Top Universities of India

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  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India


  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India




    India 2008

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India


    Cont ntPr ac ...................................................................................I

    For word ................................................................................II

    ex cutiv summary .............................................................. III

    M thodology ........................................................................ IV

    In ight ................................................................................. V

    Li ting ...........................................................................L1-L9

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India



    Pr acDun & Brad tr t India (D&B India) i pl a d to pr nt th

    inaugural dition o Universities o India 2008 in a ociationwith Mindlogicx In ot ch Limit d. Thi i an initiativ on D&B Indiapart to cr at a plat orm or bringing tog th r variou play r activ lyinvolv d in th ducation ctor. Th publication i a r po itory oin ormation on Indian univ r iti and univ r ity l v l in titution that

    all und r th purvi w o Unit d Grant Commi ion (UGC) and/orgov rn d by th Mini try o Human R ourc D v lopm nt (MHRD),GoI; with bri pro l and k y highlight cov ring C ntral Univ r iti ,stat Univ r iti , D m d Univ r iti , Privat Univ r iti , In tituto National Importanc and Op n Univ r iti .

    India, with it billion plu population and on third o it b longing to thag group o 6-24 y ar , ha b n howing gradual progr ov r thd cad in variou ar a o th ducation ctor. Growth o lit racy rat rom 18.3% in 1951 toabov 65% in curr nt tim and total numb r o non lit rat d cr a ing rom 329 million to 304million or th r t tim in thi d cad i a t timonial to th acad mic progr o th country.A p r MHRD and UGC tati tic , th ducational y t m ha grown rom ju t 20 univ r itiand 500 coll g at th tim o ind p nd nc to ov r 400 univ r iti and 20,677 coll g inpr nt tim . At th tart o th acad mic y ar 2007-08, th total numb r o tud nt nroll d

    or high r ducation tood at 11.6 million with 12.94% in univ r ity d partm nt and 87.06%in a liat d coll g . Wom n nrolm nt ha hown a ph nom nal growth rom l than 10%during ind p nd nc to around 40%.

    Th country high r ducation y t m i lowly changing rom it unidir ctional m thod oth or tical knowl dg to practical t chniqu or producing pro ional with b tt r quality

    ducation. Univ r iti and in titut o high r ducation ar adopting innovativ m a urin traditional programm and promoting r arch-ba d practic to m t th r quir m nto kill d work r in th indu try. Factor uch a -l arning, di tanc ducation, publicprivat partn r hip , ntry o privat quity play r , int rnational collaboration and xchangprogramm ar changing th dynamic o high r ducation in India.

    With India now r gard d a on o th a t t growing conomi in th world, high r ducationi acknowl dg d a th gat way or tran orming it into a d v lop d country. Th gov rnm nt

    nvi ag bringing r orm in th high r ducation ctor through it el v nth Fiv Y ar Plan(2007 2012), popularly known a th knowl dg inv tm nt plan. A part o thi plan, thgov rnm nt plan to ramp up capacity in high r ducation with th tabli hm nt o 8 n wIIT , 7 n w IIM , 16 C ntral Univ r iti , 20 Indian In titut o In ormation T chnology, andn w IIseR and polyt chnic in titut . Th el v nth Fiv Y ar Plan plan to achi v a gro

    nrolm nt ratio o at l a t 15% by th nd o th plan p riod.

    Universities o India 2008 r f ct D&B India upport and con d nc in th countryhigh r ducation or cr ation o high kill d human capital in th n ar utur . I hop you will

    njoy r ading Universities o India 2008 and look orward to r c iving your ugg tion .

    Dr Manoj Vai hPr id nt & CeO - IndiaDun & Brad tr t

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India



    For wordThi book i a r ady r r nc tool about Univ r iti o India a th y

    tand in y ar 2008 or tud nt , mploy r , acad mician and anyonwho would lik to know mor about a particular univ r ity.

