mastering these new technologies will be a must.


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Transdisciplinarity Literacy in and ability to understand concepts across multiple disciplines.

Design Mindset The ability to represent and develop tasks and work processes for desired outcomes. “The future worker will need to possess a keen sense for the kind of thinking different tasks require, and be able to adjust his or her work environment . . . . In other words, the need for novel thinking and the use of new

media in business will require a reshaping of the traditional work environment to accommodate a rapidly changing work culture.

Cognitive Load Managemen

The ability to discriminate and filter information for importance, and to understand how to maximise cognitive functioning using a variety of tools and techniques. “To avoid information overload, the next generation of workers will

need to be adept at filtering out the noise and homing in on relevant, useful information.” They will also “need to optimise the content they generate so that

it rises above the clutter and reaches its intended audience.”

Virtual Collaboration The ability to work proactively, drive engagement, and demonstrate presence as a member of a virtual team. “Innovative uses of virtual tools, including virtual

worlds with three-dimensional avatars, may be the next frontier for providing a social-emotional experience to work groups that may be scattered across towns, borders and time zones.”

“Future Work Skills 2020” (2011) was developed by the Institute for the Future, for Apollo Research Institute. The full report is

summarised in “Recalibrating the Classroom: Working and Learning in the 21st

Century,” in The Atlantic (June 2011).

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Theoretical Framework : Making Sense in a Changing World

Google Search

Change, Transformation, Organisational Readiness, Change Readiness, VUCA



Follow the link to read the following articles:

Read the following interesting aticles on a VUCA World :

Leading in uncertain times : The implications of a VUCA World

welcome to a VUCA World

A Leader’s Framework to Decision Making (Snowden & Boone, 2007)

The new dynamics of strategy: Sense-making in a complex and

complicated world (Kurtz & Snowden, 2003)

Media Library

Watch the following media clipz :

Future Work Skills 2020 (YouTube : Changing Workplace)!



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This fast changing environment we work and life in are characterised by what is

now termed as VUCA:


Volatility The rate and speed of change we are experiencing in our business and market environments

demands accelerated decision making and immediate responses. The pace of change will continue to accelerate. The challenge for leaders is to move from knee –jerk responses to proactive, well conceive, yet fast responses to the changing environment.

Key to managing volatility is clarity of vision. Focus on the destination, and clear alignment across an organisation enables people to make decisions that help navigate through turbulent times

whilst heading in the right direction.

Uncertainty Uncertainty is all around us and is increasing. In these times it is difficult to be clear on the present let alone accurately predict future outcomes. Our ability to be comfortable with uncertainty and

form behaviours that allow us to navigate through it is fundamental.

Leaders need to maintain differing viewpoints on the world in order to gain new understanding, spot patterns, opportunities and hazards.

Complexity With changing and uncertain times comes more complexity. We have to consider multiple, interconnected factors in our decision making. Making sense of the chaos is a fundamental skill.

As leaders we need to let go of seeking the one perfect and permanent solution and seek out collaboration, reflect on complexities and connect the dots of opportunity.

Ambiguity The effect of ever changing, complex environments leads to a good deal of ambiguity making it

difficult to understand the impact and meaning of events. Individuals need to accept that ambiguity is a part of the rapidly changing world and we are unlikely to ever have enough information informing our decisions.

Comment Our ability to manage risk and develop resilient behaviours in the face of ambiguity is key. Leaders need to be able to think divergently, communicate across organisations instantly and be responsive in decision making and applying solutions.

Like many things that change it brings both challenge and opportunity. Which you choose is dependent on how you view the world.

Source : The Changing Nature of Organizations, Work, and Workplace


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A Complex World

It is recognised that the world of work has change drastically over the last number of years as

systems and the world we live and work has become more complex. Complexity that is

characterised by unpredictability, inconsistency and even volatility. This is the world where it is

expected of managers to juggle the multiple demands make business judgement calls, solve

problems, make decisions. Where traditional management & leadership development

programmes encourages simplifications, it relies on the assumption that there is a certain level of

predictability and order in the world. An assumption increasingly not contributing to successful

and desired outcomes. Outcomes managers are judged upon for their efficiency and held

accountable for.

Coping with the multiple demands in a complex

world of life & work, managers need to be able to

focus their attention by consciously taking control

(manage) of their energy leading the team to

energy-high performance. Managing own energy

resources effectively increase resilience and enable

managers to function efficient and effective in spite

of the reality of the ever increasing stress and

demands within this complex world.

