1 ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL ________________________________________________________________________ Volume 17 2006 No. 1 ________________________________________________________________________ ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL 17: 1–14, 2006 © The Neotropical Ornithological Society STAND ATTRIBUTES AND THE ABUNDANCE OF SECONDARY CAVITY-NESTING BIRDS IN SOUTHERN BEECH (NOTHOFAGUS) FORESTS IN SOUTH-CENTRAL CHILE Jorge A. Tomasevic & Cristián F. Estades Laboratorio de Ecología de Vida Silvestre, Departamento de Manejo de Recursos Forestales, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 9206, Santiago. E-mail: [email protected] Resumen. – Atributos de rodal y abundancia de aves nidificadoras de cavidades secundarias en bos- ques de Nothofagus en el centro-sur de Chile. – La ecología de aves nidificadoras de cavidades secunda- rias (NCS) ha captado gran interés en el mundo por muchos años, en parte por la relación directa entre la biología reproductiva de estas especies y los impactos del manejo forestal en la disponibilidad de cavidades. Mientras que existe gran cantidad de información sobre la ecología de los NSC para la región Paleártica y Neártica, ésta es escasa en el Neotrópico, especialmente para los bosques templados. Para describir el efecto de los atributos del bosque en la abundancia de aves NCS, realizamos un estudio de dos partes en la cordillera de la costa de la región del Maule, centro-sur de Chile. En primer lugar, usando 40 puntos de conteo distribuidos en un gradiente de bosques de Nothofagus, relacionamos las condiciones del bosque con la densidad de cuatro NCS (invierno y primavera austral de 1999 y 2000). En segundo lugar, usando un experimento con cajas anideras (primavera 1999, invierno 2000), probamos si las cavidades limitan la den- sidad de NCS en un bosque secundario. Los datos de conteos sugieren que no existen relaciones entre la densidad de las NSC para el invierno (ambos años), pero se encontraron relaciones positivas significativas con la altura total, el volumen total de follaje, el diámetro medio y la abundancia estimada de cavidades en la primavera (ambos años). A nivel de especie, las cavidades no entraron en un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple para la mayoría de las especies (las variables más significativas fueron la altura total y el diámetro medio) sugiriendo que nuestra definición de un sitio de nidificación adecuado fue incorrecta o que otros factores como la agregación espacial de las cavidades y la territorialidad podrían haber ocultado una poten- cial relación. El experimento de las cajas anideras mostró que las densidades del Rayadito (Aphrastura spini- cauda, P < 0,05) y del Chercán (Troglodytes aedon, P < 0,01) están limitadas por los sitios de nidificación durante la época reproductiva, pero no durante la época no reproductiva. Abstract. – The ecology of secondary cavity-nesting birds (SCN) has been a matter of great interest for many years throughout the world, in part because of the direct and strong relationship between the breed- ing biology of these species and the impacts of forest management on the availability of cavities. While there exists a great body of knowledge on the ecology of SCN in the Nearctic and Palaearctic regions, information from the Neotropics is scarce, in particular for the temperate forests. In order to describe the

Tomasevich & Estades MS-444 · 3 CAVITY-NESTERS IN NOTHOFAGUS FORESTS 36º20’S, San Martín & Donoso 1996). It is dominated by deciduous trees of the genus Nothofagus (Lara et al

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Page 1: Tomasevich & Estades MS-444 · 3 CAVITY-NESTERS IN NOTHOFAGUS FORESTS 36º20’S, San Martín & Donoso 1996). It is dominated by deciduous trees of the genus Nothofagus (Lara et al

ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL ________________________________________________________________________ Volume 17 2006 No. 1 ________________________________________________________________________

ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL 17: 1–14, 2006© The Neotropical Ornithological Society



Jorge A. Tomasevic & Cristián F. Estades

Laboratorio de Ecología de Vida Silvestre, Departamento de Manejo de Recursos Forestales, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 9206, Santiago. E-mail: [email protected]

