S ALARY S URVEY NACE Featuring: Top Industries | Individual Majors Top Employing Industries Major by Occupational Position | Industry Top-Paying Positions APRIL 2012 National Association of Colleges and Employers | www.naceweb.org SALARIES BY MAJOR | pg. 9 SALARIES BY MAJOR BY INDUSTRY | pg. 14 TOP PAYING INDUSTRIES | pg. 7 STARTING SALARIES FOR NEW COLLEGE GRADUATES

TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

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Page 1: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

Salary Surveynace

Featuring:•Top Industries | Individual


•Top employing Industries

•Major by Occupational Position | Industry

•Top-Paying Positions

APRIL 2012

national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

SalarIeS By MaJOr | pg. 9

SalarIeS By MaJOr By InDuSTry | pg. 14

TOP PayInG InDuSTrIeS | pg. 7

STarTInG SalarIeS FOr neW cOlleGe GraDuaTeS

Page 2: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

2 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

TaBle OF cOnTenTSabout the Survey ............................................................................................................................. 3

executive Summary .......................................................................................................................... 4

Top-Paying Industries ........................................................................................................................ 7

Top-Hiring Industries ......................................................................................................................... 8

Starting Salary by academic Major | Bachelor’s Degrees ..................................................................... 9 Salary ranges | Business Majors ........................................................................................... 9 Salary ranges | engineering Majors .................................................................................... 11 Salary ranges | Humanities Majors ..................................................................................... 12 Salary ranges | Social Sciences Majors ............................................................................... 13 Salary ranges | Math & Science Majors .............................................................................. 13

Top Industries for Individual Majors .................................................................................................. 14

Top Majors Within Individual Industries ............................................................................................. 25 Top Industries | Top Majors ................................................................................................. 29

Major by Occupational Position | Industry ........................................................................................ 35

Occupational Position by Major | Industry ........................................................................................ 46 Top-Paying Positions ............................................................................................................ 49

reSearcH STaFFDirector of Foundation and Strategic research: edwin Kocemployment Information Manager: andrea Konczresearch assistant: anna longenberger

copyright 2012 by the national association of colleges and employers. no part of this publication may be used, adapted, or reproduced in any manner without written permission.

THe neW Salary Survey Since 1960, when the first issue of Salary Survey was published, NACE has been providing information about salaries for new college graduates. Compiled from data provided by participating colleges and universities that collected the information from their graduates, the report featured starting salary offers.

The Spring 2012 Salary Survey issue marks the second report using NACE’s new data collection method. This new and improved report contains employer-based data gathered from government and other sources, and the data are actual starting salaries, not offers. Because the data come from a statistically valid sample of employers rather than from voluntary reports by students, the new report is more representative of the college population as a whole; the old report was heavily weighted toward engineering, accounting, and other disciplines that traditionally receive job offers prior to graduation. The new report contains more data, and the data are more robust, allowing for additional analysis.

The change in methodology and the shift from salary offer data to actual salary data necessitate two additional changes: First, in the past, the Winter report had been the first report for the new year’s class. This year, the Winter 2012 report provided final salary data for the Class of 2011, and this is-sue, the Spring 2012 report, marks the first report for the Class of 2012. Second: Due to the seasonal-ity of the data, the median salary values are being compared from this year to last year, as opposed to the average salaries.

Page 3: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

Salary Survey | 3national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

HOW TO reaD Salary Survey

STarTInG Salary By acaDeMIc MaJOr ...................PG. 9

In this section, you will find the median starting salary according to the major field of study, with no regard to the type of position or type of employer reporting the salary. refer to this section when you want to know the starting salary for a graduate holding a degree in a specific discipline, such as accounting or computer science.

TOP InDuSTrIeS | InDIvIDual MaJOrS....................PG. 14This section shows data first by the major field of study, then by the type of employer (industry) reporting the salaries. employer types are listed in descending order by number of reported new graduate entrants. See this section when you want the average starting salary reported by a specific type of employer to a graduate earning a degree in a specific major. This section may also be particularly helpful in examining the employer types that hire the most new graduates of a particular major. (example: average salary that manufacturing firms are reporting for electrical engineering graduates. also, the other industries that are hiring the most electrical engineering graduates and their corresponding average salaries.)

TOP MaJOrS | InDIvIDual InDuSTrIeS .....................PG. 25This section contains the same basic information as “Top Industries/Individual Majors,” but in a different order. you will see data by a specific type of employer (industry), then according to the average salary by major field of study. Majors are listed in descending order by number of reported new grad entrants. use this section to find the average starting salary reported by a specific type of employer to a graduate in a specific major and to identify which majors were most hired into a specific industry. (example: Majors hired by construction firms, and their corresponding average starting salaries.)

MaJOr By OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn | InDuSTry .... PG. 35This section shows data first by the major field of study, then according to the employers (industries) that report-ed specific occupational positions and their corresponding average salaries. Industries and occupational posi-tions are both listed in alphabetical order. use this section when you need information about the average salary for a graduate with a specific major for a specific occupational position. (example: average starting salary for an economics graduate hired in the banking industry performing as a financial manager.)

OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn By MaJOr | InDuSTry ....PG. 46This section contains the same information as “Major by Occupational Position/Industry,” but with the data rearranged. It first shows data by occupational position, then by the employers (industries) that hired specific majors. Industries and majors are both listed in alphabetical order. See this section when you need to know the average starting salary for a specific occupational position held by a graduate with a certain major. (example: average starting salary for an elementary or middle school teacher, who majored in mathematics.)

aBOuT THe SurveyData contained in the nace Salary Survey are produced through a compilation of data derived from the Bureau of labor Statistics, the census Bureau, and a master data set developed by Job Search Intelligence. Data for the Spring 2012 Salary Survey report were retrieved in February 2012, and were compiled using a proprietary meth-odology created by Job Search Intelligence. (Please note: Some fields include an asterisk, indicating that data are not currently available in those instances. However, data will be available in future reports.)

Salary Survey (ISSn 1520-8648) is available to individuals holding organizational membership in the national association of colleges and employers; it is also available on a subscription basis. Salary Survey is published three times a year—January, april, and September—by the national association of colleges and employers, 62 Highland ave., Bethlehem, Pa 18017-9085. For more information, see www.naceweb.org or contact nace at 800.544.5272.

Page 4: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

4 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org











$25,000Business Communications Computer Science Education Engineering Health Sci. Humanities & Social Sci. Math & Science






















eXecuTIve SuMMaryThe first report on starting salaries the college class of 2012 kicks off with an increase in the average starting sal-ary for bachelor’s degree students.

Overall, the average starting salary for a class of 2012 graduate is $44,442—a 6.6 percent increase over the average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be attributed to seasonal factors. a truer comparison can be made between median salaries for the class of 2012 and 2011: as illustrated in Figure 1, the overall median salary for class of 2012 grads is up 4.5 percent over the median posted for the class of 2011. (note: as salaries in this report have only been nominally adjusted for seasonality, this report uses median salaries—not average salaries—for comparison purposes.)

Broad category 2012 Median Salary 2011 Median Salary Percent change

Business $47,748 $47,282 1.0%

communications $40,022 $38,549 3.8%

computer Science $56,383 $55,087 2.4%

education $37,423 $35,828 4.5%

engineering $58,581 $58,802 -0.4%

Health Sciences $43,477 $43,802 -0.7%

Humanities & Social Sciences $34,789 $34,630 0.5%

Math & Sciences $40,939 $39,928 2.5%

Overall $42,569 $40,735 4.5%

FIGure 1 | medIAn sALARIes by dIscIPLIne

BuSIneSSThe overall median salary for business majors as a group is up 1 percent to $47,748. While this appears to be a small increase, many of the individual majors report more substantial gains.

For accounting majors, the median salary is up 2.8 percent to $47,800. Top employers for accounting grads include professional, scientific, and technical services (including accounting) firms, but wholesale employers offered top pay—$51,500 on average.

Business administration/management majors also saw an increase in their starting salaries. Their median salary rose 2.9 percent to $49,200. employers in the finance and insurance industries reported the largest number of new grad entrants, with an average start-ing salary of $51,300. Highest pay, however, went to business administration grads who landed jobs in the finance and insurance industry; employers in this industry provided these grads with an average salary of $63,900.

among the business disciplines, economics graduates earn the highest starting salaries. Their median starting salary currently stands at $54,800, up 5.6 percent over last year’s median of $51,900. They found the largest number of opportunities with finance and insurance employers; their highest starting salary—$57,000—also came from these employers. Moreover, economics grads who landed jobs as financial managers in the finance/insurance industry saw their average salary top out at $64,000.

Starting salaries to finance majors start the year 2.3 percent higher than last year: their current median sal-ary is $49,700. although their overall starting salary is lower than that of economics graduates, those who took jobs as financial managers outpaced their counter-parts, earning an average starting salary of $66,000.

There is also positive news for marketing majors: Their median salary is $49,600, up 3.8 percent. Those who found jobs in the information industry did substantially better, earning an average starting salary of $59,600.

Page 5: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

Salary Survey | 5national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org











$25,000Business Communications Computer Science Education Engineering Health Sci. Humanities & Social Sci. Math & Science






















FIGure 2 | Salary ranGeS | by dIscIPLIne

cOMMunIcaTIOnSStudents graduating in the communications fields also saw their overall starting salary bump up. as a group, their median starting salary rose 3.8 percent and now stands at $40,022. In this group, all majors—advertis-ing, communications, and journalism—saw their start-ing salaries increase between 2 and 3 percent—but many landed positions with more impressive starting salaries. For example, advertising majors who took management jobs in the management sector received an average starting salary of $59,400.

cOMPuTer ScIenceSGraduates within the computer sciences fields have starting salaries that are 2.4 percent higher this year; their overall median starting salary rose from $55,087 to $56,383. employers in the information sector reported the highest number of new graduate entrants, with an impressive starting salary to boot—$64,400.

eDucaTIOnOf all the disciplines, those in the education fields saw the highest increase to their median starting salary, which rose 4.5 percent from $35,828 to $37,423. Within this group, starting salaries are highest for spe-cial education majors; their median salary now stands at $42,200, up 2.2 percent over last year.

enGIneerInGThe overall median salary for graduates in the engi-neering disciplines has changed little over last year.

