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Generated by localisation spreadsheet{TMT_SETTLEMENT_INCOME}Settlement and Region Income{TMT_LOYALTY_TOOLTIP_REVOLTING}Loyalty: Potential for revolt{TMT_LOYALTY_TOOLTIP_RIOTING}Loyalty: Potential for riots{TMT_LOYALTY_TOOLTIP_DISILLUSIONED}Loyalty: Disillusioned{TMT_LOYALTY_TOOLTIP_CONTENT}Loyalty: Content{TMT_LOYALTY_TOOLTIP_HAPPY}Loyalty: Happy{TMT_GROWTH_TOOLTIP_GROWTH}Population: Increasing{TMT_GROWTH_TOOLTIP_STATIC}Population: No Growth{TMT_GROWTH_TOOLTIP_DECLINING}Population: Decreasing{TMT_SETTLEMENT_STATUS_TRAINING}Currently training companies{TMT_SETTLEMENT_STATUS_BUILDING}Currently constructing buildings{TMT_LCLICK_FOR_BUILD_OPTIONS}Left-click to see upgrade options for this building{TMT_CONSTRUCTION_HELP}Left-click to add to queue{TMT_CONSTRUCTION_REMOVE_HELP}Left-click to remove from queue{TMT_COST_OF_CONSTRUCTION}Cost to construct item{TMT_TIME_TO_CONSTRUCT}Number of turns required to construct item{TMT_COST_OF_RECRUITMENT_UNIT}Cost to recruit company{TMT_TIME_TO_RECRUIT}Number of turns required to train{TMT_SEASON_SUMMER}Summer{TMT_SEASON_WINTER}Winter{TMT_REMAINING_ACTION_POINTS}Movement points\nThe dark blue bar represents points remaining\nLight blue section represents affect\non movement points after current\naction is performed{TMT_ACCEPT_FIELD_CONSTRUCTION}Build selected item{TMT_CANCEL_FIELD_CONSTRUCTION}Do not build anything{TMT_BUILD_FORT_OR_WATCHTOWER}Construct fort or watchtower{TMT_CANNOT_BUILD_FORT_OR_WATCHTOWER}Cannot construct fort or watchtower here{TMT_CANNOT_ATTACK_FROM_SIEGED_SETTLEMENT}When under siege it is only possible to attack the sieging army{TMT_SHOW_GENERAL_UNIT_DETAILS}Show details for this character's bodyguard{TMT_LCLICK_SELECT}Left-click to select{TMT_RCLICK_INFO}Right-click to get further information{TMT_LDBL_CLICK_INFO}Double Left-click to get further information{TMT_CURSOR_ATTACK}Right-click to attack{TMT_CURSOR_MOVE}Right-click to move to position{TMT_CURSOR_SELECT}Right-click to select{TMT_CURSOR_MOVE_MAP}Scroll map{TMT_CURSOR_MOUSE_LOOK}Mouse look{TMT_CURSOR_CLICK_DOWN}Click down{TMT_CURSOR_EXCHANGE}Right-click to exchange units and characters {TMT_CURSOR_DEFAULT_ACTION}Right-click to perform mission{TMT_CURSOR_NO_ACTION}No action possible on this target{TMT_CURSOR_ENTER_SETTLEMENT}Right-click to enter settlement{TMT_CURSOR_DISEMBARK}Right-click to disembark{TMT_CURSOR_SET_RALLY_POINT}Right-click to set settlement's rally point{TMT_CURSOR_AUTO_MERGE}Right-click to merge units {TMT_NO_MULTITURN_MISSIONS}Cannot attack or perform missions over multiple turns{TMT_NO_MULTITURN_EXCHANGES}Cannot merge or exchange units over multiple turns{TMT_SIEGE_EQUIPMENT_NOT_REQUIRED}Construction of this siege equipment is not required{TMT_NO_DIPLOMACY_WITH_REBELS}Diplomacy is not possible with rebels{TMT_SILVER_TOOLTIP}Silver Mines can be constructed at the nearby settlement{TMT_GOLD_TOOLTIP}Gold Mines can be constructed at the nearby settlement{TMT_IRON_TOOLTIP}Iron - a valuable trade resource{TMT_GRAIN_TOOLTIP}Grain - a valuable resource\nIncreases population growth in local settlement{TMT_IVORY_TOOLTIP}Ivory - a valuable trade resource{TMT_WINE_TOOLTIP}Wine - a valuable trade resource{TMT_SLAVES_TOOLTIP}Slaves - a valuable resource\n{TMT_CHOCOLATE_TOOLTIP}Chocolate - a valuable trade resource{TMT_FISH_TOOLTIP}Fish - a valuable trade resource{TMT_TIMBER_TOOLTIP}Timber - a valuable trade resource{TMT_MARBLE_TOOLTIP}Marble - a valuable trade resource{TMT_TEXTILES_TOOLTIP}Textiles - a valuable trade resource{TMT_DYES_TOOLTIP}Dyes - a valuable trade