Ei >: 6.C Amiust 71. 1147 TOHRANCC HERALD | 4Y...USV M VrK >9CSBV7 t9* \ ARMSTRONG'S INLAID LINOLEUM ASPHALT TILE ' WALL LINOLEUM TILE BOARD STEEL KITCHEN CABINETS PORCELAIN DRAINBOARDS LAVATORIES E BATHTUBS , CLOSE COUPLED - TOILETS t. - ... ::- . $39.50 EASY PAYMENTS 36 MONTHS TO PAY j REDONDO MERCANTILE 1426 PIER AVE., REDONDO Phone Redondo 5110 Pets, Poultry 58 AND BITS-LIES Come Out To Our Ranch and Select Your Own Chicken Dressed Under Your Inspection NEW HAMPSHIRE RED FRYERS sue per Ib. dressed, under your (i Inspection. 12 W more per order 49e per Ib. dressed. "NEW HAMPSHIRE RED BROILERS 45c per Ib. dressed. 12 or more per erder, 44c per Ib. dressed. EGGS AT WHOLESALE PRICE Orders filled for Banquets, Restau- rants, and Hotels. ' 'drders Filled on Sundays .2310 W. 166th ST. '""' Gardena Rhone MEnlo 4-2276 In LomlU Your Beat Bat la the LOMITA FEED STORE "HAY - GRAIN - SEEDS POULTRY & RABBIT SUPPLIES ALBERS' FEEDS GARDEN TOOLS & SUPPLIES INSECTICIDES . CHICKS IN SEASON PARRAKEETS LOVE BIRDS - CANARIES COCKATIELS - FINCHES Cages - Supplies TORRANCE AVIARIES 2275 Carson St. Torrance Torrance II35-J SPITLER'S PET FOOD - DELIVERY Hums service twice weekly. Every, thing for your dog. ! . AKC Registered Black & Tan ! Cocker at Stud PHONE LOMITA 46-R NEW HAMPSHIRE BABY CHICKS WHITCOMB HATCHERY J3101 Narbonne LomlU Ml HATCHING Baby Chicks and Turkeys. Stew Hens to Order. 1901 W. 182nd St. Gardena a Phone MEnlo 4-1010 fj , Patthee Kennels Registered BOARDING Phone for reservation. Strlpp ng Clipping, Bathing. Individual Ken nels-^nd Runs. No sick dogs Uken 12*10 a. MAIN TE 4-$f "^gyvr-aurA COPY FOR "" CLASSIFIED ADS CLOSE AT ... 12 NOON WEDNESDAY ~«51SJ, sruuury «*o A Special) .......... 100 Ibs. $4.60 Scratch Feed ...... 100 Ibs. $4.60 V Rabbit Pellets ...... 100 Ibs. $3.60 Cracked Corn ......... 100 Ibs. $5.25 Rol ed Barley ........ 75 Ibs. $3.05 Free Delivery Every Tuesday V Phone MEnlo 4- 1 07 1 itfore Tuesday for Delivery on Tuesday. GARDENA VALLEY MILLING CO. 1 OCKER SPANIEL pupil for sain cheap. 1623 W. 213th St. Tor- ' ranee 333-M. Livestock 59 HOGS FOR SALE FOLEY'S RANCH i omer of Spencer & Madrona Sts. West Torrance 5 ,OOD MILK Cow and calf. Calf 3 mo>. old. Cow producing 3 to 4 - Sillons day. 20619 N. Elliott. Enlo 4-3240. "OR SALE ttabblts and hutchea. cheap. Also pigeons. 2026 W. 238th M. Phone Lomlta 1627-W. "RESII YOUNG Jersey-Guernsey cow. Without calf. $160; with. $160. 22209 Meyler at.. Torrance 2170-M BAY GELDINT5. year, gentle, $126. Pleasant 13978. Rooms, Board 78 LOVELY ROOM In nice home for 1418-W. emrance' ° ne O1 " SLEEPING Room, kitchen privileges for employed couple In private home. Garage available. 25343 Pennsylvania ave., Lomlta. ROOM and board for one or 2 gentle- men. Lunchea packed. 1612 W. 2O3rd «t., Torrance. ROOM In private home. Kitchen privi- leges for breakfast. 1512 Fern Garages 76 GAKAGK FOR RENT Any purpose. 1610 Cabrillo. For information me Helens Cafe, downstairs. Leases 78 Bosine«s Property FOR LEASE Store, new, 37' frontage. Ideal location for most any busi- ness. See owner. 26609 Narbonne. Lomlta. FOR RENT Office suitable for law, public accounting. Insurance or tax expert. Phone Torrance 609 for full details. SHOP for rent. 600 sq. ft., aultable for plumbing or electrical trade. Phone Lomlta 1844-W. Acreage 88 1. J, HALLANGER Realtor 1520 CRAVENS AVE. (Opposite City Hall) Torrance 690 Hollywood Riviera WIDE OCEAN VIEW RANCHO LOTS WHOLESALE PRICES TERMS VICTOR J. GREEN 3761 TORRANCE BLVD. (At Corner Hawthorne Blvd.) BUSINESS LOT at the corner of Cra- vens and Torraiice blvd. (lot 17. blork 09) for »ale at market for quick disposal. Make offer. Phone Torrance 36. Dcalera welcome FIVE ACRES In Fontana. WalmiU. almonds and grapea. Inquire at 1901 w. 182nd at.. Oardena, or phone Menlo 4-1010 THREE 30-ft. lota on Border, ull for $2.500. Call Lomlta 606-R. Rental Wanted 82 UNFURNISHED Quiet. refined couple want 4-6 room unfurnished house. Must be clean and neat Permanent. Employed Terminal Island. No children. Phone PI 6-2508. COUPLE With one child, locally em ployed, need 2-bedroom furnish* or unfurnished houae or apartmen In Torrance. Phone Torrance 261 Mr. McVey. RESPONSIBLE Business man and wife, no children or pete, want furnished or unfurnished two-bed room home. Call MEnlo 4-118 from 9:00 to 4:30. WANTED TO R E N T Dependebl couple with son, 14: girl 11: seel unfurnished house or apartment 1 Torrance under $6000. Reference Phone Torrance 2357-J days. LADY ALONE-Needs small apt., o housekeeping room in Torrance . Phone Lomlta 1039-J. 15535 Cy M.D.. Veteran. Intern at local hosp tal desires place for wife and 3 chll dren. We don't drink or amoke Box J. Torrance Herald. PERMANENT General Petroleum em ployi*e and wife need furnlshc 1 ra'n'e' loli'-j""'" 1 - SINGLE Business man needs furnlshe t apartment or room with kltche " privileges. Clean habits. Box X Torrance Herald. WANTKD TO RENT Two or thre n,,,n, house or apartment. U.8.C vet student and wife. no chlldre l&M W. 21Klh St.. Turrance OTt-K WANTKI> TO RENT Two-bedroo him*,: or apartment. Family thr..,. Phone Cueter 6«177, rever rliargea. UROKNTLY Need small house aiisriment. furnished or unfu nleii.