TOSSUPS - ROUND TWO Dennis Haskins Open High School Quizbowl 2006 -- UT-Chattanooga Questions by Oklahoma wi John Kilby, Jacob Vannucci, Jimmy Beilstein, David Moore, Michael Bentley, & Charlie Steinhice 1. Arriving in Summit, Alabama, seeking a way to make money in order to perpetrate a fraudulent town-lot scheme in western Illinois, Bill and Sam suspect that philoprogenitiveness will prompt the local townsfolk to pay them $2000. They kidnap the son of Summit's wealthiest citizen, Ebenezer Dorset, but he soon whips Bill, whom he calls Old Hank, into submission. In the end, Bill and Sam pay Dorset $250 to take his son back in, FTP, what short story by O. Henry? Answer: The Ransom of Red Chief 2. It is applicable for the i and} components of angular momentum, time and energy, or frequency and time. Albert Einstein famously challenged this principle, saying "I cannot believe that God would choose to play dice with the universe", to which Niels Bohr, who supported the theory, responded, "Einstein, don't tell God what to do." FTP, what is this principle, which broadly states that a subatomic particle's location and momentum cannot both be known, or that measuring one changes the other? Answer: Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle or Heisenberg Indeterminacy Principle 3. The Athenians had fled here after the sack of Athens and they were joined by other Greek forces after the indecisive Battle of Artemisium. The Spartan, Eurybiades opposed battle here, but Themistocles ensured the battle would occur after he dispatched Sicinnus to trick the Persians into believing that the Greeks would flee towards Corinth. In the end, the large Persian ships were unable to maneuver in the tight confines, while the Greek triremes annihilated them in, FTP, what 480 BCE battle which proved to be the turning point in the Persian Wars? Answer: Battle of Salamis 4. It began with a landscape of the artist's native Catalonia and the main focus of the work were inspired by a snack of Camembert cheese. It appeared in the 1938 cartoon Porky in Wackyland, a mere six years after it was first exhibited in New York. Objects in the painting include a leafless tree or branch, a fly, and a group of ants busily devouring one of the principal objects. FTP, what is this work, one of the most famous of the Spanish surrealist painter, Salvador Dali, which has also been known as Soft Watches? Answer: The Persistence of Memory 5. (JK) For Major League Baseball, it's the Arizona Diamondbacks. For Madrid, it's Ronda de Valencia. For Australia, it's Todd Street. For the Lord of The Rings Trilogy, it's Bag End. For London, it's Old Kent Road. The original is in Atlantic City, cost $60 to purchase, and collects $2 rent. FTP, identify this space on the Monopoly board that, along with Baltic Avenue, makes up the lowest-valued property group in the game. Answer: Mediterranean Avenue 6. Initially his sister ensures that he is fed and that is room is kept clean, but economic necessity sets in and the sister, Grete, must find work. Eventually, little attention is given to him, except on those occasions when he comes out. He is struck by an apple at one point, which lodges itself in his body and begins the slow process which eventually kills him. After his death, his family takes a trip to the country and his parents begin to think about finding a husband for Grete. FTP, name this character, the protagonist of Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis. Answer: Gregor Samsa (accept either first or last name) 7. It is a natural pesticide, killing and paralyzing some species of insects, and it is found in the yerba mate and guarana plants, from which it takes the names mateine and guaranine. It is also called trimethylxanthine and methyltheobromine, but is known as theine when it is present in tea. It has been shown to affect the web-building of spiders and may increase the likelihood of birth defects in rodents. FTP, what is this xanthine alkaloid found in cacao, tea, and coffee? Answer: Caffeine 8. Muslims believe that his head is housed in the Umayyad Mosque and the Qur'an states that his father's temporary muteness was to serve as his sign that this was a miracle. Unitarians believe that his failure to convince Jews that Jesus was the Messiah was the cause of Jesus' greatest obstacles, and many traditions differ on the reason for his execution. FTP, who is this New Testament prophet, who in some accounts was beheaded at the request of Herod's step-daughter? Answer: John the Baptist or John the Baptizer or John the Forerunner or Yahya the Baptizer