    Universities o India 2008 wa conc iv d jointly by MindlogicxIn ot ch Limit d, th R&D ba d t chnology d v lopm nt company orknowl dg manag m nt rvic and Dun & Brad tr t (D&B), thworld l ading provid r o bu in -to-bu in cr dit, mark ting, andpurcha ing in ormation, a th r wa no compr h n iv , up to datin ormation about Univ r iti and th ir program r adily availablboth in hard copy a w ll a onlin . In ormation wa availabl in bitand pi c and on ha to arch or r arch multipl plac to g t

    th in ormation th y w r looking or. A a r ult, both MindlogicxIn ot ch Ltd in a ociation with D&B hav r olv d to launch a inglourc r po itory o Indian univ r iti by pro ling vital tati tic that can b u d a a r ady-

    r r nc -tool or acad mic and non-acad mic purpo . Universities o India 2008 i thculmination o mor than a y ar o d dicat d ort o compiling and pro ling th Univ r itiacro India.

    Th publication will provid in ight on th ducational c nario and will pro l th Univ r itio India und r UGC and Autonomou Bodi . Th publication li t th ollowing param t r :

    Brief Pro le of the University Snapshot of Courses and degrees offered

    Colleges under each University Key Facts about students, faculty etc. Contact Details

    Thi publication will a i t th tud nt , corporat and g n ral public to know mor about thUniv r iti acro India and will aid th m to mak in orm d d ci ion . Th main obj ctiv oth publication i to how-ca th knowl dg ba o Indian univ r iti to th world and mor

    p ci cally to th indu try partn r . Th publication will b mad availabl to all univ r itiin India, l ading ducational in titution , indu trial hou , and in al o in univ r iti in l ctcountri abroad. Thi publication will al o nabl corporat to know th und rlining tr ngtho th univ r iti to nabl th m plan or th ir campu l v l plac m nt initiativ .

    Th onlin v r ion o thi publication will al o b mad availabl or Univ r iti and corporatto conn ct with ach oth r or purpo ul xploration o indu try-acad mic collaboration.I hop th publication and th w b it www.univ r iti o will nabl th acad mia toconn ct th ir tud nt to th indu try in ord r to mpow r th m to b com mployabl orJob R ady

    I am ur w hav mad th right b ginning and hop to continu th good work going with yourupport. I th r i anything that w can do to rv you b tt r, pl a l r to contact u .

    W will b glad to b o any urth r a i tanc to you.

    sur h elangovanCeO & Managing Dir ctorMindlogicx In ot ch Limit d

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India



    ex cutiv summaryTh rol o high r ducation ha grown gradually in th pa t d cad and

    i now con id r d a vital compon nt o conomic d v lopm nt. A amark o r cognition o th rol play d by th in titut o high r l arning,Dun and Brad tr t India (D&B India) ha launch d Universities oIndia 2008 to docum nt th achi v m nt o promin nt univ r itiacro th country.

    A total o 165 univ r iti and univ r ity l v l in titution that allund r th purvi w o th Unit d Grant Commi ion (UGC) and/orgov rn d by th Mini try o Human R ourc D v lopm nt (MHRD),GoI hav b n cov r d in th publication. Th compri o 40%stat Univ r iti , 28% D m d Univ r iti , 18% In titut o

    National Importanc , 9% C ntral Univ r iti , 3% Privat Univ r itiand 2% Op n Univ r iti . O all th r pond nt Univ r iti , aroundon third o th total that provid d u ci nt in ormation wa cho n or analy i . D&B Indiaal o conduct d a tal nt tudy ba d on a urv y o 125 Bse li t d compani in which niormanag m nt rom th human r ourc d partm nt voic d th ir opinion about th ducation

    y t m and th mploym nt ituation in India.

    som k y nding o th analy i and tal nt tudy includ - The total number of enrolled students in the surveyed Universities grew by 81% for the

    acad mic ion o 2006-07 and 2007-08. How v r th tudy al o how d that acultyr cruitm nt ha not b n abl to k p pac with th growing numb r o tud nt . Th pupil

    to t ach r ratio chang d rom 1:15 to 1:22 and lag b hind in compari on with om o thdeveloped economies such as the US and UK. Interestingly, among the Universities surveyed, quality of education and retention of faculty

    m rg d a k y conc rn thu moving b yond th traditional conc rn o lack o und . Among the Universities surveyed, the number of students with work experience grew by 53%

    or th acad mic ion o 2007-08 ov r th pr viou y ar indicating that high r ducationa a m dium o updating kill and knowl dg i gaining traction among pro ional .