Snowden’s Cynefin framework has been used in the

study of management practice. It can also help us

make decisions for our organisations. Understanding

what type of environment we are working in (Simple,

Complicated, Complex or Chaotic) lets us frame our actions. When the environment is complex:

the relationship between cause and effect can only be perceived in retrospect, but not in

Advanced, the approach is to Probe – Sense – Respond and we can sense emergent practice.

Self Assessment

We will come back to your ability to deal with change in the next chapter.!

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Embrace Change

Google Search

Change, Management of Change, Transformation, Personal Transformation,

Change Catalyst, Organisational Readiness, Change Readiness, Resistance to

Change, Tolerance for Ambiguity, VUCA World


Follow the link to read the following articles:

Understanding Change using Levin’s model

The irrational side of change management (Aiken & Keller, 2009)

Media Library

Watch the following media clipz :

Spencer Johnson’s Who moved my cheese is a well know narative on change

ilustrating how different individuals respond to change. Follow the following

link to whatch this very short clip






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Regardless of your role in the actual change process, you need to be able to adopt a change

mindset and be able to make a positive contribution to change initiatives that cross your path.

Understand Change

Individual Responses to Change

Becoming a Change Catalyst

Understand the Psychology of Change Management

Lead Change Positively


Group Activity

The world is changing rapidly and dramatically, and these changes - economic,

political, technological and cultural are having a profound effect on the world your

work & live in. Describe your world you

1. Live in ….

2. Work in …


Group Activity

How did changes impact on

3. your personal life

4. Work Life


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Individual Responses to Change

Individual Activity

5. As the group is discussing the changes you have experienced, can you describe

the emotions you experiencing right now?!


Please read the fact sheet on change!

Media Library

Spencer Johnson’s Who moved my cheese is a well know narative on change

ilustrating how different individuals respond to change. Follow the following link to

whatch this very short clip


Group Activity

1. After watching Who moved my cheese, you group have to discuss their understanding of change and how people respond to change.!

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Group Activity

The world is changing rapidly and dramatically, and these changes - economic,

political, technological and cultural are having a profound effect on the world your

work & live in.

1. Describe your world your live in ….


Group Activity

2. Describe now your world in 5 years time?!

Group Activity

3. How do you feel about this future?!

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Change is not a natural state. It demands that you act or think in a way that you haven‟t done

previously. Because of the uncertainly that goes hand-in-hand with change, there‟s often a

great deal of resistance to it.

Change, though, is what provides new and improved ways of accomplishing what is currently

being done. It‟s a necessary component of growth and advancement.

Simply being told that change is a good thing doesn‟t necessarily mean people will

automatically believe you, and embrace the transition with zeal. Sometimes the best way to

convince yourself and others that change really is positive is to think about how change has

affected you personally.

When you get in touch with how you‟ve reacted to change in the past, you can bring a

renewed attitude and perspective toward the change that you‟re currently facing.

Group Activity

4. Do you think you can still influence the outcomes in future?!


Please read the fact sheet on change!

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Use the following exercise to think about changes you‟ve experienced, the resistance you had

initially, and then use the benefit of hindsight to put change in the right perspective. (Do this for a

change originated by someone else, rather than a change you‟ve initiated or led yourself.)

Individual Action

Think of a major change that you were involved with at work. Describe the

situation briefly: !

Individual Action

What was the direct impact of the change on you?


Individual Action

How did you first learn about the change? !

Individual Action

How did your feelings and perception change over time?


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Having completed the exercise, you should have much more understanding about how people

react to change in general. It‟s very normal to be upset, wary, or even hostile at first. As time

goes by, and you have the advantage of seeing the positive outcomes of the change, your

attitude usually becomes more positive.

Remembering your own reactions helps you build empathy for what others are going through,

and this makes you much more prepared to handle the objections and resistance you‟ll likely


Tolerance for Ambiguity

Understanding your own reactions to change is very helpful, but it’s also useful to understand

how well you tolerate uncertainly and ambiguity in general.

Individual Action

Thinking about the change from your current vantage point, describe the process

and the outcome.!

Individual Action

Note the differences between how you felt then, and how you feel now, and

briefly record what you attribute the difference to.!

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Everyone has a different capacity for dealing with change in their environment. By looking at

your personal ability to deal with change, you can better understand your reactions and the

reactions of your team or others affected by change.

This increased self-awareness will help you prepare others for change and potentially lead a

change initiative.