TOSSUPS - ROUND TWO Dennis Haskins Open High School ... et al 1.pdf16. He was found on the island of Seriphos by the fisherman Dictys. Dictys brought him and his mother to his brother,

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Page 1: TOSSUPS - ROUND TWO Dennis Haskins Open High School ... et al 1.pdf16. He was found on the island of Seriphos by the fisherman Dictys. Dictys brought him and his mother to his brother,

TOSSUPS - ROUND TWO Dennis Haskins Open High School Quizbowl 2006 -- UT-Chattanooga Questions by Oklahoma wi John Kilby, Jacob Vannucci, Jimmy Beilstein, David Moore, Michael Bentley, & Charlie Steinhice

1. Arriving in Summit, Alabama, seeking a way to make money in order to perpetrate a fraudulent town-lot scheme in western Illinois, Bill and Sam suspect that philoprogenitiveness will prompt the local townsfolk to pay them $2000. They kidnap the son of Summit's wealthiest citizen, Ebenezer Dorset, but he soon whips Bill, whom he calls Old Hank, into submission. In the end, Bill and Sam pay Dorset $250 to take his son back in, FTP, what short story by O. Henry?

Answer: The Ransom of Red Chief

2. It is applicable for the i and} components of angular momentum, time and energy, or frequency and time. Albert Einstein famously challenged this principle, saying "I cannot believe that God would choose to play dice with the universe", to which Niels Bohr, who supported the theory, responded, "Einstein, don't tell God what to do." FTP, what is this principle, which broadly states that a subatomic particle's location and momentum cannot both be known, or that measuring one changes the other?

Answer: Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle or Heisenberg Indeterminacy Principle

3. The Athenians had fled here after the sack of Athens and they were joined by other Greek forces after the indecisive Battle of Artemisium. The Spartan, Eurybiades opposed battle here, but Themistocles ensured the battle would occur after he dispatched Sicinnus to trick the Persians into believing that the Greeks would flee towards Corinth. In the end, the large Persian ships were unable to maneuver in the tight confines, while the Greek triremes annihilated them in, FTP, what 480 BCE battle which proved to be the turning point in the Persian Wars?

Answer: Battle of Salamis

4. It began with a landscape of the artist's native Catalonia and the main focus of the work were inspired by a snack of Camembert cheese. It appeared in the 1938 cartoon Porky in Wackyland, a mere six years after it was first exhibited in New York. Objects in the painting include a leafless tree or branch, a fly, and a group of ants busily devouring one of the principal objects. FTP, what is this work, one of the most famous of the Spanish surrealist painter, Salvador Dali, which has also been known as Soft Watches?

Answer: The Persistence of Memory

5. (JK) For Major League Baseball, it's the Arizona Diamondbacks. For Madrid, it's Ronda de Valencia. For Australia, it's Todd Street. For the Lord of The Rings Trilogy, it's Bag End. For London, it's Old Kent Road. The original is in Atlantic City, cost $60 to purchase, and collects $2 rent. FTP, identify this space on the Monopoly board that, along with Baltic Avenue, makes up the lowest-valued property group in the game.

Answer: Mediterranean Avenue

6. Initially his sister ensures that he is fed and that is room is kept clean, but economic necessity sets in and the sister, Grete, must find work. Eventually, little attention is given to him, except on those occasions when he comes out. He is struck by an apple at one point, which lodges itself in his body and begins the slow process which eventually kills him. After his death, his family takes a trip to the country and his parents begin to think about finding a husband for Grete. FTP, name this character, the protagonist of Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis.