    Over the years, governments have been promoting womens education. These measures topromot wom n ducation m to hav culminat d in po itiv r ult . Our tudy howthat wom n nrolm nt account d or n arly on ourth o th total nrolm nt and incr a dby around 100% in th acad mic ion o 2007-08 ov r th pr viou ion.

    Increasing use of Information Technology has added a new dimension to the method ofimparting ducation in India. Our tudy how that around 20% o th urv y d univ r itio r -l arning cont nt and hav th capacity to o r th ull programm onlin . Thip rc ntag i xp ct d to incr a igni cantly ov r th n xt w y ar .

    Our survey also revealed that student enrolment Ph. D programmes grew by 17% for theacad mic ion o 2007-08 ov r th pr viou y ar.

    A th ducation ctor g ar it l or th n xt l v l and i poi d or a compl t mak ov r,D&B India will continu to upport th growth ort and d v lopm nt activiti o th ducation

    ctor through it utur nd avour .

    Kaushal SampatChi Op rating O c rDun & Brad tr t India

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India



    M thodologyUniversities o India 2008 i Dun and Brad tr t India (D&B India) r cognition o thpromin nt in titut o high r ducation in th country. Th publication cov r univ r iti anduniv r ity l v l in titution that all und r th purvi w o Unit d Grant Commi ion (UGC) and/or gov rn d by th Mini try o Human R ourc D v lopm nt (MHRD), GoI.

    Th univ r iti and univ r ity l v l in titution cov r d in th publication includ C ntralUniv r iti , stat Univ r iti , D m d Univ r iti , Privat Univ r iti , Op n Univ r iti andIn titut o National Importanc . Op n Univ r iti , which hav a di r nt op rating tructur ,hav b n cla i d a C ntral Op n Univ r iti and stat Op n Univ r iti . In addition todir ct r pon , th lat t availabl data ha b n collat d rom oth r auth nticat d ourc

    uch a th MHRD, A ociation o Indian Univ r iti (AIU) and National A m nt andAccr ditation Council (NAAC) r port .

    To invit nomination rom variou in titution , qu tionnair w r nt out to univ r iti ourc drom MHRD, UGC, AIU, NAAC and D&B int rnal databa . Additionally, ma m dia chann luch a adv rti m nt in l ading bu in n w daili w r u d to invit participation in th

    publication. ev ry ort wa mad to r ach out to all univ r iti and n ur th ir r pon to thqu tionnair . Univ r iti that hav not r pond d with critical in ormation uch a numb r o

    tud nt and t aching ta hav b n xclud d rom th r p ctiv initial li ting pag . How v r,th y hav b n pro l d in th publication.

    For th purpo o thi publication, th total numb r o tud nt and t ach r provid d or thacad mic ion o 2007-08 ha b n con id r d. Th total numb r o tud nt includ thound r univ r ity d partm nt , con titu nt coll g and a liat d coll g . How v r, th totalnumb r o t ach r con id r d i on an individual univ r ity l v l and xclud th numb r ot ach r ngag d in t aching at a liat d coll g . It includ ull tim , part tim , contract,vi iting and oth r typ o aculty. Th publication al o li t univ r iti alphab tically along withth ir natur o in titution, numb r o tud nt , numb r o t ach r , r gion and cour o r dby th m.

    D&B India i con d nt that Universities o India 2008 will provid a plat orm or acad micianand policymak r to com tog th r to di cu variou a p ct o th ducation ctor. W wouldb pl a d to r c iv your valuabl dback and ugg tion .

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India



    InsightsDun and Brad tr t India (D&B India) ha coll ct d primary in ormation rom univ r iti

    through a urv y to d riv k y highlight o India in titution o high r ducation. Out o th

    total r pond nt univ r iti , mor than on -third ha provid d d tail d in ormation that orm

    th k y ton o thi r port.

    Th po t-lib rali ation p riod m to hav bol t r d th high r ducation ctor a hal o

    th univ r iti that w r urv y d w r tabli h d a t r 1991. Furth rmor , th Univ r ity

    Grant Commi ion (UGC) r cogni d mor than 75% o th ampl univ r iti only a t r

    CY2000. Th univ r iti w r t up to cr at a qualitativ , int llig nt, and comp titiv human

    r ourc pool. But in th y ar that ollow d, th n d wa lt to add to th qualitativ a p ct

    o ducation y t m and to th r on provid a comp titiv dg ov r ducational in titution .