The scale is designed to measure your intolerance for ambiguity, therefore, the higher the score

the less at ease you are with uncertainty. Before adding up your rating scores, each of the even

numbered statements must be reverse scored. This means a 7 becomes a 1, a 6 becomes a 2, a

5 becomes a 3 and vice versa.

The average score is between 44 and 48. Scoring higher than that is an indication that you have

a greater than average intolerance for ambiguity and uncertainly. This may mean that your

perception of change is less favourable than average. However, this is strictly a self awareness

test and the results have not been validated. It is important to treat your answers as a guide to

discovering your attitude toward change and perhaps working on seeing the positive aspects of

change in the workplace.

Self Assessment

You will find your tolerance for ambiguity scores on the profile sheet of the

supervisory leadership assessment you have already completed. Transfer the

scores from your profile sheet to the table below

1. Noveltymeasuring how threatening you find new situations, or

challenges which you have not previously encountered.

2. Complexitymeasuring your tolerance for highly complex situations with

many variables.

3. Insolubilitymeasuring how comfortable you are with ambiguous situations

where there is no obvious solution.


Take Note

This is a great tool for sharing with your co-workers. It will help them identify how well

they cope with uncertainty and this self-awareness can help them to develop !

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Want to reflect on your learning?

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Chapter Five

Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme Becoming Change Ready

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�Chapter Process MAP

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Organisational Transformation

Media Library

Watch the following media clipz :

A trip down memory lane is a short reminder about the soul of AngloGold



The following link will take you to Slides that might be helpfull to read alongside

A Trip down Memory Lane.



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The Soul of AngloGold Ashanti : Setting Context

The Requisite Organisation’s purpose to create an organisational culture of accountability and

trust, consistent with organisational values, whereby all employees can feel free to express

themselves in their work the best way they can and to offer employees to be part of a team that

deliver exceptional results to the benefit of both the employee and the organisation.

Fundamental to the requisite organisation is the belief that work is a psychological imperative for

humans, and as such, it has the potential to be a noble, highly-gratifying expression of a unique

human soul.

Supporting the latter, the requisite organisation is a total systems approach focused on creating

a value driven culture where managers wilfully assume accountability as they have the requisite

authority to create a trusting working environment for employees to engage, express and

develop their talent (potential capability) to both their own benefit as well as that of the


Enabling managers to reach their managerial accountabilities, the supervisor has the crucial role

and function to assist the first line manager to build an engaged working environment needed

for high energy and motivated teams to deliver the needed output.

The Supervisory Management Development Programme offers students suite of modules which

will equip them with the needed knowledge to develop their social, emotional and managerial

leadership capabilities required to take up the role as the assistant to the first line manager.

Modules are aligned and support the requisite organisation’s intent to purposefully :

Design an organisation with the correct number of managerial layers, the right work at the

right level and with well-defined accountabilities and authorities to execute the companies

business objectives.

Ensure the Right People are fit against the Right Roles to allow them to realise their full

potential to their own satisfaction and as part of a team that deliver exceptional results

(leverages people’s capabilities in a role best suited for both the person and the


Execute effective and agile supervisory leadership

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Develop effective working relationships by applying effective managerial leadership

practices to build an accountable, trusting and highly engaged work teams within a business

environment where behaviours are value driven and all team members can work together in

a honest and straightforward manner.

Develop a safe and trustworthy & value driven working environment where people can come

to express their unique human soul, relate to others, co-create & showcase their creations to

build both personal and organisation strategic value.

The over arching goal of the programme is for students to :

Understand the organisation

Exercise agile supervisory leadership

Establish effective working relationships to be able to engage all team members

Apply managerial leadership practices

Create a working environment where safety is a value

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Organisational Values


The following article might be of value to read in order to understand the

importanc3e of a value driven organisation.

Building a Vision-Guided, Values-Driven Organization (Barret, ????)



Why are organisational values so important. Discuss the!

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Individual Task

What does each of the following organisational values mean to you?







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Individual Task

Looking at each of the organisational values, indicate how it either assist you in the

execurion of your role & function, or how it may restrict you from doing so …!

In what ways does your job allow you to be…?

ValuesIn what specific ways does your job prevent you from being…?




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Group Activity

List two or three practical suggestions as how you can ensure that you and your

teams behaviour are always guided by these values.!

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Alignment between personal and organisational values

Assessment to establish your Personal Values


Reflect on the importance of values an comment on the allignment between

you own and organisational values. If values are ono aligned, how does it make

you feel? Do you have a plan how to resolve this matter.!

Group Activity

Discuss in the group to get an common understanding of values. Name a few

examples of values.!

