[Topper's Interview] Dr 1

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  • 8/18/2019 [Topper's Interview] Dr 1


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    motivation (http://mrunal.org/category/motivation) / 1 year Ago /

    394 Comments (http://mrunal.org/2014/06/toppers-interview-dr-roman-saini-cse-2013air-18-first-attempt-309-prelims-100-marks-gs-m

    [Topper’s Interview] Dr. Roman Saini (CSE-2013/AIR-18): First Attempt,309 in Prelims, ~100 marks GS Mains 1,3,4; Medical Science Optional,AIIMS

    India Yearbook 2015



      भारत  यरब    कु  २०१५



    Mrunal (http://mrunal.org/)


  • 8/18/2019 [Topper's Interview] Dr 1


    1. Details

    2. Education

    3. Introduction

    4. How essential is coaching Material?

    5. Electronic Vs Paper material

    6. Tempo and style

    7. Working professional

    8. Prelims (CSAT) General studies

    9. Prelims (CSAT) Aptitude

    10. Prelim accuracy

    11. Mains: Compulsory language paper

    12. Mains: Essay

    13. General studies paper 114. General studies (Mains) paper 2

    15. General studies (Mains) Paper 3

    16. General Studies 4: Ethics, Integrity, aptitude

    17. GS4 Ethics case study answers in Mains 2013

    18. Mains answer-writing?

    19. Medical Science Optional Subjects

    20. Before the interview

    21. During the interview

    22. CSE-2013 Marksheet

    23. Career Backup

    24. Insecurity about profile

    25. Wisdom


  • 8/18/2019 [Topper's Interview] Dr 1


    26. Credit: Friends/family

    27. BOGUS Marketing Propaganda


    Name Roman Saini

    Rank in CSE-2013 18

    Roll No. 074397

    Age 22

    Total attempts in CSE 1

    Optional Subject Medical Sciences

    Medium chosen for Mains answers English

    Schooling medium English

    College medium English

    Home town/city Jaipur

    Work-experience if any Junior Resident Psychiatry AIIMS

    Details of other competitive exams, including success/failures –

    Details of coaching, mock tests, postal material for any

    competitive exam (if used)Vajiram material and test series

    Cadre preference Rajasthan > Haryana > Gujarat.


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    % in class 10 85.5

    % in class 12 91.4

    Schooling (Medium) English

    Graduation course and % MBBS 62

    Name of college, city, passing out year AIIMS NEW DELHI 2013

    Post-graduation –

    Any other professional courses –

    Hobbies & Extra curricular GUITAR TRINITY COLLEGE LONDON, professional degree, puzzle solving


    Q. Tell us something about yourself, your family, when and why did you enter in this field of competitive exams?


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  • 8/18/2019 [Topper's Interview] Dr 1


    I am a doctor at AIIMS, gave AIIMS entrance at 16 and passed out in Jan 2014, appeared in civil services exam as 21 year old kid.

    Wanted to solve grass root problems of people as we have been taught that prevention is better than cure.

    How essential is coaching Material?

    Q. Let’s face it, many toppers have relied solely on (authentic OR xeroxed) coaching notes for Mains-2013. Some of the

    readers are getting a negative ‘vibe’ that UPSC is not meant for an individual preparing from far-away area, without anyfinancial resources or contacts in Delhi to import  such coaching material. What’s your stand on this?

    I don’t agree. It’s a big misconception that coaching class or coaching notes are essential for success.

    I personally know many in the top-100, who succeeded without relying on such material.

    In fact, barring just 1-2 topics like Comparing Constitution, I myself have not relied on the coaching resources.

    I’ve covered majority of the GS syllabus from Wikipedia, internet, Hindu and India yearbook alone, and the result speaks for itself.

    Similarly even for medical science optional, I relied on my own college notes and google.All of the studymaterial is out there on public domain. There are no “secret coaching notes” which you can mugup and

    automatically secure a high rank in civil service.