    Con qu ntly, th UGC o India tabli h d an autonomou body call d th National A m nt

    and Accr ditation Council (NAAC) to accr dit in titution o high r ducation in India.

    Mor than hal o th univ r iti that participat d in th urv y ar NAAC-accr dit d, which

    again und rlin incr a d mpha i on qualitativ high r ducation. Th ducational in titution

    that took part in th urv y compri d d m d univ r iti (around 47%) and tat univ r iti

    (33%) in majority; th r maining 20% compri d c ntral univ r iti , privat univ r iti , and

    in titut o national importanc . For th acad mic y ar 2007-08, th numb r o a liat d and

    con titu nt coll g and tud nt coll ctiv ly tood at 1,357 and 887,417, r p ctiv ly.

    Th urv y nding r v al d that in r c nt tim , th ocu o high r ducation ha hi t d rom

    national ducation to global ducation, rom on -tim ducation m ant or a w to li long

    ducation or all and rom cla room-ba d training to di tanc l arning. In act, on -third o th

    univ r iti in th ampl how dk gr at r inclination toward di tanc l arning.

    Oth r k y nding o th urv y w r :

    50% of universities were established post-1990s

    More than half of the universities revise their curriculum once in every 2-3 years

    Collectively, the surveyed universities have published close to 90,000 research papers

    20% of the universities offer e-learning content in areas of science, engineering, cyber law,

    IPR tc and hav th capability to o r th ull programm onlin

    State government grants and tuition fees are the most prominent sources of funding forth univ r iti .

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India



    Growth in overall student enrolment but decline in MPhil enrolment

    Th total numb r o tud nt that w r nroll d on an individual ba i or th univ r iti , that

    w r urv y d, incr a d by an impr iv 81% rom 204,106 in 2006-07 to 370,102 in 2007-

    08. During th am p riod, th tud nt nroll d in variou und rgraduat and po t-graduat

    programm gr w by around 22% and tud nt nroll d or PhD programm gr w by 17%;

    how v r, th numb r o tud nt nroll d or MPhil programm d cr a d by 9%.

    Student enrolment programme wise

    D&B Research

    Female enrollers on the riseFor th acad mic y ar 2007-08, mal tud nt con titut d n arly on - ourth o th total

    nrolm nt on an av rag . enrolm nt o mal tud nt n arly doubl d during th acad mic

    y ar 2006-07 and 2007-08. Con ciou ort by di r nt ag nci and gov rnm nt bodi

    m to hav born ucc in th ar a o promotion o wom n ducation a v ral ocial and

    conomic actor hav b n acting a con traint or mal ducation in India.

    Need to attract international students

    The National Knowledge Commission has suggested the transformation of India into a lucrative

    d tination or or ign tud nt to partially olv th ducation ctor unding probl m .

    Un ortunat ly, India till ha to mak ub tantial progr on thi ront. For th acad mic y ar

    2007-08, int rnational tud nt account d or a m agr 1.6% o th total nrolm nt and

    int rnational tud nt nrolm nt ro by a mini cul 2% ov r th pa t acad mic y ar.

    Number o students with work experience up 53%

    Th numb r o n w cour and programm o r d by univ r iti ha gon up to m tindu try d mand or mploy with c rtain kill t and tal nt; con qu ntly, th numb r o

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India



    tud nt with work xp ri nc incr a d by 53% rom 1,439 in 2006-07 to 2,212 in 2007-08. Th

    n d to nhanc car r pro p ct i driving th int r t in pur uing high r tudi ; how v r, th

    p rc ntag o tud nt having work xp ri nc , on an av rag , r main d con tant at around

    17% during both acad mic y ar 2006-07 and 2007-08.

    Part-time aculty strength up by more than 90% during 2006-07 and 2007-08

    Robu t in ra tructur and nancial r ourc ar th two pillar o high r ducation wh r a

    kill d aculty orm th ba o a globally-comp titiv acad mic oundation. Th r i an incr a ing

    n d or uitabl and comp t nt t ach r to n ur quality ducation. For th acad mic y ar

    2007-08, total numb r o aculty at 17,175 wa 28% mor than th pr viou acad mic y ar.