Group Activity

In the group discuss the consequences when people feel their values are not


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Individual Activity

Identify your personal values and / drivers (your unique beliefs which motivates

you to get up every day and which guides your behaviour / actions!

Self Assessment

Assess now your values by following this link (You will be request to register on

the site before you can start. Please do so as it is free. On completionyour

assessment will be mailed to you. Please make sure you you enter the correct

email address to which you have currently access to) :

Values Assessment



List the outcomes on this values assessment below and them summarise what

that means. Do you agree?!

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The Role of the Manager

To understand what the role of the supervisor is, we need to start with your manager …

Individual Action

You are required to make an appointment with your manager (Mine Overseer) to

interview him on what he does every day. Follow the link to the assignment

which will give you more guidelines.



Your notes and comments after interviewing your manager …!

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Requisite Organisation defines a …

! Part of the company’s commitment …

To help each and every employee to realise their full potential.

Empower the manager with the requisite authority to wilfully assumes accountability to

create a trusting working environment for employees to engage, express (their soul …) and

develop their talent (potential capability) to both their own benefit as well as that of the


is held accountable for the total output of the team.

Apply our commitment to develop each and every employee in :

Manager as a person in a role in which he or she is held accountable not only for his or her personal effectiveness but also for the output of others; and is accountable for building and sustaining an effective team of subordinates capable of producing those outputs, and for exercising effective leadership.

First Line Manager

Is a manager at stratum II role, which is the first level of managerial work in an organisation which produces direct output at stratum I. Under special circumstances the FLM may designate an Assistant (FLMA) to assist the FLM in meeting his or her accountabilities for all shifts, 24 hours, 7 days a week. See also manager. See also first line manager assistant.

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How we work


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Lets try to describe / define the role of the Supervisor


To better understand the Role and Function of the Supervisor lets do the following Exercise

You have been promoted into your manager’s post after it became vacant as your manager

accept a promotion to one of your company’s international offices. You have accepted the

promotion. Your previous Manager-Once-Removed (MoR), now your new manager, has task

you to write an job posting to fill your vacant post as Supervisor of your specific business unit.

Is a person at a Stratum I role and functions as the assistant to the first line manager who has special assignments that assist the FLM in meeting his or her managerial accountabilities during the shift.

The Supervisor functions as the FLM’s representative on a shift and has authority to

Create a trusting working environment for employees to engage, express (their soul …) and develop their talent (potential capability) to both their own benefit as well as that of the organisation.

To make recommendations to the manager about the individuals on the shift in order to maximise team output.

Group Activity 2

1. To help you to write this job posting, first discuss in your group the following :

Format of such a job posting?

What information should be included in this posting?


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What do the supervisor do every day ? (Describe …)

Do you therefor need different knowledge and skills set to be effective than a few years


How did /does this change affect you in general?

Group Activity 3

2. Indicate the required skill set and knowledge you now need by referring to :

What should he / she be able to do …?

What should he / she know …?

What should he / she believe about the work …?


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Description of the role and function

Now try to write the job posting …?

Describe the AGA culture and indicate how the organisational values assist you to be an

effective supervisor …?

Group Activity 4

3. Give a clear description of the role and function of the person in this role

within your department including tasks and responsibilities (what does he



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Skills and Capabilities Required

Group Activity 5

5. Indicate the required skill set or capabilities the successful candidate should

need to qualify for this appointment.

No Skills Define the skill












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Assess your Own Supervisory Leadership Skills / Capabilities The following exercise you will need to do on your own

Before you start with this exercise, I need to ask you to be as honest as you can with yourself as

it is the only way you would be able to benefit from the exercise. Research has indicate that

we tend to over estimate our own abilities (in other words we think that we are better than we

really are …).

When you rate yourself, keep the following always in mind :

With this understanding, you may proceed to the next exercise.

Take Note

When you rate yourself, keep the following always in mind :

Desription of the score On a Scale from 1 - 10

68% of the population rate them self as average 5-6

your capability should really be substantial MORE than

Average. 7

You are well above average 8

With this scores , you are close to perfect and we all know

that is impossible9


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Individual Task

List the six (6) most important skills for you to be an effective supervisor on the


No Skills Define the skill Rank












Individual Task

Rate yourself on a scale from 1 - 10 (as showed below) on each of these skills

indicating your current level of competency!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Not Capable

at all

Below Average

Average CapabilityAbove



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Spider Graph


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Individual Task

Indicate how the following people might rate you on the same skills you have

indicated on your spider graph (indicate these ratings with another colour in order

to distinguish the different rating) :

Your manager?