Resumen. – Atributos de rodal y abundancia de aves nidificadoras de cavidades secundarias en bos-ques de Nothofagus en el centro-sur de Chile. – La ecología de aves nidificadoras de cavidades secunda-rias (NCS) ha captado gran interés en el mundo por muchos años, en parte por la relación directa entre labiología reproductiva de estas especies y los impactos del manejo forestal en la disponibilidad de cavidades.Mientras que existe gran cantidad de información sobre la ecología de los NSC para la región Paleártica yNeártica, ésta es escasa en el Neotrópico, especialmente para los bosques templados. Para describir elefecto de los atributos del bosque en la abundancia de aves NCS, realizamos un estudio de dos partes en lacordillera de la costa de la región del Maule, centro-sur de Chile. En primer lugar, usando 40 puntos deconteo distribuidos en un gradiente de bosques de Nothofagus, relacionamos las condiciones del bosque conla densidad de cuatro NCS (invierno y primavera austral de 1999 y 2000). En segundo lugar, usando unexperimento con cajas anideras (primavera 1999, invierno 2000), probamos si las cavidades limitan la den-sidad de NCS en un bosque secundario. Los datos de conteos sugieren que no existen relaciones entre ladensidad de las NSC para el invierno (ambos años), pero se encontraron relaciones positivas significativascon la altura total, el volumen total de follaje, el diámetro medio y la abundancia estimada de cavidades enla primavera (ambos años). A nivel de especie, las cavidades no entraron en un modelo de regresión linealmúltiple para la mayoría de las especies (las variables más significativas fueron la altura total y el diámetromedio) sugiriendo que nuestra definición de un sitio de nidificación adecuado fue incorrecta o que otrosfactores como la agregación espacial de las cavidades y la territorialidad podrían haber ocultado una poten-cial relación. El experimento de las cajas anideras mostró que las densidades del Rayadito (Aphrastura spini-cauda, P < 0,05) y del Chercán (Troglodytes aedon, P < 0,01) están limitadas por los sitios de nidificacióndurante la época reproductiva, pero no durante la época no reproductiva.

Abstract. – The ecology of secondary cavity-nesting birds (SCN) has been a matter of great interest formany years throughout the world, in part because of the direct and strong relationship between the breed-ing biology of these species and the impacts of forest management on the availability of cavities. Whilethere exists a great body of knowledge on the ecology of SCN in the Nearctic and Palaearctic regions,information from the Neotropics is scarce, in particular for the temperate forests. In order to describe the


Page 2: Tomasevich & Estades MS-444 · 3 CAVITY-NESTERS IN NOTHOFAGUS FORESTS 36º20’S, San Martín & Donoso 1996). It is dominated by deciduous trees of the genus Nothofagus (Lara et al


effect of forest stand attributes on the abundance of SCN, we conducted a two-part study in the coastalrange of the Maule region, south-central Chile. First, using 40 point-count stations covering the entirerange of Nothofagus forest conditions, we related forest-stand attributes to the density of four SCN (australwinter and spring 1999, 2000). Second, using a nest-box experiment (spring 1999, winter 2000), we testedwhether cavities were limiting the density of SCN in a second-growth forest. Point-count data suggest norelationships between the abundance of all SCN and habitat attributes during the winter (both years), but asignificant and positive association with canopy height, total foliage volume, mean stem diameter andabundance of cavities (estimated) during the spring (both years). At the individual species level, cavities didnot enter into a stepwise linear regression model for most species (most significant predictors were canopyheight and stem diameter) suggesting that either our definition of what an appropriate nest site is waswrong or that factors such as cavity spatial aggregation and territoriality may have obscured a potentialrelationship. The nest-box experiment showed that the density of Thorn-tailed Rayaditos (Aphrastura spini-cauda, P < 0.05) and House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon, P < 0.01) was limited by nesting sites during the breed-ing season, but not during the non-breeding one. Accepted 24 October 2005.

Key words: Secondary cavity-nesting bird, Nothofagus, stand attributes, Aphrastura spinicauda, Troglodytesaedon, Chile.

INTRODUCTION Some forest attributes may be strongly

A significant number of bird species breedinside cavities. While some of these bird spe-cies can make their own cavities (known asprimary cavity-nesting birds, hereafter PCN),a greater number cannot (called secondarycavity-nesting birds, hereafter SCN). In for-ests, cavities are usually excavated in treetrunks or branches by woodpeckers and areused by a variety of species (Raphael & White1984, Sedgwick & Knopf 1990, Martin &Eadie 1999).

Old forests usually have a higher numberof suitable cavities than second-growth for-ests, because of a higher availability of deadtrees and a higher proportion of dead woodon bigger live trees (Newton 1994). There aremany mechanisms that can lead trees to die:suppression by light competition, injuries,wind-throw, disease or insect infestation(Newton 1994, Oliver & Larson 1996, Lin-denmayer et al. 2000, Jackson & Jackson2004), thus favoring natural cavity formation(Lindenmayer et al. 1993, 2000) or becomingsubstrate to PCN to build new cavities(Raphael & White 1984, Newton 1994, Mar-tin & Eadie 1999).

related to habitat quality for cavity-nestingbirds (Raphael & White 1984, Sedgwick &Knopf 1990). For example, the number ofsnags (i.e., standing dead trees) or live largetrees per hectare can affect the abundance ofsome SCN species (Newton 1994). Thesedead and old trees can provide food (Raphael& White 1984), roosting places (Aubry &Raley 2002) and can have territoriality signifi-cance, especially for woodpeckers (Wilkins &Ritchinson 1999, Imbeau & Desrochers2002).