Answer: Gregor Samsa (accept either first or last name)

7. It is a natural pesticide, killing and paralyzing some species of insects, and it is found in the yerba mate and guarana plants, from which it takes the names mateine and guaranine. It is also called trimethylxanthine and methyltheobromine, but is known as theine when it is present in tea. It has been shown to affect the web-building of spiders and may increase the likelihood of birth defects in rodents. FTP, what is this xanthine alkaloid found in cacao, tea, and coffee?

Answer: Caffeine

8. Muslims believe that his head is housed in the Umayyad Mosque and the Qur'an states that his father's temporary muteness was to serve as his sign that this was a miracle. Unitarians believe that his failure to convince Jews that Jesus was the Messiah was the cause of Jesus' greatest obstacles, and many traditions differ on the reason for his execution. FTP, who is this New Testament prophet, who in some accounts was beheaded at the request of Herod's step-daughter?

Answer: John the Baptist or John the Baptizer or John the Forerunner or Yahya the Baptizer

Page 2: TOSSUPS - ROUND TWO Dennis Haskins Open High School ... et al 1.pdf16. He was found on the island of Seriphos by the fisherman Dictys. Dictys brought him and his mother to his brother,

9. The Administration of Justice Act allowed the government to move any and all trials to Britain, thus crippling the local authorities. Though the Quebec Act was technically unrelated, it was still grouped with these laws by many colonists, who resented the freedoms granted to the Catholic Church and the reaffirmation of Native Americans' rights in the lands west of the Appalachians. One of the least popular, the Quartering Act required that barracks be provided for British soldiers. FTP, these three as well as the Boston Port and Massachusetts Government Acts are all called by what name?

Answer: Intolerable Acts or Punitive Acts or Coercive Acts

10. (JB) Pencil and Paper Ready: You will have 15 seconds. FTP, given the equation y = lOx to the 31 st plus 5x to the 15th plus 14, find the y-intercept.

Answer: (0,14); be kind and acceptjusty=14.

11. Many have long believed its second movement to have been lost, but musicologist Alfred Einstein suggested that the composer's Piano Sonata in Bb to be the missing part of this piece. It was written for a chamber ensemble featuring a viola, two violins, a cello, and an optional double bass and it is one of the most accessible pieces of classical music. FTP, name this piece by Mozart, the proper title of which is Serenade/or Strings in G major.

Answer: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (accept Serenade/or Strings in G major before it is said)

12. Duessa represents the falseness of Roman Catholicism and her trial was thought by some, including James I, to represent the trial of Mary Queen of Scots. Una, on the other hand, represents the true Protestant faith and she employs a knight to save her parent's castle from a dragon. That knight, the Redcross Knight, is one of the few heroes who needs spiritual guidance, even though he represents St. George. FTP name this allegorical epic poem by Edmund Spenser.

Answer: The Faerie Queen

13. Its name did not become official until 1949, although it had been proposed as early as 1880 by Camille Flammarion. Its orbit is slowly decaying and it is predicted that sometime between 1.4 and 3.6 billion years from now it will pass beyond its Roche limit and be destroyed by its planets gravity. It is the largest moon to have a retrograde orbit, prompting many to believe that it is in fact a captured Kuiper Belt object, which would explain the relative paucity of moons orbiting its planet. FTP, what is this moon, Neptune's largest?

Answer: Triton

14. It is connected to the Arctic Ocean, of which it is an arm, by the Fury and Hecla Strait and by the Foxe Channel, and it is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by a namesake strait. A smaller arm of this body of water, James Bay, borders Ontario and Quebec, and all of the islands located in this body of water belong to Nunavit Territory. FTP, name this large body of water in northern Canada, named for an English explorer, who reached it on his fourth voyage to the New World.

Answer: Hudson Bay

15. It occurred one night after the Stennis Compromise was turned down and Robert Bork was the man responsible for the eventual firing. However, before he did the deed, both Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus resigned. FTP, name this October 20, 1973 occurrence that resulted from Richard Nixon's attempts to dismiss special prosecutor Archibald Cox during the Watergate Scandal.