resource{TMT_TOBACCO_TOOLTIP}Tobacco - a valuable trade resource{TMT_SILK_TOOLTIP}Silk - a valuable trade resource{TMT_SUGAR_TOOLTIP}Sugar - a valuable trade resource{TMT_SULFUR_TOOLTIP}Sulphur - a valuable trade resource{TMT_FURS_TOOLTIP}Furs - a valuable trade resource{TMT_TIN_TOOLTIP}Tin - a valuable trade resource{TMT_SPICES_TOOLTIP}Spices - a valuable trade resource{TMT_COTTON_TOOLTIP}Cotton - a valuable trade resource{TMT_AMBER_TOOLTIP}Amber - a valuable trade resource{TMT_COAL_TOOLTIP}Coal - a valuable trade resource{TMT_WOOL_TOOLTIP}Wool - a valuable trade resource{TMT_DOGS_TOOLTIP}A small village{TMT_CAMELS_TOOLTIP}Glass- a valuable trade resource{TMT_ELEPHANTS_TOOLTIP}Salt - a valuable trade resource{TMT_ROADS_TOOLTIP}Road: Allows armies to march further\nAlso adds to trade income\nThe amount of traffic indicates the amount of trade{TMT_PAVED_ROADS_TOOLTIP}Paved road: Allows armies to march efficiently at speed\nAlso adds to trade income\nThe amount of traffic indicates the amount of trade{TMT_HIGHWAYS_TOOLTIP}Highways: Allows armies to march long distances\nAlso adds to trade income\nThe amount of traffic indicates the amount of trade{TMT_SEA_LANES_TOOLTIP}Trade route between settlements with ports{TMT_FAMOUS_BATTLE_SITE_TOOLTIP}An epic battle of great renown was fought here{TMT_INFLUENCE_LEVEL_0}A ripe turnip has more influence over the ways of men than this lowly wretch{TMT_INFLUENCE_LEVEL_1}Even when he is full of conviction, nobody listens too much to this man{TMT_INFLUENCE_LEVEL_2}It is said even this man's wife barely takes heed of what he says{TMT_INFLUENCE_LEVEL_3}Though his statements are usually considered sound, he lacks the charisma to influence others{TMT_INFLUENCE_LEVEL_4}This man is considered decent counsel, but is yet to hold any real presence in the royal courts{TMT_INFLUENCE_LEVEL_5}Considered important enough that most minor lordlings would listen carefully to his counsel{TMT_INFLUENCE_LEVEL_6}Though he may not always win every debate he enters, his counsel always wins him respect{TMT_INFLUENCE_LEVEL_7}Is known to be able to make others adopt a perspective that is otherwise against their beliefs{TMT_INFLUENCE_LEVEL_8}Considered an even-handed font of wisdom on most matters, even by the enemies of his people{TMT_INFLUENCE_LEVEL_9}So convincing are this man's arguments that he can manipulate a learned audience with ease{TMT_INFLUENCE_LEVEL_10}Scholars follow this man, seeking to quote his highly influential statements and musings{TMT_COMMAND_LEVEL_0}This man would wet himself at the notion he should be in charge at all{TMT_COMMAND_LEVEL_1}Young peasant girls laugh when this man tries to tell them what to do{TMT_COMMAND_LEVEL_2 }A born follower, this man has no notion of what leadership is about{TMT_COMMAND_LEVEL_3 }Understands the concepts of chain of command, but knows little of what orders to give{TMT_COMMAND_LEVEL_4 }Hardly a tactical genius, but this man is showing some aptitude for leadership{TMT_COMMAND_LEVEL_5 }Given the right troops and conditions, this man can typically lead an armed force to victory{TMT_COMMAND_LEVEL_6 }Calm and confident at the head of an army, and usually decisive in victory{TMT_COMMAND_LEVEL_7 }Though he is but one man, his aura of command is powerful enough to inspire many on the battlefield. {TMT_COMMAND_LEVEL_8 }This man has leadership qualities to enable men to go beyond their own abilities on any battlefield. {TMT_COMMAND_LEVEL_9 }So bold and confident in command, this man could lead an angry mob to conquer an empire{TMT_COMMAND_LEVEL_10}On the battlefield, this