The most widely recognized conservationissue about cavity-nesting birds is their limita-tion in population size because of the provi-sion of nesting sites, especially for SCN(Brush 1983, Raphael & White 1984, Wiens1992, Ingold 1998, Newton 1998). This asso-ciation with old-growth forests attributes(presence of old or dead trees for PCNs andcavity trees for SCNs) makes them especiallysensitive to forest management strategies thatprevent the occurrence and permanence ofsuch trees (Newton 1994, Gibbons & Linden-mayer 1996).

The Maulino Forest is located in thecoastal range of south-central Chile (34º55’ to


Page 3: Tomasevich & Estades MS-444 · 3 CAVITY-NESTERS IN NOTHOFAGUS FORESTS 36º20’S, San Martín & Donoso 1996). It is dominated by deciduous trees of the genus Nothofagus (Lara et al


36º20’S, San Martín & Donoso 1996). It isdominated by deciduous trees of the genusNothofagus (Lara et al. 1996). The former distri-bution range of Maulino forest covered c.500,000 ha, but since the early 18th century,the Maulino Forest has been cleared and frag-mented to provide land for agriculture and forthe production of timber and charcoal (SanMartín & Donoso 1996). By the 1980s, mostof the landscape had been transformed intoexotic Monterrey pine (Pinus radiata) planta-tions, leaving only scattered fragments of for-est remnants embedded in a matrix of pinewoodlands (Hormazábal & Benoit 1987,Gajardo 1994, Estades & Temple 1999).Nowadays these remnants only cover c.43,000 ha (CONAF/CONAMA 1999) andare structurally degradated because of the lackof a forest management scheme (Olave 1984)leaving second-growth stands with few oldtrees and old-gwoth conditions restricted tonarrow strips along creeks (Donoso 1993, SanMartín & Donoso 1996). These two foresttypes can be found in a gradient of condi-tions, from more mesic sites (old-growth) tomore xeric sites (second-growth).

Bird communities of the Maulino foresthave been matter of study only since therecent years. Estades & Temple (1999) found31 species in a 10,000 ha native forest area.Without considering raptors and ground cav-ity-nesters, the bird species that use secondarytree cavities to nest are the Thorn-tailed Raya-dito (Aphrastura spinicauda), the House Wren(Troglodytes aedon), the Plain-mantled Tit-spine-tail (Leptasthenura aegithaloides), the White-throated Treerunner (Pygarrhichas albogularis),and the Chilean Swallow (Tachycineta leucopyga).Both the Thorn-tailed Rayadito and theWhite-throated Treerunner are residentendemic species of the temperate forests ofsouthern South America (Willson et al. 1994,Rozzi et al. 1996) and can be considered trueforest species (Vuilleumier 1967). The Thorn-tailed Rayadito is a small foliage gleaner insec-

tivorous bird that can ecologically remind a tit(Paridae) (Johnson 1967, Jaramillo 2003). It isone of the most abundant bird species on theChilean forests (Willson et al. 1994, Estades &Temple 1999). The White-throated Treerun-ner is a foliage and bark gleaner insectivorousthat can resemble (in appearance and behav-ior) to a Nuthatch (Sitta spp.) (Johnson 1967).This species is not as common as the Raya-dito. It can be found joining mixed-flockswith the Rayadito and other species duringthe non-breeding season (Vuilleumier 1967,Ippi & Trejo 2003, Estades et al. pers. observ.).The Chilean Swallow, the House Wren, andthe Plain-mantled Tit-spinetail are widespreadinsectivorous species that are not restricted toforests. None of these species have been listedin a threat category in Chile (Glade 1988). Pri-mary-cavity nesters that can provide cavitiesfor SCN species are the Striped Woodpecker(Picoides lignarius), and the Chilean Flicker(Colaptes pitius). The presence of the largestwoodpecker in the southern temperate for-ests, the Magellanic Woodpecker (Campephilusmagellanicus), was reported by Estades & Tem-ple (1999), but in such low densities that it isunlikely that it may provide a significantnumber of cavities. A portion of the cavitiesmay be provided by the White-throatedTreerunner (a weak cavity excavator). Itsantagonistic behavior against some SCN spe-cies for nesting-site utilization suggests com-petition more than facilitation for thisresource (Estades et al., pers. observ.). Unfor-tunately, the nest-web (sensu Martin & Eadie1999) has not been studied in these forests sothere are no data on interspecific interactionsfor nest sites.