Answer: The Saturday Night Massacre [accept firing of Cox or equivalents before it's said]

16. He was found on the island of Seriphos by the fisherman Dictys. Dictys brought him and his mother to his brother, the king of Seriphos, Polydeuctes, who showed them great hospitality. However, as time went on, Polydeuctes became enamored of the boy's mother, and hatched a scheme to get the boy out ofthe picture. FTP, who is this youth, the son of Danae and Zeus, who was commissioned by Polydeuctes to kill the Gorgon Medusa?

Answer: Perseus

17. UK) He was signed to Run D.M.C. Jam Master Jay's label in 1996, but he moved on to work with producers Jean-Claude "Poke" Olivier and Samuel "Tone" Barnes, also known as the Trackmasters. He made a name for himself with the single "How To Rob," but was released from his Columbia contract after being shot. This rapper, whose birth name is Curtis Jackson, later returned to a major label and created his first released album, which was also the name of a 2005 biopic, Get Rich or Die Tryin'. FTP, identifY this rapper whose albums include The Massacre and whose tracks include "Candy Shop" and "In Da Club."

Answer: 50 Cent (pronounced "fitty" but accept "fifty"; accept Curtis Jackson before mentioned)

Page 3: TOSSUPS - ROUND TWO Dennis Haskins Open High School ... et al 1.pdf16. He was found on the island of Seriphos by the fisherman Dictys. Dictys brought him and his mother to his brother,

18. They are produced by megakaryocytes in the bone marrow after the liver releases a protein to stimulate that production. They become active upon exposure to collagen, which is released when the endothelial blood vessel lining is damaged. Together with the protein fibrin, which forms a sort of mesh with, FTP, what cells found in blood which are the key factor in blood clotting?

Answer: Platelet or Thrombocyte

19. One example occurs in James Merrill's poem, Lost in Translation, while another occurs in Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy. More complex versions appear in Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin and Stanislaw Lem' s The Cyberiad. "The Grand Inquisitor" appears in Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov and "The Mad Trist" in Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher . FTP, what is the term for this technique of imbedding one narrative into another, most famously seen with "The Murder of Gonzago" in Shakespeare's Hamlet?

Answer: Story within a story (accept clear equivalents; accept Imbedded Narrative before it is said)

20. UB/CS) While with J. Lyons & Co., she was a member of the team that developed the first soft frozen ice cream. Born in 1925, she worked her way through Oxford to receive two degrees: one in chemistry, the other in law. By age 44, she had become the Education Minister in the Cabinet, where she became controversial for her decision to abolish free milk in schools. Best known for her tenure at # 1 0 Downing Street from 1979 to 1990, FTP, name this former British Prime Minister.

Answer: Margaret Thatcher (accept Margaret Hilda Roberts)

21 . Mt. Rysy in the Tatra Mountains is this country's highest point and the Karkonosze are a range which stretch across this country's southern border. Masuria is the name of one of its northern regions and is home to most of its 9300 lakes. Another northern region is Pomerania, which lies between the Baltic coast and the Wart a and Notec Rivers. Located between Belarus and Ukraine in the east and Germany and the Czech Republic in the west, FTP, name this country with its capital at Warsaw.

Answer: Poland

22. UB) One of the works from this set of metal sculptures was purchased by Edward Steichen, a prominent photographer who was surprised to be charged a $600 duty by American customs officials when he tried to bring it into the US, especially when they claimed it was a propeller blade. In May 2005, a piece from this series broke the price record and went for $27.5 million. FTP, name this series by Constantin Brancusi from 1928 that seeks to capture the essence of flight.