The current median salary is $58,581, down less than 1 percent from last year’s median salary of $58,802.

computer engineering grads are the highest paid of the engineering disciplines, with a median salary of $67,800, a 0.6 percent increase over their class of 2011 counterparts’ median salary.

right behind computer engineering graduates are aerospace engineering grads, who saw a 1.9 per-cent increase, bringing their median starting salary to $64,200. The median salary for civil engineering graduates had similar movement, rising 1.7 percent to $55,300.

Bioengineering and chemical engineering students post-ed identical increases (1 percent); their median starting salaries are $41,800 and $63,000, respectively.

electrical engineering graduates saw the largest increase of the engineering disciplines—a 2.7 per-cent increase, bringing their median starting salary to $57,300.

The median starting salary to students majoring in me-chanical engineering rose 1.6 percent and now stands at $58,600.

HealTH ScIenceSSalaries for health sciences graduates show little movement. Their overall median salary is down less than 1 percent from $43,802 to $43,477.

Page 6: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

6 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

For nursing majors, the change is similar; their median starting salary rose just 0.6 percent from $48,100 to $48,400. For general health and related sciences majors, the median starting salary rose 1.7 percent to $36,400.

HuManITIeS anD SOcIal ScIenceSFor graduates in the humanities and social sciences fields, starting salaries have remained relatively stable. The overall median salary to the group is up 0.5 percent from $34,630 to $34,789.

all of the individual majors in this group posted in-creases to their median starting salaries, but visual and performing arts majors saw the biggest increase in this category. Their median starting salary rose 2.1 percent to $34,800. However, within this group, politi-cal science majors posted the highest median salary, $38,400, a 1.3 percent increase over last year.

Overall, the education services industry was the biggest employer of humanities and social sciences grads (with an average starting salary of $37,800)— providing the largest number of opportunities for english, foreign language, history, liberal arts, political science, and psychology majors.

criminal justice majors were most likely to be hired by government employers, and social work and sociology majors had the most new graduate entrants to the health-care and social assistance industries. retail trade was the single-biggest industry for visual and performing arts majors, with an average salary of just $26,000.

By industry, top pay for humanities and social sciences majors, however, came from management companies, which provided them with an average starting salary of $43,500.

among the humanities/social sciences, top pay by position was reported for political science graduates for financial manager positions within the professional, scientific and technical services industry—an average of $61,900. next in line were visual and performing arts graduates hired by retailers for marketing or sales manager positions; their average salary is $56,500.

MaTH anD ScIenceSThe overall median salary for graduates earning math and sciences degrees has increased modestly by 2.5 percent to $40,939. Within the individual fields, construction science/management graduates saw a 1.9 percent increase to their median salary, bringing it to $54,700. all of their top-employing industries, construction firms, professional, scientific and technical services employers, and government employers report-ed average salaries that topped $55,000.

While mathematics majors saw a 1.5 percent increase to their median starting salary, now standing at $47,000, they also had three of their top-employing industries pay-ing average starting salaries of more than $50,000.

Overall, the first look at salaries for the class of 2012 is promising. The Fall 2012 Salary Survey, to be published in September, will provide the next look at salaries for these graduates.

sALARy sURVey OnLIne

New web-based tool from the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

• access national and regional salary data for new college grads on the fly

• Get detailed information by industry and occupation

• Featuring employer-reported salary data updated bimonthly

Learn more: www.naceweb.org/salary-survey-data/

Salary Survey Online, available to NACE organizational members and Salary Survey subscribers, is the companion to the Salary Survey Report and provides users with access to more data and more-detailed data.



Page 7: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

Salary Survey | 7national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

The chart below shows the top five industries that paid the highest starting salaries to 2012 bachelor’s degree graduates, regardless of major. The number of new graduate entrants reported by each particular industry is also listed here.

TOP-PayInG | IndUstRIes






$51,874 $51,110

Utilities Information Manufacturing Managementof Companiesand Enterprises

Finance &Insurance







Top-Paying Industries/Number of New Grad Entrants

120,000 71,000 120,000 42,000 124,000

Utilities: The utilities sector comprises establishments engaged in the provision of the following utility services—electric power, natural gas, steam supply, water supply, and sewage removal.

Information: The information sector comprises establishments engaged in the following processes: 1) producing and distributing information and cultural products, 2) providing the means to transmit or distribute these products, as well as data or communications, and 3) processing data. (example: software publishers)

manufacturing: The manufacturing sector comprises establishments engaged in the mechanical, physical, or chemical transformation of materials, substances, or components into new products.

management of companies and enterprises: This sector comprises 1) establishments that hold the securities of companies and enterprises for the purpose of owning a controlling interest or influencing management decisions, or 2) establishments that administer, oversee, and manage establishments of the company or enterprise.

Finance & Insurance: This sector includes establishments primarily engaged in financial transactions and/or in facilitating financial transactions.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), 2007. www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/

InDuSTry | deFInItIOns

Page 8: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

8 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

This chart shows the top five industries that reported the highest number of new graduate entrants for 2012 bachelor’s degree graduates, regardless of major. The average starting salary reported by each particular industry is also listed here.

TOP-HIrInG | IndUstRIes




300,000 298,000


124,000 120,000


Healthcare &Social


Professional,Scientific, &TechnicalServices

Finance &Insurance



ber o

f New


d En



Top-Hiring Industries/Average Starting Salaries

$38,329 $39,512 $47,880 $51,110 $53,006

educational services: This sector comprises establishments that provide instruction and training in a wide variety of subjects. The instruction and training is provided by establishments such as schools, colleges, universities, and training centers.

Healthcare & social Assistance: The Healthcare & Social assistance sector comprises establishments providing health care and social assistance for individuals. The sector includes both health care and social assistance because it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the boundaries of these two activities.

Professional, scientific, & technical services: This sector comprises establishments that specialize in performing professional, scientific, and technical activities for others. These activities require a high degree of expertise and training. (examples – accounting, bookkeeping, payroll services, architectural, engineering, and computer services.)

Finance & Insurance: This sector includes establishments primarily engaged in financial transactions and/or in facilitating financial transactions.

manufacturing: The manufacturing sector comprises establishments engaged in the mechanical, physical, or chemical transformation of materials, substances, or components into new products.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), 2007. www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/

InDuSTry | deFInItIOns

Page 9: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

*Not currently available.

Salary Survey | 9national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

STarTInG Salary By acaDeMIc MaJOr | bAcHeLOR’s degRees










$25,000Accounting Business Administration Economics Finance Hospitality Services Mgmt. International Business Marketing



$39,000 $39,600
















Salary ranGeS | bUsIness mAJORs

academic Major Median Starting Salary Percent change in Starting Salaries

25th Percentile

50th Percentile

75th Percentile2012 2011

AgRIcULtURe and nAtURAL ResOURces mAJORs

agricultural Business and Management

* * * * * *

animal Sciences * * * * * *

conservation/renewable natural resources

* * * * * *

Plant Sciences * * * * * *

Other agricultural Sciences * * * * * *

bUsIness mAJORs

accounting $47,800 $46,500 2.8% $39,000 $47,800 $55,400

actuarial Science * * * * * *

Business administration/Management $49,200 $47,800 2.9% $39,600 $49,200 $61,100

Business Systems networking/Telecommunications

* * * * * *

economics (Business/Managerial) $54,800 $51,900 5.6% $43,900 $54,800 $66,300

Finance $49,700 $48,600 2.3% $40,100 $49,700 $59,900

Hospitality Services Management $31,700 $31,100 1.9% $26,600 $31,700 $35,700

Human resources (incl. labor/industrial relations)

* * * * * *

International Business $31,200 $31,200 0.0% $25,400 $31,200 $38,400

logistics/Materials Management * * * * * *

Management Information Systems/Business Data Processing

* * * * * *

Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research)

$49,600 $47,800 3.8% $40,100 $49,600 $63,100

Page 10: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

10 | Salary Survey

*Not currently available.

national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

STarTInG Salary By acaDeMIc MaJOr | bAcHeLOR’s degRees

academic Major Median Starting Salary Percent change in Starting Salaries

25th Percentile

50th Percentile

75th Percentile2012 2011

cOmmUnIcAtIOns mAJORs

advertising $44,700 $43,600 2.5% $35,900 $44,700 $58,000

Broadcast Journalism * * * * * *

communications $39,400 $38,500 2.3% $32,300 $39,400 $50,300

Journalism $37,500 $36,500 2.7% $29,400 $37,500 $46,400

Public relations/Organizational communications * * * * * *

cOmPUteR scIences mAJORs

computer Programming * * * * * *

computer Science $58,300 $55,900 4.3% $48,500 $58,300 $70,500

computer Systems analysis * * * * * *

Information Sciences and Systems $52,000 $49,600 4.8% $43,300 $52,000 $63,800

edUcAtIOn mAJORs

elementary Teacher education $35,800 $35,200 1.7% $31,200 $35,800 $41,600

Physical education Teaching/coaching $40,100 $39,500 1.5% $34,000 $40,100 $46,100

Pre-elementary Teacher education $32,400 $31,700 2.2% $28,300 $32,400 $37,800

Secondary education $38,600 $37,900 1.8% $33,200 $38,600 $44,800

Special education $42,200 $41,300 2.2% $35,500 $42,200 $47,600

Specific academic/vocational Teacher education $38,900 $38,300 1.6% $33,400 $38,900 $45,000

engIneeRIng mAJORs

aerospace/aeronautical/ astronautical engineering $64,200 $63,000 1.9% $54,900 $64,200 $78,400

agricultural engineering * * * * * *

architectural engineering * * * * * *

Bioengineering and Biomedical engineering $41,800 $41,400 1.0% $31,500 $41,800 $52,000

chemical engineering $63,000 $62,400 1.0% $53,200 $63,000 $74,500

civil engineering $55,300 $54,400 1.7% $47,300 $55,300 $66,100

computer engineering $67,800 $67,400 0.6% $55,400 $67,800 $79,000

electrical/electronics and communications engineering $57,300 $55,800 2.7% $48,300 $57,300 $70,200

engineering Technology * * * * * *

environmental/environmental Health engineering * * * * * *

Industrial Production Technologies * * * * * *

Industrial/Manufacturing engineering * * * * * *

Page 11: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

*Not currently available.