man's will is always realised! He is a true master of warfare{TMT_SUBTERFUGE_LEVEL_0}So naive and innocent is this one, he lacks the cunning to sneak up on even a corpse{TMT_SUBTERFUGE_LEVEL_1}Clumsy and conspicuous, only a fool would rely on this man for acts of espionage{TMT_SUBTERFUGE_LEVEL_2}He may be willing to do the dubious, but he lacks the guile and cunning to do it well{TMT_SUBTERFUGE_LEVEL_3}More cunning than most of the night watch... But not all of them{TMT_SUBTERFUGE_LEVEL_4}Usually capable of pulling off minor acts of espionage given the proper preparation{TMT_SUBTERFUGE_LEVEL_5}Discreet and delicate enough to be entrusted with dangerous clandestine tasks{TMT_SUBTERFUGE_LEVEL_6}Has proven more than capable of committing cunning clandestine acts{TMT_SUBTERFUGE_LEVEL_7}Foxes and weasels have nothing on this man in terms of raw cunning{TMT_SUBTERFUGE_LEVEL_8}Not even a bloodhound could track this man's movements, he is but a shadow{TMT_SUBTERFUGE_LEVEL_9}This man is the embodiment of subtlety, secrecy and stealth{TMT_SUBTERFUGE_LEVEL_10}Like the shadows themselves, this man is everywhere at once without being tangible anywhere. {TMT_TOGGLE_AUTOMANAGEMENT}Toggle auto-management of this settlement{TMT_DECREASE_TAXATION}Decrease taxation{TMT_INCREASE_TAXATION}Increase taxation{TMT_CHANGE_GOVERNOR_POLICY}Change governor policy{TMT_DECREASE_GAMES_FREQUENCY}Decrease frequency of games and/or races{TMT_INCREASE_GAMES_FREQUENCY}Increase frequency of games and/or races{TMT_CURRENTLY_SELECTED_CHARACTER}Character currently selected:{TMT_CURRENTLY_SELECTED_SETTLEMENT}Regional Capital currently selected:{TMT_CURRENTLY_SELECTED_FORT}Castle currently selected{TMT_CURRENTLY_SELECTED_RALLY_POINT}Rally point currently selected{TMT_CURRENTLY_SELECTED_RALLY_POINTS}Rally points currently selected{TMT_LCLICK_ZOOM_TO_POS}Left-click to locate item on map{TMT_SHOW_SELECTED_ITEM}This area shows the currently selected item{TMT_FIELD_CONSTRUCTION_TEST_NO_GENERAL}Armies without generals cannot construct forts or watchtowers{TMT_FIELD_CONSTRUCTION_TEST_NOT_NAMED_CHARACTER}Only generals can commission forts and watchtowers{TMT_FIELD_CONSTRUCTION_TEST_IN_SEA_REGION}Cannot build a fort or watchtower in the sea{TMT_FIELD_CONSTRUCTION_TEST_FORT_IN_ENEMY_TERRITORY}Cannot build a fort in enemy territory{TMT_FIELD_CONSTRUCTION_TEST_FORT_INVALID_GAME_TILE}This is an invalid position for a fort{TMT_FIELD_CONSTRUCTION_TEST_FORT_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY}You do not have enough money to build a fort{TMT_FIELD_CONSTRUCTION_TEST_WATCHTOWER_IN_ENEMY_TERRITORY}Cannot build a watchtower in enemy territory{TMT_FIELD_CONSTRUCTION_TEST_WATCHTOWER_INVALID_GAME_TILE}This is an invalid position for a watchtower{TMT_FIELD_CONSTRUCTION_TEST_WATCHTOWER_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY}You do not have enough money to build a watchtower{TMT_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_FOR_FORT_OR_WATCHTOWER}You do not have enough money to build a fort or watchtower{TMT_CANNOT_RECRUIT_UNITS_IN_BATTLE}You cannot recruit units or mercenaries once a battle has been instigated{TMT_NO_BODYGUARD_UNIT_TO_VIEW}There is no bodyguard unit to view for this character{TMT_NOT_ENOUGH_INFO_FOR_BODYGUARD}Not enough information gathered about this character to view his bodyguard unit{TMT_SETTLEMENT_STATUS_AUTOMANAGED}This settlement is auto-managed{TMT_PIGS_TOOLTIP}Pigs: Allows the training of incendiary pig units{TMT_CANNOT_ATTACK_SIEGED_SETTLEMENT}Cannot lay siege to a settlement that is besieged by a non allied faction{TMT_CANNOT_CONSTRUCT_WHILST_SIEGING}Cannot build forts or watchtowers whilst laying siege{TMT_FIELD_CONSTRUCTION_TEST_WATCHTOWER_SIEGING}Cannot build a watchtower whilst laying siege{TMT_FIELD_CONSTRUCTION_TEST_FORT_SIEGING}Cannot build a fort whilst laying siege{TMT_NEGATIVE_COMMAND}This man actually manages to hinder any chance his subordinates have of achieving military success.