ToulsonP_Information Literacy Lesson and Pathfinder

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  • 8/4/2019 ToulsonP_Information Literacy Lesson and Pathfinder


    Patrice Toulson 1

    Information Literacy Lesson Plan

    Patrice Toulson

    FRIT 7136Dr. Stephanie Jones

    Fall 2009

    Pathfinder URL
  • 8/4/2019 ToulsonP_Information Literacy Lesson and Pathfinder


    Patrice Toulson 2

    Information Literacy Lesson Plan

    GRADE: 6th Grade Math Class

    TEACHER(S): Patrice ToulsonAnne Lamb

    CONTENT TOPIC: Finding the mean and median and graphing the data in Microsoft Excel



    Standard 1: Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge.

    Skills Indicator(s): 1.1.1 Follow an inquiry-based process in seeking knowledge in curricular

    subjects and make the real-world connections for using this process in own life.

    Benchmark(s): Use a critical-thinking process that involves asking questions, investigating the

    answers, and developing new understandings for personal or academic independent-learningactivities.

    Dispositions Indicator(s):

    1.2.3 Demonstrate creativity by using multiple resources and formats.

    Responsibilities Indicator(s):1.3.3 Follow ethical and legal guidelines in gathering and using information.

    1.3.4 Contribute to the exchange of ideas within the learning community.

    1.3.5 Use information technology responsibly.

    Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s):

    1.4.2 User interaction with and feedback from teachers and peers to guide own inquiry process.

    1.4.4 Seek appropriate help when it is needed.

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    Standard 2: Draw conclusions, making informal decisions; apply knowledge to new situations,

    and create new knowledge.

    Skills Indicator(s): 2.1.1 Continue an inquiry-based research process by applying critical-

    thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, evaluation, organization) to information and knowledge inorder to construct new understandings, draw conclusions, and create new knowledge.

    2.1.3 Use strategies to draw conclusions from information and apply knowledge to curricular

    areas, real-world situations, and further investigations.

    2.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize information.

    2.1.6 Use the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills to create

    products that express new understandings.

    Benchmark(s): 2.1.1 Interpret information and ideas by defining, classifying and inferringfrom information in text.

    2.1.3 Draw conclusions based on explicit and implied information.2.1.4 Identify and apply common productivity tools and features such as menus and toolbars

    to plan, create, and edit word processing documents, spreadsheets and presentations.

    2.1.6 - Create products that incorporate writing, visuals, and other forms of media to convey

    message and main points.

    Dispositions Indicator(s): 2.2.4 Demonstrate personal productivity by completing products

    to express learning.

    Responsibilities Indicator(s): 2.3.1 Connect understanding to the real world.

    Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s):

    1.4.3 Monitor gathered information, and assess for gaps or weaknesses.

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    (List here relevant content, information literacy, and technology standards)

    M6D1 Students will pose questions, collect data, represent and analyze data, and interpret

    results.a) Formulate questions that can be answered by data. Students should collect data by using

    samples from a large population (survey), or by conducting experiments.

    b) Using data, construct frequency distributions, frequency tables, and graphs.

    c) Choose appropriate graphs to be consistent with the nature of the data (categorical ornumerical). Graphs should include pictographs, histograms, bar graphs, line graphs, and

    line plots.

    d) Use tables and graphs to examine variation that occurs within a group and variation thatoccurs between groups.

    e) Relate the data analysis to the context of the questions posed.

    MSBCS-BCSI-9: Students will develop and apply basic spreadsheet skills.


    Sixth grade students learn to calculate mean and median in their math class. After they learn this

    concept, they gather data on the height of sixth grade students in their classroom and compare

    their height to NBA professional players. They use the information gathered to examine theconnection between data distribution and measures of central tendency. They manipulate the

    data and then examine various types of graphs to determine which graph will be most beneficial

    in expressing the data so the students can understand its meaning. They will use formulas inExcel to determine the mean and median of their data.