    O th total aculty, th numb r o t ach r holding a PhD r main d con tant at 39% or bothacad mic y ar ; how v r, th y how d a growth o 25% or th acad mic ion o 2007-08

    ov r th pr viou acad mic ion. F mal aculty m mb r con titut d 28% o th total aculty

    in acad mic y ar 2007-08; th ir numb r lipp d by 1% ov r th pr viou acad mic y ar.

    Category-wise position o aculty

    D&B Research

    Maintaining a rational t ach r- tud nt ratio al o i an important pr r qui it or imparting quality

    high r ducation. Th t ach r to pupil ratio or th urv y d univ r iti in th ampl in t rtiary

    ducation tood at 1:15 in 2006-07 and wa clo to om o th matur d conomi uch a

    the US and UK, which had ratios of 1:14 and 1:19 ratios, respectively, in 2005. Unfortunately,

    th growth in tud nt population ha not b n proportionat to th growth in tud nt nrolm nt,

    aculty r cruitm nt and r t ntion. Anoth r not worthy d viation wa th t ach r to pupil ratio

    that w nt down to 1:22 in 2007-08 and highlight d th carcity o aculti in India.

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India



    Univ r iti hav al o b gun valuating th p r ormanc o th ir aculty to gaug th latt r

    cacy. Thi t p i important to n ur that th r i continuou improv m nt in th quality

    o ducation. In act, th tudy r v al d that 82% o th univ r iti urv y d conduct d

    p r ormanc valuation o th ir aculti through tud nt .

    Traditional courses held good or career prospects

    Chang in th ducation y t m and world conomy po n w chall ng and mak n w

    d mand rom variou ducational in titution in th orm o th cour that th y o r. How v r,

    th urv y r v al d that traditional cour uch a ngin ring and t chnology r main th

    avourit programm in mo t univ r iti .

    In th pa t d cad , manag m nt ha b n ollowing th two tr am a th mo t avouritprogramm in th urv y d in titution . On th fip id , it wa di appointing to not that in an

    agrarian conomy lik India, only 2% o univ r iti o r d agricultural and alli d programm .

    Courses o ered (%), 2007-08

    D&B Research

    Th numb r o po t-graduat cour ha gain d mom ntum t adily ov r th la t coupl

    o y ar a corporation ar incr a ingly r cruiting a po t-graduat work orc . Furth rmor ,

    out ourc d r arch and analytical job ar pu hing up th n d or urth r tudi . Mor than

    on -third o th univ r iti urv y d o r po t-graduat programm and around 25% o th

    univ r iti o r r arch d gr in MPhil and PhD.

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    How v r, th r i a n d or mor univ r iti to adopt r arch-ori nt d programm to boo t

    th d clin in numb r o cholar that India produc . In pit o rc comp tition m rging in

    all ar a , Indian cholar mak a mini cul 2% contribution to world r arch pap r that i not

    u ci nt or India to gain promin nc in th R&D pac at th global l v l. India n d to hav

    at l a t v tim mor PhD cholar than th curr nt numb r to comp t at th global l v l

    with d v lop d a w ll a d v loping conomi .

    Programmes o ered (%), 2007-08

    D&B Research

    Retaining aculty members and maintaining quality o education emerge as majorchallenges

    In an indication that univ r iti ar now willing to mov to a mor ind p nd nt way o unctioning,

    gov rnm nt unding turn d out to b th l a t important chall ng or a majority o univ r iti .

    In t ad, it wa r v al d that univ r iti cho to ocu on r olving chall ng p rtaining to

    r t ntion o aculty m mb r and quality o ducation that th y provid d. R t ntion o kill d

    aculty m mb r i con id r d an important param t r or improving quality o ducation.

    In th light o thi tat m nt on n d to know that attracting and r taining tal nt d acultyis one of the recommendations proposed by the National Knowledge Commission in its 2007

    R port to th Nation. Th includ improving r mun ration and rvic condition , improving

    r mun ration and rvic condition , providing u ci nt abbatical l av and rationali ing

    t aching load to d vot ad quat tim or r arch a w ll providing inc ntiv or publi hing

    r arch r ult in p r r vi w d publication tc. Furth rmor , th r comm ndation tr

    on r orming univ r iti through r qu nt curricula r vi ion , cour cr dit introduction and

    in ra tructur upgradation among oth r .