    And as far as ‘financial resources’ are concerned, Ab kya chhotaa kya badaa …today everyone has internet. So just download

    everything on your pen drive and keep studying wherever you go.

    Electronic Vs Paper material

    Q. In recent times, there is spur in electronic material- blogs, sites, pdfs, RSS-feeds. Many aspirants feel bogged down by this

    information overload. So, how much do you rely on electronic material and how much on the paper material (Books,

    newspapers)? If possible narrate a typical day in your studylife.

    Never made any notes, 90% of stuff I read is in electronics format, even newspaper, books, Wikipedia, your blog and a closed group

    whose details I can’t share. I read a lot and I am blessed with a good memory.

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    Tempo and style

    Q. On an average, how many hours do you study? How do you keep study momentum going on? How do you fight against the

    mood swings?

    9 hours a day, if I don’t like I don’t read, I play guitar, helps me a lot.

    Working professional

    You’re working in AIIMS. How to manage studies with job/internship?

    I graduated after giving my mains exam, (degree will be given in august convocation), and started working as a junior resident at

    Aiims. Managing internship with preparation was one of the toughest struggle of my life. Utilize micro opportunities. That’s it. You

    won’t get long stretches to study. 10-15 minutes here and there makes a lot of difference

    Prelims (CSAT) General studies

    Read variety sources, stop mugging up dates facts and persons in news, that trend is long gone.

    Topic strategy/booklist/comment

    History Ancient Wikipedia

    History Medieval Wikipedia

    History Modern (Freedom

    Struggle)Bipin chandra

    Culture society Wikipedia

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    D D BASU



    But you may skip Basu and Kashyap.

    Economy Shyamsundar sir notes, Mrunal

    Science Wikipedia, Mrunal

    Environment (theory +


    Geography Physical, WorldGC LEONG (http://www.flipkart.com/certificate-physical-human-geography-1st/p/itmczyt7kuqrvjyg?


    Geography India NCERTs

    other national/international

    current affairsMrunal

    Schemes, Policy & Filler Stuff Internet

    Prelims (CSAT) Aptitude

    Topic strategy / booklist

    Maths didn’t read anytime at all for this section

    reasoning Nothing separately.

    Aspirants only focus on IAS related editorials but I advise them to read all variety of editorials in TheHindu.


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    because directly/indirectly majority of the comprehensions are based on Hindu only.

    So, for at least one month you should read all the editorials from Hindu no matter whether they’re relevant

    to GS-syllabus or not.

    plus, Watch some good English movies and try to understand each and every phrase used. It will help you a

    lot. Trust me


    Nothing separately.

    Prelim accuracy

    Q1. Did you attend any ‘mock tests’? do you think they’re necessary for success?

    Yes, they help you gauze their level of preparation, keep competing with yourself and you are bound to improve.

    Q2. Approximate no. of attempted answers vs. correct answers. in CSAT-2013

    MCQattempted MCQ correct(Expected after checking at home) official score

    GS 100 72 125.34

    aptitude 80 75 183.33

    Total 309

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    Mains: Compulsory language paper

    Compulsory language paper Your preparation strategy / booklist?

    English paper nothing separately.

    your regional language Upkar hindi


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    Q2.other observations / tips / comments on the length / difficulty level of compulsory language papers in CSE-2013

    It was pretty long in English so for non-English background student I would recommend to study Basic English grammar.

    Mains: Essay

    Q1. How did you prepare for the essay paper?

    Nothing specific.

    Q2. Which among essay did you write? What key points did you include in it?

    I wrote on “Science and technology is the panacea for the growth and security of the nation.”

    My Essay was centered around 4 key points

    1. Brief history of development of Science & Tech in India and world,

    2. how it has changed lives of people starting from industrial revolution

    3. how does all the areas are affected by it

    4. How science is both boon and bane as far as security and growth are concerned.

    General studies paper 1

    Q. Did you use frontline/EPW/Yojana magazines for mains?

    I did not read frontline or EPW.