Answer: Bird in Space

Page 4: TOSSUPS - ROUND TWO Dennis Haskins Open High School ... et al 1.pdf16. He was found on the island of Seriphos by the fisherman Dictys. Dictys brought him and his mother to his brother,

BONI - ROUND TWO Dennis Haskins Open High School Quizbowl2006 -- UT-Chattanooga Questions by Oklahoma wI John Kilby, Jacob Vannucci, Jimmy Beilstein, David Moore, Michael Bentley, & Charlie Steinhice

1. Fl OPE identifY each of the following varieties of electromagnetic radiation. A. This section of the electromagnetic spectrum covers wavelengths from approximately 10 to 300 nanometers. Although the atmosphere blocks much of it from reaching Earth's surface, this type of radiation is responsible for sunburn and skin cancer in humans.

Answer: Ultraviolet Radiation or UV Radiation B. These waves have the highest frequency, and hence the highest energy, of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. They have practical applications in killing bacteria in food and can be used as a cancer treatment if aimed at a cancerous growth.

Answer: Gamma Radiation C. These waves have wavelengths of around 1 millimeter to 30 centimeters; Heinrich Hertz demonstrated their existence in 1888. Today, these waves are used in radar, TV news broadcasts, and even some cell phone networks.

Answer: Microwave Radiation

2. (JKJCS) IdentifY these musical acts from the mid-1960's British Invasion FTPE. A. Some of this band's early hits include "Get Off of My Cloud," "19th Nervous Breakdown," and "Paint It Black." Today, Mick Jagger and company are still going strong touring for their latest album A Bigger Bang.

Answer: The RoIling Stones B. Two of their members, John Entwhistle and Keith Moon, fulfilled the wish "Hope I die before I get old" expressed in their song "My Generation" -- but not the guy who wrote it (Pete Townshend) or the one who sang it (Roger Daltrey.)

Answer: The Who C. This group with a name reminiscent of horror movies scored hits with "She's Not There" and "Time Of The Season."

Answer: The Zombies

3. It is the earliest epic in a language recognizable as English and it is the only Old English work focusing on the heroic rather than the Christian. F lOPE, identifY the following about Beowulf. A. According to the beginning of the poem, both this monster and his mother are both descendants of the biblical Cain.

Answer: Grendel B. This is the name of the Danish king who built the mead hall Heorot which earned Grendel's ire.

Answer: Hrothgar C. This is the sword Unferth gives to Beowulf before the battle with Grendel's Mother, but it proves ineffective against the monster and he instead turns to a sword he finds in her lair.

Answer: Hrunting

4. (OKJCS) They conquered vast tracts of land, won great wealth for their homeland, and expressed the highest, cruelest, most ethnocentric contempt for native cultures. FTPE identifY the following conquistadors from a brief description: 10) After demanding and receiving an incredible ransom for the Incan king Atahualpa, this conqueror of Peru killed him anyway.

Answer: Francisco Pizarro 10) Pizarro had served on this man's expedition which discovered the Pacific Ocean. Most histories omit the fact that he came to the New World as a stowaway fleeing creditors, then deposed the voyage's incompetent leader, Martin Enciso.

Answer: Vasco Nunez de Balboa 10) Serving as governor of New Galicia in Mexico; he went on an expedition in search ofCibola, as described to him by Friar Marcos de Niza. The expedition failed, but he did explore parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, and other states.

Answer: Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

Page 5: TOSSUPS - ROUND TWO Dennis Haskins Open High School ... et al 1.pdf16. He was found on the island of Seriphos by the fisherman Dictys. Dictys brought him and his mother to his brother,

5. (MB) Identify the following about a certain programming language, FTPE. [10] The original version was invented by John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz in 1964. Paul Allen and Bill Gates released their own version of this easy- to-learn language in 1975.

Answer: BASIC [10] BASIC is an acronym for this descriptive name.

Answer: Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code [10] This event-driven form of BASIC was developed by Microsoft in the 1990s, and the latest version, .NET, made the language truly object oriented.