    The students manually calculate the mean and median of the data they collect. Then the

    students produce an Excel Spreadsheet that includes formulas that show the mean and median

    of the data collected. They will graph the data in numerous ways to determine which graph bestexpresses the data. They will have an explanation of which graph worked the best and why and

    how their manually calculated data compares to the mean and median that was calculated

    through formulas.

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    Students will learn to gather data dealing with real-world information. The math teacher will go

    over the lesson on mean and median and will teach this concept to the students. After the math

    teacher completes her lesson, the media specialist will assist the students in gatheringinformation on the height of sixth grade students in their classroom. After gathering the data,

    the students will convert the height of the students from feet to inches. Calculators may be usedfor the special needs students. Then the media specialist will take the students to the computer

    lab and give them a website ( to use to gather height information forprofessional NBA players. They will convert their heights to inches as well. Again, the specialneeds students may use calculators for the conversion. After all data is gathered, the media

    specialist will have a lesson with the students on how to create an excel spreadsheet, input data,

    use formulas and graph in Microsoft Excel using fictitious information. After the Excel lessonis delivered and it is believed all the students understand how to use an Excel Spreadsheet, the

    students will input the actual data gathered into an Excel spreadsheet, use formulas to find the

    mean and median, and graph the data to compare the data between the sixth grade students inrelation to the NBA players. The students will use various graphs to determine which graph best

    expresses the data.


    Product - Teacher, media specialist and students will use a teacher-developed rubric to assess

    the collection of data, conversion of data from feet to inches, graphing of data and an

    explanation on which graph works best in comparing sixth grade students heights to NBAplayers heights.

    Process - Teacher and media specialist use daily tickets out the door to confirm the students

    are understanding the lesson being taught. They also use the final product Excel spreadsheetto determine if the students understand how to use formulas to find the mean and median and

    use graphs to compare data. The teacher and media specialist will use a rubric to grade theoverall product.

    Student self-questioning

    1) What is data?2) Why are we collecting data?3) What can I learn from this data being gathered?

    4) How can this data be helpful to me in finding mean and median?5) What technology tools will help me organize and make sense of the data I collected?

    6) Why do we graph data?7) Will my manual calculations of mean and median be the same as the mean and median

    that were determined using formulas in Microsoft Excel?

    8) What would happen to the mean if we didnt include the NBA players?
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    Resources students will use:

    Online subscription database(s) Web sites Books Reference

    Nonprint Periodicals/newspapers Other (list): Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

    Computers and Projector


    o Direct instruction: The media specialist will assist the students in gathering data on

    the height of their sixth grade classmates and monitor them as they convert theirheights from feet to inches. The media specialist will take the students to a

    computer lab and give them a website to use to gather data on the heights of

    professional NBA players. The media specialist will monitor how the studentsconvert these measurements from feet to inches. After all the data is collected,

    the media specialist will introduce Microsoft Excel to the students on how to

    create a spreadsheet, use formulas to find the mean and median and formulategraphs to compare the data collected.

    o Modeling and guided practice: Using the data gathered by the students using

    information from the sixth grade students and information from the website onNBA players, the students will create an Excel spreadsheet and will input the

    data collected while the media specialist monitors. They will try manipulating

    the data with different graphs to determine which graph represents the data most

    effectively. They will use formulas to determine the mean and median.

    o Independent practice: Students will gather the data from fellow students and theNBA website. Then, they will input the data collected into the Excel

    spreadsheet, use formulas to determine mean and median and graph the data in

    multiple formats. Then they will get ready to present to the class their graphs

    and explanations on why their choice of graph is the best one to express the datagathered.

    o Sharing and reflecting: While using a computer and an overhead projector, thefinal product of the Excel graphs will be shown in the classroom. After looking

    at these graphs, the students will answer a few questions:1) Why is the mean height larger than the median height?2) What impact do the basketball players have on either of these measures?

    3) What would happen to the mean and median if we excluded the basketball

    players data from the graph? Why?
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    Patrice Toulson 7


    CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Your


    DataCollection Collectscomplete andaccurate data

    Collectsaccurate data Produces someerrors in datacollecting

    Inaccurate datacollected due todesign flaw.

