TOMMENU TOUTH PONTI US009932358B2 ( 12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No . : ( 45 ) Date of Patent : US 9 , 932 , 358 B2 * Apr . 3 , 2018 Lazarev ( 54 ) ENERGY STORAGE MOLECULAR MATERIAL , CRYSTAL DIELECTRIC LAYER AND CAPACITOR ( 71 ) Applicant : Capacitor Sciences Incorporated , Palo Alto , CA ( US ) ( 72 ) Inventor : Pavel Ivan Lazarev , Menlo Park , CA ( US ) ( 73 ) Assignee : CAPACITOR SCIENCE INCORPORATED , Menlo Park , CA ( US ) ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U . S .C . 154 ( b ) by 0 days . This patent is subject to a terminal dis claimer . 7 , 033 , 406 B2 4 / 2006 Weir et al . 7 , 211 , 824 B2 5 / 2007 Lazarev 7 , 460 , 352 B2 12 / 2008 Jamison et al . 7 , 466 , 536 B1 12 / 2008 Weir et al . 7 , 498 , 689 B2 . B2 3 / 2009 Mitani et al . 7, 579 , 709 B2 8/ 2009 Goetz et al . 7 , 625 , 497 B2 12 / 2009 Iverson et al . 7 , 750 , 505 B2 7 / 2010 Ichikawa 7 , 808 , 771 B2 10 / 2010 Nguyen et al . 7 , 837 , 902 B2 11 / 2010 Hsu et al . 7 , 893 , 265 B2 2 / 2011 Facchetti et al . 7 , 910 , 736 B2 3 / 2011 Koonemann et al . 7 , 947 , 199 B2 5 / 2011 Wessling 8, 143 , 853 B2 3 / 2012 Jestin et al . 8, 222 , 074 B2 7 / 2012 Lazarev 8 , 231 , 809 B2 7 / 2012 Pschirer et al . 8 , 236 , 998 B2 8 / 2012 Nagata et al . 8, 344 , 142 B2 1 / 2013 Marder et al . 8 , 404 , 844 B2 3 / 2013 Kastler et al. 8, 527 , 126 B2 9 / 2013 Yamamoto et al . 8 , 552 , 179 B2 10 / 2013 Lazarev 8 , 818 , 601 B1 8 / 2014 V et al . 8, 895 , 118 B2 11 / 2014 Geivandov et al . 8 , 929 , 054 B2 1/ 2015 Felten et al . 8 , 938 , 160 B2 1/ 2015 Wang 9, 056 , 676 B1 6 / 2015 Wang 9 , 293 , 260 B2 3 / 2016 Schmid et al . 2002 / 0027220 A1 3 / 2002 Wang et al . 2002 / 0048140 A1 4 / 2002 Gallay et al . 2003 / 0026063 Al 2 / 2003 Munshi ( Continued ) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS ( 21 ) Appl . No . : 14 / 719 , 072 ( 22 ) Filed : May 21 , 2015 ( 65 ) Prior Publication Data US 2016 / 0340368 A1 Nov . 24 , 2016 CN CN 100449661 1 / 2009 102426918 A 4 / 2012 ( Continued ) OTHER PUBLICATIONS ( 51 ) Int . Ci . CO7D 519 / 00 ( 2006 . 01 ) HOG 4 / 14 ( 2006 . 01 ) HO1G 4 / 012 ( 2006 . 01 ) ( 52 ) U .S. CI . CPC . . .. ... ... C07D 519 / 00 ( 2013 . 01 ); HOIG 4 / 012 ( 2013 . 01 ); HONG 4 / 14 ( 2013 . 01 ) Field of Classification Search ??? . .. . ... .. .... .. . . . .. .. . . .. . C07D 519 / 00 USPC .. . .. . ... ... ... . . ... ... . .. ... . . .. 546 / 28 See application file for complete search history . ( 58 ) Field ( 56 ) References Cited U .S . 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Ni et al ., Liquid Crystals ( 2013 ), vol . 40 ( 3 ) , pp . 411 - 420 .* Liang et al ., Yingyong Huaxue ( 2011 ) , 28 ( 12 ) , pp . 1387 - 1392 .* Trevethan et al . , Small ( 2011 ), 7 (9 ), pp . 1264 - 1270 .* Lu et al ., J . Phys . Chem . C . ( 2011 ), 115 ( 1 ), pp . 274 - 281 . * Li et al ., Liquid Crystals ( 2010 ) , vol . 37 (5 ), pp . 495 - 506 .* Isoda et al ., Chem . Asian J. ( 2009 ), 4 ( 10 ) , pp . 1619 - 1625 .* Warmerdam et al . , Liquid Crystals ( 1988 ) , vol . 3( 8 ), pp . 1087 1104 . * Non - Final Office Action for U .S . Appl . No . 14 / 752 , 600 , dated Jan . 23 , 2017 Non - Final Office Action for U .S . Appl . No . 14 / 919 , 337 , dated Jan . 4 , 2017 Deily , Dielectric and Optical Characterization of Polar Polymeric Materials : Chromophore Entrained PMMA Thin Films , Thesis , 2008 . Deruiter , J. Resonance and Induction Tutorial . Auburn University Principles of Drug Action 1 Course Material . Spring 2005 , 19 pages . Final Office Action for U . S . Appl . No . 14 / 919 , 337 , dated May 1 , 2017 . Henna Ruuska et al . , “ A Density Functional Study on Dielectric Properties of Acrylic Acid Crafted Polypropylene ” , The Journal of Chemical Physics , vol . 134 , p . 134904 ( 2011 ) . ( Continued ) Primary Examiner Taofiq A Solola ( 74 ) Attorney , Agent , or Firm JDI Patent ; Joshua D . Isenberg ; Robert Pullman ( 57 ) ABSTRACT The present disclosure provides an energy storage molecular material , crystal dielectric layer and capacitor which may solve a problem of the further increase of volumetric and mass density of reserved energy associated with some energy storage devices , and at the same time reduce cost of materials . 6 Claims , 1 Drawing Sheet

TOMMENU TOUTH PONTI - Capacitor Sciencescapacitorsciences.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/US... · 2018-09-18 · Principles of Drug Action 1 Course Material . Spring 2005 , 19 pages

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( 12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No . : ( 45 ) Date of Patent :

US 9 , 932 , 358 B2 * Apr . 3 , 2018 Lazarev


( 71 ) Applicant : Capacitor Sciences Incorporated , Palo Alto , CA ( US )

( 72 ) Inventor : Pavel Ivan Lazarev , Menlo Park , CA ( US )

( 73 ) Assignee : CAPACITOR SCIENCE INCORPORATED , Menlo Park , CA ( US )

( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U . S . C . 154 ( b ) by 0 days . This patent is subject to a terminal dis claimer .