Answer: Visual Basic

6. Identify the following Russian novels from characters Fl OPE, or from the author for 5 pts.: A.IO) Porfiry Petrovich, a police inspector; Sofya Marmeladov, a prostitute; and "Rodya" Raskolnikov, a murderer

5) Fyodor Dostoevsky Answer: Crime and Punishment or Presmuppenie i nakazanie

B. 10) Kutuzov, an old, one-eyed general; Nicholas, the eldest Rostov son; and Pierre Bezhukov 5) Leo Tolstoy

Answer: War and Peace or Voyna i mir C. 10) Anfim Samdevyatov, the title character's benefactor in Varyniko; Victor Komarovsky, a lawyer; Pavel Antipov, the revolutionary Strelnikov; and Lara Antipova, the title character's true love

5) Boris Pasternak Answer: Dr. Zhivago

7. (OM) Answer these related questions, FTSNOP. (10) This confederation of independent sovereign nations rose from the ashes of the Soviet Union. It currently consists of II members, with the withdrawal of Turkmenistan in 2005.

Answer: The Commonwealth ofIndependent States (accept C.I.S.) (5/5/5/5) Four of the 50 United States are officially Commonwealths. Name them for five points each.

Answer: Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Kentucky

8. Up, Down, Strange, Charm, Top, and Bottom. F5PE, identify the following quarks. Answers will not be given until the end of the bonus . A. F5PE, name the three quarks with a +2/3 spin.

Answer: Up, Charm, and Top B. F5PE, name the two quarks with fractional flavor.

Answer: Up and Down C. Name the last quark to be discovered.

Answer: Top

9. Many Confederate generals didn't live to see the end of the Civil War. FIOPE: A. He earned his famous nickname from Brigadier General Barnard Bee at First Manassas and earned great distinction during the Shenandoah Valley Campaign. He was accidentally shot by his own men, who thought he was part ofa Union cavalry unit, after the Battle of Chancellorsville.

Answer: Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson B. His most famous raids included two in which he slipped around McClellan's army and one which captured several Union supply wagons before Gettysburg. At Yellow Tavern in 1864 he was mortally wounded by a Union sharpshooter.

Answer: James Ewell Brown "Jeb" Stuart C. Promoted to brigadier general after First Manassas, he distinguished himself during the Peninsular Campaign and was placed in command of Lee's Third Corps following Stonewall Jackson's death. He died at the Petersburg in 1865.

Answer: Ambrose Powell Hill or A.P. Hill (prompt on Hill)

Page 6: TOSSUPS - ROUND TWO Dennis Haskins Open High School ... et al 1.pdf16. He was found on the island of Seriphos by the fisherman Dictys. Dictys brought him and his mother to his brother,

10. Identify the following world-famous paintings from the Dutch Golden Age FIOPE. A. Like the Mona Lisa, the subject has an enigmatic smile and inscribed at the top is the Latin phrase "ae'ta suae 26/ A 0

1624", indicating that this Frans Hals work was painted in 1624 when the subject was 26 years old. Answer: Laughing Cavalier or Portrait of a Young Man

B. Sometimes called "the Mona Lisa of the North", this Vermeer work has attracted much attention. It is thought not to be a traditional portrait, but rather an attempt by Vermeer to capture the subject just as something catches her attention.

Answer: Girl with a Pearl Earring or Het meisje met de parel C. Two of the men in this Rembrandt work can be positively identified: the title character, who is wearing a hat, and the corpse, belonging to the hanged criminal Aris Kindt. The painting dates to Jan. 16, 1632, the day of the title event.

Answer: (The) Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp

11. FTPE, stuff about a certain author: (10) Considered the spokesman for the Jazz Age and the Lost Generation, his best-known novel is The Great Gatsby.

Answer: F. Scott Fitzgerald (10) In this Fitzgerald novel, psychologist Dick Diver is married to one of his patients, Nicole. Things begin to unravel when Nicole has a relapse and Dick is accused of adultery by a patient. In the end, Nicole divorces him and Dick becomes a listless, alcoholic drifter.

Answer: Tender Is the Night (10) In this Fitgerald novel, Amory Blaine falls in love with Rosal ind Connage, a debutante, but she rebuffs him and marries a wealthier man. Amory eventually begins to espouse socialist principles, because he has no money left.

