EXPRESSIÓ ORAL ADVANCED LEVEL TOPIC 4 : LEISURE AND ENTERTAINMENT preparation time: 7 minutes 1.- Conversation. Talk about the following questions with your partner. You can use the pictures to help you if you wish. 1. If you had more free time, what would you do with it? 2. How often do you visit museums? When was the last time? 3. What do you do for fun? 4. What did you do last summer vacation? 5. Do people's leisure time activities change as they get older? How? TOPIC 4 LEISURE AND ENTERTAINMENT.odt 1

Topic 4 Leisure and Entertainment

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Page 1: Topic 4 Leisure and Entertainment


TOPIC 4: LEISURE AND ENTERTAINMENT preparation time: 7 minutes

1.- Conversation. Talk about the following questions with your partner. You can use the pictures

to help you if you wish.

1. If you had more free time, what would you do with it?

2. How often do you visit museums? When was the last time?

3. What do you do for fun?

4. What did you do last summer vacation?

5. Do people's leisure time activities change as they get older? How?


Page 2: Topic 4 Leisure and Entertainment


Partner A. Below there are three statements related to the topic. Talk about them for

approximately 1,5 minutes without help from the examiner. You may be asked further questions

about the topic when you have finished.

1. Should you read the book before you see the movie?

2. Should some kinds of movies not be made?

3. Should children under the age of 10 be allowed to see horror movies?

Partner B. Below there are three statements related to the topic. Talk about them for

approximately 1,5 minutes without help from the examiner. You may be asked further questions

about the topic when you have finished.

1. Do you think that it is more valuable to read a book than to watch television?

2. Have you ever lent books to your friends and never got them back?

3. Do you think that the internet and television will eventually make books obsolete?

Total score: 25 Pass mark: 15 (60%)


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Page 5: Topic 4 Leisure and Entertainment

Topic 4 (Temps lliure i oci)

Entertainment: likes and dislikes, personal interests, free time activities, intellectual and artistic

activities, sports, celebrations, television, cinema, music, theatre, musical instruments. The press,

magazines, journalism, etc.


Page 6: Topic 4 Leisure and Entertainment

Free Time

1. Do you have enough free time?

2. Do you have free time on Sundays?

3. Do you have much free time during the day?

4. Do you have much free time in the evenings?

5. Do you have much free time in the mornings?

6. Do you like to watch movies? (...like to play tennis, ...)

7. What are you doing this weekend?

8. What did you do last summer vacation?

9. What did you do last weekend?

10. What do you do in your free time?

11. What hobbies do you have?

12. When do you have free time? (How do you spend your free time?)

13. Where do you spend your free time?

14. Who do you spend your free time with?

15. How do you like to spend your free time? going shopping? going to the cinema? chatting?

playing computer games going to the disco? playing sports?reading? relaxing?

16. If you had more free time, what would you do with it?

17. Tell me about some good places to hang out.

18. Why are they good?

19. Where do young people in this country usually spend their free time?

20. Would you like to have more free time?

21. What would you like to give up so that you could have more free time?

22. How do the women in your family usually spend their free time?

23. How do the men in your family usually spend their free time?

24. Do men and women spend their free time differently? How?

25. If it were suddenly announced that tomorrow was a national holiday, what would you do?

26. What do you do on Saturdays?

27. Do people's leisure time activities change as they get older? How?

28. Who do you like to spend your leisure time with?

29. What do you usually do?


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30. Do you like gossiping in your free time?

31. Who do you gossip with?

32. Who do you gossip about?

33. What do you really hate having to do in your free time?

34. What new activity would you like to try doing in your free time?

35. Do you ever feel that you waste your free time? How?

36. What can you do about this?

37. Do you find that your works or studies takes up your free time?

38. Are there any activities that you used to do but don't do anymore?

39. Why did you stop?


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1. Do you have a hobby?