7 , 033 , 406 B2 4 / 2006 Weir et al . 7 , 211 , 824 B2 5 / 2007 Lazarev 7 , 460 , 352 B2 12 / 2008 Jamison et al . 7 , 466 , 536 B1 12 / 2008 Weir et al . 7 , 498 , 689 B2 . B2 3 / 2009 Mitani et al . 7 , 579 , 709 B2 8 / 2009 Goetz et al . 7 , 625 , 497 B2 12 / 2009 Iverson et al . 7 , 750 , 505 B2 7 / 2010 Ichikawa 7 , 808 , 771 B2 10 / 2010 Nguyen et al . 7 , 837 , 902 B2 11 / 2010 Hsu et al . 7 , 893 , 265 B2 2 / 2011 Facchetti et al . 7 , 910 , 736 B2 3 / 2011 Koonemann et al . 7 , 947 , 199 B2 5 / 2011 Wessling 8 , 143 , 853 B2 3 / 2012 Jestin et al . 8 , 222 , 074 B2 7 / 2012 Lazarev 8 , 231 , 809 B2 7 / 2012 Pschirer et al . 8 , 236 , 998 B2 8 / 2012 Nagata et al . 8 , 344 , 142 B2 1 / 2013 Marder et al . 8 , 404 , 844 B2 3 / 2013 Kastler et al . 8 , 527 , 126 B2 9 / 2013 Yamamoto et al . 8 , 552 , 179 B2 10 / 2013 Lazarev 8 , 818 , 601 B1 8 / 2014 V et al . 8 , 895 , 118 B2 11 / 2014 Geivandov et al . 8 , 929 , 054 B2 1 / 2015 Felten et al . 8 , 938 , 160 B2 1 / 2015 Wang 9 , 056 , 676 B1 6 / 2015 Wang 9 , 293 , 260 B2 3 / 2016 Schmid et al .

2002 / 0027220 A1 3 / 2002 Wang et al . 2002 / 0048140 A1 4 / 2002 Gallay et al . 2003 / 0026063 Al 2 / 2003 Munshi


( 21 ) Appl . No . : 14 / 719 , 072 ( 22 ) Filed : May 21 , 2015 ( 65 ) Prior Publication Data

US 2016 / 0340368 A1 Nov . 24 , 2016


100449661 1 / 2009 102426918 A 4 / 2012


( 51 ) Int . Ci . CO7D 519 / 00 ( 2006 . 01 ) HOG 4 / 14 ( 2006 . 01 ) HO1G 4 / 012 ( 2006 . 01 )

( 52 ) U . S . CI . CPC . . . . . . . . . . C07D 519 / 00 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; HOIG 4 / 012

( 2013 . 01 ) ; HONG 4 / 14 ( 2013 . 01 ) Field of Classification Search ??? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C07D 519 / 00 USPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546 / 28 See application file for complete search history .

( 58 ) Field

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Ni et al . , Liquid Crystals ( 2013 ) , vol . 40 ( 3 ) , pp . 411 - 420 . * Liang et al . , Yingyong Huaxue ( 2011 ) , 28 ( 12 ) , pp . 1387 - 1392 . * Trevethan et al . , Small ( 2011 ) , 7 ( 9 ) , pp . 1264 - 1270 . * Lu et al . , J . Phys . Chem . C . ( 2011 ) , 115 ( 1 ) , pp . 274 - 281 . * Li et al . , Liquid Crystals ( 2010 ) , vol . 37 ( 5 ) , pp . 495 - 506 . * Isoda et al . , Chem . Asian J . ( 2009 ) , 4 ( 10 ) , pp . 1619 - 1625 . * Warmerdam et al . , Liquid Crystals ( 1988 ) , vol . 3 ( 8 ) , pp . 1087 1104 . * Non - Final Office Action for U . S . Appl . No . 14 / 752 , 600 , dated Jan . 23 , 2017 Non - Final Office Action for U . S . Appl . No . 14 / 919 , 337 , dated Jan . 4 , 2017 Deily , Dielectric and Optical Characterization of Polar Polymeric Materials : Chromophore Entrained PMMA Thin Films , Thesis , 2008 . Deruiter , J . Resonance and Induction Tutorial . Auburn University Principles of Drug Action 1 Course Material . Spring 2005 , 19 pages . Final Office Action for U . S . Appl . No . 14 / 919 , 337 , dated May 1 , 2017 . Henna Ruuska et al . , “ A Density Functional Study on Dielectric Properties of Acrylic Acid Crafted Polypropylene ” , The Journal of Chemical Physics , vol . 134 , p . 134904 ( 2011 ) .

( Continued ) Primary Examiner — Taofiq A Solola ( 74 ) Attorney , Agent , or Firm — JDI Patent ; Joshua D . Isenberg ; Robert Pullman ( 57 ) ABSTRACT The present disclosure provides an energy storage molecular material , crystal dielectric layer and capacitor which may solve a problem of the further increase of volumetric and mass density of reserved energy associated with some energy storage devices , and at the same time reduce cost of materials .