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    But yes I referred Yojana.

    Topic How did you prepare?


    culture syllabus is unlimited. no matter how much you prepare, it’ll be insufficient. but at the same

    time it’d be unwise to leave this topic entirely.

    Ignore: queens, kings, battles etc.

    prepare Architecture, religion, literature

    Old NCERT focus on the bold words, google them.

    As and where possible find google images, that’ll help you memorize better. especially in Architecture

    At max just need 20-30 keywords. Then add grammar so you’ll reach the 100 words limit.

    Indian history Spectrum Publication: A brief History of Modern India (Rajiv Ahir)

    world history

     Just wiki for those 7-8 core topics world history.

    additionally you may consult Norman Lowe

    time very less, so not much point in focusing too much here. better spend that much time on Ethics.



    Starting with NCERT then make summary notes on major events such as Panchsheel, India-Pak, India-

    China, Green revolution, industrialization etc.

    If you’ve 1 year or more to prepare then read India after Independence by Ram Chandra Guha. But

    not like a novel-just focus on exam worthy points only.

    Otherwise ignore that book.

    Indian society

    role of women,

    poverty etc. NCERT sociology Class 11 and 12.

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    globalization on

    Indian society




    Beyond that keep an eye on Hindu editorials.

    There is no need for any coaching material in this topic.

    world geo physical

    Goh Che Leong’s certificate in physical geography (http://www.flipkart.com/certificate-physical-


    in that book, focus on part I.

    No need to focus on part II that much.



    factors for

    industrial location

    There are just a few theories to prepare.

    earthquake tsunami

    etcGC Leong.

    impact on flora-fauna Nothing separately.

    General studies (Mains) paper 2

    Topic How Did You Prepare?

    Indian Constitution,

    devolution, dispute

    redressal etc.


  • 8/18/2019 [Topper's Interview] Dr 1


    parliament, state



    Various bodies:



    M.Laxmikanth. (http://www.flipkart.com/indian-polity-4th/p/itmdmmsnbhqfwj3a?


    current events from Hindu

    Various test series site upload mock questions on their sites, do solve them.

    comparing Constitution

    with worldNotes from Ravindran Sir’s class.

    ministries departments,

    welfare schemes,

    bodies, social sector,

    health, edu, HRD

     Just basic features from India Yearbook (http://www.flipkart.com/india-2014/p/itmdtatf88prbxmh?

    pid=9788123019093&affid=mrunalrugm). Don’t go in depth. Previously UPSC was focused on ‘depth’,

    nowadays just ‘range’.

    pressure group,

    informal asso., NGO,

    SHG etc

    Hindu editorials. No need for separate preparation.

    Representation of 

    people’s actInternet and Wikipedia. just focused on the basic provisions only. No need to go through entire draft.


    transparency,accountability, role of 

    civil service

    Refer to my GS4 section.

    e-governanceOn pib.nic.in search “E-governance” to find out various projects by various ministries, How can it help

    implementing SEVOTTOMA etc.

    India & neighbors


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    effect of foreign

    country policies

    on Indian interest


    don’t waste time in old topics like NAM, Panchsheel etc. unless its finishing 50-60 question or some

    person in news. E.g. Death of Gujaral so, Gujaral doctrine was asked.

    Nowadays UPSC is only asking current based straight forward questions. so just focus on current

    issues from theHindu.

    intl.bodies- structure


    WHO, UN and World bank group: prepare them in detail.beyond that just 15-17 bodies. Goto Wikipedia

    then one link leads to another and prepare basic features only. don’t go in detail. only read introductory

    paragraph in Wikipedia. We don’t have time to read everything and even if you do, you can’t memorize

    it much.

    General studies (Mains) Paper 3

    Topic How Did You Prepare?