2. What are your hobbies?

3. How long have you had your hobby?

4. Which hobbies are the most expensive?

5. Which hobbies are the cheapest?

6. Which hobbies cost nothing at all?

7. Which hobbies are the most popular in your country?

8. Is hunting a hobby or a sport in your country?

9. Which hobbies are the most popular with women in your country? With men?

10. Did you have any hobbies when you were a child?

11. Can you think of any hobbies which are popular with children and adults?

12. Do you think a hobby is different from a sport?

13. Are there any hobbies you would like to try?

14. Are there any dangerous hobbies?

15. Are there any hobbies you can do in other countries, but not your own?

16. Which hobbies do you think are the most difficult?


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1. What is the most popular drama/comedy/game show in your country, and what is the

story-line (drama) or format (game show)?

2. Do you like to watch cartoons?

3. What did you watch on TV yesterday?

4. What is one of your favorite TV shows?

1. Why do you like it?

2. When is it on?

3. Does you father like it, too?

5. Do you listen to classical music? Why or why not?

6. Have you ever been to a play? If so, when was the last time?

7. Have you ever been to Disneyland?

8. Have you ever been to the theater?

9. Have you ever hosted a party?

10. Have you ever tried water skiing?

11. Have you ever used a slot machine?

12. How far in advance do you begin planning a vacation?

13. How often do you go to parties?

14. How often do you read comic books?

15. How often do you visit museums? When was the last time?

16. Is gambling legal where you live?

17. Should books be censored?

18. Do you often go drinking? Where? Who with? How often?

19. Should movies be rated? Explain.

20. What are some forms of gambling people do in your country?

21. What are some games that you don't like to play? Why?

22. What are some good books that you have read?

1. What is the best book you have ever read?

23. What are some of the good movies you have seen?

24. What are some of the most popular amusement parks in your country?

25. What are some things you can do without spending a cent?


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26. What computer games have you played?

1. Which are your favorites?

2. Which do you think are not so interesting?

27. What do you do in your spare time?

28. What do you like to do on a night out?

29. What do you think of soccer? (baseball, hang gliding, ...)

30. What games are popular in your country? Why are they popular?

31. What is your favorite game? Why?

32. What is your favorite holiday? Why?

33. What kind of music do you like?

34. What kind of things do you like to read?

35. What singer would you most like to meet?

36. What was the last book you read?

37. What's the most popular holiday in your country?

1. When is it?

2. How is it celebrated?

38. What's your favorite magazine? (What are some of your favorite magazines?)

39. When do you usually listen to the radio?

40. Where do you usually read?

41. Who are some of the famous actors and musicians in your country?

42. Who are some of your favorite actors and actresses?

43. Who do you think is the funniest comedian?

44. Who is the most popular entertainer in your country?

45. Who is your favorite author?

46. Who is your favorite comedian?

47. Who is your favorite musician?

1. Who is your favorite female singer?

2. Who is your favorite male singer?

3. Who is your favorite guitarist?

48. Who is your favorite writer? (author)

49. Why do some people gamble?


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50. Would you rather go to a bar or a nightclub?

51.What do you do for fun?


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Books and Reading

1. What is your favorite story?

2. Who is your favorite author?

3. Who is your favorite character?

4. What is your favorite genre?

1. Action

2. Mystery

3. Suspence

4. Detective

5. Science Fiction

6. Children's books

7. War

8. Non-fiction

9. Travel books

10. Self-help books

11. History

12. Biography

13. Autobiography

14. Gothic

15. Classic Literature

16. Modern Literature

5. What is the longest book you have ever read?

1. How long did it take you to read it?

6. Have you ever belonged to a book club?

1. What books did you read?

7. What is the funniest book you have ever read?

8. The saddest?

1. The strangest?

9. How many books have you read in your life?

10. Is there a time in your life when you read all the time?

11. How many hours do you spend reading in a week?


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12. Have you ever been to a book signing or met an author?