6 Claims , 1 Drawing Sheet

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at } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } ' itinerary ummmmmmmm LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL


Apr . 3 , 2018



U . S . Patent


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ENERGY STORAGE MOLECULAR electrolytic capacitors of different kinds . The most widely MATERIAL , CRYSTAL DIELECTRIC LAYER used film materials are polypropylene and polyester .

AND CAPACITOR Increase of dielectric permittivity allows increasing of volu metric energy density which makes it an important technical

5 task . BACKGROUND An ultra - high dielectric constant composite of polyani line , PANI - DBSA / PAA , was synthesized using in situ

A capacitor is a passive electronic component that is used polymerization of aniline in an aqueous dispersion of poly to store energy in the form of an electrostatic field , and acrylic acid ( PAA ) in the presence of dodecylbenzene sul comprises a pair of electrodes separated by a dielectric layer . 10 fonate ( DBSA ) ( see , Chao - Hsien Hoa et al . , “ High dielectric When a potential difference exists between two electrodes , constant polyaniline / poly ( acrylic acid ) composites prepared an electric field is present in the dielectric layer . An ideal by in situ polymerization ” , Synthetic Metals 158 ( 2008 ) , pp . capacitor is characterized by a single constant value of 630 - 637 ) . The water - soluble PAA served as a polymeric capacitance . This is a ratio of the electric charge on each 15 stabilizer , protecting the PANI particles from macroscopic electrode to the potential difference between them . In prac aggregation . A very high dielectric constant of ca . 2 . 0 * 109 tice , the dielectric layer between electrodes passes a small ( at 1 kHz ) was obtained for the composite containing 30 % amount of leakage current . Electrodes and leads introduce an PANI by weight . Influence of the PANI content on the equivalent series resistance , and dielectric layer has limita morphological , dielectric and electrical properties of the tion to an electric field strength which results in a breakdown 20 composites was investigated . Frequency dependence of voltage . The simplest energy storage device consists of two dielectric permittivity , dielectric loss , loss tangent and elec parallel electrodes separated by a dielectric layer of permit - tric modulus were analyzed in the frequency range from 0 . 5 tivity E , each of the electrodes has an area S and is placed kHz to 10 MHz . SEM micrograph revealed that composites on a distance d from each other . Electrodes are considered with high PANI content ( i . e . , 20 wt % ) consisted of numer to extend uniformly over an area S , and a surface charge 25 ous nano - scale PANI particles that were evenly distributed density can be expressed by the equation : p = + Q / S . As the within the PAA matrix . High dielectric constants were width of the electrodes is much greater than the separation attributed to the sum of the small capacitors of the PANI ( distance ) d , an electrical field near the centre of the capaci - particles . The drawback of this material is a possible occur tor will be uniform with the magnitude E = p / E . Voltage is rence of percolation and formation of at least one continuous defined as a line integral of the electric field between 30 conductive path under electric field with probability of such electrodes . An ideal capacitor is characterized by a constant an event increasing with an increase of the electric field . capacitance C , defined by the formula ( 1 ) When at least one continuous path ( track ) through the

neighboring conducting PANI particles is formed between C = Q / V , ( 1 ) electrodes of the capacitor , it makes a breakdown voltage of

35 such a capacitor being relatively low . which shows that capacitance increases with area and Single crystals of doped aniline oligomers are produced decreases with distance . Therefore the capacitance is largest via a simple solution - based self - assembly method ( see , Yue in devices made of materials of high permittivity . Wang , et . al . , “ Morphological and Dimensional Control via

Hierarchical Assembly of Doped Oligoaniline Single Crys A characteristic electric field known as the breakdown kdown 40 tals ” , J . Am . Chem . Soc . 2012 , 134 , pp . 9251 - 9262 ) . strength Ebd , is an electric field in which the dielectric layer Detailed mechanistic studies reveal that crystals of different in a capacitor becomes conductive . The voltage at which this morphologies and dimensions can be produced by a “ bot

occurs is called the breakdown voltage of the device , and is tom - up ” hierarchical assembly where structures such as given by the product of dielectric strength and separation one - dimensional ( 1 - D ) nanofibers can be aggregated into between the electrodes , 45 higher order architectures . A large variety of crystalline

nanostructures , including 1 - D nanofibers and nanowires , Vid = Ebad 2 - D nanoribbons and nanosheets , 3 - D nanoplates , stacked

sheets , nanoflowers , porous networks , hollow spheres , and The maximal volumetric energy density stored in the twisted coils , can be obtained by controlling the nucleation capacitor is limited by the value proportional to „ E : E - bde 50 of the crystals and the non - covalent interactions between the where E is dielectric permittivity and Ebd is breakdown doped oligomers . These nanoscale crystals exhibit enhanced strength . Thus , in order to increase the stored energy of the conductivity compared to their bulk counterparts as well as capacitor it is necessary to increase dielectric permeability E interesting structure property relationships such as shape and breakdown strength End of the dielectric . dependent crystallinity . Furthermore , the morphology and

Breakdown of the dielectric layer usually occurs when the 55 dimension of these structures can be largely rationalized and intensity of the electric field becomes high enough to “ pull ” predicted by monitoring molecule solvent interactions via electrons from atoms of the energy storage molecular mate absorption studies . Using doped tetra - aniline as a model rial and make them conduct an electric current from one system , the results and strategies presented in this article sy

provide insight into the general scheme of shape and size electrode to another . Presence of impurities in the energy 60 control for organic materials . storage molecular material or imperfections of the crystal Capacitors as energy storage device have well - known dielectric layer can result in an avalanche breakdown as advantages versus electrochemical energy storage , e . g . a observed in capacitor . battery . Compared to batteries , capacitors are able to store Other important characteristic of an energy storage energy with very high power density , i . e . charge / recharge

molecular material is its dielectric permittivity . Different 65 rates , have long shelf life with little degradation , and can be types of energy storage molecular materials are used for charged and discharged ( cycled ) hundreds of thousands or capacitors and include ceramics , polymer film , paper , and millions of times .