    Indian economy, resource


    inclusive growth


    Mostly relied on your site and economic survey.

    no need to consult Economic Times (ET), Financial Express or any such separate

    newspaper for economics.

    major crops, irrigationClass 11 and 12 NCERT Economics and Geography.

    India yearbook chapter on agriculture

    agro produce – storage, marketing

    e-technology for famers

    farm subsidies, MSP

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    Hindu and PIBPDS, buffer, food security

    technology mission

    animal rearing economics

    food processing

    land reformsyour own [Land Reform] article series under Mrunal.org/Polity.

    in fact I wrote the Bhoodan answer in Mains-2013 from there only.

    liberalization Class 11 and 12 NCERT Economics and Hindu

    infrastructure, investment modelsAs such this is covered in Dutt Sundaram. But please avoid this book as it is written for

    those with economics optional.

    science-tech day to day life

    Indian achievements in sci-tech

    awareness in IT, space, biotech, nano,


    Non-science students: prepare Class 7-10 (for prelims)

    NCERT class 12 biology selective reading of 

    cutting of science page from Hindu’s Thursday edition


    environmental impact assessment Collected some internet material, while I’ll share soon.

    Disaster Management Prepared only introductory part from NDMA’s official site. Whenever you can’tunderstand any terminology just google it.

    non state actors, internal security

    internal security – role of media,

    social networking site

    border Management

    Report of Home Ministry, and Pib.nic.in

    naxalism wikipedia

    hindu editorial

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    organized crime, terrorism

    cyber security Just basics from the ICERT official site.

    money laundering arthpedia.in (http://www.arthapedia.in/)

    security agencies- structure mandate just the main 5-7 bodies from Wikipedia. no need for coaching material here.

    General Studies 4: Ethics, Integrity, aptitude

    Q. 2 ARC report: how much did you prepare?

    Ans. I only read its summary points. There is not much time left so it won’t be beneficial read the entire report- particularly for those

    without Public Administration optional.

    Topic How Did You Prepare?

    ethics and interface, family, society and all the hathodaa  topics

    Moral Lexicon by Chronicle.

    attitude, moral influence etc.

    civil service: integrity, impartiality, tolerance to weak etc

    emotional intelligence, its use in governance

    moral thinkers of India and world

    ethics in pub.ad, accountability, laws, rules etc.

    corporate governance Corporate social responsibility related provisions.

    probity in governance, work culture



  • 8/18/2019 [Topper's Interview] Dr 1


    Moral Lexicon by Chronicle.citizen charter, ethics code, work culture etc.

    challenges of corruption

    case studies on above topics

    GS4 Ethics case study answers in Mains 2013

    Q. in GS4 ethics papers, please give a sketchy overview of your case study answers:

    case your approach/ keypoints

    1: RTI: To hide or not to hide

    I’ll file RTI to get my mains answersheet. Then you upload it for the

    readers.Mrunal: awesome. You’ve 98 marks in ethics. It’ll be great to see

    your paper. Thanks in advance.

    2: Engineer: Bogus flyover vs deadline

    3: Child Labourers in Sivakasi

    4: Nepotism in Job recruitment

    5: Leaking information

    Narrate one incident in your life when you were

    faced with such crisis of conscience and how youresolved the same.

    Mains answer-writing?

    Q1. How was your experience with the ‘fixed space’ answer sheet?

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    It was really nice experience, being a doctor I’m used to write to the point. But for non-science student, a word of caution, straight

    away jump to the answer, no need to give introduction, you won’t get time.

    Q2. Did you write answers in bullet points or in paragraphs? Some players (who cleared mains and got interview call letter)

    were claiming that they wrote entire paper in bullet points, so it doesn’t matter….whether examiner is asking ‘examine,

    comment, discuss or xyz’….simply write in bullets and points.

    That’s 100% true. Write as precise as possible. There is no time for flowery introduction and all that.