Salary Survey | 11national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

STarTInG Salary By acaDeMIc MaJOr | bAcHeLOR’s degRees







$25,000Aerospace Biomedical Chemical Civil Computer Electrical Engineering Mechanical Textile Science













$70,300 $68,800








Salary ranGeS | engIneeRIng mAJORs

academic Major Median Starting Salary Percent change in Starting Salaries

25th Percentile

50th Percentile

75th Percentile2012 2011

engIneeRIng mAJORs (continued)

Materials engineering * * * * * *

Mechanical engineering $58,600 $57,700 1.6% $48,500 $58,600 $70,300

Metallurgical engineering (incl. ceramic science/eng.) * * * * * *

Mining and Mineral engineering (incl. geological) * * * * * *

nuclear engineering (incl. engineering physics) * * * * * *

Ocean engineering * * * * * *

Petroleum engineering * * * * * *

Systems engineering * * * * * *

Textile Sciences and engineering $57,300 $56,600 1.2% $47,800 $57,300 $68,800

HeALtH scIences

Health and related Sciences $36,400 $35,800 1.7% $31,200 $36,400 $41,500

nursing $48,400 $48,100 0.6% $42,200 $48,400 $55,600

HOme ecOnOmIcs mAJORs

clothing/apparel/Textile Studies (incl. textile science) * * * * * *

Home economics $29,200 $28,500 2.5% $25,000 $29,200 $33,600

HUmAnItIes & sOcIAL scIences mAJORs

criminal Justice and corrections $30,800 $30,600 0.7% $25,800 $30,800 $36,600

english language and literature/letters $36,900 $36,300 1.7% $30,900 $36,900 $45,300

Page 12: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

12 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

STarTInG Salary By acaDeMIc MaJOr | bAcHeLOR’s degRees






$25,000English Foreign Languages History Liberal Arts/General Studies Visual and Performing Arts



$30,900 $31,700





$44,300 $43,800





Salary ranGeS | HUmAnItIes mAJORs

academic Major Median Starting Salary Percent change in Starting Salaries

25th Percentile

50th Percentile

75th Percentile2012 2011

HUmAnItIes & sOcIAL scIences mAJORs (continued)

Foreign languages and literatures $37,400 $36,800 1.6% $31,700 $37,400 $42,600

History $37,500 $37,000 1.4% $32,400 $37,500 $43,800

liberal arts and Sciences/ General Studies $38,300 $37,600 1.9% $33,100 $38,300 $44,300

Political Science/Government $38,400 $37,900 1.3% $31,700 $38,400 $46,400

Psychology $33,500 $33,100 1.2% $28,100 $33,500 $40,200

Social Work $33,300 $32,700 1.8% $27,100 $33,300 $38,300

Sociology $31,700 $31,500 0.6% $26,700 $31,700 $37,900

visual and Performing arts $34,800 $34,100 2.1% $28,900 $34,800 $43,800

Other Humanities $35,800 $35,200 1.7% $29,000 $35,800 $43,400

Other Social Sciences $36,100 $35,300 2.3% $30,300 $36,100 $44,800

PARKs, RecReAtIOn, LeIsURe & FItness mAJORs

Parks/recreation, leisure/Fitness Studies and related programs $26,700 $26,300 1.5% $22,900 $26,700 $31,200

scIences mAJORs

architecture and related Programs $38,200 $37,800 1.1% $32,500 $38,200 $46,700

Biological Sciences/life Sciences $38,300 $37,900 1.1% $31,700 $38,300 $46,400

chemistry $42,600 $42,500 0.2% $34,200 $42,600 $54,600

construction Science/ Management $54,700 $53,700 1.9% $46,800 $54,700 $65,700

environmental Sciences/Studies * * * * * *

Geological and related Sciences * * * * * *

Mathematics (incl. statistics) $47,000 $46,300 1.5% $39,200 $47,000 $55,300

Page 13: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

*Not currently available.

Salary Survey | 13national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

STarTInG Salary By acaDeMIc MaJOr | bAcHeLOR’s degRees









$25,000Architecture Biology Chemistry Construction Science Math/Statistics Physics



















Salary ranGeS | mAtH & scIence mAJORs






$25,000Criminal Justice Political Science Psychology Social Work Sociology














Salary ranGeS | sOcIAL scIences mAJORs

academic Major Median Starting Salary Percent change in Starting Salaries

25th Percentile

50th Percentile

75th Percentile2012 2011

scIences mAJORs (continued)

Physics $32,900 $32,800 0.3% $26,800 $32,900 $43,700

Other Physical Sciences $41,700 $41,200 1.2% $36,700 $41,700 $48,600

Page 14: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

14 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

TOP InDuSTrIeS | IndIVIdUAL mAJORsMajor/Industry new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

bUsIness mAJORs


Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (Incl. accounting) 22,000 $49,300

Finance and Insurance 12,000 $49,600

Manufacturing 8,000 $50,800

Management of companies and enterprises 7,000 $49,900

Wholesale Trade 5,000 $51,500

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 3,000 $47,800

business Administration/management

Finance and Insurance 21,000 $51,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 15,000 $55,200

Manufacturing 11,000 $54,400

Wholesale Trade 10,000 $53,700

Health care and Social assistance 9,000 $46,200

Management of companies and enterprises 8,000 $54,400

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services 6,000 $44,500

educational Services 5,000 $44,400

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 3,000 $51,400

economics (business/managerial)

Finance and Insurance 21,000 $57,000

Wholesale Trade 4,000 $60,000

educational Services 4,000 $47,100

Manufacturing 3,000 $60,300

Information 2,000 $63,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 2,000 $59,500

Management of companies and enterprises 2,000 $60,000

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 2,000 $56,700


Finance and Insurance 33,000 $50,900

Manufacturing 6,000 $53,700

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 4,000 $53,200

Wholesale Trade 3,000 $53,900

Management of companies and enterprises 3,000 $53,600

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 1,000 $49,900

Page 15: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

Salary Survey | 15national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

TOP InDuSTrIeS | IndIVIdUAL mAJORsMajor/Industry new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

Hospitality services management

accommodation and Food Services 12,000 $33,400

educational Services 3,000 $31,400

International business

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 6,000 $36,500

Finance and Insurance 3,000 $35,900

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services 3,000 $29,000

educational Services 3,000 $32,800

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 3,000 $36,200

construction 2,000 $29,700

Health care and Social assistance 2,000 $30,600

marketing/marketing mgmt. (incl. mktg. research)

Finance and Insurance 10,000 $53,100

Manufacturing 9,000 $55,200

retail Trade 9,000 $38,300

Wholesale Trade 6,000 $54,300

Information 5,000 $59,600

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 4,000 $56,700

Management of companies and enterprises 3,000 $55,300

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 3,000 $52,000

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services 2,000 $42,800

cOmmUnIcAtIOns mAJORs


Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 7,000 $52,400

retail Trade 3,000 $35,800

Manufacturing 2,000 $51,200

Wholesale Trade 2,000 $48,800

Information 2,000 $49,300

Management of companies and enterprises 2,000 $50,700

Health care and Social assistance 2,000 $42,200

Other Services (except Federal, State, and local Government) 2,000 $45,300

Finance and Insurance 1,000 $50,000

educational Services 1,000 $44,800

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 1,000 $53,300

Page 16: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

16 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

TOP InDuSTrIeS | IndIVIdUAL mAJORsMajor/Industry new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary


Manufacturing 8,000 $45,600

retail Trade 7,000 $30,300

educational Services 7,000 $39,600

Wholesale Trade 5,000 $42,800

Information 3,000 $44,400

Health care and Social assistance 3,000 $37,500

Finance and Insurance 2,000 $43,600

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 2,000 $46,200

Management of companies and enterprises 2,000 $44,600

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services 1,000 $34,700

Other Services (except Federal, State, and local Government) 1,000 $39,900

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 1,000 $45,500


Information 12,000 $39,200

Manufacturing 5,000 $41,900

retail Trade 5,000 $27,200

educational Services 4,000 $38,900

Wholesale Trade 3,000 $39,700

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 2,000 $42,700

arts, entertainment, and recreation 2,000 $33,000

Finance and Insurance 1,000 $40,200

Other Services (except Federal, State, and local Government) 1,000 $38,600

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 1,000 $45,900

cOmPUteR scIences mAJORs

computer science

Information 23,000 $64,400

Finance and Insurance 2,000 $63,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 2,000 $60,000

educational Services 2,000 $48,400

Management of companies and enterprises 1,000 $62,500

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services 1,000 $55,200

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 1,000 $64,500

Page 17: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

Salary Survey | 17national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

TOP InDuSTrIeS | IndIVIdUAL mAJORsMajor/Industry new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

Information sciences and systems

Information 7,000 $56,900

educational Services 2,000 $44,700

Finance and Insurance 1,000 $57,000

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 1,000 $53,400

Management of companies and enterprises 1,000 $56,000

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services 1,000 $46,700

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 1,000 $66,000

edUcAtIOn mAJORs

elementary teacher education

educational Services 37,000 $38,500

Health care and Social assistance 5,000 $29,900

Physical education teaching/coaching

educational Services 13,000 $41,600

Pre-elementary teacher education

educational Services 12,000 $37,000

Health care and Social assistance 2,000 $23,700

secondary education

educational Services 4,000 $39,900

special education

educational Services 8,000 $45,900

Health care and Social assistance 5,000 $37,100

specific Academic/Vocational teacher education

educational Services 20,000 $40,400

Health care and Social assistance 1,000 $27,400

engIneeRIng mAJORs

Aerospace/Aeronautical/Astronautical engineering

Manufacturing 3,000 $64,900

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 2,000 $69,200

Bioengineering and Biomedical engineering

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services 6,000 $43,200

chemical engineering

Manufacturing 10,000 $64,100

Page 18: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

18 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org


2012 Median Salary

Computer Engineering

$67,400 2011 Median Salary


$67,900 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

9,000 new grad entrants

$70,200 Management of Companies and Enterprises

2,000 new grad entrants

$72,200 Finance and Insurance

1,000 new grad entrants

$73,400 Information

3,000 new grad entrants

Top Industries:

TOP InDuSTrIeS | IndIVIdUAL mAJORsMajor/Industry new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

chemical engineering (continued)

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 2,000 $64,500

civil engineering

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 11,000 $55,800

construction 7,000 $56,500

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 3,000 $59,800

utilities 2,000 $64,200

Manufacturing 2,000 $54,500

computer engineering

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 9,000 $67,900

Information 3,000 $73,400

Management of companies and enterprises 2,000 $70,200

Finance and Insurance 1,000 $72,200

electrical/electronics and communications engineering

Manufacturing 9,000 $57,500

Information 3,000 $59,100

Page 19: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

Salary Survey | 19national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

TOP InDuSTrIeS | IndIVIdUAL mAJORsMajor/Industry new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

electrical/electronics and communications engineering (continued)

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 2,000 $57,500

utilities 1,000 $61,500

Wholesale Trade 1,000 $57,900

Finance and Insurance 1,000 $61,800

Management of companies and enterprises 1,000 $60,900

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 1,000 $64,400

mechanical engineering

Manufacturing 20,000 $57,700

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 2,000 $59,600

utilities 1,000 $66,400

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 1,000 $65,300

textile sciences and engineering

Manufacturing 2,000 $55,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 2,000 $56,600

utilities 1,000 $65,700

construction 1,000 $57,800

Information 1,000 $61,600

Finance and Insurance 1,000 $60,600

Management of companies and enterprises 1,000 $59,000

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 1,000 $61,900

HeALtH scIences mAJORs

Health and Related sciences

Health care and Social assistance 24,000 $38,200

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 3,000 $32,900

educational Services 2,000 $39,000

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 2,000 $44,100

retail Trade 1,000 $29,300


Health care and Social assistance 46,000 $49,800

HOme ecOnOmIcs mAJORs

Home economics

Health care and Social assistance 10,000 $22,600

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 3,000 $32,500

educational Services 1,000 $36,000

Page 20: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

20 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

TOP InDuSTrIeS | IndIVIdUAL mAJORsMajor/Industry new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

HUmAnItIes And sOcIAL scIences mAJORs

criminal Justice and corrections

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 27,000 $32,700

accommodation and Food Services 4,000 $30,600

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services 2,000 $28,000

Health care and Social assistance 2,000 $31,400

educational Services 1,000 $34,600

Other Services (except Federal, State, and local Government) 1,000 $28,800

english Language and Literature/Letters

educational Services 19,000 $37,600

Information 3,000 $37,900

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 2,000 $40,700

Health care and Social assistance 2,000 $34,100

Other Services (except Federal, State, and local Government) 2,000 $41,300

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 1,000 $42,100


2012 Median Salary

$36,300 2011 Median Salary 1.7%

Top Industries:

$37,600 Educational Services

19,000 new grad entrants

$40,700 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

2,000 new grad entrants

$34,100 Health Care and Social Assistance

2,000 new grad entrants

$41,300 Other Services (except Federal, State, and Local Government)

2,000 new grad entrants

$37,900 Information

3,000 new grad entrants

English Language and Literature/Letters

$42,100 Federal, State, and Local Government

1,000 new grad entrants

Page 21: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

Salary Survey | 21national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

TOP InDuSTrIeS | IndIVIdUAL mAJORsMajor/Industry new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

Foreign Languages and Literatures

educational Services 2,000 $38,700

construction 1,000 $35,100

Finance and Insurance 1,000 $42,400

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 1,000 $41,500

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services 1,000 $35,400

Health care and Social assistance 1,000 $36,000

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 1,000 $42,000


educational Services 11,000 $38,400

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 2,000 $37,800

Manufacturing 1,000 $39,400

Wholesale Trade 1,000 $40,100

Finance and Insurance 1,000 $38,700

Management of companies and enterprises 1,000 $38,600

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 1,000 $40,000

Liberal Arts and sciences/general studies

educational Services 14,000 $39,700

Political science/government

educational Services 9,000 $37,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 6,000 $40,200

Finance and Insurance 3,000 $38,900

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 3,000 $43,100

Management of companies and enterprises 2,000 $43,500

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services 2,000 $33,900

Manufacturing 1,000 $43,000

Health care and Social assistance 1,000 $36,000


educational Services 44,000 $38,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 8,000 $37,200

Health care and Social assistance 8,000 $31,400

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services 3,000 $32,100

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 3,000 $36,100

$42,100 Federal, State, and Local Government

1,000 new grad entrants

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22 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org


Major/Industry new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

social Work

Health care and Social assistance 14,000 $31,700

educational Services 4,000 $37,000

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 3,000 $35,500


Health care and Social assistance 4,000 $30,400

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 3,000 $37,200

educational Services 3,000 $36,200

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 3,000 $34,800

arts, entertainment, and recreation 2,000 $28,700

administrative and Support and Waste Management and reme-diation Services 1,000 $28,700

Other Services (except Federal, State, and local Government) 1,000 $26,700

Visual and Performing Arts

retail Trade 23,000 $26,000

arts, entertainment, and recreation 6,000 $27,800

Information 5,000 $39,600

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 4,000 $41,800

Manufacturing 3,000 $38,300

Finance and Insurance 3,000 $38,800

Wholesale Trade 2,000 $37,400

Management of companies and enterprises 2,000 $39,300

educational Services 2,000 $35,600

Other Humanities

educational Services 5,000 $36,500

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 3,000 $37,700

Health care and Social assistance 2,000 $35,600

Other Services (except Federal, State, and local Government) 1,000 $32,400

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 1,000 $41,700

Other social sciences

educational Services 6,000 $37,100

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 3,000 $40,300

Health care and Social assistance 3,000 $34,800

Finance and Insurance 2,000 $39,300

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 2,000 $40,200

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Salary Survey | 23national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

TOP InDuSTrIeS | IndIVIdUAL mAJORsMajor/Industry new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

Other social sciences (continued)

Manufacturing 1,000 $40,500

Information 1,000 $42,200

Management of companies and enterprises 1,000 $40,200

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services 1,000 $31,100

PARKs/RecReAtIOn, LeIsURe And FItness mAJORs

Parks/Recreation, Leisure/Fitness studies and Related programs

educational Services 18,000 $27,100

Other Services (except Federal, State, and local Government) 4,000 $26,300

arts, entertainment, and recreation 3,000 $29,600

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 3,000 $27,100

Health care and Social assistance 2,000 $28,800

scIences mAJORs

Architecture and Related Programs

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 10,000 $39,100

construction 4,000 $38,500

retail Trade 3,000 $27,100

Manufacturing 2,000 $40,500

Wholesale Trade 2,000 $38,600

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 2,000 $46,600

Information 1,000 $41,500

biological sciences/Life sciences

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 24,000 $40,800

Health care and Social assistance 17,000 $41,000

educational Services 12,000 $36,500

Manufacturing 7,000 $42,100

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services 3,000 $40,000

Management of companies and enterprises 2,000 $42,300

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 2,000 $42,100


Manufacturing 5,000 $47,400

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 4,000 $45,400

educational Services 4,000 $35,000

administrative and Support and Waste Management and reme-diation Services 2,000 $45,900

Page 24: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

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TOP InDuSTrIeS | IndIVIdUAL mAJORsMajor/Industry new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

chemistry (continued)

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 1,000 $50,300

construction science/management

construction 5,000 $56,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 2,000 $58,300

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 2,000 $58,800

Major/Industry new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

mathematics (incl. statistics)

educational Services 5,000 $49,200

Finance and Insurance 4,000 $50,100

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 3,000 $48,400

Manufacturing 2,000 $50,500

Wholesale Trade 2,000 $51,400

Management of companies and enterprises 1,000 $49,100

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 1,000 $44,300


educational Services 4,000 $33,700

Other Physical sciences

Health care and Social assistance 15,000 $43,000

educational Services 3,000 $43,100

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) 2,000 $44,500

©Copyright April 2012 by the National Association of Colleges and Employers ©Copyright April 2012 by the National Association of Colleges and Employers

National Association of Colleges and Employers62 Highland Avenue • Bethlehem, PA 18017-9085 • 800/544-5272FAX: 610/868-0208 • www.naceweb.org

National Association of Colleges and Employers62 Highland Avenue • Bethlehem, PA 18017-9085 • 800/544-5272FAX: 610/868-0208 • www.naceweb.org

$150 NACE Member $225 Nonmember Price


2012 CompensationGuide for Interns & Co-ops

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Industry/Major new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

Accommodation and Food services

Hospitality Services Management 12,000 $33,400

criminal Justice and corrections 4,000 $30,600

Administrative and support and Waste management and Remediation services

Business administration/Management 6,000 $44,500

Bioengineering and Biomedical engineering 6,000 $43,200

International Business 3,000 $29,000

Psychology 3,000 $32,100

Biological Sciences/life Sciences 3,000 $40,000

Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) 2,000 $42,800

criminal Justice and corrections 2,000 $28,000

Political Science/Government 2,000 $33,900

chemistry 2,000 $45,900

communications 1,000 $34,700

computer Science 1,000 $55,200

Information Sciences and Systems 1,000 $46,700

Foreign languages and literatures 1,000 $35,400

Sociology 1,000 $28,700

Other Social Sciences 1,000 $31,100

Arts, entertainment, and Recreation

visual and Performing arts 6,000 $27,800

Parks/recreation, leisure/Fitness Studies and related programs 3,000 $29,600

Journalism 2,000 $33,000

Sociology 2,000 $28,700


civil engineering 7,000 $56,500

construction Science/Management 5,000 $56,300

architecture and related Programs 4,000 $38,500

International Business 2,000 $29,700

Textile Sciences and engineering 1,000 $57,800

Foreign languages and literatures 1,000 $35,100

educational services

Psychology 44,000 $38,300

elementary Teacher education 37,000 $38,500

Specific academic/vocational Teacher education 20,000 $40,400

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26 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