    Conversion ofdata from feet

    to inches

    Conversion wascomplete with



    Most of theconversions

    were correct.

    Some of theconversions

    were correct.





    mean andmedian of

    data collected



    mean andmedian was


    One of the

    numbers was


    Neither of the

    numbers for

    mean andmedian were


    Did not attempt

    to manually

    calculate themean and


    Graphs Produces at

    least 3 graphsto determine

    which graph

    best expresses

    the data

    Produces at

    least 2 graphs todetermine which

    graph best

    expresses the


    Produces at

    least 1 graph todetermine

    which graph

    best expresses

    the data

    There were no


    Legend There is a

    legend that waseasy to read and

    contained allthe informationneeded to

    understand the



    contained someinformation

    needed todescribe thedata.

    Legend contains

    inaccurateinformation that

    described thedata.

    There was no


    Labeling of X

    axis and Y


    The X and Y

    axis have a

    clear, neat labelthat

    describes the


    The X and Y

    axis have one

    label thatdescribes the

    unit correctly.

    The X and Y

    axis have a

    label but doesnot describe the

    units accurately.

    The X and Y

    axis are not


    Title Title is creative,clearly relates

    to the problem

    being graphed,

    and is printed atthe top of the


    Title clearlyrelates to the

    problem being

    graphed, and is

    printed at thetop of the graph.

    A title is presentat the top of the


    No title ispresent.

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    used inMicrosoft


    Formulas used

    in MicrosoftExcel to

    determine mean

    and median are


    One of the

    formulas used inMicrosoft Excel

    to determine

    mean and

    median wascorrect.

    Neither of

    formulas usedin Microsoft

    Excel to

    determine mean

    and medianwere correct.

    Did not attempt

    to use a formulato determine

    mean and


    Neatness and


    The work is

    presented in a

    neat, organized

    way that is easyto understand.

    The work is

    presented in a

    neat, organized

    way that isusually easy to


    The work is

    presented in an

    organized way

    but issometimes hard

    to understand.

    The work is

    presented in a


    unorganizedway that is very

    hard to




    Analysis is well

    thought out and

    indicates agreat


    of the data.

    Analysis is well

    thought out and

    indicates a fairlygood


    of the data.


    indicates some

    understandingof the data.


    indicates very


    of the data.

    Presentation The

    presentationshowed the


    understood theconcept of

    mean and

    median andgraphing the


    The presentation

    showed thestudent had a

    fairly good

    understandingof the concept

    of mean and

    median andgraphing the



    presentationshowed the

    student had


    of the concept

    of mean andmedian and

    graphing the



    presentationshowed very


    understandingof the concept

    of mean and

    median andgraphing the


    Your Score:

    Rating Scale:

    Score Rating Grade

    11 Unacceptable 65

    12-26 Unacceptable 75

    27 - 41 Acceptable 85

    42-44 Target 95

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    Patrice Toulson 9

    Assessment Results:

    The rubric proved to be a very useful assessment tool for this project. It gave the students an

    understanding from the beginning of what was expected of them and it gave the teachers anunderstanding of what exactly to look for when grading. The majority of the students did anexceptional job on this project. They gathered the data and put it in the Excel spreadsheet and

    were able to find the mean and median of the data by using formulas and graph the findings.

    Then, they did a really good job presenting the information to their classmates. According to therubric that I assessed, the student breakdown is shown below:

    Student Grade Explanation if any

    Shabreia 44

    Alyea 11 Special Ed Student with severe

    hearing problemsAlesha 25 Special Ed Student

    Brandon 42

    Dontavious 42

    Nikeria 42

    Kristopher 42

    Clifford 40

    Kane 42

    Bobby 42

    Malik 42

    Billy 14 Special Ed Student - ADHD

    Marquella 42Kaneisha 43

    James 40

    Dontavis 44

    Based on the above data, 69% reached the target score of 42-44. The percentage that reached the

    acceptable mark was 12.5%. The percentage of students who scored in the unacceptable level

    was 18.5%. The 18.5% that scored in the unacceptable range are students that are in the specialeducation program. One of these students only missed the acceptable range by 2 points. So, as

    you can see based on the data above, the students did very well and it appears that they grasped

    the concept of mean and median and how to input data they collected into an Excel Spreadsheet,

    formulate the mean and median by using formulas and graphing the data so that it best expressesthe data being compared.