    Q3. In GS papers, Since UPSC came with those 100 and 200 words questions. What was your approach in the exam .

    I have followed a “9-8-7” strategy for each paper of General studies.

    3 hours paper finish __ questions

    1 hour 9

    2 hour 8

    3 hour 7

    total 25 Q x 10m = 250m

    For any topic just recollect 20-30 keywords. and once you add grammar to it, you’ve reached the wordlimit of 100-200 words.

    UPSC is no longer about “depth” but range. Don’t waste time preparing every topic in extreme detail.

    I’ve answered at least 95% questions. Whoever hasn’t followed similar strategy, he hasn’t found place in the top 100 ranking.




  • 8/18/2019 [Topper's Interview] Dr 1


    Mrunal comment: yes boss, you’ve ~100 marks in each GS paper except GS2. And despite the fact that panel give you only ~150 in

    interview (While others got ~200), still you’re 18 ranker because of your awesomeness in general studies. In short, *RESPECT*.

    Q4. How many marks worth questions did you skip/couldn’t finish in the GS papers?

    I wrote something in all the questions.

    Q5. Did you use highlighters / sketchpens in your answers?

    Nope, highlighted with the same pen I was writing with.

    Q6. Did you draw any diagram in any paper? (e.g. in GS1 Geography)

    Yeah, lots of them

    Q7. if yes, Did you draw diagrams with pencil or pen?

    Pen only, you won’t get time to pick something else.

    Q8. Did you use ruler to draw the lines in diagram? Or did you just make it by hand?

    Hand, save time on fancy stuff, we are not Leonardo da vinci and examiner knows this

    Q9. You wrote the answer in blue pen or black pen?

    Black pen


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    (Mrunal – since readers keep mailing such queries, therefore I’m asking the topper to clear all the air haha.)

    Medical Science Optional Subjects

    Q1. How did you prepare Medical science optional?

     Just read all your college books, notes and Google all the topics

    As such MBBS is gigantic but UPSC syllabus has only 200-250 topics. After analyzing previous paper I saw there are 60-70 core

    topics from where majority of the questions come. I’ll share that list with the readers shortly.

    Q2. Whenever a Doctor starts UPSC preparation the ‘experts / coaching sirs’ recommend him to opt for Public

    Administration, sociology, Literature etc. saying “you won’t be able to finish syllabus of medical science”. Your view?

    Like I said, although MBBS course syllabus is gigantic but UPSC syllabus of medical science is shorter. Just focus on the syllabus points.

    You can manage it, like I’ve done.

    Before the interview

    Q1. How did you prepare for the interview? Particularly college graduation subjects related questions?

    I graduated after my mains exam so remembered a lot of stuff, didn’t do anything separately.

    Q2. Did you attend any mock interviews by coaching classes? how were they similar / different than official interview? do

    you believe it is necessary to attend mock interviews?

    I did attend samkalp, it is a not for profit organisation . It is not necessary but it helps a lot

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    Q3. What did you wear? Some experts say coat is must, some say tie is must, and some say black shoes must. What attire did

    you pick up?

    Light blue cotton shirt with filler sleeves, black trousers with black shoes and a belt.

    Q4. Where did you stay for the interview? (Hotel / friend’s home…) and what books/material did you bring for the ‘revision

    before interview’?

    AIIMS, my hostel room where I am staying for past 6 years. I did make personal notes and can upload them if needed.

    During the interview

    Q1. Who was the chairman of you interview board?

    A.P. Singh

    Q2. How long was the interview?

    38 – 49 MINUTES

    Q4. Please narrate your entire interview- what questions did they ask and what did you reply?

    Q. Why do you want to be civil servant after graduating from best college of india. (AIIMS)

    Yes AIIMS is the elite-most medical institute of India but still, the grass root situation hasn’t changed. Forget about medical care, even

    pure drinking water or basic sanitation is lacking. I wish to work at the grass root level, tackling the causes of problems and nipping

    them in the bud as I can’t do that as a Doctor, We can only cure not prevent the diseases. Provision of basic amenities like water,

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    sanitation etc. that will prevent origin of diseases.