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However , capacitors often do not store energy in such patent , or patent application was specifically and individu little volume or weight as in a battery , or at low cost per ally indicated to be incorporated by reference . energy stored , making capacitors impractical for applica tions such as in electric vehicles . Accordingly , it would be an BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS advance in energy storage technology to provide storing 5 energy more densely per volume and / or mass .

Aspects of the present disclosure provide solutions to the FIG . 1 is a schematic diagram of a capacitor according to problem of the further increase of volumetric and mass an aspect of the present disclosure . density of reserved energy of the energy storage device , and at the same time reduces cost of materials and manufactur - 11 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ing process .

SUMMARY While various aspects of the present disclosure have been shown and described herein , it will be obvious to those

The present disclosure provides an energy storage 15 skilled in the art that such aspects are provided by way of molecular material , crystal dielectric layer and capacitor example only . Numerous variations , changes , and substitu which may solve a problem of the further increase of tions may occur to those skilled in the art without departing

from the invention . It should be understood that various volumetric and mass density of reserved energy associated with some energy storage devices , and at the same time 20 alternatives to the aspects of the disclosure described herein

may be employed . reduce cost of materials . The energy storage molecular material is a relatively low molecular weight dielectric The present disclosure provides an energy storage crystalline material having a molecular structure . Other molecular material . According to and aspect of the present dielectric materials , e . g . and polymers are also molecular but disclosure the energy storage molecular material contains are characterized by a distribution of molecular weight . 25 three components which carry out different ( various ) func

In an aspect , the present disclosure provides an energy tions . The predominantly planar polycyclic molecular sys storage molecular material having a general molecular struc tems ( Cors ) give to the energy storage molecular material an tural formula : ability to form supramolecules . In turn supramolecules

allow forming crystal structure of the crystal dielectric layer . 30 The polarization units ( P ) are used for providing the molecu

lar material with high dielectric permeability . There are several types of polarizability such as dipole polarizability , ionic polarizability , and hyper - electronic polarizability of

where Cor is a predominantly planar polycyclic molecular 35 molecules , monomers and polymers possessing metal con system which forms column - like supramolecular stacks by ductivity . All polarization units with the listed types of means of t - l - interaction , P is a polarization unit providing polarization may be used in aspects of the present disclosure . polarization , I is a high - breakdown insulating substituent The insulating substituent groups ( I ) provide electric isola group , n is 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 or 8 , m is 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 or tion of the supramolecules from each other in the dielectric 8 . crystal layer and provide high breakdown voltage of the

In another aspect , the present disclosure provides an energy storage molecular material . energy storage molecular material having a general molecu According to one aspect of the present disclosure , the lar structural formula : planar polycyclic molecular system may comprise tetrapi

rolic macro - cyclic fragments having a general structural 45 formula from the group comprising structures 1 - 6 as given

D - moiety in Table 1 , where M denotes an atom of metal or two protons ( 2H ) .

Cor Corf D . ) m



Examples of the polycyclic molecular systems comprising tetrapirolic macro - cyclic fragments

wherein D - moiety is a polarization unit forming column - like supramolecular stacks by means of u - - interaction , I is a 50 – high - breakdown insulating substituent group , m is 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 or 8 .

In yet another aspect , the present disclosure provides a crystal dielectric layer comprising the disclosed energy storage molecular material . 55

In still another aspect , the present disclosure provides a capacitor comprising a first electrode , a second electrode , and a crystal dielectric layer disposed between said first and second electrodes . The electrodes are flat and planar and positioned parallel to each other . The crystal dielectric layer 60 comprises the disclosed energy storage molecular material .

INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE All publications , patents , and patent applications men - 65

tioned in this specification are herein incorporated by ref erence to the same extent as if each individual publication ,

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TABLE 1 - continued TABLE 1 - continued Examples of the polycyclic molecular systems comprising tetrapirolic

macro - cyclic fragments Examples of the polycyclic molecular systems comprising tetrapirolic macro - cyclic fragments

2 5





3 According to another aspect of the present disclosure , the planar polycyclic molecular system may comprise planar

30 fused polycyclic hydrocarbons selected from the list com prising truxene , decacyclene , antanthrene , hexabenzotriph enylene , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 - tetra - ( peri - naphthylene ) - anthra cene , dibenzoctacene , tetrabenzoheptacene , peropyrene , hexabenzocoronene and has a general structural formula

35 from the group comprising structures 7 - 17 as given in Table - -

- -


40 Examples of the polycyclic molecular systems comprising planar fused polycyclic hydrocarbons


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TABLE 2 - continued TABLE 2 - continued

Examples of the polycyclic molecular systems comprising planar fused polycyclic hydrocarbons

Examples of the polycyclic molecular systems comprising planar fused polycyclic hydrocarbons









s 30

35 12


# 45

According to still another aspect of the present disclosure , 13 so the planar polycyclic molecular system may comprise coro

nene fragments having a general structural formula from the group comprising structures 18 - 25 as given in table 3 .

TABLE 3 55

Examples of the polycyclic molecular systems comprising coronene fragments

14 60


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TABLE 3 - continued In yet another aspect of the present disclosure , the polar ization unit may comprise the electro - conductive oligomer

Examples of the polycyclic molecular systems comprising of structures 26 to 32 as given in Table 4 wherein X = 2 , 3 , coronene fragments 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 or 12 . 19 TABLE 4

02888 Examples of the polarization units comprising the electro - conductive oligmer 10




H3CO 27 20


25 ?Z OCHz ?? Jx

to goto og 1900 p todo 30



NH 40 30



24 50

55 con


60 X


In still another aspect of the present disclosure , the 5 polarization unit may comprise rylene fragments having a

general structural formula from the group comprising struc tures 33 - 53 as given in Table 5 .

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Examples of the polarization units comprising the rylene fragments . 33

34 098850 35








HN De NH 40

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TABLE 5 - continued

Examples of the polarization units comprising the rylene fragments

0888 to 43 888480

08888810 44

O 45 .