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    Tickets Out the Door:

    Along with the final rubric that was used to assess the students, tickets out the door were alsoused. The day that I took the students to the lab to teach them how to use Excel using fictitious

    data, the ticket out the door was What questions do you have about gathering data and inputting

    the data into an Excel spreadsheet, using formulas to come up with the mean and median andgraphing the information? By answering this question, the students helped me have a better

    understanding of what they didnt understand and what I needed to do to explain it better.

    The day that the students actually put their collected data into the Excel spreadsheet, the ticket

    out the door was What other areas in our lives could we use mean and median to help us

    understand information better? This will help the media specialist and teacher see if the students

    have a clear understanding of what mean and median are and how they can use them in their reallife situations.

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    First of all, time was a major issue. I worked with a sixth grade math teacher. Ialso teach full time so this was a difficult task. The only saving grace was that I was

    able to work with her during my planning period. I utilize my planning period daily

    for work in the classes that I teach so my actual classes may have gone a little lackingduring this time but we all managed to get by.

    The teacher I worked with was very easy to work with. We collaborated well

    together and she was extremely helpful in assisting me. The initial collaboration wasa little difficult because our planning periods were not the same. So again, time was

    our biggest issue. We soon realized that email was our best source in communicating

    and creating our roles for this project. Our personalities complimented each other.

    Her personality is very aggressive and quick to get things done. Mine is more laidback and more passive. We established the roles that we each would do and assisted

    each other. When she taught the lesson on mean and median, I walked around the

    room and assisted the students who were not grasping the concept. We each assisted

    the students when they were measuring sixth grade students and converting theheights to inches. Then when I took the students to the lab to research on the website

    and teach Excel spreadsheets, formulas and graphing, she was their assisting me.The major issue that I may change with this lesson was gathering the data. It was

    pretty chaotic when the students were trying to gather the heights of their fellow

    students and converting the data to inches. We put the students in groups to do this.

    Sometimes group work gets a little noisy and hectic. Some of the students hadtrouble with the conversion. Maybe it would be better after the students got the

    measurements of their classmates if the students would get back to their desk and the

    teacher/media specialist and the students did the conversion together using theActivBoard.

    The actual lab experience with the students went very well. Usually when

    students are in front of a computer, things go well. The boys really enjoyed gatheringthe data from the NBA site because most of them were familiar with the players and

    thought this was pretty cool getting information about some of their favorite players.

    Most of the girls did not get too excited about the subject we were collecting data on.Maybe the next time, I could figure out a subject to research that both genders could

    get excited about. All the students enjoyed using the Excel spreadsheet and creating

    the graphs that went along with the information. The teacher stated that normally

    with this lesson she has the students draw out the charts on construction paper. Shesaid the Excel spreadsheet graphs were so much more graphic and brought the

    information to life with the students so much better than when they draw it out on

    paper. The only negative thing about the Excel spreadsheet usage was the teacherwas not that comfortable with the program. She had not had an opportunity to use

    Excel very much so she had to somewhat learn the program along with the students in

    order to help them. I should have checked on this prior to teaching Excel. However,this did not pose a large problem. I taught Excel to the students using fictitious

    information before I actually let them put in the real data. So, the majority of the

    students picked up on the program very easily.

    All in all, I think the lesson went very well. I think the students benefited fromthe collaboration between me and their math teacher. I think the students were able to

    grasp the concept of mean and median with the usage of real life data and seeing it

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    come to life in an Excel graph. The math teacher agreed that she believes the Excel

    graph helped them see it better versus drawing it on construction paper.

    Although this was a lot of work, the teacher asked if I would help her with a fewof her classes in the future when our schedules would coincide. So, this made me feel

    like overall it was successful.