13. Do you have any ideas for a story for you to write?

14. Do you read books based on recommendations?

15. What are some of the books that were recommended to you?

16. Were you ever given a bad recommendation?

17. Did it change your opinion of the person who recommended the book?

18. What books have you recommended for other people?

19. How often do you go to the library?

20. How many books do you check out at a time?

21. How do you choose the books you are going to read?

22. How important is the cover of the book.

23. Do you watch the movie that came from a book?

24. Most people say the book is better than the movie. Is this true for you?

25. Did you enjoy reading books in school?

26. What was your favorite book growing up?

27. Is there a book that you have read more than once?

1. What was the title?

2. How many times did you read it?

28. Is there a book you just couldn't finish?

1. What was the title?

29. What is your favorite time of day for reading?

30. Where is your favorite place to read?

31. Do you listen to music while you read?

32. Do you often read book before go to bed?

33. What factors are important to you when choosing a book to read?

1. Reviews?

2. A Recommendation from a friend?

3. The front cover?

34. What was the last book that you read?

35. What is your favorite book of all time?

36. Have you ever read a book and then watched the movie? Which was better? Why?


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37. Who is the most famous writer from your country?

1. Have you read any of their books?

2. Do you think that they are overrated?

38. What genre of book do you enjoy most?

39. Have you ever tried to read a book in English?

40. Do you think that it is more valuable to read a book than to watch television?

41. Have you ever lent books to your friends and never got them back?

42. Do you think that the internet and television will eventually make books obsolete?


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1. What is your all-time favorite movie?

2. What is your favorite movie?

3. Are there any kinds of movies you dislike?

1. If so, what kinds?

2. Why do you dislike them?

4. Do you like to watch horror movies?

5. Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction books? How about movies?

6. Do you usually watch movies at home or at a movie theater?

7. Have you ever seen the same movie more than once?

1. If yes, name it (or them).

8. Have you ever seen ___? (Insert the name of a movie.)

9. How often do you go to movies?

10. How often do you rent videos?

11. If a book has been made into a movie, which do you prefer to do first, see the movie or

read the book? Why?

12. What do you think of people who talk during movies at a movie theater?

13. What is the best movie you have ever seen?

1. Who was in it?

2. Why did you like it?

3. Who was the director?

14. What is the scariest movies you have ever seen?

1. What's the funniest?

2. What's the most romantic?

15. What is the worst movie you've ever seen?

16. What was the last movie you saw?

1. Was it good?

2. Who did you see it with?

17. What's the best movie you've ever seen?

18. Which do you like better, action movies or comedy movies?

19. What movie star would you most like to meet?


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20. Who is your favorite actor or actress?

21. What do you think of reality shows?

22. Do you think that films can be educational?

23. Is there a movie you could watch over and over again?

24. Who's your favorite director?

25. See any good movies lately?

26. How much does it cost to see a movie in your country?

27. Do you usually rent DVD's or videos when you rent movies?

28. What's one of your favorite movies?

1. What kind of movie is it?

2. Who's in it?

3. Who directed it?

4. Why do you like it?

5. When did it come out?

6. Where was it filmed?

7. How many times have you seen it?

8. Would you recommend it? Why?

29. Do you think movies have been developing technology or technology has been developing


30. What is the most horrible movie you have ever seen?

31. What kind of movie do you like?

32. How much do you spend to buy DVD movies?

33. Are addicted to watching movies?

34. Do you like to see a movie many times?

35. Would you like to be an actor/actress? Why or why not?

36. Do you think action movies are bad for children?

37. Which do you prefer, to watch movies or to read books?

38. How much money do you spend when you go to movies?

39. What do you prefer, animated movies or real movies?

40. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?

41. Do you think historical movies are educational?


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42. Do you like documentaries?