-.i Hsve 9-year-old son P Sol. Torrance 111. Foundry Pep houae or apartment. No chlldre Phone Torrance 14 -during day. PUBLIC School teacher needs 2 or bedroom house furnished. No chll ren. Phonr TK 3-4271. VETERAN, wll. and son need bedroom hou«>- or apartment. U furnished. Plume Torrance M Walker. Rental Wanted 82 1 one child. Call Torrancn 618 be- fore 1 o'clock or after 5:30 eve- ning. VANTED Furnished house or apart- ment by rouple expecting first child soon. Will pay approxi- mately $100 mo. Will furnish re- ferences and give property very best care. Box W. Torrance He- rald. WANTED TO RENT Immediately one ment furnlaheeTV unfurnished "for couple and 6-year-old girl. Mrs. Wess. TE 2-2611, Ext. 132. 8 a.m. tu 4 p.m. week dajjp only. WANTED 2 or 3-bedroom unfur nlahed houae. Standard oil rep. reaentatlve. Phone TE 2-6471. ftENTAlJS . 83 Gull's Trailer Camp Tra ler space for rent. Modern con- veniences. Children welcome. 45c *W°' 22404 S. NORMANDIE Torrance 1596-W VILL EXCHANGE double apartment In Norwalk tor apartment In Lo- mlta or violnlty. Phone Torrey 62288 or 31395. JEDROOM FOR RENT Private en- trance, twin beds. Gentlemen only. 1606 W. 215th. Torrance. IOUSE TRAILER for rent. $10.00 per week. Bills paid. . No children. 26006 Pennsylvania avenue. Lomlta -BEDROOM atucco for rent unfur- nished $100.00 per mo. 1619 W. 220th St. Torrance 1867-J. JEW 20-FOOT House trailer furnished for rent. Johnnle's Glaaa Shop. Western and 101 highway, Lomlta. 3NE ROOM Apartment In rear, kit- chen facilities, Separate from front. 1812 Gramercy. Torrance. privileges may be had. 1623 W. 216th St., Torrance. TRAILER FOR RENT $40 mont*. 2020 Trailer Park. Lomita, Lot No. FURNISHED three-room apartment for two adults. 20-FOOT House trailer for rent. 20603 Hawthorne blvd.. Torrance. Homes for Sale 84 LARGE NICE FRAME Formerly a duplex, 2 kitchens, 2 baths. Easily converted back with floors, "very c°nvenlentjy0n|oeated* 3 garages. $12,500. 2-bedroom stucco, with guest room n rear. Qood on Q. 1. loan. $8,500. Immediate possession In a 3-bed- room, lots of building In back, re- duced to sell. $7,500. Vacant 2-bedroom atucco, hardwood f core, single garage. B-Sure to C- Thls place at $7,000. $2,000r will make down payment?0"' Your choice of either 2 very attract- va homes on Acacia. 110,600. An attractlvs 3. bed room home on Beech. Nice fenced back yard. Large garage. Possession of a new 2-bedrm stucco with $3,000 dawn. Balance of $3,360 at $32.50 per mo. Hardwood floors, dual furnace. 2 LOMITA HOMES 2-bedroom on 96 ft. frontage. Re- duced to ssll at $5,300 $3,000 cash required and a moving van. 3-bedroom, bath and half, nice llv- LOT SALES 50 x 100 ...................... $ 650 60 X 130 ......................$ 850 100 ft. frontage, paved St. ....$1,150 40 x 175 ....................$ 400 Business lot, V, down ....... .$4,500 6°loVcorC" 1 ion* ........... .$2^50 Sepulveda ..............?... .$6,000 '/t acre In Lomita .......... ..$1,050 N,ce cafe, well equipped, 14 stoo s, Beer license, building Included on 101 Hiway. Space for trailer In November. 1950, and" can""renew° Stock and all, $4,800 14 down. McEWEN REALTY CO. R. E. aV Business Broker Notary Service 1920 W. Carson, Torrance Bus. phone 860 Res. II60-J See These New $10,000 3-Bedroorp Homes One, Immediate possession; . one, under construction. r Veterans Only G. A. FORD ' 26338 President Lomita \ Phone Lomita 614 n FOUR-BEDROOM DUPLEX i! Double. Two bedrooms each s da Income $65 per month and owner ' Located at " 21600 So. Denlcer, Torr. >r Will O.I. Open dally for Inspect on ": PH. TORRANCE 1943 n VACANT 3-Bedrra Home, extra ler fa r a i e. Immediate poasesslo d- A CLEAN 3-bedroom home. Immed Del Amo. Torrance. n- VETERAN desires furnished apa 1. ment. Torrance. Lomlta area, children, well behaved. A. Uor lomes for Sale 84 1 hardwood floors, tile, and all mod- srn features. Only $1,350 down or wll also O.I. Total price $6,850. £.500 down on a clean home that « th hardwood floors. 2 roll out beds, large kitchen with new lino, eum, service porch. Total price $5,000 at $21 per month. $8,950 Large 3i/ 2-bedrm home with d ning room, large kitchen, service >orch, basement, washroom, large tumrner house with barbecue pit. >Jew double garage, hardwood floor, II e, plaster walls. On Narbonne utt a few feet from markets, bus. 18,950 Large duplex wall located. Must be sold Immediately. Modern n everv respect. $1,gM down or ate model car will be considered as Dart down payment. Immediate pos- We have several new and pre-war homes In the pines that are priced right. Stop by our office and we'll give you full details. Owner leaving state and has to sell 17,950. Ideally located. R. E. VAN DEVANDER 1508 Pacific Coast Highway Lomita 1950 3344 So. Pacific Ave. San Pedro . Phone Tar. 2-5*51 Evanlnga and Sundays Call Lomlta I960 teal Estate Loans Insurance Free Appraisals ATTENTION MR. Gl Own your own beautiful (3) Bed- f oora. Tile kitchen sink and bath All This For Only $100 DOWN Immediate occupancy for you and your family. Pay your home off, with your small monthly payments. Cheaper than rent. Our model home completely fur-- . n shed for your Inspection. MODEL AND SALES OFFICE, 209th and WESTERN, SAFEWAY CON- STRUCTION CO., Inc. 209th and WESTERN Phone Torrance 2025 DENKER and TORRANCE BLVD. 208th and 209th and WESTERN SALESMAN ON PREMISES DAILY and SUNDAY SEE THIS HOME- BE DELIGHTED Inspect It. You'll know you should own it. Drive by No. 2221 Andreo St., In Torrance .and aee this beau- t ful 2-bedroom home. Clean as a whistle, new colored plumbing fix- turea througheut. Furnace heat, ga- rage on paved alley. Tool house, fenced yard. You won't have to Full price $8,000, with low down payment. J. F. LEWIS & CO. 1872 Pacific Coast Highway Phons Lomita 880 2 lots on Sartorl cornsr $4,500. One 4-famlly flat, Torrance Blvd. 6 acre' Industrial, bargain $12,000. 