46 Z

098888 ?




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TABLE 5 - continued Examples of the polarization units comprising the rylene fragments








Examples of the linker units

According to one aspect of the present disclosure , the polarization unit may be selected from the list comprising doped oligoaniline and p - oligo - phenylene . In another embodiment of the present invention , the doped oligoaniline 45 is self - doped oligoaniline with SO3 - groups or COO - groups on the phenyl rings of aniline . In still another embodiment of the present invention , the doped oligoaniline is mix doped by acid compounds selected from the list comprising alkyl - SO2H acid or alkyl - COOH mixed to oligoaniline in 50 oxidized state .

In yet another aspect of the present disclosure , at least one of the high - breakdown insulating substituent group may be independently selected from the list comprising ( CH2 ) n CH3 , - CH ( CH2 ) CH3 ) 2 ) ( where n = 1 . . . 50 ) , alkyl , aryl , substituted alkyl , substituted aryl , branched alkyl , branched aryl , and any combination thereof and wherein the alkyl group is selected from methyl , ethyl , propyl , butyl , I - butyl and t - butyl groups , and the aryl group is selected from 60 phenyl , benzyl and naphthyl groups .

In another aspect of the present disclosure the energy storage molecular material may further comprise at least one linker unit selected from the list comprising the following structures : 54 - 63 as given in Table 6 , which connect the 65 predominantly planar polycyclic molecular system ( Cor ) with the polarization units ( P ) .


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TABLE 6 - continued Examples of the linker units ERU

Books 60 10



bool - 00 booooo 62

00 20

NO 63

25 I


According to another aspect of the present disclosure , the In yet another aspect of the present disclosure , the pre predominantly planar polycyclic molecular system ( Cor ) is 30 dominantly planar polycyclic molecular system ( Cor ) may perylene comprising the polarization units ( P ) connected to be perylene of structural formula where P are the polariza bay positions of perylene structure by linker units ( L ) where tion units , I are the high - breakdown insulating substituent s is equal to 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , or 6 : groups :


0 = N u - oayyo - o - o booooo I

10 - dye 0 - 0 30 HOT HD




In still another aspect of the present disclosure , the predominantly planar polycyclic molecular system ( Cor ) may be perylene comprising the polarization units ( P ) con - 65 nected to apex positions of perylene structure by linker units ( L ) where s is equal to 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , or 6 :

In still another aspect of the present disclosure , the predominantly planar polycyclic molecular system ( Cor ) may be perylene of structural formula :

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I 10

US 9 , 932 , 358 B2 20

wherein D - moiety is a polarization unit forming column - like supramolecular stacks by means of N - I - interaction , I is a high - breakdown insulating substituent group , m is 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 or 8 . Thus the energy storage molecular material

5 contains two components which carry out different ( various ) functions . The D - moiety gives to the energy storage molecu lar material an ability to form supramolecules . In turn supramolecules allow forming crystal structure of the crystal dielectric layer . Also the D - moiety is used for providing the molecular material with high dielectric permeability . There are several types of polarizability such as dipole polariz ability , ionic polarizability , and hyper - electronic polarizabil ity of molecules , monomers and polymers possessing metal conductivity . All D - moieties with the listed types of polar ization may be used in the present invention . The insulating substituent groups ( I ) provide electric isolation of the supra molecules from each other in the dielectric crystal layer and provide high breakdown voltage of the energy storage

20 molecular material . In one aspect of the present disclosure , the D - moiety

comprises the electro - conductive oligomer of structures 64 where P are the polarization units , I are the high - breakdown to 70 as given in Table 7 wherein X = 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , insulating substituent groups . 11 or 12 .

In one aspect of the present disclosure , the predominantly 25 planar polycyclic molecular system ( Cor ) may be perylene TABLE 7 of structural formula : Examples of the D - moiety comprising electro - conductive oligomers

0 - 0 P



Coco 12o OCH3 dx





where P are the polarization units , I are the high - breakdown insulating substituent groups .

Aspects of the present disclosure also include an energy 60 storage molecular material having a general molecular struc tural formula :


D - moietyHD 1 • 65

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TABLE 7 - continued 22

TABLE 8 - continued Examples of the D - moiety comprising electro - conductive oligomers

Examples of the linker units

H3CO 70 5 -

s dx


In another aspect of the present disclosure , the D - moiety may be selected from the list comprising doped oligoaniline and p - oligo - phenylene . In still another embodiment of the present invention , the doped oligoaniline is self - doped oli - 15 goaniline with SO3 - groups or COO - groups on the phenyl rings of aniline . In yet another embodiment of the present invention , the doped oligoaniline is mix - doped by acid compounds selected from the list comprising alkyl - SO H acid or alkyl - COOH mixed to oligoaniline in oxidized state . 20 In one embodiment of the present invention , at least one of the high - breakdown insulating substituent group ( I ) is inde pendently selected from the list comprising ( CH2 ) . CH3 , CH ( ( CH2 ) CH3 ) 2 ) ( where n = 1 . . . 50 ) , alkyl , aryl , substituted alkyl , substituted aryl , branched alkyl , branched aryl , and any combination thereof and wherein the alkyl group is selected from methyl , ethyl , propyl , butyl , 1 - butyl and t - butyl groups , and the aryl group is selected from phenyl , benzyl and naphthyl groups . In another embodiment In still another aspect of the present disclosure , the energy of the present invention the energy storage molecular mate - 30 storage molecular material may comprise perylene as the rial further comprises at least one linker unit presented in D - moiety and the high - breakdown insulating substituent structures 71 - 80 as given in Table 8 , which connect the groups ( I ) may be connected to bay positions of perylene polarization units ( D - moiety ) with the high - breakdown insu structure by linker units ( L ) where s is equal to 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , lating substituent group . 5 , and 6 :

35 TABLE 8


Examples of the linker units I

0 TE


In still another aspect of the present disclosure , the energy storage molecular material may comprise perylene as the

77 D - moiety and the high - breakdown insulating substituent 65 groups ( 1 ) may be connected to apex positions of perylene

structure by linker units ( L ) where s is equal to 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , and 6 :

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orientation to the kinetic units of the colloidal system and form a structure , which serves as a base of the crystal lattice of the crystal dielectric layer ; and

drying to remove solvents to form the final crystal dielec tric layer structure .