Your MoR?

Your colleagues?


Individual Task

Now indicate your development areas. Those are the areas you need to pay

attention to in order to improve!

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Towards a Competency Framework


The following link will take you to :

Competency Framework : A Guide for managers and staff (Greater London

Authority, ????)



Your understanding of a competency framework


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Da Vinci Collaborative Framework


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Da Vinci deploys a collaborative framework in which you are exposed to, amongst others, tools

and techniques employed by organisations completely outside of the field of operations of the

organisation. Here, participants are encouraged to “borrow” new ideas and adapt them to

their own operations.

All development initiatives can be incorporated into the Da Vinci Collaboration Framework.

The framework is based on the following conceptual underpinnings:

You begin by grounding yourself in Systems Thinking and in taking a systems look at

organisational strategic and operating model.

You select a particular organisational challenge that is relevant to your own leadership

and management reality within your organisation and which will allow you to get

workplace relevance from everything you do whilst being part of your development

journey. This challenge is examined using the conceptual tool of reframing, from the

perspective of self, other and socio-economic context. Specific competencies required to

enhance business performance within your specific industry should become an important

consideration in designing solutions for your company.

You will examine your company’s strategic aspiration within global markets.

The next piece in the process is that of decision-making, and this is dealt with using Da

Vinci’s proprietary Management of Technology, Management of Innovation and Management of People learning modules (MOTIP), with the intent of customising outcomes

related to your organisational realities.

Then the learning focus turns to implementation with a value-added solution

Finally, you will focus on the assessment of your work, with a special focus on the

contribution to the specific working or business unit as assessed by peers

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The AngloGold Ashanti Reality


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understand the Organisation Environment

Establish Effective

Working Relationships

Build High Engaged


Safety & health in everything we do

Safety BIntegrity with ethical behaviour

Dignity CMutual trust and respect

Diversity DAccountable for our actions

Communities E Inovation & agility

Communities F Mine responsible


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Stress Tolerance / Resilience

Self Starter & Take initiative

Display Integrity & Honesty

Champions Change

Develop Others

Communicates Effectively

Collaboration & Promote


Inspire & Motivate Others


DecisivenessClear Vision,

strategy & Direction

Problem Solving

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Managerial Leadership Development


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Chapter Six

Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme Managerial Leadership Development

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�Chapter Process MAP

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Managerial Leadership DevelopmentGoogle Search

Managerial Leadership Development Model, Leadership, Manager vs Leader,

Types of Leadership, all managers are leaders but not all leaders are managers,

leadership in management, difference between leadership and management,

similarities between leadership and management


Follow the link to read the following articles:

Movers & Shakers

Leadership Development Beyond Competencies Moving to a Holistic


Media Library

John Maxwell 5 Levels of Leadership (Part 1)

John Maxwell 5 Levels of Leadership (Part 2)

John Maxwell 5 Levels of Leadership (Summary)

The rarest commodity is leadership without ego: Bob Davids at TEDxESCP

21 "GREAT" Laws of Leadership

John C. Maxwell - Law Of Explosive Growth!

Law Of Influence!

Add to your Library

Popular Videos : Johan Maxwell

John C. Maxwell - Laws of Growth




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Audio Books

Influencer. The Power to Change Anything

John Maxwell - Language of Leadership

The 5 Levels of Leadership by John C. Maxwell

25 Ways to Win with People by John Maxwell

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The Age Old Conversation : So lets get it over with …

Group Activity

Discuss in your groups what the difference is between a manager and a leader.

What does the one do that the other doesn’t ?!


At the end of the discussion, and after you have reflected on this specific topic,

summarise your own thoughts and opinions and your understanding of

managerial leadership development.�

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Maxwell’s 5 Level of Influence


Your Level of Influence

Now, as leadership refers to someone’s level of influence or impact, let’s do the following exercise:

L e a d e r s h i p

Individual Activity

Please think of a person, anyone who you would say had a great impact

on your life. This maybe in a personal or occupational capacity. Then

think what that impact was and why; and also how it still impacts on your

life today.


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Now, lets bring it even closer to home. Think about the level of influence (impact) YOU have at :


Individual Activity

Marital Relationship


Individual Activity

Relationship with your children


Individual Activity

Influence in your community


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Individual Activity

Now, please list some of your sub-ordinates, and think how you might impact on

their lives (personal or occupational) – difficult one, but I need you to think about it



Your thoughts and comments after this exercise ...!