4 lots on West Carson. $5,200. 1 acre on Arlington. $0,000. New O.I. homes In El Segundo. Large hangar bldg., knocked down bargain. 130 by 160 feet. 16-housa court. $50,000. Wm H. TOLSON BROKER 1 308 Sartori. Suite II Torrance 1 697 house with producing oil well on It. $6,500 $3,500 down. CECIL E. PERRY BROKER 24402 Narbonne Avc. Telephone, Lomita IOIO-J """union agency. Duplex. Possssslon both units. Ap- praisal for O.I. Low down payment Nicely furnished, 2 bedrms, double garage, 4 years old. $(,900. Terms - ALTER BUILDING CO. 1 405 Sartorl Avc. Phone 5 JOHN V. MURRAY Licensed Real Estate and Business Opportunities Broker I9I2 Andreo Avc., Torrance Phone Torrance 563 > 67'/. x 116 ft. lot en Arlington $2,000. Deilrabls resldsntlsl. - GRETCHEN M. EARLE REALTOR 2 Phone Tonancc 1 76 n. lomes for Sale 84 1 $2,000 Down $3,700 down on lovely 3-bedrm stuc- co. Partly furnlihed, double garage. Large lot, fenced. Lovely 2-bedroom home, completely furnished, garage, close In. $3,750 land es. 15,000 down on beautiful 2. bedroom Pines. Completely furn'lshed, double garage, barbecue, shrubbery. Lot 65 X 433 on Main St. 3 large rooms. Two buildings 12 x 18. steel fenced. Qood for chickens or tur- keys. Must sell. 3-Bedroom frame on lot 50 x 160. Large building In rear. $7,500. $2.600 down on stucco duplex. 2 bed- fromf $6,000 up. Terrns. Have 3 dandy atuccos. Completely furn shed. $9500 up terms. Beautiful 2-bedroom and den home. 2 f replaces, patio, barbecue. Best of ocatlon. Immediate possession. Dandy 2-bedroom atucco homa on Beech. $7,950 Terms. 4. Unit apartment house. Like new, with refrigerators. Income .$190 per month. Price $18,500. Several beautiful homes In Palos Verdes. From 3 to 5 bedrooms. Also lots and acreage JOS. N. BURTON Licensed Real Estate and Business Opportunities FRANCES' BURTON Licensed R.E. Broker 2468 Torrance Blvd. Phone 231-R ' take Q.I. appraisal. 2. bedroom house. Will taks O. 1. appraisal. Lots $600 and up We now carry a complete line of Notary Service Listings Wanted. IF IT'S IN THE STRIP WE HAVE IT A. J. CALITRI Real Eetate Broker PADDY'RYAN 1652 W. Carson, Torrance Phone Torrance 12 or 1467 $7,850 FULL PRICE 2 Homes On One Lot ONE 3-BEDROOM ONE 2-BEDROOM LOT 45x140 FOR RENT 2-Bedroom Home $65 Per Month LINDSAY D. RIDGEWAY 1019 W. Eastroad MEnlo 4-3434 "TO ENJOV LIVING LIVE BY THE SEA" IN REDONDO BEACH 2 houses furnished, 2 blocks from beach, wonderful cottages for sum- house has Income of $55 and owners quarters. $11,800 with $2,000 down. Sea ... A) Snyder 501 N. Camino Real (101 Hiway Redondo Beach 41572 or 42123 Evenings 6991 or 6847 LISTINGS NEEDED DESPERATELY ODEN & HUMPHREY 2121 Pacific Coast 2208 Lomita Blvd. Phone 1383 'INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Lovely 3-bedroom stucco home, o- catsd on Sonoma. double garage wash house, barbecue pit, sma down payment of $4,000. 2-bedroom stucco on Isrge lot, b g double garage. Walterla. Will O.I Total price only $7,500. C. DEE LICENSED REAL ESTATE BRQKER 13 13 'Cabrillo Ave. New house and garage, $4,500,Termi Big lot, street and curb, $975. Small lot, $360. 1427 253rd St. Harbor City .BY OWNER See this new 2-bedroo atucco. Venetian blinds, nice law & acre sandy loam. Priced to ae Possibly O.I. Terms arrange 11S8W. 223rd at. Torrance 638- double iara(«. hardwocid f><»> Lovely fenced bark yard. 16 If. \ 214th at., Torrance. Tomes for Sale 84 MIGHT G.I. 2 new C -bedroom frame houses In Torrance. Good Incation. Priced $7,600 And $7,800. ?' . arm close to Torrnnce. Has 64 loot criipool. Buy at $1,500 nn acie. 2-Bedroom frame close to school and downtown. Only $6,500 and $2,500 down. 3-Bedrm ttucco on west side. Third Can be handled for $4.000 down. Beech avenue. Large double garage. Lawn and flowers In wonderful to' own. $11.500. ASK PAUL VONDERAHE SALESMAN FOR G. M. Earle 1 409 Sartori Ave. Torrance Torrance 686 or 1 120-R OPEN HOUSE IN THE PINES 6 Months Old Friday - Saturday - Sunday " 1 to 5 P.M. 26314 OZONE Only $6850 Terms A so see 26433 Pine Knolls. G.I. completely furnished. Landscaped, b years old. Good deal. For Homes To Suit You And Your Purse See Benjamin Rothenberg LICENSED BROKER 26343 WESTERN AVE. Lomita 848 or Evenings Lomita 1582-J HOMES READY- MOVE IN. Visit Our FURNISHED . MODEL HOMES SEASIDE RANCHOS IN TORRANCE ON PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY BETWEEN HAWTHORNE AVE. & REDONDO BEACH 2 garages, laundry and store room. Immaculate. Engracla ave. 3-bedroom stucco, with 2 rentals. Post ave. 2-bedroom stucco, Cabrlllo ave: bedroom, bath and laundry In rear. Acacia ave. Lot 80X180 near 221 Denker. ELIZA TRAVIOLI REALTOR 1 350 Engracia Avenue Phone Torrance 974 $3.000 I -Bedroom Home $500 Down $40.00 a Month LINDSAY D. RIDGEWAY IOI9 W. Eastroad MEnlo 4-3434 In Redondo 1-Bedrm home living room, kitchen bath, hardwood floors. With larg lot 40 » 168 x 167. This lot can b entered from 2 streets. Possessio at close of escrow. $6,500 $1,500 down. 