{TMT_NEGATIVE_INFLUENCE}When this man states an opinion, everyone knows that the opposite must be true.{TMT_NEGATIVE_MANAGEMENT}This man can bring chaos out of order. He needs a 'to do' list when visiting a latrine, yet still manages to go horribly wrong!{TMT_NEGATIVE_SUBTERFUGE}This man's bumbling naivety helps everyone he deals with become a master of cunning and subterfuge. {TMT_SLAVES_TOOLTIP_SINGLE}Slaves - a valuable resource\nDistributed across all settlements with overseers. Resource is exhausted after 1 more turn{TMT_SHOW_GENERAL_UNIT_DETAILS_ARMY}Show details of the bodyguard unit for this army's general{TMT_LCLICK_INFO}Left-click to get further information{TMT_CANNOT_MERGE_AGENT}The selected character cannot be received at this location{TMT_CANNOT_MERGE_AGENTS}The selected characters cannot be received at this location{TMT_AUTO_MERGE_AGENTS}Right-click to automatically merge agents{TMT_GOLD_MINE_TOOLTIP}Gold Mine: A valuable source of income{TMT_SILVER_MINE_TOOLTIP}Silver Mine: A valuable source of income{TMT_IRON_MINE_TOOLTIP}Iron Mine: A valuable source of income{TMT_MARBLE_MINE_TOOLTIP}Marble Mine: A valuable source of income{TMT_SULFUR_MINE_TOOLTIP}Sulphur Mine: A valuable source of income{TMT_TIN_MINE_TOOLTIP}Tin Mine: A valuable source of income{TMT_AMBER_MINE_TOOLTIP}Amber Mine: A valuable source of income{TMT_COAL_MINE_TOOLTIP}Coal Mine: A valuable source of income{TMT_NO_WITHDRAW_NAVY}Cannot withdraw: Navies cannot withdraw from battles{TMT_NO_WITHDRAW_AMBUSH}Cannot withdraw: You have been successfully ambushed{TMT_NO_WITHDRAW_SIEGE}Cannot withdraw: Your are under siege{TMT_NO_WITHDRAW_AP}Cannot withdraw: No movement points remaining{TMT_NO_WITHDRAW_RETREAT}Cannot withdraw: Nowhere to withdraw to{TMT_ALREADY_CAPITAL}This settlement is already the capital{TMT_NO_GENERAL_UNIT_TO_SHOW}No personal bodyguard unit to show{TMT_DOCK_BLOCKADED}This dock is currently blockaded{TMT_PORT_BLOCKADED}This port is currently blockaded{TMT_SETTLEMENT_AUTOMANAGED_BUILDING}Cannot add this building as construction is being auto-managed{TMT_SETTLEMENT_AUTOMANAGED_TRAINING}Cannot add this unit as recruitment is being auto-managed{TMT_CANNOT_RECRUIT_MERCS_IN_BATTLE}Cannot recruit mercenaries once a battle has been instigated{TMT_CANNOT_CHANGE_TAX_LEVEL_AS_AUTOMANAGED}Cannot change the tax level of this settlement as the faction's taxes are being auto-managed. Go to the faction summary scroll to change this{TMT_CANNOT_CHANGE_CASTLE_TAX_LEVEL}Cannot change the tax level of the castle.{TMT_CANNOT_DESTROY_THIS_BUILDING}This building cannot be destroyed{TMT_RECOUP_AMOUNT}%d florins will be recouped.{TMT_CANNOT_LEAVE_ZOC}Cannot move through an enemy's zone of control{TMT_CAN_ONLY_SALLY_OUT_ONCE_PER_TURN}Can only sally out once per turn{TMT_CANNOT_FLEE}This army cannot flee from the battle. If it loses, all units will be destroyed{TMT_LOYALTY_TITLE}Loyalty{TMT_LOYALTY_LEVEL_0}It is doubtful if this man has any loyalties at all, even unto himself{TMT_LOYALTY_LEVEL_1}This man perceives loyalty as a trait of the weak and foolish{TMT_LOYALTY_LEVEL_2}He may proclaim his loyalty as expected, though it is quite obviously just for appearances{TMT_LOYALTY_LEVEL_3}Fallible like any other