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The qualification that you have registered for is in the field of business commerce

and management studies. As such, you are required to become familiar with

management and leadership development competencies.

Click on the link to read :

Movers & Shakers (Bloomsbury, 2003)



Reflect on your understanding of Movers & Shakers.!

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Leadership Development Beyond Competencies Moving to a Holistic Approach

Someone told the following story …

Late one night a police officer sees a man on his hands and knees searching the ground near a

streetlight. The officer asks him what is wrong. The man replies, “I am looking for my car keys.”

The officer helps him look for several minutes and after no luck, asks, “Are you sure you dropped

them here?”

“No,” replies the man, “I lost the keys somewhere across the street.”

“Then why are we looking here?” asks the surprised police officer.

“Because,” the man explains, “The light is much better here.”


The following article looks at Leadership development more holistically

Leadership Development Beyond Competencies Moving to a Holistic




Reflect on your understanding of Leadership Development Beyond

Competencies Moving to a Holistic Approach.!

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Leadership Development : A Journey to Increasing your Level of Influence

Taking you now back to the beginning of this chapter, Maxwell (1997) suggested that leadership

is about a persons level of influence and indicated 5 levels of influence. As this Programme is

part of AngloGold Ashanti’s Leadership Development Programme, following on Maxwell’s

suggestion, one of the outcomes of this Programme should be to assist YOU to INCREASE your

level of influence.

As with Levels of influence, Maxwell explain that increasing your level of influence works in a

similar way to when you have to work your way up from:











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Let’s try to explain each level:

Individual Activity

Model the way …


Individual Activity

Create a motivating environment…


Individual Activity

Mentor & coach…


Individual Activity



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Group Activity

As a group, use this table to help you understand what Maxwell meant

suggesting how you can increase your level of influence.

Catalyst Description How?

Model the way



Create a Motivating Enviornment




Mentor & Coach




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Take Note

To view a summary of Maxwel’s Influencer Model, go to the chapter on

communication .!

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Post Module Assignment

Take Note

To view a summary of Maxwel’s Influencer Model, go to the chapter on

communication .!


Your Level of Influence?!

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Post Modue Assignment

The Assessment of your MLD Learning

Over the next 12 to 18 months you need to analyse, digest, evaluate and

understand what leadership and management competencies are and how they

affect you. Essentially, you will progressively compile your own leadership and

management competencies assignment progressively throughout the programme.

Use the monographs to understand the complexity and variety of management and

leadership. Start putting together your own thoughts about these competencies.

You need to read wider than what we have given you.

In developing your own model of leadership you are required you to:

Create a visual picture of this model (a single PowerPoint slide); and

Explain the model briefly (no more than one page of notes).

Flow Process: *Format:

1 x PowerPoint slide

1 page narrative

Recommended reading:

Lessons on Leadership: From Mandela to Obama:


Time Magazine: People of the Century




Total 100

Follow this link to the Managerial Leadership Development (MLD) Post Module Assignment


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Development Tools

The following links will take you to tools which might help you doing your


Power Point Slides to buil your Managerial Leadership Model.

Student_Journey_Back_to_the_Future 2016



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Chapter Seven

Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme Competency Development

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�Chapter Process MAP

Table of Contents

Chapter Page


1 Synopsis & Learning Outcomes

2 Supervisory Leadership Development

Approach to Supervisory Leadership Development

Supervisory Leadeship Competencies

On becoming Self-Directed

3 Self-Awareness

The Importance of Self-Awareness in Self Development

The Johari Window : Finding my Blind Spot

3 Model the Way (It's about telling an inspiring story …)

Finding Meaning

Emotional Intelligence : New yardstick for success

On Becoming Focussed

‣ Stress Management

‣ Manage Attention

‣ Manage Energy

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The Johari window model is a simple and useful tool for illustrating and improving self-awareness, and mutual understanding between individuals within a group. The Johari window tool can also be used to assess and improve

a group's relationship with other groups. The Johari window model was developed by American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in the 1950's, while researching group dynamics. Today this model is especially relevant due to modern emphasis on, and influence of, 'soft' skills, behaviour, empathy, co-operation, intergroup

development and interpersonal development.

The Johari window model is also referred to as a 'disclosure/feedback model of self-awareness' and by some

people an 'information processing tool'. The Johari window actually represents information – feelings, experience, views, attitudes, skills, intentions and motivation – within or about a person in relation to their group, from four perspectives, which are described below. The Johari window model can also be used to represent the same

information for a group in relation to other groups.