TOP MaJOrS | IndIVIdUAL IndUstRIesIndustry/Major new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

educational services (continued)

english language and literature/letters 19,000 $37,600

Parks/recreation, leisure/Fitness Studies and related programs 18,000 $27,100

liberal arts and Sciences/General Studies 14,000 $39,700

Physical education Teaching/coaching 13,000 $41,600

Pre-elementary Teacher education 12,000 $37,000

Biological Sciences/life Sciences 12,000 $36,500

History 11,000 $38,400

Political Science/Government 9,000 $37,800

Special education 8,000 $45,900

communications 7,000 $39,600

Other Social Sciences 6,000 $37,100

Business administration/Management 5,000 $44,400

Other Humanities 5,000 $36,500

Mathematics (incl. statistics) 5,000 $49,200

economics (Business/Managerial) 4,000 $47,100

Journalism 4,000 $38,900

Secondary education 4,000 $39,900

Specific academic/vocational Teacher education 4,000 $39,600

Social Work 4,000 $37,000

chemistry 4,000 $35,000

Physics 4,000 $33,700

Hospitality Services Management 3,000 $31,400

International Business 3,000 $32,800

Sociology 3,000 $36,200

Other Physical Sciences 3,000 $43,100

computer Science 2,000 $48,400

Information Sciences and Systems 2,000 $44,700

Health and related Sciences 2,000 $39,000

Foreign languages and literatures 2,000 $38,700

visual and Performing arts 2,000 $35,600

advertising 1,000 $44,800

Home economics 1,000 $36,000

criminal Justice and corrections 1,000 $34,600

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Salary Survey | 27national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

TOP MaJOrS | IndIVIdUAL IndUstRIesIndustry/Major new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

Federal, state, and Local government (Oes designation)

criminal Justice and corrections 27,000 $32,700

accounting 3,000 $47,800

Business administration/Management 3,000 $51,400

International Business 3,000 $36,200

Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) 3,000 $52,000

civil engineering 3,000 $59,800

Home economics 3,000 $32,500

Political Science/Government 3,000 $43,100

Psychology 3,000 $36,100

Social Work 3,000 $35,500

Sociology 3,000 $34,800

Parks/recreation, leisure/Fitness Studies and related programs 3,000 $27,100

economics (Business/Managerial) 2,000 $56,700

Health and related Sciences 2,000 $44,100

Other Social Sciences 2,000 $40,200

architecture and related Programs 2,000 $46,600

Biological Sciences/life Sciences 2,000 $42,100

construction Science/Management 2,000 $58,800

Other Physical Sciences 2,000 $44,500

Finance 1,000 $49,900

advertising 1,000 $53,300

communications 1,000 $45,500

Journalism 1,000 $45,900

computer Science 1,000 $64,500

Information Sciences and Systems 1,000 $66,000

electrical/electronics and communications engineering 1,000 $64,400

Mechanical engineering 1,000 $65,300

Textile Sciences and engineering 1,000 $61,900

english language and literature/letters 1,000 $42,100

Foreign languages and literatures 1,000 $42,000

History 1,000 $40,000

Other Humanities 1,000 $41,700

chemistry 1,000 $50,300

Mathematics (incl. statistics) 1,000 $44,300

Page 28: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

28 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

TOP MaJOrS | IndIVIdUAL IndUstRIesIndustry/Major new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

Finance and Insurance

Finance 33,000 $50,900

Business administration/Management 21,000 $51,300

economics (Business/Managerial) 21,000 $57,000

accounting 12,000 $49,600

Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) 10,000 $53,100

Mathematics (incl. statistics) 4,000 $50,100

International Business 3,000 $35,900

Political Science/Government 3,000 $38,900

visual and Performing arts 3,000 $38,800

communications 2,000 $43,600

computer Science 2,000 $63,800

Other Social Sciences 2,000 $39,300

advertising 1,000 $50,000

Journalism 1,000 $40,200

Information Sciences and Systems 1,000 $57,000

computer engineering 1,000 $72,200

electrical/electronics and communications engineering 1,000 $61,800

Textile Sciences and engineering 1,000 $60,600

Foreign languages and literatures 1,000 $42,400

History 1,000 $38,700

Health care and social Assistance

nursing 46,000 $49,800

Health and related Sciences 24,000 $38,200

Biological Sciences/life Sciences 17,000 $41,000

Other Physical Sciences 15,000 $43,000

Social Work 14,000 $31,700

Home economics 10,000 $22,600

Business administration/Management 9,000 $46,200

Psychology 8,000 $31,400

elementary Teacher education 5,000 $29,900

Special education 5,000 $37,100

Sociology 4,000 $30,400

communications 3,000 $37,500

Other Social Sciences 3,000 $34,800

Page 29: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

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Criminal Justice and Corrections







Elementary TeacherEducation











(Section 5 – Occupational Position by Major / Industry)

Federal, State, and Local Government (OES Designations)

Finance and Insurance


Educational Services


Educational ServicesHealth Care and Social Assistance







TOP MaJOrS | IndIVIdUAL IndUstRIesIndustry/Major new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

Health care and social Assistance (continued)

International Business 2,000 $30,600

advertising 2,000 $42,200

Pre-elementary Teacher education 2,000 $23,700

criminal Justice and corrections 2,000 $31,400

english language and literature/letters 2,000 $34,100

Other Humanities 2,000 $35,600

Parks/recreation, leisure/Fitness Studies and related programs 2,000 $28,800

Specific academic/vocational Teacher education 1,000 $27,400

Foreign languages and literatures 1,000 $36,000

Political Science/Government 1,000 $36,000


computer Science 23,000 $64,400

Journalism 12,000 $39,200

Information Sciences and Systems 7,000 $56,900

Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) 5,000 $59,600

visual and Performing arts 5,000 $39,600

communications 3,000 $44,400

computer engineering 3,000 $73,400

electrical/electronics and communications engineering 3,000 $59,100

english language and literature/letters 3,000 $37,900

economics (Business/Managerial) 2,000 $63,800

Page 30: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

30 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

TOP MaJOrS | IndIVIdUAL IndUstRIesIndustry/Major new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

Information (continued)

advertising 2,000 $49,300

Textile Sciences and engineering 1,000 $61,600

Other Social Sciences 1,000 $42,200

architecture and related Programs 1,000 $41,500

management of companies and enterprises

Business administration/Management 8,000 $54,400

accounting 7,000 $49,900

Finance 3,000 $53,600

Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) 3,000 $55,300

economics (Business/Managerial) 2,000 $60,000

advertising 2,000 $50,700

communications 2,000 $44,600

computer engineering 2,000 $70,200

Political Science/Government 2,000 $43,500

visual and Performing arts 2,000 $39,300

Biological Sciences/life Sciences 2,000 $42,300

computer Science 1,000 $62,500

Information Sciences and Systems 1,000 $56,000

electrical/electronics and communications engineering 1,000 $60,900

Textile Sciences and engineering 1,000 $59,000

History 1,000 $38,600

Other Social Sciences 1,000 $40,200

Mathematics (incl. statistics) 1,000 $49,100


Mechanical engineering 20,000 $57,700

Business administration/Management 11,000 $54,400

chemical engineering 10,000 $64,100

Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) 9,000 $55,200

electrical/electronics and communications engineering 9,000 $57,500

accounting 8,000 $50,800

communications 8,000 $45,600

Biological Sciences/life Sciences 7,000 $42,100

Finance 6,000 $53,700

Page 31: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

Salary Survey | 31national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

TOP MaJOrS | IndIVIdUAL IndUstRIesIndustry/Major new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

manufacturing (continued)

Journalism 5,000 $41,900

chemistry 5,000 $47,400

economics (Business/Managerial) 3,000 $60,300

aerospace/aeronautical/astronautical engineering 3,000 $64,900

visual and Performing arts 3,000 $38,300

advertising 2,000 $51,200

civil engineering 2,000 $54,500

Textile Sciences and engineering 2,000 $55,800

architecture and related Programs 2,000 $40,500

Mathematics (incl. statistics) 2,000 $50,500

History 1,000 $39,400

Political Science/Government 1,000 $43,000

Other Social Sciences 1,000 $40,500

Other services (except Federal, state, and Local government)

Parks/recreation, leisure/Fitness Studies and related programs 4,000 $26,300

advertising 2,000 $45,300

english language and literature/letters 2,000 $41,300

communications 1,000 $39,900

Journalism 1,000 $38,600

criminal Justice and corrections 1,000 $28,800

Sociology 1,000 $26,700

Other Humanities 1,000 $32,400

Professional, scientific, and technical services

Biological Sciences/life Sciences 24,000 $40,800

Business administration/Management 15,000 $55,200

civil engineering 11,000 $55,800

architecture and related Programs 10,000 $39,100

computer engineering 9,000 $67,900

Psychology 8,000 $37,200

advertising 7,000 $52,400

International Business 6,000 $36,500

Political Science/Government 6,000 $40,200

Finance 4,000 $53,200

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32 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org


Industry/Major new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

Professional, scientific, and technical services (continued)

Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) 4,000 $56,700

visual and Performing arts 4,000 $41,800

chemistry 4,000 $45,400

Health and related Sciences 3,000 $32,900

Sociology 3,000 $37,200

Other Humanities 3,000 $37,700

Other Social Sciences 3,000 $40,300

Mathematics (incl. statistics) 3,000 $48,400

economics (Business/Managerial) 2,000 $59,500

communications 2,000 $46,200

Journalism 2,000 $42,700

computer Science 2,000 $60,000

aerospace/aeronautical/astronautical engineering 2,000 $69,200

chemical engineering 2,000 $64,500

electrical/electronics and communications engineering 2,000 $57,500

Mechanical engineering 2,000 $59,600

Textile Sciences and engineering 2,000 $56,600

english language and literature/letters 2,000 $40,700

History 2,000 $37,800

construction Science/Management 2,000 $58,300

Information Sciences and Systems 1,000 $53,400

Foreign languages and literatures 1,000 $41,500

Professional, scientific, and technical services (Incl. Accounting)

accounting 22,000 $49,300

retail Trade

visual and Performing arts 23,000 $26,000

Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) 9,000 $38,300

communications 7,000 $30,300

Journalism 5,000 $27,200

advertising 3,000 $35,800

architecture and related Programs 3,000 $27,100

Health and related Sciences 1,000 $29,300

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Salary Survey | 33national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org