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    Challenges and Concerns(1 most important; 7 least important)

    D&B Research

    I u r lat d to att ndanc m rg d a a third mo t ar a o conc rn or th univ r iti . Th

    two promin nt actor that m rg d a major chall ng or in titut o high r l arning, nam ly

    quality o ducation and r taining good aculty m mb r , can b cit d a r a on or probl m

    r lat d to att ndanc . Thi can b p cially tru in ca o m dical and t chnical ducation

    wh r quality o ducation coupl d with kill d aculty play an important rol in grooming

    tud nt to b com pro ional in th ir r p ctiv ld o tudy. shortag o kill d aculty

    a on o th major chall ng i upport d by D&B int rvi w xc rpt wh r it ha b n

    ugg t d that m mb r hould b xpo d to variou indu trial d v lopm nt in variou l v l

    o th ir acad mic car r. Con qu ntly, thi will h lp to hav a po itiv impact on addr ing th

    hortag o kill d aculty and thu improving th quality o ducation in th n ar utur .

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India


    Universities of India 2008 Alphabetical Listing L1

    Sr No University Name Nature of Institution

    1 Acharya Nagarjuna University State University

    2 Aligarh Muslim University Central University

    3 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University Deemed University

    4 Anand Agricultural University State University

    5 Annamalai University State University

    6 Assam University Central University

    7 Atal Bihari Vajpayee - Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management Deemed University

    8 Avinashilingam University for Women Deemed University

    9 Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University State University10 Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow Central University

    11 Banaras Hindu University Central University

    12 Banasthali University Deemed University

    13 Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur State University

    14 Bharathiar University State University

    15 Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune Deemed University

    16 Bhavnagar University State University

    17 Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Deemed University

    18 Bundelkhand University State University

    19 Chanakya National Law University State University

    20 Chennai Mathematical Institute Deemed University

    21 Cochin University of Science & Technology State University

    22 D.Y. Patil University, Kolhapur Deemed University

    23 Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed University

    24 Defence Institute of Advanced Technology Deemed University

    25 Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Technology and Communication Technology Private University

    26 Dibrugarh University State University

    27 Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar Institute of National Importance

    28 Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli State University

    29 Dr. M.G.R. University Deemed University

    30 Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry State University

    31 Forest Research Institute University Deemed University

    32 G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology State University

    33 Gauhati University State University

    34 Goa University State University

    Universities of India 2008

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    Universities of India 2008 Alphabetical Listing L2

    35 Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics Deemed University

    36 Gulbarga University State University

    37 Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University State University

    38 Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar State University

    39 Hidayatullah National Law University State University

    40 Himachal Pradesh University State University

    41 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Deemed University

    42 Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Institute of National Importance

    43 Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Institute of National Importance

    44 Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati Institute of National Importance45 Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Institute of National Importance

    46 Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Institute of National Importance

    47 Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Institute of National Importance

    48 Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee Institute of National Importance

    49 Indian School of Mines University Deemed University

    50 Indian Statistical Institute Institute of National Importance

    51 Indian Veterinary Research Institute Deemed University

    52 Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research Deemed University

    53 Indira Gandhi National Open University Central Open University

    54 Institute of Advanced Studies in Education University Deemed University

    55 Integral University, Lucknow Private University

    56 International Institute for Population Sciences Deemed University

    57 International Institute of Information Technology Deemed University

    58 Jadavpur University State University

    59 Jamia Millia Islamia University Central University

    60 Jawaharlal Nehru University Central University

    61 Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University Deemed University

    62 Kakatiya University State University

    63 Kannada University, Hampi State University

    64 Karnataka State Open University State Open University

    65 Karunya University Deemed University

    66 Kerala Kalamandalam Deemed University

    67 KLE University Deemed University

    68 Kurukshetra University State University

    69 Lalit Narayan Mithila University State University

    Sr No University Name Nature of Institution

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India


    Universities of India 2008 Alphabetical Listing L3

    70 Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology State University

    71 Maharishi Markandeshwar University Deemed University

    72 Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur Institute of National Importance

    73 Mangalore University State University

    74 Manipal University Deemed University

    75 Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Institute of National Importance

    76 Maulana Azad National Urdu University Central University

    77 Mizoram University Central University

    78 Mohanlal Sukhadia University State University

    79 Mother Teresa Womens University State University80 Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Institute of National Importance

