Tourism projects in Central América Value chain Workshop. CI Miriam Castillo Northern Mesoamerica office

Tourism projects in Central América Value chain Workshop. CI Miriam Castillo Northern Mesoamerica office

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Page 1: Tourism projects in Central América Value chain Workshop. CI Miriam Castillo Northern Mesoamerica office

Tourism projects in Central América

Value chain Workshop.CI

Miriam Castillo Northern Mesoamerica office

Page 2: Tourism projects in Central América Value chain Workshop. CI Miriam Castillo Northern Mesoamerica office

Where are we?

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Why C.A is important?• Biological reasons:

- C.A. land bridge between 2 continents. - High endemism, biodiversity, restricted

distribution for several species - Examples: The mesoamerican hotspot (south

Mexico-Panamá): first in reptiles diversity; 2 amphibians;

3 mammals; 4 birds; 5 plants; 6 freshwater fishes.

More species of pine, oak than other region of similar size

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- Biodiversity is in danger (one of the highest rates of deforestation in the word), poverty,high population growth


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- Cultural reasons: specially south México, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panamá

• Tourism reasons: millions of tourist visit the region each year.

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Northern C.A.

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What are we doing?



Endengered species 6 Belize, Honduras, region

Control Forest Fires 2 Guatemala

Management of protected areas 4 Guatemala

Consolidation& coodination CEPF 2 Region

Public politics 2 Guatemala

Protected areas 1 Belize

Assistance to enterprises 1  

Conservation outcomes 1 Region

Debt for nature 1 Guatemala

TOURISM 2 Guatemala, Belize


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CEPF Tourism projects:

• “Developing recommendations and an action plan to integrate biodiversity conservation into tourism policy in Belize and Guatemala”.

• Partner grantee: Counterpart International Status: ongoing

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• “Building sustainable and competitive tourism enterprises in Northern Mesoamerica”.

Places to work: Guatemala (Huehuetenango and Sierra del Lacandon National Park in Petén)

Partner grantee: Rainforest Alliance

Status: proposal approval phase

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Legacy project:• “Partnering to the protection of pine oak mesoamerican

forest.”• Donator: Legacy foundation• TNC-CI project (2007-2009)• To work in: Chiapas, Guatemalan Highlands, Honduras• 3 general components:

1.strengthen the protected areas.

2. Training local communities and small grants to pilote projects.

3)Stregthen the Pine Oak Regional Alliance

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Some activities in Guatemala:• A workshop to desing, construction and

maintenance of trails in protected areas will be in Guatemala (may 08). (second year of project will be give a environmental interpretation to tourism and cultural guides.

• Workshops about: importance and management and protected areas; better practices in coffee (may 08) and agrosilvopastoril systems (june 08).

• Small grant to determinate the need of communitary enterprises (related to tourism and handicrafts) in Sierra de los Cuchumatanes. (in proposal phase)

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Tourism projects in Southern Central America

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What they done?



Conservation Coffee 1 Costa Rica

Establishment of corridors 2 Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama

Management of protected areas and corridors 7 Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama

Indigenous traditional practices 2 region

TOURISM 3 Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama

Endangered species 10 Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama

Environmental Education 3 Costa Rica, Panama


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CEPF Tourism projects

• “Promoting sustainable development in the Buffer Zone of La Amistad Biosphere Reserve through Ecotourism in the Naso Indigenous community territory”.

• Partner grantee: Organización para el desarrollo del Pueblo Naso

• Status: done, but the project continue

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• Ecotourism development in the intermunicipal park of the Mahogany wetlands in Rama-Bluefields Nicaragua.

• Partner Grantee: Bluefields Indian &Caribbean University

• Status: Done: 2004-2005

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Prospective tourism work

To Northern CA (Guatemala) • Potential partners identified to work in tourism


CONAP (National Protected Areas Council);

Helvetas (swiss international cooperation) they are working closely with municipal parks in the highlands of Guatemala.

Counterpart International (projects of communitary tourism, marketing)

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Prospective tourism work

• We want to obtain Conservation Agreements (CSP) to work in 5 places in Guatemala (2008). The local comunities are interesting in ecoturism projects!

• Apply the “value chain” in the future projects of CI.

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Challenges• Conserve the biodiversity and improve

the quality of the local people that live in or near the protected/key areas.

• Demonstrate to local people that is better “sale the communities” using the conservation of the nature and the culture.

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Lesson learned

• The participation of all the actors is important to ensure the success of the projects.

• The genuine respect of the differents cultures and customs is important

• The tourism projects cant “sale” like the magic and unique solution of the economic problems in a community (they need integrate solutions)

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Lesson learned…• The projects shouldn´t assume “foreign

prescriptions” have to work in other place…is better to build an “own prescription” in a participative way.

• In the begining of a project the community have to know the success of a project require: time, training, dedication and to persevere.

• The experiences exchange is a good way to motivate the communities and persons, to know “we are not alone in the conservation fight”

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and to the end……..