Answer: This Side of Paradise

12. Identify each of the following animal phyla from a brief description FIOPE. A. The mollusks are thought to be very close relatives to this phylum and they are often grouped together as Trochozoa. For quite some time they were thought to be related to arthropods because of their segmentation, but this is now thought to be convergent evolution. This phylum includes leeches and earthworms.

Answer: Annelida or Annelids (prompt on segmented worms) B. The largest phylum not to have any terrestrial species, it is thought to be the most closely related to chordates, even more so than the hemichordates. They are recognized for their amazing regenerative capacities and the fossil record includes edrioasteroids and blastoids. Modern animals in this phylum include sea urchins and starfish.

Answer: Echinodermata or Echinoderms C. They are thought to be related to arthropods because of their molting habits and were once thought to be related to all of the species containing a pseudocoelum. It is the second most diverse phylum on the planet and contains a number of parasitic creatures, including whipworms, pinworms, and hookworms.

Answer: Nematoda or Nematodes (prompt on roundworms)

13. (OKlCS) THE NEWLY DEAD GAME: The recently deceased George Mikan was directly responsible for a number of rules variations in both college and professional basketball. FI0PE, identify these features of American basketball which we owe to the sport's first successful big man. A. While Mikan was at DePaul, the NCAA initiated this rule, which requires that a player block a shot while it is still moving up along its arc and not once it has begun to move down.

Answer: Goaltending B. In order to prevent spectacles such as the 19-18 Lakers-Pistons game of 1950, the NBA adopted this time limit in order to force teams to take shots within a certain amount of time.

Answer: 24-Second Shot Clock (accept obvious equivalents, but prompt on shot clock) C. As commissioner of the first ABA, Mikan oversaw the addition of this line and its corresponding point value. It was adopted by the NBA shortly thereafter and was a big part of the ABA's early success.

Answer: 3-Point Line (accept obvious equivalents)

Page 7: TOSSUPS - ROUND TWO Dennis Haskins Open High School ... et al 1.pdf16. He was found on the island of Seriphos by the fisherman Dictys. Dictys brought him and his mother to his brother,

14. Believe it or not, there was philosophy before Plato invented Socrates. FI0PE: A. This founder of the Milesian School is credited with purchasing all of the grape presses during a famine to prove that he could make himself very wealthy by using his intellect. Aristotle credits him with predicting the first eclipse and he is often said to have been the first philosopher.

Answer: Thales of Miletus or Thales the Milesian B. Sometimes known as "the father of numbers", he and his mathematician wife Theano created a school, which taught that everything could be broken down into numbers. He is best known today for a formula for finding the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle, a theorem which bears his name.

Answer: Pythagoras C. He was a member of the Eleatic School founded by Parmenides and Aristotle credits him with the invention of the dialectic. However, he is best remembered today for his paradoxes which suggest that motion is impossible.

Answer: Zeno of Elea

15. Most of Africa was at one time or another colonized by a European power. Identify the European ·country that colonized each of the following present-day African nations F5PE. A. Libya

Answer: Italy B.Mali

Answer: France C. Namibia

Answer: Germany D. Democratic Republic of the Congo

Answer: Belgium E. Mozambique

Answer: Portugal F. Kenya

Answer: Great Britain (accept equivalents)

16. (JY) Name the creators of these pieces of music with similar titles FTPE: The numbering of his "Great C Major" symphony is usually called his 9th by English speakers, but he is best known for writing over 600 romantic lieder.

Answer: Franz Schubert His last symphony, # 41 in C Major, written in the space of a few weeks in 1788, is usually called the Jupiter Symphony.

Answer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart This Northern California band's "Symphony in C" describes an Austrian nobleman who commissions a symphony in C and can be found on their 2001 album Comfort Eagle.

