Tony Abbott Repays Expenses After Charging Taxpayers to Attend Sophie Mirabella's Wedding

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  • 7/27/2019 Tony Abbott Repays Expenses After Charging Taxpayers to Attend Sophie Mirabella's Wedding



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    Tony Abbott repays expenses after chargingtaxpayers to attend Sophie Mirabella'swedding

    Published: October 6, 2013 - 8:57PM

    Big bucks for MPs' Bollywood


    If the average Australian wedding costs

    $36,000, what should taxpayers make ofpaying almost $20,000 for five Coalition MPs -including Prime Minister Tony Abbott - toattend three weddings?

    Interim Labor leader Chris Bowen says theseries of revelations about Mr Abbott, three ofhis ministers and a backbencher show apattern of poor judgement.

    "This goes to judgement of senior Liberalsclaiming travel expenses for what are very

    clearly, very clearly not legitimate travel expenses," he told reporters on Sunday.

    "We all accept that mistakes can happen but this goes to a pattern of poor judgementand a pattern of a lack of transparency and disclosure."

    Earlier on Sunday it was revealed Mr Abbott had chosen to repay the cost of attending aLiberal colleagues wedding seven years ago, but only after facing questions from themedia late last week.

    Mr Abbotts spokeswoman confirmed the Prime Minister had repaid the $1095 cost oftravelling to Sophie Mirabellas 2006 wedding "in the last few days".

    The move came after advice that he may not have been entitled to claim the weddingexpenses on the public purse.

    A spokeswoman said Mr Abbott "immediately sought advice" from the FinanceDepartment "when the matter was brought to his attention" following News CorpAustralias inquiries.

    "The advice received said it was not possible to determine if the travel was withinentitlement," she said in a statement.

    "For the avoidance of any doubt, Mr Abbott has repaid all costs associated with thistravel totalling $1,094.64 and the matter is resolved."

    Ms Mirabella, a Liberal MP since 2001, was defeated in last months election. Mr Abbott

    10/07/2013 08:51 AM

  • 7/27/2019 Tony Abbott Repays Expenses After Charging Taxpayers to Attend Sophie Mirabella's Wedding