man, at least this one tries to be a good servant{TMT_LOYALTY_LEVEL_4}Understands that acting obediently is sometimes more important than doing what would seem sensible{TMT_LOYALTY_LEVEL_5}Loyal enough to obey an order that he does not see the sense behind without complaint{TMT_LOYALTY_LEVEL_6}This man would only disobey an order if he truly believed that he would be commended for it afterwards{TMT_LOYALTY_LEVEL_7}Even upon threat of death, this man is willing to endure great hardships in service of his master and people{TMT_LOYALTY_LEVEL_8}Unquestioningly loyal, this man is an asset that his people can always depend upon {TMT_LOYALTY_LEVEL_9}When this man's master commands him, he knows that it will be done, or he shall die trying{TMT_LOYALTY_LEVEL_10}This man is spoken of far and wide as the epitome of selfless obedience, and is universally admired for it{TMT_NEGATIVE_LOYALTY}This man actually revels in deceiving and betraying any whom he believes trust him{TMT_HORDE_OCCUPY_SETTLEMENT_TOOLTIP}Take this settlement and the surrounding region as a new homeland for your people. Your hordes will disband.{TMT_HORDE_SACK_SETTLEMENT_TOOLTIP}Steal everything you can from this settlement. Wreak havoc, and continue the search for a new homeland for your hordes.{TMT_CANNOT_LEAD_NIGHT_BATTLE}The commanding officer in this battle cannot lead night attacks{TMT_CANNOT_DISEMBARK_HERE}Cannot disembark here{TMT_CANNOT_FLEE_HORDE_PLAYER}This army cannot flee from the battle. If it loses, the settlement will be lost and all your people will be forced to find another land to call home{TMT_CANNOT_FLEE_HORDE_NON_PLAYER}This army cannot flee from the battle. If it loses, the settlement will be lost and this nations people will be forced to find another land to call home{TMT_SIEGE_EQUIPMENT_NOT_POSSIBLE}Construction of this siege equipment is not possible{TMT_MEET_ENEMY}Sally forth to meet the enemy outside settlement{TMT_MEET_ENEMY_AUTORESOLVE}Automatically resolve the battle outside settlement{TMT_REMAIN_GARRISON}Keep your garrison inside the settlement{TMT_FLEE}Flee, abandoning the region to the enemy{TMT_CHARM_LEVEL_0}There's little to separate this wretched creature from a bar wench{TMT_CHARM_LEVEL_1}More of a spoiled brat than an example of nobility{TMT_CHARM_LEVEL_2}Lacks the grace and charm of other ladies of the court{TMT_CHARM_LEVEL_3}Delicate enough to win over a simpler sort of man easily enough{TMT_CHARM_LEVEL_4}About as enthralling as one expects from a princess{TMT_CHARM_LEVEL_5}One of the fairer ladies of the royal courts{TMT_CHARM_LEVEL_6}Graceful and endearing enough to instil trust in others{TMT_CHARM_LEVEL_7}Beautiful and capable, her majesty is a true asset to her people{TMT_CHARM_LEVEL_8}Intoxicatingly charming enough to always get what she wants{TMT_CHARM_LEVEL_9}So charming that most men would fight to see her will be done{TMT_CHARM_LEVEL_10}Her majesty's grace and charm makes her a dangerous political weapon{TMT_FINANCE_LEVEL_0}This man may like money, but he is useless with it{TMT_FINANCE_LEVEL_1}Barely grasps the basics of the barter system{TMT_FINANCE_LEVEL_2}Boasts no more business acumen than a common market vendor{TMT_FINANCE_LEVEL_3}An aspiring trader, possessing more ambition than experience or ability{TMT_FINANCE_LEVEL_4}A competent yet uninventive warrior of the mercantile world{TMT_FINANCE_LEVEL_5}Boasts a sound knowledge of local and foreign markets{TMT_FINANCE_LEVEL_6}Knows how to use money to achieve goals that strength and honour cannot{TMT_FINANCE_LEVEL_7}Can lay siege to your enemies coffers with almost certain