    Q. You are the youngest person till date I have interviewed, don’t you think you will succumb to the political pressure.

    The very face that I’m the youngest person means I haven’t spent 4 attempts in preparation. I’m not carrying any baggage, I have no

    dependents, I’ve nothing to lose. Therefore, I being the youngest person is least likely to succumb.

    Q. Dowry is prevalent in your state, how will you refuse to take it.

    Yes it is unfortunate, nowadays IAS-grooms are ‘selling’ for 50 lakhs and 1 crore but someone has to take a lead by refusing dowry. If I,

    as a civil servant, succumb to such bad practices what can be expected from a common fellow.

    Q.What is relevance of ethics in medicine

    Ethics is the corner stone of medicine. We get many poor-illiterate patients. They don’t know what is good for them, what is the bad

    for them. If the doctors start misusing their position to make quick material gains, then profession itself would be tainted. Medical

    practice without ethics, would be an abomination.

    Then I was asked GK-type questions from my graduation and hobbies. Here are some samples:

    1. What is BMI

    2. What is a puzzle

    3. From which country was rubik, what was his profession, how much do you take to solve a rubik cube, what is the world record?

    Q5. Was your interview on the expected lines of what you had prepared or did they ask you totally unexpected questions?

    Was it a stress interview? If yes, how did you handle it?

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    If you’re well prepared there is nothing you can’t handle.

    Q6. Any side details about technicalities like “make sure you bring xyz document, or you’ll face problem”?

     Just take photo, graduation degree and a 10th certificate

    Q7. Any word of wisdom / observations about medical checkup?

     Just go there and come out, always wear spectacles.

    CSE-2013 Marksheet

    Essay 145

    GS1 97

    GS2 61

    GS3 108

    GS4 98

    Medical Paper 1 109

    Medical Paper 2 112

    Written Total 730

    Interview 154

    Final total 884

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    Rank 18

    Q. Your marks are awesome. You’ve bit low score in GS-2, but that has happened with every topper. Suppose you had to give

    exam again what change will you make in your preparation?

    Whether I had revised twice, I would have revised it four times.

    In certain areas, my study was focused on ‘terms’ and persons in news. Next time, I would have tried to get a holistic overall

    perspective of the given syllabus topics.

    This time UPSC did not ask much on laws / current bills but we should prepare that as well.

    Q. if you were made the UPSC chairman, what reforms will you initiate?

    1. Candidates should be given more time to write answers peacefully. These mains papers were so long, felt like Gaddha majoori 

    rather than articulating one’s views in the answersheet. What’s the point of this exercise, is it a writing-race?

    2. Candidates should be told the criteria for evaluation. I’ve seen many hardworking candidates receiving very low scores. I had

    prepared and written GS2 paper sincerely, yet I’m given barely 61 marks.

    3. UPSC should upload the prelim scores, cutoffs and answerkeys without waiting for the entire exam phase to complete.

    Career Backup

    Q1. If you were not selected, what was your career backup plan?

    Would have continued as Jr.Resident in AIIMS.

    Q2. When were you going to “execute” that backup plan? (e.g. after __ failed attempts/ after I cross __ age/after dad

    retires/after GF dumps me/ etc.)

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    Frankly speaking, I wouldn’t have given next attempt.

    Insecurity about proᵄle

    Q. Many candidates prepare sincerely but constantly live under fear about ‘profile insecurity’. I’m not from a big college, I’m

    not from English medium, and I don’t have work-experience. What if they ask some stressful questions in the interview

    about this? What is your message to these candidates?