Answer: Cake

17. Identify these novels by Latin American authors from a brief description Fl OPE, or F5PE if you need that author. A. 10) It opens on the day Clara begins her journal, the same day the priest accuses her of being possessed. She eventually marries Esteban Trueba and they move to the title locale. She gives birth to three children, Jamie, who is killed during the coup, Nicolas, who is sent out of the country, and Blanca, the mother of Alba, who completes the work.

5) Isabel Allende Answer: The House oUhe Spirits or La Casa los Espiritus

B. 10) Fermina and Florentino exchanged passionate love letters when they were young, but Fermina married Dr. Urbino. After Urbino's death, Florentino woos Fermina once more and they fall in love again aboard a boat, but Fermina is concerned about the scandal, causing the captain to raise a yellow flag of quarantine.

5) Gabriel Garcia Marquez Answer: Love ill the Time of Cholera or El Amor ill los tiempos del colera

C. 10) Tita loves Pedro, but is unable to marry him because of her mother, Mama Elena. Eventually, she is nursed to health by John Brown, an American doctor, who proposes to her after Elena's death . When Pedro returns, she chooses him over Dr. Brown, but they must remain apart until Rosaura's death. In the end, their passion immolates the ranch .

5) Laura Esquivel Answer: Like Water (or Chocolate or Como aglla para chocolate

Page 8: TOSSUPS - ROUND TWO Dennis Haskins Open High School ... et al 1.pdf16. He was found on the island of Seriphos by the fisherman Dictys. Dictys brought him and his mother to his brother,

18. Fl OPE tell whether each of the following statements describes an Arrhenius acid or base, a Bf0nsted-Lowry acid or base, or a Lewis acid or base. Answers will not be given until the end. A. An electron acceptor

Answer: Lewis acid B. A proton donor

Answer: Brensted-Lowry acid C. A proton acceptor

Answer: Brensted-Lowry base

19. (OK) In 1819, the Republic of Gran Colombia declared its independence from the Spanish. FTSNOP, answer the following about that short-lived republic. 5/5/5) One of the four present-day countries which eventually became part of Gran Colombia was, as you might guess, Colombia. F5PE name the other three nations.

Answer: ~, Ecuador, Panama, and Venezuela 5) This man, known as The Liberator, became the first president of Gran Columbia in 1821 and was reelected to the post in 1826. He resigned, however, in 1830 as he saw that his plans for a single South American state were faIling apart.

Answer: Simon Bolivar 10) The territory of Gran Colombia corresponded roughly with that of this Spanish colony. After the breakup of Gran Colombia, the nation which would become the Republic of Colombia initially took the name of this viceroyalty.

Answer: New Granada or Nueva Granada

20. (CS) FTPE name these figures from Egyptian mythology. This jackal-headed god presided over tombs and was expected to guide souls to their abode in the underworld

Answer: Anubis The god is represented with the head of an ibis, bearing a tablet, pen, and palm branch.of letters. He was sort of the clerk of the underworld and bookkeeper for Osiris.

Answer: Thoth Every 25 years this sacred bull was drowned in one of the sacred wells of the Nile.

Answer: Apis

21. IdentifY each of the following about events leading up to the English Civil Wars Fl OPE. A. When Charles I called Parliament in 1628, he was presented with this document which he was required to sign in order to secure the funding for his wars. Among the provisions of this document were the prohibition of arbitrary arrest, the requirement that all taxes be levied by Parliament, and the establishment of due process for all officials.

Answer: Petition of Right B. After signing the Petition of Right, Charles I dismissed Parliament and ruled by royal prerogative for a little over a decade. This period was given two names, dependent upon if you were a Parliamentarian or a Royalist.

Answer: Eleven Years' Tyranny or Charles' Personal Rule C. Because of the Bishops' War with Scotland, Charles I was forced to recall Parliament in 1640, but because it sought to address a number of issues Charles was not prepared for, he summarily dismissed it, earning it this name.

Answer: Short Parliament