Forest management strategies that benefitcavity-nesters include insert (like nest boxes,but inserted inside tree trunks, see Saenz et al.2001) and snag provision (e.g., Peterson &Grubb Jr. 1983, Caine & Marion 1991, Lohr etal. 2002) for PCNs, nest boxes for SCN birds(e.g., White & Seginak 2000, Twedt & Henne-


Page 4: Tomasevich & Estades MS-444 · 3 CAVITY-NESTERS IN NOTHOFAGUS FORESTS 36º20’S, San Martín & Donoso 1996). It is dominated by deciduous trees of the genus Nothofagus (Lara et al


Kerr 2001), and retention of cavity trees(Gibbons & Lindenmayer 1996) for both.

Our objective through this study was todetermine the relationships between standattributes and the abundance of secondarycavity-nesting bird species. It consisted of twoparts. First, SCN species abundance wasrelated to stand attributes in a natural experi-ment, and second, a nest-box experiment wasconducted in order to determine whethernesting sites were limiting SCN density in asecond-growth Nothofagus glauca stand.


Study area. The study was conducted duringpart of the austral breeding (October andNovember) and non-breeding (June) seasonsof 1999 and 2000 in the coastal range of theMaule Region, at the Pantanillos ForestResearch Station of the University of Chile(35°26’S, 72°17’W; Fig. 1). The area is domi-nated by Monterrey pine plantations whilenative forest is severely fragmented andreduced to less than 10% of its original extent

FIG. 1. Study area in the Maule Region on south-central Chile where fragmented remnants of nativeNothofagus forests (dark grey) are imbedded in Pinus radiata plantations (light grey). This study was con-ducted in two parts at two different scales: (a) the abundance of four species of secondary-cavity nesting(SCN) birds was related to a gradient of Nothofagus forests attributes (from second-growth to old-growthconditions) with forty sampling plots (notice that the radius of the plots in the figure does not show theactual radius of sampling plots), and (b) a nest-box addition experiment to test the nest-site limitationhypothesis in a second-growth Nothofagus glauca stand.


Page 5: Tomasevich & Estades MS-444 · 3 CAVITY-NESTERS IN NOTHOFAGUS FORESTS 36º20’S, San Martín & Donoso 1996). It is dominated by deciduous trees of the genus Nothofagus (Lara et al


(Estades & Temple 1999). Native vegetationis dominated by trees of the genus Nothofagus.Along creeks, there are narrow strips of old-growth Nothofagus dombeyi forests that reach upto 25–30 m in height. Upland remnants aredominated by second-growth Nothofagus glaucaforests that have suffered human activitiessuch as wood, charcoal and firewood collec-tion. Frequent human-caused wildfires haveimpeded these forests from growing morethan 15–20 m in height in the best places.

Stand attributes and the abundance of SCN. Forty50-m radius circular sampling plots (exceptduring non-breeding season 2000, N = 35,due to the excess of rainy days during the fieldseason) were set randomly distributed in thestudy area (Fig. 1a). Twenty-eight plots wereset in second-growth forest and 12 in old-growth forests according to availability in thestudy area. The altitude of these plots rangesfrom 300 up to 540 m a.s.l. (mean 430 m.a.s.l.). The mean distance between neighbor-ing plots was 557 m, ranging from 85 up to3190 m. The closest plots, only 85 m away(when measured in the map), were consideredindependent because one was on the top of ahill and the other was more than 100 m awaydownhill. Both habitat attributes and birddensities were estimated at each of these plots.

Habitat attributes. In the sampling plotsdescribed above some habitat variables weremeasured and others were estimated. Canopyheight (estimated in meters) was the maxi-mum height reached by trees in the plot.Diameter at breast height (dbh) was measuredwith an aluminum caliper for every individuallarger than 5 cm. The number of trees (largerthan 5 cm dbh) per plot was also accountedand expanded to the hectare. Total basal areawas calculated as the sum of dbh per plot, andexpanded to the hectare. Mean dbh (in cm)was calculated as the squared root of totalbasal area divided by the number of trees per

hectare. To assess the total foliage volume, thesampling plots were divided in four quadrants.In each of these quadrants, the foliage coverwas visually estimated in four height layers (0–0.3 m, 0.31–2 m, 2.01–6 m, and over 6 m)according to natural vegetation stratification.Then, total foliage volume was calculated asthe sum of foliage cover per layer times itsheight in meters (Estades 1997, Estades &Temple 1999). The number of cavities poten-tially suitable for breeding was counted usinga standard searching effort (time spent oneach tree) as an estimate of the abundance ofcavities. However, the presence of a nestingchamber inside the cavity, especially for thehigher ones, could not be verified so thisshould be considered a coarse estimator ofthe actual number of cavities. Stand attributesfrom second-growth plots and old-growthplots were pooled to consider a wider rangeof Nothofagus forests attributes in the analyses.