'OPAL REALTY CO. MARTHA 8. MOORE. Realtor Eva L. Flstcher, Laurlne B. Beck Frank Stanton, Assoclstes 419 TORRANCE BLVD.. REDOND6 Phone MM. Evenings 5770 $1,000 Down $37.50 per month. Full Price $5.000 Small 2-bsdrm frame In San Pedro Nice location. Several 2 and 3 bedroom homea a ready appraised for Q.I. loans. HARRY DUNNEBACK Real Eetate Broker, Insurance and Notary Public. Phone TErminal 2-4175 or 3-32 Lou G. Frock 24402 Narbonnc Avc. m n. Wa are now the Lomlta Wests 1 Union Agency, d. o. fj-HOOM, 2-Brdruom lu.uac. double a ia*«. i'hlrk«n and other bulldlu V. 25351 Vuljua uvi . Lomlta at 25 treot. Homes for Sal.? 84 Homes for Sale 84 , WHY PAY RENT LET YOUR MONEY WORK FOR YOU I ACRE Full price $2650. e,4750 One-bedroom home with attached garage. Imme- diate possession. Down payment $1000. $18,500 Lovely home that is modern deluxe. Best loca- tion in Torrance. Terms. Same as F.H.A. 'SEE Lovely 2-bedroom that is in A-l condition. Rental in back of lot that has an income of $4200 per mo. $6000 2-bedroo'm home in good condition. Owner leav- ' i ing for Oklahoma. Good terms. / BOB L. HAGGARD, Realtor , . . /. PERRY CONNETT. Associate " ' 1409 MARCELINA New phone Torrance 654 '. , Open on Saturday , < LUTHER MUMFORD Realtor Opens New Office Torrance Blvd. at Madrid (2325 Torrance Blvd.) MANY NEW LISTINGS G. 1. HOMES $200 To $500 Cash Discuss Your Problems With A Realtor Smart People Are Investing In Real Estate Day Phone 609 { Night Phone 2356-M GOOD VALUE o center of Lomlta for only $5,750 otal price. $2,500 down. $40 per ooms and garage underneath, sult- ble for extra bedrooms and apart, lent. Price $10,500. Terms can be rranged. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE HARRY B. BOWKER REALTOR Phone Lomlta 1620 1717 Pacific Coast Highway Lomlta, Calif. 2-Bedroom house hardwood floors rumpus room. Also building 24x48 h'ree large lots 140 ft. front, 180 ft. deep. IN BIG BEAR 2 lots unimproved each 25 x 100 ft. n Improved property valued at Also newly-constructed home on lot 75 x 100 ft. THOMAS R. PEARCE Real Estate Broter 24615 Moon St., Lomlta, Pr. 662 -J $2,360 DOWN DupUx, 3 y«jirt old, doubt* garage, '«r>c«d yard. PosftCtslon in 24 houri SHEPHERD Realty Company 7524 So. Western, L. A. Phone PL 6538 or PL 20422 Brand new 2.bedrm house In North Redondo. Never lived In. Immed - ate possesslen. $1,500 down, bal. $37.0» monthly payment. Have a buyer for 2. bedroom house In Torrance. Or will exchange. J. W. VENABLE 3901 242nd St. Walter a Ph. Redondo 7311 SEE JRENE oF. SMITH CO. 132 WEsVT STREET WILMINGTON PHONES: TE 4-7425 TE 4-6059 LIST WITH JACK START TO PACK . 1. J. HALLANGER Realtor 1520 CRAVENS**VE>. (Opposite City Hall) torrance 690 JUANITA BOLIN 2415 BORDER AVE. Phone Torrance 2374-J FOR BALE Houasa to be moved. 4 room frame houae; B-room Cal fornla bungalow; 4-room itucc house with single garage-. 8-roon raj,\ For Information, will.' He diiiulo Union High Brhuol. Itrdoi ,!o li.aih. Calif.. «U, nl l.in A. 1 Young. busliifSH manager or ca llodofulo 411421. have several three- Dedroom homes that can be delivered at close of escrow. Also one 2-bedroom borne for G.I. And one 2-bedroom duplex, newly decorat- ed. Will Be Happy to Show You. ELMER H. EPPERSON Licensed Real Estate Broker 1622 W. 213th St. Phone Torrance 607-R $6000 Furnished Home 2-bedrm frame, fenced yard, 60xi6 lot. Close In. Terms. , $9500 / - Lomita Pines Nice 2-taedroom stucco. Hardvood Alio Other Pine Listings CHARLES REALTY H. J. Osborne . F. M. Wheeler 153« Pacific Coast Hlwiy Phones Days Lorn. 078 . Lves. Lor.. 154 M Boulevard frontage and home cam* bined on Carson St. Qojd terim. fireplace, 3 years old. Will Q.l! 100%. $8.400. Boulevard frontage and home com- bined on Main at. Business lot on Main St. Easy JOHN C. AGGOLA BROKER 233 W. Carson, Torrance (Between Main and Figueroa) Phone TErminal 4-4126 Hammerton Tract Special. 20701 Ro. yal blvd. $1995 for 2-room frame cottage. Lot 45x140. Utilities and 1528 w. 222nd St. New S room 1-bedroom (rarne, furnished, 40«180. 14,900. Terms and possssslon. 2 45-foot R.3 lots, with alley. North side of Torrance blvd. Just East of Acacia. $4,000 Terms. STOLL'S II ISO S. Figueroa PL 1-4360 A big IB.room place, built for hospl- Tnere W| >n" d "lak* " 8OOd '' mation°'wr ChanC"''1 F° r * °° m'" ln °°°'- BROKEN DRUM CAFE WAOSTAFF and NEAL ROAD Paradise, Calif. R. D. (Bill) McEWEN Real Estate Broker LIST WITH JACK START TO PACK 1. J. HALLANGER Realtor 1520 CRAVENS AVE. (Opposite City Hall) Torrance 690 Sr'p'r.d',, 3''?''' 00"' «««« "cm.. On .,, ?'!?"' '"mace heat, fireplace. IN* bath and </, bath. Prompt dellv- : BUXTON » I960 TORRANCE BLVD. TOR 172 al. 4462 W. 163rdrl|it" "La'wndale! 1 1