43. Who is your favorite movie hero?

44. What do you think about comic books movies?

45. Can you remember the name of the first movie you saw that made you cry?

46. What is your favorite classical movie?

47. Which do you prefer, comedy movies or horror movies?

48. Have you ever watched a movie twice that you disliked?

49. Do you ever download bootleg movies?

50. In your country what common courtesies apply when watching a movie at the cinema?

51. Have you ever seen a movie in another country? Describe the experience.

52. What movie ratings are enforced in your country?

53. What does it mean if a movie "bombs"?

54. Are movie trailers common at the cinema in your country?

55. Do you like foreign films that are dubbed in your mother tongue or do you like watching

the film in its original form?

56. What kind of movie would you like to star in? Why?

57. Do you think there should be more movies made in your country?

58. What is something that you have never seen happen in a movie?

59. What things happen too often in movies?

60. What is the name of a boring movie you have seen. Is there a way to make it better?

61. How would you make a really bad movie?

62. Which movie star do you think should die today?

63. Which movie star should live forever?

64. Which two movie stars would you like to have for your parents?

65. If a movie star wanted to marry you, would you divorce your spouse?

66. If you could be a movie bad guy, which one would you be?

67. Have you ever thought about what super powers you would like to have?

68. Which famous person would you like to have for a best friend?

69. How often would you go to the movie theater if you always had free tickets?

70. Which movie has the best story ? Tell me about it.

71. Which horror movie is the scariest? Why?


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72. If they made a movie about your life, what kind of movie would it be?

73. Which actor or actress would be you in a movie about your life?

74. Do you want your children to be actors or actresses?

75. How would your life change if you could do TV commercials?

76. How would you like to clean house for a celebrity?

77. Would you let a movie crew film in your house?

78. Would you like to be a movie extra?

79. Do you think there is too much nudity in movies, or not enough?

80. Do you think there is too much violence in movies? Does it affect children?

81. Do you think a movie has to be expensive to make to become a blockbuster? Why?

82. Why do some people become famous and others don't?

83. Would you rather be in a movie, or be given $500.000?

84. Would you like to be in a television drama?

85. What kind of character would you like to play in a television drama?

86. Would you be willing to be on a TV show in only your underwear

87. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?

88. If someone were to make a movie about your life, what would you

89. want included? Include AT LEAST three points !

90. When there's a new movie on and you are interested in it, do you usually go to the cinema

to watch it or wait and see it on DVD?

91. What do you think about eating during movies at a movie theater?

92. What are the different types/genres of films you can watch?

93. Which ones do you like?

94. What kinds of books do you usually read?

95. Do you usually eat something while you are watching a film at the cinema?

96. Do you think that films should be more educational?

97. Do you prefer classic films or westerns?

98. Have you got a favorite?

99. Have you ever fallen asleep in the middle of a film? Why?

100. Do you remember which one it was?

101. Do you choose a film for the plot/story or the actors?


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102. Do you usually choose which films to watch?

103. What is the longest film you've ever seen? How many hours was it?

104. Do you like animated films?

105. Have you seen any of the "Lord of the Rings" or "Harry Potter" films? Did you enjoy


106. Do you prefer watching films in their original version or in your mother language?

107. If you decide to rent a movie, how do you choose one?

108. Who chooses the programs the family watches together?

109. Who holds the remote in your family?

110. If two people want to watch different programs at the same time, how do you settle

the problem.

111. Should you read the book before you see the movie?

112. Should some kinds of movies not be made?

113. Should children under the age of 10 be allowed to see horror movies?

114. What common courtesies apply when watching a movie at the cinema?

115. What kind of movie would you like to star in? Why?

116. Do you think there should be more movies made in your country?

117. What is something that you have never seen happen in a movie?

118. What things happen too often in movies?

119. Think of a boring movie you've seen. Is there a way to make it

120. better?