Bird counts. Bird densities were estimated usingvariable-radius point counts (Buckland 1987,Buckland et al. 1993). Point counts were pre-ferred because the observer is concentratedon detection, location and identification ofbirds, and because they are more efficient inforest conditions than other methods (Buck-land et al. 1993, Ralph et al. 1996). Using amaximum radius of 50 m, every bird detectedwithin 10 m concentric rings was recorded.Two consecutive 5-min counts with a 5-mininterval between them were used in order tomaximize the time spent in point counts rela-tive to the time traveling between them (Esta-des & Temple 1999). All counts wereconducted by CFE from sunrise to midday(06:30 to 11:00, breeding season; 07:30 to12:00, non-breeding season) on non-rainydays. Individuals that flew over the plot werenot considered unless they were highly-mobile species (e.g., hummingbirds or swal-lows) showing evident use of the vegetationof the plot (e.g., flycatching). For the latter,


Page 6: Tomasevich & Estades MS-444 · 3 CAVITY-NESTERS IN NOTHOFAGUS FORESTS 36º20’S, San Martín & Donoso 1996). It is dominated by deciduous trees of the genus Nothofagus (Lara et al


only the individuals that were present at thebeginning of the counting period wererecorded. Every plot was visited twice, andonly once during the breeding and non-breed-ing seasons, respectively.

Analyses. All SCN species were considered forthe analyses with the only exception of thePlain-mantled Tit-spinetail which is tooscarce in the area. The White-throatedTreerunner was included due to its weak-cav-ity excavation abilities, and possible competi-tion with the SCN species.

Density of each species was corrected byits detectability (Buckland et al. 1993). Detect-ability was calculated using the total frequencyof observations at every 10-m incrementdivided by the annular area encompassed bythat increment and then divided by the maxi-mum frequency in order to give valuesbetween 0 and 1. The correction factor wascalculated by dividing the cilinder of height 1and radius 50 m (i.e., no detectability decline)by the volume resulting of the rotation theobserved frequency distribution. Finally, theabundance of all species was log-transformed[i.e., Ln (density +1)]. To determine the rela-tionships between species densities and standattributes, simple and multiple linear regres-sions were used (Sokal & Rohlf 2003). In mul-tiple regression model analyses, non-significant predictors were eliminated using astepwise procedure (backward, alpha toremove = 0.15). If non-significant (P > 0.05)variables were still present in the model, theless significant one was manually removed,and the stepwise regression was run againwith remaining variables.

Nest-box experiment. Fifty nest boxes were setin 10 plots (five boxes per plot) during thenon-breeding season of 1999 (June). Theseplots were paired with 10 control plots (i.e.,without nest-boxes) with similar characteris-tics. No differences were found in mean

diameter (Paired-t test, t = 0.96, df = 9, P =0.181), number of trees per hectare (Paired-ttest, t = 0.243, df = 9, P = 0.407), and basalarea (Paired-t test, t = 1.188, df = 9, P =0.133), but trees were slightly taller in controlthan in nest-box plots (Paired-t test, t = 2.104,df = 9, P = 0.032). Nest-box and controlplots were located at variable distances (from70 to 180 m apart, mean ± SD = 132.6 ± 46.6m). To avoid bias due to plot location, treat-ment (nest-boxes) and control plots were ran-domly located within the forest stand in study(Fig. 1b). None of the nest-box plots waslocated near those used for the first experi-ment. Nest-boxes were designed based onauthors’ observations of Thorn-tailed Raya-dito nests in the study area. Nest-boxes weremade on wood and had a base of 11 x 13 cmand a height of 27 cm in the front and 30 cmin the back. Wood thickness was variable, butthe mean was c. 7 mm. The entrance hole had3 cm in diameter, and it was placed 25 cmabove the nest-box bottom. In order to facili-tate checking nest-box content, they had ahinged-roof. Nest-boxes were attached onlyto Nothofagus glauca trees, at 3–4 m in height.They were oriented facing the center of theplot, and no farther than 25 m from it. Birdabundance was estimated with point-countscarried-out by JAT, using the same method asabove, except for the maximum distance (30m), and only for one year (breeding 1999 andnon-breeding 2000). Each plot was visitedfour times and twice, during the breeding andthe non-breeding seasons, respectively. Meanbird abundances on nest-box plots were com-pared to control plots using Student’s pairedt-test (Canavos 1988, Sokal & Rohlf 2003) forthe breeding (October–November 1999) andthe non-breeding (June 2000) seasons.