Torrance Herald...AT WHOLESALE PRICE Orders filled for Banquets, Restau rants, and Hotels. ' 'drders Filled on Sundays.2310 W. 166th ST. '""' Gardena Rhone MEnlo 4-2276 In LomlU Your

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Page 1: Torrance Herald...AT WHOLESALE PRICE Orders filled for Banquets, Restau rants, and Hotels. ' 'drders Filled on Sundays.2310 W. 166th ST. '""' Gardena Rhone MEnlo 4-2276 In LomlU Your

Ei>:6.C Amiust 71. 1147 TOHRANCC HERALD |

4Y...USV M VrK >9CSBV7 t9* \








TOILETSt. - ... ::- . $39.50



1426 PIER AVE., REDONDO Phone Redondo 5110

Pets, Poultry 58AND BITS-LIES

Come Out To Our

Ranch and Select

Your Own ChickenDressed Under Your Inspection

NEW HAMPSHIRE RED FRYERSsue per Ib. dressed, under your (i Inspection.

12 W more per order 49e per Ib. dressed.


45c per Ib. dressed. 12 or more per erder, 44c per Ib. dressed.


Orders filled for Banquets, Restau­ rants, and Hotels.

' 'drders Filled on Sundays

.2310 W. 166th ST.'""' Gardena

Rhone MEnlo 4-2276

In LomlU Your Beat Bat la the






Cages - SuppliesTORRANCE AVIARIES2275 Carson St. Torrance

Torrance II35-J


Hums service twice weekly. Every, thing for your dog.

! . AKC Registered Black & Tan ! Cocker at Stud




J3101 Narbonne LomlU Ml

HATCHINGBaby Chicks and Turkeys. Stew Hens to Order.

1901 W. 182nd St. Gardena

a Phone MEnlo 4-1010fj ,

Patthee Kennels Registered

BOARDINGPhone for reservation. Strlpp ng Clipping, Bathing. Individual Ken nels-^nd Runs. No sick dogs Uken

12*10 a. MAIN TE 4-$f








~«51SJ, sruuury «*o A

Special) .......... 100 Ibs. $4.60

Scratch Feed ...... 100 Ibs. $4.60 V

Rabbit Pellets ...... 100 Ibs. $3.60

Cracked Corn ......... 100 Ibs. $5.25

Rol ed Barley ........ 75 Ibs. $3.05

Free Delivery Every Tuesday V

Phone MEnlo 4- 1 07 1

itfore Tuesday for Delivery onTuesday.


cheap. 1623 W. 213th St. Tor- ' ranee 333-M.

Livestock 59


FOLEY'S RANCH iomer of Spencer & Madrona Sts.

West Torrance 5,OOD MILK Cow and calf. Calf 3

mo>. old. Cow producing 3 to 4 - Sillons day. 20619 N. Elliott.

Enlo 4-3240.

"OR SALE ttabblts and hutchea. cheap. Also pigeons. 2026 W. 238th M. Phone Lomlta 1627-W.

"RESII YOUNG Jersey-Guernsey cow. Without calf. $160; with. $160. 22209 Meyler at.. Torrance 2170-M

BAY GELDINT5. 4« year, gentle, $126. Pleasant 13978.

Rooms, Board 78LOVELY ROOM In nice home for

1418-W. emrance' °ne O 1 "

SLEEPING Room, kitchen privileges for employed couple In private home. Garage available. 25343 Pennsylvania ave., Lomlta.

ROOM and board for one or 2 gentle­ men. Lunchea packed. 1612 W. 2O3rd «t., Torrance.

ROOM In private home. Kitchen privi­ leges for breakfast. 1512 Fern

Garages 76GAKAGK FOR RENT Any purpose.

1610 Cabrillo. For information me Helens Cafe, downstairs.

Leases 78Bosine«s Property

FOR LEASE Store, new, 37' frontage. Ideal location for most any busi­ ness. See owner. 26609 Narbonne. Lomlta.

FOR RENT Office suitable for law, public accounting. Insurance or tax expert. Phone Torrance 609 for full details.

SHOP for rent. 600 sq. ft., aultable for plumbing or electrical trade. Phone Lomlta 1844-W.

Acreage 88

1. J, HALLANGERRealtor

1520 CRAVENS AVE. (Opposite City Hall)

Torrance 690

Hollywood RivieraWIDE OCEAN VIEW




(At Corner Hawthorne Blvd.)

BUSINESS LOT at the corner of Cra­ vens and Torraiice blvd. (lot 17. blork 09) for »ale at market for quick disposal. Make offer. Phone Torrance 36. Dcalera welcome

FIVE ACRES In Fontana. WalmiU. almonds and grapea. Inquire at 1901 w. 182nd at.. Oardena, or phone Menlo 4-1010

THREE 30-ft. lota on Border, ull for $2.500. Call Lomlta 606-R.

Rental Wanted 82UNFURNISHED Quiet. refined

couple want 4-6 room unfurnished house. Must be clean and neat Permanent. Employed Terminal Island. No children. Phone PI 6-2508.

COUPLE With one child, locally em ployed, need 2-bedroom furnish* or unfurnished houae or apartmen In Torrance. Phone Torrance 261 Mr. McVey.

RESPONSIBLE Business man and wife, no children or pete, want furnished or unfurnished two-bed room home. Call MEnlo 4-118 from 9:00 to 4:30.