    Fortunately I had a good profile. However, I just want to say that it is all in your head. It doesn’t matter to them if it doesn’t matter to



    Q. Through this journey and success, what have your learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition?

    I’m still looking out for the so called wisdom, but fail frequently, earlier and faster than others.

    Q. What is your message to the future aspirants?

     Just decide if it is for you and jump into the midstream and forget everything any one ever told you. Most of the people lack

    intellectual prowess to decide what is the right thing to do. Always make your own rules and break them again and again till they start

    suiting you.

    By the way, any doubts I can be reached through my facebook page: facebook.com/romansaini.official


    Credit: Friends/family


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    Q. Behind every topper are many people who stood by during those uncertain times when he/she was merely an ‘aspirant’.

    Would you like to tell the world, who were those people in your case? Any specific incidence that you would like to share

    with the readers?

    Nope, no one stood behind me. I was completely alone while I prepared for this exam.

    BOGUS Marketing Propaganda

    Q. You are well aware about the sacred rule of conducting topper’s interview- the last question must be about self-

    marketing. So, Did you use Mrunal.org for your preparation and if yes, how did it help you? And you can even reply “No”. I’ll

    publish your answer without tempering/editing it.

    Yup, as I mentioned earlier I read your blog from time to time and just want you to tone down the sarcasm a bit. Otherwise continue

    the good work. You are really helping the poor and rural aspirants a lot.

    Mrunal: thank you doctor for giving your prescription for Success. We wish you the best for the long career ahead, keep in touch.

    Tags: Optional-Medical (http://mrunal.org/tag/optional-medical), Topper-CSE-2013 (http://mrunal.org/tag/topper-cse-



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  • 8/18/2019 [Topper's Interview] Dr 1


  • 8/18/2019 [Topper's Interview] Dr 1


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    for ppl looking for accommodation.there are some owners in Orn who rent their room for few monthsand will give notice as soon as new batch arrive to maximize their rent one such ex is flat 29/31 Orn.

    Please go through your room contract in detail before signing it.


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    Mega Jobs

    21-Sep: Haryana PG

    Teachers (GrB)



    21-Sep: Haryana TGT

    Teachers (GrC)



    24-Aug: Haryana Engineers

    (http://www.hssc.gov.in/writereaddata/Advertisements/17_1_1_JEAdvt22015.doc)31-Jul: Uttarakhand



    31-Jul: Haryana Paramedics


    23-Jul: IBPS Rural PO & Asst.

    (http://ibps.in/html/cwe_rrb.htm)22-Jul: Lekhpal UPSSSC


    17-Aug: IGNOU PG




    10-Jun: AAI Law



    10-Aug: IIM Raipur


    04-Aug: NIOS


    31-Jul: IIIT Allahabad Gr. A &



    31-Jul: ILBS Delhi



    30-Jul: KGMU Lucknow



    20-Jul: CSIR Scientist


    20-Jul: State Trading corp.



    05-Aug: NBE Assistants


    31-Jul: IIIT Allahabad Gr.C


    20-Jul: NISER Clerks


    15-Jul: Jammu Univ.



    07-Jul: NBCC Building(http://www.nbccindia.com/nbccindia/nroot/njsp/Career.jsp)

    01-Jul: NIELIT Deskjobs


    13-Jun: Bank Note Press


    30-Jun: Lucknow Law univ.


    30-Jun: Rashtriya Sanskrit




    19-Jul: Navy Officers



    17-Jul: NDA Officers


    15-Jul: Army Dental (23)


    13-Jul: BSF Constable (797)


    10-Jul: Army 10+2(http://joinindianarmy.nic.in/)

    30-Jun: BSF Constable



    20-Jul: Pawan Hans Audit


    08-Jul: HLL Lifecare MBA/HR


    17 Jul: NDA Officers openings aspx) F lt 06 Jul: GBPUAT Accountant


  • 8/18/2019 [Topper's Interview] Dr 1


    17-Jul: NDA Officers


    13-Jul: SSC 10+2


    09-Jul: APFC Provident Fund




    09-Jul: Punjab Corp Engineer


    09-Jul: Punjab Corp Clerks


    02-Jul: FCI MT (1Lakh



    01-Jul: Haryana Health



    30-Jun: LIC ADO (25k



    24-Jun: Haryana Gramin

    Bank Assiatant



    20-Jul: NISER APO


    15-Jul: ISM Dhanbad



    15-Jul: Jammu Univ.