success{TMT_FINANCE_LEVEL_8}Silver-tongued enough to sell paintings to the blind{TMT_FINANCE_LEVEL_9}A master of making money multiply with little effort on a grand scale{TMT_FINANCE_LEVEL_10}An infamous fiscal power in his own right{TMT_PIETY_LEVEL_0}A walking bastion of blasphemy{TMT_PIETY_LEVEL_1}Shows no real sense of spirituality {TMT_PIETY_LEVEL_2}Far from devout, and often far from the altar at mass{TMT_PIETY_LEVEL_3}Complies with divine mandate with little apparent joy{TMT_PIETY_LEVEL_4}Has the occasional need to pray for his sins{TMT_PIETY_LEVEL_5}Shows a healthy respect for his faith{TMT_PIETY_LEVEL_6}Pious, proper and proud of it{TMT_PIETY_LEVEL_7}Clearly one touched with religious fervour{TMT_PIETY_LEVEL_8}He doesn't just walk in the light, it shines from him{TMT_PIETY_LEVEL_9}Has embraced his faith to a point of fanaticism{TMT_PIETY_LEVEL_10}Widely considered a living saint, even by his enemies{TMT_MAGIC_LEVEL_0}If this woman once held sway over the arcane, she shows no sign of it now {TMT_MAGIC_LEVEL_1}Little more than a glorified performer of party tricks{TMT_MAGIC_LEVEL_2}More of an enigmatic wise woman than a genuine witch{TMT_MAGIC_LEVEL_3}A performer of bizarre, inexplicable phenomena{TMT_MAGIC_LEVEL_4}Even humanistic sceptics would label this woman a witch{TMT_MAGIC_LEVEL_5}Her unnatural powers are great enough that she no longer bothers to hide them{TMT_MAGIC_LEVEL_6}Has been seen by many using dark arts as a weapon against the righteous{TMT_MAGIC_LEVEL_7}This witch wields power that is unholy, unnatural, and seemingly unstoppable{TMT_MAGIC_LEVEL_8}No bounds are known to this omnipotent crone's arcane arts{TMT_MAGIC_LEVEL_9}Performs miracles on par with those of the Messiah{TMT_MAGIC_LEVEL_10}So terrible are her powers men of the cloth are dubbing her the Anti-Christ{TMT_NEGATIVE_CHARM}So vile is this woman that the doomsayers consider her a bad omen{TMT_NEGATIVE_FINANCE}It is questionable whether or not this man can count properly{TMT_NEGATIVE_PIETY}This man stops just short of publicly denouncing religion as nonsense{TMT_NEGATIVE_MAGIC}Her only power is to inspire gossip and rumours amongst nervous villagers{TMT_RESOURCE_TRADE_VALUE}Trade resource worth %d florins per turn{TMT_TRADER_TRADE_VALUE}Trading %S, generating %d florins per turn{TMT_TRADER_TRADE_TYPE}Trading %S{TMT_NUM_MARRIAGES}%d marriage alliances with this sovereignty {TMT_NEGATIVE_CHIVALRY}DO NOT TRANSLATE: SHOULD NEVER DISPLAY - negative chivalry{TMT_CHIVALRY_LEVEL_0}Neither remarkably noble nor nefarious{TMT_CHIVALRY_LEVEL_1}A well meaning warrior, still prone to barbaric ways{TMT_CHIVALRY_LEVEL_2}This man favours good virtues, he simply hasn't mastered them{TMT_CHIVALRY_LEVEL_3}More noble than a mere mercenary, but hardly known as a defender of the faith{TMT_CHIVALRY_LEVEL_4}Despite a few discrepancies, this man has only honourable intentions{TMT_CHIVALRY_LEVEL_5}Manages to adhere to the codes of chivalry admirably{TMT_CHIVALRY_LEVEL_6}Genuinely chivalrous and honourable to both master and minion alike{TMT_CHIVALRY_LEVEL_7}A man who would rather die than dishonour himself, or his people{TMT_CHIVALRY_LEVEL_8}Will only do what is right and just, even upon pain of death{TMT_CHIVALRY_LEVEL_9}A true champion of honour and virtue, revered even by his enemies{TMT_CHIVALRY_LEVEL_10}Destined to be considered the patron saint of knights{TMT_NEGATIVE_DREAD}DO NOT TRANSLATE: SHOULD NEVER DISPLAY - negative dread{TMT_DREAD_LEVEL_0}Neither remarkably noble nor nefarious{TMT_DREAD_LEVEL_1}More concerned with survival than fighting honourably{TMT_DREAD_LEVEL_2}Known