Industry/Major new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary


civil engineering 2,000 $64,200

electrical/electronics and communications engineering 1,000 $61,500

Mechanical engineering 1,000 $66,400

Textile Sciences and engineering 1,000 $65,700

Wholesale trade

Business administration/Management 10,000 $53,700

Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) 6,000 $54,300

accounting 5,000 $51,500

communications 5,000 $42,800

economics (Business/Managerial) 4,000 $60,000

Finance 3,000 $53,900

Journalism 3,000 $39,700

advertising 2,000 $48,800

visual and Performing arts 2,000 $37,400

architecture and related Programs 2,000 $38,600

Mathematics (incl. statistics) 2,000 $51,400

electrical/electronics and communications engineering 1,000 $57,900

History 1,000 $40,100

criminal Justice and corrections 4,000 $27,970

economics (Business/Managerial) 3,000 $42,570

Home economics 2,000 $35,240

Parks/recreation, leisure/Fitness Studies and related Programs 2,000 $28,810

Other Physical Sciences 2,000 $22,660

computer Science 1,000 $40,560

Specific academic/vocational Teacher education 1,000 $30,460

Health and related Sciences 1,000 $23,080

scientific Research and development services

Biological Sciences/life Sciences 22,000 $34,790

securities, commodities, Funds, trusts, and Other Financial Investments

Finance 11,000 $68,770

Business administration/Management 9,000 $47,360

economics (Business/Managerial) 8,000 $77,640

accounting 6,000 $53,910

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34 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

Industry/Major new Grad entrants 2012 average Salary

securities, commodities, Funds, trusts, and Other Financial Investments (continued)

Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. Mktg. research) 4,000 $41,550

english language and literature/letters 2,000 $45,660

communications 1,000 $37,540

Psychology 1,000 $37,620

traveler Accommodation

Hospitality Services Management 7,000 $27,590

Business administration/Management 1,000 $28,660

Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. Mktg. research) 1,000 $29,630

Veterinary services

Biological Sciences/life Sciences 2,000 $20,800

Wired telecommunications carriers

Business administration/Management 2,000 $42,740



Salary data are available by



For more information, contact andrea Mcewen, 800.544.5272, ext. 126; [email protected].


Page 35: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

Salary Survey | 35national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

MaJOr By OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn | IndUstRy

Major/Industry Occupation 2012 average Salary

bUsIness mAJORs


Finance and Insurance Financial Manager $64,700

Finance and Insurance accountant or auditor $49,700

Finance and Insurance Bookkeeping, accounting, or auditing clerk $27,800

business Administration/management

construction constructions Manager $57,500

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) Miscellaneous Managers $59,700

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) General or Operations Manager $52,600

Finance and Insurance Financial Manager $63,900

Finance and Insurance Financial analyst $54,500

Finance and Insurance accountant or auditor $49,500

Finance and Insurance Personal Financial advisor $38,000

Manufacturing Marketing or Sales Manager $60,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Management analyst $41,500

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Other Business Operations Specialist $40,900

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Human resources, Training, or labor relations Specialist $36,000

economics (business/managerial)

Finance and Insurance Financial Manager $64,600

Finance and Insurance Financial analyst $55,200

Finance and Insurance accountant or auditor $53,800

Finance and Insurance Personal Financial advisor $38,200

Management of companies and enterprises Miscellaneous Managers $61,300

Manufacturing Marketing or Sales Manager $56,900

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services computer Scientist or Systems analyst $73,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Management analyst $51,300


Finance and Insurance Financial Manager $66,000

Finance and Insurance Financial analyst $54,200

Finance and Insurance Management analyst $49,400

Finance and Insurance Personal Financial advisor $39,500

Management of companies and enterprises Miscellaneous Managers $66,600

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services accountant or auditor $49,800

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36 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

MaJOr By OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn | IndUstRyMajor/Industry Occupation 2012 average Salary

Hospitality services management

accommodation and Food Services lodging Manager $37,800

accommodation and Food Services Food Service Manager $37,600

accommodation and Food Services Hotel, Motel, and resort Desk clerk $18,900

International business

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services Secretary or administrative assistant $28,000

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Human resources, Training, or labor relations Specialist $35,700

marketing/marketing mgmt. (incl. mktg. research)

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services Human resources, Training, or labor relations Specialist $34,000

Finance and Insurance accountant or auditor $46,700

Management of companies and enterprises Marketing or Sales Manager $60,900

Manufacturing Miscellaneous Managers $59,600

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Management analyst $49,800

retail Trade Financial Manager $62,700

retail Trade Wholesale or retail Buyer, except Farm Products $39,700

cOmmUnIcAtIOns mAJORs


Information Writer or author $35,600

Management of companies and enterprises Miscellaneous Managers $59,400

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Marketing or Sales Manager $55,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Public relations Specialist $38,500

retail Trade advertising or Promotions Manager $50,200


administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services Human resources, Training, or labor relations Specialist $34,200

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $38,500

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) Miscellaneous Managers $59,300

Information editor $35,700

Information Designer $28,400

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Marketing or Sales Manager $56,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Other Business Operations Specialist $41,000

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Public relations Specialist $37,900

retail Trade advertising or Promotions Manager $50,700

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Salary Survey | 37national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

MaJOr By OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn | IndUstRy

Major/Industry Occupation 2012 average Salary


educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $37,800

Information Producer or Director $51,200

Information Public relations Specialist $39,200

Information editor $36,100

Information Writer or author $35,700

Information Designer $28,200

Information news analyst, reporter or correspondent $26,600

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Marketing or Sales Manager $55,600

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Other Business Operations Specialist $42,400

cOmPUteR scIences mAJORs

computer science

educational Services Postsecondary Teacher $36,400

Information computer Programmer $59,400

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services network Systems or Data communications analyst $68,100

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services computer Scientist or Systems analyst $67,100

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services computer Software engineer $64,400

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services computer Support Specialist $40,800

Information sciences and systems

Finance and Insurance computer Support Specialist $41,300

Information network Systems or Data communications analyst $59,200

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services computer Scientist or Systems analyst $66,000

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services computer Software engineer $64,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services computer Programmer $59,100

edUcAtIOn mAJORs

elementary teacher education

educational Services Special education Teacher $43,100

educational Services Secondary School Teacher $41,900

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $38,700

educational Services Preschool or Kindergarten Teacher $27,800

educational Services Other Teacher or Instructor $26,000

educational Services Teacher assistant $19,400

Physical education teaching/coaching

educational Services Secondary School Teacher $42,100

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $39,300

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38 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org


2012 Median Salary

MaJOr By OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn | IndUstRyMajor/Industry Occupation 2012 average Salary

Pre-elementary teacher education

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $38,100

educational Services Preschool or Kindergarten Teacher $25,200

secondary education

educational Services Secondary School Teacher $41,500

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $38,900

special education

educational Services Special education Teacher $44,500

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $41,900

specific Academic/Vocational teacher education

educational Services Secondary School Teacher $40,700

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $40,100

educational Services Preschool or Kindergarten Teacher $26,100

engIneeRIng mAJORs

Aerospace/Aeronautical/Astronautical engineering

Manufacturing aerospace engineer $67,200

bioengineering and biomedical engineering

educational Services Postsecondary Teacher $43,200

chemical engineering

Manufacturing chemical engineer $64,300

Manufacturing Industrial engineer, including Health or Safety $58,300

civil engineering

construction Miscellaneous engineer including nuclear engineer $57,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services civil engineer $58,200

computer engineering

Information computer Software engineer $70,900

electrical/electronics and communications engineering

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) computer Programmer $53,100

Information computer Software engineer $66,000

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services aerospace engineer $66,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services electrical or electronics engineer $63,100

utilities Miscellaneous engineer including nuclear engineer $57,600

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Salary Survey | 39national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

MaJOr By OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn | IndUstRy


2012 Median Salary

Mechanical Engineering

$57,700 2011 Median Salary 1.6%

Top Industries:

$57,500 Manufacturing

$64,400 Federal, State, andLocal government

$59,600 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

Top Occupations in Manufacturing:

$79,900 Miscellaneous Managers

$56,700 Mechanical Engineer

$63,100 Miscellaneous Engineer Including Nuclear Engineering

Major/Industry Occupation 2012 average Salary

mechanical engineering

educational Services Postsecondary Teacher $36,100

Manufacturing Miscellaneous Managers $79,900

Manufacturing Miscellaneous engineer including nuclear engineer $63,100

Manufacturing civil engineer $58,800

Manufacturing Mechanical engineer $56,700

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services aerospace engineer $66,900

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services computer Software engineer $66,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Industrial engineer, including Health or Safety $58,500

$66,400 Utilities

$58,800 Civil Engineer

Page 40: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

40 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

MaJOr By OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn | IndUstRy

Major/Industry Occupation 2012 average Salary

textile sciences and engineering

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) Miscellaneous engineer including nuclear engineer $58,400

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services civil engineer $59,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services computer Software engineer $57,000

HeALtH scIences mAJORs

Health and related Sciences

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $33,800

Health care and Social assistance Dietician or nutritionist $48,300

Health care and Social assistance clinical laboratory Technologist or Technician $45,100

Health care and Social assistance Diagnostic related Technologist or Technician $41,700

Health care and Social assistance Other Healthcare Practitioner or Technical Occupation $28,900

Health care and Social assistance Medical assistant or Healthcare Support Occupations, except dental $24,700


Health care and Social assistance registered nurse $50,600

HOme ecOnOmIcs mAJORs

Home economics

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $39,400

educational Services Preschool or Kindergarten Teacher $25,100

Health care and Social assistance Social Worker $35,000

HUmAnItIes And sOcIAL scIences mAJORs

criminal Justice and corrections

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services Miscellaneous Managers $48,700

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) Paralegal or legal assistant $36,900

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) Police or Sherrifs Patrol Officer $36,100

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) Bailiff, correctional Officer, or Jailer $33,000

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) Miscellaneous community and Social Service Specialist $27,100

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) Security Guard or Gaming Surveillance Officer $20,600

Health care and Social assistance Social Worker $35,700

Health care and Social assistance counselor $32,000

english Language and Literature/Letters

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services Miscellaneous Managers $53,200