Stand attributes and the abundance of SCN. Standattributes found in both forest types are


Page 7: Tomasevich & Estades MS-444 · 3 CAVITY-NESTERS IN NOTHOFAGUS FORESTS 36º20’S, San Martín & Donoso 1996). It is dominated by deciduous trees of the genus Nothofagus (Lara et al


shown in Table 1. As expected, the mostabundant species was the Thorn-tailedRayadito followed by the House Wren for allseasons (Table 2). The simple regressionanalysis showed a significant positive effectof most stand attributes on total SCN den-sity during the breeding season for both years,but not during the non-breeding season(Table 3). In the multiple regression analysis,the pattern was consistent between breedingseasons. However, after removing the totalbasal area and the number of cavities fromthe model, the effect of total foliage volumewas negative in 1999 (Table 3). At the specieslevel, during the breeding season, patterns

were consistent between years for mostspecies (except for the House Wren) (Table4). On the other hand, some significantrelationships were found during the non-breeding season, but without an evident pat-tern (Table 4).

Nesting-site limitation on SCN density. Only twospecies nested in the boxes during the 1999breeding season. Eleven active nests ofThorn-tailed Rayaditos and seven of HouseWrens were recorded. Additionally, 14 nest-boxes showed some nesting materials and 18were not used. During the breeding season(Fig. 2a), the density was significantly higher

TABLE 1. Stand attributes in two types of Nothofagus forests in the coastal range of south-central Chile.Mean value and range (minimum–maximum) are shown.

Forest types Canopy height (m)

Number of trees per ha

Total foliage volume (m2)

Mean diameter


Basal area (m2/ha)

Number of cavities

Second-growthNothofagus glauca plots (N = 28)

Old-growthNothofagus dombeyi

plots (N = 12)

All (N=40)

10.74 (6.0–21.0)

23.05 (13.2–37.0)

14.43 (6.0–37.0)

1611 (326–4450)

625 (54–3055)

1315 (54–4450)

523.88 (184.9–1046.0)

876.6 (418.9–1571.0)

629.7 (184.9–1571.0)

12.23 (4.6–23.0)

28.28 (8.4–41.4)

17.04 (4.6–41.4)

16.51 (2.3–38.1)

18.14 (7.3–34.6)

17.00 (2.31–38.07)

1.46 (0–10)

10.17 (3–25)

4.07 (0–25)

TABLE 2. Density (ind./ha) ± SD of four secondary cavity nesting birds species in Nothofagus forests inthe coastal range of south-central Chile.

Species 1999 2000

Non-breeding Breeding Non-breeding BreedingAphrastura spinicaudaTroglodytes aedonPygarrhichas albogularisTachycineta leucopyga


0.81 ± 1.380.46 ± 0.600.15 ± 0.530.05 ± 0.17

1.48 ± 1.93

1.82 ± 1.920.66 ± 0.800.19 ± 0.360.42 ± 0.59

3.10 ± 2.79

1.12 ± 1.520.09 ± 0.320.07 ± 0.250.00 ± 0.00

1.29 ± 1.59

1.02 ± 1.530.63 ± 0.620.10 ± 0.200.35 ± 0.67

2.10 ± 2.23


Page 8: Tomasevich & Estades MS-444 · 3 CAVITY-NESTERS IN NOTHOFAGUS FORESTS 36º20’S, San Martín & Donoso 1996). It is dominated by deciduous trees of the genus Nothofagus (Lara et al


in nest-boxes plots than in control plots forthe Thorn-tailed Rayadito (one-tailed Pairedt-test, t = 2.05, df = 9, P = 0.035), and theHouse Wren (one-tailed Paired t-test, t =3.02, df = 9, P = 0.007). No differences werefound during the non-breeding season (Fig.2b), for both the Thorn-tailed Rayadito (one-tailed Paired t-test, t = –0.13, df = 9, P =0.450), and the House Wren (one-tailedPaired t-test, t = –0.97, df = 9, P = 0.187).


Stand attributes and bird abundance. Our resultsshow a significant and consistent relationshipbetween the degree of development of theforest and the density of SCN during thebreeding season. In fact, total height andmean diameter, both of which increase withstand age, were the most important predictorsof the abundance of SCN. The latter standattributes have been recognized as havingimportant effects on the abundance of SCNin several studies (Raphael & White 1984,

Newton 1994, Berg 1997, Estades & Temple1999). Raphael & White (1984) highlight theimportance of stem diameter as a key variablein habitat selection by SCN, although differ-ent species show different specific require-ments (Sedgwick & Knopf 1990). Old forestscontain a higher proportion of larger trees(diameter and height) with a large number ofdifferent types of cavities, which, in turn, canbe used by a larger number species (Newton1994).