for adopting less than admirable tactics to achieve victory{TMT_DREAD_LEVEL_3}Has a habit of unnerving seasoned opponents with his overly grizzly ways{TMT_DREAD_LEVEL_4}Consciously works terror and blackmail into his strategies{TMT_DREAD_LEVEL_5}Some say his troops follow him out of fear rather than loyalty or pride{TMT_DREAD_LEVEL_6}Shamelessly takes pleasure in causing pain and suffering{TMT_DREAD_LEVEL_7}Commonly tortures his subjects as a display of authority{TMT_DREAD_LEVEL_8}A man so malevolent, he considers honour and virtue foolish weaknesses{TMT_DREAD_LEVEL_9}A notorious champion of darkness capable of evils few others are{TMT_DREAD_LEVEL_10}Even the dauntless must be forced to face such a man{TMT_AUTHORITY_LEVEL_0}Even his own servants think twice before completing their chores{TMT_AUTHORITY_LEVEL_1}This leader has a serious inability to inspire others to follow{TMT_AUTHORITY_LEVEL_2}He simply lacks the spine and presence expected of a ruler{TMT_AUTHORITY_LEVEL_3}Some of his subjects will see things his way, yet not the majority{TMT_AUTHORITY_LEVEL_4}Though he has his detractors, he is too well respected for them to work openly{TMT_AUTHORITY_LEVEL_5}There is a general acceptance that his majesty is a competent ruler{TMT_AUTHORITY_LEVEL_6}Carries himself strongly enough to inspire confidence in his court{TMT_AUTHORITY_LEVEL_7}A natural born leader, rarely challenged or questioned{TMT_AUTHORITY_LEVEL_8}Capable of making men willingly follow a cause to their demise{TMT_AUTHORITY_LEVEL_9}Leads in a manner so inspiring none would think to question him{TMT_AUTHORITY_LEVEL_10}His people consider his word nothing less than divine mandate{TMT_NEGATIVE_AUTHORITY}Purely a figurehead, this man's people do not think of him as their leader{TMT_JOIN_CRUSADE}Join the Crusade{TMT_CANNOT_JOIN_CRUSADE_NOT_CALLED}There is no Crusade in progress to join{TMT_CANNOT_JOIN_CRUSADE_CHARACTER_EXCOMMUNICATED}Excommunicated character cannot join the Crusade{TMT_CANNOT_JOIN_CRUSADE_TOO_LATE}It's too late to join the Crusade{TMT_CANNOT_JOIN_CRUSADE_CHARACTER_IN_RESIDENCE}Cannot join the Crusade whilst in a settlement or fort{TMT_CANNOT_JOIN_CRUSADE_CHARACTER_ON_FLEET}Cannot join the Crusade whilst at sea{TMT_CANNOT_JOIN_CRUSADE_CHARACTER_NOT_ARMY_COMMANDER}Only the army commander may join the Crusade{TMT_CANNOT_JOIN_CRUSADE_INSUFFICIENT_UNITS}This character has too few units to join the crusade{TMT_ABANDON_CRUSADE}Abandon Crusade{TMT_JOIN_JIHAD}Join the Jihad{TMT_CANNOT_JOIN_JIHAD_NOT_CALLED}There is no Jihad in progress to join{TMT_CANNOT_JOIN_JIHAD_TOO_LATE}It's too late to join the Jihad{TMT_CANNOT_JOIN_JIHAD_CHARACTER_IN_RESIDENCE}Cannot join the Jihad whilst in a settlement or fort{TMT_CANNOT_JOIN_JIHAD_CHARACTER_ON_FLEET}Cannot join the Jihad whilst at sea{TMT_CANNOT_JOIN_JIHAD_CHARACTER_NOT_ARMY_COMMANDER}Only the commanding general may join the Jihad{TMT_CANNOT_JOIN_JIHAD_INSUFFICIENT_UNITS}This character has too few units to join the Jihad{TMT_ABANDON_JIHAD}Abandon Jihad{TMT_CRUSADE_CANNOT_ATTACK_CATHOLIC}A Crusading army cannot attack a Catholic faction{TMT_JIHAD_CANNOT_ATTACK_MUSLIM}An army on a Jihad cannot attack an Islamic faction{TMT_CALL_CRUSADE}Request the Pope to commission a Crusade{TMT_CALL_CRUSADE_IN_PROGRESS}Crusade already in progress{TMT_CALL_CRUSADE_NOT_ENOUGH_PAPAL_FAVOUR}Not enough Papal favour points to request a Crusade{TMT_CALL_CRUSADE_TOO_SOON}Too soon since last Crusade to request another{TMT_CALL_CRUSADE_OK_NOT_SELECTED}Select a Crusade target from the list first{TMT_CALL_CRUSADE_OK_NO_TARGETS}No valid