2012 Median Salary

Page 41: TOP Pya InG SalarIeS By SalarIeS By MaJOr InDuSTrIeS | S ...average salary reported for the class of 2011 in the Winter 2012 Salary Survey report. However, much of that leap can be

Salary Survey | 41national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

MaJOr By OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn | IndUstRy

Major/Industry Occupation 2012 average Salary

english Language and Literature/Letters (continued)

educational Services Secondary School Teacher $41,000

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $39,200

educational Services Postsecondary Teacher $36,700

educational Services Social Worker $34,400

Information editor $34,600

Information Writer or author $34,100

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Paralegal or legal assistant $36,500


2012 Median Salary

Health and Related Sciences

$35,800 2011 Median Salary 1.7%

Top Industries:

Top Occupations in Health care and Social assistance:

$38,200 Health Care andSocial Assistance

$39,000 Educational Services

$44,100 Federal, State, andLocal Government

$29,300 Retail Trade

$32,900 Professional, Scientific,and Technical Services

$48,300 Dietician or Nutritionist

$41,700 Diagnostic Related Technologist or Technician

$28,900 Other Healthcare Practitioner or Technical Occupation

$24,700 Medical Assistand or Healthcare Support Occupations, except Dental

$45,100 Clinical LaboratoryTechnologist or Technician

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42 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

MaJOr By OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn | IndUstRy

Major/Industry Occupation 2012 average Salary

Foreign Languages and Literatures

educational Services Secondary School Teacher $42,000

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $39,300

Health care and Social assistance Secretary or administrative assistant $29,300


educational Services Secondary School Teacher $41,700

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $36,100

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services accountant or auditor $51,900

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Paralegal or legal assistant $37,300

Liberal Arts and sciences/general studies

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $39,400

Political science/government

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $39,800

Health care and Social assistance Social Worker $35,400

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Financial Manager $61,900

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services accountant or auditor $51,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Miscellaneous Managers $50,500

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Other Business Operations Specialist $40,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Public relations Specialist $39,100

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Paralegal or legal assistant $37,100

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Human resources, Training, or labor relations Specialist $33,100

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Miscellaneous legal Support Worker $31,100


educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $38,800

educational Services Special education Teacher $37,500

educational Services Postsecondary Teacher $36,900

educational Services Other Teacher or Instructor $25,500

educational Services Preschool or Kindergarten Teacher $22,800

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) Miscellaneous Managers $49,800

Health care and Social assistance registered nurse $45,700

Health care and Social assistance Psychologist $44,000

Health care and Social assistance Social or community Service Manager $37,000

Health care and Social assistance Social Worker $35,000

Health care and Social assistance counselor $31,400

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Salary Survey | 43national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

MaJOr By OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn | IndUstRy

Major/Industry Occupation 2012 average Salary

Psychology (continued)

Health care and Social assistance Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioner Support Technician $26,000

Health care and Social assistance nursing, Psychiatric, or Home Health aide $20,300

Information accountant or auditor $51,000

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Paralegal or legal assistant $37,000

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Human resources, Training, or labor relations Specialist $34,400

social Work

Health care and Social assistance Social Worker $34,700


educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $39,100

educational Services Other Teacher or Instructor $26,400

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) Human resources, Training, or labor relations Specialist $34,500

Health care and Social assistance Social Worker $31,200

Health care and Social assistance counselor $31,100

Visual and Performing Arts

educational Services Secondary School Teacher $42,100

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $35,600

educational Services Other Teacher or Instructor $25,000

Information computer Software engineer $66,800

Information artists or related Worker $41,200

Information editor $35,400

Information Producer or Director $34,200

Information Designer $26,700

Manufacturing Miscellaneous Managers $48,300

retail Trade Marketing or Sales Manager $56,500

Other Humanities

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $38,300

educational Services Postsecondary Teacher $35,600

Health care and Social assistance counselor $31,900

Other Services (except Federal, State, and local Government) Miscellaneous Managers $63,800

Other Services (except Federal, State, and local Government) clergy $30,400

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Paralegal or legal assistant $37,700

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44 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

Major/Industry Occupation 2012 average Salary

Other social sciences

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $38,400

educational Services Other Teacher or Instructor $25,200

Finance and Insurance accountant or auditor $51,500

Health care and Social assistance Social Worker $34,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Miscellaneous Managers $59,000

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Marketing or Sales Manager $56,000

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Human resources, Training, or labor relations Specialist $34,100

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Paralegal or legal assistant $31,500

PARKs/RecReAtIOn, LeIsURe And FItness mAJORs

Parks/Recreation, Leisure/Fitness studies and related programs

arts, entertainment, and recreation athlete, coach, umpire, or related Worker $18,700

educational Services Secondary School Teacher $41,800

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $39,400

educational Services recreation and Fitness Worker $19,800

scIences mAJORs

Architecture and Related Programs

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services architect, except naval $48,000

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Drafter $36,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Designer $28,100

biological sciences/Life sciences

educational Services Secondary School Teacher $41,400

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $39,100

educational Services Postsecondary Teacher $34,300

Health care and Social assistance Miscellaneous Managers $52,500

Health care and Social assistance Biological Scientist $48,500

Health care and Social assistance Dietician or nutritionist $48,100

Health care and Social assistance registered nurse $45,300

Health care and Social assistance clinical laboratory Technologist or Technician $38,200

Health care and Social assistance Miscellaneous life, physical, and social science technician $32,700

Health care and Social assistance Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioner Support Technician $25,600

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Physical Scientist, all Other $58,900

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services accountant or auditor $51,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services chemist or Materials Scientist $45,700

MaJOr By OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn | IndUstRy

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Salary Survey | 45national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

Major/Industry Occupation 2012 average Salary


educational Services Postsecondary Teacher $36,200

Manufacturing chemist or Materials Scientist $47,700

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Physical Scientist, all Other $59,000

construction science/management

construction constructions Manager $58,700

construction civil engineer $57,800

mathematics (incl. statistics)

educational Services Secondary School Teacher $41,100

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $39,900

educational Services Postsecondary Teacher $35,900

Finance and Insurance accountant or auditor $52,200

Information computer Software engineer $66,700

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services actuary $63,300


educational Services Postsecondary Teacher $35,500

Other Physical sciences

educational Services elementary or Middle School Teacher $39,500

Health care and Social assistance registered nurse $48,900

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46 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn By MaJOr | IndUstRy

Occupation/Industry Major 2012 average Salary

Accountant or Auditor

Finance and Insurance accounting $49,700

Finance and Insurance Business administration/Management $49,500

Finance and Insurance economics (Business/Managerial) $53,800

Finance and Insurance Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) $46,700

Finance and Insurance Mathematics (incl. statistics) $52,200

Finance and Insurance Other Social Sciences $51,500

Information Psychology $51,000

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Biological Sciences/life Sciences $51,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Finance $49,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services History $51,900

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Political Science/Government $51,800


Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Mathematics (incl. statistics) $63,300

Advertising or Promotions manager

retail Trade advertising $50,200

retail Trade communications $50,700

Aerospace engineer

Manufacturing aerospace/aeronautical/astronautical engineering $67,200

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services electrical/electronics and communications engineering $66,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Mechanical engineering $66,900

Architect, except naval

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services architecture and related Programs $48,000

Artists or Related Worker

Information visual and Performing arts $41,200

Athlete, coach, Umpire, or Related Worker

arts, entertainment, and recreation Parks/recreation, leisure/Fitness Studies and related programs $18,700

bailiff, correctional Officer, or Jailer

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) criminal Justice and corrections $33,000

biological scientist

Health care and Social assistance Biological Sciences/life Sciences $48,500

bookkeeping, Accounting, or Auditing clerk

Finance and Insurance accounting $27,800

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OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn By MaJOr | IndUstRy

Occupation/Industry Major 2012 average Salary

chemical engineer

Manufacturing chemical engineering $64,300

chemist or materials scientist

Manufacturing chemistry $47,700

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Biological Sciences/life Sciences $45,700

civil engineer

construction construction Science/Management $57,800

Manufacturing Mechanical engineering $58,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services civil engineering $58,200

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Textile Sciences and engineering $59,300


Other Services (except Federal, State, and local Government) Other Humanities $30,400

clinical laboratory Technologist or Technician

Health care and Social assistance Biological Sciences/life Sciences $38,200

Health care and Social assistance Health and related Sciences $45,100

Health care and Social assistance Psychology $37,100

computer Programmer

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) electrical/electronics and communications engineering $53,100

Information computer Science $59,400

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Information Sciences and Systems $59,100

computer scientist or systems Analyst

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services computer Science $67,100

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services economics (Business/Managerial) $73,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Information Sciences and Systems $66,000

computer software engineer

Information computer engineering $70,900

Information electrical/electronics and communications engineering $66,000

Information Mathematics (incl. statistics) $66,700

Information visual and Performing arts $66,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services computer Science $64,400

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Information Sciences and Systems $64,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Mechanical engineering $66,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Textile Sciences and engineering $57,000

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48 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

Aerospace Engineering






Network Systems orData Communications


Computer Science

Professional, Scienti�c, and Technical Services





Computer Engineering






Aerospace Engineer


Professional, Scienti�c, and Technical Services





Miscellaneous Manager

Mechanical Engineering






(Section 5 – Occupational Position by Major / Industry)

Computer Scientist or Systems Analyst

Computer SoftwareEngineer

OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn By MaJOr | IndUstRy

Occupation/Industry Major 2012 average Salary

computer support specialist

Finance and Insurance Information Sciences and Systems $41,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services computer Science $40,800

constructions manager

construction Business administration/Management $57,500

construction construction Science/Management $58,700


Health care and Social assistance criminal Justice and corrections $32,000

Health care and Social assistance Other Humanities $31,900

Health care and Social assistance Psychology $31,400

Health care and Social assistance Sociology $31,100


Information communications $28,400

Information Journalism $28,200

Information visual and Performing arts $26,700

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services architecture and related Programs $28,100

diagnostic Related technologist or technician

Health care and Social assistance Health and related Sciences $41,700

dietician or nutritionist

Health care and Social assistance Biological Sciences/life Sciences $48,100

Health care and Social assistance Health and related Sciences $48,300


Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services architecture and related Programs $36,800