121. How would you make a really bad movie?

122. Which movie star do you think should die today?

123. Which movie star should live forever?

124. Which two movie stars would you like to have for parents?

125. If a movie star wanted to marry you, would you divorce your spouse?

126. If you could be a movie bad guy, which one would you be?

127. Have you ever thought about what super powers you'd like to have?

128. Which famous person would you like to have for a best friend?

129. How often would you go to the movie theater if you always had free tickets?

130. Which movie has the best story? Tell me about it.


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131. Which horror movie is the scariest? Why?

132. Would you be willing to leave your country forever if you could be famous?

133. What are some problems that famous people have?

134. Would it be a problem if your sweetheart became famous but you didn't?

135. If they made a movie about your life, what kind of movie would it be?

136. Which actor or actress would be you in a movie about your life?

137. Do you want your children to be actors or actresses?

138. How would your life change if you could do TV commercials?

139. Would you like to clean house for a celebrity?

140. Would you let a movie crew film in your house?

141. What kind or style of music would it be weird for your parents to listen to? Why?


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Extra material ( Leisure and entertainment ):

• The best test of the quality of a civilization is the quality of its leisure.

• There can be no high civilization where there is not ample leisure.

• The more we do, the more we can do; the more busy we are, the more leisure we have.

• Temptation rarely comes in working hours. It is in their leisure time that men are made or


• To your cultured and energetic spirit, leisure is only liberty to choose an occupation.

• Leisure is the Mother of Philosophy.

• All intellectual improvement arises from leisure.

• Leisure is the exultation of the possible.

• If you are losing your leisure, look out; you may be losing your soul.

• People who know how to employ themselves, always find leisure moments, while those

who do nothing are forever in a hurry.

• We are closer to the ants than to butterflies. Very few people can endure much leisure.


Page 22: Topic 4 Leisure and Entertainment

· Vocabulary to help students understand and describe television shows or movies.

an episode (n)

a specific TV program that is part of a series in which the same story is continued each week:[

a couch potato (n)

a person who spends a lot of time sitting or lying down watching television.

cast (n./ v)

the category name for all of the actors who play characters in a TV show, movie or play. Each

character is a cast member.

a character (n)

a person in a TV show, movie or story

main character (n)

the most important person in the TV show, movie or story

a series (n)

a continuing weekly TV show which has the same characters.

a clicker (n)

another word for the remote control that changes channels on your TV.

the tube (n)

an informal word for television or TV

Ex. What did you watch on he tube last night?

a TV channel (n)

A television station and its programs.

Example: CBC is on channel 3.

a RV pilot (n)

the first episode of a TV series

a network (n)

A group of radio or television stations, which broadcast many of the same programs, but in

different parts of the one country:

ratings (n)

A measurement to see how many people are watching a particular TV show. Ratings help networks

to decide which shows should continue.

a season (n)


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a specific period of time when a TV series is shown. Most series have two 13 week seasons.

a rerun (n)

a TV show that has already been shown before.

a commercial (n)

a television advertisement

prime time (n)

the time on TV between 7:00 and 10:00 when the highest number of people are watching TV. This

is when networks put on their best shows.

an infomercial (n)

a TV program that looks like a documentary, but is really a half hour advertisement for a product

or service.

a public service announcement (n)

an announcement during the commercial break about important public issues like drinking and


a script (n)

the written part of a TV show, play or story

a role (n)

the part an actor plays in a TV show, movie or play.

a remote control (n)

a handheld device you use to change channels on TV

a sitcom ( a situation comedy) (n)

a half hour show that usually shows the life of a family or a group of friends. Most of the time

these are comedies.

a soap opera (n)

a TV show about the daily lives and relationships of the same group of people, which is broadcast

every day.

a news anchor (n)

Someone who reads the news on TV and introduces news reports [= newsreader British English]

family friendly (adj)

shows that are O.K. for children to watch . These shows don't show sex or violence.

a viewer (n)


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A person who watches TV or movies

"to zap" (v)

to use a remote control device or "clicker" to switch channels, turn down the sound or turn off the


broadcasting (n)

the business of making television and radio programmes:

a broadcast ( n) / to broadcast

a television or radio program, to put a TV show on a TV network, ; channel or the internet so that

people can it.

a host/ a presenter (n)

someone who introduces and talks to the guests on a television or radio program.

programming (n)

the planning of TV shows, series or broadcasts.

