The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R

Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning

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Page 1: Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning

The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R

Page 2: Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning
Page 3: Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning

The beginning

The pacific theater began on the morning of December 7, 1941 when a japanese force under the command of Admiral Nagumo, consisting of six carriers with 423 planes, bombed the naval base of pearl harbor. This was meant as a preventative action to keep the U.S out of WW2, but ended up doing the opposite. The day after pearl harbor was bombed congress voted to declare war on japan, and soon after the axis powers declared war on the U.S.

Page 4: Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning

Douglas MacArthur

Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964) was an American general who commanded the Southwest Pacific in World War II (1939-1945), He also oversaw the successful Allied occupation of postwar Japan and led United Nations forces in the Korean War (1950-1953).Being controversial at times, MacArthur was regarded as being outspoken and very talented, and regarded by many as being egotistical.

Page 5: Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning

Chester W.NimitzBorn in Texas in (1885-1966) Chester W. Nimitz served in World War I as chief of staff to the commander of the U.S. Atlantic submarine force. In 1939, he was appointed chief of the Bureau of Navigation of the U.S. Navy. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Nimitz was elevated to commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet. In 1944, he was promoted to fleet admiral.Nimitz was considered by many the hero of the pacific for the victories he led in the pacific theater. After WWII, he served as chief of naval operation. He died on Yerba Buena Island, California at the age of 81.

Page 6: Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning
Page 7: Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning

After the attack on pearl harbor, the japanese gained control over large areas of the pacific, from philippines to burma and for a while Enjoyed the advantage of interior lines of communication, but had somewhat overextended themselves. Once the allies began pushing their perimeter from multiple areas, their advantage was lost as they could not Manufacture the needed planes and ships to defend them. The turning point in pacific theater was mid 1942 with history's first great carrier battles. In coral sea the U.S navy Engaged the japanese in what is now known as the Battle of the Coral sea.

Battle of the Coral Sea. (May 4–8, 1942) This 4 day skirmish was history's first naval and air engagement in which a U.S. fleet turned back a Japanese invasion force that had been heading for the strategic Port moresby in New Guinea. By the end of April 1942 the Japanese were ready to attempt to take control of the coral sea, However, allied intelligence learned of the japanese plans to seize Port Moresby. When the Japanese landed in the area on May 3rd, they came under attack from aircraft carrier planes of the american task force lead by Rear Admiral Frank J. Fletcher.

Between May 5-6, 1942, the allied and japanese fleets sought each other out, and on the morning of May 7 when the two forces met, Japanese carrier-based planes sank a U.S. destroyer and an oiler. Fletcher’s planes then sank the light aircraft carrier Shoho as well as a cruiser. The next day Japanese aircrafts managed to sink the U.S. carrier Lexington and damaged the carrier yorktown, while U.S. planes damaged the large Japanese carrier Shokaku so bad that it had to retire from action, thus ending the battle in a strategic victory for the Allies

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Page 9: Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning

Battle of Midway Battle of Midway, (June 3–6, 1942) was a naval battle fought almost entirely with aircraft that was fought a month after the coral sea, in which the United States destroyed Japan’s first-line carrier strength and most of its best trained naval pilots. With the battle of midway along with the battle of the coral sea ending in defeat for japan meant japan no longer posed a threat of further invasion in the pacific.

Despite a setback in May 1942 in The Battle of the Coral Sea, the Japanese had continued with plans to seize Midway Island and bases in the Aleutians. Seeking a battle with the numerically inferior U.S. Pacific Fleet, Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku deployed the majority of the Japanese fleet, with orders to destroy the American fleet and invade Midway. The U.S however had managed to intercept the plans for midway. The battle began on June 3, 1942, when american bombers flew over the ocean to bomb the japanese fleet, but were unsuccessful. Early the next morning japanese planes heavily bombed the island. But as the day drew on, the Japanese carriers became overwhelmed by the logistics of sending a second wave of bombers to attempt to destroy the runway,while trying to avoid bombs from U.S aircrafts as well as trying to launch more planes to sink the U.S. naval forces. The battle ended in japanese defeat, and with most of the their ships being destroyed, as well as the loses inflicted at the battle of the coral sea, the japanese now no longer posed a threat for future invasions.

Page 10: Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning

After the Battle of Midway, the Allies were able to launch a counter-offensive. The first stage of the offensive began with the navy under Admiral Nimitz and marine landings on Guadalcanal and nearby islands in the Solomons.At the same time, the army under General MacArthur with australian allies set out to take new Guinea's papuan peninsula. After long, bloody struggles, both campaigns succeeded.