    81 Nalsar University of Law State University

    82 Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies Deemed University

    83 National Brain Research Centre Deemed University

    84 National Dairy Research Institute Deemed University

    85 National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research Institute of National Importance

    86 National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal Institute of National Importance

    87 National Institute of Technology, Agartala Institute of National Importance

    88 National Institute of Technology, Calicut Institute of National Importance

    89 National Institute of Technology, Durgapur Institute of National Importance

    90 National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur Institute of National Importance

    91 National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur Institute of National Importance

    92 National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra Institute of National Importance

    93 National Institute of Technology, Patna Institute of National Importance

    94 National Institute of Technology, Raipur Institute of National Importance

    95 National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Institute of National Importance

    96 National Institute of Technology, Silchar Institute of National Importance

    97 National Institute of Technology, Srinagar Institute of National Importance

    98 National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli Institute of National Importance

    99 National Institute of Technology, Warangal Institute of National Importance

    100 National Law School of India University State University

    101 National Law University State University

    102 Nava Nalanda Mahavihara Deemed University

    103 Nirma University of Science & Technology Private University

    104 North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology Deemed University

    Sr No University Name Nature of Institution

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India


    Universities of India 2008 Alphabetical Listing L4

    105 North Maharashtra University State University

    106 North Orissa University State University

    107 Panjab University State University

    108 Periyar University State University

    109 Pondicherry University Central University

    110 Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed University

    111 Punjab Engineering College Deemed University

    112 Rajiv Gandhi University Central University

    113 Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha Deemed University

    114 Sampurnanand Sanskrit University State University115 Sardar Patel University State University

    116 Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat Institute of National Importance

    117 Saurashtra University State University

    118 School of Planning and Architecture Deemed University

    119 Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth Deemed University

    120 Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University State University

    121 Sikkim Manipal University of Health, Medical & Technological Sciences State University

    122 Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam State University

    123 Sri Ramachandra University Deemed University

    124 Sri Sathya Sai University Deemed University

    125 Sri Venkateshwara Institute of Medical Sciences State University

    126 Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University Deemed University

    127 Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University State University

    128 Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana University Deemed University

    129 Tamil Nadu Open University State Open University

    130 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Science University State University

    131 Tamil University State University

    132 TERI University Deemed University

    133 Tezpur University Central University

    134 Thapar University Deemed University

    135 The ICFAI University, Dehradun Private University

    136 The Indian Law Institute Deemed University

    137 The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Tripura Private University

    138 The LNM Institute of Information Technology Deemed University

    139 The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences State University

    Sr No University Name Nature of Institution

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India


    Universities of India 2008 Alphabetical Listing L5

    140 Tilak Maharashtra University Deemed University

    141 Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University State University

    142 Tripura University Central University

    143 University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore State University

    144 University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad State University

    145 University of Burdwan State University

    146 University of Calcutta State University

    147 University of Calicut State University

    148 University of Delhi Central University

    149 University of Kalyani State University150 University of Kashmir State University

    151 University of Kerala State University

    152 University of Madras State University

    153 University of Mumbai State University

    154 University of Mysore State University

    155 University of Pune State University

    156 University of Rajasthan State University

    157 Vidyasagar University State University

    158 Visva-Bharati University Central University

    159 Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur Institute of National Importance

    160 Visvesvaraya Technological University State University

    161 VIT University Deemed University

    162 West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences State University

    163 West Bengal University of Technology State University

    164 Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University State Open University

    165 Yenepoya University Deemed University

    Sr No University Name Nature of Institution

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India


    Universities of India 2008 L6 Student Wise Listing

    Sr No University Name Number of Students

    1 Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University 11,010

    2 Anand Agricultural University 1,025

    3 Annamalai University 27,598*

    4 Atal Bihari Vajpayee - Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management 346

    5 Avinashilingam University for Women 5,471

    6 Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow 526

    7 Banaras Hindu University 16,831

    8 Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur 3,467

    9 Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune 17,14910 Bhavnagar University 10,211*

    11 Bundelkhand University 121,954

    12 Chanakya National Law University 240

    13 Chennai Mathematical Institute 80

    14 Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences 1,423

    15 Defence Institute of Advanced Technology 1,461

    16 Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Technology and Communication Technology 1,153

