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Top 13 Yoga Exercises To Avoid Backaches!

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Page 2: Top 13 Yoga Exercises To Avoid Backaches!

PELVIC TILT POSTUREThis is recommended to offer a support to the lower back. It also supports abdominals,sacroiliac joints and adjacent structures of the body. Sometimes, poor posture and muscle atrophy cause severe jerks in the lower part of back, which are very painful. This posture offers a spinal stabilization in such a case.

Page 3: Top 13 Yoga Exercises To Avoid Backaches!

TRIANGLE POSETriangle poses are effective on the hips, which have a brawny influence on the spine. The spine is directly associated with back pain. Hence, a triangle pose is very effective in the reduction of back pain. It is a very powerful pose to control back pain.

Page 4: Top 13 Yoga Exercises To Avoid Backaches!

This posture is supposed to be great in alleviating back pains. Side-angle poses of yoga assist with postural conditions, which are very effective in back pain such as those that result from scoliosis and kyphosis. They are also effective in stretching the core muscles of the body, which includes the oblique abdominals too.


Page 5: Top 13 Yoga Exercises To Avoid Backaches!

STANDING FORWARD BEND POSITIONSThis yogic posture is supposed to be a challenge for the performer’s sense of alignment. ‘Uttanasana’, is the most famous forward bending posture. It works wonders in getting rid of backaches.

Page 6: Top 13 Yoga Exercises To Avoid Backaches!

The elevating yoga position is supposed to be very useful in alleviating back pain. This posture needs the utmost level of your attention because it offers the best results; that is if you know what you are doing.


Page 7: Top 13 Yoga Exercises To Avoid Backaches!

CORPSE POSELie flat on your back in a relaxed manner and raise your arms at your sides. Have your arms alongside your trunk but slightly away and have your palms facing upwards. Spread your legs in a natural way. Turn your knees out slightly but comfortably. Release the tension and take deep breaths.

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CAT STRETCHIt involves your back, knees and hands. You start with the hands and knees with a flat back, which brings your shoulders and hands in an alignment. This yogic posture is known for its gradual impact to help relieve backaches.

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SUPPORTED BRIDGE POSE FOR BACK PAINThis yoga posture is very famous among people suffering from backaches. This is considered as a good exercise posture, as it makes a connection among different parts of body to provide support. This exercise is usually included in the must-to-do list of yoga postures.

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Also known as ‘Supta Padangusthana,’ this yogic asana needs a gentle stretch of hamstrings and calves. A stretching of these body parts brings an awesome improvement in the condition of the person, who is suffering from backaches.


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SUPINE SPINAL TWIST TO GET RELIEF FROM BACK PAINThis trunk rotation movement deals with the twisting of the spines. Nevertheless, it is not an easy deal for everyone but its results are truly worth the effort.

Note:  People with degenerative disk ailments must be cautious while performing this yoga.

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CAT-COW POSE – YOGA FOR BACK PAINThis pose offers a tremendous effect in dealing with backaches. It comprises functioning of Pilates, yoga and core strengthening asana. The cat-cow position is famed for its therapeutic results and it is widely performed nowadays.

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YOGA FOR BACK PAIN – COBRA POSECobra pose is also known as ‘Bhujangasana.’ The movement of this posture asks one to lie-down on the floor on his or her stomach. This is then followed by making an arch with the help of the performer’s forelimbs (hands). This is a brilliant stretch exercise that has the capacity to provide a great relief to all who are suffering with backaches.

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PRANAYAMA (BREATHING YOGIC EXERCISES TO GET RELIEF FROM BACK PAIN) ‘Anulom vilom’ and ‘Nadi sodhan’ are the two most famous breathing exercises. These exercises work wonders in avoidance of a multitude of fatal ailments including ailments like backache. By inhaling and exhaling, the body grasps more oxygen which isvery helpful in blood purification. These ‘asanas’ also decrease anxiety levels and makes the mind calm.