Guadalcanal Landing

New Guinea

From here, Nimitz and MacArthur engaged in island hopping campaigns that bypassed strongly fortified islands to strike enemies weak points. The campaigns against the Aleutian and Rabaul succeeded in stopping the Japanese advances and secured bases for Allied advances on Japan.

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Macarthur then pushed along new guinea coast preparing to return to the philippines, while Nimitz pushed along central pacific via the Gilberts, Marshalls, Marianas, Carolines, and Palaus.

Once the Marinas were taken they could be used as bases for U.S long range B-29 bombers which were capable of striking at heart of japan. The bombings would begin later in november of 1944

Page 12: Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning

The allies advance through the central pacific got underway in november 1943, with seizure of two islands, tarawa and makin in the gilberts. Marines landed on Tarawa on November 21 and took island in 4 days with a death count of 3000 marine troops, but successfully overwhelmed the small japanese garrison on makin between november 20 and 24 1943

After other various attacks of japanese held islands in the pacific, Admiral Nimitz invaded the Marianas in June 1944. Amphibious assaults were made on Saipan on June 15, on Guam on July 20, and on Tinian on July 23, 1944. All islands were strongly garrisoned by Japanese troops who fought for every yard of ground.The loss of sipan caused a political crisis in tokyo, making many fear the military power of the U.S. The japanese hastily reassembled their fleet from biak and philippines and sailed north to defend the Marinas. They lacked any sort of land based air support which made it impossible to surprise the U.S naval contingents which were under command of Admiral spruanceIn a historic air battle that took place on June 19, 4 days after landings on Saipan, the Japanese lost more than 400 planes compared to the 30 americans lost. With no carrier ships, the Japanese fleet went west, but American plane followed and sank several ships, including three carriers.

Page 13: Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning

Iwo Jima

The battle of Iwo jima started when american military leaders launched an amphibious assault on the island in february, 1944. It was needed for a base near the japanese coast. U.S marines landed on the beach of Iwo Jima after a air and naval bombardment. The japanese had around 23,000 men posted on the island, who had dug complex networks of tunnels and dugouts.

Despite the deeply rooted enemy force, the japanese were defeated within a month of intense fighting. This battle also was where the famous photo of marine troops raising an american flag in victory was taken.

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The End of the Pacific Theater

The last two large battles of the Pacific theater -- Luzon and Okinawa -- were still to come. But Japan was essentially beaten. Its navy and airforce were destroyed, and their cities were burning from the constant barrage of the b-29 bombers. The japanese would soon surrender after the bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki, bringing an end to world war 2.

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Operation Torch - Map

Page 16: Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning

Operation Torch - Timeline

Page 17: Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning

Operation Torch What-Operation Torch was an operation designed by US and the British to take over an area in north africa from the Axis armies to gain a point for future operations (Operation Torch)

Who-There were two sides to operation torch. The invaders were the US and Britain. They were attacking Northern Africa known as French Vichy government.

How-Britain convinced the US that invading north Africa was a good idea so they would have a better point of control in the war. Their navies, with 650 ships, landed more than 107,000 men at three different points held by the French. The landings were around three major ports and aimed at occupying the defenses. (Operation Torch.)

Page 18: Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning

Operation Torch

Why-The British originally had the idea of invading northern Africa because it would give them a control point for the rest of WWII.

The French Vichy government was not on a side, they had remained neutral up to this point.

When the allied forces asked to position there, they were not able to reach agreements and the US and Britain had to position by force.

Page 19: Torch The Pacific Theater & Operation · 2019. 12. 8. · The Pacific Theater & Operation Torch By: Davis K, William K, Lucas R. The beginning The pacific theater began on the morning

Operation Torch - ImpactOperation torch was put into effect to gain the upper ground during WWII, the U.S. and Britain realized that taking over an area in north Africa which was controlled by France would benefit them greatly. The Northern Africa area they took would serve them as a control point so they could efficiently deploy troops and supplies around the World.

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Questions1.How did the war with Japan Start?

2.What brought an end to WWII?

3.Who was involved in operation Torch

4.What was the land the U.S. and Britain wanted and who was it controlled by?

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Works Cited"Operation Torch." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2016. Web. 18 Apr. 2016.

"The Pacific Theatre." Pacific Theatre. WorldWar History, n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.