    15-Jul: MoEF Scientists


    09-Jul: Allahabad Bank


    12-Jul: Mumbai Metro



    12-Jul: GBPUAT


    09-Jul: Punjab Corp Law


    07-Jul: NBCC Building


    01-Jul: NIELIT Spec.


    30-Jun: Rajendra Agro.



    10-Aug: IIM Raipur


    31-Jul: ILBS Delhi



    31-Jul: IIIT Allahabad


    30-Jul: CU Kerala


    30-Jul: KGMU Lucknow



    20-Jul: PKIET Puducherry


    20-Jul: Utkal University


    20-Jul: Raipur Univ.


    15-Jul: NIT Puducherry


    16-Jul: RPSC Home Science


    15-Jul: Jammu Univ.


    06-Jul: GBPUAT Accountant


    01-Jul: NIELIT Accounts



    SSC 2014 T2


    Hotel Management


    IAS-IPS-IFoS: 16 May

    IES: 7 Feb

    SSC CGL: 2 May

    SSC 10+2: 6 June

    SSC Sub insp: 28 Mar

    CAT: Aug 2015

    RBI Officer / Assistant: ??IBPS PO / Clerk / RRB: ??

    ACIO 2015: ??

    R l B k content/uploads/2014/09/Advt 01 2015 pdfoption=article&type=single&id=32&mnuid=734&prvtyp=site)


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    Rural Banks

    23-Jul: IBPS Rural PO & Asst.


    25-Jun: Odisha Gramya


    25-Jun: Assam Gramin


    IT Jobs

    20-Jul: CDAC Noida




    24-Aug: Haryana Engineers(http://www.hssc.gov.in/writereaddata/Advertisements/17_1_1_JEAdvt22015.doc)

    09-Jul: Mazagon(GATE 13/14)


    08-Jul: HLL Lifecare




    30-Jun: IIT Kanpur



    technical-cadre )


    14-Jul: MP medical officer


    30-Jun: HAL Medical officer





    31-Jul: Haryana Paramedics


    21-Jul: UP Power PSU




    12-Jul: GBPUAT


    10-Jul: NITTTR Chandigarh

    (http://www.nitttrchd.ac.in )

    07-Jul: Palampur, Himachal



    06-Jul: Pondicherry Higher



    06-Jul: PEC Chandigarh


    03-Jul: SKHM Government

    Medical College


    30-Jun: IIT Roorkee


    30-Jun: Ambedkar Uni. Delhi


    30-Jun: NEIGRIHMS


    30-Jun: Lucknow Law



    30-Jun: AIIMS Raipur

    02-Jul: BEL Ghaziabad II htm) (http://www aiimsraipur edu in/Career aspx)


  • 8/18/2019 [Topper's Interview] Dr 1


    1. Online Form Part-I stops few days before deadline, so don't wait till last date. Dont forget reg.id & roll no.Note'em in Google

    Drive (https://www.google.com/drive/)2. I usually update vacancies every Monday.Purple link= newly added,Blue= existing.Last updated Tue. Jun 30, at 11:30AM

    02-Jul: BEL Ghaziabad



    02-Jul: ISRO Scientists


    02-Jul: FCI Engg.Trainee


    30-Jun: Hindustan Latex

    Biomed. Engg (300)



    08-Jul: HLL Lifecare




  • 8/18/2019 [Topper's Interview] Dr 1











    The work of Mrunal (http://mrunal.org/)  is under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License

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