In our study, the number of cavities wasan important predictor of the abundance ofSCN when considered separately from otherstand variables. However, when analyzed in amultiple regression model, the number ofcavities was eliminated by the stepwise proce-dure, probably because of two non-exclusivefactors: 1) our definition of “cavity” was notfunctionally correct, mostly due to the impos-sibility of checking their internal structure(particularly for the higher ones), and 2) thenumber of cavities present in a site might notreflect the number of cavities available for

TABLE 3. Effect of different forest-stand attributes alone (simple regression analysis) and combined(multiple regression analysis) on the density (log-transformed) of four secondary cavity-nesting bird spe-cies in Nothofagus forests in the coastal range of south-central Chile. Regression coefficients are shown.In multiple regression analysis, attributes were selected using the stepwise-backward procedure (see Meth-ods). Significance is expressed as follows: P > 0.05 (ns), P < 0.05 (*), P < 0.01 (**), P < 0.001 (***), P <0.0001 (****).

Season Year Canopy height


Number of trees per ha

Total foliage volume


Mean diameter


Basal area (m2/ha)

Number of


Simple regression analysis Non-breeding


Multiple regression analysis Non-breeding













- 0.0006*ns











Page 9: Tomasevich & Estades MS-444 · 3 CAVITY-NESTERS IN NOTHOFAGUS FORESTS 36º20’S, San Martín & Donoso 1996). It is dominated by deciduous trees of the genus Nothofagus (Lara et al


birds, due to the effects of territoriality (New-ton 1994).

Canopy height had the most explanatorypower of all studied variables and that is likelynot only due to the fact that the size of trees iscorrelated with the abundance of cavities(Lindenmayer et al. 1993, 2000; Estades &Tomasevic 2004), but also because height perse may be important for birds as taller treesmay bear cavities that are more difficult toreach by predators (Newton 1994).

The positive effect of foliage volume onspring SCN density in the simple regressionanalysis may be explained by the associationbetween foliage biomass and food biomassfor many birds (Mills et al. 1991), or simply bythe correlation between foliage volume andoverall tree size. Although this is mere specu-lation, the negative effect of the total foliagevolume in the spring of 1999 (Table 3) might

reflect the fact that, given a large size of trees(positive effects of height and stem diameter),less foliage volume could be an indication oftree decay.

The lack of a clear pattern during bothwinter seasons suggests that the measuredattributes are not sufficiently related to vari-ables limiting SCN populations during thewinter, such as food and refuge. During thewinter eight bird species in the Nothofagus for-ests join mixed flocks (Estades 2001) thatmove throughout the landscape rather thandefending a foraging territory.

Nesting sites as a limiting factor. Differences inabundance of Thorn-tailed Rayaditos andHouse Wrens between treatment and controlplots suggest that the density of both speciesis limited by nesting sites in the breeding sea-son. This pattern was not observed during

TABLE 4. Effect of different forest-stand attributes on the density (log-transformed) of four SCN birdsspecies in Nothofagus forests at the coastal range of south-central Chile. Attributes were selected using thestepwise-backward procedure in a multiple regression analysis (see Methods). Tachycineta leucopyga was notanalyzed in non-breeding season due to migratory movement. Regression coefficients are shown. Signifi-cance is expressed as follows: P > 0.05 (ns), P < 0.05 (*), P < 0.01 (**), P < 0.001 (***), P < 0.0001 (****).

Species Year Canopy height (m)

Total foliage volume (m3)

Mean diameter


Basal area (m2/ha)

Number of cavities

Breeding season Aphrastura spinicauda

Pygarrhichas albogularis

Tachycineta leucopyga

Troglodytes aedon

Non-breeding season Aphrastura spinicauda

Pygarrhichas albogularis

Troglodytes aedon



0.062****0.061**** 0.028***0.020***0.016*0.014*








0.026*** 0.026*** -0.0003*-0.009**













Page 10: Tomasevich & Estades MS-444 · 3 CAVITY-NESTERS IN NOTHOFAGUS FORESTS 36º20’S, San Martín & Donoso 1996). It is dominated by deciduous trees of the genus Nothofagus (Lara et al


winter when nesting sites are not supposed tolimit populations. The lack of nests of White-throated Treerunners and Chilean Swallowscan be explained by the relatively low densityof these species in the second-growth stand(Tomasevic 2002), although both species havesuccessfully used other nest boxes in the area(including pine plantations). In addition, theseboxes were also used by one small-mammalspecies (Thylamys elegans) for breeding, hiber-nating, roosting, and as bird nest predator.