In the resulting crystal dielectric layer , the molecular planes of the predominantly planar polycyclic molecular system are parallel to each other and the energy storage molecular material forms a three - dimensional crystal struc ture , at least in part of the crystal . Optimization of the production technology may allow the formation of the single crystal dielectric layer . As seen in FIG . 1 , aspects of the present disclosure

15 include a capacitor 100 comprising a first electrode 102 , a second electrode 104 , and a crystal dielectric layer 106 disposed between said first and second electrodes . The crystal dielectric layer 106 comprises the disclosed energy storage molecular material having a general molecular struc

20 tural formula :

Yo ,


Cor or to a . ) In one aspect of the present disclosure , the energy storage molecular material may have the general structural formula , where m is 1 : or any of the disclosed variations thereon as discussed

herein or a general molecular structural formula : D - moiety 30

D - moiety According to a related aspect of the present disclosure , the

energy storage molecular material may have the general structural formula , where m is 2 : or any of the disclosed variations thereon as discussed

herein . Such materials may be characterized by a dielectric

1 HD - moiety HD constant k between about 100 and about 1 , 000 , 000 and a breakdown field Ebd between about 0 . 01 V / m and about 2 . 0

40 V / nm . Aspects of the present disclosure include a crystal dielec - The electrodes may be made of any suitable conductive

tric layer comprising the disclosed energy storage molecular material , e . g . , metals , such as Aluminum ( Al ) or copper material . When dissolved in an appropriate solvent , such ( Cu ) . In some implementations , one or both electrodes may energy storage molecular material forms a colloidal system be made of a foamed metal , such as foamed Aluminum . The ( lyotropic liquid crystal ) in which molecules are aggregated 45 electrodes 102 , 104 may be flat and planar and positioned into supramolecular complexes constituting kinetic units of parallel to each other . Alternatively , the electrodes may be the system . This lyotropic liquid crystal phase is essentially planar and parallel , but not necessarily flat , e . g . , they may a precursor of the ordered state of the system , from which coiled , rolled , bent , folded , or otherwise shaped to reduce the crystal dielectric layer is formed during the subsequent the overall form fact of the capacitor . It is also possible for alignment of the supramolecular complexes and removal of 50 the electrodes to be non - flat , non - planar , or non - parallel or the solvent . some combination of two or more of these . By way of By way of example , and not by way of limitation , a example and not by way of limitation , a spacing d between method for making the crystal dielectric layers from a the electrodes 102 , 104 , which may correspond to the colloidal system with supramolecular complexes may thickness of the crystal dielectric layer 106 may range from include the following steps : 55 about 1 um to about 10 000 um . As noted in Equation ( 2 ) application of the colloidal system onto a substrate . The above , the maximum voltage Vbd between the electrodes colloidal system typically possesses thixotropic prop 102 , 103 is approximately the product of the breakdown erties , which are provided by maintaining a preset

field and the electrode spacing d . For example , if , Eh0 . 1 temperature and a certain concentration of the dis persed phase ; 60 V / nm and the spacing d is 10 , 000 microns ( 100 , 000 nm ) , the

external alignment upon the system , which can be pro ment upon the system which can be pro - maximum voltage Vbd would be 100 , 000 volts . duced using mechanical factors or by any other means , The electrodes may have the same shape as each other , the for example by applying an external electric field at same dimensions , and the same area A . By way of example , normal or elevated temperature , with or without addi and not by way of limitation , the area A of each electrode tional illumination , magnetic field , or optical field ( e . g . , 65 102 , 104 may range from about 0 . 01 m² to about 1000 m² . coherent photovoltaic effect ) ; the degree of the external By way of example , and not by way of limitation , for rolled alignment should be sufficient to impart necessary capacitors , electrodes up to , e . g . , 1000 m long and 1 m wide

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( 3 )

are manufacturable with roll - to - roll processes similar to tion , given the above ranges for the dielectric constant k , those used to manufacture magnetic tape or photographic electrode area A , and breakdown field Ebd a capacitor in film . accordance with aspects of the present disclosure may have

These ranges are non - limiting . Other ranges of the elec an energy storage capacity U ranging from about 500 Joules trode spacing d and area A are within the scope of the aspects 5 to about 2x1016 Joules . of the present disclosure .

If the spacing d is small compared to the characteristic For a dielectric constant k ranging , e . g . , from about 100 linear dimensions of electrodes ( e . g . , length and / or width ) , to about 1 , 000 , 000 and constant breakdown field End the capacitance C of the capacitor 100 may be approximated 10 between , e . g . , about 0 . 1 and 0 . 5 V / nm , a capacitor of the by the formula : type described herein may have a specific energy capacity

C = KEAD , per unit mass ranging from about 10 W•h / kg up to about 100 , 000 W - h / kg , though implementations are not so limited . where E , is the permittivity of free space ( 8 . 85x10 - 12 15 In order that aspects of the present disclosure may be Coulombs / ( Newton - meter ? ) ) and k is the dielectric constant 15 more readily understood , reference is made to the following

of the crystal dielectric layer 106 . The energy storage examples , which are intended to be illustrative of the inven capacity U of the capacitor 100 may be approximated as : tion , but are not intended to be limiting the scope .