WANTED TO R E N T Dependebl couple with son, 14: girl 11: seel unfurnished house or apartment 1 Torrance under $6000. Reference Phone Torrance 2357-J days.

LADY ALONE-Needs small apt., o housekeeping room in Torrance

. Phone Lomlta 1039-J. 15535 Cy

M.D.. Veteran. Intern at local hosp tal desires place for wife and 3 chll dren. We don't drink or amoke Box J. Torrance Herald.

PERMANENT General Petroleum em ployi*e and wife need furnlshc

1 ra'n'e' loli'-j""'" 1

- SINGLE Business man needs furnlshe t apartment or room with kltche " privileges. Clean habits. Box X

Torrance Herald.

WANTKD TO RENT Two or thre n,,,n, house or apartment. U.8.C vet student and wife. no chlldre l&M W. 21Klh St.. Turrance OTt-K

WANTKI> TO RENT Two-bedroo him*,: or apartment. Family thr..,. Phone Cueter 6«177, rever rliargea.

UROKNTLY Need small house aiisriment. furnished or unfu nleii.-.i Hsve 9-year-old son P Sol. Torrance 111. Foundry Pep

houae or apartment. No chlldre Phone Torrance 14 -during day.

PUBLIC School teacher needs 2 or bedroom house furnished. No chll ren. Phonr TK 3-4271.

VETERAN, wll. and son need bedroom hou«>- or apartment. U furnished. Plume Torrance M Walker.

Rental Wanted 82 1

one child. Call Torrancn 618 be­ fore 1 o'clock or after 5:30 eve­ ning.

VANTED Furnished house or apart­ ment by rouple expecting first child soon. Will pay approxi­ mately $100 mo. Will furnish re­ ferences and give property very best care. Box W. Torrance He­ rald.

WANTED TO RENT Immediately one

ment furnlaheeTV unfurnished "for couple and 6-year-old girl. Mrs. Wess. TE 2-2611, Ext. 132. 8 a.m. tu 4 p.m. week dajjp only.

WANTED 2 or 3-bedroom unfur nlahed houae. Standard oil rep. reaentatlve. Phone TE 2-6471.

ftENTAlJS . 83

Gull's Trailer CampTra ler space for rent. Modern con­ veniences. Children welcome. 45c

*W°' 22404 S. NORMANDIE Torrance 1596-W

VILL EXCHANGE double apartment In Norwalk tor apartment In Lo­ mlta or violnlty. Phone Torrey 62288 or 31395.

JEDROOM FOR RENT Private en­ trance, twin beds. Gentlemen only. 1606 W. 215th. Torrance.

IOUSE TRAILER for rent. $10.00 per week. Bills paid. . No children. 26006 Pennsylvania avenue. Lomlta

-BEDROOM atucco for rent unfur­ nished $100.00 per mo. 1619 W. 220th St. Torrance 1867-J.

JEW 20-FOOT House trailer furnished for rent. Johnnle's Glaaa Shop. Western and 101 highway, Lomlta.

3NE ROOM Apartment In rear, kit­ chen facilities, Separate from front. 1812 Gramercy. Torrance.

privileges may be had. 1623 W. 216th St., Torrance.

TRAILER FOR RENT $40 mont*. 2020 Trailer Park. Lomita, Lot No.

FURNISHED three-room apartment for two adults.

20-FOOT House trailer for rent. 20603 Hawthorne blvd.. Torrance.

Homes for Sale 84

LARGE NICE FRAMEFormerly a duplex, 2 kitchens, 2 baths. Easily converted back with

floors, "very c°nvenlentjy0n|oeated* 3 garages. $12,500.

2-bedroom stucco, with guest room n rear. Qood on Q. 1. loan. $8,500.

Immediate possession In a 3-bed­ room, lots of building In back, re­ duced to sell. $7,500.

Vacant 2-bedroom atucco, hardwood f core, single garage. B-Sure to C- Thls place at $7,000.

$2,000r will make down payment?0"'

Your choice of either 2 very attract- va homes on Acacia. 110,600.

An attractlvs 3. bed room home on Beech. Nice fenced back yard. Large garage.

Possession of a new 2-bedrm stucco with $3,000 dawn. Balance of $3,360 at $32.50 per mo. Hardwood floors, dual furnace.

2 LOMITA HOMES2-bedroom on 96 ft. frontage. Re­ duced to ssll at $5,300 $3,000 cash required and a moving van.

3-bedroom, bath and half, nice llv-

LOT SALES50 x 100 ...................... $ 650 60 X 130 ......................$ 850 100 ft. frontage, paved St. ....$1,150 40 x 175 ....................$ 400 Business lot, V, down ....... .$4,500 6°loVcorC " 1 ion* ........... .$2^50

Sepulveda ..............?... .$6,000 '/t acre In Lomita .......... ..$1,050

N,ce cafe, well equipped, 14 stoo s, Beer license, building Included on 101 Hiway. Space for trailer In

November. 1950, and" can""renew° Stock and all, $4,800 14 down.

McEWEN REALTY CO.R. E. aV Business Broker

Notary Service1920 W. Carson, Torrance

Bus. phone 860 Res. II60-J

See These New $10,000

3-Bedroorp HomesOne, Immediate possession;

. one, under construction.

r Veterans Only

G. A. FORD' 26338 President


\ Phone Lomita 614


DUPLEXi! Double. Two bedrooms each s da

Income $65 per month and owner

' Located at " 21600 So. Denlcer, Torr.>r Will O.I. Open dally for Inspect on

": PH. TORRANCE 1943

n VACANT 3-Bedrra Home, extra ler fa r a i e. Immediate poasesslo

d- A CLEAN 3-bedroom home. Immed

Del Amo. Torrance.

n- VETERAN desires furnished apa 1. ment. Torrance. Lomlta area,

children, well behaved. A. Uor

lomes for Sale 84 1

hardwood floors, tile, and all mod- srn features. Only $1,350 down or wll also O.I. Total price $6,850.

£.500 down on a clean home that

« th hardwood floors. 2 roll out beds, large kitchen with new lino, eum, service porch. Total price

$5,000 at $21 per month.

$8,950 Large 3i/2 -bedrm home with d ning room, large kitchen, service >orch, basement, washroom, large tumrner house with barbecue pit. >Jew double garage, hardwood floor, II e, plaster walls. On Narbonne utt a few feet from markets, bus.