Because of the small average diameter oftrees in the studied forest (Tomasevic 2002)we expected Thorn-tailed Rayaditos to be

limited by the abundance of cavities. How-ever, because of the high flexibility of theHouse Wrens nest-site selection (McCabe1965, Johnson 1967), we did not expect thisspecies to respond as intensively to nest boxesas it did. The significant increase in the den-sity of House Wrens in treatment plots mightbe explained by the habit of male HouseWrens selecting more than one cavity toattract females (Kendeigh 1941, Alworth &Scheiber 2000). The important increase indensity of both species in plots with nestboxes (Fig. 2a) may be due to the fact thatdensities in the natural condition (controlplots) were very low, with areas were the stud-ied birds were almost absent. In places withhigh densities, the response to manipulationsin nest-sites availability may not be as high(Brush 1983), probably due to density-depen-dent factors.

In our study site, the highest abundanceof large dead trees and natural cavities isfound along ravines dominated by the ever-green old-growth Nothofagus dombeyi (coihue)forests. It is expectable that nest sites may notbe the main factor limiting populations ofSCN. However, the long and narrow shape ofthese forest patches may prevent “area-sensi-tive” species from using them. This is the caseof the the Magellanic Woodpecker (Campephi-lus magellanicus), and the Austral Parakeet(Enicognathus ferrugineus). Both species are veryscarce in the study area, and no sign of breed-ing activity has been found in the area. TheMagellanic Woodpecker could play a majorrole in the formation of new cavities for therest of CN community (Ojeda 2004). On theother hand, the Rufous-legged Owl (Strixrufipes), a cavity nester believed to be an old-growth specialist (Martínez & Jaksic 1996,Pavez 2004), appears to cope with the scarcityof cavities in a landscape dominated by sec-ondary forests and fast-growing pine planta-tions It has been found nesting on the groundin second-growth Nothofagus glauca forests

FIG. 2. Mean abundance (with 1 SE lines) of twosecondary cavity-nesting bird species on nest-boxes (black bars) and control plots (white bars)for (a) breeding and (b) non-breeding season.Abundances were corrected by detectability,except for Troglodytes aedon on the non-breedingseason. Significance of one-tailed paired t-tests isshown.


Page 11: Tomasevich & Estades MS-444 · 3 CAVITY-NESTERS IN NOTHOFAGUS FORESTS 36º20’S, San Martín & Donoso 1996). It is dominated by deciduous trees of the genus Nothofagus (Lara et al


(Vukasovic et al. unpubl.) and in matureMonterrey pine plantations (Estades et al.1998).

Forest management to favor SCN shouldfocus on increasing diameter and height oftrees specially in second-growth stands.Reducing tree density by extracting some indi-viduals (thinning) has been tested in orderto increase growth in diameter in severalNothofagus forests in south-central Chile(Rocuant 1969, Grosse et. al 1987, 1996;Pincheira 1993, Del Fierro 1998, Grosse &Quiroz 1999). However, because of the severedegradation of some of these forests, theirresponse to thinning may be marginal to nil(Donoso pers. com.). Soil fertilization shouldbe necessary to improve trees response tothinning but also may help trees to growfaster in height.

Long-term management of secondaryNothofagus forests to favor SCN should neces-sarily consider improving and restoring habi-tat conditions for PCN. The addition of snags(Caine & Marion 1991) or inserts (Saenz et al.2001) for breeding, or artificial trees as roost-ing places (Peterson & Grubb Jr. 1983) maybe of limited application due to elevated costs.An easier and less expensive way of providingsubstrate for PCN would be killing pines(Schultz et al. 1992) that have invaded mostsecondary forests in the area (Estades & Tem-ple 1999, Tomasevic 2002). The impressivegrowth rate of these exotic trees allows themto reach high diameters in few years, whichmake them suitable for nest building bywoodpeckers and similar birds. White-throated Treerunners have been seen nestingin dead pines (Estades pers. observ.). How-ever, a downside of the use of pine trees toproduce snags may be their short duration asopposed to snags of hardwood trees (Estadespers. observ., McKensen & Bauhus 1999).

In the mean time, nest boxes were shownto provide appropriate nesting sites for mostof the SCN in south-central Chile, and could

be easily used to improve habitat conditionsfor most of SCN species in secondary Notho-fagus forests.


This study was funded by a Fondecyt grant(1990786) to C. F. Estades. M. A. Vukasovic,M. A. H. Escobar, and M. Paez helped withnest-boxes construction and habitat assess-ment. Raymond McNeil, Pascal Villard, andtwo anonymous reviewers greatly improvedthe quality of this paper. Leon Family andForestal Celco kindly permitted us to work intheir private properties

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