U = 1 / 2CVbá which may be rewritten using equations ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) as : EXAMPLE 1

U = 1 / 2KE AEbd ? The example describes a method of synthesis of porphy The energy storage capacity U is determined by the rin - ( phenyl - perylene diimide ) 4 - compound ( TPP - PDI _ ) rep dielectric constant k , the area A , and the breakdown field ,

Ebd . By appropriate engineering , a capacitor or capacitor 25 resented by the general structural formula I and comprising bank may be designed to have any desired energy storage fragments represented by structural formulas 6 and 35 capacity U . By way of example , and not by way of limita ( Tables 1 and 5 ) ,

( 5 )

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US 9 , 932 , 358 B2 Boy - continued

TPP - PD14

25 The method comprises several steps . In the first step a synthesis of 1 , 7 - dibromoperylene - 3 , 4 :

9 , 10 - tetracarboxydianhydride represented by the general structural formula 81 was carried out :



uona o


Br B For this purpose 1 , 7 - Dibromoperylene - 3 , 4 , 9 , 10 - tetracar boxydianhydride ( 0 . 89 g , 1 . 61 mmol ) , 3 , 5 - di - tert - butylphe nol ( 1 . 0 g , 4 . 85 mmol ) , and Cs , C03 ( 1 . 1 g , 3 . 38 mmol ) were placed into two - neck flask equipped with magnetic stirrer For this purpose 3 , 4 : 9 , 10 - perylenetetracarboxylic dianhy bar , air condenser , and argon outlet . Then DMF ( 15 mL ) was dride ( 28 . 52 g , 72 . 7 mmol ) was added to 420 ml concen added and the resulting suspension was refluxed with the trated sulfuric acid and stirred at 55° C . for 24 hours . Iodine intensive stirring for 1 . 5 hours . An initially red suspension ( 0 . 685 g , 2 . 70 mmol ) was added to the reaction mixture and 50 turned to a deep violet one . Reaction mixture was cooled to stirred for additional 5 hours . at 55° C . Bromine ( 8 . 3 ml , 162 room temperature and acetic acid ( 10 mL ) was added . The mmol ) was added dropwise to the reaction flask over 1 hour formed precipitate was stirred overnight at room tempera and stirred for 24 hours at 85° C . The excess bromine was ture , filtered off , washed with ice cold acetic acid ( 40 mL ) then displaced with the nitrogen gas N2 . Water ( 66 ml ) was 55 and hot MeOH ( 40 mL ) , dried under vacuum for 6 hours at added dropwise to the cooled mixture and the precipitate 60° C . to give pure product 1 . 2 g ( 87 % ) . M . S . : 799 . 9 ( calcd . was filtered off . The crude product was washed with 220 ml 800 . 3 ) . ' H NMR ( CDC13 ) 8 : 9 . 69 ( d , J = 8 . 4 , Hz , 2H ) , 8 . 68 ( d , 86 % H2SO4 followed by water and this procedure was J = 8 . 4 Hz , 2H ) , 8 . 37 ( s , 2H ) , 7 . 42 ( t , J = 1 . 7 , 2H ) , 7 . 03 ( d , repeated two times to produce the crude product ( 32 . 32 g , 60 J = 1 . 7 , 4H ) , 1 . 35 ( s , 36H ) . 81 % ) . This product was used further without any purifica

tion . M . S . : 549 . 0 ( calcd . 550 . 11 ) . In the third step a synthesis of N - ( 2 - ethylhexyl ) - 1 , 7 - ( 3 ' , In the second step a synthesis of 1 , 7 - ( 3 ' , 5 ' - di - t - butylphe

noxy ) perylene - 3 , 4 : 9 , 10 - tetracarboxydianhydride ( PDA ) 65 A 65 5 ' - di - t - butylphenoxy ) perylene - 3 , 4 - dicarboxyanhydride - 9 , represented by the general structural formula 82 was carried 10 - dicarboximide ( PIA ) represented by the general struc out . tural formula 83 was carried out :

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* 83




US 9 , 932 , 358 B2 30

( broad , 24H ) , 1 . 4 ( broad , 144H ) , 0 . 8 ( broad , 32H ) . The synthesis of TPP - PDI , have been performed according with known literature procedures ( see , 1 . ) van der Boom , T . ; Hayes , R . T . ; Zhao , Y . ; Bushard , P . J . ; Weiss , E . A . ; Wasielewski , M . R . J . Am . Chem . Soc . 2002 , 124 , 9582 ; 2 . ) M . J . Ahrens , L . E . Sinks , B . Rybtchinski , W . Liu , B . A . Jones , J . M . Giaimo , A . V . Gusev , A . J . Goshe , D . M . Tiede , M . R . Wasielewski , J . Am . Chem . Soc . , 2004 , 126 , 8284 ) .

While the above is a complete description of the preferred embodiment of the present invention , it is possible to use various alternatives , modifications and equivalents . There fore , the scope of the present invention should be determined not with reference to the above description but should ,

15 instead , be determined with reference to the appended claims , along with their full scope of equivalents . Any feature described herein , whether preferred or not , may be combined with any other feature described herein , whether preferred or not . In the claims that follow , the indefinite

20 article “ A ” , or “ An ” refers to a quantity of one or more of the item following the article , except where expressly stated otherwise . As used herein , in a listing of elements in the alternative , the term “ or ” is used as the inclusive sense , e . g . , “ X or Y ” covers X alone , Y alone , or both X and Y together , except where expressly stated otherwise . Two or more