18,950 Large duplex wall located. Must be sold Immediately. Modern n everv respect. $1,gM down or ate model car will be considered as Dart down payment. Immediate pos-

We have several new and pre-war homes In the pines that are priced right. Stop by our office and we'll give you full details.

Owner leaving state and has to sell

17,950. Ideally located.

R. E. VAN DEVANDER1508 Pacific Coast Highway

Lomita 19503344 So. Pacific Ave.

San Pedro . Phone Tar. 2-5*51

Evanlnga and Sundays Call Lomlta I960

teal Estate Loans Insurance

Free Appraisals

ATTENTION MR. GlOwn your own beautiful (3) Bed-

f oora. Tile kitchen sink and bath

All This For Only

$100 DOWNImmediate occupancy for you and your family. Pay your home off, with your small monthly payments. Cheaper than rent.

Our model home completely fur-- . n shed for your Inspection.


209th and WESTERN

Phone Torrance 2025


208th and 209th and WESTERN




Inspect It. You'll know you should own it. Drive by No. 2221 Andreo St., In Torrance .and aee this beau- t ful 2-bedroom home. Clean as a whistle, new colored plumbing fix- turea througheut. Furnace heat, ga­ rage on paved alley. Tool house, fenced yard. You won't have to

Full price $8,000, with low down payment.

J. F. LEWIS & CO.1872 Pacific Coast Highway

Phons Lomita 880

2 lots on Sartorl cornsr $4,500.

One 4-famlly flat, Torrance Blvd.

6 acre' Industrial, bargain $12,000.

4 lots on West Carson. $5,200.

1 acre on Arlington. $0,000.

New O.I. homes In El Segundo.

Large hangar bldg., knocked down bargain. 130 by 160 feet.

16-housa court. $50,000.


1 308 Sartori. Suite II Torrance 1 697

house with producing oil well on It. $6,500 $3,500 down.


24402 Narbonne Avc. Telephone, Lomita IOIO-J

"""union agency.

Duplex. Possssslon both units. Ap­ praisal for O.I. Low down payment

Nicely furnished, 2 bedrms, double garage, 4 years old. $(,900. Terms

- ALTER BUILDING CO.1 405 Sartorl Avc.

Phone 5

JOHN V. MURRAYLicensed Real Estate and

Business Opportunities Broker

I9I2 Andreo Avc., Torrance Phone Torrance 563

> 67'/. x 116 ft. lot en Arlington $2,000. Deilrabls resldsntlsl.


2 Phone Tonancc 1 76n.

lomes for Sale 84 1

$2,000 Down

$3,700 down on lovely 3-bedrm stuc­ co. Partly furnlihed, double garage. Large lot, fenced.

Lovely 2-bedroom home, completely furnished, garage, close In. $3,750 land es.

15,000 down on beautiful 2. bedroom

Pines. Completely furn'lshed, double garage, barbecue, shrubbery.

Lot 65 X 433 on Main St. 3 large rooms. Two buildings 12 x 18. steel fenced. Qood for chickens or tur­ keys. Must sell.

3-Bedroom frame on lot 50 x 160. Large building In rear. $7,500.

$2.600 down on stucco duplex. 2 bed-

fromf $6,000 up. Terrns.

Have 3 dandy atuccos. Completely furn shed. $9500 up terms.

Beautiful 2-bedroom and den home. 2 f replaces, patio, barbecue. Best of ocatlon. Immediate possession.

Dandy 2-bedroom atucco homa on Beech. $7,950 Terms.

4. Unit apartment house. Like new, with refrigerators. Income .$190 per month. Price $18,500.

Several beautiful homes In Palos Verdes. From 3 to 5 bedrooms.

Also lots and acreage

JOS. N. BURTONLicensed Real Estate and

Business Opportunities

FRANCES' BURTONLicensed R.E. Broker 2468 Torrance Blvd.

Phone 231-R'

take Q.I. appraisal.

2. bedroom house. Will taks O. 1. appraisal.

Lots $600 and up

We now carry a complete line of

Notary ServiceListings Wanted.


A. J. CALITRIReal Eetate Broker

PADDY'RYAN1652 W. Carson, Torrance

Phone Torrance 12 or 1467



LOT 45x140

FOR RENT2-Bedroom Home

$65 Per Month


1019 W. Eastroad MEnlo 4-3434



2 houses furnished, 2 blocks from beach, wonderful cottages for sum-

house has Income of $55 and owners quarters. $11,800 with $2,000 down.

Sea ... A) Snyder501 N. Camino Real (101 Hiway Redondo Beach 41572 or 42123

Evenings 6991 or 6847



ODEN & HUMPHREY2121 Pacific Coast 2208 Lomita Blvd.

Phone 1383


Lovely 3-bedroom stucco home, o- catsd on Sonoma. double garage wash house, barbecue pit, sma down payment of $4,000.

2-bedroom stucco on Isrge lot, b g double garage. Walterla. Will O.I Total price only $7,500.



13 13 'Cabrillo Ave.

New house and garage, $4,500,Termi

Big lot, street and curb, $975.

Small lot, $360.

1427 253rd St.

Harbor City

.BY OWNER See this new 2-bedroo atucco. Venetian blinds, nice law & acre sandy loam. Priced to ae Possibly O.I. Terms arrange 11S8W. 223rd at. Torrance 638-

double iara(«. hardwocid f><»> Lovely fenced bark yard. 16 If. \ 214th at., Torrance.

Tomes for Sale 84

MIGHT G.I.2 new C -bedroom frame houses In Torrance. Good Incation. Priced $7,600 And $7,800.

?' . arm close to Torrnnce. Has 64 loot criipool. Buy at $1,500 nn acie.

2-Bedroom frame close to school and downtown. Only $6,500 and $2,500 down.

3-Bedrm ttucco on west side. Third

Can be handled for $4.000 down.

Beech avenue. Large double garage. Lawn and flowers In wonderful

to' own. $11.500.



G. M. Earle 1 409 Sartori Ave.

Torrance Torrance 686 or 1 120-R


IN THE PINES 6 Months Old

Friday - Saturday - Sunday " 1 to 5 P.M.

26314 OZONE

Only $6850 Terms

A so see 26433 Pine Knolls. G.I.

completely furnished. Landscaped, b years old. Good deal.

For Homes To Suit You And Your Purse

See Benjamin RothenbergLICENSED BROKER

26343 WESTERN AVE. Lomita 848 or Evenings

Lomita 1582-J








2 garages, laundry and store room. Immaculate. Engracla ave.