Johari window terminology refers to 'self' and 'others': 'self' means oneself, ie, the person subject to the Johari

window analysis. 'Others' mean other people in the person's group or team.

The four Johari window perspectives are called regions or areas or

quadrants. Each of these regions contains and represents the information - feelings, motivation, etc - known about the person in

terms of whether the information is known or unknown by the person, and whether the information is known or unknown by others in the group. The Johari window's four regions are as follows (showing the

quadrant numbers and commonly used names):

“EVERY step we take – no matter how small – to understand the needs

of the people we strive to serve will increase our bond with them, and move us in the direction of a higher standard of leadership.”

- Mahatma Gandhi


What is known by the person about him/herself and is also known by others open area, open self, free area, free

self, or 'the arena'


To find your blindspot, follow this link to assess yourself

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What is unknown by the person about him/herself but which others know - blind area, blind self, or 'blind spot'

What the person knows about him/herself that others do not know - hidden area, hidden self, avoided area,

avoided self or 'facade'

What is unknown by the person about him/herself and is also unknown by others - unknown area or unknown self

Miscommunication frequently occurs because our open window is so limited; we are not in touch with what we

feel and cannot respond to what we hear. As the open window increases, there is not only greater variability in individual’s behaviour, but also greater openness in interpersonal relationships in the group.

The Johari Window is a useful Model to try and explain what the role is of self-discovering. This self-discovering is base on two fundamentals:

‣ Feedback from others

‣ Self-disclosure

Both essential elements to ensure my wellness, my ability to disclose information about myself and my ability to

receive and integrate feedback from others and my environment.

When you look at the theory of the Johari Window, are you ale to plot yourself in the quadrants with examples in each? Try to do it…

All tasks following, is an attempt to enlarge the Open/free area and to minimise the unknown area. Bringing you in a better position to connect with yourself and then with your manage.

If you are interested in your own level of self-awareness, please click to do a self-assessment to start your journey.


At the end of the discussion, and afer you have reflected on this specific topic, summarise your own thoughts and opinions and eventually your understanding of the topic.�

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In the next chapters we are going to look at emotions, where they come from and how they influence our present. We will also indicate the relationship between our thoughts, feelings and behaviour and to what

extend we have control over the way we feel, think and act or behave. It might shed some light on the statement I have heard so many times in the past: “The boss/husband/wife/child makes me so angry...”

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Chapter Seven

Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme Competency Development

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�Chapter Process MAP

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Competency Framework


Self Starter & Take initiative Inspire & Motivate Others Clear Vision, strategy & Direction

Stress Tolerance / Resilience Collaboration & Promote Teamwork


Display Integrity & Honesty Develop Others Problem Solving

Navigates Change Communicates Effectively Accountable

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Chapter Seven

Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme Emotional Intelligence (EI)

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“The longest journey we will ever take”

My levels of Influence (how I impact on my world…)

Now, as leadership refers to someone’s level of influence or impact, let’s do the following


Level of influence : Closer to home

Now, lets bring it even closer to home. Think about the level of influence (impact) YOU have at :

Please think of a person, anyone who you would say had a great impact on your

life. This maybe in a personal or occupational capacity. Then think what that

impact was and why; and also how it still impacts on your life today!

Marital Relationship

Children :

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Your Community

Now, please list some of your sub-ordinates, and think how you might impact on their lives (personal or occupational) – difficult one, but I need you to think about it…

Name Influence

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Your reflection after this exercise ….

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The Programming of the Amygdala

With this task you are going to explore past experiences in your life as well as past FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE being

managed! To do this I need you to think explore the following (Hopefully I will remember where this road is leading us shortly…)

Your feeling/perception of managed by your manager as a result of past experiences within your working

environment. Also consider the following before formulating your answer:

Positive Experiences you had with your manager, with an example.

Negative Experiences you had with a manager, with an example

Looking back over your long career path (some of us cant even remember how long…), think of two positive events that really added value to you as a person either personal or professional.

Any other experiences…

How does that still impact on your way of doing still today?

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Now do the same with your negative/traumatic experiences by naming two examples and how does that still impact on your life today?

As a Supervisor, think of (with examples) situations where your superior gave you positive feedback/recognition for a task well done. How did that impact on you then and still now?

Now do the same with examples of the most traumatic experience within your working environment. How does that still impact on your life still today?