The Winter Olympics received over 160 hours of television programming.

a studio (n)

room where TV programs or films are made and broadcast or where music is recorded:

the plot (n)

the story of the TV show, movie or book.

the set (n)

a place where a film or television program is filmed

the setting (n)

the place where something is or where something happens, and the general environment. Also

includes the time ( now, 19th century etc)

surfing or channel surfing (n)

when you change from one television channel to another, only watching a few minutes of any


a program .(n)

a TV or radio show

to switch (n)

to change channels or stations

subtitles (n)


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the words printed under the TV show or movie in a foreign language to translate what the actors

are saying.

a show (n)

an informal word for TV or radio program

a TV station (n)

the place where radio and television programs are broadcast from. ( similar to channel, but the

channel is a number and the station is a place with a name like WKPZ

dialogue (n)

the words the characters say on the program


words printed below a picture in a book or newspaper or on a television screen to explain what the

picture is showing [↪ subtitle]


when the the original spoken language of a film or television program is changed into another



a dangerous action that is done to entertain people, especially in a film or a TV program ( car

chases etc)


person who give the actors in a play, film, or television program instructions about what they

should do.


the music especially written for a film or TV show, also the written music on paper .

close captioned

words that are at the bottom of your screen, if you have the necessary equipment attached to your


sound track

all the music played during a TV show or movie ( usually as background)


Page 26: Topic 4 Leisure and Entertainment

Musical genres - Géneros musicales

pop poprock rockclassical clásicajazz jazzdance dancecountry countryreggae reggaeelectronic electrónicatechno technoLatin latinaeasy listening música ligerafolk folkopera óperaheavy metal heavy metalblues bluesrap raphip hop hip hop


Page 27: Topic 4 Leisure and Entertainment

Recreation and Hobbies

• Billiards – billar

• Bowling – bolos

• Brainteasers - adivinanzas

• Camping - campamento

• Canoeing - piragüismo

• Card games - juegos de cartas

• Carpentry - carpintería

• Checkers - juego de damas

• Chess- ajedrez

• Computing - informática

• Cooking - cocina

• Crossword puzzle - crucigrama

• Cycling - ciclismo

• Dancing - baile

• Darts - juego de dardos

• Dice - dados

• Dominoes - dominó

• Drawing - dibujo

• Embroidery - bordado

• Engraving - grabado

• Fishing - pesca

• Gambling - juegos de apuestas

• Gardening - jardinería

• Hang-gliding - ala delta

• Hiking - excursionismo

• Horseback riding– equitación

• Hunting - caza

• Jigsaw puzzle - rompecabezas

• Jogging - trote, footing

• Knitting - tejido de punto


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• Marbles - juego de bolitas

• Mountaineering - alpinismo, montañismo

• Painting - pintura

• Parachuting - paracaidismo

• Photography - fotografía

• Pottery - cerámica

• Reading - lectura

• Riddles - adivinanzas

• Sculpting - esculpido

• Sewing - costura

• Singing - canto

• Skating - patinaje

• Skiing - esquí

• Stamp collecting - filatelia

• Surfing - surf

• Video games - videojuegos

• Yoga - yoga


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Celebrations and Events

• baby shower

• barbecue / cookout

• birthday party

• dance

• family get-together

• going-away party

• feast

• fireworks display

• funeral

• graduation

• parade

• picnic

• potluck dinner

• reception

• wedding

• welcome party

• attend a party

• cancel a get-together

• hold a reception

• postpone a dance

• throw a going-away party