3-bedroom stucco, with 2 rentals. Post ave.

2-bedroom stucco, Cabrlllo ave:

bedroom, bath and laundry In rear. Acacia ave.

Lot 80X180 near 221 Denker.


1 350 Engracia Avenue Phone Torrance 974

$3.000 I -Bedroom Home

$500 Down

$40.00 a Month


IOI9 W. Eastroad MEnlo 4-3434

In Redondo1-Bedrm home living room, kitchen bath, hardwood floors. With larg lot 40 » 168 x 167. This lot can b

entered from 2 streets. Possessio at close of escrow.

$6,500 $1,500 down.


Eva L. Flstcher, Laurlne B. Beck Frank Stanton, Assoclstes

419 TORRANCE BLVD.. REDOND6 Phone MM. Evenings 5770

$1,000 Down $37.50 per month. Full Price $5.000

Small 2-bsdrm frame In San Pedro Nice location.

Several 2 and 3 bedroom homea a ready appraised for Q.I. loans.

HARRY DUNNEBACKReal Eetate Broker, Insurance

and Notary Public.

Phone TErminal 2-4175 or 3-32

Lou G. Frock24402 Narbonnc Avc.

m n. Wa are now the Lomlta Wests 1 Union Agency, d.

o. fj-HOOM, 2-Brdruom lu.uac. double a ia*«. i'hlrk«n and other bulldlu V. 25351 Vuljua uvi . Lomlta at 25


Homes for Sal.? 84 Homes for Sale 84 ,



I ACRE Full price $2650.

e,4750 One-bedroom home with attached garage. Imme­ diate possession. Down payment $1000.

$18,500 Lovely home that is modern deluxe. Best loca­ tion in Torrance. Terms. Same as F.H.A.

'SEE Lovely 2-bedroom that is in A-l condition. Rental in back of lot that has an income of $4200 per mo.

$6000 2-bedroo'm home in good condition. Owner leav- ' i ing for Oklahoma. Good terms. /

BOB L. HAGGARD, Realtor , . . /.

PERRY CONNETT. Associate " '

1409 MARCELINA New phone Torrance 654

'. , Open on Saturday

, <


Opens New OfficeTorrance Blvd. at Madrid

(2325 Torrance Blvd.)


G. 1. HOMES $200 To $500 Cash

Discuss Your Problems With A Realtor

Smart People Are Investing In Real Estate

Day Phone 609 { Night Phone 2356-M


o center of Lomlta for only $5,750 otal price. $2,500 down. $40 per

ooms and garage underneath, sult- ble for extra bedrooms and apart, lent. Price $10,500. Terms can be rranged.




Phone Lomlta 1620 1717 Pacific Coast Highway

Lomlta, Calif.

2-Bedroom house hardwood floors rumpus room. Also building 24x48

h'ree large lots 140 ft. front, 180 ft. deep.

IN BIG BEAR2 lots unimproved each 25 x 100 ft.

n Improved property valued at

Also newly-constructed home on lot 75 x 100 ft.

THOMAS R. PEARCEReal Estate Broter

24615 Moon St., Lomlta, Pr. 662 -J

$2,360 DOWNDupUx, 3 y«jirt old, doubt* garage, '«r>c«d yard. PosftCtslon in 24 houri

SHEPHERD Realty Company

7524 So. Western, L. A. Phone PL 6538 or PL 20422

Brand new 2.bedrm house In North Redondo. Never lived In. Immed - ate possesslen. $1,500 down, bal. $37.0» monthly payment.

Have a buyer for 2. bedroom house In Torrance. Or will exchange.

J. W. VENABLE3901 242nd St. Walter a

Ph. Redondo 7311



PHONES: TE 4-7425 TE 4-6059


. 1. J. HALLANGERRealtor

1520 CRAVENS**VE>. (Opposite City Hall)

torrance 690



Phone Torrance 2374-J

FOR BALE Houasa to be moved. 4 room frame houae; B-room Cal fornla bungalow; 4-room itucc house with single garage-. 8-roon

raj,\ For Information, will.' He diiiulo Union High Brhuol. Itrdoi ,!o li.aih. Calif.. «U, nl l.in A. 1 Young. busliifSH manager or ca llodofulo 411421.

have several three- Dedroom homes that can be delivered at close of escrow.

Also one 2-bedroom borne for G.I.

And one 2-bedroom duplex, newly decorat­ ed.

Will Be Happy to Show You.

ELMER H. EPPERSONLicensed Real Estate Broker

1622 W. 213th St.

Phone Torrance 607-R

$6000Furnished Home

2-bedrm frame, fenced yard, 60xi6 lot. Close In. Terms. ,

$9500 / - Lomita Pines

Nice 2-taedroom stucco. Hardvood

Alio Other Pine Listings

CHARLES REALTYH. J. Osborne . F. M. Wheeler

153« Pacific Coast Hlwiy Phones

Days Lorn. 078 . Lves. Lor.. 154 M

Boulevard frontage and home cam* bined on Carson St. Qojd terim.

fireplace, 3 years old. Will Q.l! 100%. $8.400.

Boulevard frontage and home com­ bined on Main at.

Business lot on Main St. Easy


233 W. Carson, Torrance(Between Main and Figueroa)

Phone TErminal 4-4126

Hammerton Tract Special. 20701 Ro. yal blvd. $1995 for 2-room frame cottage. Lot 45x140. Utilities and

1528 w. 222nd St. New S room 1-bedroom (rarne, furnished, 40«180. 14,900. Terms and possssslon.

2 45-foot R.3 lots, with alley. North side of Torrance blvd. Just East of Acacia. $4,000 Terms.

STOLL'SII ISO S. Figueroa PL 1-4360

A big IB.room place, built for hospl- Tnere W| > n" d "lak* " 8OOd ''

mation°'wr ChanC"''1 F° r* °°m'" ln °°°'-


Paradise, Calif.

R. D. (Bill) McEWENReal Estate Broker


1. J. HALLANGERRealtor

1520 CRAVENS AVE. (Opposite City Hall)

Torrance 690

Sr'p'r.d',, 3''?'''00"' «««« "cm.. On .,, ?'!?"' '"mace heat, fireplace. IN* bath and </, bath. Prompt dellv-


al. 4462 W. 163rdrl|it" "La'wndale!

1 1