    17 Dibrugarh University 86,628

    18 Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar 1,703**

    19 Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli 671

    20 Dr. M.G.R. University 3,249

    21 Forest Research Institute University 103

    22 G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology 3,716

    23 Goa University 20,502

    24 Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics 78

    25 Gulbarga University 66,539

    26 Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University 42,045*

    27 Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar 3,568

    28 Hidayatullah National Law University 359

    29 Himachal Pradesh University 95,815

    30 Indian Institute of Foreign Trade 1,407

    31 Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 5,420

    32 Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi 4,995

    33 Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati 2,126

    34 Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 3,898

    Universities of India 2008

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India


    Universities of India 2008 L7 Student Wise Listing

    35 Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 6,625

    36 Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 5,011

    37 Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 4,612

    38 Indian School of Mines University 2,008

    39 Indian Statistical Institute 500

    40 Indian Veterinary Research Institute 164

    41 Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research 60

    42 Institute of Advanced Studies in Education University 809

    43 Integral University, Lucknow 6,316

    44 Jamia Millia Islamia University 16,86445 Jawaharlal Nehru University 5,506

    46 Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University 2,473

    47 Kakatiya University 136,000

    48 Karunya University 5,429

    49 Kerala Kalamandalam 141

    50 KLE University 970

    51 Maharishi Markandeshwar University 6,265

    52 Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur 2,729**

    53 Manipal University 14,498

    54 Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology 2,365**

    55 Maulana Azad National Urdu University 16,338

    56 Mizoram University 8,304

    57 Mother Teresa Womens University 12,334*

    58 Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology 2,238**

    59 Nalsar University of Law 470

    60 National Brain Research Centre 65

    61 National Dairy Research Institute 494

    62 National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 350

    63 National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal 2,466**

    64 National Institute of Technology, Agartala 1,013**

    65 National Institute of Technology, Calicut 2,900

    66 National Institute of Technology, Durgapur 2,508**

    67 National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur 1,260**

    68 National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur 1,800**

    69 National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra 2,117**

    Sr No University Name Number of Students

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India


    Universities of India 2008 L8 Student Wise Listing

    70 National Institute of Technology, Patna 1,187**

    71 National Institute of Technology, Raipur 2,798**

    72 National Institute of Technology, Rourkela 1,954**

    73 National Institute of Technology, Silchar 1,063

    74 National Institute of Technology, Srinagar 1,131**

    75 National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli 3,286**

    76 National Institute of Technology, Warangal 2,316**

    77 National Law School of India University 500

    78 Nirma University of Science & Technology 5,496

    79 North Maharashtra University 81,98480 Panjab University 132,894

    81 Periyar University 65,108*

    82 Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences 1,330

    83 Rajiv Gandhi University 9,810

    84 Sampurnanand Sanskrit University 64,568*

    85 Sardar Patel University 42,000

    86 Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat 2,014**

    87 School of Planning and Architecture 245

    88 Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth 829*

    89 Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University 826

    90 Sikkim Manipal University of Health, Medical & Technological Sciences 100

    91 Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam 1,088

    92 Sri Sathya Sai University 1,252

    93 Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University 1,500

    94 Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana University 672

    95 Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Science University 1,553

    96 Tamil University 495*

    97 Tezpur University 1,046

    98 Thapar University 3,292

    99 The ICFAI University, Dehradun 23,944

    100 The Indian Law Institute 1,318

    101 The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India University, Tripura 358

    102 The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences 500

    103 Tilak Maharashtra University 18,290

    104 Tripura University 20,000

    Sr No University Name Number of Students

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India


    Universities of India 2008 L9 Student Wise Listing

    105 University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore 2,280

    106 University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad 3,500

    107 University of Calicut 362,000

    108 University of Delhi 339,201

    109 University of Kalyani 27,632

    110 University of Madras 361,009*

    111 University of Mumbai 501,729

    112 University of Rajasthan 210,540

    113 Vidyasagar University 69,958

    114 Visva-Bharati University 6,990115 Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur 2,237

    116 Visvesvaraya Technological University 180,000

    117 VIT University 12,576

    118 Yenepoya University 141

    Note: Listing is subject to availability of data

    *Figures for the academic year 2006-2007

    **The number includes the total of UG and PG students;excluding Ph.D. and M.Phil. students

    Sr No University Name Number of Students

  • 8/14/2019 Top Universities of India


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    Universities o India 2008Fir t editionIsBN 978-81-89262-44-0

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