Information communications $35,700

Information english language and literature/letters $34,600

Information Journalism $36,100

Information visual and Performing arts $35,400

electrical or electronics engineer

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services electrical/electronics and communications engineering $63,100

elementary or middle school teacher

educational Services Biological Sciences/life Sciences $39,100

educational Services communications $38,500

educational Services elementary Teacher education $38,700

educational Services english language and literature/letters $39,200

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Salary Survey | 49national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn By MaJOr | IndUstRy

TOP-PayInG | POsItIOns

Aerospace Engineering






Network Systems orData Communications


Computer Science

Professional, Scienti�c, and Technical Services





Computer Engineering






Aerospace Engineer


Professional, Scienti�c, and Technical Services





Miscellaneous Manager

Mechanical Engineering






(Section 5 – Occupational Position by Major / Industry)

Computer Scientist or Systems Analyst

Computer SoftwareEngineer

Occupation/Industry Major 2012 average Salary

elementary or middle school teacher (continued)

educational Services Foreign languages and literatures $39,300

educational Services Health and related Sciences $33,800

educational Services History $36,100

educational Services Home economics $39,400

educational Services Journalism $37,800

educational Services liberal arts and Sciences/General Studies $39,400

educational Services Mathematics (incl. statistics) $39,900

educational Services Other Humanities $38,300

educational Services Other Physical Sciences $39,500

educational Services Other Social Sciences $38,400

educational Services Parks/recreation, leisure/Fitness Studies and related programs $39,400

educational Services Physical education Teaching/coaching $39,300

educational Services Political Science/Government $39,800

educational Services Pre-elementary Teacher education $38,100

educational Services Psychology $38,800

educational Services Secondary education $38,900

educational Services Sociology $39,100

educational Services Special education $41,900

educational Services Specific academic/vocational Teacher education $40,100

educational Services visual and Performing arts $35,600

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50 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn By MaJOr | IndUstRyOccupation/Industry Major 2012 average Salary

Financial Analyst

Finance and Insurance Business administration/Management $54,500

Finance and Insurance economics (Business/Managerial) $55,200

Finance and Insurance Finance $54,200

Financial manager

Finance and Insurance accounting $64,700

Finance and Insurance Business administration/Management $63,900

Finance and Insurance economics (Business/Managerial) $64,600

Finance and Insurance Finance $66,000

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Political Science/Government $61,900

retail Trade Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) $62,700

Food service manager

accommodation and Food Services Hospitality Services Management $37,600

general or Operations manager

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) Business administration/Management $52,600

Health diagnosing and treating Practitioner support technician

Health care and Social assistance Biological Sciences/life Sciences $25,600

Health care and Social assistance Psychology $26,000

Hotel, motel, and Resort desk clerk

accommodation and Food Services Hospitality Services Management $18,900

Human Resources, training, or Labor Relations specialist

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services communications $34,200

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) $34,000

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) Sociology $34,500

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Business administration/Management $36,000

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services International Business $35,700

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Other Social Sciences $34,100

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Political Science/Government $33,100

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Psychology $34,400

Industrial engineer, including Health or safety

Manufacturing chemical engineering $58,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Mechanical engineering $58,500

Lodging manager

accommodation and Food Services Hospitality Services Management $37,800

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Salary Survey | 51national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn By MaJOr | IndUstRyOccupation/Industry Major 2012 average Salary

management Analyst

Finance and Insurance Finance $49,400

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Business administration/Management $41,500

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services economics (Business/Managerial) $51,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) $49,800

marketing or sales manager

Management of companies and enterprises Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) $60,900

Manufacturing Business administration/Management $60,300

Manufacturing economics (Business/Managerial) $56,900

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services advertising $55,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services communications $56,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Journalism $55,600

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Other Social Sciences $56,000

retail Trade visual and Performing arts $56,500

mechanical engineer

Manufacturing Mechanical engineering $56,700

medical Assistant or Healthcare support Occupations, except dental

Health care and Social assistance Health and related Sciences $24,700

miscellaneous community and social service specialist

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) criminal Justice and corrections $27,100

miscellaneous engineer including nuclear engineer

construction civil engineering $57,300

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) Textile Sciences and engineering $58,400

Manufacturing Mechanical engineering $63,100

utilities electrical/electronics and communications engineering $57,600

miscellaneous Legal support Worker

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Political Science/Government $31,100

miscellaneous life, physical, and social science technician

Health care and Social assistance Biological Sciences/life Sciences $32,700

miscellaneous managers

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services criminal Justice and corrections $48,700

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services english language and literature/letters $53,200

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) Business administration/Management $59,700

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52 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn By MaJOr | IndUstRyOccupation/Industry Major 2012 average Salary

miscellaneous managers (continued)

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) communications $59,300

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) Psychology $49,800

Health care and Social assistance Biological Sciences/life Sciences $52,500

Management of companies and enterprises advertising $59,400

Management of companies and enterprises economics (Business/Managerial) $61,300

Management of companies and enterprises Finance $66,600

Manufacturing Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) $59,600

Manufacturing Mechanical engineering $79,900

Manufacturing visual and Performing arts $48,300

Other Services (except Federal, State, and local Government) Other Humanities $63,800

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Other Social Sciences $59,000

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Political Science/Government $50,500

network systems or data communications Analyst

Information Information Sciences and Systems $59,200

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services computer Science $68,100

news Analyst, Reporter or correspondent

Information Journalism $26,600

nursing, Psychiatric, or Home Health Aide

Health care and Social assistance Psychology $20,300

Other business Operations specialist

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Business administration/Management $40,900

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services communications $41,000

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Journalism $42,400

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Political Science/Government $40,800

Other Healthcare Practitioner or technical Occupation

Health care and Social assistance Health and related Sciences $28,900

Other teacher or Instructor

educational Services elementary Teacher education $26,000

educational Services Other Social Sciences $25,200

educational Services Psychology $25,500

educational Services Sociology $26,400

educational Services visual and Performing arts $25,000

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Salary Survey | 53national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn By MaJOr | IndUstRy

Occupation/Industry Major 2012 average Salary

Paralegal or Legal Assistant

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) criminal Justice and corrections $36,900

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services english language and literature/letters $36,500

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services History $37,300

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Other Humanities $37,700

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Other Social Sciences $31,500

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Political Science/Government $37,100

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Psychology $37,000

Personal Financial Advisor

Finance and Insurance Business administration/Management $38,000

Finance and Insurance economics (Business/Managerial) $38,200

Finance and Insurance Finance $39,500

Physical scientist, All Other

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Biological Sciences/life Sciences $58,900

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services chemistry $59,000

Police or sherrifs Patrol Officer

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) criminal Justice and corrections $36,100

Postsecondary teacher

educational Services Bioengineering and Biomedical engineering $43,200

educational Services Biological Sciences/life Sciences $34,300

educational Services chemistry $36,200

educational Services computer Science $36,400

educational Services english language and literature/letters $36,700

educational Services Mathematics (incl. statistics) $35,900

educational Services Mechanical engineering $36,100

educational Services Other Humanities $35,600

educational Services Physics $35,500

educational Services Psychology $36,900

Preschool or Kindergarten teacher

educational Services elementary Teacher education $27,800

educational Services Home economics $25,100

educational Services Pre-elementary Teacher education $25,200

educational Services Psychology $22,800

educational Services Specific academic/vocational Teacher education $26,100

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54 | Salary Survey national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn By MaJOr | IndUstRy

Occupation/Industry Major 2012 average Salary

Producer or director

Information Journalism $51,200

Information visual and Performing arts $34,200


Health care and Social assistance Psychology $44,000

Public Relations specialist

Information Journalism $39,200

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services advertising $38,500

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services communications $37,900

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Political Science/Government $39,100

Recreation and Fitness Worker

educational Services Parks/recreation, leisure/Fitness Studies and related programs $19,800

Registered nurse

Health care and Social assistance Biological Sciences/life Sciences $45,300

Health care and Social assistance nursing $50,600

Health care and Social assistance Other Physical Sciences $48,900

Health care and Social assistance Psychology $45,700

secondary school teacher

educational Services Biological Sciences/life Sciences $41,400

educational Services elementary Teacher education $41,900

educational Services english language and literature/letters $41,000

educational Services Foreign languages and literatures $42,000

educational Services History $41,700

educational Services Mathematics (incl. statistics) $41,100

educational Services Parks/recreation, leisure/Fitness Studies and related programs $41,800

educational Services Physical education Teaching/coaching $42,100

educational Services Secondary education $41,500

educational Services Specific academic/vocational Teacher education $40,700

educational Services visual and Performing arts $42,100

secretary or Administrative Assistant

administrative and Support and Waste Management and remediation Services International Business $28,000

Health care and Social assistance Foreign languages and literatures $29,300

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Salary Survey | 55national association of colleges and employers | www.naceweb.org

Occupation/Industry Major 2012 average Salary

security guard or gaming surveillance Officer

Federal, State, and local Government (OeS Designation) criminal Justice and corrections $20,600

social or community service manager

Health care and Social assistance Psychology $37,000

social Worker

educational Services english language and literature/letters $34,400

Health care and Social assistance criminal Justice and corrections $35,700

Health care and Social assistance Home economics $35,000

Health care and Social assistance Other Social Sciences $34,800

Health care and Social assistance Political Science/Government $35,400

Health care and Social assistance Psychology $35,000

Health care and Social assistance Social Work $34,700

Health care and Social assistance Sociology $31,200

special education teacher

educational Services elementary Teacher education $43,100

educational Services Psychology $37,500

educational Services Special education $44,500

teacher Assistant

educational Services elementary Teacher education $19,400

therapist, All Other

Health care and Social assistance Psychology $40,300

Wholesale or Retail buyer, except Farm Products

retail Trade Marketing/Marketing Mgmt. (incl. mktg. research) $39,700

Writer or Author

Information advertising $35,600

Information english language and literature/letters $34,100

Information Journalism $35,700

OccuPaTIOnal POSITIOn By MaJOr | IndUstRy

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Salary Survey62 Highland avenueBethlehem, Pa 18017