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We all have a history…


Keeping all the above in mind, how did that influence your …

Now lets do the same with childhood experiences. First the positive and then the negative. And how did that impact on your life and still today? Past experiences impacts on our

mindsets (the glasses through which we look at Coaching). Determining our Attitudes towards Coaching and Direct impact on the effectiveness and outcome (success)�

My general view of the world. How I perceive and experience people in general, my expectations from

them (including husband, children, superiors, colleagues and sub-ordinates) and this ONLY ADDS (=) UP to:

The way that I think about them will determine the way I will feel towards them and eventually will act/behave towards!

A. View of yourself:

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B. Your Beliefs

C. View others

D. View the World

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The research is very clear about this indicating how our Past Experience becomes the glasses through which we look

at managing people). Determining our attitudes towards how you would interact and has direct impact on the effectiveness and success you will have a s a supervisor.

E. How you view your people reportig to you and how you influence them…

F. Impacts on how they work & perform

G. How they succeed …

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Thus : Without patronising you, would you please translate this for yourself, what this means for you as manager and

how that relate to your levels of influence…


You remember the Lady living in the top story…? Remember the Five EQ Competencies:


Social Competencies

Emotional Wellness

Innovative Abilities

Ability to deal with Stress

All of the above have a direct impact on the success I would have as a leader or in this case, how successful I would be as a manager.

Now, please list some of your sub-ordinates, and think how you might impact on their lives (personal or occupational) – difficult one, but I need you to think about it…




Be very brave with yourself! Can you think of how the above principle plays/playing itself off in your workplace. Situations where your attitude actually could have limit the outcome/behaviour of a sub-ordinate? Remember the examples again…

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May I conclude this short introduction of our exploitative journey into ourselves before continuing onto the next learning ?

We all have baggage! It means that we are not so different than anyone else… Just as the past often (for us that

are less emotionally intelligent) contaminates our behaviour in the present, the same goes for my subordinates or those I will have to coach. The other lesson from this is to remember that our past experiences does not only have

the possibility to hijack present behaviour it also impact on

How we Listen and what we Hear

And What we see ...

Please spend some time on the following questions (on your own). When you come back, I promise I will not put you on the spot with specific content… So really be as honest as you can and let your mind go…

The law of attraction

What do you really want from/out of life?

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On a personal level?

Occupational level?

What stands in my way?

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Challenge you to watch

After you have watched the Secret, please go back to my earlier question on : What do you REALLY want?

Do you want to adjust / change your answers? Then do it!

Now, how does your experience of the video impact on or add to the subject at hand? (If any)

What have/can you do about that?

Other additional comments…

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Let me ask the question again after your thoughts on the above:

What is your view and prejudices impact on your relationships with people and how will it impact on (add to/hinder) your process of becoming a good Manager?

Be very honest with yourself! Can you think of how the above principle is enacted in your workplace? Situations where your attitude actually could have limited the outcome/behaviour of a subordinate? Remember the

examples again…

Now, how does your experience of the video impact on or add to the subject at hand? (If any)

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Insert clips on Perceptions of our worlds


The role of the most advanced “Tool” you and I have on our ability to recognize and develop potential and human talent … (and this has NOTHING to do with how good or how bad we are …!)

(Learning from the Neuro Sciences)


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Chapter Eight

Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme Manage Self

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Chapter Nine

Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme Manage People

Page 143: Towards a Certificate Qualification The Management of ...facultylibrary.dmcodyssey.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ASLDP... · supervisor, more specifically the production supervisor

Manage Work

9 Clear Vision, strategy & Direction

10 Decisiveness

11 Problem Solving

12 Accountable

Manage Self / Others

1 Self Starter & Take initiative

2 Stress Tolerance / Resilience

3 Display Integrity & Honesty

4 Champions Change

Manage People

5 Inspire & Motivate Others

6 Collaboration & Promote Teamwork

7 Develop Others

8 Communicates Effectively

Page 144: Towards a Certificate Qualification The Management of ...facultylibrary.dmcodyssey.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ASLDP... · supervisor, more specifically the production supervisor

Chapter Ten

Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme Manage Work

Page 145: Towards a Certificate Qualification The Management of ...facultylibrary.dmcodyssey.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ASLDP... · supervisor, more specifically the production supervisor
Page 146: Towards a Certificate Qualification The Management of ...facultylibrary.dmcodyssey.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ASLDP... · supervisor, more specifically the production supervisor

Chapter 11

Advanced Supervisory Leadership Development Programme Annexures

Page 148: Towards a Certificate Qualification The Management of ...facultylibrary.dmcodyssey.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ASLDP... · supervisor, more specifically the production supervisor