For this purpose 1 , 7 - ( 3 ' 5 ' - Di - t - butylphenoxy ) perylene - 3 , elements listed as alternatives may be combined together . 4 , : 9 , 10 - tetracarboxydianhydride ( PDA ) ( 0 . 85 g , 1 . 06 The appended claims are not to be interpreted as including mmol ) , imidazole ( 0 . 85 g , 12 . 4 mmol ) were placed into a means - plus - function limitations , unless such a limitation is three - neck flask equipped with magnetic stirrer bar , air 30 explicitly recited in a given claim using the phrase “ means condenser , argon inlet tube , and dropping funnel Chloroform for . ” ( 250 mL , freshly distilled from CaH , ) was added . The resulting suspension was refluxed with the intensive stirring What is claimed is : for 1 hour and 2 - ethylhexylamine ( 0 . 136 g , 1 . 06 mmol ) in 1 . An energy storage molecular material having a general chloroform ( 8 mL ) was added dropwise for 1 hour , followed 35 me 5 molecular structural formula : by 5 drops of CF3COOH . Reaction mixture was refluxed for 3 days , cooled down , the solvent was removed under reduced vacuum . The product was purified on column chromatography on silica gel ( eluent CHC1z - hexane 4 : 1 ) to produce an analytically pure monoanhydride ( PIA ) as red 40 solid material ( Yield : 0 . 24 g , 24 % ) . M . S . : 911 . 50 ( calcd . 911 . 48 ) . ' H NMR ( CDC12 ) 8 : 9 . 70 ( d , J = 2 . 6 Hz , 1H ) , 9 . 68 ( d , J = 2 . 6 Hz , 1H ) , 8 . 64 ( d , J = 5 . 03 Hz , 1H ) , 8 . 62 ( d , J = 5 . 03 wherein Cor is a predominantly planar polycyclic molecular Hz , 1H ) , 8 . 36 ( s , 1H ) , 8 . 33 ( s , 1H ) , 7 . 38 ( t , J = 1 . 7 Hz , 1H ) , system which forms column - like supramolecular stacks by 7 . 37 ( t , J = 1 . 7 Hz , 1H ) , 7 . 027 ( d , J = 1 . 7 Hz , 2H ) , 7 . 02 ( d , 45 means of at - i - interaction , wherein the planar polycyclic J = 1 . 7 Hz , 2H ) , 4 . 10 ( m , 2H ) , 1 . 98 ( m , 1H ) , 1 . 34 ( m , 6H ) , molecular system comprises planar fused polycyclic hydro 1 . 21 ( s , 18H ) , 1 . 20 ( s , 18 H ) , 0 . 91 ( m , 8H ) .

In the last step a final assembling of porphyrin - ( phenyl carbons selected from the group of truxene , decacyclene , perylene diimide ) - compound ( TPP - PDI ) represented by antanthrene , hexabenzotriphenylene , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 - tetra the general structural formula I was carried out . For this 50 ( peri - naphthylene ) - anthracene , dibenzoctacene , tetrabenzo purpose 5 , 10 , 15 , 20 - Tetrakis ( p - aminophenyl ) porphyrin ( 50 heptacene , peropyrene , hexabenzocoronene and has a gen

eral structural formula from the group of structures 7 - 17 : mg , 0 . 074 mmol ) , PIA ( 334 mg , 0 . 36 mmol ) and imidazole ( 3 . 0 g ) are added to 10 ml of pyridine . The reaction mixture was heated to reflux under dry nitrogen for 2 days with stirring . The reaction is slow ( monitored by MALDI ) and 55 additional PIA ( 252 mg , 0 . 28 mmol ) was added . The reac tion mixture was refluxed for another 2 days and then diluted with chloroform , washed one time with 2N hydrochloric acid , 2 times with water , dried over anhydrous potassium carbonate , and the solvent stripped on a rotary evaporator . 60 The residue is column chromatographed on silica gel with chloroform to afford TPP - PDI . ( 130 mg , 40 % ) . Mass spec trum : 4245 ( calc . 4245 ) H NMR S ( CDC1 . ) 9 . 8 ( broad , 4H ) , 9 . 7 ( broad 4H ) , 8 . 8 ( broad , 4H ) , 8 . 6 ( broad , 4H ) , 8 . 5 ( broad , 4H ) , 8 . 2 ( broad , 4H ) , 7 . 7 ( broad , 4H ) , 7 . 5 ( broad , 4H ) , 7 . 47 65 ( broad , 8H ) , 7 . 39 ( broad , 8H ) , 7 . 15 ( broad , 24H ) , 4 . 1 ( m , 8H ) , 2 . 7 ( s , 12H ) , 2 . 7 ( broad , 24H ) , 2 . 0 ( broad , 4H ) , 1 . 3

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- continued - continued 8 14



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- - P is a polarization unit , wherein the polarization unit is selected from the group of doped oligoaniline and p - oligo phenylene or comprises an electro - conductive oligomer hav ing a general structural formula selected from the group of structures 26 to 32 wherein X = 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 or 12 :

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US 9 , 932 , 358 B2 34

4 . An energy storage molecular material according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one linker unit selected from the group of the following structures : 33 - 42 , which connect the predominantly planar polycyclic molecular sys

5 tem ( Cor ) with the polarization units ( P ) :


NH 27 33 Olalo

tot H3CO 7

34 10


OCH3 15

28 36

? th 20 20


25 IZ



g 39 bot

tom 31 35


32 40 HzCO 41

45 42

I is a high - breakdown insulating substituent group , n is 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 or 8 , m is 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 or 8 and wherein at least one of the high - breakdown insulating substituent group is independently selected from the list comprising ( CH2 ) , 50

- CH3 , - CH ( CH2 ) , CH3 ) 2 ) ( where n = 1 . . . 50 ) , alkyl , aryl , substituted alkyl , substituted aryl , branched alkyl , branched aryl , and any combination thereof and wherein the alkyl 5 . A crystal dielectric layer comprising the energy storage group is selected from the group of methyl , ethyl , propyl , molecular material according to any of claims 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . butyl , 1 - butyl and t - butyl groups , and the aryl group is 55 6 . A capacitor comprising selected from the group of phenyl , benzyl and naphthyl a first electrode , groups .

2 . An energy storage molecular material according to a second electrode , and claim 1 , wherein the doped oligoaniline is self - doped oli a crystal dielectric layer disposed between said first and goaniline with SO3 - groups or COO - groups on the phenyl 60 second electrodes , rings of aniline .

3 . An energy storage molecular material according to wherein said crystal dielectric layer comprises the energy claim 1 , wherein the doped oligoaniline is mix - doped by storage molecular material according to any of claims 1 , 2 ,

3 , 4 . acid compounds selected from the group of alkyl - SO2H acid or alkyl - COOH mixed to oligoaniline in oxidized state . * * * * *