Crusade targets available{TMT_CALL_CRUSADE_OK}Request a Crusade to the selected target{TMT_CALL_CRUSADE_CANCEL}Close this scroll without requesting a Crusade{TMT_CALL_JIHAD}Declare a Jihad{TMT_CALL_JIHAD_IN_PROGRESS}Jihad already in progress{TMT_CALL_JIHAD_NOT_ENOUGH_RELIGION}This Imam lacks the Piety required to call a Jihad{TMT_CALL_JIHAD_TOO_SOON}Too soon since last Jihad to call another{TMT_CALL_JIHAD_OK_NOT_SELECTED}Select a Jihad target from the list first{TMT_CALL_JIHAD_OK_NO_TARGETS}No valid Jihad targets available{TMT_CALL_JIHAD_OK}Call a Jihad against the selected target{TMT_CALL_JIHAD_CANCEL}Close this scroll without starting a Jihad{TMT_VOTE}Vote for this faction{TMT_INITIATE_DIPLOMACY}Initiate diplomatic negotiations with this faction{TMT_RESTRICTED_AREA}Restricted area {TMT_AVAILABLE_SUITORS}Potential suitors are in this army{TMT_NO_AVAILABLE_SUITORS}No potential suitors in this army{TMT_DIP_DEMEANOUR}A measure of how the other negotiator feels about you, and your proposals{TMT_DIP_BALANCE}A measure of how generous or demanding your proposals are{TMT_DIP_RELATIONS}A measure of how the other faction feels about yours{TMT_DIP_REPUTATION}A measure of this sovereignty's reliability{TMT_DIP_POWER}A measure of this faction's military might{TMT_DIP_WEALTH}A measure of this faction's current wealth{TMT_DIP_PRIORITIES}Things this faction is believed to want from yours{TMT_DIP_STANCES_NO_ALLIES}This faction has no allies{TMT_DIP_STANCES_NO_ENEMIES}This faction is not at war with any other faction{TMT_DIP_STANCES_ALLIES}Factions allied to this faction{TMT_DIP_STANCES_ENEMIES}Factions at war with this faction{TMT_DIP_STANCE_ALLIED}You are allied to this faction{TMT_DIP_STANCE_NEUTRAL}You are neutral towards this faction{TMT_DIP_STANCE_ENEMY}You are at war with this faction{TMT_DIP_TRADE_RIGHTS_GRANTED}Number of turns trade rights have existed{TMT_DIP_MILITARY_ACCESS_RECEIVED}Number of turns this faction has granted yours military access{TMT_DIP_MILITARY_ACCESS_GIVEN}Number of turns you have granted this faction military access{TMT_DIP_TRIBUTE_PAYED}Finances you are sending this faction each turn{TMT_DIP_TRIBUTE_RECEIVED}Finances this faction is sending yours each turn{TMT_DIP_ASSISTANCE_REQUESTED_AGAINST}The faction you have requested military assistance against{TMT_DIP_ASSISTANCE_PROVIDED_AGAINST}The faction you have agreed to offer military assistance against{TMT_DIP_PROTECTOR}The faction that this faction is offering you military assistance against{TMT_NO_TREATIES}You have no diplomatic agreements at all with this faction{TMT_RANSOM_BUTTON}Offer to ransom back the enemy troops{TMT_RELEASE_BUTTON}Release the enemy troops{TMT_EXECUTE_BUTTON}Execute the enemy troops{TMT_ACCEPT_RANSOM_BUTTON}Agree to pay the ransom for your captured troops{TMT_CANNOT_ACCEPT_RANSOM}Unfortunately, your coffers lack the funds required to pay the ransom{TMT_REJECT_RANSOM_BUTTON}Decline to pay the ransom for your captured troops{TMT_LCLICK_ZOOM_TO_CHARACTER}Left-click to locate character{TMT_TIME_TO_NEXT_UNIT}Turns to next available unit: %d{TMT_BUILD_WATCHTOWER}Construct watchtower{TMT_CANNOT_BUILD_WATCHTOWER}Cannot construct watchtower here{TMT_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_FOR_WATCHTOWER}You do not have enough money to build a watchtower{TMT_FIELD_CONSTRUCTION_TEST_NOT_NAMED_CHARACTER_WATCHTOWER}Only generals can commission watchtowers{TMT_HOTSEAT_MESSAGE}Click to send a hotseat message{TMT_HS_CLEAR_BUTTON}Clear the current message{TMT_HS_CANCEL_BUTTON}Cancel message to this player{TMT_HS_SEND_BUTTON}Send message to this player